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Microscopes Quiz Date:

1. Which of the following is an example of a 6. "Slides are made of translucent material, like
concave structure? plastic or glass." What does "translucent" mean in
a. b. the preceding phrase?
a. That light can pass through them
b. That they reflect light
c. That they magnify light
c. d. d. That they are shatter-proof

7. What can you infer about

these two parts of a

2. Why does a microscope stage have a small hole

in it? a. They are lightweight
b. They contain mirrors and lenses
a. To hold the specimen in place
c. They are strong and sturdy
b. To secure slides to the stage
d. They are made from glass or plastic
c. To allow light to pass through
d. To prevent slides from sticking to the stage 8. Why is Anton van Leeuwenhoek considered the
3. Why are specimens usually very thin slices of "father of microscopy?"
material? Choose the best answer. a. He was the first person to observe an animal cell
through a microscope.
a. The thinness allows light to pass through, which
b. He invented the first microscope.
makes the specimen visible
c. He was the best microscope-maker of his time.
b. Thick objects cannot fit on microscope stages
d. He published an instruction book on how to make
c. Thick objects do not have to be magnified—they can
be observed with the naked eye
d. The thinness makes individual atoms easier to see 9. Why can electron microscopes magnify smaller
objects than optical microscopes?
4. Which part(s) of a microscope forms an
enlarged image of a specimens? a. Electrons are much smaller than protons
b. Electron microscopes have bigger stages than
a. The light source
optical microscopes
b. The focus knobs
c. Electron wavelengths are smaller than visible light
c. The stage
d. The objective lenses
d. Electron microscopes have bigger lenses than
5. If a specimen appears extremely blurry, what optical microscopes
should you do first? Choose the best answer.
10. What can you infer about scanning probe
a. Adjust the fine focus knob microscopes?
b. Adjust the coarse focus knob
a. They were among the first microscopes to be
c. Adjust the ocular lenses
d. Move the slide around the stage
b. They are commonly found in junior high school
biology labs
c. They are a relatively recent invention
d. They use extremely powerful light sources

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