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SUBJECT 1: What time is it?

1. 01:00 pm It´s one o´clock
2. 01:05 pm It´s one o´five
It´s five minutes past one
3. 01:10 pm It´s one ten
It´s ten minutes past one
4. 01:15 pm It´s one fifteen
It´s a quarter past one
5. 01:30 pm It´s half past one
It´s one thirty
6. 01:35 pm It´s twenty five minutes to two
7. 01:45 pm It´s a quarter to two
8. 01:55 pm It´s five minutes to two

 09:00 am in the morning
 12:00 pm in the afternoon
 18:00 pm in the evening
 22:00 pm at night
17:25: It´s five twenty five in the afternoon
It´s twenty five minutes past five in the afternoon
Vocabulary Daily Activities
Wake up - Despertarse
Get up – Levantarse
Go to the bathroom – Ir al baño
Take a shower – Tomar un baño (Ducharse)
Wash one´s face – Lavarse la cara
Brush one´s teeth – Cepillarse los dientes
Brush one´s hair – Cepillarse el cabello
Comb one´s hair – Peinarse el cabello
Have breakfast – Desayunar
Get dressed – Vestirse
Leave home – Salir de casa
Go to work – Ir a trabajar
Go to school – Ir a la escuela
Go to museum – Ir al museo
Study – Estudiar
Use the computer – Usar la computadora
Read a book – Leer un libro
Cook – cocinar
Eat lunch – Comer
Have a dinner - Cenar
Do the dishes – Lavar los platos
Clear the home – Limpiar la casa
Go to bed – Ir a la cama
Sleep – Dormir Dream-Soñar bad dream- pesadillas

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