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The Ant and The Grasshopper

Once upon a time, in one summer’s day there was a grasshopper that was hopping about, cheeping and
singing to its heart’s content In a field. An ant passed by, bearing along with huge toil an ear of corn he was
saving to the nest.
“Why do not you come and enjoy the day with me?” said the grasshopper, “instead of toiling all the
“I am going to lay up food for the next winter,” said the ant, “and recommend you to do the same with
“Why should we care about winter?” said the grasshopper; “We have had a lot of foods now.” Yet the
ant kept walking on its way and continued its toil.
When the winter came the grasshopper didn’t have any food and found itself dying of hunger – while it
saw the ant delivering every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected before. Then the
grasshopper recognized: It is best to prepare well for days of something we need in the future.

Semut dan Belalang

Pada suatu masa, di hari pertama musim panas ada belalang yang melompat-lompat dan bernyanyi
sesuka hati-nya Di lapangan. Seekor Semut lewat, membawa bersamanya jagung yang akan ia tabung
untuk sarang.
“Kenapa kau tidak datang dan menikmati hari dengan saya?” kata Belalang, “bukannya bekerja keras
semua kali?”
“Aku akan berbaring makanan untuk musim dingin berikutnya,” kata Semut, “dan merekomendasikan
Anda untuk melakukan hal yang sama dengan saya.”
“Mengapa kita harus peduli musim dingin?” mengatakan Belalang; “Kami telah memiliki banyak
makanan sekarang.” Namun Semut terus berjalan di jalan dan terus kerja keras nya.
Ketika musim dingin datang belalang tidak memiliki makanan apapun dan menemukan dirinya mati
kelaparan – sementara itu melihat semut memberikan setiap hari, jagung dan gandum dari toko mereka
telah dikumpulkan sebelum. Kemudian Belalang diakui: Cara terbaik adalah untuk mempersiapkan diri
dengan baik untuk hari sesuatu yang kita butuhkan di masa depan.

The Miser
A miser sold all things that he had to buy a lump made of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by
the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. One of his workmen noted his frequent visits to the spot
and determined to watch his movements. He soon uncovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and
digging down, came to the lump of gold hidden by a miser, and stole it. On his next visit, the Miser, found
nothing inside the hole and started to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations. A neighbor, looking at
him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, “Pray, do not grieve so; but go and put a stone in the
hole, and imagine that the gold is still lying there. It will do to you quite the same act; for once the gold was
there, you left it nothing, as you did not make the slightest use of it.”
Si Pelit
Seorang yang kikir menjual seluruh benda yang ia miliki untuk membeli seongkah emas, yang dia timbun di
sebuah lubang bawah tanah di sisi dinding tua dan selalu dia lihat setiap hari. Salah satu pekerja nya
kemudian bertanya – tanya tentang kebiasaan si Pelit yang sering berkunjung ke tempat itu dan bertekad
untuk mengawasi gerak – geriknya. Tak lama setelah itu dia menemukan rahasia harta karun yang
disimpan si Pelit, dan menggali hingga sampai ke bongkahan emas yang disembunyikan oleh si Pelit, dan
mencurinya. Pada kunjungan berikutnya, si Pelit, tidak menemukan apa-apa di dalam lubang dan mulai
menangis dan meratap dengan keras. Seorang tetangga, kemudian menatapnya dan mencoba mengatasi
kesedihannya dan mempelajari penyebabnya, kemudian dia berkata, “Berdoalah, jangan bersedih begitu;
Tapi pergi dan letakkan batu di dalam lubang, dan membayangkan bahwa emasmu masih ada di sana.
Batu ini akan melakukan ke pada anda tindakan yang sama, karena pada waktu emas ada di sana, anda
meninggalkannya begitu saja, karena anda tidak memanfaatkannya barang sedikitpun”.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd-boy, who watched a group of sheep near a village, shocked out the villagers three or four times
by screaming out, “Wolf! Wolf!” and when his neighbors were there to help him,he laughed at them for their
However the Wolf, truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really in danger, cried in an agony of terror:
“Pray, please come and help me; the Wolf is approaching to kill the sheep”; but no one paid any attention to
his cries, nor rendered any help. The Wolf, having no cause of scary, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed
the whole sheep in group.
There is no believing liars, even when they speak the truth.
Anak Laki – Laki Yang Berteriak Serigala
Seorang anak gembala, yang melihat sekelompok domba di dekat sebuah desa, mengejutkanorang –
orang di desadengan berteriak tiga atau empat kali, “Serigala! Serigala!” dan ketika tetangganya berada
datang ke sana untuk membantunya, dia menertawai mereka yang dengan susah payah datang.
Akan tetapi, serigala benar-benar datang pada akhirnya. Anakg embala itu sekarang benar-benar dalam
bahaya, menangis dalam penderitaankarena terancam: ” Ya Tuhan, datanglah dan bantu saya; Serigal
semakin mendekat untuk membunuh domba”; tapi tidak ada perhatian apapun atau bantuan yang datang
untuk tangisannya; Serigala kemudian tanpa takut menyerang seluruh domba milik pemuda yang ada
dalam kelompok itu.
Tidak adayang percaya dengan pembohong, bahkan ketika mereka berbicara kebenaran.

