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,'f •• < ~- '.",• • • .,I!"~,i:..~. ..


VOLUME 24. No. 2 ~ '"
Burial Records Narbrook Park Plans To Yield
Borough Population Survey Planned !Rabid Dog Picked r/,'or !Juck to 18.!!" le'rt' .,111"(11
.. IS' H Up in Penn Valley i Nufll I'll T IIf -,dllll. "ll Independence For Better Roads
As CommIssIon E eels Impson eaa Killed by Police i
Raymond L. Watrou,., A\'UIl r',ad,
:'\arlJl'rth, at th(, Bala-eYIl\\ yd-:\ar-
Captain Van Auken Recovering ! Move to Dedicate Area to
I",rth Club's nll'ding, Rotarian
:\ar!",rth·. I'lallnlng- t"'IIIIlJI,-lllJ1 H cads Planners Captain Fn'deric
,Three Other Dogs in the Sec- \\'atrou,,;. who i~ tr(',J'urer of R. R. Bo:,ton, fornll'rly of Chpstnut a\'e,;up, i
T, "an Aukpn of I B h A d b
wlil und"flak, a -tud)' ,,1' populati"n
oroug rp~ove y
in till' hl1rldl}.dl ttl ... hll\\' It:-- tn'IHl.
tion Are Quarantined :\arb"rth, \\'ho ha" b('en seriou~ly ill ASSOCiatIOn
('haract,'r alld d<'II:'!I)' prior to IlJaklnl!: for 100 Days ,with pneumonia in the :'\aval Hospital' --- -.;

all~- rl ' ('onlIl1l'JlIlatIPIl:-: ttl coullcil.

in Bo~ton. is reco\wing- slowlY. ,PALMQUIST NEW HEAD
Thi, dt'ci'I<>1I \"1, l'l'acl1l'd at la~t A ft(T nwre than a ~core of yea rs as
Thur~day', nll,,·tlllg- of till' COll1ml~­
"'''11 at which It, IlJ,·nIl,..r, "I<,Cll·d
The 75 New
,a community within a community,
Dog Warning "Ii 1111,..1',' of Thl' IrOmfll',q Com- ! :\arbr(l(Jk Park is planning to join the
H,'rl (;, ~Imp,oll chairman and Halph n/llllll!! eill" "I' .\'a'-/,crth lcill 1)1' hllrough of :'\arberth. I
K"l'p your dOK confined or in
~, llunll" "'cr,,lary, il'nt<'rtained at lunch('on at Green Hill' At a J'('organization meeting of the
I,'ash, is the friendly warning
Thl' ""I\lI\lI""'11 a\.·o plan- til slud~' of Frl'd Walz('r. whose job at i
Farm~, follow ..d by a musical, IWXt I :\arhrook Park Improvement A.ssocia-
tl,.. 1'1'\1111'1 of 11ll' I."w"r :,>1"I'1"n Plan- Harrisburg as Iwad of til(' State I Tu,'~day at 1:!.:W. :'>Ii~s :'>Iargar('t 'ion :'>londay night. it was decided to
nIng C(lnllni:,~i(l1l and the :-:ur\'f..·Y~ Dog La\\' Enforcement Di\·ision. I Har~haw, contralto, will ~ing. The' ,'ndeavor to get property owners to
mad" f"r coUllt y pr"j"cts, I~ to hl'lp dog own('r~. He I nWf'ting i~ op,'n to the community and: put the road in front of thl'ir homes
\'arlllU- ,uhj""t- ""'n' dl~l'U:'Sl'd in- visit,.d :-;arbNth \\'edne~day to lunclwon re~ervations can be procurl'd, In ~hape to ml'et borough r-equire-
cltldl1q..~· Ztillillg ehallg"(·:-:. n·:-:tricti(ln~ ~a,' till' Stat<' authoritiE's plan from :'>Irs. J, E. Hurrell not latel' than i n1l'nts \\'ith the hope of later dedieat-
a, to typ":, of hou:'l'~, a n,·\\' railroad next week to round up "tray March 13, ; ing' th" thoroughfare to the \)orough
~tati()n, an undt'rpa:-:~ at E:-;:-:t1x a\'c- caninl's and fin .. thl'ir owners. : :\Ii~~ Harshaw. :--':arlJl'rth girl studv-' a~ a public highway.
nu". a n"w. po"toffic", a "\'imming Lower Merion's currl'nt rabies ling \'oicl' at the Julliard Institut" in ~arbrook Park. which is sur-
po"l. searl'. coupled with complaints ; ~l'W York, is a favorite on the :-;ar- round ..d by \Vindsor. Conway, North
The ""l'I','tar~' was authorizpd to (If a superabundanc(' of local lb,'rth Club program~. Hl'r ~ister. \\'ynnewood and Price avenues, of
tind out what F.'dnal fUIH," arl' a\'ail- dog~ on the loo~('. make~ the ! :\Ir~. C. F. Kut'bler, musie chairman. coursl'. IS a part of the boroug~~ far

abl(. for a p"stoffice and al~o what round-up necpssary. ; is not able to appear \\'ith her this a~ school, voting and other privileges
j.((I\'l·rnn1l'nt fun,," may hl' available BERTI:'\E G, SIMPSO:,\ Wm, Shewell Ellis ~.. ar, and the club will miss thl'ir I art' concf'rn('d. but its park arrd lake
for other impn)\'l'm.. nt~ includin~ diris/lIlI /,/onl flli/iun 1', Bdl Tclt- RAY:YIO:-;D L. WATROUS duets. lan,a and oval and circuI~r .roads are
TIll' fir~t caR" of rahil's in Lowl'r y
ruad:-:. /11101/1 i.• choirlllo/l
('O/II/IUI/!!. /l'lIl1 Bringhurst and Company. said the Four m(ln' applicants were voted: th(' prop<;rt of the assoclatlOll.
:,>I"rion To\\'n~hil' sinc(' 1!1:l6 \\'a" n'-
Alloth"r m,."till~ wlil h,' 1ll'ld at "f fI" rl .\'111'1,1 rill original function of an und,'rtahr' illto club nll'mb('rship at a special: Th.. :\arbrook Park Impr~vement
I'<>rted la~t :\Ionday \\'I1"n a ,tray do!!:
h"rough hall \\','dlll"day night. P/llllllil/[J COlli III issiou. \\'a~ I'ichd up by Jlolic,' at Bryn :'>Iawr
wa~ simply that of a cahinl·t maker; n1l'l'linj.( of the board called by the A~~oclatlOn on Incorporatll1g 1n 1927
:\1<,mb.. r~ IJr,'~,'nt w"r.. J, ,J. Cahn'y, that a century ago hi~ company. pl'l'"d('nt, :'>Irs. E. W. H,'vmal~n. at acquired th rights from tile Nar-
a\"'nUl' and Longacr<' road. P,'nll \'al-
Walter R. ()·~ulli\'an. William H, which had one of the original 50 list-' her hom" TlJ('~day mornin~, bringing: h"rth Civil' Association .. Previo~sly
Durbin, ~imp"on and DUIllll'.
'/lg~ in th,' Philad ..lphia phone book, the' total to thn"'-fourth:' of the high I th(' fornwr had been a social organlza-
..... t tIll' town~hil' !,ound, tIll' dog' was
Th,' chairman, :'>1 r. SimJl~on. is made coffin~ priced from $1 to $:l2. goal of 100 s('t by :'>1"5. E, B. Hoskins.j tlon for a decade: .
pxamin('d hy Dr. R. :'>1. Stal,'y, \\ho (Today's varied services, including new n1f'mb('r~hip chairman. last fall. I It~ forty famJ111's lIst many of Nar-
plant "ngilll','r of tIll' Philadl'lphia di-
tel'llll'd it a clinical casC' of rahies, providing a ca~k('t, rang.. mainly b('-, Tlw IH'W nwmber~ an': :\Irs. John [bl'1'th'~ mo~t prominent residell ts who,
vi,",n, J,,'1I T,·],.phonl' C"mpany. H('
Till' dog was d,'st rOYI'd Friday and t\\'l','n $200 and $500. with $2X5 for :-;purr, :'>Irs. A. B. \\'hl'e!er. :\Ir~.' in the' majority. are now willing to
j, a f"rnll'r pn'sid"lIt, 1~1:;5-1!I:l~. of
thl' head sent to HarrisbUl·g. when' an a\·lTage. In 19:30 the awrag(' was .Io:,,'ph Bi'S(.ll and :,>Irs, Charlc~ Bl'n-I yi,·ld ind,'p"lHJence in r<'turn fo]' better
t h" :--.: a I'h"rt h Play,'rs and a pn'~,'nt
the diagnosis was confirmed. ~'l15 ) t I I maintainl'd ~tr(>ets. At preRe~t there
dirt'ct"r of that llrj.(anization. He
Dr. Charles SlIl11110ns, of the ~ta!<' ',' Aftpr , tracing l'mlJalmlllg .and un- 01. ' ' all'
. a~ many ruts a~ I lOml'S'In t h e
Ii",·:, at 201 Woodside an'IHIl'.
[)epartl11l'llt of AgrIculture, VISlt'c! till' 1 1 k f E' t \Ir.~, Hoskll1:' and her commlttee'!lark or "0 it seelns to the n'otor,·st.
:'>1 r. Dunn", the Sl'(Tl'tary, i~ ""'I1l'r,
<>1' till' :\arlwrth C"al Company. pl'l'~i,
towll~hlP . Tu(,~da\' I
'l'rta 'lIlg rom
gqJt" antHjUI y to
' alld IIl\'e"tlg-at,c! all the pre~ellt, l\1r. \Vatrou~ dlscu~'l'd \\1
pOSSlhll' contact~ of tIll' ~tra\ do!!:,
)('" 1OSt"""s at thl' unc, E'on. he'
Comll1ltl"l' I~: :'>Irs. J. D, Suthl'rland. ..
, .
r_ I'C t e, 1 prl'SIlPn
'I t a t th ,'l1lpe t'Ing

II h 'I eon- cn'matlOn. a vogue which IS gallllll g ' :'Ill~, Char],,:, :'>lcCurdv, :'>11'8. John \\,'~, r. - 1m . ' ".
I-T .\ F P'I

J) "t··
(It-llt of thl' :\al'h.,rth Bu~illl'~~ Coun- , I 1 I a mquis , vlce-
cil. lin's at \1 ~hirl('y road. II Thn'l' dogs !I" H'\'" to la\'(' a' ~!Jghtlv in the East. and rapidlv in l \1' 1 R ' . pn':'!c!ent. :,>la"lIl S. Collett; sl'cretary,
,I tact with the rahld dog' ha'" h hel'n th u \\'eot. ~ C
' I i "I'. :'III'S.
":'Ilizn,'r. :'Ilrs.F. Y. . Llndsl'\',
:'>Irs. R.
R. \Yo·odcock. A. .\1 r~. ,.
I\lrs. " H . B rown. J r,; t reasurer, S ,
'I quarantined for 100 day~. T ('y ar(': Visitors Tuesdav were Robert Fel- J I .... h 1\1 E D ' 'I C' II. Brown, Jr.; park superIntendent,
Girl Scout Spelling I A setter, owned by Dani('1 J. Mc-
low~ Wood and Ralph . : o1Jl "as.
Spring,'r, of F K bl'
rs. A . . aVIS.,. rs. ·1 \Y I . P B 'I
:\1' H C F d ,.:, ('y . al ey.
Nichol, 737 Bral·burn lane; wire- Ardmore. and W. C. Tagu('. of 1': ar-, 'I' ue l r· .' I.S. . . enno an: Dr. Palmquist is sl'cretary of the
Bee Broadcast Sat" II

haired fox terri,'r, owned b\.· :VIrs. berth. ' rs. Judd 1\t mnlck.
,,\ I' PI II'I a( 1l' I p h'1a F (" Iera tlon
' 0 f C hurc h es

William Wallace 615 Broadacros Chairman of next Tuesday'~ pro- Those :vh~ cannot attend the lunch-I and a founder and one of the most
road; Boston terner, ownE'll b~ Mrs. gl'am i~ L. Stanley King. Cynwyd E'on are mVlted to corne later to the I active members of the associ a tion.
Main Line' Meets Delaware ::>

Randall R. Strawhri<tgl? BroadacreR c!rugl!ist Bala-evnw\'!1 Buildillg As- musH:al. For transportatIOn call Mrs.j
County; Over WIP
at 4 P. M.
road and Braeburn lall(" all of P('nn ,('Clatloll " prl'~J{II'nt.
' I
f' orml'r pre~Hentl' P. A. Wales transportation chairman. II Repuhi"Ican CounCI-I
Valll?y. 'Of till' club. Rl'ports on thl' meetmg of the ~a-I
Fifh'en winn('rs of pn'liminar~ DUN~E t JOna I F e d era t IOn 0 f W' III( L'f leof T"rIp f or MarlO~ h 22
RALPH S. A fourth dog. helicnd to haw bl?('!1
" iAnll'rIca
spell-downs among :\Iain Lim'
will nwet thl' sall1l' numbl'r from Dl'la- "
[ ,1/,'1/1, C' Ol111CI'1 I ('o(I ('1' oneI J' 01'- hitt"n h\,' the Rtra\.· doD', owned by Mr. LIb rary OfficI"als ': held III Baltimort' were D'lv,'n
I at the nwetinO' of the Conservation '"
-'-' .... 'I ., •

wart' County aft .. rnooll in " \

II/(,. ( i / ' / ( ' , ' •• "oCICI

't '
'I I'll t •
[>1 de~tro\.'ed
',ro,.,d, was at th,'~aml)('\.'·:'
and l\t rs. John Sampp\.·, B roadacrl's
(1'0/11 tl" city alld -,,,llIlrl)((1/ I t
I "IHlr n1l'n t 0 f .... th I
e c u ,ab t th " h ome:I V I SitS to Su pOle re Co ur t BUId l·
(1/'1'0 will hI' ,(,/lI'Ht.~ . I W'll
the sl)('lI-dowll broadcast ov.. r Station 1/ ' / /(, I,", 'I,,'
. [ '"/'IIIIV
t I II/II/il/!!,' 1""lu,'<,'t 1,\' tIle 1)(lII'co, I 0 f• tl le c h'
1 airman, "1':,, \1 H ' A . J aco I 10', .
Ing an d C aplto I
\\'11' from 4 to fJ P. :'>1. as thc local ( "'/lII/I,'Slldl -' H' crl' (J.1'!f. : At - the Ilw('ting
, 'of thl' Board of of thl' l\arbl'rth Community J Lihrary! \ \ (" I nps< Iay monllng. .\'I rs. J aco b ~ be Featured
participation in the cel"bration Sat- A~~ociation when the Philadelphia I and her guP"t. I'll'S. E. G. Griscom. of,
urday "f tIll' :!tlth anni\'l'r~ary of Girl
:::lcouts of tIll' l'nitt-d ~tatl's. "The Thunder · :a
Health 1\Ionrlay night. the hoard ~l'llt Library Association hold~ it~ annual;'I'\0:' I yn, W I10 malI t' t I1l' J'l'ports. to 11
I'l'qu('~t cOllll11i~~ion.'rs
to the to ha\'" nH'l'tinO' . in the borough Communit\.,· how th(' Pn'"idl'nt had proclaimcd a I r.ll aI -( ayI bI'll' h0 Las Ill!?' \1'
( , II I t ' t \\. h' t
on a8

