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Flora of India

The exotic and natural beauty of the flower pants has always affected the
travellers and tourists across the world. There are around 15,000 flowering
plant species in India. Lotus is the National Flower of India. The North -East -
India has the profuse growth of orchids and marigold plants. Spring and
summer are the best time to visit India as flowers are in full boom during
these seasons to welcome the visitors with the burst of colours. Most of the
flowers of India are used for several purposes such as for decoration, for
medical purposes etc. The scented flower plants of India add charm to the
natural beauty of the country. Bougainvillea, Rose, Jamine, Orchid, and Lotus
are some of the popular flowering plants of India.

Fauna of India
Any discussion about the natural beauty of the country is incomplete without
discussing about its wildlife. There are about 2000 species of birds, 30000
kinds of insects and about 500 different types of mammals are found here. In
addition to this, a huge variation in fish and amphibians along with other
reptiles etc can be seen.
Indian subcontinent is also a home to a number of animals that include
predators and insects etc. World famous Royal Bengal Tiger is the National
Animal of the country and beautiful as well as colorful peacock is the National
The virgin forest of the country acts a home to birds and animals in the
country. A number of mammals are found in India such as the lions,
elephants, Rhinoceros, Tigers, Wild Bisons and many other species of deer
and monkeys etc. The list of reptiles in India includes many types of lizards,
snake and alligators etc.

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