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Question Pyramid 1- 1970 Pyramid 2- 2017

What does shape type this

pyramid? A Christmas tree, box
or cup (from Population The shape of this pyramid is a The shape of this pyramid is a
Pyramid slideshow) cup. Christmas tree.

What does the shape say about This pyramid shows that there The population is at an average
the distribution of the was lots of children being born state. The adults have the
population? at this time. The children at this highest population while it
time were almost half of the rounds out at the elderly and
population. young children.
Which age group has the
highest percentage of the
population? Ages 5-9, young children Ages 20-24, young adults

Which age group has the lowest

percentage of the population? Ages 80+, the elderly Ages 90-95, elderly

The anomalies of this pyramid

would be the number of I found it interesting that there
children in the population. In are typically more women then
Are there any usual/interesting Iceland at this time children there are men within the age
anomalies in the pyramid? ages 5-12 dominated the groups. Also, how now the
population. Also, I found it young adults are most of the
interesting that the population population. People are also
started to decrease heavily living longer than 80 in 2017.
when adults turned 65.

The population of Iceland rounded out from 1970-2017. In 1970 there was a high
population of young children in the country. Fast forward to 2017 and now there is a high
population of young adults. In the past of Iceland people were having lots of children but as time
went on the number of children decreased. This could be many factors such as poverty, access to
birth control methods, and women no longer were going to be treated as house wives. In 2017
the population was much more balanced, people were also living longer than in 1970. Children
were no longer the main source of population in 2017. From 1970 to 2017 the women were
surpassing men in age and there were more women than there were men. For Iceland’s future I
think the population will stay consistent. They might even grow in how long people are living.

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