winlll'r~ .ti,.,~t
"i fl" s, u," si/id 10 I", tI", 1(' 'l1'~t....
Th,' t('al11 vI' local which tIl<' police
, departllH'nt ' l'nfOITl'
. an,
' Buildin" .... on l\Iav 18. IInationa I \\"1" I u L'f I (' \\'PI' k f . orIt t wenI p 'Iannl'((' y 'It l' f ow('r.
Rb enon-
JU i ' n
will 111l'('t llt-Iawal'l' County ill tIll' ,I"I'IIII/'ilturtf -'''/I/ill /I/O/i"/I quarantllJe thp State n1lght .. . . . . , ' b b I h . ' k f .,ar ounCI "l
h.22 lca
, Th('n' will be morning and aft,'r- i tll11C. to e 0 Sel'\'l'l t I' \\ ('C' 0 \\' wr.l f T I \1
sp('II-down I,: .I"all Ella plctun' to Ill' p1'oduc('d by ally re- and also requpst"d that the w ,. ' k l~"'~lOn~
',noon ", . .ch 20 to 26. ' omen or ueHa::.-,. arc ,
l\ta, Hu,hton, Don'th~' Rich, :,>Iary I,gillll' h"d,' in Allll'rica. \\'ill b(' s('en pick-up of
, stray. dog':' rC'~ton',
. ' )('
, 'I \'i:,itor~,
an,1 a lunchl'on for the' :'11,11
I'romint'nt ~l)t'ak,'r:' WIll ' I :'>Iore than 4;,- mpmlwr, 0 f the group J.paving th(' PennsylvanIa Railroad
lkt'~. Trinit~·
l\lilkt. Sl11lth. :\alley Frick, 'ilid h"Hl'd in Holy Lutl1l'ran According to Dr. (,1'1111 . \'l'!C'rJlHlrJ:ln '~iv,' 'talks. " and Int"1'natlOnal Rl'la- ::Oth :-;tl'l'l't Statioll at x.:!4 A_ M., the
:'>Iatth.,w~. l\la~' \\'a~hing-ton
'on Llt"ratul'l'
In pn'paratilln for tIl<' ,'\"'nt. th,', lion:, attend"d til(' d('~"'1't lunc I1('on g-r"up will arrivl' in
I~. ~c
;\Iary I'ul'\'i:', Edith (,I'dl'cl, <>11 Thursday ,'\"'Iling, \Iarch and Ill'alth ,control" offic,'r of IljI',[ at
Taylor, l\Ian' Elizat)\'th (;rahal11, lit X ,,·('jock. Board. there IS no, Il11nll'rllate ' dang"'1' :, I{,.v, RolJ('rt ' L" K"lghton,
' " " b, ' :'IllS. .' C . .. and IHI " co- 111,4;) A.:'>1. Lunch('on will served
llug-h('~. b~' dog~ ~avarin R('~tllurant
pn'''lllt-nt g'1\(n . E. Stall
FI<>r"ne" \\','a\'('r. :\Iarj<>ri" Th,' film. prl'pan'd till' Hoard of, from any< which th,' ' "t I'lck,'n . ,'"f th.. local a,.~ociation TIll',day nij.(ht Il,,,t(''',,~,
alll ' .''I r~, E. ' C . I~atc 11l' Ior an, I at tlw 011 arrival.
Audn'~' ~Inc"
, '
Ch,'n,'y and til\' winlll'!' f1'<>m .'\nll rll'all :'Ili,sion,. and pn'",'nt"d by 111 a I may. ha\'C' blll('n It tal"" IIappointed thes" two committ,,"~: . . '\1 r~. r \, ,.... rL' a1'l11el'. at -\'I rs. ,,«lIT •~ Plans call for a \,i,.it to the Supreme
nw~.-" :I~.

C, I Ill' \'nit,'d Luth,'rall Chul'ch in from th1'C'" wl'"l" to a mOllth for th' 1I,,,pitalit\': :'III'S. Clifford \V, Hall''', Il<>nll' T UPs< 1a~'. ,1',.. \1 \\. , I{ , ( d"1 '" !'l'- ('"urt Building and to till' Capitol,
~tat('s 11~ "r~ ~,'nat(',
A,ltvrllat". "n d\<' \VII' '1lI'lling' Am,'ric:l til all it:, 4.000 dlS,'a,,' to d"\'"lop. . . " , ' , 1 "TI' F I' I" b' \1· ,\\ IjI'l'" ,,'at:, will I", I'l'-l'rved in the
match fr"nl :\laln 1.111" lli-trJet :-. will in th,' l'nit,.c! and Canada . .1,,- :'III'S.
B,iily Harry Goodall. A. ,Jacol", :'>Irs. \\ ill III 111 \ 1"\"" ('oiltiilUP,1 _ng .In,
Oil j'a..:e Fh'e
" ]["11'" alld A :,ij.(ht"",'ing- trip
I... : I','g"" 1!"II,haw. :\lar.i<>rH' Enz. picts till' pIal'" of th(" chul'<'h in th(' .. Facts W C 51lOU ld K now I
Program: :'lIn, F.rn('~t r. !'In'w, alld to tli,' Arts and Industry \'I:'It~
Kat!wl'1ll" I!allllll"!'. Flllri, I.uek"rt. mlld,'rn world. und ~hnw~
how it ('x- Ullall11' ,Penn Valley Troop Building alld th" :'\atural History
Th,:I'1"" I."'d. :\111'" F'T~'II,<>n. abllut our Fin' CompallY" will be till' l\li~- FallJl\' II. 1."0:', :'>11'''' H, R. J{ill('-
:'Ilari,. t .. n,!:' it, t.'achings to Illl'l'l tlie topie of Fin' Chid John A. :'Ilill,'1' liart. . W'III
1\1 eet Tllis f'd 'n ay Building- will h(' flllluw"d by a tea at
Il"g-an. (;I"ria ZJr.ii-iall, J"an Zirk- ]'('quirl'lIll'llts of g'l'lIwing- and ehanJ.:- alld Ill'. \Yilliam S. Howard, :! 1'. l\1.. Ill\' ][lIt,,! l\laytJo\\.'r which is being
mall alld Hilt,' \ll1 l'h,. ill~' populations, It ha- I,,','n ae- "I :-. 1', :'I!. in tlw :\llIlItg-"nll'ry ~ch("d, "1\1'11 fill' till' ('oullcil by :'Ilontgomery
:\11'" I-:aelilJ' \\ rI~I
I", 111:1'1", III' c,'r,'- elalllll'd I.y critic:, a" I... ill!!: a nll"t
:\1<>lld:I" at till' r"gular nwl'ting of Narbcrtll FI'r,'111eI1 Pllt Ollt \\' I' I '
,'nn"WOOl, to furt 1l'r organlzatioll, Hon. J. \\TH-t'I>llllt~"- Cun~'l'l"~nJan,
nl"nl'" ;1\ tl", l'IIII:"l<-lpllla,l<-r< dr:lllllltic and ullu~ual pr,'~,'ntation. til'l,<thi~ w",.k: A ti,'ld oil A doz,'n or ~II I,oy- will Ill' In- halll J)itt,'r.
tIll' :\ a I' b 1'1' t h Fin' Company':,
:,>Iuli,,!'l'-. ",II '11",:1

sUI'I",r l"ni;,:'!II. wl,..r" IlHlI'l' than 41111, ~illl'(' all till' churchp- '1' till' eOI11- Il'l' hI!!"'r",]I pr"p"rt~', \\"yllll,'w,",,1 \'I',-I,'d a" T,.lId,'rfoot Sc"ut:, at el'n'- 1.,'aYIIIg' \\'a,hingtlln at (j 1', :\1.. the .'...
!<-ad,'I',. Tr""1' C"lIllllilt",., and fri"lId llllllllly w"rk approximl''''b' along th,' Ill'. AIl",rt C. Barnt's, of :'Ilerioll. ""I B<>WlIlall a\"'IIU",-. l\1"rion. atl.,lll IIl"ni,', partieipat,'d ill by otlwr :\laill ,,"'0111' will hav" dinlll'r un I hp train,
or ,C<>lIlill;': al'l' l'XIll',.!t'd, Each of tilt' ~alll" lillt' a:, do,', tl)(' Lutlll'l'all w:" ,I<-('!l·d din'ctor of till' compally 1', :\1., SlIllday: alld a Ill'd I! ,. lit ][:lv,'r- l.ilH' troup~. al'riving I,uck at :llIth Stn,.. t Station
lidH'I \.-In .. t, wi han' ai' ''x )ihit of t ., 1111'(' II. t I ' 'I
11' !"ctUI'l'. It i:' Ill' j,'v ..d. will
1,.\' th,' eXl'cutin' hoard, :'>Ionda\.· "\'l'- r"I'< 1 an, I I) u' I ", ~. 1'1 '" rtll ,
I ' :lV"111les, ,':I at :-',111 1'.:'>1. Frl'e parkillg is pro-
s"lIl<' Ipllll-" "I' "'<>lIlill~',
l\laill Lill<' \,.. "I' illt('r.. "t to tlll'm. TI,.. 1"'0])1" nillg, ;11 11.111 A. :'>1.. \\'cdlll'sday. \I,kd at th,' ·tation 1"11' those who
PI"I il'l :-. will ,h"w r)<IY Camping Ill' ][oly Trillity will 1)(' \'l'ry happy to --------------- wi,h t" It-a\'l' th"ir car:' th"YI'.
wit h I III gadg-l'l,. rubh(T til, '. kath,'r ~llal'<'
t))(' evening- with p,'r,,"n, an~' "Double Door" Building TIll' "lItin' "f tlw trip is $5.75, , .. ', co~t
\\'i'lrking. Illade b~'the' last~irl, ~um-
\\ IH'tlll'r a nll'mb('r of th" church or which railroad far.." dinner includ,'~
n1<'r. not. TI1l're is no admi,;~ion ('harg(', /I,lth -,/I('cilll COStllll/l'.' lind -,//('ci,,/ /,(,111-' fill' till IT \-II/'U,l"" Ilf
and transportation III \\':I~hington.
TW"lIt~'-tl\'o C;irl ~,'<>ut-
1'1'0111 :'\ar-
1/1'1(' sccllcry. 11(')'( lceck-, lid. ..t,.,,1'I1I1'I' III .\'url'lrt/1 II/III
It has beel\ some tinll' ~inc,' thl' I'ri(',' a\"'I\U"S ha\'" h,"'n fikd. it \\'' ' 1 TIll' 01\1\' additional cost is for lunch-
!Jl'rtli':, tlll',,\, tro"p:, will stage a Ninetcenth Anniversary ~'I' I

which will I", Ilfty cents.
dramatization ,d' the U l;irl
Law:, this uft,'rn'HIIl in :'\arberth 1- I
'II b I b
' "
,I b I H II'
.';arbl'rth P ayers have gi\'en a co~-, karrH'd \\·,.dll(',.:da\', Sp"l'ifieatiolls 1',,1'
of th(' Amel'lcan Ll'glOn IS :'>Ial'ch 15- tum" play due somewhat to the added' h
• .
t .. four-unit structul'" WI'" COIl- r
'II 1 '
b(' millie to the
Helen G. Gnenwood,
School. TIll' play will ~tart
with th(' n S
" t WI
(' ce,' rateu y t 1(' aro l '('XIWnse in rental
P t:'>< b tl T I ' .

I s\til'!'l'd bv t H'
. , p"a 'man os •• ar cr 1. Ul'S( ay "Double Door" at least fifteen period, COl11l11issi';1\ llrobabl\' at it~ 1IH',.tiI\IY
I ~ I I Pl
'l'rt 1 ~ar
annille: I' !:Wtj CYl\wyd road. Cynwyd. by Ivlarch
r"ading of the Bible by ;',Iary l\lcHale. {'vcnlllg-, :\Iarch 22. at an open meet- "t ..,. d II f h' h l · · .... 1 11 H. Fllr further information. call
Ih'lyi~l' Lazl'rcn will Il'ad the salute ' , ' 'I L" w IC twxt \v ,·dlll'sday. ant! a p''I'nlit fill' ! ,\II'S. G 1"','n\\·",),1 at C~·'l\V\..1 688 or
to the flai. Color guards will be :\lar-
lIlg In t le
u 't B 'I," P t ,I
co. umes al e I (qUIre • a
eglOn Room of the Com- will make the performance
W<'lrk to stal·t no doubt wJ11 It'
' I '
1~"UI'd -
\ C,\'I\\\'\.·d i\11.

m nl Y UI ull1g. resen anu past interesting Then too for the com- ,
garet Deer, Peggy Burns and Mary mem ' b ers 0 f t h e post an d tell' h' wI\'es . ing production .• an entirely • new set In the' nl'ar . . futurl'. .. --------
I\IeCaffl'rty. each girl carrying the are invited to reserve the evening for h as b een b UI'It an d 'IS b' emg pam . t ed The bulldmg. pubhclzecl for months, Faith Healing I ,
flag of her troop. Patsy Krauskop good fellowship, cards and refresh- by Ellwood Reich who has done ex- r('ached a further Rtep toward n'ul- \ -of ailments mental. physical and
c~lIent ~ther
organizations. ization this week when Robert .'1.
N~sh ':.~,
will be narrator. ments. Robert L. Collins, former work with spiritual-will be offered at All ,::'

commander, is entertainment chair- The Players surely deserve the full- reported th(' sale of the Rltl' \' Saints' Church. W:ynnl'wood, this com-,
man. CRt support not only by the people of ( own home for many yeal's) con- ing week by the Rev. Robert B. H.
Dance, 25th
Lin~ i g-re~test modern~:A
Narberth but those of the entire taming more than three acres of lanel. Bell one of the Episcopalean church's-
The Young Republicans' Club in- Main when it is considered that Total cost of the project wiJI reach VICTOR WIERMAN, JR, personalities in
vites the public to a dance. 8.30 P. M., Registration Days Soon
every production costs in the neigh- over $600,000, it is expected. The site Victor Wierman, Jr., Penn Valley times. He will preach a.t the U"',j
March 25, in the Legion Room of the Registrars will sit for six days this borhood of $150, due to costs of royal- was held for sale at $75,000 and the resident and Main Line district com- o'clock service Sunday, and also at_ ",,~1
Community Building. Miss Lillian month to register new voters in Lower ties, hall rental, c~stume
rental" building is figured to cost $550,000. miRRioner, will conduct the meeting. special services 8 o'clock eaeh evening :"
Dorsey is chairman of the Entertain- Merion and Narberth. scenery, advertl8ing and many "etc." It will be built by Narberth Apart- Parents of boys of scout age are of the week beginning Sunllay, Cures
m~nt Committee, aided by Miss Muriel March 21, 22, 29, 30 and 31 they One of the features of the produc- ments, Inc., with Maurice Heilveil invited. as authentic as previous miracles in
'White and George Carr. will be at the Township Building, Ard- tion of "Double Door" will be the very and Henry Temin, both of Philadel- John Jeavons is scoutmaster of the, the history of the Chri8tla.n church,
,," ~'-------- more. capable cast con8isting of 8ix new phia, as principal promoters. The Penn VaHey Association 8ponsored are a common occurrence with D:r.
members thi8 season and six of the same corporation built Narberth Hall, troop~
: The V:eritas Players March 23 is the date for registra-
Bell, who practices what he preaches.'
of Nl1'rberth ~ill present a sacred tion at the Borough Hall, Narberth, older members. Production will take at 300 Essex avenue. "Fear nothing; be of good cheer; and
drama,' "The Upper Room," at the for all three borough district8. place on the night8 of Friday and It is reported that the New York Minstrel Show have faith."
Egyptian Theater'in Cynwyd, Passion Saturday, March 18 and 19, at the Life Insurance Company has advanced Rehearsals are under way for a Dr. Bell, who spoke at the Wynne-
Borough Council will hold its regu-
Sunday, April 3, in conjunction with borough's Elm Hall, with curtain at $430,000 under the mortgage insured minstrel show which the Baptists and wood church recently, has just com-
the Glee Club of St. Joseph's College. lar March meeting Monday night at 8.45 sharp. by the Federal Housing Admlni8tra- Methodists, of Narberth. will pre8ent pleted a healing mission at the Church'
Proceeds will help the Catholic In- Elm Hall, and the School Board will (By A. P.) tion to finance the project. at the Methodist Ch8r.h, April t. of the Saviour, Philadelphi8. '
formation Society, of ~arbertJt. meet Tuesday night.
.'::.. ' :"r ,..''- .~ , ' ..: _. "'~'. ~r __ • • • .••

