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& Design
Materials and Design 26 (2005) 717–721

Short Communication

Wear behaviour of organic asbestos based and bronze based

powder metal brake linings
a,* b
Adem Kurt , Mustafa Boz
Metallurgy Department, Technical Education Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Metallurgy Department, Technical Education Faculty, Karaelmas University, Karabuk, Turkey

Received 8 August 2004; accepted 18 August 2004

Available online 22 October 2004


Bronze based brake linings, were produced by powder metallurgy technique and their wear behaviour was investigated and com-
pared to that of asbestos ones. Bronze powders were compacted under 350, 500 and 600 MPa pressures and sintered at 810 C in
ammonia atmosphere for 75 min. For the same friction distance, it was determined that temperature increase in the bronze based
brake linings was lower than that of asbestos based ones. However, higher wear rate was observed in the bronze based brake linings.
Moreover, thermal conductivity was decreased with high porosity level with low densities. Although, friction coefficient remained
the same during breaking, an increase in wear resistance was observed.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Powder metallurgy; Brake lining; Friction materials and wear

1. Introduction cient. The decrease in the effect of brake lining is called

‘‘brake lining wear’’. Brake linings do their normal func-
Nowadays, the investigation results show that most tion when they are cooled to the heat under wear point
deaths in road accidents occur because of brake systems. temperature. When brake linings are exposed to high
For this reason, brake lining is one of the important temperatures for long time, they will be damaged. This
automotive elements. damage results in a decrease in brake performance, high
The reasons for using friction materials are especially brake lining wear or sound [2].
because of high friction coefficient and good sliding prop- The noise problem in brakes is generally related to the
erties. Main properties of friction materials is high friction comfort rather than security and performance. The
coefficient and remaining stable under enforcement and improvement in the other parts of the automobiles such
especially at high temperatures. And also, small wear ra- as suspension, cabin acoustics and motion conduction
tio, not being damaged when driven, being at the value to leads the attention to the noise formed in the brakes.
bear enforcement under mechanic resistance is needed [1]. The law related with noise level puts a limit on the noise
Function of the brakes is to change the kinetic energy sources. The ideal solution for a quiet brake is to form up
into heat by absorbing and spreading it to the atmos- a better environment and to help to decrease the noise le-
phere. If generated heat is more than brake capacity, vel especially when stopping is needed frequently [3].
there will be a decrease in brake liningÕs friction coeffi- Investigators followed two ways to deactivate the wear
point in the brake lining. First cooling the brake linings
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 212 39 93; fax: +90 312 212
sufficiently, second developing the brake lining material
00 59. that is insensitive to heat. Delko-Moraine [2] chose the
E-mail address: (A. Kurt). second approach to attain to the solution. This approach

0261-3069/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
718 A. Kurt, M. Boz / Materials and Design 26 (2005) 717–721

