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Social Development (SD)

as a Process of Social
It is a key process in social change. SD means
to denounce and work toward the
elimination of unjust social practices and
systems, promote participation of the
under-represented and implement life-
giving interventions.
Community Development as a Process For
Community Action
Community Development (CD) – is defined as
a process wherein community members come
together to take collective action and generate
solutions to common problems and pursue
community well-being (economic, social,
environmental and cultural). (Ford, 1987)
Features and characteristics of Community
1. Build community capacity – CD facilitates
building community’s capacity to address the
issues, find common ground and balance
competing interests. It is a process which requires
both a conscious and conscientious effort to do
2. Builds community – Cd is about community
building where the process is as important as the
results. The challenge lies on the balancing of
long-term solutions and short-term actions.
3. Linked with community work and planning –
Cd involves networking and linking non-
governmental organizations, universities and
government institutions to advance the local
community well-being.
4. Empowers individuals and groups – Cd processes
through community building and community
organizing empower individuals and groups by
providing them with skills they need to effect change.
5. Strengthens civil society– Cd strengthens civil
society through prioritization of community actions
and aligns their perspectives in the development of
social, economic and environmental policies.
6. Strengthens the community – CD
emphasizes self-help , mutual support,
capacity development, neighborhood
integration and promotion of collective
7. Builds active citizenship – CD strengthens
the capacity of people as active citizens through
their community groups, organizations and
networks; establishes a dialogue with the citizens
to shape and determine change in their
communities; plays an important role in
supporting active democratic life by promoting
the voice of the disadvantaged and vulnerable
8. Inculcates the principles of community action –
CD has a set of core values and social principles
that include human rights, social inclusion, equality
and respect for diversity and specific skills and
knowledge base.
9. Supports establishment of strong communities
– CD helps the people to recognize and develop
their abilities and organize themselves to respond
to common problems.
3 Significant forms of action in CD
(Gilchrist and Taylor, 2011)
1. Collective action – it is the process of finding the power of
combined voices and determination, mobilizing people,
acting for their mutual benefit or championing the interest
of those who cannot stand up for themselves.
2. Informal education – it is learning that takes place
predominantly through direct involvement in community
3. Organization development – help organizations by
enabling the members to achieve their goals. The
organization also has to be accountable to its members
and the wider community,

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