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Q. What is the file extension of a part file?

Ans: File Extension of Part file is dot CATPart (.CATPart)

Q. Which are the Neutral file extensions we can use for the part file?
Ans: IGES/igs, STEP/stp, STL, WRL, etc

Q. Can you create a Block using a line/ Is it possible to extrude a Line or Open profile using PAD.
Ans:Yes, you can create a block using line. when you are extruding a line or any open profile you
can check thick option in Pad feature (to avoid Error message). You can Give limit one , Limit Two
and Thickness one and two. You will get Block from line and thin sheet from any open profile.
Note: Don’t use this option to create a sheet metal part using part design.

Q. What is Merge ends in Pad.

Ans: Please refer the following figure-1 for merge ends in pad. Create a hollow block. On inside
surface create an open profile. To extrude an open profile select thick option and it will extrude by
taking the length of curve. When you check merge ends option solid will extend up to the next wall
here it will maintain the tangent continuity.

Q. Application of Multi-pad.
Ans: Application of multi pad is to extrude profiles to different height we can use it . Please ref the
following figure-2.

Q. How do you create a corner chamfer for a bolt/Nut.

Ans: Using Grove option you can create a corner Chamfer for Bolt.

Q. What the difference between Merge Rib ends and Merge ends in Rib option.
Ans: Merge rib ends will extend a solid along center curve up to the solid and merge ends will extend
a solid along profile end points to solid.

Q. What are the uses of coupling Curves and Guide curves in Loft/ Multi-section Solid.
Ans: Coupling curves are used to get number of edges on the solid and Guide curves are used to
get the shape to a solid.

Q. what are the limiting elements in Multi-section Solid.

Ans: If you are selected N number of profiles in Loft or Multi-section and creating a solid along a
spine or through the guide curves . the Limitations are first and last profile .

Q. What is Trim Ribbons in fillet?

Ans: If the fillet materials are over lapping each other to remove that overlapped material trim
ribbons are used OR It will remove the overlapped material in fillet.

Q. what is Circle fillet?

Ans: Due to concave and convexity the fillet on the edges ll try to close or it will expand to avoid and
maintain the parallel on the creating fillet Circle fillet is useful.

Q. can you create a hyperbolic fillet in Catia? if yes How?

Ans: Yes we can create a hyperbolic fillet. by defining the parameter value above 0.5 and less than
1.0 you will get hyperbolic fillet. If the parameter is 0.5 resulting is parabolic fillet. If parameter is less
than 0.5 and greater than 0.0 you will get Elliptical fillet.
Q. can you create a sheet metal parts in Part design. How
Ans: You can create sheet metal parts in part design by using SHELL option. Here the shell will be
your last feature to complete the model.

Q. Can you operate a shell command on Spear.


Q. Is it possible to give a variable distance for a features in rectangular pattern.

Ans:Yes we can give a variable distance in Rectangular pattern. Select the option Instances and
Unequal spacing.

Q. What is use of keep specification in Patterns.

Ans:Keep specification in the pattern is, it will maintain the same specifications what you have used
for the patterned feature to the entire Duplicate.

Q. what are the differences between Mirror and symmetry.

Ans: Differences between mirror and Symmetry
Reference will be a plane or any planar surface
Reference may be a Plane, Point or a line
It will create a Duplicate
Orininal element will be translated to other side of the reference
Can be used for a single or multiple Features
It will consider a current solid in a body

Q. Can you use symmetry reference as a point or line

Ans: Yes

Q. can you make a symmetry of single feature out of 10 features.

Ans: No

Q. what is the difference between ADD and ASSEMBLE in boolean operation. (I can confuse any
one for this question)
Ans: Please refer blog ADD and ASSEMBLE in boolean operation

Q. What Is remove Lump?

Ans: Remove lump is a only option we can use within a inserted body or in a part body to remove
the unwanted lump.

Q. Is there any alternate option for remove lump?

Ans:Alternative option for remove lump is remove faces in Dress-up feature.

Q. Is it possible to use pad as alternative for stiffener?

Ans: Yes

Q. What is power copy?

Ans: Power copy is a feature using this u can copy a single or multiple features and save it
whenever required you can insert (Similar to Block command in AUTOCAD)

Q. What is UFC?
Ans: UFC = User Feature Creation. Its again similar to Power copy

Q. What is the difference between PC & UFC.

Ans:The Difference between Power copy and UFC is . when you insert a power copy you will get a
Feature or sketch what you have copied when you are creating an Independent feature. But when
you insert UFC you will get a user feature and you get get an independent feature.

Q. what is the use of Design table? when you use it.

Ans:Design Table is linking parameters of a model to EXCEL. Its used for a standard parts like
Bush, Steel structures (i.e. I , C and L channels) Nut, bolt , washers, O-Rings and Keys etc.

Q. what is the difference between SEW surface and SPLIT.

Ans: SEW and Split is almost same to split the solid we can use . when you are using a sew surface
if there is a air between the solid and surface it fill with Solid material.