The Fox and The Crow

One day there was a fox that saw a Crow flying off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle comfortably
on a branch of a tree.
“That’s my food, because I am a Fox,” Master Reynard said, while he was going to the foot of the tree.
“Good day, Mistress Crow,” he greeted. “How beautiful you are looking today: how glossy your softy
feathers; how bright your sharp eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that all of other birds, just as your
figure does; let me enjoy one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.”
The Crow lifted up her head and croaked her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of
cheese fell down to the ground, and directly snapped up by Master Fox.
“That will do,” he said. “That was all I really wanted. As the substitution for your cheese I will give you a
piece of wise advice for the future: “Do not trust liars.”

Rubah dan Gagak

Suatu hari ada seekor rubah yang melihat gagak terbang dengan sepotong keju di paruhnya dan hinggap
dengan nyaman pada ranting pohon.
“Itu makanan saya, karena saya seekor Rubah,” kata Reynard sambil berjalan menuju ke dasar pohon.
“Selamat siang, Nyonya Gagak,” dia menyapa. “Betapa indahnya anda terlihat hari ini: betapa
mengkilap bulu lembut anda, betapa terang mata tajam anda. Saya merasa yakin suara indah anda pasti
melampaui suara semua burung lain yang ada di sini; biarkan saya menikmati satu lagu dari anda dan
kemudian saya mungkin akan memanggil anda sebagai ratu burung. “
Gagak kemudian mengangkat kepalanya dan mencoba mengeluarkan bunyi terbaiknya, tapi saat ia
membuka mulutnya sepotong keju yang ada di paruhnya jatuh ke tanah, dan langsung ditangkap oleh si
“Itu terjadi,” katanya. “Sesungguhnya ini yang benar-benar saya inginkan. Sebagai ganti untuk keju
anda saya akan memberikan nasihat yang bijaksana untuk anda di masa depan.”. Jangan percayai
pembohong “
The Tortoise and the Hare
One day, there was the Hare which was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. “I have never
been beaten,” he said arrogantly, “if i run with my full speed. I challenge everyone here to against me in a
The Tortoise replied quietly, “I will accept your challenge.”
“is that a joke?” said the Hare again; “I could dance round you all the way from the start to the finish
“Keep your boasting till you win,” the Tortoise answered. “Shall we start?”
So a course was agreed and a starting point was made. at once The Hare darted almost out of sight, but
soon he stopped and to show his contempt for the Tortoise, he lay down to have a nap soundly. The
Tortoise plodded on and plodded on as the time going, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he was
shocked to see the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.
Then the Tortoise said: “Slow but steady process will win the race.”

