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Andrew Schafale

Science Weekly

JUNE 29,

Earth is NOT the Center of the Universe?

Most people, both living now
T HIS and in past generations, have
around. While it has been hard that the Earth revolves around
for many to understand, the the sun, and not the other way
always believed Earth to be
ISSUE: the center of the universe.
science behind his explanation around, Copernicus’s theory
appears to back up his claim. explains that the sun appearing
To the common person, this to rise and set. He says that the
makes a lot of sense, as Earth is rotating on it’s axis in
Interview 2 humans were the high point addition to orbiting, giving us the
of creation, meaning the illusion that the sun is spinning
with an planets and sun would logi- when in fact it is our own planet.
cally revolve around the
Astrologer Earth. However, a Polish
It does not end there, however,
as his theory also gives an expla-
scientist from the University nation for why planets seem to
of Cracow, Nicolaus Coper- go different directions across the
nicus, has stated that this Nicolaus Copernicus
sky depending on when they are
belief is incorrect. After years being observed. This only hap-
The Life 2 of work and studying the sky, pens because the Earth is moving
Copernicus has developed a with the planets. Copernicus’s
of Johannes new theory of how the uni- Other scientists have said that theory has caused a great
verse really works called the
Kepler Heliocentric system. The
his model could not be com- amount of controversy, but if we
pletely accurate, but that he is can all accept that it may be true,
Heliocentric system states definitely on to something and this could be the key to discover-
that the sun, not the Earth, is further research needs to be ing the craziest secrets of the
what the planets revolve done. In addition to explaining universe.
Obituary to 3
Opinion-Based Editorial on the Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton is one of “for every action there is an you were to roll an object, it
the most popular scientists equal and opposite reaction.” would not continue rolling.
of today, as his work and Though they are debated by However, this proves the law
Works 3 research are very well some, his laws make perfect to be correct, because the
known. Newton has made
sense and explain why things force of friction acts on the
Cited various discoveries and ad-
move the way they do per- object, causing it to stop.
vancements in the world of
physics, but perhaps his fectly. For example, New- Newton’s ideas sound crazy
most famous are his three ton’s first law states that an at first, but when you take a
laws of motion: “an object object in motion will stay in closer look, you will surely
will remain in a state of iner- motion unless acted upon, see that his theories are the
tia unless acted upon by and the same with an object latest major discovery that
force,” “the relationship
at rest. Some would argue will change the world of sci-
between acceleration and
applied force is F=ma,” and that this is false because if ence forever.

Interview with an Astrologer: Galileo Galilei

Question: When did you first time I believed they were called me a liar and disregard-
start your experiments? stars. ed what I said. The Catholic
Answer: I started studying Q: So from your research, do church put me on trial. They
medicine at University of Pisa you believe that Heliocentric said I was a heretic and placed
when I was around 17, but system could be correct? me under house arrest. I’m
while I was there I began ex- still serving this completely
A: No, I do not think it is cor- unfair sentence as we speak.
perimenting. After I made a rect, I KNOW it is correct. If
breakthrough discovery about you watch the stars and plan- Q: What would you say is
how pendulums move, I con- ets the way I have, you would your greatest achievement, the
tinued to do research and see the Aristotelian Doctrine one you most want to be re-
experiment while I was the could not possibly be right. membered for?
chair of mathematics at the The research done by Coper- A: I do not know, there is so
University. nicus is perfectly logical and much I want people to know
Galileo Galilei hold- Q: When did you begin study- the research I have done backs that no one today listens to. I
ing his new telescope ing astrology? that up. I have noticed a few suppose I would like to be
design A: When I was in my 40s, I minor issues that could be remembered for my studies of
made improvements to a tele- incorrect if more research is space. I discovered four
scope designed by the Dutch. done, but without a doubt the moons of Jupiter, the phases of
I would use this telescope to concept is correct and I have Venus, the craters of the
look at the sky every night, and the research to prove it! moon, and a more modern
it seemed as if I found some- Q: How did people react to design for the telescope. I
thing new every week. Some your theory and research? suppose you could say that I
of my more famous early dis- revolutionized the world of
A: No one wanted to hear astrology. I just hope people
coveries were four moons that what I had to say. People
orbit Jupiter, though at the listen to the things I have said.

