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Bentuk bentuk Energi, Hukum Kekekalan Energi (Hukum Termodinamika I), Gaya

dibidang datar maupun bidang miring, Kerja(Usaha), Daya, Energi Potensial dan
Energi Kinetik.

There are many different types of energy, which all fall into two
primary forms – kinetic and potential. Energy can transform from one type to another,
but it can never be destroyed or created.

Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. If an object is moving, it is said to have
kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy is one of the two main forms of energy – the other is potential (stored)
What is kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy is the energy of mass (an object) in motion (moving). The faster an
object is moving, the more kinetic energy it has.
Any object that is moving has kinetic energy – the moving object has energy because
of its motion.

How is kinetic energy calculated?

The kinetic energy of an object is calculated based on two factors:

Velocity: The speed the object is moving in a particular direction.

Mass: How much matter is in the object (this is usually measured by the weight of the

What is 'work'?

'Work' means a force acting on an object in the direction the object is moving in.
If we want to change the kinetic energy of a large object, i.e. move it, we need to do
work on it.

Let's imagine we want to pick up a heavy object from the ground.

To lift it, we need to do 'work' to overcome the force of gravity (which is keeping it
on the ground) and move the object upward.

It will take twice as much work to lift the same object twice as high.

If the object is twice as heavy, it will take twice as much work to lift it to the same

The amount of work we need to do depends on the weight of the object and the
distance we want to move it.

Potential energy
Potential energy is the energy stored within an object, due to the object's position,
arrangement or state.

Potential energy is one of the two main forms of energy, along with kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy used to compress a spring is stored as potential energy until released.

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is energy that is stored – or conserved - in an object or substance. This

stored energy is based on the position, arrangement or state of the object or substance.

You can think of it as energy that has the 'potential' to do work. When the position,
arrangement or state of the object changes, the stored energy will be released.

For example, it requires energy to compress a spring – but what happens to that energy
once the spring has been compressed? After all, we know that energy cannot be created
or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another.

Well, in the case of our spring, the kinetic energy used to compress the spring has been
converted to potential energy. When we release the spring, the stored potential energy
will be converted back into kinetic energy.

What are the different types of potential energy?

There are two main types of potential energy:

 Gravitational potential energy

 Elastic potential energy
Higher objects (with further to fall) have greater potential energy.

The heaviest of 2 objects at the same height has the greatest gravitational potential

Gravitational potential energy

Gravitational potential energy is energy in an object that is held in a vertical position, due
to the force of gravity working to pull it down.
The amount of gravitational potential energy an object has depends on its height and
mass. The heavier the object and the higher it is above the ground, the more gravitational
potential energy it holds.

Gravitational potential energy increases as weight and height increases.

Potential energy is energy that is stored in an object or substance.

Gravitational potential energy is energy in an object that is held in a vertical position.

Elastic potential energy is energy stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed.

Elastic potential energy

Elastic potential energy is energy stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed,
such as trampolines, rubber bands and bungee cords.

The more an object can stretch, the more elastic potential energy it has.

Thermal Energy (Heat Energy) i. All matter is made up of particles that

are constantly moving; therefore all matter has kinetic energy. 1. At
higher temperatures, particles move faster, thus having more kinetic
energy and greater thermal energy. 2. Particles that are further apart
have more energy than particles that are closer together. 3. Thermal
energy also depends on the number of particles. 4. Ex: Steam has more
energy than an ice cube and the ocean; but the ocean has the most
thermal energy because it contains the most particles.

Heat or thermal energy

Thermal energy (also called heat energy) is produced when a rise in temperature causes atoms and molecules
to move faster and collide with each other.

The energy that comes from the temperature of the heated substance is called thermal energy.
6 min, 47 sec

Heat Energy - Science for Kids

Burning Questions
What is thermal energy?
Thermal energy is energy that comes from a substance whose molecules and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise
in temperature.

How is thermal energy produced?

The molecules and atoms that make up matter are moving all the time. When a substance heats up, the rise in
temperature makes these particles move faster and bump into each other.