Page {\\u OUR TOWN March 11, 1938

"You're a SWl'ctheart" Stars Candidate Montgomery's Rare ,I ' '\X'l' ,pl'ciali7e 111
Alicc F.I}1' in Narberth Film
Economy is Lauded t~.·e.14~.·i.·
A. Co-Upt (utirl ('fllt/If/uJ/ity .\'1 ~1·.'iJHlJJf'"
t! , I ' 1'''I,ula r
I i

I, j Ii 11.1
: did.' l,:I_
[IJI/llr/",! in I,'I/~ /'11 till' '\/f,-!II,tJ,
Cil'/(' ..\ . . ' ,--:I/I·ull/II/1, tU1l1 J'll/III . . ),' II . \ l ! " ;1 ...... \\ t·, ; 111';11"1·' :1:,,1 11ll' Only County in State Without
Cl'/ rfl f'nd,!!! lit .\'l/rIH ,·th, /'".
"" i, Debt. Speaker Tells
I.e! __ get aCljuaintl'd , ,
TllOlIlll:-l A. 1-:1\' "pd I:dll "I" .\. 1'ldl:I:--I;I'1
AlIne ;\1011-:;111 H'll"·lls. :-'1I1'1;t! Ld,I"1
:1.\: -1"< :llld lll':\ r ;\ Ill'!' Young G. O. P. ) spaiul,; lor $1, daih "s
-! fl1! I"~,,tll,', "'Ih" hull'
I I b-
Office-209 Ha\'l'rford Ave,. N.lrh"rth I,,,, /
Telephone: Narherth 4100
illl- '" II", :'\a,.I",rtl, TI,,'a- ,\Il ,/11 ~,,1l11'/ ~
\\ it ... I II'; 11"'1'.1 fll
('lltllil ~ '.-

r 11 ...
.l!( 1\·I·1'1I1l1l'nt
1";II·t· tTIIIllIIllY la~t
Til.· Sis. e.·s .'- ......

~I:" !""" -::,,-

'I.~n••• ~· Sui....
I", '11 th,' 1"clU,'"
Entf'l'(>d a~ =-,('I·Olld-I·!as.., 1l1:t1'I·r fl,'II'\"'I TI'iJl-,I,,:< I"gh: I,,' ,1"11a I hall H, II i11,,-
13, l!IH, at tll(' l'I,~t (lflil'" ,II :--:~IT!H·I.l}l. "I' 1111 -:lllll· Il:Itlll' :lnl! I~ :ddy :1:---I-tl·d' ~·a . . :-. l'1l:lll"ll};tll iii" tilt, :\II1IIt).!.11lllf·ry
Pa .. tJIIOf't' 111(> A," 'If :\1al "Ii ;{ 1,,\,,' 2-W Ha\'l'rford Avenue '~
1,:- ,'!I:"I,,- \\""I:III~' I' ,-\11d, II"\'IIIt' ('Ollllly ('''Illlll,tl,''' ot' lit" !'<'nll,-,'II';llIia II
E('ll/Ill/Il.\ I~l'al!:·Ut'. Phonl' Narberth 4177 ,, i I!
Friday. March 11. 19l1> I I, '
'", ".
~II', IIdl"l!'a-_,;I :\"I'I'I-l"\\n all"r-
--------- .\1",,01,,\' :lI,,1 '1',", .. 1:,,' :\1"1'11,,, :\1<'-'
nlY. -p1lkt· 11('1"111"1' thl' allnllal t1rg-anlza-
,_f.,r prompt appointment ;i
_-I;lrtllll~ :llltllllil'L!raJlI~Y i..:-:',.~.
Around Our Town
1\.1·tl/l:l· ...

111"dl.i!llt I" tIll' -l·I·I·I·n III "1 \\ a~ aj ~ t Ilill Illl·t't III)! l,j" till.' l'XI'('lIt I\'t· l·lll1IH.'il
~alurda,' ,,~dll" I I",' 1I,,"'ard ",-' ~I'I' II. ,1 ... "1 ~l:lI-h,,1l :lIHI :'II ,,'d,i- i "t' Ih .. Y"iJlIg H"IJlll>lieall, of IIH' Fir,t
;ll""",,·l·r~ III I.,'g,-I:ilil" Ill-II'I,'!. 111 \\')11111'''''''''1.
lanti" C'ly,
a 11]'1' ,I·.tlt L!il"l (ruill ,.\1
,TIlt' :11111"'1-,'",.1'\'1"'" ,,,I,,, "I' Ih" "'::111:1 "h"'" 1"\,,, all" dUlY,
11'1111' (·aIT,.!l 111/' II·at/IIl/.!1
II" I''''n\o'd "Ill lltat :\1""1g"nll'r,' St. Patrick's Day IS March 17
I'" I til' t'lll~< ('Illlllt~· III Pt·nn:-.;yh<ania
exp)'t'~:-.;i(lll at I;;.ty·;--: 1·11I!. (lll
tilt' fal'l' (If 1·111I111('t.
,tl,,,ul 1"'11,l.-d 1I1t1.-1,l<'dn"~' alld al,o
tht, t tl\\' II·.... '11-II' ... t 1,11"'! /11""- 11\;t II. "TI,:lIlk 1,,", ,\11'. :\1,01"" J- lh., :\ar-
'\X'e ,cil approprialc candi .. , and part~' decorati"n, and fa\'or,
Ralph [lilnn, , '1'111' 1I"\",,.r,,rd I... nh'- I,,~ Ill)! !. I allra,'I'"I' \\'"dn,---' n"tl·d that tht.' l'(ILInty C0I111l1l:--:--illflt'}':-;
and gifts,
aVl'nUI' hUlll \\ 111'11 Wt'l·h l'nd ... bllpping t!:ty. Il:,d ,.,'diJe,'d th"lr ,'Xlwlldilun', "oth In
l'l·tl·l- 1."1"1"1'. I,f ('1'111""'1'. i- \1 r.
,~\'.I \' J:!, I-: 1:':~ 'Illd 1',,1' I:':\s 0\'1'1' !,n'cl'dlng
iH on, , , ' "lIldn'n oIa-hlllg t" th,'

D A \: I S
J, / II ' / //lI'}·. 1/'/'1/ It II."" fl }I- ~-t'a r~.
thpalt·r' .... 111:11 :lllt' and 1;11t'I", ] l I ltt·nnj,.!,"
:\, :,' '1 .. ",., a\ a,,,1 Fnd:t, Ih"
,i h . " «/111'/ dr/' .'1 '01" ,l!'lllf- ,),01111 :\],-I;arl'l',', Bryn :\1 a 1\'1'. wa;;
(;, 1'1, I' ""Ill a prll'l\ t" gl"':,1 :\"1,,," 1':000Iy-El>-al,,,r 1',,1\,,11 l11t
honll'wa I'd,
.....;1 lit/for /1/1
sch"ol \l'y"lg 1" ""II an aol to a local "H".-al"," I\'ill I,.. till' featul .... whil,' ""·"I,,,'1<'d ch:l1rman and otlll'r oftk,'r~
bu,in,",. mall, elt""'11 11"1',, .J "hll :\!l'Conaghy. :vI,'r- 224 Ha\'erford A\'l'nul' - Phone, l\'arbcrth -IV>5
S"tllrd"y Will Illal'k a 1','lul'li "IIgag'"
'''II. 1""I'-ehalrn1:llI; Elizaul'Ih Hill.
P''I'hal'' 11", },,',I IIIf"l'tll"" 1ll:11I in 111'111 (If "Tt \·:lI'Il'IJ.·' J
Erratum 1 '\'1111,'.1, l,e,,,,'h:lIrnlall; 1{"11wick
town i" \\'alt,'r ~llpl,'",
I :1,"1"1 I '"d"al:\I{,.r. ,k.'l'il" r.,- IICIl!~·. :\11·rit11l. 1'('('IJl'dlllg' :-,t'crptal'Y;
Knoll' any maid,., c"ob. cit-ailing Comedy-Romance, 'I\lal1-Proof:
1"'1'1- !:I-I """k, ,- Ii "I a (,:llIdida1l' f"r :'II:tI,,'1 :'IlcConll'a,', Ardmun', COIT"~­
wonll'n'! TIll'y'r,' n",',kd by many a Playing at Egyptian Theatre ,"1,,1,' :-:"11:11"1,
re~id,'n\. I."a\'" llanll'~ and addn',.-,'>
01' phOn<' numb,'r" al th., Ot'R 'I'll\\':\
\\'llh an exc"lI"nl
11'('Il)'d :1:-- ;\:--~1·1l1hl~·lll~lll. IH' i~ ~tand­
Tit" Egyplian 1""".'nl' Ihi" Friday 1 Ill' fIll' 1'1· ,'!('('tillli to tht· State Lf'g-i:--:~
p"lllllllg ~"('t'l'lar,', and Edward CI-
1l1<'r. :'\orth Ardlltot'l,. trea~urel'.

C"lllmit\t'" chairmen named were;

offic". and l\'ith"1l1 "I,Jigali"n th,'" will :",,1 ~"turda,' ":\Ian·!'r"of" ft'aluring' ~1"IlII)l'r,hlp, Rolll'rt Cowl and, :\'ar-
I" 111"".' I""TI' "ranl'lt. for our helpful hints for houw and garden
be 1ll'lp,'d t" tind p,,,,t i"n" :\lyrlia 1.",', H",alilld HU,-,-,'l1 alld

w. H. H
1"'1'1 h; ~I,,'a k.. r~. Th(,nu" :\, Cook.
,B,'~I lik"d nanH', ,,, l'ar 1',,1' a 11I)!l!"'\' Franl'llllt TPlll' ill a (,(Jlllt'dy rt1Jllalll'p.
,'\ari>l'rlh; l'uhiJelt". !{ul"'rt R.. inhart,
OU! Tow:\ an' ,lll/i" /./,,'" (alr,'ady An ad,"''' allrarll"n will b.. \\'all The Garden .J 1'.. :\I,'rion; C"mll1ilt .. ,,~, \\'anl A\\·S
in U~t') and 1'1111'1/ (/1/1/ TII/I·lI.o;II'}I. IlI-Ii,'''-' ilollald [luck in ":\1 ic\;"y'" ~I 1'-, E, l'. (;ri,\\'old in["rm" u~ 111<' F l'I'n"h, Ro,,·mont. ARDWARE
""hat do you r"l'omm"llll'! ..\ mal"ur'," .. r",'u- \.' bl''',nllng a \I""'k ,'arl". Ihi, Th,' l'oUlICil will n1l'<'I again :\Iarch
"Paradi-,' F"I' Titr,'''''' "laYIng al -l'l'Il1g, ..\lId Ib,' n,b'n," aI'" 11l0l'l' in OME APPLIANCES
::1 ", Ih .. 1.011"'1' :'I1"rion TOWll~hip
Business Bits lh,' 1':gIPl1:'" :\I"nda,' alld Tu""la,'. "I i,kl"'" lb:ln u>llal. (Fir"t r,>llIn "I'
:'IIar.. h 1,1-1;1, lI'hi"h "Iar,; Frank :\1,,1'- Ib,' ,I,'al' ""- r"""rt,'d III I"'nn \'all,'y
HII"d,n,l.:. Ardmol'i', 241 Ha\'l'rford Avenue Phone Narberth 4 [34

