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AF'TER. SC}IOOL ACTIVITIES AIR [ea] ,r. Ba3,qyx The air in my

['a:fta sku:l aek'tivitiz] naruuxo.ncrce street is very dirty.
- Tell me a few of your
after school activities.
AIRPORT ['eepa:t] n. aepo.upoM
The Belgrade airport is about 16 ki-
AFTER WARDS ['a:fte wedz) adv. nv lometres far from the terminal.
cre rora
- He had his breakfast and
afterwards he went to school
AIR-RAID ['eereid] n. flafla1 rs Ba3-
Ayxa Their house was bombed
AGAIN [e'gein, a'gen] adv. orrer, rro- in an -air-raid.
- I read Gulliver's Travels AI.ARM [o'la:m] n. 3HaK 3a y36yny
when I was I0. I'm reading it again. When they saw the fire, they gave
I didn't understand the sentence.
I-must read it again.
the alarm.
AI-ARM CLOCK [a'la:m klok] n. 6y-
AGATNST [e'geinst] prep. nporrrB
"Crvena Zyezda" is playing against
- ArrJrHnK
- I must get up eally every
morning; so I have an alarm clock
"Partizan", to wake me.
AGE [eid3] n. y3pacr, roArue crapocrn
-whatWhat is his age? He is ten.
- At
age do children start school in
your country?
AGC [a'gau] adv. rpe We lived in
Zagreb ten year_s ago; now we live
in Beograd.
AGR"EE [a'gli:] y. carnacnrrr ce, trpr-
craru, eloxrrTil ce c HeKrrM
- They
agieed that the film was good. ALBUI\4 ['albam] n. aa6yu I haye
I asked my mother to let me go -to -
an album for stamps and anolher one
the theatre. She agreed and so I for photographs"
went there. ALIYE [e'laiv] adj. xtrt, xnBaxau
AGRICUI-TURAI- [agri'kaltJerel] Is that poor dog still alive? -
adj. na*osptrBpeAax Nowadays ALL [c:l] adj. can, crn I invited all
farmers use new agricuitural machi-
my friends. I'm bu:y all the day,
nes, from rnorning till night.
AGR.TCULTURE ['agrikaltJe] n. rro- ALL AT OIdCE [c:l et'wnns] oa-
,rborrprrBpeAa In rnodein agricu!- lrax, ogjegxoM We didn't know
ture farmers use new machines.
what happened, but our car stopped
AID [eid] r. nonoh Everybociy all at once.
should learn horv to give
- liist aid to ALL RIGHT ['c:l rait] cBe y peAy
people who are hurt. It was all right in the end.

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