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Ahmed Cherif Megri, University of Wyoming

Dr. Ahmed Cherif Megri, associate professor of architectural engineering at the University of Wyoming (UW),
teaches several HVAC and energy courses. Dr. Megri is also teaching a course titled ”Comprehensive
Performance of Building Envelope and HVAC Systems” for Summer School at UW, and ”Smoke and Fire
Dynamics” during summer session at Concordia University, Canada. His research areas include airflow
modeling, zonal modeling, energy modeling, and artificial intelligence modeling using the support vector
machine learning approach. Prior to his actual position at UW, he was an assistant professor and the director
of Architectural Engineering Program at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He was responsible for
developing the current architectural engineering undergraduate and master’s programs at the Illinois
Institute of Technology (IIT). During his stay at IIT, he taught fundamental engineering courses, such as
thermodynamics and heat transfer, as well as design courses, such as HVAC, energy, plumbing, fire
protection and lighting. Also, he supervise many courses in the frame of interprofessional projects program
(IPRO). In few months, Dr. Megri will defend his ”Habilitation” (HDR) degree at Pierre and Marie Curie
University - Paris VI, Sorbonne Universities.



Architectural engineers apply engineering principles to the construction and design of buildings. They often
collaborate with architects, who focus on function layout or aesthetics of building projects. Architectural
Engineering often encompasses elements of other engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical,
fire protection, and others. The architectural engineers are responsible for the different systems within a
building, structure, or complex.
Architectural engineers focus several areas, including: the structural integrity of buildings; the design and
analysis of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems; efficiency and design of plumbing, safety and
fire protection and electrical systems; acoustic and lighting planning, and energy conservation.
In this paper, our objective is to present the new curriculum at University of Wyoming that focuses on several
disciplines: HVAC systems design, energy, plumbing, fire protection and building electricity. This
multidisciplinary program focuses on the integration between architecture and engineering. It includes
capstone design courses that cover the major areas. The integration aspects of different disciplines of
architectural engineering will be discussed. As well as, we will discuss the integration of safety and fire
protection in the curriculum. The history of the architectural engineering curriculum at University of
Wyoming will be also covered. Future plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum in term of
learning outcomes.
My, how the tables have turned.
I'm still an architect and I'm still designing homes, but I'm also designing, specifying and integrating the HVAC
Systems for those homes. I also design them for homes that other architects or designers have done.
Sometimes it's the architect that hires me, and other times it's the HVAC contractor or the home's builder.
No matter who it is, most of the time it's too late to influence the architecture and interior design to smoothly
integrate the equipment and ductwork because the house is already framed up. The HVAC system is typically
one of the last thing to be installed in a home, just before insulation, drywall and finishes. Oddly, it's also
one of the last things to be designed, and it's done on the fly. Too often the architecture and interior design
did NOT account for the integration of a mechanical system and its ductwork, so installation becomes a
You know that expression, "trying to fit ten pounds in to a five pound sack"? It can be like that in most
situations where I'm asked to design the HVAC System as an afterthought. Thankfully, I enjoy the challenge
of it and I make it work! Of, course, it would definitely make everyone's job go smoother and faster if I had
been asked earlier, but that's the point.
Case in point
Here's a recent project that illustrates what happens when HVAC Design is an afterthought. See all the red
lines in the image below? Those are beams. Beams that can NOT be penetrated or moved because the
house is nearly finished. Cutting a whole would likely cause the house to fall down (not good!), and moving
an already installed beam is, to put it nicely, impractical. Dropped ceilings and soffits were out of the
question, and the only space available for equipment was in the encapsulated attic areas adjacent to the
second floor rooms. No HVAC closet.
Back to the example above. After we decided on the only practical places for the ducted (mini-split) fan
coils (see blue zone and green zone), we had three major challenges:
1. Find a route for the ductwork to serve the Great Room in the Blue Zone
2. Do the same for the Master Bedroom in the Green Zone
3. Keep the distances of the ductwork as short as possible to maintain good performance with these
low-static units.
Both of these rooms on the other side of impenetrable and immovable beams. So, after verifying it on site,
we determined the best way to get the air to those rooms was to go through the attic space above the
porch, which wasn't originally going to be encapsulated. It required a change order to install foam
insulation so we could keep all the ductwork within a building enclosure.
Though we were pushing the limits of the system's performance (available static pressure (0.2), friction
rates, etc.), the duct design showed that it was possible. We worked with the contractor to install fittings
that made air flow as smooth as possible. It took several different scenarios and revisions to get it there,
but we did, and the system performs well. Phew! Another successful save!

It's an opportunity, not a problem

Until homes are designed and built to only need a tea pot to heat them and a couple of ice cubes to cool
them, we NEED mechanical heating and cooling systems. The equipment and the ductwork need to be
thought about and understood, so they can be integrated in to the architecture and interior design of
homes. They are the primary building component that will keep their homeowners comfortable during the
summer and winter months. There are no two ways about it.
Just think of it this way. It's another design opportunity! As architects and interior designers, we love to
design, right? Aren't we always looking for ways to be innovative. Who better to come up with the big
ideas for a building design than the architect or designer? Who knows, we could come up with the next big
thing in heating and cooling a home, and the industry would love us for it!
Oh, wait, that would mean we'd get recognition for a unique and inventive idea. Never mind! Architects
and Interior Designers aren't interested in that kind of thing. We're a modest group...
Here's an idea developed by Rob deKeiffer, of Boulder Design Alliance, for a way to "conceal" a return air
pathway (and relieve room pressure) from one room to the next through a door frame. Couldn't we run
with something like this and do something similar with crown molding? Wouldn't you rather come up with
a detail like this instead of "accepting" the "hideous" metal grill? Architects and Designers don't "accept"
anything, do we. Well, there is one thing. We'll accept challenge? So bring it on! Consider it a challenge!
More of these kind of opportunities await us. Let's not just focus on "juxtaposing" something ambiguous or
"blurring the lines between inside and out".
How about we blur the lines between design and building science. Now that's a juxtaposition I'd like to see
more of!
Sample HVAC Plan — Digital Unit Ventilator Control
HVAC Plans sample: Digital unit ventilator control.

This example is created using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming software enhanced with
solution HVAC Plans from ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sample Ventilation Unit With Heat Pump & Ground Heat
HVAC Plans sample: Ventilation unit with heat pump & ground heat exchanger.

This example is created using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming software enhanced with
solution HVAC Plans from ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sample Central Air Pool Heater
HVAC Plans sample: Central air pool heater.

This example is created using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming software enhanced with
solution HVAC Plans from ConceptDraw Solution Park.






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