Pictur,', wen' lak"n :\Ionda,' nlghl I.::ln, 1-'1"1'1'11'''' I{'l'" and H"b"rl Y"Ullg :\,,'" 1":11", 1-:"", "ut h.. wa, ,11"11<' in Engagement Announced
of Howard Clllt"I"~ window. full or i' "Ill' ,01' Ih,' -"a,,,"', mo,t all1u,illg it,.' hal'dill,,,,,I. alld nol ,0 clll't'rful a,
:\1 r, and :\Ir", .John lIay Fau"",'tt,
Florida and tropical fruII" A n'c"rd- coml'di.,~, I", :\Iar('h I,n,thl'l'n,)
"I' \\','nn,'w"od. anltllUI1C" Ih" l'ngage-
breaking' ~hipn'lI'"t Ilf till' rruil wa,'
sold la"t w,·..
"Th" HurricalH'," \\'I11ch ('onw,,; to TIll'l'l", a Ilig li,\ or bOllk~ Iln gal'-
k-l'nd by Cotter',. :\Iarkel.: tl1<' Eg)'j)tian n,'xt \" ..dn,'"lay and d"llIng a\'ailabl,', Do you want (ll'n
nU'llt of th,-ir daughtl'r. :\Iiss Clara For Next Thursday
.-\ I,,'" Fa u,,,,·tt. to :\1 r. .J ohn M.. r-rifil'ld
fresh from Illliian Ri\'er, 'Thur"lay', includill~ Thur~day mati- 'I'll\\':\ t" I'ultli,h il Ill'xt ,,'p(!k'?
En·rhal'l. ",n of :\11'. and :\lr~, Wil- Part)' fa\'t'r', dC(l)ration"
Bernard \\'l'in~t('in join"d the :'\ar- lIl'P, :\lal'ch ](>-17. f"alun'~ 1l'l!'''lhy' !.lft, ".il1l,,. is If !Ilfod til1l1' to [ ..r-
1iam Tn'xl<'r E\'l'l'hart. of CYllwyd, pri7l's, candies-
bel,th :\I .. n·, Shop \1'l'Il-drl'~~ed group, Lamour and .Joll lIall in a dramalic: liliz" turf. By g ..tting thi~ odious job
this \\,,,,,'k, and Pat Pattl>r~on la~t! ~aga of th .. South S,'a", ; oul of tlH' way no\\', warm days of
'Tis said that retail ~al('" haw Suburban Theatre Presents
fallen off 101H:r cmt in Philad.. lphia, i
I' ! ,pring ma,' ill' d ..\'oted to more pleas-
,urabl(' la,.b, S .. ll'ct a f''I'tilizer hiJrh
Three Outstanding Movies' in rho"l'horu~ ~ince lhi~ "Il'ment is
i-=~-:i-a::~~~~:i~~~!~~pe~alty r
Ye Oddity Shoppe
209 Haverford A...,.-Narb, 2882
due to the city ~ 2 per cent saIl'S tax,i i onl' or, tl1l' ltmltlnJr ractor~ In turf MARGARET SQUIER i
Suburban stores arc notlelllJr a COI'- B,'Cau~p of h,'r aehi .. n'nH'nt~ a'" productilln In Pennsylvama, Hun- Studio: 305 Grayling Ave. I NO SALES TAX HERE
responding impro\'('ment in tlll'ir bu,i- California's y()ungt'~t ..xpel't hol'~l'- i dr .. d~ of lawn own~rs as \\'l'11 as man- ~arbe~h 4102:1
ness-those alert enough, to takt' ad- woman. J ant' \\'ither;; recently wa~, agerH of athle\lC helds, golf courses,
vantaJre of their opportUl1ltles, :\1any.•,Il'ct..d an honorary member of the Hnd e"Ill,·t(·l'i('~ ha\'e obtained good I'

howevl'I', and l'Hpeeiallv - the automo- C a I'f I ornJa' R o(1eo 'am l HOI' ;; e Show I l'l'~ult~ frolll an agricultural 4-12-4
bile dealers, arc leaning backward, to A,Hoeiation, In hl'r latl'st ~tarrinJr: fertilizl'l'. A G-12-4 analy~is is also
avoid ~aking advanta~e of ,theIr city picture, Twentieth Century-Fox's good or one may sl'1ect a 5-12-3 or a I pre.e"t
competItors, A senSible VICW, how- "Checkers" Jane di~pla\'s her riding 4-12-3, "DOUBLE DOOR"
~ver, seems this: I~ a big enouJrh dent ability a,' jockey in a ;hrilling raec,! \\'hpl'l' lin'" is ",'pded it should be
by Theatre Building-Narb, 2772
IS made III city busll1ess by a ~ales tax TI", film i" cUITt'ntl\' at the Suburban appl"'d a r.,\\, weeks later, uSlnJr 50
bo"cott there will be suffiCient clamor Th t
J , , c a er.
. I to j'f; '
I pounc],; or "'round limestone to
" ELIZABETH McFADDEN Narbertb:Men's Shop Open every evening •
tO,tul'n out of office the expensJ\'e po- SI'C "The Awful Truth" at the Sub-I loon ~'1ua!'(' fpl'L If thl' nt'Cd for lime Special NeT>' Scenery
IitleaI drOlwH of o\'erlappmg', PhIla- ' u l' I,a n Th .'a t .. r" ta I' t'l
I)Jr.-,"un ,lay' \I'I'th II~ doublful, a ~0I1 t(·~t should be madc, Special Period Co.tuming
delphia County and City, whIch LJl1-' Dunne and Can' Grant'in till'
MARCH 18th and 19th
coIn Steffens year, "ago calle~ "Cor- eo-"tarring 1'01",,' i The Penn Valll'Y Garden
rUllt but contpnted, , , , \\ hI' no( . ' I, " , ELM HALL 50c
" p', Rl'alh'. [rp!H' ~ a dr"Hm and Cary ~. (Iu" \1'111 hold ,t,.; regular m"l'tlnJr on They ha\'e good eyes
" force the Cit\' to emulate rogrcHS1\'" " I "
, " _ k' 1 f a ~ereal11 in the Wtld"Ht romance en'r: :\Ion"ay at 10,:lO A, M, Jl1 All Salllts'
LaGuardia 's ~('\~' ): 01' " Ill~tea( 0 ~l' ..n on t hp sCI'<'en! 11'~ Ill<' maddp~I,: I'a ri, It Ilou,,'. \\' \'nlll'wood, There
Hague'~, Jer~e\'
. CItv?
, ' " Il nWITII,,,t ' I ~cram ll" 0
' , ' , ' 'I I1I' a , I'1~l'U~Sl()n
• •'X-\\ I\'e~., "'Ii
" on annuals,
Twenty-thn'l' Junkl'd ean ungma y i mat('~ and mi';-l1lat ..~ Ihat ('\'('1' turn,'d: VICK'S and a lively interest in this paper, It's not surpnSll1g that
worth $50000 w('nt up In flanll'~ :\lon-; , ' , ' , ~
, ,',.. ' 'h I: 1111' ~el'l'('n Illto a dl,l'flum of howlll1g ~ WILDGARDENS
day nwhl 111 a \ Illall()\'a tIn' watl' p, I I ' ! hundreds ()f readers of this papl'r notice the ads, such as
, '" ,

" I a u g It('r,
by over t"l1 tltou~al1d, :\Iall) Lilt<' aUl0,

dealers dId It a, a publiCity ~11l1l1. allt! I

1)on A nH'(' IH', ~()Jl.Ja

" ' II en\('
,In A "II IlII1 ,W,,(,t )l'arl. I' n'unlt'"
" ,:-. "() ne

Suburban Theatre GLEN MOORE, PA.
this one that you are rl'ading , , . Buy space now, publish
last Saturdav pal'ad..d !J, IH'W,'r u-pd" " " N atllralistic
'111 romanI'" wllh her In Happ,' Land-
ARDMORE Plantillgs
cars, I ing" 20th Cl'ntllr,'-I"ox m\l~ical of Pools an interesting sales talk, hitve sOl11ething worth while to 'l'::
I ~upl'rlali\'l' 'pl"ltd"r, "Happy Land- Rocky Ledges
The Book Shelf II1g" "p.. n, Thur,day at the :-:uhurhan'
FRIDAY & SATURDAY N IIrsery G ron"1 -and you'll agree with a growing number of businl''S{,s,
Jay ('al'\'('r Hos~ard. Baird nlad. j" A GRAND HUMAN STORY THAT Wild Plants
lif;ted a~ the author of "You I' II"m,·' Spring is in the Air that it pays to ad\'ertisl' in Tom Elwood', Ollr Ton',1.
and You," an illu~trat,>d puhlication I A, an indication that "pring I~ in GIVES YOU JANf AT HER
Call CYNWYD 833
to be l'l'l,'a~pd llL'xt month, TIll' land-: the> air, .John R"gan, Illl' bird hou~l' VERY. VERY 8~SlI
scapI' architl·(,t di~cu~~.. ~ d,'~igning l;""!H'r at Ih., Zoo, 1"'1'01'(,.; that tit"
and plalJllil1g YOUI' hOllll'. int .. ri"r! ge,,~,' and duck, on th" bini lak" an'
decoration. can' of tl", homt'. tl1l'; "tal-ting to build tlll'ir lll'~b, And II
g .. ound~, hOU~I' plant~, lind giv.', a' i~ 11',·11 that tlH'~' an' gdling an parIy
guidl' to American antiqu(' furnitun"l HI<lrt for duc};!ing~ and go,ling~ will
($1.50,) 111I' n,·(',!t'd f"r th" IH'W bahy ppl zoo
'AmonJr book~ l'l'eomllll'l1l]"d for wh,ieh i~ to Ill' ojll'lwd in the Philadel-
Lenten reading: J orgen~"n'" "Saint phla ZooIoJrlcal Gardl'n l\lay 1.
Catherine of Si('na" (about s:n;
for the Co".'e"ie"ce of ElectOr< of
Gorres-Coudenhon", ":'Ilaria Ward"1
($2,75) ; The Bishop of London', L"nt I Lower Merion and Narberth
Book, l!1:>8-"The Church Victorious"
($1) ; Northcott's "Dick Sheppard and'
Against colds and chills Regi.trar< from the Office of the Montgomer)'
St, Martin's" (-in-the-Field , , , beHt Cou"ty Registration Commission will be at
known parish church in the world) Now-
($1.40); Underhill's "Saint Peter" ALICE FA YE, George KEEP YOUR HOME Township Building, Ardmore,
($2.50). Murphy, Ken Murray, I
Thornton Wilder's scenery-less play.
'''Our Town," will be publish('(1 Aprill
Charles Winninger, Andy
WARM DURING on Monday and Tuesday, March 21 and 22

4 ($2). Advance orders for the first I CHANGING Borough Hall, Forest Avenue, Narberth,
edition will positively be filled, if you, 'You're STARTS SUNDAY on Wednesday, March 23
order now. ;
A Sweetheart' FOR 4 DAYS WEATHER
(Advt.-Buy your books through
your local publisher-at a discount.
I Added Saturday at 1 P. M.
John Wayne ir'
Back by
Township Building, Ardmore,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - March 29, 30, 31

I Monday and Tuesday:
'W1ten~~ TIME: 2:30 to 5 P. M. and 6 to 8:30 P. M.
Editor: I Madeleine CARROLL NEWTON COAL This will afford an opportunity to electors who have not reJ:istered'
In last week's issue, I was referred under the 1937 Permanent Registration Act 'to qualify to VOle at
to as the chairman of the Lower Mer- fIWAS ASPY' the elections this and subsequent years.
Prompt deliveries 10 all parts
'ion Township Commissionel:'s Play- The main Registration Office in the Court House at Norristown
01 Philo" suburbs and Camden
,ground Committee, This is not the Wednesday-THE night: will continue to be open daily from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. (Saturdays
'case and in my talk before the Penn' Phone Ardmore 2550 8 A, M. to noon) until April 16, which is the last day to register
Valley residents, I stated that the I PETER LORRE
fThank You, Mr. Moto'
Allegheny 8400 - West 5201
for the Primaty Election.
, administration of open play fields 1
Y was now and had been for the past Montgomery County Registration Commission
'\'two years, ably handled by the chair- Thursday-Friday March 17-18
;", man of the Playground Committee, FOSTER C. HILLEGASS
Nelson EDDY
:;:,C. Brooke Jones, commissioner of the Eleanor POWELL
't, 'Pencoyd district. FRED C. PETERS'
Sincerely, fROSALIE'

',: ... ~~"'" , -... ,,'.

• • ',,1

, ':~ •~- .. ;""J' .,':: . :. ,".':.'1'\.:

:': ·.,::.~~"·'~~l,. '~.:.·'l '. '-. '," t.~~ <
". ,"
~, ..
':.:." .. ..
:' " ;.~ ",.-.,' '.' ......

OUR TOWN Page Three

March 11,1938

The Fireside Fashion Show Next! The Parties

Child I ior thp In Action or Repose ..

,,>I JlI>lillr 1'010/(/1//', ]lurposp of IJI'comi>lg
:'Ill', and :'IIr" Burn, F, Be,t, llud-
dl,~t'If,""si(lll /('(/,<.1 IHf, l·t,.'~tiHY. h,'ff"r art/Hoitlfl'd, ,e},irli
1,,\' a\','nUf', will l'ntl'rtain at a lunch- . " . !III/II' lw . . flll"f', /l'o/k, {JI sfllrrs and
""II alld camp !'t'ullion at Er,killl' I I; Ii 1 Th,' Illl't'till(.( uf tht· Child Study tl1<' Parc·nt-Tl·aclll'r A"ociatiun uf l'IlI"I"III!II' ('''1/ }II :.... 1/ ti, ,.,'/fl/lI d (1.-> fo ('.rt()ud and
Ill' till' :\arlll'rth .Iunl"l· \\'lIm-':\ b tI I
nn Saturday I'llI' tl1l' (.(irl, llf Ea(.(ll' (;r"llp all" Clul" la,t \I"nda\' night at tl1l' ' ar "I' 1 la, l't'n glvrng la~t \\'p('k
b ' , I illf,ll .... i(!f fh, illll"" ...:,... IIi JIU/II" })I ,"soHalify on others.
LClll.l!4'. 1:11 fh, "U,I/ilf ,", r},,,c/ ,/InN ('fin truin to rt'l'f'ul yoHr
hllnl" lIl' :\II", HaITv \\'att-, tlll,k the alld thi,. han' pl'lJvt'd highly SUCCl'SS-
Thi, \\"t'k-t'nd :'III'" Bt'njanlill Y, I'"rm Ill' a r"ulld:tahl,' clIlIft,rt'lIct', fuL
(}(.(dt'll. l'1ll'-tnut aVl'IIUl', will VI-it I-:ach 111"1111\('1' br"ught "Ill' "I' t \\'" of: t hl.- FrIday l'n'l11ng fol' thl' mothers
A bridgt' party will b,' gi\'l'n II trll, ')/frnU'f,l"18t/,. .... /I'll), 11"'/('1 liNd

I ('ail. \\Til,' or "hom' IUT, li,:!1

TODA Y and TOMORROW h,'r daughtl'r. :'III" Dllrllt hy O(.(d,'n, 1",1' ciJildn'II" fa\'"rit" b""k-, Al'tt'1' \\'h" ('al1not g"f't awa~.. in daytiml'. at I'

