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Exploring Reiki and Your Heart Field

Reiki I and Reiki II Attunements & Use of Biofeedback Sensors to

Detect Beneficial Changes in your Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

Learn how changes in your Heart Field affect your interactions with
other people and with horses

Friday, October 10 to Sunday, October 12, 2008

At the Epona Center, Apache Springs Ranch

Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD, Reiki Master

Cost: $1500 (includes 2 nights’ lodging)

Reiki is a Japanese name meaning spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life
Energy), an energy that animates us all and is found all around us. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind
and spirit. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience that reduces the debilitating effects
of stress and anxiety. Ann Baldwin, PhD is a Research Professor of Physiology and a Usui Reiki Master and
she has performed studies on animals and humans (published in scientific journals and magazines and
also televised) that clearly demonstrate these beneficial effects of Reiki experimentally.

In this workshop, after practical and theoretical study of Reiki with some meditation and breathing
work, you will receive attunements for Reiki Levels 1 and II. An attunement is a special ceremony to
awaken the inner healing power of a person by connecting them to the unlimited source of Universal
Energy. This starts the process of healing within the person and also enables the person to give
direct healing to the self, other people, animals, plants and issues.

Biofeedback Sensors attached to your fingers will show you how your heartbeat acquires a balanced
oscillation when you perform Reiki and focus on breathing. This oscillation is a signal that your heart
field is optimized. You will explore how your heart field affects other people and horses, and how
their heart fields affect your own.

This work is suited for those interested in increasing the awareness of their own physical and
energetic bodies and in how their energy fields interact with those of other people and animals.

For information/registration, contact the Epona Center at 520-455-5908 or See reverse for facilitator bio and workshop schedule.

Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD, is a Research Professor of Physiology and Psychology at the University of
Arizona and is Director of “Mind-Body-Science”. She is also a Reiki Master, and has practiced Reiki on
people and animals for the last six years. She received her PhD in Physiology from Imperial College,
University of London. In her research she develops methods to assess the capabilities of Reiki
practitioners and is using Reiki and Biofeedback to help people with Parkinson’s disease and children
with social and behavioral problems. She has published over 90 articles in peer-reviewed scientific
journals and has been a member of several review panels for National Institutes of Health. With her
Reiki training and extensive scientific background, Ann Baldwin hopes to bridge the gap between
energy healing and quantitative scientific enquiry. Among her most significant achievements, she
received a grant from NIH in 2003 to study the effects of energy healing on animals, and achieved
statistically significant results, which were published in 2006 and 2008. In her spare time Ann likes to
ride her horse and she also volunteers as a horse handler for Therapeutic Riding of Tucson.


Day 1: 10:00 am Introductions and group meditation (Gassho)

10:30 am – noon Introduction to Energy Healing (lecture and discussion)

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch at the Epona Cantina

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Hand positions for giving Reiki. Focus on breathing.

Receive Reiki I attunement.

3:00pm – 5:00 pm Experience the feel of Reiki with each other and with the
horses. Feel the horses’ energy fields.

Day 2: 10:00 am Group meditation (Hatsu Rei Ho). Focus on breathing

10:30 am – noon Learn to draw Reiki II symbols. Distance Healing

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch at the Epona Cantina

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm More specific hand positions. Receive Reiki II attunement.

Practice Distance Healing, Beaming

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Byosen Scanning of humans and horses

Day 3: 10:00 am Group meditation (Hatsu Rei Ho).

10:15 am – noon Biofeedback and the Heart Field (lecture and discussion)

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch at the Epona Cantina

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Hands-on instruction in use of Biofeedback Sensors.

Personal exploration of Heart Field with Reiki, breath focus
and interactions with partners and horses

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