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There are two things in life that can’t wait;fulfilling filial piety and doing good deeds.
2. 對父母要知恩、感恩、報恩。
Recognize, appreciate and repay your parents' love.
3. 人要知福、惜福、再造福。
We should know, appreciate and cultivate blessings.
4. 心中有愛,才會人見人愛。
With love in heart, you will be loved by all.
5. 是非當教育,讚美警惕。
Disputes should be regarded as education, parises as warnings.
6. 甘願做,歡喜受。
Be willing to do, be happy to bear.
7. 要用心,不要操心、煩心。
Be mindful. Don't worry or fret.
8. 口說好話,如吐蓮花;口說壞話,如吐毒蛇。
Good words are like lotus flowers blooming on lips; bad words are like poisonous
snakes hissing out from mouth.
9. 欣賞別人,就是莊嚴自己。
To appreciate others is to respect yourself.
10. 人生為善,要分秒必爭。
At every second, compete for goodness.

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