\\'hll i, attl'ndin(.( WIlliam and :'Ilary tli" 1I1",'tlllg th"",' w"r.. d,-,'u,,,,,L' tb" h',m" "I' tiJ"lllr'lllber,hip chairman.
('"Ilt-g,', at \\'illlllm-hurg, \'a, \\'11\ -"111(' \\'t'\'l' fa\'''l'It,·- \\1111" "thl'r",j \II", EIl,worth Clark, lOG Clll',tnut.
:'111'-, R"h"rt DUllcall, B"l'chwlltlll 111:,1 til" ~ I () F Ilia Ill'" Hldg, 1~:!H S, Penn Square
Ill"tlll'r- th"ug'iJt pl'l'fl,('t, Th,' part)' will b,' gi\,t'n b\' :\11'';,
lallt', will ,'lItt'I'talll h .. r cluh at lunch-
"llll-I,rl,k" IIl'Xt \\',·dnl·,day,
\\"'!'" 19'11"1'"d "I' p"_ltl\,,'ly tll,lik"d by: ('lark alld :'III'" H, :'II. Grie,t, ~ht, '~~~~~~~~~;;~;;:::;~;;::::;:::;;;;~;;;;~~~~~~i;
th, "I,iI,I!','n, All arll,'I" wa- rl'ad,IITtar,', TIll' 1'0"111 Illothers who will 11 - - ----
:'Ill', alld :'111'-, :\I"rt"n Cihhnn, :\"11', "\\'h,' th,' Child'- St"r~' Sh"uld lIa\'l' a('t a, ('o-ho,t.. "e·s arl' }[I'~, L('wis R,
\\·~·llnl'\\'(ll.d rllad, att('lldt'd a hlltl . . . p a !I '11'1',' Endll1g," whil'h It'd ttl a di,.:-, S"u tll'I' , :'III''', (;porge l\laryott and
'1':11'1,' ia,t \\'""k-"Ild al (l,'a('h Ila\','n, l'll-",,,n "I' unpJ..a-ant dn'am-, I'\C"I :'111'-, Thpodol'l' Fi,chl'r,
:\, ,J, :lIlti tht, tllIng''; that til" ('1111.1 n'ally, :Iny mothl'r of a pupil in any gradl'
This i, for
~~A billion drops
:'II" allol :'111'-, I,:, ,J. 1',,1 I",'k , A\'''lI ah",riJ, "I' 111<' ,uPpo-I'd "h"n"r,"i"f th<, school. There will b,' door
/A M·G·M'. drs·
malic ••nulion
",-/ .•. witb your
Queen of the
I'"ad. had a,; th"11' (.(u,',t, (}VI;r till' that pa,s I'Ight "\','1' 111- IH'ad (1'1': Thp I prizp~ and the priel' of the ticket, is
\\'(','k-Plld, :'II I'. P"I1,,('k',; brothl'l' alld nllll'h d"l'u,-"d IIl1!',,'r~' rh~'n1<'-) do," C,II ('pnb,
without a drip"
~¥~.~ Screen I ,i,t"I'·lll-la\\'. :\Ir. alld ~II", B"yd h" g",t th,' n'al n1<'anillj! "I' ju,t th"i \II'" \\'",Il'y P, Dunnillgton, chair-
d" 111l'" (JIlt' "I' til" lIl"thl'r-. th,' pal'-· man "f l'dueation, will give a tt'a :'Ilon- Ne\'er a drop of oil ~pilled l'n your driH'. lawn or
1'"II"ck, "f Sch"npctauy,
:\Ir. .I"hn Stuudt, \\'hu i- :ltlt'lIdllll; "Ill "I' t lin'" 1",,-,, ga\',' 11<'1' "xp"ri-, dav aft,'rn"on at her honll' oil \\'\'IllH" shrubbery. Our ~treallllilled nil truck, have all

FRf\NlHM TONE ' T"lIl" SchOll!. 111 P"rt [)"I""it. :'lId" "1,,"'- with h"th b""k, al1d t",'" alld i dai" I'oad; adllli"ioll, :!;j el'nt" ' automatic mea,ure and shut-,'lf that pn'\'enh ll\'cr·
'\\'ill rt'lUl'n lI.. xt Fl'lday tn '1"'lId th,' II", p,,--,'-,i"l1 and ,harll1g "I' them: :\Irs, ~amu,,1 Pruitt and :\lr~, J.

-I'nllg \'a('allllll \\'Ith hi, part'nt,-, :\II', all, A n"l hl'!' "ap,'r wa~ r"atl "11 "\\'hat I'l'rl')' 1I0rlarlll'r. ,Jr'" will gi\'(' a
and :\11'-, Charl,,- H, St"udt, Wo"d,idt' Illllll"n,'" \\'ill th,' :'Il"d"rn :\,'w-papt'r: bl'idg,' party till' IHth and at 50llle And that', not all. \X'ith cach ddin'rr YllU get a

\\',th It~ ('l'll1lt':i T"ld In Slich Ill,tail flltur,' dalL' :'III'" Kortright Stl'phr'n-
:'III', alltl :'Ill'" l;"Il" ;\11':111-, To\\'allda, lIa\',' lIn (lUI' ('bildn'n','" Thl, last and \II", Charll" .T, Bl'unl,.. 1 will giVl'
an' \''-It'l1(.( tilt' (;""rg" \Iary"tt" Sa- ar11I'I,'. "I' l'''UI'-I', I,'d ttl a dis,'u"i"ll of an"thl'r party,
stamped ticket w hi ..h ,how, the e:'t.aCl amount of
,lil that ha, pa"..d thTllugh llur tnl(k ml'ter into
y,'ur tank-not the dri\Tr\ gu ..".
hilll' a\','nu.', TIlt' ~1:Iry"th, wb" til,' "lill',II" progral1lS, ",,-('(III," ehil- --------
\\"'1'" ill FI"l'Ida 1',,1' tw" we,'k" ha\',' tll"'II'- pn'gTam" "n t lit' radio, They Animals Owners' Protective Try this n1tlderll \\a\' of buying fu .. 1 oil.
r.'lLlrll"d, 1'1'''\''' a 11"1'\'" iJazal'd 1',,1' th,' ll1"tlll'l', League Organized in Ardmore RALPH S. DUNNE
a, w,'11 a, thl' chiJdl'l'n, Will \\'f'i
:'Ilr. and :'111'-, l'. K, Stahl, E,,,,,x rai-t, a 1-["lIt'I'ation "I' 11,'r\'ou, \\Tl'('k<?'
a\','nu,', l'lltl'rtaillt'd at dinnl'r Satul'- '1'1 lt' ,'\"'llIng ' I'
1"'''\'('' an II1ll'n,-t Inl! on"
' ,TIll' Animal (}"'nl'l''':' Pl'otl'cti\'e NARBERTH
da,' "\Tlllng to c"lt-bratl' tlwir t,'nth I)('call'" It mad" ,'\"'I'v"n,' w~nt to do I I.l·agu,' of P('nn,,'lvania wa, organ-
\\'l'dding anni\,t'r:iary. among till' '''111l'thing ,Ii'''ut till''''' ,tull1bling' iZl'd at a nll'l'ting Ilt'Jd TUl',day night
gu,"\.- w,'r" Dr. alld :'111'-, Fl'allk
Id"ck- to ,'a,\' and nutul'al l'iJildlwod,
,at th,' T"wn~hip Building Ardmore,
'" '
& J al·bcrrh A""nu*,s
l'ng-l'l'. I'hiladt'lphia, ~lt", Stahl '" , ' O"icl'I" l,I"eted "'l'rl': Roland \\"
At till' n,'xl Ill,·,'tln(.( It I, ,'x",'cll'd, '
-p"lIt Frida~' ill Lan('a,tl'r. Ihat Ill', Blal1chard will talk "II "Whell lid I , pl'l"ldl'nt; :'Ilr~, John Bruok, fir~t
:'Ill'" \\'iIlJam L,,\'is. Ilallll"lt-n a\'I'- ~I,,,,iltl S,'x-I-:ducati"n :-:Iart':" \Il,,'-prl',id"nt; \11'" I1onll'r \[cll-
nll", 'Iwnt ~"\'t'ral day, la-t wl,,'k III 'I'
."""\ It'r
I(l:-:.t Ill)!' IIt ' ~ g-rant I !'t'''l{ I'Ing-, "'ain,'. "'c,,nd . r
- " .
:\"\\' Yt>rk, r (' g Il 1:-;1' "C I I "I t lIunland )., \\ hit", thIrd Vlce'pl'l'SI-
:\I,'" \\'Illialll Y, Hutchin,,,n, E,-,'x" "'"r ,', .. rllan ~11aW - an, Hha : ""lit; Loui, .. l\ .. rsh('J' "l'cretarv' Mrs, Nights, Sundays and Holidays
1>\' :\I 1". "I'lI'lIa Bal \' It -"I'm, t at, , . ,
a\"'llll", ha, Idt 1'111' a t I'll' to C a l i · ' , ,,' ' "Salllul'1 B, Apt. tl'l'asurer; I\Iargaret -Narberth 2651
al1\'tiJlng th .. I1I nil> 1''' I'rl',,'nt \\'ill 1)(' ,
f,'rnia, " , , ' (;rl'aIW\' a"'l,tant trea,urer' p .. tpr
I'atht'r an anl1-cllnHlx, It I' hoped ,-. II " , '
R<,d<'Cllrate rour hOl11e for :'Ilr. ,llld :'IIr~, Hugh B, Sp("Cd, Clll';;t- t Iwt th .. ,pl'lng ' I' a~ I' h
lIon ,ow, on ,. " arr, °1H'ratl\'l' managl'r, ' , and Dr,
the new s<,ason, \X,' e make IIUt <\\','nUl', ,'ntr'rtailll'd at dillllPr :\larch :!~, will 1'lil th,' \'oid, :'III'S, ",a III u.. I B, Apt, vetel'rnanan,
exquisitely tailored slip 'Saturday '·\','ning: Dr. and :'III'" CI,'nll \\'illialll', tht, chairman-in- H, Ll'stl'r Haw" and Jo;;eph Rail
Clot/les are Cleaner
(i"orgl' Thorp and Dr, and i\!r" I3a,il .. hargt'. ha,.: prollli~l'd that thi, will be Wt·!'t' ell'cted coun~el.
covers and matching
Bt'nnl'\t, of Knox\'i11l'. Tl'nn, "th,' h.."t lllH' v,,\." A, v"u know the The league will open an office and
and Last Longer-at
drapes at moderate cost. Ill'. F!'t'dl'rick L. Fenno, :\l'W 01'- junior, th,'m"... I\'''' will , lllod .. L There I' r"l' 1'.11111'
A I'd more," wa;; the gUl',t of his broth"r will hl' palm,_ Illu,ic, in fact, all the
and ,i-t,'r-in-Iaw. :'III', and l\Ir~, Har- "Iixin,;." ,II COlllt' and bring your St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
Hobson & Co.
old r. Fenno. E,.:,,'x an'nue. la,t nt'ighbor and gPl a glimpsl' of what
wl'ek. th.. wl'll-dre,;seu ~arlJl'rthitl' will
Areadia Know Where Your lAundry Goe5
. . ARDMORE 4400
Decorators :'III'" Kenneth :\1. Bt>vee, Hampden,!
av"nue. Il'ft last week fur a month
Restaurant PHONE TODAY

105 N. Narberth Avenue Don't forget the dance to be held IN NARBERTH

in San Francisco. \'isiting her brother-
:'Ilarch ZG, at the Bala Golf Club,
Phone, Narberth 2340 in-Ia wand sister, Feature Speci<J1s for the
from 10 till 2 A, M. Burt Kinzel will
Month of March - April
,supply the music as before, Prices
Merion i same, No extra charge for the extra
?lli~s Alys Welsh, daughter of Mr, good time! Kay Wheeler and Emma DINNER" .. "".,., .. ,. $1
and :'I1I's, Raymonu W. Welsh. of Rad-, K, Cro,ll'y are the hostesses, ,',
Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 BAKED SHAD DINNER", 70c
nor, will l'ntl'rtain at a dilllH'r Satur, :'Ill's, J. C, Goodyl'ar, Mr5, E, C.
da~' in honor of ?III', and l\Ir~, \\'illiam (iri,wol<!. nJl'mbl'r' of the Senior Club, ROAST PRIME RIB of BEEF
Hpnry Snydl'I', .II'" of 100 Avon road, an' tiJ" latl"t Blanket Club winlll'r', DINNER. Sundays only .. , 70c
i l\h'rion. M. K, H.
\11'" Sn~'d,'r will bl' rpmpmb<,red a;; OUR BROILED GENUINE
:'IIi"" :'Ilary Augu~t Biddl,', daught.. r of Many Parties for Miss Wescott;
:'lIn;, Henry C. Biddle. of Wayne, Mushrooms, French Fried Potatoes
Wedding Set for March 12th
.1121-24 CHEST"Ur 51
I :\1 rs, l'\lIrman L. Knipe, of Baird
]'Clad. will l'ntl'rtain till' nll'mb('r, of The marriage of :\liss Mary Sue
lll'r club at luncht'on and bridge' next Wt',cott, uaughtc'r uf Mrs, Paul Gill,
Roll and Butter
Sliced Tomatoes


TUl',.:day. "I' English Village, \\'ynnewood, and, (Served at any time)

'HILADELPHIA :'Ilr, and :'Ilr,;, Ralph D, l\lacGuffin, !\II'. Theodorp Charles Louer, .11'.• 1
" I Let lIS tailor "our ",'
III' Lindl'n and Brookway, ('ntl'rtailled ,;on of :\Irs. EI'11' Lauer, of Cynwyd'i FRESH LOBSTER
at a dinlll'l' and bridg,' pal'ty Thurs- will take place at 6 o'clock on Satur-; A LA NEWBURG dot !ling to YOUR measure.
da)" l'H'ning, day e\'l'ning, \\larch 12, in St. Asaph's' TO TAKE HOME quart $2.00
:'III'" l\lac(iu!fin i~ .. ntertaining at a Church, Bala-Cl'nwvd, The Reverend Tasty di5h to serve at atly time
-mall !un('hl'()n and bridg(' party this Richard T, L~'ford, rector of the; ---- --_._.- -- For the ne\\ ~pr1ng patterns. see 1I~ • • • And for
Frida,', church, will officiate. A delightful Banquet Room can be materials_ we recolllnwnd the exdllsiv(' wOl11en's line by
:'IIi" Elizabpth LodN, ~i,tt'r of the had for any Private Luncheon
or Card Parties Forstlllann. and the nll'n'~ and \\'()]lwn's wlllllen~ by John
Wynnewood !'I'i,i!'groom, will b(' thl' maid of honor
alld :\Ir', .Iohn Way • .II'" of Cynwyd,' B. Ellison & SOIlS. • Samplc, now on displa\'
:'III', alld :\11", TIH>nJ:l~ Hart, and
t h,' matron of hOllOI', The brides-' WINES and LIQUORS Cl)llle see them, no\\!
tht,ir dau~htl'r, :\Ii" :\Iargal'l'l Hart,
maids will be Miss Doris Orr, of New i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
of Hatha\\'ay lall", aI'(' ,pt'nding a
York; ;\Ii"s Barbara Weymouth, of;
mOllth at l\l'~" \\'l"t, Fllll'itla, wlll're
th,'y havt' takl'n a hou'p,
:\0\\' York; l\li~s Eleanor DeVilbiss, ofl ~================~ ':.

