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Amben Aniiable

bv a sovereisn. '

A;ber (am-ber) n.*.

res-in. '
Ambergres (am-ber-gres) n.
-' d'?'Lr'-tsf oil rr / {t
7ti { L Lu i}, Jr / .LE

Ambideder (am-t*-deks+er) a. One

. who sna''use bq&' hands .rqually
3II, _ -&u;l&r,
-Wtt jllat
ut, L/
Slr>t ,5rv fl j)"

waiting to att&k, the enemy by

,snprisr.#er4 f"i 6" ,-F ,.t'*i'
Amei;rair (a-me-lyo.rat) v.r. Make
**t: t/ gtb,'rtt.u'bb./.
Amelioration (a-4reJyo-ra- sh-n) n. -
;Improvement,. " tb.y' tEt's{.
Arnen (a-iGn,sh-men) futerj. May it
,.,':bg so.
ir ' ,' , : ', ,,
Amenable (a-me-na-bl) adj. OFasily
{ed. t4 etVt @Ansqerable.

Amend v't. & v.i. Correet;.improve.

' , "" 'iptJb,-6PA .:' b/lr'b)bv

Amendment z. A chairge. for the
Amb'itiansncss (ani-bi-shus-m) z.
: 6.,t t'f 'r5Si A' ,fYi Am€nds better. ,J-i'F;
(a-mends) n. Compensaiion,
Amble (am-bl) v.i. To ride at irn easy penalties. $V\)f,6t'6,11
pace(ofhorse) .. W.(t, n. (a-me-ni-ti) n. " 6rlp,
Anelcan (a.mer-ikan)-A native of
Amblcr n. A horse-whic! arnbf€s,.. Aperica. . ''!,, 4r,y Ifl
- J-7t
d' ,i)5.(
Ambruda (am-brm-na) n.TIie foqii +nCtrvst ;(i=mi-ffisr)t- h.-" A
of the gqds (in gld,$reek riirhst ' *miprecious "stope of .a violet
Jt .,, i{
ttii 1; r}E g' g1t- t-t i
.colour. '::: I.i,' t
Ambulrm (am-byoo-lans) n. . A nmcnyst adj. Zi ,y t
Aptble (a-mi-la-bl)' adj. Kiodti;
ftiendly. liut't',
sound carried Analogous (a-na-lo-goos). adj.
-ifr,-f:;,,rt1 J.* jyp Similar. JV',V
Amputate (m-pyoo-tat) v.r. Cut off Analyse (a-naliz). v.r.
(a limb),
t/,J'i '
closelv and criticallv.
AmEraiion P e
fuilrac (m+rak) n. AcronYm from Analysis (a-na-li-sis) n;- lhe breafring
J;'b/ oi
amphibious tractor used aq up of a substanca into its
vehicle. p rf ,j^
mirltary .i.poorot parts.L1i J;,,f 'of.
Amudr odv;Mtdly. tls:t!s Analyst (a-na-list) n. One -who
Amutet (arn-yooJet) n. A charm. analyses. z'/. nL
(a-my-ooz) v.t. Give
Analytical oai.,F' dL./
Amuse .
Anarchi (a-nah-ki) r. Absence or
pleasure; entertain. b/ i; Jt lack of rule in a country.
Amusemmt (a-mV-ooz-m9-nt) tL ,.( Otl,,{r, ,!}Jt j)t*
tilk Jt'C/ ' ,X Anatomy (a-na-to-hr)- n. OThe
Amusing ad7. V4-t science of the.structure of the body
Anadj. ore. iil ,wil C2 I Othe structure of
Anachronism n. Error in calculating thebody. lVl
time. tyt r' Anatomical adi.
Anaconda (an-akon{a) n. Iarse f -ewtl(if '6-f
snakeof Ceylon. ft '1tr1ttY.(A Anatomist (a-na+o-misO n. A doctor
who studies or teaches AnatomY.
rwt)tt)f fi
Ancestor (an-sester) a. Forefather.
;li' ,l.t iLi
Affiraladi. i:tr'(rq
Anchor (ang-ker) n. A heavY iron
shar* with two barbed arms used
Anaconda for mooring a ship to the bed of the
*v( I { e_,it
Anaemia z. A diseise involving lack
seaora iver. f
hold a ship fast.
make or
of blood. (t cS ' ,f 6 cl;
Anae$hesia (an+s-the-zia\ n. & adi.
cf +'rtrt4'os/
Anaesthetic odi. *'',$l-/to$x*

furagram n. vF ,z*
Anal (a-nal) adi. Pertartlung to gos.
,Je L.o c
Anatogy (a-nalo-ji) ,.
:pryi. a. ADIi{tRALTY ?ATTERN'
Angora Annoyancd

