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Unit 1 Community development definitions

and imperatives suresh Acharya Head of department RD Department PK Campus


1.1 History and Concept of Community Development

Concept of Community Development

Concept of community development has come from about two hundreds years. The

democratic political revolution of France and Britain as well as the Second World War

played a vital role in the existing of community development.

The above three events were the major reasons for the emergence of community

development. After the heavy destruction in these occasions, the community filed with

social problems for which rehabilitation and construction was felt. From that point the

sociologists, anthropologists, social workers and technocrats were activated to develop a

program named community development program for the assistance and cooperation of

the community people. The development of the community is not possible without the

participation of the people. Community development is essential for national as well as

international development for his purpose various countries launched community

development program in the multi sector of under developed countries.

The development of community is not so easy, it required full zeal, time and work

determination. The word community was first introduced by UK at the “As Bridge
Conference” in 1945. In this year IMF was also established for mass education. The main

purpose was to give loans to the poor and needy countries for developmental purpose.

During Second World War community development programs were started for the

rehabilitation of the affected and victims. In 1940-1945 World Bank introduced to give

loans. In 1950 USA introduced technical assistance program for the assistance of rural


Community development is a process where community members come

together to take collective action and generate solutions to common

problems. Community wellbeing (economic, social, environmental and

cultural) often evolves from this type of collective action being taken at a

grassroots level. Community development ranges from small initiatives

within a small group to large initiatives that involve the broader community.

Effective community development should be:

 a long-term endeavour

 well-planned
 inclusive and equitable
 holistic and integrated into the bigger picture
 initiated and supported by community members
 of benefit to the community
 grounded in experience that leads to best practices

Community development is a grassroots process by which communities:

 become more responsible

 organize and plan together
 develop healthy lifestyle options
 empower themselves
 reduce poverty and suffering
 create employment and economic opportunities
 achieve social, economic, cultural and environmental goals

Community development seeks to improve quality of life. Effective

community development results in mutual benefit and shared responsibility
among community members. Such development recognizes:

 the connection between social, cultural, environmental and economic

 the diversity of interests within a community
 its relationship to building capacity

Community development helps to build community capacity in order to

address issues and take advantage of opportunities, find common ground and
balance competing interests. It doesn’t just happen – capacity building
requires both a conscious and a conscientious effort to do something (or
many things) to improve the community.


Often when we think of community, we think in geographic terms. Our

community is the city, town or village where we live. When community is
defined through physical location, it has precise boundaries that are readily
understood and accepted by others. Defining communities in terms of
geography, however, is only one way of looking at them. Communities can
also be defined by common cultural heritage, language, and beliefs or shared
interests. These are sometimes called communities of interest. Even when
community does refer to a geographic location, it doesn’t always include
everyone within the area. For example, many Aboriginal communities are
part of a larger non-Aboriginal geography. In larger urban centres,
communities are often defined in terms of particular neighborhoods’.

Most of us belong to more than one community, whether we’re aware of it or

not. For example, an individual can be part of a neighbourhood community, a
religious community and a community of shared interests all at the same
time. Relationships, whether with people or the land, define a community for
each individual.


The term “development” often carries an assumption of growth and

expansion. During the industrial era, development was strongly connected to
increased speed, volume and size. However, many people are currently
questioning the concept of growth for numerous reasons – a realization that
more isn’t always better, or an increasing respect for reducing outside
dependencies and lowering levels of consumerism. So while the term
“development” may not always mean growth, it always imply change.
The community development process takes charge of the conditions and
factors that influence a community and changes the quality of life of its
members. Community development is a tool for managing change but it is

 a quick fix or a short-term response to a specific issue within a


 a process that seeks to exclude community members from participating;


 an initiative that occurs in isolation from other related community


Community development is about community building as such, where the

process is as important as the results. One of the primary challenges of
community development is to balance the need for long-term solutions with
the day-to-day realities that require immediate decision-making and short-
term action.