Q. Can you create Fillet with 12mm radius for a 10 X 10 X10 cube
Ans: YES use Edges to keep to create 12mm Radius fillet for 10 mm Block.

Q. What is blend corner? when you use it.

Ans: If the selected three Edges are meeting at the same point then that point is Blend corner . Its
used in plastic parts to avoid sharp edges on a solid. By giving a setback distance from the corner
you can stop the fillet and get the blend at the corners. Please refer the following figure-3.

Q. what is use of Spline in multi-section solid.

Ans: Spline in multi-section solid is used to follow solid along the Curve.

Q. what is the alternate option for Intersect Boolean option.

Ans: Solid Combine is alternative option for Intersection Boolean operation.

Q. How do you create a negative Polarity body in Part design?

Ans: After inserting a new body If you use Negative feature as fist feature in a body the polarity of
the body will be negative. Negative features like Pocket, Groove, Slot Hole etc.

Below are frequently Asked Question and Answers for CATIA interview.
What is the difference between point/int lim-on and lim-off?
Lim-on: Creates the point by intersection & Projection can be done
within the limits of the Selected elements.
Lim-off: Creates the point by intersection & Projection can be done
Outside the limits of the selected elements.
What is the difference between surf1/geo extra and limit2/extrapol?
Geo-extra: extrapolates a new surface which is in the form of ruled
Extrapolate: creates non-ruled surface thus changing original surface
What is the use of form tool function?
Used to:
a. to connect skin(or face) elements - connect
b. to relimit skin(or face) elements - relimit
c. to break skin(or face) elements – break
What is the difference between face, surface and skin?
a. Faces are infinitely thin elements that represent the bounded exterior
Defn. Of a part. Faces can be planar or built on existing surfaces.
b. Skin is infinitely thin elements that are incorporate or group a series
Of faces together to completely define a feature of part.
c. Surfaces are infinitely thin elements that are used to define a bounded contour in space.
Surface is parent.
What is hlr and nhr explain?
Hidden line removal
No hidden line removal
Purpose: Visualization of solids in different modes
What is the difference between isolate and separate?
Isolate: Deletes logical links between elements.
Separate: Separates lines , curves & faces from their links with other
elements ex: A curve is considered as separate when it is linked
to only one surface.
Is it possible to change pattern as required to existing pattern?
What is the difference between parametric and nonparametric modeling
a. Relational model is parametric. i.e. one to one relation.
If any change in dimension that may reflects on other dimensions.
b. Developing a solid by using surface, face, solid primitives etc.,
There is no one to one relation.
Which is the better to split the solid a) surface b) plane c) face?
what is the difference between spine and spline?
a. Spine: Creates a curve passing thro' point on a plane & normal to
one or more other planes.
b. Spline: Creates a curve passing thro' several points having tangential
& curvature contuinuity.
How you will delete the surface if the face is created by surface?
First erase face & then surface.
What are master w/s and detail w/s?
Master w/s: Model w/s
Detail w/s: We can have any no. of detail w/s that can be called in
Model w/s.
What is difference between curve1 project and combine?
Project: Perpendicular projection of a curve on to plane, surface, face
Combine: Unspecific projection of a curve on to plane, surface, face etc,.
Is it possible to split by using sewing operation?
Diff. b/w surf1 connect & surf2 fillet
Connect: Creates a fillet surface that connects two existing surfaces,
Planes, or planar faces.
Fillet: Creates a fillet surface that connects two existing surfaces,
Planes, or planar faces using spine.
What is functional surface?
A FSUR is an element that defines a face on a solid. The displayed in
Non-hidden mode.
Purpose of IUA
IUA: Interactive users application, used to customize the CATIA users
How you will convert ccv into crv
Using limit1 è Appr ccv
i.e., approximate compound curve or composite curve.
How you are setting attribute to a particular file
Standardization of model file by Permanent setting of layers, graphics
etc,. as per Company standards for their project
Is it possible to do shell operation to sphere
Difference between surf1+cylinder & surf1+depth
Cylinder: Extending a curve thro' space in a linear direction with
given length.Surface created length is equal to PAI * D. Depth: Extending a curve thro'
space in linear direction with given length.
How many types of environment is available to start Catia
a. From desktop [motif]
b. From console [dterm]
Mention different starting modes in Catia. Explain each briefly?
Normal, cold, quick, warm start respectively
What does '/CLN' command do?
CLN- This is the Cat Clean command used to clean the model for any unwanted
geometry and to pack the model to compress the size of the model.

What do you mean by 'cold start' and 'warm start'?