Kelinci dan kura-kura

Suatu hari, ada seekor kelinci yang sedang membualtentang kecepatannya berlari dibandingkan hewan –
hewan lain. “Saya tidak pernah terkalahkan,” katanya angkuh, “jika saya berjalan dengan kecepatan penuh
saya.” Saya menantang semua orang di sini untuk melawan saya di arena balap.”
Kura-kura menjawab dengan tenang, “Aku akan menerima tantanganmu.”
“Apakah ini lelucon?” kata Kelinci lagi; “Aku bisa menari mengelilingimu sepanjang jalan dari awal
sampai titik finish.”
“Teruslah membual sampai kamu menang,” jawab kura-kura. “Bagaimana kalau kita mulai?”
Kemudian peerjanjian disepakati dan titik awal dibuat. Seketika si kelinci melesat hampir tidak terlihat,
tapi ia kemudian berhenti dan menunjukkan penghinaan untuk kura – kura, ia berbaring untuk tidur siang
dengan nyenyak. Seiring waktu berlalu, kura-kura terus berusaha dengan susah payah, dan ketika Kelinci
terbangun dari tidur, ia terkejut melihat kura-kura telah mendekati titik kemenangan dan ia tidak bisa berlari
dalam waktusesingkat itu memenangkan balapan.
Kemudian Kura-kura berkata: “Proses yang lambat tapi stabil akan memenangkan perlombaan.”
The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
A Wolf experienced great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his
loyal dogs. But in the morning it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it
on over its own pelt and walked down among the sheep.
The Lamb that owned the sheep whose skin wore by the Wolf began to follow the Wolf in the Sheep’s
clothing. So, leading the Lamb a apart, he soon made a meal off her – and not long after this he succeeded
in deceiving the sheep, and eating hearty meals.
Our appearances are deceptive.
Serigala Berbulu Domba
Seekor serigala sedang mengalami kesulitan besar dalam usahanya mendapatkan domba
karena kewaspadaan sang penggembala dan anjing setianya. Tapi di pagi hari itu ia temukan
kulit domba yang telah dikuliti dan dibuang, kemudian ia menutupkan kulit itu pada tubuhnya
dan berjalan di antara domba-domba itu.
Anak dari domba yang kulitnya dikenakan olehserigala mulai mengikutinya.Kemudian,ia
menggiring anak domba tersebut untuk terpisah dari kelompoknya, kemudian dan tidak lama
setelah itu dia berhasil menipu domba, dan mendapakan makanan yang lezat.
Penampilan dapat menipu.
Once upon a time there are a poor old wood carver named gepeto one day he was making a puppet
from a tree branch, “you shall be my little boy and I shall call you pinokio” said gepeto, he worked
very hard carving each detail. After he finished the puppet he was very shock because the puppet just
talk to him, “you can talk?!” gepeto surprised “of course I can silly, you give me a mouth to talk with”
answered pinokio .gepeto was very happy, and he said to pinokio that he will have a normal life just
like a normal boy , including school
The next day on the way to school pinokio stoped to see a puppet show,
“I can dance better than that” he said ,quickly he climbed on to the stage, at first the puppet master
didn’t like pinokio but when he saw that the crowd love him, he just ;let pinokio stay, at thev end of
the show, the puppet master gave pinokio five copper coins and tell him to go straight home,
On the way home pinokio met a lame fox and a blind cat, knowing that pinokio had money they
pretend to be his friend, they trick pinokio to put his money under a tree, they said to him that the
money will become gold . after a while the fox and the cat that weren’t really lame and blind quickly
snuck away and disguised themselves as thieves, when pinokio start digging the money, they pounced
on him. “Give us the money” They ordered, just then pinokio guardian the blue fairy sent her dog
rufus to chase the fox and the cat, and then she take pinokio back to her castle
“Why didn’t you go to school today”said the blue fairy, “I did” answered pinokio , just then his nose
started to shot out like a tree branch, pinokio was surprised and very sad, the fairy said that every
time you tell a lie his nose will grow but if he tell the truth it will shrink, and she said that pinokio will
bw a real boy if he learn how to be brave, generous and honest, then she tolld him to go home and
not stop for any reason
Not verry long before pinokio met some boys, the boys said that he know a place to have fun, so
pinokio followed the boy. The boy take pinokio to a circuses but they doesn’t know that if you are bad
you will be turned into donkeys and trained for the circuses
Not verry long before they turned into donkeys, but because pinokio was made from a tree branches
he doesn’t changed completely, so the circus master throw him into the sea,
after pinokio swam for a long time a whale ate him, he was very scared ,then he heard a voice from
inside the whale stomach echoing it turn out that the voice was from gepeto, gepeto was looking for
