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/home/pablo/Dropbox/02 - Docencia/Paradigmas de Programación/code/python/wirth.


1 def es_wirth(n):
2 if n == 1:
3 return True
4 elif (n-1) % 2 == 0 and es_wirth((n-1)/2):
5 return True
6 elif (n-1) % 3 == 0 and es_wirth((n-1)/3):
7 return True
8 else:
9 return False
11 def iter_wirth(n):
12 i, k = 1, 0
13 while k < n:
14 if es_wirth(i):
15 yield i
16 k = k + 1
17 i = i + 1
19 def iter_wirth2(n):
20 wirth = []
21 i = 1
22 while len(wirth) < n:
23 if i == 1 or (i%2==1 and (i-1)/2 in wirth) or (i%3==1 and (i-1)/3 in wirth):
24 wirth.append(i)
25 yield i
26 i = i + 1
28 def iter_wirth3(n):
29 wirth = []
30 i = 1
31 while len(wirth) < n:
32 if i == 1 or (i%2==1 and binary_search(wirth,
(i-1)/2)) or (i%3==1 and binary_search(wirth,(i-1)/3)):
33 wirth.append(i)
34 yield i
35 i = i + 1
37 def iter_primeros_wirth2(n):
38 L2 = [1]
39 L3 = [1]
40 for k in range(n):
41 if L2[0] == L3[0]:
42 x = L2[0]
43 L2.pop(0)
44 L3.pop(0)
45 elif L2[0] < L3[0]:
46 x = L2[0]
47 L2.pop(0)
48 else:
49 x = L3[0]
50 L3.pop(0)
51 yield x
52 L2.append(2*x + 1)
53 L3.append(3*x + 1)
55 def binary_search(A,x):
56 i = 0
57 j = len(A) - 1
58 while i < j:
59 m = (i+j)/2

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/home/pablo/Dropbox/02 - Docencia/Paradigmas de Programación/code/python/

60 if x > A[m]:
61 i = m + 1
62 else:
63 j = m
64 return x == A[i]

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