COLD START me it will start the CATIA workwindow in the normal way, whereas
WARM START me if your system closed abruptly, without saving, it will start from that
particular file in which you were working, maybe with some loss of data.
Name any 5 licenses of CATIA?
Name any 2 Trlators in CATIA?
How do you see more than one model simultaneously (in one screen)?
We renumber with the command Identity
Identity-------> Renumber
What is the difference between tangent continuity and curvature continuity?
Tangent Continuity is the surface will be tangent to the existing surface, whereas
curvature continuity me surface will follow the curvature of the curve.
How do you grab a picture from main window?
Go to tools + screen grab and select the area.
What is the difference between AUXVIEW and AUXVIEW2?
AUXVIEW is used to create/modify the frames of different views, whereas AUXVIEW2
is used to create the views.
What is DETAIL?
Detail function is used if you have a assembly to create, and there are some common
parts in different locations, then you can create a detail and use it in the master workspace
wherever needed.
What do you (or how do you) do hatching in drafting?
For doing hatching go to PATTERN+SELECT+HATCHING then select the boundary of
the required view till you get the symbol \"c\", then press \"YES\" twice.
How do you draw centerlines of circle in draft?
For creating centerlines of circles in draft, first you can select POINT+LIMITS and
select the circle; you will get the center point. And then select
LINE+HORIZONTAL+Symmetrical; you will get the horizontal line; and then Select
LINE+VERTICAL+Symmetrical, you will get the vertical line.
What are (/is) the tools used to capture 2D-3D models?
Auxview2+USE in the popup window; select Parameter Tab, and you can do the
parameterization, whatever you want.
PARTEDITOR is the history of all the work you have done, and you can use the parteditor to change and
update the solid.
What is 'skin'? How so you create?
For creating SKIN, first you need the faces; once you have faces then you can select
LIMIT2+CREATE+SKIN and select the faces from which you want to create skin. Every
time you select the face it should be the adjacent face which you have selected earlier,
and they will be merged together. Once all the faces are selected then press \"YES\"
twice; the skin is created. Now you can use this SKIN to create the solid.
Does (/will) geometry constraining in sketcher help in parameterize?
SURF1 is used for the planner curves, whereas SURF2 you can use for the intricate
curves where you need the tangency constraints and curvature constraints.
Name any 3 methods of creating a 3 point curve?
1) Functions Arc, Spline, Curve2+Circle+ThreePT
What is the difference (/what does this command do) LIM2+SURF+EXTRAPOLATE AND
Lim2 will extend an existing surface (a percentage of the original length) and attempt to
maintain curvature. Use with care because the theoretical extension loses accuracy over
distance. Surf+GeoExtra will create a surface extension that is linear and tangent to the
existing surface at a given length (it also offers the option to concatenate the two
surfaces). Isoparms may be distorted using this process.
Give any 3 functions of FORMTOOL?
Filleting of skins, limiting of skins and offseting of skins.
How do you give the skin command?
Too vague to wer.
What is "LAW"?
Laws are used to add precise control to surfaces created with Surf2. Radius, Area, Angle
and Parameter values can be specified.
Name any 3 functions of LIM2?
Creation of faces and volumes. Also used for surface breaks and concatenates. Other uses
as well.
What is "spine"?
A Spine is the \"backbone\" or support for a Surf2 surface. It dictates the orientaion of a
surface as it relates to generating curves.
What is "/anadia"?
Anadia is an analysis tool that allows you to save and update specific analysis processes.
Used mainly for surface analysis.
What is the full form of NURBS?
Too vague to wer.
Give any 2 (or what are the) functions of UTILITY?
Many Utility functions. Commonly used to import and export CATIA files. Also used
What is "INTERFER"?
Another analysis tool.
If given die direction, how will you check minimum draft angle in the SURF (surface) model?
One way is to use the Tools pull down menu and select Analyze+Draft (you must also
indicate a direction and which elements to be analyzed). Moldpart can also do this along
with many other cool bells and whistles (it helps you design the draft surfaces). There are
other ways to check drafts as well.
What checks do you perform between surfaces with common boundaries?
Continuity of connection, tangency and curvature mainly.
What is the difference between a "*role" file and a "*save" file?
These are files created by CATIA in order to maintain a temporary version of the files in
use. If CATIA were to crash, a warm start would try to access these files to re-establish
your CATIA session.
Can data model history be exported between 2 different CAD systems?
It depends on which two systems are being used. V4 models, unless you are sending
them to V5, usually have their history stripped from the model.
What is the "FTRCLASS" command?
Used to create solid features that can be stored and accessed from a library. Used in
conjunction with the Param3D function.
Which module is used for surfacing with history in CATIA?
Sorry on this one. I can't remember the designation as I use AL3 (basically, everything).
What are Class "A" Surfaces?
Surfaces that when connected have tangent and curvature continuous properties with their
adjoining surfaces. Example: the curvature value along the boundary of Surface A
matches the curvature value of the adjacent boundary of Surface B. This is the simplest
What is a "Layer"? What is the use of it? And how do you create Layers?
Think of layers as trparencies on an overhead projector (in the old days before
Powerpoint). Different categories of objects can be assigned to various layers. Then you
create Filters which instruct CATIA to display only those layers you wish to see at a
given point in time.

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