The Life of Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler was born in wealthy Danish astrologer case stronger when Brahe died
December of 1571. When the named Tycho Brahe to help in 1601 and Kepler managed to
time came for him to go him in his research. In re- get a hold of the elusive re-
to school, he was given a sponse, Brahe invited Kepler search Brahe had been hiding
scholarship to go to the to come to the observatory he from him. Kepler continued
University of Tübingen. It had built so they could re- his research of the sky until his
was here the Kepler dis- search together. However, death on November 15, 1630.
covered the planetary Brahe did not completely trust Kepler played a large role in
system of Nicolaus Co- Kepler, sending him on a mis- proving to people that the
pernicus, which taught sion to solve the mystery of Copernican system was cor-
that planets all orbited why Mars seemed to orbit rect, as well as making many
the sun. In 1596, Kepler backwards, instead of sharing discoveries of his own. He
publicly wrote his the notes he had already col- discovered that planets orbited
thoughts about why the lected. But Kepler was smart in ellipses, not circles, which
Copernicus’s system was enough to get around this explained some of the prob-
right. Kepler set out to obstacle, using the information lems created by the Coperni-
prove to those who re- he could gather on Mars as can system, most notably, the
fused to believe that the Co- further evidence of the Coper- mystery of Mars’s supposed
pernicus’s system was correct. nican system being correct. backwards orbit.
He got into contact with a He would be able to make his

Rest in Peace Andreas Vesalius, a Hero in the World of Science
Today is a sad day in the world of on his own, following along to the
science, as it was recently made work of the Greek physician Galen.
known to the public that one of the However, he eventually went against
greatest scientists of our time, Andre- Galen and created his own method
as Vesalius, has recently passed away. for surgery. Vesalius realized that the
Vesalius was born in Brussels, Bel- way of Galen was flawed because it
gium, in December of 1514. He was was based off of animal dissection.
raised in a Catholic household full of Galen had studied the bodies of ani-
physicians, making his decision to mas and assumed humans would be
pursue the path of medical science an the same. Vesalius, however, studied
easy one. He went to school at the the human body itself and created
Catholic University of Leuven, then specialized techniques based on his Andreas Vesalius
later went to the University of Paris, findings. He would soon publish all of
to study medicine and anatomy. He his findings in a book, The Fabrica, to
later returned to the University of show doctors around the world what on the Greek island Zacynthus. He
Leuven for one additional year. After he had found. He presented his book would die soon after. The work of
so many years of schooling, he finally to Holy Roman Emperor Chares V, Vesalius will be a foundation for many
earned his doctor of medicine degree who was impressed, leading to Vesali- medical advancements to come, and
at the University of Padua. Vesalius us gaining fame around Europe. Many will likely save thousands of lives.
stayed at the University of Padua as a years later, Vesalius became sick on a
lecture, speaking to medical students ship bringing him home from a pil-
and giving demonstrations. He began grimage, and, for the safety of the
to preform dissections and surgeries other passengers, he was dropped off

Works Cited Editors. “Galileo.”, A&E Networks Television, 1 Aug.

Florkin, Marcel. “Andreas Vesalius.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia
Britannca, Inc., 24 Feb. 2017 Staff. “Galileo Galilei.”, A&E Television Networks, 2010.
Live Science Staff. “Isaac Newton Biography.” LiveScience, Purch, 24 Mar. 2016.
Redd, Nola Taylor. “Johannes Kepler Biography.”, 21 May 2012.
Redd, Nola Taylor. “Nicolaus Copernicus Biography: Facts and Discoveries.”, 19 Feb. 2013.

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