:\II', and :'III", .1. (;il"on }ldh'ain,

,:!d, uf (irt'l'n (iat'de'n, \raynl', are rp-
:\I"rion. and Mrs. James 'Vickenden,:
of Plymouth, Mass,
:\11'. Richard McCurdy, of Cynwyd, t
Adelizzi B.-otlters
'cpiving' congl'atulatioll' upun till' Custom Tailors Cleaners, D"ers, Furriers
will act as best man and the ushers'
i birth of a daughtpr on March 2, Mrs.
I :'I1c1lvain i, till' former :'IIi" Rpatricl' will include Mr, PaulO. Dickinson, of:
Pipl'rsville. Pa,; Mr, L. D, Lovekin, I 228 Bala A\'Cnue Cynwyd 928
" ~ Hancock PaylH', daughtl'r of :'III'. and 102 Forest Avenue Narberth 2602
,11'., of Villanova; Mr. Edward Loder,:
:! 1:\11''':, W. Hancuck PaYIll'. of Wynnl'-
of Havprford; Mr. Robert Zapp, ofl
Easton; Mr, Wesley Hamilton, Green-' W h)' 'R'ait ulltil Ea5ter?-Sal'c on the City's Sales T ax-Now! '::
wich. Conn .• and Mr. Henry Maijgren,
Narberth Bridge Club
of Rochester.
II :\lareh '
5-top score, Dr, and Mrs. -,
A reception will follow at the
}lark :\Iorgan; second place, M 1', and church immediately after the cere-
:\Irs, J. H, Baker. mony and a bridal supper for the Sl' in the B.. 11 T ..II'l'lwnc
March 7-top score, Walter J. Scott hridal party and close relatives of the Lahoratori,-. n·.·.·nlly look a lip from
anu :\1 r~, Arthur Cooney; spcond place, bride and bridegroom.
the farn...r., F"r a long Ii"... Ihey
Frederick Moyer and Mrs. J. H, Upon their return from a wedding SI'arch"d for a moh' .ali.fal'lory anti

Fashion First
Baker. , '"
:\Iembers of the Women s DIVISion' 'I'd e rn
'trip, Mr, Loder and his bride will re-
' E as t on, Th ey WI'II b e a thorn e
economical method of eonsln;l'ling
telephon.· li""8 in "I'rlai" rllral ...\ .-
tions. At la81 II... y ans"er
i National Bank of Narberth
Reefer, Suit
of the ,rlu b are requested
d '
, to
" for the Fnday afternoon,
make, ft
a er
, I , an
A prl 'I 1 .
d M rs. P au I L 0 d er, 0 f Hav-
in a spl'cial 1)'1'1' of plllw and a new
insulating malt·rial. Wherl' the soil
I • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •

as featured In
up,hcate WIth MISS Fol,e y , !'\arberth erford, will entertain at supper on
4143, Thursday precedmg the play, Friday evening, March 11, in honor
permits. new plow will cut a
deep LUI narrow furrow, lay an in-
• Member 01 Federal Reserve System •
Another Social Evening
of Miss Wescott and Mr. Loder. They
wt're also guest, recently of the H.
sulal ..d wire ami smooth oul the
furrows in onr opera tion just as fast.
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
$35 open to the public, will be held by Lloyd Beyers, Jr., Narberth; and as a man can walk. Tw,-nty inches
I... n..ath the surCal'e, prote..i"d frOlu
the Harold D. Speakman Post, Ameri- Miss Wescott was also the guest at delerioration by Ihe new ruLber in-
Sleek, moulded
can Legion, at its headquarters in the parties given by Mrs. John Way, Jr" sulating cOlJlp.;untl. new lines
reefer with its own I

Community Building, Narberth, Tues- and Mrs. Paul Loder: Mrs. Victor E. are now safr frolll agl' -old
matching skirt.
day, at 8.30 P. M. Bingo will be Rehr, of Merion; Miss Elizabeth Mc- enemies-slret, hnil and wind! Are Your Savings Insured? "~
Grand vogue for
I .._.-...
played for prizes. The committee in; Curdy and Elizabeth Whitehead, Cyn- Telephone lineB have been placed No matter how little or hOW4 elttra Income
Spring. This is a
charge is Frank Challenger, chair- l wyd; Miss Katherine Fox, Ardmore; much you CAn save, either by being
crisp, mannish undcrground in cables or eonuuitB
regularly or when your In- compounded
BiO .
sharkskin, softly
man, Horace T. Smedley, Frank Foltz Miss Elizabeth Loder and Miss Elea-
and Roy Kessinger. i nor DeVilbiss. '
for )'cars. but it waB not until the
development of this new inBulating
come permits. you c&Il get leml - annu-
ally. 3afety

tailored. Have your further ahead ftnanclally by
material that thiB !limple method of saving ... this Aasoclatlon, Is Inaured up to $6.000 by an
blouse surprise! Receiving Congratulations , Office Hours by Appointment burying wireB without other pro- With dividendi of 4'1'. per CURRENT agency of the United States
Grey, be!ge, navy. tection became feasible. ThiB iB but annum, your sayings earn BATE Government.
'[ Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C, Hutchin-' at Relldence Ornce one in a long list of contriLutionB
Sizes 11-17.
son, of Woodside avenue, are receiv-i 417 Anthwyn Road, Merion whi"h the Bell Laboratories have LOWER MERION FEDERAL ~A~:8&tTl~
funlor Shop, ing congratulations upon the birth' of i Dr. Wm. G. Walton made to improve telephonl' serviee S6 E. La.oeaater Avenue, Ardmore; Penna.
Third Floor l a daughter on Saturday, February <,)ptometrllt- and to keel' it low in COBt. The Dell MJDlBEB FEDEBAL ROME LOAN BANK IIY15TllIM:

26. Mrs. Hutchinson is the former I
M'ISS D orot h y Ewa.
ld I
Phone: Narberth 2464
If no anawer. Narberth 2li70.J ..;
Telephone Company of Pennsylvania.

..'·,'::,:. .iIWJ~~"'~iii~i1iiil'ilii···i·'~i~"~Iii~~~~~iiiil~iiiI~~~i"i-~\l\':ii'
'i,,:,ti.~,~',;.i·ii,·)Ii. ... iiI.i••
- '" :" ,... ~, ".:~il".,';"• .lI:.. •. '•. ~'! ......:;; ..
.... ,'~ '. ~."

March 11, 1938

,.,: Page Four
.:. Id,st~n;e of 1'1 f"l South 'W:estw~rdIY from. I' Visit Our Ardmore Store
hf" South \\'~8lt'r1y sldt! of L5~H"X
Church News : t
,ContilininR' In front or brearith alonlJ: tht'i
South Eil~tt'r1y !'I Irt ,. of \\'oodsirlt" t\\',·nu,·
ion a '"flUP"" South i2 de-~s Z'l Illln~ \\"'Sl. I

BAPTIST CHURCH 0/ the EVANGEL ! ~ 7 It',·! tl Inch,.... iinri ~xt('nrllnl-t 01 Ihnt

\"'Idlh III If'n~lh dt'pth South\,:ardly

Robl'rt Eo Keighton, Minister
: ilt rll-!hl an..:I.·s I I I Silld \\'ondslr!.· \""nllt',
~ulld",. :\I",.ch I:~:

"What, no :1 .. 1.-, A.:\1. Church :-'cho',j. (!u~,,·s

f",. all.
11 A.:\1. :\I"rning- \\'"r,;hip. Ser-
I I 1. til


tTlC t
I f'~' t

BILl T to
("'·TI11ln (,)\···n.J,nl:-l
thf'rf'ln Olt·nlll)nf·,l

babies?" 111"11: "Th,· S"lell"r~ at lilt' Cro'''.''

"1""',,,1 "-I'\',c,' in 11,,- illtl',.,-,;l of
A Th., InlprO""'nlf'nts th"ft>nn
2 I , SIOf\ ~Iont' <tnd ITollllt' 1 t) I··~·t
fronl- bv If I 1.· ... 1 d.·rp, \\ Ilh 2. story sl'lnt.·
\\""rld IH~aC('.
7 1'.:\1. Y"ullg 1',·",,1,"'; S,·r\'ice.
nnd ITa~t' ii'Jdlllnn ltl I,·,·t hv III I.,~·t. \'.. Ith
!"!it()ry 1"lm,' addition f\ I,·f·t h .... H Iir.·cl. \'Ith \~ ON GLASSES
21, story slnnr and I Tiunt' nddltlC)n f, If·f·t
l.,·",j,.r: :\1,-- :\ancy Simp,;oll. SA VE HOURS AND DOLLARS -
I by· 1.0 I"~'I, \"ith ~ 'l"QUfll<' 0{1 fir4f' l11Ybr. ~
We've heard lots "f (OJ1\· 7.1~, 1'. :\1. TIlt' "a,;lor pr"aches 'roorns and hath on ~t'( nnd Hoor, 2 T()<lrll~

nH'nts ,ince we ran that

ad ahout doing e\'er)"thing

:II th,· :\arl ... rth :\"'Ihodi~t Churl'h.
:\1, -nela,·. :\1" rch ].l:
., 1'.:\1. H.. ligloll'; Educall"n n1l'd-
on" third HunT, ,t'II,lr, ~i1S. ,·1"1 trl< It~hls.
'SpTln~h,.]r\ \'<It.·r. h"atln~ ~,,· .. t'·lll. pop h
I I ront


,n" :11 lh,- l\I'n\l' of :\11'''. R. B. 1k"r, Sl"lu.d and tak,'n 10 ('xr,"utlon 11\,· "'Ii GUILD OPTICI-\'\dl-311 \,E-\II11' E\PEIIIENCE
pr()pt'Tt~· o! H,-on' () SlTIlth "nr! \1.1\ "-
~,\I" B,·rkl,-,· r"a(1, :\'arlH'rth.
Sllllth. hi, "\'Iff'. \1nTti-:itgnrs, and I h.· 1824 CIIEST:-;rT STBEET
cept bathing hahin. \\',dn(-"da,·. :\lar"h 11;: \\'"tchful Hutldllli-: and l.oi\n "\!"~ll"'illl()n.
SU'C:f'~SClr h'"
SU5 GEB'I\yrOWN A\,E:\l'E
:; t" ;> 1'.:\1. At lIom,-. :liI A\'on tllt'rll"r nl lh,' Il"nn '-""n.·,
Buildln~ "nd LOlln ·\'SOl'\atlon. H"a] (J"n 2~ E. I..\:'>I:\";TEH AYE., Ardmor ..
,.""d. \'arb,-rth. -"1"'11"'" I'm"!1 lind .lolln Cl'Il.lC- pr~, and to h .. sflld h", 222 Ol.\) \O!l" !lU.• J.. nkin'"'' n
" 1'.:\1. 1.'-nt'·n :-;,-1'\ ""-. S"rmon: ,,,,',{ I" ",111111111"/" Ill" p/l1y in {/ II I ~uLurb.ln "'llIrCl\llpt·n \1"n. \\".,) \\ "rl
"You didn't nwnti,'n a ".1"-11- ~ald. Am th,· Li~ht "I' IIIl' [DWI~ It nF.LLlS.
If" r:!/i/l"IIIII IHJ'I FridllY olld
new"tand." Oka\". Davi·; \\'" 1'1 d." -""I",·,{"!I . .1I(lI'Ch 1R-1!/. OO\"n \1nnl"\' $ 200 on
I Shf'rJtl'~ ()tflc,·. 'nrrl<ito\,·o P"nn;}
i, right aero" the ,tn·el. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN \1arch 1. 19\R
(0 J.IRI
HI'\'. ("It'lu~ A. Spnft, Pastor
"You didn't mention gar,
:\I,,~ :\Iargal'l-l :'quier, Org-anist
deners." \,,' ell. we do ... :,r, A.:\1. Hil.!,· School.
11 .\. :\1. Th,- :\Iorning S,·nicp.
an)" gardener.;
How do we know'?-\X'hy,
\n' kl1llw. '1'1,,\1\1-' "Til,· \\'i1! ,,1' \;"d."
,;. I" 1'.:\1. Lutl,,'!' L,·ag-lI'·';.
7..J.'> 1'.:\1. Till' \'p~p,-r S,-nic,' I\'ilh
they buy gas here. Bil>J,- :-;llIdy of till' Lif,' of Christ:
"TIlt' Kin~ I'r,·-'-nl.' lIims,·If."
Tu,-'da,· :
_,-, 1'.:'11. :\I,.,-ling- (If th,· T,-ach,'rs'
Yep, this i, a real infoI"

mation hureau, and we

:\ ........ (ll·;:1 t jllll. That'll
gin' what wc've got. -;- 1'.:\1. Junior Choir r"}H"lr"al.
___ 1'.:\1. L"nll'n SPI'\'il'l' with ,;pr-
In'''1 I,y th,· I{,-\·. S. T. \'Il'hola,;. P.D.,
"I' \.'1'1"'1' Darby. I'a .
• Friday:
-;- 1'.:\1. Conllnnallon Cia".
" 1'.:\1. :"'n io r Choi I' I{ph"a 1'",11.

But we do more than help

people with advice , . .

You'll like our automobile
Montgumery Pike, Wynnewood
Re\'. Gibson Bell, Rector
8 A. l\1. Huly Communion. u8 .... 11,
fllJ}Jf rln; i~1 °Chl'ckf')·......
)1 What about your present gas
range'? Does it look worn and
serVice, It's friendly, ef, !U5 A. l\1. Sunday School. '"'lI' I'/Ill/ill{/ III Ih,' SIII'IO'bon tired out from long usage'? Now,
11 A.:\1. l\!orning- Sel'\'ice. 1'h,.,I1,,. ill A ,.,flllorc
ficient, dependable. Wednesdays during Lpnt, Holy
Communiun al 10 A. 1\1 .. and service
study the handsome Quality Gas
and address at 8 P. M. \\'hat a""l of shoosh could be told Range pictured I Then come In
Got a special on, right hy till' local lads who deli\'er the
EPISCOPAL ,mail. . . An,d w h at a lot coul d b e, and see it. For, no photograph
Re\'. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister i lold about them . . . . Another source I
~A5 A. M. Church School. ! (If ,.:trictly confidential information is! can do it full justice, You'll find
11 A. 1\1. :\lorning Worship. HolY i till' milk m"n . . . . And let's not for-
Spark Plugs Communion.
6.45 P. M. Epworth League.
,get the Ice men. Rut best Illformed,
101' all are the service station at- I
it the last word in easy, efficient gas cooking with a
7.45 P.:\1. Enning ServiCl'. Rev.! tpndants. . • . If you want the low-: host of improvements such as automatic oven heat
cleaned and adjusted Robl'Tt E. Keighton will preach. I down on who pinches his or her pen-!
Tuesday, March 15: : nics and who is a prince if ever there j control. You'll marvel. . you'll want it.
i\ P. M. Friendship Circle Bible was ollt~ask a shopkeeper.
for 5c each ,Class business meeting.
Wednesday March 16:
I "'hose u":l'd car narrowly missed
b"illg' add!'d to Villanova jallopy bon- •
And remember, you'll enjoy better cooking results
10.:30 A. !Ii.
The Ladies' Aid So- tir.··: \ ho·s stopped late night
with a new Ouality Gas Range. Price of illustrated range
parking-~ Who bought his wife
-A nd points cleaned and
l'iety nwl'ts to sel\'.
an anniH'rsar,· g-ift--ollly to find he IS $78.50 cash, slightly higher on budget plan - $2
1~.:lO P. l\1. Luncheun.
husi- \\,a,; a \"(',-k alwad of schedule? . . .
~ P.:\1. Ladips' Aid Society
adjusted Who ",,,a 1',; 11ll' oldl'st, dirtil'sl, best down, 2 years to pay,
ne,;s meeting.
\'I'ntilat,·d hat "n Ha\'erford a\'enu,'~
x P.:\1. Lenten PraY"r S"r\'ic,' ...

