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Disciplina - Limba engleză

Clasa a V-a, L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I_________________________________________________________60 de puncte

1. Read the text. Then mark the sentences T for true and F for false.(5x2p =10p)
Giant pandas are among the world’s favorite animals. They look like big, cuddly stuffed toys.
Sadly, there are not many pandas in the world. People have to travel a long way to see one.
There is only one place on Earth where pandas live in the wild. That is the bamboo forests in
the mountains of China. It is hard to see pandas in the forest because they are very shy. They
hide among the many bamboo trees. It is also hard to see pandas because there are so few of
them. Scientists think there are under 1,000 pandas living in the mountains.

1. Panda bears are very similar to big, cuddly toys. …………….

2. People can see panda bears almost everywhere in the world. ……………
3. There aren’t any panda bears living in the wild, they only live in zoos. ……………
4. The bamboo forests in the mountains of China are pandas ‘home. ……………
5. Panda bears are very shy and they often hide among the bamboo trees. …………….

2. Put the verbs in brackets to Present Continuous (10x2p =20p)

1. Father __________________ (read) the newspaper now.

2. She ___________________________ (cook) in the kitchen at the moment.
3. Look! It ________________________ (snow).
4. My sister ________________________ (watch) TV.
5. The children _______________________ (not/ play) football now.
6. He __________________________ (sleep) at the moment.
7. Listen! Mother _____________________ (play) the piano.
8. Ann _______________________ (do) her homework.
9. I ________________________ (go) to church.
10. The girls_____________________ (swim) in the sea now.

3. Complete the text with the verbs TO BE or TO HAVE (10x2p =20p)

Hello! My name _________ James. I _________ a boy and I ___________ two brothers. I
___________ tall and slim. I __________ black hair and blue eyes. I_________ very funny. My
mother__________ a doctor and my father _________ a pilot. My mother___________ blue eyes, just
like me. She _________ very pretty. My father__________ tall and he ___________ short hair and
green eyes. They_________ the best parents in the world. I_________a cat and a dog. My
dog___________very big and my cat___________very little. My best friend _________Tim.
He___________a bike and we always play together after school. I___________a bike too. My

4. Write the correct plural form of the words (10x1p=10p)

a. bus - ____________

b. child - ____________ f.chair-___________ j. baby-____
c. fish - ____________ g.boy-_____________
d. table - _____________

PARTEA II_______________________________________________________30 de puncte

Describe your best friend.

Limba engleză
Clasa a V- a L1


Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 5x2p =10p
1) T; 2) F; 3) F; 4) T; 5) T;

2. 10 x 1p=10 points
1) is reading; 2) is cooking; 3) I snowing; 4) is watching; 5) are not playing; 6) is sleeping; 7) is playing;
8) is doing; 9) am going; 10) are swimming

3. 20 x 1p= 20 points
1) is; 2) am; 3) have; 4) am; 5) have; 6) am; 7) is; 8) is; 9) has; 10) is; 11) is; 12) has; 13) are; 14)
have; 15) is; 16) is; 17) is; 18) has; 19) have; 20) is;

4. 10 x 1p=10 points
a. buses; b. children; c. fish; d. tables; e. books; f. chairs; g. boys ; h. houses; i. men;
j. babies.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the description
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure
2 points for the general impression
Matrice de specificatii
Limba engleză, L1
Clasa a V-a

C1: C2: C3:

Competente să completeze să se prezinte şi să Să relateze activităţi la
corespunzătoare mesaje lacunare prezinte pe cineva- să prezent
nivelurilor identifice elemente din
taxonomice universal familiar

Unităţi tematice

Present Tense Continuous Partea I: ex. 1

To Be and To Have-present Partea I: ex. 2
tense 20p
Uncountable nouns Partea 1: ex.3
Plural of Nouns Partea 1: ex.4
Describe your best friend Partea a II-a
TOTAL 40p 30p 20p
Interpretarea testului
Disciplina : Limba engleza
Profesor : Moldoveanu Oana
Durata : 45 min
Obiective :
O1: Sa inteleaga propozitiile si sa stabileasca veridicitatea acestora.
O2: Sa distinga formele diferite ale pluralului.
O3: Sa completeze spatiile goale cu formele corecte ale verbelor
O5: Sa foloseasca vocaularul cunoscut pentru a putea face o descriere.

Note obtinute Media
Clasa elevi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 testati

5 1 0 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 12 4,66

Desi s-a repetat notiunea timpului
Present C. de nenumarate ori, elevii Subiect Punctaj
au fost superficiali in invatare, <25% <50% <75% <100% =100%
nereusindsa rezolve majoritatea 1 15 1 1 6 4
exercitiilor. Daca primul exercitiu, 2 15 1 2 1 6 2
unul extreme de facil a fost realizat in 3 30 5 2 2 3
proportie de cel putin 50% de 90% 4 10 6 5 1
dintre elevi, odata cu cresterea 5 20 7 4 1
dificultatii a scazut invers
proportional si procentul de realizare a subiectelor. Daca destui au reusit sa distinga forma corecta unui
verb fata de cea gresita, nu multi au reusit sa completeze in proportie de cel putin 75% tabelul cu spatii
goale. Iar rezultatele elevilor la a daca o propozitie este adevarata sau falsa (desi astfel de exercitii le-au
intalnit inca de la clasele mici).

Masuri de remediere :
Exercitii cu timpul Present C., evaluari orale repetate, Parintii vor fi informati cu privire la rezultatele
elevilor si vor fi instruiti cu privire la managerizarea timpului liber al elevilor intr-un mod corect.


School:Scoala nr 1 Independenta

Name: Moldoveanu Oana

Grade: 5th

Level: Beginners (L2)

Number of students: 12

Language focus: Present Continuous /Vocabulary

Time: 50 minutes

Type of lesson: Evaluation

Methods and techniques: individual work

Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading


- cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

 put into practice what they have learned;

 fill in the blanks correctly when sentences are given;
 use Present Continuous.
Materials: blackboard, handouts, pen
Stage of the lesson T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to check attendance;
b) T checks attendance; Ss answer T - Ss S 3' - to create a pleasant atmosphere;

2. Announcing the T gives Ss the test papers. T tell Ss that Ss listen. T - Ss L - to make Ss aware of the test
content of the test they have 30’ to solve the exercises. content and what they are supposed
to do with it
T gives the Ss the necessary 5’
instructions for them to complete
the given tasks.
3. Testing T supervises the Ss Ss write Lockstep 30’ - to check the previously taught

4. Feedback and T asks the Ss to interchange the tests Ss change the tests between T - Ss L - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation and to check if the objectives are them. S performed
achieved. Ss make the necessary W
Ss mark the tests. 12’

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