Thermal energy is the energy that comes from the heated up substance. The hotter the substance, the more its
particles move, and the higher its thermal energy.
What are some examples of thermal energy?
Here are some everyday examples of thermal energy that you'll be familiar with:

The warmth from the sun

A cup of hot chocolate*

Baking in an oven

The heat from a heater

*Let's think about that cup of hot chocolate...

The hot chocolate has thermal energy from its vibrating particles. When you pour some cold milk into your hot
chocolate, some of this energy is transferred from the chocolate to the particles in the milk.

So what happens? Your hot chocolate cools down because it lost some of its thermal energy to the milk.
The tea has thermal energy from its vibrating particles. When you pour some cold milk into your hot tea, some of this
energy is transferred from the tea to the particles in the milk.

As cold particles heat, they contain more energy and so vibrate and separate.

Some matter changes from solid to liquid to gas as its particles heat, vibrate and separate.

What Do You Mean?

Boiling a kettle is an example of both thermal and kinetic energy.

Thermal energy comes from a substance whose molecules and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise in

Heat energy is another name for thermal energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object. As thermal energy comes from moving particles, it is a form of
kinetic energy.

Cool Facts
Ever burnt your hand from picking up something hot?
That's because the thermal energy has been transferred from the hot object to
your skin. Ouch!

Speedy Summary

Boiling water on a stove is an example of thermal energy.

Thermal energy is produced when the atoms and molecules in a substance vibrate faster due to a rise in
Chemical Energy i. The energy of a compound that changes as its atoms
are arranged to form new compounds ii. Molecules that have a lot of
bonds between atoms tend to have a lot of chemical energy- gasoline.
iii. Ex: 1. When wood burns, the chemical energy stored in the wood is
used to heat the house. 2. When you eat a marshmallow, chemical energy
stored in the sugar molecules becomes available for you to use.

Chemical energy
Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds, like atoms and molecules. This energy is
released when a chemical reaction takes place.

Usually, once chemical energy has been released from a substance, that substance is transformed into a
completely new substance.

Burning Questions
What is chemical energy?
Chemical energy is stored in the bonds that connect atoms with other atoms and molecules with other molecules.
Because chemical energy is stored, it is a form of potential energy.

When a chemical reaction takes place, the stored chemical energy is released.

Heat is often produced as a by-product of a chemical reaction – this is called an exothermic reaction.

How is chemical energy used?

Chemical energy is the most widely used type of energy in the world, as it is crucial to the existence of humans and
the natural world.

Here are some examples of chemical energy in action:

Humans consume chemical energy contained in food.

Chemical energy in food

The food we eat contains stored chemical energy. As the bonds between the atoms in food loosen or break, a
chemical reaction takes place, and new compounds are created.
The energy produced from this reaction keeps us warm, helps us move, and allows us to grow. Different foods store
different amounts of energy.

When wood burns, the chemical energy stored in it is released as heat.

Chemical energy in wood

Dry wood contains stored chemical energy. When you burn that wood in a fireplace, chemical energy is released and
converted into thermal energy (heat) and light energy.

And what about the wood? Following the chemical reaction, it's now turned into a new substance – ash.

What are some other examples of stored

chemical energy?
Stored chemical energy can be found in:


Chemical batteries

Vehicle air bags

What Do You Mean?

Sunlight creates a chemical reaction that gives plants energy to grow.

Chemical energy is energy that is stored in the bonds between chemical compounds, such as atoms and molecules.

A chemical reaction is the process of atoms being rearranged due to a chemical change, resulting in a new substance
being produced.

An exothermic reaction is a form of chemical reaction when heat is produced as a by-product.

Cool Facts
Chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy. A good example of this
type of conversion can be seen at a power plant where coal is converted into
electrical power.

Cool Facts
We all use chemical energy every day to perform daily functions – you're using
chemical energy right now to read this page!

Cool Facts
Chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy. A good example of this
type of conversion can be seen at a power plant where coal is converted into
electrical power.
Cool Facts
We all use chemical energy every day to perform daily functions – you're using
chemical energy right now to read this page!

