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Question Pyramid 1 (1950) Pyramid 2 (2017)

What is shape type this pyramid? A Christmas tree

Christmas tree, box or cup (from
Christmas tree
Population Pyramid slideshow) My personal interpretation is that it
looks like a light bulb.
What does the shape say about the
It shows that there is a high death rate It shows that there is a steady death
distribution of the population?
as well as a high birth rate. rate as well as a low birth rate.

Which age group has the highest

percentage of the population? Age group 15-19 Age group 40-44

Which age group has the lowest

percentage of the population? Age group 80+ Age group 95-99

After age group 40-44, the population

Are there any usual/interesting Most of the population are ages 40-44.
starts to decline. I would say this is
anomalies in the pyramid? This is directly related to the low birth
interesting because I consider this age
rate in 2017.
group to be a young age.

The first pyramid represents the population of Spain in 1950. It shows the oldest age group as
80+. This age has a low percentage of population. The second pyramid represents the population
of Spain in 2017. It shows the oldest age group as 95-99. By comparing this section of the
pyramids, we can see that people in Spain are living longer today than they were in 1950. In
1950, most of the population were ages 15-29. The birth rate during the 1950s was high due to
the amount of working middle aged people. As we look at 2017, the birth rate has significantly
declined due to most of the population being 35-59. I believe Spain’s population will start to
decline before the birth rate grows because most of the people in Spain are closer to approaching
the higher age groups.

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