FREE Thursday. l\larch 17:

G.:lO P.:\1. Junior Choir Rehearsal. I hillg- I,; dOli" for his soul.
X 1'. l\1. Choir Rehearsal. \\'Ill'tl1<'1' you bl' Catholic, Protes- PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY
with each spark plug job. tallt or J,·wish. go to church Sunday.
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (;0.1 ulld"r,;tands youI' crl'ed. "Mine At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Dealer
Here's your chance to R,,\·. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas- hou.-,' ,;hall Ij(' called an hous!' of
Get tor. pray!'r for all people."
save mileage
fJ..15 A. ]l1.-Bible Schoo!.
ready for spring driving 11 A. M.-1\Iorning Worship. Ser- NOTICE
"\OTll L i.!'l hert·by given that apphca
mon by the pastor.
, With more power out

of your gas.
11 A. M.- The juninr church, con-
- c1uct,·c1 by l\lrs. Dig-h,·.
11 A. M.-Childn·n·s nursery, under
tlon has hCf"n made to Th,,'
Ctl1ity LommlS~lon of the Commonwl·alth

o! l"'nns\,]v<lniil unrh'r th,~ provisions of

Ihl' Publtc L"tillty Lnw by
II:tnsportation Company,
b9th Str!",'t
He's never failed in
And speaking
tlw suppr\'ision of Miss Tibben.
6.45 P. 1\1.-The three Christian
Emil-a \'or grou ps.
r~'Tnllrwl, L'PP"r Darby. Delaware County,
fl",. for a Certificate of Public Convf·nt"
!'nee ~\idpnclng th,· l"ommi9sion·s requi
sitl' approval of the amendment of
7.45 P. M.-Karbpl'th's Happy Bible I.. t"rtlhcalr of Public Convenience iSSUf'ri
of gas . . .
Try Mobilgas
Hour. Sermon by the pastor.
Wpdnesday: H P. M.-PraFr meet-
\larch 12, IfHS. at Application Dockf'l
A 788h. Foldt:'r ~o" 42 so as to c:onsoli"
datI' tht'f('in anrl. then'with Certificate of
Puhltc Convenit"nce issuf"d June I h. 11) 3 h.
and oil ing. at t\pplication Dockpt '\.7886. Folder So
42 and th,. additional riW'ht and pdvile~t~' He is one of the many farmers who have
-they're tops. Go to Church Sunday of operatinK motor vehicles as a common_
carrier for the transportation of persons given us enthusiastic co-operation for years,
(ConI l'ilJII led) in Crnup and Party. Special Excursion
And man~' people shall go,
T .. xt: and Tour or Sight,seeing trips from in producing Abbotts de luxe "A" Milk.
points in the Borou~h of Narbf"rth. thf"
We honor M obilgas and say. Let us g-o up to t I1(' moun- Communities of Bala .. Cynwyd. West Through long experience, he knows
lains of. the Lord . . . and He will' :'v1anayunk. Cladwyne in the Township of
charge cards, I"ach liS His way. ba. 2:;>:3. Lower Merion. Montllomery County. Penn· how to safeguard the Purity of milk.
9ylva.nia. and the Boroufo(h of Millhournr
!':H'l'y Sunday ought to he a go-to- I

ann Valley Forge Military Academy near He is proud of his unbroken record in
: church Sunday. I Wayne in the Township of Radnor. Dela· eaming the cash reward we pay for
And H , came to Nazareth. where ware County. Po" to various points and
l places in Pennsylvania. his extra sanitary care,
: He had hl'en brought up, "and as His ,\ puhlic hearinll upon this Application
I custom was, He went into the syno- I "til be held in Room 4Q6. City Hall.
Philadelphin. Pennsylvania. on Wednes· I
Is it any wonder that you can al-
. gogue on the Sabbath da~·." I won- i day. the 16th day of March. IH8. at 10! ways depend on the daily purity
1 dl'r w}wre that "custom" arose in His: o'c1ock A. M.. "'hen and where all per· I and safety of Abbotts de luxe
lifl'~ 1 ~urmise He got the habit from! '"ns In interest may appear and be heard I

if IhC"v so desire.
, His parents. It was a good habit, and' Aro;"mink Transportation Company. "A"Milk? It is produced spe-
! Hl' kept it up. 69th Street Terminal. Upper Darby. cially for babies and children.
That thing "custom" is worth paus- FRANK M. HUNTER.
ing ave I'. The name John Wanamaker DONALD H. HAMILTON. Why not let your child have the

Brothers is well known not only in Philadel-

iphia, but ~he wol'ld over. His busi-
Pa ..

ness successes, his unquestioned in- ...."""'~"""--S-H-E-I-F-F...S..",~.,.,LE"":z,,~""""""""""""".,.

ad4lantageJ of thiJ fine. clean,
safe milk - the tint at "An
GTade in PennsyLvama l
Forest and Haverford .
tegnty, an d h'IS Ch' .
nstlan .
serVIce, are:- By virtue of a writ SA Facias. issued
R of Levari
, part of a long and noble record, He out of Ihe Court of Common Plea. of Mont·
Narberth 2440 , I' . se" Sunday at h's home Komery County. Penna.. to me directed.
ne\e mls. u a 1 will be sold at Public Sale on
church, unless for illness or absence
from the United States, and then he WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30. 1938

attended elsewhere. He traveled at 1.00 o·c1ock. P. M.. Eastern Siandard
1,000,000 miles in order to be present Time. in Court Room "A" at the Court
House. In the Borough of Norristown, said
I at his own church in Philadelphia- County. the following described Real Es·

'''as was his custom." tate:

Our bridge cards are When someone asked why he at- ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of
yours (on loan, of course) tended so faithfully, he said, "For ground with the buildings and Improve-
the same reason that I eat or sleep; ment. thereon erected. Situate In the Bar·
for the asking, OURh of Narberth. County of Montgomery.
1 need it."-Fine! The man who will and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
attend church regularly with an open described a. follows. to wit:

FCII n yp.. For service, order from the Abbom Milkman, or telephone Ardmore 358
mind, will discover that something ABBOTTS DAIRIES, INC. Distrib"torJ of Walker.Gordon Certified Milk . Phila., Camden, S. Tmey, Seashore
~]~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~=~~Iwill come into his soul, and that some- Easterly'
side Woodsld"
a point Avenue
on the atSouth the
.: .
l·~. i::.,,' 7;"j.~ ';-' .';,' . 'ot~" ;: - " ~ ,I ;;\ ..
'.", " .J!".t\

March II, 1938 OUR TOWN Page Five

" .,
r ."~

1937 Eastern Main Line Chronology'-

I'n··,d, nt, nnd "ttlt'r rt'l'r""('nta- Penn Valley
tltdl ....

matl"r- al I"a gl"'11 1»
1\\·f·h·t· \:al"lwniJ

III l't\ 1('

EIll'r· '1 f
\1,'. ",," \1 r-.
I) 1';II'}llll'll I: I r II·, ""1 It '11 t tIl" \\ I" ·1, -I'll'!
You'll Like These Low Prices
11I1I'di ~lll,·IJt.r. ", \\',·11, .. 1,·\'. \Li-- .. ,.. Jr, ",. 11,,\ II ,·r,
'/' J


ttll'"ug'h (II H
I ~ 1, I'll
...... / II I · I I ! ,'11"


1,' I l',· ('111 (. f tilt

'\"rl,,·,·th. d"II~liI"r. \Ir

,·,,11111111- If :\"r-
L' lit, .... t . . 1'1' 1111 '11 _I III I r l-l;l \\ ; 11111
"".1 \1,' . .1;11'''' I·: for Cotter's Dependable Foods • • • (>
: \ 111'1'1'1.':--:.
},t'l"th' .. "111'\\' ,.. tatllin" d:d 11l l t l·{lll .... tl-