Speedy Summary

When we burn Natural Gas, the chemical energy is converted into light and heat.
Chemical energy is energy that is stored in the bonds between chemical compounds. It is released when a chemical
reaction takes place. A chemical reaction results in a new substance being produced.

Electrical Energy i. The energy of moving electrons ii. The electrical

energy produced by electrons moving (120 times per second) is used to do
work. iii. Generators rotate magnets within coils of wire to produce
electrical energy. iv. Electrical energy can be considered both
potential energy (because the magnet is changing position) and kinetic
energy (because the electrons are moving).

Electrical energy
Electrical energy is caused by moving electric charges called electrons. The faster the charges move, the more
electrical energy they carry.

As the charges that cause the energy are moving, electrical energy is a form of kinetic energy.

Lightning, batteries and even electric eels are examples of electrical energy in action!

Burning Questions
Electric trains use electricity to power electric motors, driving their wheels and providing movement.

What is electrical energy?

Electrical energy is a type of kinetic energy caused by moving electric charges.

The amount of energy depends on the speed of the charges – the faster they move, the more electrical energy they carry.

Let's imagine an electric charge is represented by a ball being thrown against a window.

If you don't throw the ball very fast, it won't have enough energy to break the window.

But if you throw the ball faster, it will have more energy and will be able to smash through the window.

The faster you throw the ball, the more energy it will have to break the window.

Is electrical energy always generated in the

same way?
Electrical energy is generated in the same way regardless of the starting form of energy. For example:

In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy heats water into steam The steam is used to turn a turbine blade, which
fires up a generator to give electric charges their energy.
In a hydroelectric plant, falling water is used to spin the turbine blades. The blades turn the generator to create
electrical energy.

In a windmill, wind power turns the turbine blade, which – you've guessed it! – makes the generator create electrical

Solar energy is energy produced directly from the sun. Solar energy can be converted into electricity, or used to heat
air, water or other fluids.
An electric eel can create up to 600 volts of energy with its own body.

What are some examples of electrical energy?

 In a car battery, a chemical reaction creates an electron which has the energy to move in an electric
current. These moving charges provide electrical energy to the circuits in the car.
 During a thunderstorm, lightning is an example of electrical energy – what we can see is electricity in the
atmosphere being discharged.
 Electric eels generate electrical energy, which they use to defend against predators and to stun their prey.

What Do You Mean?

Power lines are used to transmit and distribute electrical energy.

Electrical energy is caused by moving electric charges called electrons.

Electricity is a type of energy that comes from electrical energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object.

Cool Facts
Electricity travels at the speed of light - more than 299,000 kilometre's per second.
If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in
one second!
Cool Facts
Electric eels can generate a power of 600 volts – that's five times stronger than the
electricity generated by a standard wall socket!

Cool Facts
As lightning heats the air, it creates a shockwave that causes the sound we know
as thunder.

Cool Facts
Electricity travels at the speed of light - more than 299,000 kilometre's per second.
If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in
one second!

Cool Facts
Electric eels can generate a power of 600 volts – that's five times stronger than the
electricity generated by a standard wall socket!

Speedy Summary

Lightning is a flash of bright light in the sky that is created by an electrical discharge moving between clouds or from
clouds to the ground.
Electrical energy is caused by moving electrical charges. These charged particles are called electrons.
Sound energy Caused by an object’s vibration ii. A form of potential
and kinetic energy 1. To make an object vibrate, work must be done to
change its position. a. Ex: When you pluck and release a guitar string;
when the guitar string moves back to its original position, it has
kinetic energy.

Sound energy
Sound is the movement of energy through a substance – like air or water – and is caused by vibrations. Solids,
liquids and gases transmit sound as waves.

Burning Questions
What is sound energy?
Sound energy is the movement of energy through a substance in waves.

How does sound energy travel?

Sound energy travels in the form of waves. Unlike light energy, sound cannot travel through a vacuum, because
there are no atoms to transmit the vibration.

Think of it like a Mexican Wave at a sports stadium.

Each person that continues the wave is like an atom passing on the vibration. No people means the Mexican Wave
can't keep going – just like no atoms (such as in a vacuum) means sound waves can't keep moving.

