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Winter 2018

The Bean Town Bugle

District Governor: Don Milton
President: John Skiptunas Induction Night
Vice President: Charmaine Yarka
Treasurer: George Gotcsik
Secretary: Rene Tilly-Lyness
Membership Chair: Charlie Johnson
Foundation Chair: Shelby McGlynn
Past President: Steve Robertson

The Lima Rotary meets every

other Thursday at 6pm in the
lower level of the Lima Town
Hall. Go to our website for more
information on how to join. Assistant Governor Ralph B., Cindy D., Larry B.,
Melissa M., and President John S.
The Lima Rotary came together at the Lima Family
Restaurant and celebrated the induction of three new
members! It was a wonderful evening and we are so
excited to welcome Cindy, Larry, and Melissa into our
Upcoming Rotary Events family. These three new members join the 1.2 million
current Rotarians worldwide!
March 31st– Easter Egg Hunt
June– HFM-L Rotary Golf Tournament

Lima Rotary Club

Serving the Lima Community and the world since 1937 Let’s get started!
The Lima Rotary has been busy!

Trunk or Treat

Senior & Veterans Day Thanksgiving Dinner

Saturday, November 11th we had our annual Senior Citizens and Veterans Thanksgiving Dinner.
We were able to serve 70 amazing residents of the Lima community.

Christmas Tree Lighting

Rotary International, District 7120

Rotary Literacy program distributed dictionaries to 3rd grade and
thesauri to 6th grade students. The students wrote thank you letters
that members of our club were able to view on Induction Night. They
expressed their gratitude to the Rotary and some kids told us about the
new words they were now able to spell correctly!
Help us create a lasting change in Lima
and in communities around the world!
Rotary is a community of friends who are committed to creating positive change in their community
and the world. Joining the Lima Rotary Club can enrich your life and improve the lives of people living
in our town and across the globe. Create new friendships, make new business contacts, and learn how
our community works.
It’s a fun way to connect with the people in Lima who share your passion for doing good. Rotary brings
together community leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations to share their ideas for
making the world a better place.
Come to a Lima Rotary meeting! It all begins at one of our meetings held every other Thursday of the
month at 6pm in the Lima Town Hall. Learn about the many service projects or community events we
are doing.

Why Should I Become A Rotarian?

1. Friendship
2. The Opportunity to Serve
3. Business Development
4. Personal Growth and Development
5. Leadership Development
6. Citizenship in the Community
7. Continuing Education
8. Fun
9. Public Speaking Skills
10. Citizenship in the World

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