is to improve a brake lining material which is not affected Table 1

by heat. The first friction elements used in brake and Composition of bronze-based powder metal brake lining samples
clouching elements were generally made up of organic
materials such as wood and leather. By the aggravation Copper Tin Iron Lead Graphite Sulphur
of the working conditions, these organic materials be- 68.02 10.05 10.57 8.67 2.67 0.007
came insufficient and resin binding asbestos based fric-
tion materials took place of these materials. These
asbestos based materials were used for long years [4]. ble 1, in which the 2–40 lm dimensions are used. Lining
But the most important properties expected in brake powder is kindly supplied by Gürel Makina A.S
ß . A three
linings include stable friction coefficient, low wear ratio, axial mixer was used with balls to provide an homoge-
low noise and anti-vibration, high resistance for secure nous powder mixer. The alloyed steel die lubricated
use and comfort even under difficult circumstances [5– walls were unilaterally cold compacted by single action
7]. Asbestos-based friction materials cannot provide compacting at 350, 500 and 600 MPa with 2.40 MPa/s
these desired properties because they cannot resist high speed in a steel die with the dimension of 55.20 ·
temperatures and their structures partially break. More- 44 · 15 mm using an hydraulic press. Zinc stearat was
over, asbestos-based brake linings are not produced in used as lubricant by applying it on the surfaces of the
the recent days in most of the countries, because of their die.
negative effect on human health in terms of asbestos
mineralÕs carcinogen structure. Especially, because of 2.2. Sintering
carcinogen effect of blue asbestos obtained from Africa,
the usage of this material is banned in America and Can- Compacted block samples were sintered in a rectan-
ada. In Europe, production of asbestos based lining was gular sectioned band carrying oven at 810 C. Sintering
permitted until the end of 1991, but the usage of non- was performed under the protection of cracked ammo-
asbestos based brake lining has not yet taken place com- nia. As sintering unit works with banded system, en-
pletely [7]. An English doctor found that asbestos trance and exit are protected with flame curtain. As
caused illnesses and death after the autopsy he did on seen in Fig. 1, the sintering furnace consisted of three
an asbestos worker. It is seen that asbestos fibers enter parts; pre-sintering, sintering and cooling sections. Sin-
into the lungs by respiration, cause wounds and disinte- tering process was totally 75 min. In pre-sintering area
gration by physical effect as a result of the contractions temperature increased to the sintering temperature of
occuring in bronchus. This leads to lung cancer [8]. In 810 C, in 15 min, and temperature was kept for 45
Germany an investigation proved that 13,000 kg of min. In cooling section, temperature was decreased to
asbestos is spread into the environment from the auto- 40 C in 15 min. Brake lining test specimens were sub-
mobiles by brakes in a year [9]. jected to vertical grinding process prior to the perform-
As a result of harmful effects of asbestos based fric- ance tests as it is considered that they can be distorted to
tion materials and high sensitivity to high temperatures, some extent after sintering.
scientists directed towards friction materials produced
with powder metallurgy P/M that are more stable at 2.3. Performance tests
high temperatures and do not threaten human health.
One of the basic advantages of P/M production tech- Bronze-based P/M and asbestos-based brake linings
nique is compacting materials, which cannot be joined, were subjected to performance tests in a brake lining
in powder form. This advantage enabled the production wear test device (Fig. 2). Performance tests were carried
of clutch pedals and brake linings [10,11]. out in Kale Lining Factory, Turkey.
The advantages of metallic brake linings when com- Two brake linings were placed on the disk as shown
pared to asbestos based brake linings are absorbing in Fig. 2. The disk was made of cast iron with the
more energy under high speed and more wear resistance.
They can conduct more heat as they can resist high tem-
peratures. Friction coefficients change less with temper- 810
Temperature (˚C)

ature and pressure [12,13].


2. Experimental studies 20 Pre-sintering Sintering zone Cooling

15 min. 15 min.
2.1. Blending and compaction of powders 45 min.

Time (min.)
In experimental study, bronze based commercial lin-
ing powder with its chemical composition is given in Ta- Fig. 1. Changes in sintering temperature with time.
A. Kurt, M. Boz / Materials and Design 26 (2005) 717–721 719

Fig. 4. Changes in the hardness with the applied load.


Friction coefficient (µ)

Fig. 2. Systematic presentation of standard brake lining wear test 0.15
device. 0.1
hardness of 93.75 HRB. It was rotated at 650 rpm dur- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
ing the tests. The pushing load on the specimen was 14.5 Braking number
bar. Braking was performed by applying load for 5 s and ASBESTOS 350 MPa 500 MPa 600 MPa
releasing it for 5 s. After each braking, temperature and
friction coefficient results were measured by using a Fig. 5. Changes in friction coefficient with braking cycle.
computer connected to the device. Wear performances
of P/M brake linings which have different densities were
compared with each other and asbestos based linings. number of braking are shown in Fig. 5. After each brak-
Density of the samples was calculated from mass and ing, temperature and friction coefficients were recorded
dimensions of sample. After the performance tests, worn by using a computer. Changes in the temperature of
surfaces of metal based brake linings were examined asbestos based and P/M bronze based brake lining spec-
with an optical microscope. Changes in the structure imens with the number of brakings are also shown in
were investigated. Fig. 6. The amount of wear ratio by weight is given in
Fig. 7.

