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Gray hair and excessive facial and body hair protocol

Medical Background:

Excessive hair growth on the face (especially around

the chin), breasts or chest, or male-patterned hair
growth on the body is known as hirsutism. But hair is
“unwanted” whenever it appears on areas of the body
that are considered to be either culturally
unacceptable, or unattractive. Even though excessive
hair growth on the face or male-patterned hair growth
on the body is considered “abnormal” in women, it’s
very common.

Common Causes of Abnormal or Excessive Hair Growth in


-Too much androgen secretion: Many women secrete too

much androgen as a result of conditions such as
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic
Ovarian Disease (PCOD), which affects 6-10 pecent of
the general female population and accounts for half of
all hormonal disorders affecting female fertility.
Because androgen levels are out of whack, PCOS
sufferers can develop abnormally excessive facial or
body hair.

-Overactive adrenal glands: This is a side effect of

tumors resulting from certain pituitary diseases, such
as Cushing’s Disease. Both Cushing’s Disease and PCOS
are often accompanied by irregular periods.

-Oversensitive hair follicles: Some persons are

genetically wired with hair follicles that are simply
more sensitive to androgens.

-Side effects of certain drugs: Many drugs can cause

either androgen secretion and hirsutism, or the
opposite—hair loss or alopecia. As a general rule,
when taking either a prescription or an
over-the-counter drug, be sure to ask about common
side effects.

-Insulin resistance: This is when the cells stop

responding to the insulin your pancreas makes. Too
much insulin can actually cause hirsutism.
-Thyroid disorders: Certain thyroid disorders could
cause hirsutism. Once the thyroid problem is treated,
however, it’s likely no new hairs will be stimulated
to grow.

-Rare endocrine disorders: An increase in androgen

levels can result from a number of very rare endocrine
diseases, such as Hyperandrogenic-Insulin
Resistant-Acanthosis Nigricans (Hairan) Syndrome.

-Genetics: Some clinicians will cite “racial” or

“familial” genes as a cause of hirsutism, but this
isn’t an authentic cause per se. Having said that, if
you’re of Mediterranean descent, you are more likely
to experience noticeable or “unwanted” hair growth
because the hair is usually darker, that a blonde
Scandinavian woman may not.

-Obesity: Certain body types (wherein more of the

weight is carried in the upper body) are more
susceptible to hirsutism because they are associated
with insulin resistance. Also, fat cells can make
androgen just as they can make estrogen

-Stress: In response to stress, the adrenal glands

pump out “stress hormones” or catecholamines that
speed up your body. But since the adrenal glands also
make androgen, increased stress can also increase
circulating androgens in your bloodstream, which can
cause hirsutism.

The hair follicle is a tiny structure from where the

hair growths and each strand are composed of the
protein keratin. While the hair follicles come into
being in the fetal stage of life, hair growth through
life is largely dependent on the hormonal patterns of
an individual. Undoubtedly, hair forms an important
part of our physical appearance. According to various
studies, on an average a person has 1,00,000 to
1,50,000 hair strands on their head. It is normal for
one to lose 50 to 100 strands per day, but more than
that implies unhealthy hair growth, or in other terms
a hair fall problem.

Hair loss could be a result of various factors such as

hormonal imbalance, stress, illnesses, side-effects of
certain medication, hereditary, a diet that is lacking
in zinc, vitamins and B-complex, minerals and
proteins. Another cause is stress and tension. A
hormonal imbalance, thyroid imbalance, a long
illness, excessive medication and body heat. The
chemicals used in perming lotions and hair colourants
are another cause of hair loss. Almost 90% people
suffering from hair loss do so due to genetic reasons.
Trichologists or medical hair specialists have
diagnosed certain hair fall patterns, giving them
medical terminology. There are some who suffer from
Alopecia Areata, which is hair loss in certain
patches. Alopecia Totalis is complete balding. And
hair loss from all over the body is called Alopecia

Grey Hair is a symptom of improper protein synthesis.

