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Mariano, Ian Zacharius S



A Reflection Paper about the Active Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Promoting

Sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Last March 8, we attended a webinar that helped us all Senior High School 2. This
paper is about my reflection and experiences regarding the topic.

Sustainability is about meeting the demands of current generations without

jeopardizing the needs of future generations while maintaining a balance between
economic growth, environmental protection, and social welfare. However, this concept of
sustainability limits our development with the thought of conserving the available
planetary resources for future generations while compromising the welfare of the current
generation. As Mullard stated, what we have on the planet is just what we use–the
available natural resources are just enough for the current generation. These
circumstances could lead to a shortage, considering that many factors can affect the
number of available planetary resources, which could compromise the welfare of the
future generation. However, when we say sustainability development, this concept
acknowledges the problems that affect the sustainability of planetary resources, such as
climate change or the constant growth of population. These problems can lead to a lack
of resources and poverty, respectively. The concept of sustainable development implies
that there should be social, economic, and environmental growth within society to meet
the needs of the current and future generations without compromising. There are
seventeen 17 sustainable development goals to be achieved to attain sustainable

Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) concern everyone. The United Nations

promotes the 17 SDGs to change our world. These Sustainable Development Goals are
an initiative for all nations– wealthy, poor, and middle-income. The purpose of this is to
increase prosperity while safeguarding the environment. They acknowledge that
eradicating poverty must be accompanied by initiatives that promote economic growth
and meet various social needs, such as education, health, social protection, and
employment opportunities while addressing climate change and environmental
protection. Hence, it is a global agenda that everyone should pay attention to attain these
goals. Furthermore, the Sustainable Development Goals also provided a crucial
foundation for the rehabilitation of COVID-19. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals aims to integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development:
the social, economic, and environmental. Over the years, there have been many
agreements regarding achieving sustainability globally. The 2023 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals highlights how the involvement of nonprofit organizations plays an
important role in the follow-up and decision process concerning these sustainability-
related agreements. It is essential that during the decision-making, there should be an
involvement of nonprofit groups, women's organizations, the youth, and other
organizations who work at the grassroots to ensure that the problems of everyone,
especially of the minorities, will be addressed and heard. As the 2030 agenda of SGDs
says, no one should be left behind, and everyone should be included in achieving
sustainable development.

The concepts of sustainability and sustainability development greatly differ, as the

former denotes the concept of living within the limits of available planetary resources. At
the same time, the latter suggests that we should instill growth within the community to
support each other financially, socially, or environmentally. It is vital to maintain
sustainable development as it enhances our quality of life and future generations by
preserving our ecosystem and conserving natural resources. Nonprofit organizations and
other major groups can achieve sustainable development goals by taking action and
making commitments. However, these goals are intended to be achieved not just by
nonprofit organizations, other major groups, or the UN but also by each of us. As an
individual, one can create a difference by volunteering or starting a social cause. The
youth are also welcome to share fresh ideas, innovations, and suggestions. Most
importantly, we should start practicing sustainability itself. Now that the pandemic has
ended, we only have a few years to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development Goals and enable sustainable development in our society.

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