Sound can be transmitted by solids, liquids and gases, as these all have atoms to pass on the vibrations.

How is sound energy produced?

Sound energy is produced when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate. The energy is then transferred
through the substance in waves, called sound waves.

Sound waves, like Mexican waves, can only travel if something passes the wave on

What are some examples of sound energy?

You can produce sound energy right now!

Here are some examples of how:

Talk or sing

Clap your hands

Stomp your feet

Play a musical instrument

What Do You Mean?

Music is a form of sound energy.

Sound energy is the movement of energy through a substance in waves.

A vacuum is a space that contains absolutely no matter.

Vibrations are what cause sound energy.

Cool Facts
Did you know that radio waves aren't actually sound energy? Even though they
transmit information about sound, they are actually electromagnetic energy.

Speedy Summary
Vocal sound energy is created when expelled air from our lungs passes through the vocal folds.
Sound energy is the movement of energy through a substance – such as air or water – in the form of waves. It is
produced when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate.

Light Energy i. Produced by the vibrations of electrically charged

particles ii. Can be transmitted through a vacuum (a space without
matter) 1. The energy used to cook food in the microwave

Light energy
Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Light consists of photons, which are produced when an
object's atoms heat up. Light travels in waves and is the only form of energy visible to the human eye.

Burning Questions
What is light energy?
Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength, which can be seen by the human eye. It is a type
of kinetic energy.

How does light travel?

Light energy travels in the form of waves. Light energy is very fast – in fact, nothing travels faster.

How is light energy formed?

Light is made up of photons, which are like tiny packets of energy. When an object's atoms heat up, photon are
produced from the movement of atoms. The hotter the object, the more photons are produced.

What are some examples of light energy?

Light energy is given off by things like stars, light bulbs, lasers, and hot objects.
Hot objects



Our Sun – which is also a star – transmits light energy to Earth.

The Sun is a natural source of light energy.

How is light energy used?

Light energy is used to help us see – either naturally using the Sun or fire, or with manmade objects like candles or

Light energy is also used by plants, which capture the light energy from the Sun and use it to produce their food.

What Do You Mean?

The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792 kilometres per second. Now that's fast!

Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye.

Photons are the particles that light is made up of, which are like tiny packets of energy.

The Sun is the closest star to the planet Earth and radiates light energy.
Cool Facts
The word 'photon' comes from the Latin word 'photo' – which means 'light'.

Cool Facts
Light can travel at up to 300,000 kilometres per second. Good luck keeping up with

Cool Facts
The word 'photon' comes from the Latin word 'photo' – which means 'light'.

Cool Facts
Light can travel at up to 300,000 kilometres per second. Good luck keeping up with

Speedy Summary

Glow Worms are capable for producing their own light. This process is called Bioluminescence.
Light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength, which can be seen by the human eye.

Sound Energy- is produced when an object is
made to vibrate. Sound energy travels out as
waves in all directions. Sound needs a medium
to travel through, such as air, water, wood, and
even metal!
Examples: Voices, whistles, horns and musical

Chemical Energy - is really a form of potential
energy and is the energy stored in food,
gasoline or chemical combinations.
Examples: Striking a match, combining vinegar
and baking soda to form CO2 Gas, breaking
light sticks releases chemical energy.

Radiant Energy - is a combination of heat and
light energy. Light energy, like sound energy,
travels out in all directions in waves.
Examples: A light bulb, the glowing coils on a
toaster, the sun, and even headlights on cars.

Electrical Energy - Energy produced by
electrons moving through a substance is known
as electrical energy. We mostly see electric
energy in batteries and from the outlets in our
homes. Electrical energy lights our homes, run
motors, and makers our TVs and radios work.
Examples: CD players, TVs and Video games.

Atomic Energy - is produced when you split
atoms. A tremendous amount of energy is
released when this happens.
Examples:Atomic bombs, nuclear power plants,
nuclear submarines, and the sun.

Mechanical Energy - is moving energy. It is the
form that we most see around us. All moving
objects produce mechanical energy. The
movements within machines is also mechanical
Examples: People, a rolling bicycle, moving
gears, and running cars.

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