pinokio. Then pinokio helped gepeto to make a raft, when the raft was finished pinokio tell a lie so that
his nose will grow to tickle the whale, when the whale sneezes it blow them out of his stomach
Home at last pinokio was very happy, and he remembered what the blue fairy had told him, the next
morning pinokio came running down the steeps, jumping and wafing his arms he ran to gepeto and
shouted “look father, I’m a real boy”
The End
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two
step sisters.
The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly.
Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing the floor,
cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family. The two step sisters, on the other
hand, did not work about the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
One day, the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that the king’s son was going to give at
the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would
wear. At last, the day of the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help
crying after they had left.
“Why are crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing
beside her, “because I want so much to go to the ball” said Cinderella. “Well” said the
godmother,”you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that
you do go to the ball”.
Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman and
two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s raged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful
ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said; “You must
leave before midnight”. Then away she drove in her beautiful coach.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again with the king’s son.
Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her
hurry, one of her glass slipper was left behind.
A few days later, the king’ son proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass
slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they
squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out
her foot and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were
married and live happily ever after.
The Greedy Man
Once upon a time in Riau, lived a pair of husband and wife. They were very poor. The wife was very
diligent, while the husband was very lazy. He just slept and slept everyday. He did not want to help
his wife to earn a living. The wife was helpless, she often prayed to God to help her husband.
One night the husband had a dream. In his dream, an old man came to him. He told the husband to
take his sampan and went to river. "Go to the middle of the river and wait until a rope appears from
the river. Take the rope slowly, and then you will find a golden chain. You can cut and take it, but
don't take the chain too long," said the old man. The husband then woke up from his dream.
In the next day, the husband took his sampan and went to river. He wanted to do the old man's
advice as said in his dream last night. "Where are you going?" asked the wife. She was so surprised to
see her husband was busy preparing the sampan. "I want to go fishing, Honey. See you later!" the
husband didn’t want to tell his wife about his dream. He knew his wife would think he was crazy by
following up a dream.
After the husband arrived in the river, he rowed his sampan until he reached the middle of the river.
He then looked around the water surface very carefully. Suddenly a rope appeared from the river.
"The old man was right!" said the husband to himself. He then slowly pulled the rope and at the end of
the rope he saw a golden chain! The chain was sparkling and glowing. It was made from pure gold.
"Wow! It’s really made of gold. I’m rich. I’m rich," the husband said happily. He kept pulling the chain.
He forgot the old man's advice to take only short chain because it was enough for him. The poor man
became greedy. He wanted to take the golden chain as long as possible.
While he was busy pulling out the golden chain, a bird came to him. It talked, "Remember the old
man's advice. Take only a short golden chain." But the poor man ignored the bird and kept on pulling
out the chain. Slow but sure, his sampan was full of the golden chain. It was so full that finally the
sampan could not hold the weight any more. The sampan started to drown. The golden chain was
sinking and went to the bottom of the river creating a big wave in the river. The wave almost
swallowed the poor man. He was so panicked. He swam as fast as possible to the river side.
When he arrived on the river side, he felt sorry to himself. He blamed himself for being a greedy man.
But it was already too late. But then he realized that it was a lesson for him to work hard if he wanted
to earn money.

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