The key concept of community development can be expressed through many

definitions * Organizing people efforts through improving conditions of
community life and the capacity for the community integration and self direction*
Dunham 1968p 142
Community development can be defined as a process designed to create
conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community with its
active participation and the fullest possible reliance upon the community’s
initiatives .United Nations 1955

Sanders 1958 saw community development as a process moving from stage to

stage, a method of working towards a goal, program of procedures and as a
movement sweeping people up in emotion of belief . 

Community development as a process moves by stages from one condition or

state to the next. It involves a progression of changes in terms of specific
criteria. For example, a change from state where one or two people or a small
elite within or without local community make decisions for the rest of the
people to the state where people themselves make these decisions about
matters of common concern. The emphasis of community development as a
process is upon what happens to people, socially and psychologically.

Community development as a method which puts the emphasis on both

the process and objectives, is a means to an end; a way of working so
that some goal is attained. Sanders suggests that those who subscribe to
community development as a method applies centrally advised programs
which are inevitably less attentive to the needs of each community than
may be desirable, especially if one is to subscribe to the ethos of
community self-determination.
Community development as a program is stated as a set of procedures
and the content as a list of activities. By carrying out the procedures, the
activities are supposedly accomplished. It is as a program that
community development comes into contact with subject-matter
specialties such as health, welfare, agriculture, industry and recreation.
Community development as a program emphasizes on the activities.
The final typology of community development illustrated by Sanders is
viewed as a movement. According to him, community development is a
crusade, a course to which people become committed. It is not neutral,
but carries an emotional charge: one is either for it or against it. It is
dedicated to progress, as a philosophic and not a scientific concept, since
progress must be viewed with reference to values and goals which differ
under different political and social system.

1.2 Principle and dimensions of community


The principles of community development are rules of right action or

value-judgment as to what is sound or good community development
practice. Principle is a standard. Principles are the generalized
expressions of rules of sound practice. At least the following five
principles must be kept in mind for any community worker.
1. Principle of Community Organization
2. Principle of Acceptance and Meaningful Relationship
3. Principle of Formal Discussion
4. Principle of Local Adaptation
5. Principle of Equal Opportunities for all People
( Dr. Zari Rafique From Peshaw

Principle of community development

Gender friendly
Community empowerment
Selfreliance, independence and interdependence

Dimension of community development

Social dimension
Economic dimension
Types of Income Sources
Expenditure Heading
Political dimension
Power structure, political authority, access to resources(land, labor
capital and knowledge)

Principles of Community
We value innovation and entrepreneurship in seeking new ways to respond to
the challenges of distressed communities. We are dedicated to a set of
principles that:
 Promote active and representative citizen participation so that
community members can meaningfully influence decisions that affect
their situation.

 Engage community members in problem diagnosis so that those

affected may adequately understand the causes of their situation.

 Help community members understand the economic, social, political,

environmental, and psychological impact associated with alternative
solutions to the problem.

 Assist community members in designing and implementing a plan to

solve agreed upon problems by emphasizing shared leadership and
active citizen participation.

 Seek alternatives to any effort that is likely to adversely affect the

disadvantaged segments of a community.

 Actively work to increase leadership capacity, skills, confidence, and

aspirations in the community development process.

The following represents the essential elements of the Center for Community
and Economic Development:
Step 1:Identify Problem
Both formal and informal methods may be used to identify
community issues, capacities and needs.

Step 2: Identify
Engage the community/organizational stakeholders. Involve
citizens who are experiencing the problem/issue.

Step 3: Identify Strategies

Engage community in discussion of issues, and identify
possible alternatives to address concerns research alternatives

Step 4: Identify Resources

Select appropriate strategy. Identify local in-kind and cash
resources to link with other resources to implement a specific
program strategy with the community.

Step 5: Implement
In cooperation with the community implement the strategy
with an emphasis on shared leadership and collaboration.

Step 6: Evaluate
Through formative and summative evaluations assess the
program impacts on the target audience and others to
determine if the stated goals and objectives are met.

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