,!t',Jzf, f

Angorl r. A kind ofgoat. Arilrlet (ank-let) n. Ornament wjrn

,tf ,l / 4i on ankle. v)r'Jy
Angry (artg-ri) adj. Emaged Annalist n. A writer.
it,4t'tt, Li ,J,fi Lr? d6,
Anguish (ang-gwish) n. Severe Annals n, History. - 'd1t .
bodily or mental pain. Annex (a-neks) v.r. Take posses$n
7./f 'q'il €t'4{
Angul?t(ang:gyio:lahtrl) adj. & Annp.xation (a-nek
Anhydrors (an-hydrus) . odj.
Witlxrut water. &'L lli
Aniline (ani-lin) n. A chemical-tise.
source of many dy"s. Jr J{ 4i
v.i. Blame; criticise.
Vt l) /Jt"'
Animadversion n. Criticism: stric- hilation n.
ture or hlame.
e../t rrf
Animal (a-ni-mal) n. OAny living
creature that is not a plant
(vegetahle) @an animal. O,t
oA person. 6:i ,;-'i'z c)tS
Anintileule n. A small aaima!.
Animate (a-ni-mat) v.r. Give life to
6{,Lt,'rtti sV ,.
. iTni*,
lbr. '*z -11t3 il9'
Animaterf ad7. -Nr,'l|tr,
Animrtlon (a-ni-ma-shn) n. on.
Liveliucss. €?'j*"+ Annotation(a-no-ta-shn)n. :.:t.i
j gpr;
Animosit.y (an-im-os-i-ti) . gt!. c)'$t
Hostility. f t Announce (a-nowns-) v.r. O}fdir-
Animus (an-m-us) h.. Animating known publicly. t/ ct*t@@*
spirit. tft't)tt, (ttt avisitor. t.f g*t ,! Lt, L$;,.
Aniseed (an-i-sid) n. Seed of anise. Amrourcement (a-nowns-ment) rl;:',,, .
glt 'ir 'c)L * '{,l*t;'
tuilkle (ane-kl) n. The joint Announcer (a-nown-ser) n.' ,$
conpecting" the foot with the leg. broadcasting, one who reads tSc
Annoy (a-noi) v.t. Vex; tess;
irriate. t/ jtfi'E.f f t,
Ankle Annoyance (a-noi-ans) n. Offi

. :r'" .

-Antemetic Antic
gU'r t L,irr r l elr lf si ,'lL/?tV nLr -D )vv l.-
Anthraclte (an-ttrra-sit) n. A variety
of coar. I
Jit 6 Li
Anthrax (an-thraks) n. Malisnant
bgil: u:/- n 61 , 4
?V "t* 'f ovt .- "F,,61,i
,i6 s L
ad7. About man.
.,P',1 l;{f
Antemetlc (an+e-met-ik) adj. Good f7:$',!At
Anthropogeny (an-thro-pojini) n.
against vomiting. Jt, Lf *.L Science of creation of man.
Antemundane (an-te-mun<lan) 4/7.
r sa.;z1r
Before the existence of creation of Anthropography (anthro-pog-rafi I
) n.
the world. f
V, ,f t u it , Science of geographical disrribution
Antenatal adj. BeforeAirti,{i-i
t of mankind. . iV- rrt ,-f ,! OVt
Antenna (an+ina) n. Sensor! oi{ails
of insects. lrWt gV L rlrf
r t t"tglr.J,t*i
Anthropoid (ah-thio-d$'adi &. n.
cll'( ct2t 'ai ''')l Manlike. $ 1:i'L1z gvt
Antcrior adj. Before, "'v
'!'' in place or Anthropology (an-rhro-po-lo-ji) n.
Anteroom n. A small
Science of man.
{ ,
qA, OU U t
into a large room. nyt(,i,?LV,y
Anthropomorphism (an-thrd'-po-
f l1i'r,/cb mor-fizm) n. The representatior or
Anthem (an-them) n. A religious conception of the Deity under a
song of praise. human form or with ht'man
Anther (an-ther) n. Pollen. - attributes. - l'F Jr'* *.;
tftot), it-" tl' tb ) Jh { ur,& Ott gt gUt
Antheroid (an-ther-o-id) cd7.
t,f ?p irb ,J,; {,}ttt
Ant hropophagb us lanl trr ri -po-i"EiO
Anthiponotic (an-thi-pc-no-tik) adj. adj. Man-eating. tl (sr
Capable of preventing sleep. Anthropophagy (an-thro-poftr-a-ii)
dtt {v }! n. Cannibatism; man-eating.$ t i,1 ti
Antholog.y (antholoji) n. A coilection Anti (an+i) (prefix) Opposition to;
of specially chosen poems or simulating. ,f ,tt"'i1;
passages from the works of Anti-billious ad7. Of-use against
diffbrent authors. billiousness. ,f ,/'tf
;g'1( ,
;l .f
Antibiotlc (ant-i-bi-ot-ik) n. Disease
Anthologtstn. jri r,rlt,j curing, gemricidal drug prepared
anthony (an_the_ni) Patr,qn 'of
z. patron fronr fungi or bacteria.
swine herds. L tr t,f ,-, i|r&6t
ti il bL,;,,a7k ,1nti Antic (an-tik) n. A LJt comical trick or
St. Anthony's fire, n. 'UZ
jf 4 action. Fi "?

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