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Human development for a better world.

Irvin Colmenares.


The aspects related to human development begin to be discussed from

the second half of the 20th century. By that time, a consensus is beginning to
be created in the political class and in the academic sectors, about the need
to seek for solutions to the terrible consequences derived from the great
inequalities existing in the populations of the different planet’s regions.
Fortunately, the world leaders began to understand that the deterioration of
the living conditions of the majority of the population had become a serious
problem. As the information’s society progressed, the existence of these
contradictions became more palpable for all. It was from this awareness that
people began to be considered as the fundamental axis of all activities. A very
important conclusion was reached: a great economic development does not
make sense if this is done to the detriment of the people’s life’s level.

What it consists of.

In simple terms we can say that the great objective of human development is
a qualitatively better life. The international organizations attached to the
United Nations (UN) have created a series of indicators that serve as a
reference to indicate that they are on the right path to achieve that goal. Two
fundamental aspects summarize the purpose pursued: to improve the living
conditions of the communities and to advance in the creation of opportunities
for all. The planners working in this perspective focus their work on the search
for a set of activities that allow the development of all the potential that people
may have, both the individual subjects and the social groups to which those
subjects belong.


The different plans aimed at increasing human development seek, at first, to

ensure that populations have decent living conditions. This is achieved
through the implementation of improvements in education, health and
nutrition. The purpose is to extend the population’s coverage to a quality’s
system of healthcare and education, to reduce the damages caused in the
organism by insufficient food intake. Once the improvement in those areas
has been reached, other policies will aim to broaden the conditions for a
sustainable development of the different human groups.
How to contribute

It could be thought that the improvements to achieve an increase in human

development are a matter that only concerns governments and states. It is
true that great decisions are not available to ordinary citizens. However, what
is within the reach of any of us is to become aware that we are all necessary
for the world to function well. To the extent that all citizens of the planet can
develop their potential, it’s likely that they can provide other perspectives and
points of view to solve the problems created in the world we live. We have
time to make the necessary corrections. This is our only planet. Without it we
do not have life.

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