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QUICKSILVER (Pietro Maximoff) PL11


2 3 5 3 6 2 1 1 Initiative +29
POWERS Cyclone, Cone Area • Damage 8

High Speed Adaptations: Enhanced Advantage Unarmed +9, Close • Damage 2

(Great Endurance); Enhanced Strength 3, Limited DEFENSE
to Lifting (lifting Str 5; 1,600 lbs.); Immunity 4
(chemical, cold, pressure), Limited to Half Effect; TOUGHNESS 7
Immunity 1 (friction heat); Protection 4 • 11 points FORTITUDE 10 DODGE 15
Super-Speed: Enhanced Defenses 18 (Dodge 9, WILL 8 PARRY 15
Parry 9); Enhanced Advantages 16 (Agile Feint,
Close Attack 3, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative
6, Instant Up, Move-By Action, Seize Initiative,
Takedown); Quickness 12; Speed 12 (8,000 MPH)
• 58 points
Super-Speed Stunts: Array (16 points)
Air Control: Cone Area Move Object 8, Close
Range • 16 points
• Catch Projectiles: Deflect 15 • 1 point
• Cyclone Blast: Cone Area Damage 8 • 1
• Whirlwind Attack: Burst Area Selective
Damage 5 • 1 point


Agile Feint, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 8, POWER POINTS

DESIGN NOTES Instant Up, Languages 3 (English, Hungarian,
Basically a weaker version of the Flash, iconic Russian; base: Transian), Move-By Action, Seize Abilities 46 + Powers 88 + Advantages 4
Quicksilver is basically his late 90s / early 2000s Initiative, Set-Up, Takedown + Skills 17 + Defenses 14 = Total 169
version when he was probably at the height of his
speed powers, capable of reaching Mach 10 or so. COMPLICATIONS
I based this build a lot on the Flash build, obviously, Insufferable Bastard: People tend to not like
but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as I tried a lot
Acrobatics 4 (+9), Athletics 6 (+8), Expertise: Quicksilver and his attitude.
of different things with speedsters in 2E because the
Super-Speed power was so restrictive. The 3E Flash Criminal 8 (+10), Expertise: Tactics 4 (+6), Prejudice: Mutant.
build is actually pretty close to what a lot of us did, Insight 6 (+7), Vehicles 6 (+9) Relationships: Ex-wife Crystal and daughter
anyway. Luna.

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