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Is it easyer to a man to pursue a career in the music

industry compared to a woman?

Men and women had always been in a fight for “who’s the best”,
nowadays this competition has stopped and they’ve started to work
First of all, there are four registers: bass, tenor, alto and soprano,
each voice has it’s own specific attribute, the male voice it’s not better
than the female one, it’s just different. If you combine them you can
make a really good composition, for example there are a lot of duets
between a man and a women in music, like the song ,,Love life”, or
,,Beauty and the Beast”.
Second of all, it matters a lot what the audience think, there are
people that prefer female artists or the contrary, male artists. However
in the music industry all the artists have bigger changes if they
collaborate instead of competing with each other, regardless of gender
because there are both needed.
To sum up, I believe that women can make a career in the music
industry just as easier as a man because the two genres aren’t
competing with each other but completing each other.

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