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Chapter 2 map

2-1 Understanding the communication process

2-1a Sender has idea
2-1b Sender encodes idea
2-1c Sender selects channel and transmits message
2-1d reciever decodes message
2-1e Feedback returns to sender

2-2 Using the 3x3 writing process

2-2a defining your Business writing goals
2-2b Introducing the 3x3 writing process
2-2c Pacing the writing process

2-3 Analyzing and Anticipating the Audience

2-3a Determining your purpose
2-3b Anticipating and profiling the audience
2-3c Making choices based on the audience profile
2-3d selecting the best channel

2-4 Using Expert writing techniques to adapt to your audience

2-4a Spotlighting Audience benefits
2-4b Developong the "you" view
2-4c sounding conversational but professional

2-5 Developing additional Expert writing techniques

2-5a being positive rather than negative
2-5b Expressing courtesy
2-5c Employing Bias-Free language
2-5d Prefering plain language and familiar words
2-5e Using precise vigorous words

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