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4.1 Ionic bonding and structure

Essential idea
Ionic compounds consist of ions held together in lattice structures by ionic bonds.

Nature of Science
Theories are used to explain observable properties, like why molten ionic compounds
conduct electricity while solid ones do not.

You need to know that
1. Positive ions (cations) form by metals losing valence electrons.
2. Negative ions (anions) form by non-metals gaining electrons.
3. The number of electrons lost or gained is determined by the electron configuration
of the atom.
4. The ionic bond is due to electrostatic attractions between oppositely charged ions.
5. Under normal conditions, ionic compounds are usually solids with lattice structures.
6. Ionic liquids are efficient solvents and electrolytes used in electric power sources
and green industrial processes.

Applications and skills

You should be able to
1. Deduce the formula and name of an ionic compound from its component ions,
including polyatomic ions using naming conventions. You need to memorize the
names and formulas of the following polyatomic ions and use them to write formula:
NH4 +, OH -, NO3 -, CO3 2-, SO4 2-, and PO4 3-.
2. Explain the physical properties of ionic compounds (volatility, electrical conductivity
and solubility) in terms of their structure.

What evidence is there for the existence of ions? Is this evidence direct or indirect?

Prior Knowledge

1. Can you write electron arrangements to show the number of electrons in each energy
level for the first 18 elements (Z=18). [2.2]
2. Can you write electron configuration using spd notation for the first 36 elements (Z=36).
3. Can you deduce the electron configuration of an atom from its position on the periodic
table. [3.1]
4. Can you identify a period and a group on the periodic table. [3.1]
5. Can you identify the metal, non-metal and metalloid elements on the periodic table.
6. Can you deduce the number of valence electrons in an atom from the position of an
element on the periodic table? [3.1]

Ionic bonding and structure

7. Watch What is an Ion (DeWitt, 6:51)
a) Can you define a positive ion and negative ion
b) Can you predict the charge on the ions formed by the atoms of elements in groups
1,2 and 3 and groups 15, 16 and 17.
c) What evidence is there for the existence of ions? Is this evidence direct or indirect?

8. Watch Ionic Bonding Introduction (Tyler DeWitt, 7:19) AND Ionic Bonding Part 2 (DeWitt, 10:
a) Can you identify a compound as having ionic bonds from its name and formula.
b) Can you demonstrate using diagrams why metal atoms lose electrons and non-
metal atoms gain electrons.
c) Can you draw a diagram to show how electrons are transferred between metal and
non-metal atoms to form an ionic compound. For example,
 magnesium and chlorine atoms to form magnesium chloride MgCl2
 sodium and oxygen to form sodium oxide, Na2O.
d) Can you suggest a ‘rule’ for predicting whether a compound has ionic bonds by
looking at its name and/or formula.
e) Can you construct dot diagrams to show the number of outer (valence shell)
electrons for the atoms of elements with atomic numbers 1-20.

9. Watch Writing Ionic Formulas: Introduction (11.44) AND Writing Ionic Formulas:
Practice Problems (3m 42s) Can
you write the formulas for compounds formed from monatomic ions.

10. Watch Writing Formulas with Polyatomic Ions (11:20) Can you deduce the formulas for
compounds made up of monatomic and polyatomic ions.

11. Read 4.1 Naming ionic and covalent compounds. Can you deduce the name and
formula of an ionic compound? Check your understanding.

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12. Can you describe and explain the important ideas represented in the cartoon.

13. Using the diagram below can you describe the structure and bonding in Lithium

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14. Theories are used to explain observable properties. This animation uses theories to
build explanations that account for the electrical conductivity of ionic compounds? Play
the entire animation through once. Then
go to the part on Properties of ionic compounds – solid, molten and solution.
a) What do you notice about the structural features of the ionic lattices (when the
voltage is off).
b) Apply the voltage (electric current). Can you generate explanations for why a
current was or wasn’t created?
c) Can you take it to an even higher level! Can you offer an explanation for why ionic
compounds are not volatile, and have high melting points?

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