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Troop Meeting December 6

Prepared by: Robby Schwartz

1. Mummify: It's time to send the Pharaoh to the afterlife. Using 1 roll of toilet paper per patrol,
your patrol will have to roll up one member with toilet paper.
SCORING: The fastest time will receive 10 points, second 9, etc the most covered will receive
10 points second place 9 points etc.

2. Name that Religion: It's like "name that tune" station, but better because it pleases the gods!
Only the patrol leader may answer each question, but he should get advice from patrol members
SCORING: One point per question and

3. Crusade (gauntlet) PVP: For this station patrol member have to make it across the gym to the
holy grail without being pushed outside the boundaries by three staff men. Best 2 out of 3 tries.
SCORING: Winner for each round is the patrol that has the most members reach the other side
safely. Best 2 out of 3. Winning patrol receives 10 points; losing patrol 6 points.

4. Rolling with Ra: Get ready to roll the sun around the world in this station. In this station each
patrol must roll the tube around the track in the fastest time possible.
SCORING: The score is based on time. Fastest time gets 10 points, 9 for the next, etc.

5. Practice your devotion: Your patrol must demonstrate its devotion by traveling one length of
the gym as an "amoeba." To do this, some Scouts form the cell wall by facing outward and
linking arms. Others form protoplasm inside the cell wall, by facing inward and clasping hands.
In this position, patrol travels the length of the gym.
SCORING: Rank order based on time; 10 for 1st, 9 for 2nd, etc.

6. Sacrificial Mishaps: As the acolytes of the gods you are also responsible for the health of
your people because a god with no followers is a very angry god. Patrols are given first aid
situations by staff men. Official will call on patrol members one-by-one to add information.
SCORING: Patrols are scored based on the quality and completeness of their response on a scale
of 0-6 points for each scenario.

7. Ragnarok PVP: Patrols must secure their place in Valhalla by playing …. a game of
basketball. Five patrol members in at a time.
SCORING: Whichever patrol has more points at the end of 8 minutes wins. Patrol members
must also rotate out every 2 minutes, with all patrol members playing at least half the
time. Winning patrol: 10 points; losing patrol: 6 points.

8. Create a Deity: Patrols, using the supplies provided, must draw their version of a deity. Each
Scout draws for 30 seconds, then the next person takes over. All must participate.
SCORING. Patrol gets 10, 8, 6 or 0 (for not trying) points based on creativity and quality of

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