Hair grows white when the colour pigment (melanin)
ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small
air spaces take its place. Pigment cells located at
the base of each hair follicle produce the natural
dominant colour of our youth. However, as a person
grows older and reaches middle age, more and more of
these pigment cells die and colour is lost from
individual hairs. The result is that a person's hair
gradually begins to show more and more grey.
Individual hairs each have an outer layer (the
cuticle) of overlapping flat cells, underneath, which
is the thick cortex, which consists of horn-like
keratin. The inside of the hair is made of softer,
rectangular cells. Hair colour is determined by the
concentration and depth of melanin pigment in the
cortex - this produces the whole spectrum of hair
colour from blond to black, with very fair people
having almost no melanin. When these melanocytes die,
then the hair turns grey. Melanocytes produce the
pigment melanin and they are the cells responsible for
much of the coloring of the human body, including the
hair. With age the melanocytes lose their ability to
make pigment, so color is absent from new hair.

Grey hair is usually associated with ageing, but this

is not always the case. Early greying of the hair is
basically hereditary. Grey hair can also be influenced
by stress. A person experiencing a prolonged period of
stress and anxiety may notice, over a period of time,
white hairs gradually appearing. Malnutrition, worry,
shock, deep sorrow, tension and other similar
conditions may also slow down the production of
melanin resulting in grey hair. Severe illness too can
stop or affect the production of melanin. However,
scientists have not been fully able to explain the
exact causes of this change in colour of the hair.

Source: Dr. M. Sara Rosenthal, bioethicist

Self-Pranic Healing:

Source - Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic

Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui.

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after


2. Do proper slow deep abdominal pranic breathing for

about 10 to 20 minutes.

This step may also be done more than once per day
everyday at anytime, like at work or while undergoing

3. General sweeping.

4. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing

alternately on the front solar plexus chakra using LEV
or EV.

Cleanse and energize alternately until you feel a

certain degree of relief. Repeat this on the back
solar plexus chakra.

5. Rescan the solar plexus chakra. If it is still

over activated, inhibit the chakra with LB.

6. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart chakra. Energize the heart chakra through the
back heart with LEV or EV.
7. Localized thorough sweeping on the kidneys,
adrenal glands and the meng mein chakra.

If the meng mein is over activated, inhibit the meng

mein chakra with LB simultaneously will the chakra to
become smaller to 1/2 to 2/3 the average size of the
other major chakras.

8. Form the intention to remove all negative thought

and negative emotional energy related to stress.

Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head, the

crown chakra, ajna chakra and throat chakra with LEV
or EV.

Energize the crown, ajna, and throat chakras with LEV

or EV. While energizing the ajna chakra,
simultaneously gently but firmly instruct the ajna to
normalize and harmonize all the other major chakras
and organs.

Rescan the ajna chakra. Apply more localized sweeping

on it, if needed.

Rescan the throat chakra.

If the throat chakra is overactivated, inhibit the

throat chakra with LB simultaneously will the chakra
to become smaller.

If the throat chakra is underactivated, while

projecting EV, visualize the throat chakra becoming

9. Localized thorough sweeping on the sex chakra and

the reproductive organ alternately with LWG and LWO.
Energize with W.

10. Localized thorough sweeping on the navel and

basic chakras. Energize them with W.

11. Practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts for

psychological well-being alternated with the
Meditation on Twin Hearts with physical healing.
This step may be done daily especially after pranic
healing treatment.

12. Repeat treatment 3 times per week for as long as


13. Have a regular schedule for aerobic physical

exercises, 30 minutes to 1 hour per session. This
practice not only strengthens the physical body, it
also relieves a lot of old and new stress energy.

14. Eat healthy nutritionally balanced fresh food diet

daily supplemented with vitamins and minerals.

15. Engage in a productve enjoyable hobby.

Have fun!!!!!!!!



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