3. Experimental results and discussion

3.1. Characterisation results
Temperature (˚C)

Densities of sintered specimens are given in Fig. 3. In 200
addition, changes in the hardness of P/M specimens be- 150
fore and after wear tests depending on the applied load 100
were compared to that of asbestos based ones (Fig. 4). 50
3.2. Performance tests 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Braking number
Asbestos 350 MPa 500 MPa 600 MPa
Changes in the friction coefficient of asbestos based
and P/M bronze based brake lining specimens with the Fig. 6. Changes in temperature with the braking cycle.

Wear amount (%)

Density (%)

Pre-sintering density Sintered density
Asbestos 350 MPa 500 MPa 600 MPa
300 400 500 600 700 Test sipecimens
Load (MPa)
Fig. 7. Wear amount of the specimens with the pressing load after 70
Fig. 3. Changes in the density according to the applied load. braking cycles.
720 A. Kurt, M. Boz / Materials and Design 26 (2005) 717–721

3.3. Optical microscopy results

Metallographic examination of metal based brake

lining specimens was carried out by using an optical
microscope. The examination was carried out on the lat-
eral and worn surfaces of the specimens by using a mag-
nification of 100. The results are given in Figs. 8–11.

3.4. Discussion

With the pressing load, pre-sintering and post-sintering

densities of brake lining samples were increased
Fig. 11. Micrograph of worned surface of PM braking.

(Fig. 3). Increase in the post-sintering density was due to

the volume reduction caused by shrinkage during the for-
mation of metallurgic binding between grains. The defor-
mation amount during brake and heat conduction is
important. Deformation amount was low in room temper-
ature and increased with the increasing temperature pro-
duced by friction. Hardening occurred with pressing in
brake lining in relation to deformation amount. It was
thought that the increase in brake linings hardness after
the test was caused by press-caused deformation. In por-
ous powder brake linings, the press-cause deformation
amount was increased. As seen in Fig. 4, the hardness of
Fig. 8. Micrograph of PM brake lining. Load: 350 MPa. low-density sample after the experiment was 108.6 HRB,
while it was 104.3 HRB in high density sample. Hardness
was high because brake force caused more deformation
in porous sample. Decrease in the hardness of asbestos
brake lining was a result of low heat conduction.
It was expected that in brake lining the friction coef-
ficient should remain stable during the brake period [14–
16]. As shown in Fig. 5, friction coefficient changes are
unimportant. Decrease in the friction coefficient with
the increasing temperature is a natural consequence. In
powder brake linings, temperature decreases with the
increasing density. This was because of high porosity
in low-density materials. Pores function as insulators
in the material and increase the temperature.
The temperature produced during braking in asbes-
Fig. 9. Micrograph of PM brake lining. Load: 500 MPa. tos-based and powder metal brake lining differs in rela-
tion to material. Although in heat conductivity, metal
brake linings were better than asbestos-based brake lin-
ings and organic brake linings, for example, after 40
braking cycles, the temperature was 300 C in asbestos
lining while it was 250 C in P/M linings (Fig. 6). This
result is an advantage for powder metal brake lining.
But the temperature went up around 260 C after 35
braking cycles. In addition, there is a significant drop
in friction coefficient of the lining. This dropping is
due to the acting of tin as lubricant after heating up of
lining up to 260 C. Such a heating causes the tin to melt
and float to the surface of lining. This is not too high for
these linings compared to asbestos based linings and in
Fig. 10. Micrograph of PM brake lining. Load: 600 MPa. metal-based linings.
A. Kurt, M. Boz / Materials and Design 26 (2005) 717–721 721

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tal dates that the sample compacted under 350 MPa
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