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1. Objectives

2. Heat

3. Properties of heat

4. Applications of heat

5. Defrimental effect of heat

6. References

On the completion of this folio, I wish to great fully

acknowledge, by taking this opportunity to express my
sincere gratitude to Puan Zalipah, the most beautiful
and generous physics teacher. Also thanks to Jadid
Ismail giving me kind support and coporation and the
opportunity accomplish this folio.
I also wish to thank my friends especially Akmal ,
Amirul , Zulhelmi , Eliza , Farah , Najihah and
others for their guidance and useful suggestions that
proved very useful in this folio. Once again thank all
the people who have directly or indirectly help in this

Lastly, I sincerely thank all my parents who have

always given their encouraging support and been a
great help all the time at various stage of development
of this folio.

1.To study the properties of heat

2.To study the application of heat

3.To analyse the detrimental effect of heat

4.To study the components of heat

What is heat?
In physics and thermodynamics, heat  is  energy
transferred from one body or system to another due
to thermal contact. This is in turn is defined as an energy
transfer to the body in any other way than due
to work performed on the body.
A related term is thermal energy, loosely defined as the
energy of a body that increases it temperature. Heat is also
loosely referred to as thermal energy, although many
definitions require this thermal energy to actually be in the
process of movement between one body and another to be
technically called heat (otherwise, many sources prefer to
continue to refer to the static quantity as "thermal energy").
Energy transfer by heat can occur between objects by
radiation, conduction and convection. Energy can only be
transferred by heat between objects - or areas within an
object - with different temperatures (as given by the zeroth
law of thermodynamics). This transfer happens
spontaneously only in the direction of the colder body (as per
the second law of thermodynamics). The transfer of energy
by heat from one object to another object with an equal or
higher temperature can happen only with the aid of a heat
pump via mechanical work or by using mirrors or lenses to
focus radiation which thereby increase its energy flux
The Universe is made up of matter and energy. Matter is made
up of atoms and molecules (groupings of atoms) and energy
causes the atoms and molecules to always be in motion - either
bumping into each other or vibrating back and forth. The
motion of atoms and molecules creates a form of energy called
heat or thermal energy which is present in all matter. Even in
the coldest voids of space, matter still has a very small but still
measurable amount of heat energy.
Energy can take on many forms and can change from one
form to another. Many different types of energy can be
converted into heat energy. Light, electrical, mechanical,
chemical, nuclear, sound and thermal energy itself can each
cause a substance to heat up by increasing the speed of its
molecules. So, put energy into a system and it heats up, take
energy away and it cools. For example, when we are cold, we
can jump up and down to get warmer.

Here are just a few examples of various types of energy being

converted into thermal energy (heat).

(1) Mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy

whenever you bounce a ball. Each time the ball hits the
ground, some of the energy of the ball's motion is converted
into heating up the ball, causing it to slow down at each
bounce. To see a demonstration of how this happen.

A thermal infrared image of a ball before (left) and after (right) being bounced.

(2) Thermal energy can be transfered to other objects

causing them to heat up. When you heat up a pan of
water, the heat from the stove causes the molecules in
the pan to vibrate faster causing the pan to heat up.
The heat from the pan causes water molecules to
move faster and heat up. So, when you heat something
up, you are just making its molecules move faster.
(3) Electrical energy is converted into thermal energy
when you use objects such as heating pads, electrical
stove elements, toasters, hair dryers, or light bulbs.

A thermal infrared image of a hair dryer and a flourescent light bulb.

(4) Chemical energy from the foods we eat is converted

into heating our bodies.
(5) Light from the sun is converted to heat as the sun's
rays warm the earth's surface.
(6) Energy from friction creates heat. For example
when you rub your hands, sharpen a pencil, make a
skid mark with your bike, or use the brakes on your car,
friction generates heat.

A thermal infrared image of a pencil after being sharpened (left) and of hot brakes in a car (right).
Notice the hot tip of the pencil.

There are many other examples. Can you think of some


The more energy that goes into a system, the more active its
molecules are. The faster molecules move, the more heat or
thermal energy they create. So, the amount of heat a
substance has is determined by how fast its molecules are
moving, which in turn depends on how much energy is put
into it.

Thermal equilibrium
Thermal equilibrium is achieved when two objects or systems reach the same temperature and
cease to exchange energy through heat. When two objects are placed together, the object with more
heat energy will lose that energy to the object with less heat energy. Eventually, their temperatures
will be equal and they will cease to exchange heat energy as neither object is warmer or cooler than
the other. At this point, they are in a state of thermal equilibrium.

Thermal contact is an important concept relating to thermal equilibrium. Multiple systems are

considered to be in thermal contact if they are capable of affecting the others' temperatures. If bottle
of soda is removed from the refrigerator and placed on the kitchen counter, which is at room
temperature, the counter and the bottle of soda are in thermal contact. Heat energy from the counter
flows to the cold bottle of soda. Eventually, their temperatures will be equal and they will be in a state
of thermal equilibrium.

In thermal systems involving objects in thermal contact, heat flows from the warmer object, which
contains more thermal energy, to the cooler object, which contains less thermal energy. Therefore,
objects and systems can either gain or lose heat. They technically can not gain or lose cold, though,
as there is no separate “cold energy.” In a thermal system, the warmer object loses heat energy to the
cooler object until equilibrium is achieved.

The concept of thermal equilibrium is most often used and studied in the field of chemistry, particularly
in the study of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is usually taught at an introductory level in high
school chemistry courses, but it is a very complex topic that is not fully explained to students until
advanced chemistry andphysics classes in college.

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