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Name: CARLOS GAMBA Grade: _____ / 50 = _____%.

Complete the conversation with the correct form of BE USED TO or GET USED TO.
12 points, 2 each.

Kay: Hi Jim. How are you settling in?

Jim: Pretty well, thanks. It’s very different from my old job where there were only eight of us in
the company, but I 1 I am getting used to being part of a large organisation slowly.
Kay: Hmmm, whenever you start a job it always takes a while 2 get used to a different working
environment. And how are you finding living in Japan? Moving there must have been a big culture
Jim: No, not at all. I did my training here, so I 3 got used to the local customs and also I 4 was used
to the language, because my wife is Japanese.
Kay: That must make a big difference. I know that when I first arrived here, it took me a while
5 get used to Japanese business etiquette. It’s very different from the way that we do things in the

Jim: That’s true, but no I 6 am not used to working with Japanese people. So it’s been easy to fit in.

Read the teacher’s advice and complete the text below. 6 points, 1 each.

1. I don’t think you should worry too much about your exam next week.
2. I think it would be a really good idea if you reviewed Chapter 8 of the textbook.
3. Try to make sure that you get a good night’s sleep the night before.
4. I will let you use dictionaries during the exam.
5. Remember that you must not bring cell phones into the exam room.
6. Come to my review class tomorrow! I think you’ll find it very useful.

Professor Turner gave us some good advice for preparing for the exam next week. He told 1 us that
we shouldn’t worry too much about it. He advised 2that it would be a really good idea if we
reviewed Chapter 8 of the textbook and he encourages 3us saying that we should try to get a good
night’s sleep before the exam. He’s going to allow 4 us to use dictionaries during the exam, but he
warned 5 that we must not bring cell phones into the exam room or we would fail. He invited 6us
to come to his review class the following day.

Exercise A
Listen and write the words that you hear. 6 points, 1 each.

1. Freshman 3.Mascot 5. Ritual

2. Initiation 4.High ranking 6. Symbolic

Write the words from Exercise A next to their synonyms. 6 points, 1 each.
1. Ceremony, rite (n) Ritual 4. First-year student (n) Freshman
2. Introduction, induction (n) Initiation 5. Good-luck symbol (n) Mascot
3. Representative (adj) Symbolic 6. Upper-level (adj) High ranking

Complete the text with the words from exercise A in the correct form. 6 points, 1 each.

My first week here has been pretty crazy. The other students have been playing tricks on the
1Initiation. It’s part of our 2freshman into the school. Last year, they made us go out to a

restaurant in out pyjamas. It was a little embarrassing, but a lot of fun, too. Apparently this 3Ritual
happens every year. The school’s 4mascot is a lion, so every morning, before we can have our
breakfast; we have to practise making loud roaring noises. I’m getting pretty good at it. This is a
picture of our principal. OK, everyone knows that the principal has a 5high ranking job in the
school, but because this is military school, he also has a badge on his hat that is 6symbolic of his
high position.

Match (1-8) with (a-h) to make complete sentences. 8 points, 1 each.

1. I cross things d
2. I always line a
3. Before we leave, we always plan c
4. I always put b
5. I always clean e
6. I always write h
7. Each morning, I go g
8. I go f

a. through my bag each night to check I haven’t lost anything.

b. down everything I have to do the next day.
c. on my lucky gloves before I play soccer.
d. up mu mugs with the handles facing the same way.
e. off my list as I finish each job.
f. out what we’re going to do on vacation.
g. out my athletic bag before each game.
h. over things I have to do that day.

Listen to the interview from the podcast. Match each speaker with the main idea they express.
6 points, 1.5 each.

Speaker 1 _____: a. Weddings are an unnecessary expense for the couple and the guests.
Speaker 2 _____: b. Young people today have more important things to spend their money on.
Speaker 3 _____: c. Modern weddings are more flexible than traditional weddings.
Speaker 4 _____: d. Weddings are a necessary and exciting ritual.

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