tlll,' 1l1l'1In('(' I" 1'1Iidic .af,·I)· .\1,' .\

E. E. Burlillg-allw. Bn 11 \la"l'.
I )('celllher
"lid \11'-. F
(;IJiI,ll j'I;ld.

;.; 111,11, .•" I'
;lttt'lldl'lt~ '1'111111
KI:LPING CLE .. 1N: Eat More Meat!
CAMA Y SOAP ... 5c At tod,J)"s attradiYt' priCt's YOU call
"kct.·d I'n·~i,"'nt. alld \1,'- . ./. C. :-;,·11· :-;('h""I. l'''l't 1101'''''1. \Id .. \\tli ,,'1111'11
pr:-:, .Jr., :'tl.'riltll, \'Il'I'.!II·I·:--ldl'lIt, tlf :\larclJ 1 ~ fIll' t Itt' ~ltl'lll~' \ ;1(';lt 11IJI. IVORY SOAP sen'e helter quality meat 11/ort' 0ltell.
L"\\"'r :\f ,'rinn :-;('h,,, ,I B"n rd. :\11'. alld \lr •. I-:d\\"l'd I .. l-'"r·I;.II. mediulll ,in' 5c T ('nd"r 'landil1!:
Statl'nwnt "I' Philad,·lphia E1,'cl ric "I' ""I,dy 1{ld~,·. "1',' k;"'I1~ 1111- FI" 2 large cake' I ')c
Rib Roast Ih 29c
Cnl1lpany ~aid d,·la)· III' "1111'1,,),· in d"I' 1'",. " -I;"
;tI I,,· . . \\"'.-1. I:I""I'!;' LLIX FLAKES
closing- high pr,·s.-:url' \'ah·,· caus,·d ~I, a"d \1; •. II. ;.;ill'r,dan Hal, .. I,·I. ,mall pkg. <)c Fresh ground Beef Ih. 25c
gas 11l~1('r !r-;Iks n·~ultin).'; in dnul>l(· .J r., Itl' :\]llrl'JlII I'llad, ;11"1' t'ntt·rt:lillln,~ large .. 2lc
expl,,,ion in :\I,·rion. al a dilllll'r th,- Fr,<la)' ,·\·I'lllng. Chuck Roast l.h 25c
Fin(' !ll'rf"rl1lanr,· III' "Tna! B)' .-\tll<l"~ th,· ~ll,·-t- \l'dl I,,· \11'. and
.Jur<· gil"'11 1»' Bala·(·)n,,·yd C"nl' \Ir, L. ~. \\·al'l',·II. "I' C)'I1II·)d. Fancy STEWING CHICKENS l.h. 29c
munil\' Chnra!. Leg of Genuine LAMB l.h. 29c
r\al~}ll'l·th PlaY"r~ sc"r,·d drall1atic
hit in "Tllt' (;h"st Train." Women's Club Shoulder of young Lamb l.h. 20c
Cliff"rd \\'. Batl's. f"rn1l'r :-\arb~rth
I-:Ilr-n ('haS'·. and \11','- I\'an C. Kuhns.' Rack end Lamb Chops l.h. 25c
coullcillllan. nnt,·d "ng-in""r and l1lath,··
mall('ian. rli,·d in filth y"ar at Pn's- "\la<lal11" Curl"" I»)' E\'" Curi,.. Nature's Own Tonic--- Neck of young Lamb l.h. 19c
b\·t"rlan Il"spital. I'hila r Jt.lphia. TIlt' Jun"h""n and bl'ltlg(' of tilt'
. Th,· :-\arlll'rth Building- and Loan I·',·jjo\l'.-:hlp C<llllnllt t"l' will 1)(' 1ll'ld at FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SMOKED BUTTS, boneless l.h. 39c
As~"ciation, at nll'l'ting att~JHjpd by I tw h"m,· <If :\11''' .. 1. S. IJa vll!son n"xt
Exrra lar~e new crop Tender VEAL CHOPS l.h. 39c
300. e!,·ct,·d Di l'(-ctor~ J "hn S. Kl'tch- Fr,dal'. •
\11''';. J. D. Suth"rlanu, ~"c- I
alll and E. C. Gris\l·old. :-\arbl'rth. and I'l'Ull')' of tit,. :\"11' :\l"mlll'rship Com-' ORANGES lIoz. 29c Veal Cutlets l.h. 49c
W. 13. Kraft, Ha\·l'rford. as tru,.;t,·"s mitt,·,·. "lJt<-rtallll'd 1ll'1' committl'\.' for. -They're practically seedless.
It'a \\,,'dn,·sda)'. :\11'" E. W. !I"y-
Rump Roast of Veal l.h. 29c
to ,·tfl'rt Iiqu ida t iOIl of a,.;sds.
Ralph S. DUllllf' "I"cll'd pn·"id"nt of l1lanlJ. :\arb"rth Club pn·,id,·nt; :\lr~.: Large size Oranges lIoz. 19c
Narhl'l'lh Bu,.;in('% ('nunci!. J.'·OlJ \\'. \I,·lellt'r. \lontg-Illll"ry County I EXIra lilrge Florida
chairman III' Pr,·s, and Publicity. and
:-\arlll'J'th c,·I,·brat,·d P"IllIsyll'ania's
\lrs . .J. A. HlIng-I,,!', :\arlH'rth Club Grapefruit 3 f<lr 14c
Si).';llill~ of t·nitt·d Stat,·s C"m;tituti"l1
with pro).';l'all1 at sch",,1 and with and \I"ntg(lm"ry ClIunt)· chairman of
Selected slicing TOMATOES 2 l.1l 29c
Franklin SPI'IH'('r EdmClllds Prama. Il'dl atl"ntl tilt' m,·"tin).'; III' tilt'
8peak~r. "x"cuti\'" !JlIard "I' \1"ntg-lIlllt'ry
Dr. L,·Rtly A. King rp-P\pctpd ClIunt)' nl'xt Thur~da)' ,at th,· :\"1\'
Winesap Apples 5 19c
pl'l'~id"nt and :'>11''';. II. R. Rinphart Cl'nlur~' c;uild. to suit cl'cry ta_~/(':
Crisp Iceberg Lettuce 2 (g. heads 19c
vic~-pr~"id"nt of :-\ a rbNth School
Board. r Bosant l.1l 16c
Celery Stalks 2 for 15c
Dr. G{'org" A. Slnan. former presi· Classified I Mild a"d {ragra,1/
dent of l"arlwJ'th Bllard of Health. I' florida red skin Quaker I.h. 21 c
elected head of Delaware-Montgomery
Advertisements I' New Potatoes 4 Lb. 19c A supt'Tb bl.·"d
Counties Puhlic H~alth Association.
Building in Lower Merion reached Shurfine I.h.25c
-will be char~ed only to residents I ::
ll-month figure of $4.R52,389. WhORe nam.... appear In the tele- ! I A blend 01 six 01 the lJ'orld's
1Jholle dir('ctory or to subFl('rlbers. finest collet's
Numerous fires, including two-
alarm blaze at St. Charles Borromeo. 20c a line
Seminary Overbrook, gave volunteer for 3 newspaper. Pillsbury
firemen hectic week. PANCAKE FLOUR
Count five words to line 20·oz. pkg.
Second dollar per share dividend,
mailed to stockholde~s of the Na- -will be accepted up to Wednea- 2 for 19c
day. 6 o'clock. for FrIday'. IMUM. Gold Medal or Pillsbury's Best 5·lb. ba~
tional Bank of Narberth. Budget brand
FLO U R 25c Cane and Maple
Narberth Councilmen retained 16
mill tax rate for borough, fixed 193R:
tentative budget of $74,962.
Phone: NARBERTH 4100
I Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 ('ans 20c
Big 12-oz. glass, 19c
Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club i Lakeshore PURE HONEY
celebrated annual "Ladies' l"ight" at' Hell1 W.ntrd Premier Queen sweel tender lb, comb-shaped jar, 19c
Overhrook Golf Club. 'l'l'LTl'HEI> ",ornall. with hetter thall
. high sl'llool .·dul'atloll for- IH'rrnallPTlt PEAS No.2 cans-2 fnr 29c
Narberth observed sesqul-centen-. I'o,,;tlon. o\~ .. ~8 too 4:•. BU"i,,,'"" expt'ri-
nial of Pennsylvania's ratification of "",.,. U'In"",',"al-)' lout <'IJiI,l "tudy, 1'. T. Brunswick
.. . h 't . A, work nr fornwr tt'Ut'hlllg" experh·rlt'e No.2 cans
the ConstitutIOn WIt CommunI y 1'1'0-; "'"ul<l h" II,·lpful Writ .. ~·7;,. 1'. n. Box Early june PEAS Country Gentleman Crushed Corn 2 ('ans 25c
gram at borough school. :1431. I'llila. gl\i"g full qualifkations alld No.2 cans
Philadelphia Electric Company a-b·' 1_"_"_"_1,_'_'_"_ll_"_"_,,'_. _ 3 for 25c Fancy large 40-50 10 Ihe pound
soh'ed of criminal blanw in Merion
.. .. L ost an d F oun d
gas explosions followlIlg lJ1\'estlgat.!.!.'.ny Penn Treaty pure California PRUNES 3 Lb. 19c
. h' d nrr:"I,;OI':\"I)- :--:rnall relll.:ill1Jt-:: Illpd:d. tlllrlpr
by LO"'er MerIon To\\Ons lp an 1 - fna\' 1I'I\j' ~arlll' 1,\- ('allill~ ;d lItfit'(' of PRESERVES
trid Attorney Fredprick R. Smillip. ,,,,,. ~r"wli' ,~;l)! -Apricot, peach, Budget brand delicious large No. 2 1 2 size cans
AFL and CIO attempted to union-· cherry, blackberry
ize launtiry workers in thn'e Main Gdrag~s for Rrnl 16-oz. jar .2Dc
(;A ItAC;":S, :":ewly renonlted, Single.
Line plants. :\10I1tJ,.:llJlH·'·Y a\·I'IlUe, t~Yllwyd.
Strawberry . . 22c
$;1. California Cling PEACHES 20c
Narberth Council dl'cided to con· \\'11,1.10\:11 j·I·,;11. "y". 3500. (I f)
tinue local hauling' of a,he, and trash Dole crushed
despite slightly lowl'r bids of outside A I Your Service PINEAPPLE
contractors. 10-oz. can 1Dc
Charlps V. ~oP1, 5;;, chief of Nar-
berth Fire Company, secretary of
Borough Council, treasurer of the
Montgomery County Republican Com- 4 calh. 29c
mittee, dipd as )'l'sult of a"phyxiation l'I'II()L~TI':IU:-':'; an,) rep. SpringR of Dr. Phillip, ORANGE
and fall while directing his men in :l-ple"e ~ull"R r.. palred. $10. ,'hair re-I ,lr GRAPEFRUIT JUICE
(;0 ~ lIy\\'hen·.
flg-hting- l\lprion blaze. co\·prec1. $fL
22; E. LHllt'Hl-ltt'1' h~'t>. \\'aYlle 14!"6.
Lieutt'nant Waltt'r Brown, 42. head j'J.\\.'() TI-:'\!\:l; 1"tlllldl'T,· !·I·!iaIJlf' ~t'r\'-
('all IA'wls,:
The new No. >0 ~ size cans Lenten Foods
2 ftll' 19c
of LO\I'er Merion's Detfftive Bureau, WI' 11.\- LI,·ltt,.:. 1 " ! , l l ' .\11 w/lrk gU;tI'-
:--:"1'\ i'·I'. pllllilt', Krumm'5 Spaghetri or
acci,l!'ntally shot and killed himsl'1f :t.\III'dI "t·d .\ ,tlltlll! ,.
IlItt!'I' I:.: I ti
(o-f,-I )
\Ihil,' examining a defectiw' pistol in \\·f.I)I~:_llt,,·dl,·IHHlll_ ilollk 1'11:':,0..:, TI·ixy Macaroni 2 I'k~,. 15c
hi:- hom" at Rosemont Christmas Evp FI'I'I' irl~t 1\11"1 lull
FlillrldalHoIl I ;;lflllt'IU:-<
Fancy sharp Cheese. 1 2 Ib . . . . . , ... , . , . . . . . .. 19c
whil,' memb"rs of hi:- family were klJilll!Il:. ,,1,' IIli\,' (' \\·1101\\\01-111, ::111 I
\\'I'ld~ltr :1\'" (
trimming a Chri:-tmas tree. Gorton's Ready-to-fry Codfish. 16-oz. can. ,2 for 25c
Harvpy Harman. retiring Narbprth Rooms for R~nt
Horseshoe Red Salmon. tall can. , . . . . . . . . 25c
councilman. resigned as head football' '1'\\', I "1 .... 1)' ful'll. ronrnR ""XI In balil. i'
coach at the University of Pennsyl- }-','" g"Ii,I","an or buslll"~~ ,·oupl,·. 8:,4 P"nn Treaty whole grain No, 2 cans
:\1'lillt..:Ollll·! r H\·"., l'orllt'r JOlla. (~4)
Chicken of the Sea Tuna Fish ('an 17c
vania. Golden Bantam Corn 2 ('ans 23c
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wood, who Attr-actlve (urn. roorn~, Con\'. to transp., Trenton Oyster Crackers, , , . , . . . , . , . ,.lb., 19c
114 1\0. :-':arberth al·e. l"arb. 2518. (51)
founded the Narberth Library in her'
Shurfine Diced Beets, No.2 cans 2 for 15c Borden's Chateau Cheese. , , ...• ,Iklb. pkg., 19c
home in 1921, retired as member of For \al~
thp Hoard of Trustees. · Ilfl1°:-;EII()LI) (;O()DS, il1l'lucJllIg- chilla,
Shurfine Stuffed Olives, , . . . . • • . . . , .3-oz. bot., 12c
~>f('. ~all' 011 "tarch 11 and I:! at 40~' Quick-Cooking H. O. OATS . ,pkg., 12c
(jnl\'l' plal''-', :\°arht.·rth . .:\lr~ Ed\\", E.
Catch Men Stealing Scrap _1l_'''_~_'''_·I_. -.:...(~_~)
Shurfine TABLE SALT . .2 pkgs., 9c
Iron to Feed Japan's Guns Wttnled Oysters and Fresh Fish on Fridays
; T\\"O J.,Ai{C;[': utlfunl. roOfns with g-a-
Penn Treaty And we suggest Birdseye Sea Foods, any day. in big variety.
Two men were held under $500 bail ragl'. :lIu"t 1,,- in nke home. WrIte Fresh Prunes, large cans 2 for 29c
for COUI·t after a hearing Saturday,"I\f," Box H7. :-':ar""l·lh. (~3)
, ,1'~Jo:I) plt·t·t riC' sewing fllachifl£'. Phone Phillips delicious
when they were charg-ed WIth stealIng-; Lo"u"t :1686. (11)
scrap metal from the American Bridge' SI:>:<:Lfo: h,-,1. ~lTlali gaR rail!;". day hed Pork and Beans 6 Cans 25c
Company's plant at Pencoyd. . . or cot ".. ,i. hahy Pell. hahy coacb de-I'
Th H b 't P II 35 1" RIJ"'<I h)' fall1ili,,~ known to M. L. Fl'<I. I'
Budget brand 8-oz. jar pint jar
. ey are er el urce", 0 'of '·hurl'lll'S. I'hon .. Anl. 5:151. (9) I
"est Manayunk, a W. P. A. worker, ~ Salad Dressing IOc 18c
and Theodore Kinsing-pr, 33, of Mana- e!!~~~~~~~~=>::!~=~===_
yunk. I A PUBLIC HEARING Local Montgomery County selected Choppy Dog Food
Lower Merion police arre~ted them' \\'111 h.· lipid "n :lIonday el·eninll'. March 16-oz. can. 5c
last Thursday night as th"y were ~I"t. 1!l38. at R P. :II .. In the Council Egg s Doz. 35c
· Iloorn. Elm lIall, by the :'I:arberth Board I
carrying bags of metal away from of Adju~tllll>nt of ZonlrJ!;. to consider the CRISCO Lb. Can 19c
the company's grounds. Police be- a""limtio" of Mr. ('rank Felse of Mont-
· g-ornery Avenue, ~arherth, Penna., to
lieve over two tons of scrap metal' build a cinder bloek addition to the Scot Towels
w(>re stolen by the pair in the past 1>I'esent I"arbl',·th Tennis Club House. for
f ew mon th s f rom th e P encoy d p I an,
t an olllee and Storage space.
Also for resJdenee. to be built on the
At the hearing before Magistrate East sfde of Berkley Road for Joseph
Franklin P. Kromer, of Cynwyd, it M. O'Connor.
was brought out that they had re- be present.
All persons Interested are requested to
HOWARD F. COTTER Haverford Avenue, Narberth - Narberth 2250 - 2251 - 2252
3 rolls, 25c

ceived about $90 for their share from NARBERTH

Philadelphia junk men. who in turn
OF ZONING. I Member Retail Grocers Association - QUAKER STORES
sold it to ag'~nts in trade with China ,V. D. R. EVANS. Chah'mlln. ,
und Japan, who converted it into mu- WALTER 1. DOTHARR I
nitions and armaments. (0-3-18) WILLIAM J. KIn K PAT HI C K. :~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!i!ii!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
••.. ... ' ~-
,t"",; , " .. ,.... .' ,t,
.. ~~,.';:"~';:::.L.:,.i..;
" " " :'..
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~' ..~.,' ....•: .:.. ;...•_•.• , .•, ._.·.. .,•. ~.: .. ·_.,·.• I'.•_ _••.••, .•:..:" .:_,~, ..••.•~.•:_""'~'.,,;••••
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.•- .,•••,••_.•••:. _,', .,"'.'" :.', '.••':" .··.;••
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.•.•.• ~~~"~"'~', ...,.
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·'. '; ''::::':,

March 11, 1938

~age SIX
Lt. Col Lee Promoted
Championship Mrs. Starr Will Mrs. Etta W. Doll to Pacific Coast Post VERY SOON
Sr. High Presents Lilli' n",qdJl//I ,,/ f!" .1/(/1/1
Lecture on Sweden f"IJ"wIII~
Il/lricd TI/" ..doJj in
Sf. /'(//I/''' ('l'Il1d,'r/I, GI, Illoch,
You are going to need
'Mikado' Tonight d..I"I'IlIIIIl'd
1.1 (/~JIII "t' II/'f/hold!! will fllll,'rlll ';"rVICl''; at the
by Frank"/lli,'ld FIlIll'ral HlIme, Artl- L·/lit<·d Slat I''; Arm,' Eng-inpl'r, In
l.i,'lIknant ('"llllwl .John C. H. Ll'l',
space for storage of Winter
\'y a fall :il'rll" },('twe"n
",nlll'r, "I' Iwnllanl,; III tilt' fir,;t all,l Speaker Will be Presented 1ll"1.... Sh,' d"'d at 1".1' hllm,', ~I;l lona charge 111' th,' Philallt·lphia di,;trict for clothes.
Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta Mrs. John A. Lafore.
".'Clflld lIal\t,~ lit' tilt· :'-"i1~un rathl't" a\"I111", "n Saturday, flillowlIlg all ill- 11I'arly fllllr y"fll'';, ha,; Ill'ell promoted
Will be Gi\'Cn Again llia/l 1>, 1a,1 ,,'ar'- ~hau~hll""'y "Iny- of Penn Valley n"" III' 11ll' la,;1 ,ix year,;. to a,;si,;tant divi,;illll engilH'er of thp
Tomorrow Night "II I{<-turn
",- I" Ill. I" Ih .. "Id I,]all I' wanll'd :'.11'';. Etta "-akr,; U"II, wh" wa,; :\"rth Pacific lll\'i,;ion with head-
\\'111t 111l' cra,h "I' "ymh,,1 :llId royal
1>.\ (;.'n,' Ila\'I,. mana~l'r
Ill' the :\ar-
:'III',. ,juhll Armand Lafon", of Pl'nn .,~,
wa' Ih" wif(' uf 1I,·nn.· U"II, K~,
quart<'n; at Porlland, Orl'g'on.
I... rth t'hamlll"I", and Sl'v"I'al other \'all,'y Farnl';, P,'lIn \'alli'y, chairman \','I"ran uf 1111' ('1\'11 \\·ar. 1'''.(1 '·",'ll·.s Li.'uI,'nant C(llon('1 Lt'I', who lives
prot.t ..... :--1tlll. I.ll\\'t'r :\1"1'11111 :!j.!HIII WIll
1'1'<'';''111 "Th(, :'Illkad"." (;i1h"1 I and ".,.,'k,
It-atl"r" II \q" 1I-al'/lI.d tillS "I' IIH' (iard,'n Boolh at the D"von
,C"unlY Fair and lIur,;,' Show to \)(' \\'I·ddlng anni\'(·r~ar'·.
a~II111<'y c,''''hrall'd Ih"lr guldl'n on L1anlll'rri,; road, Cynwyd, was
w"k . Iy known at tIll' Port of Phil a-
Suillyan 1'I"'rl'lW, III III,' 1.0\\"1' \1"1'- 'I 'I U . . , '11I'1d Ihl' lattn part ,,1' :'Ilay, will pre- III addillon 1(1 h"l' 0 11U.,I'·,III,I, -.·}11· 1'-.' Il<-lphia. II,· worked on nlany im-
ion Ili~h ~ch",d audll"rlUlll, Ard- . I."",,1'< a\''', It l:i "'111 :'111'';. Janll''; Starr, of Bl,]fi.·ld, 'lll'vi\'l"! 11.\' 1111"'(' ,!.'11Ightl'I·.s, "I11·.s ...s purlant prujl'CI';. includin~ a ,;urvey
~ lall~
I l!lg'1 t" .•I allagl·r
m" ... ,... II :'.larch 11 alld 1~. o " , ,
\\'11 , \\'(,111,,",1"\'
• '-'. v
,'t the .' 'I I' I' - J I II ,. b I of the prOP0:iP<! forty-foot channel
,. I I \(. lne,;,;\.· ,;\.',;t"m-llIa"- ('11'111'1111' .
Anlld ,Japan,·,,· ,urrolllldlllg" Ihe .lIr, at Ih" "lid uf the ';I'U';(ln umo"g the lun ('I'lck,·t CJuL al K 1'. Oil a lec- ,,'anl'lt,· Jo , "ar el'l 1; :'111'';. s :\I'W- . .
This represents a real way
'11',1 1'''11/' 1•...111I.---gI\.,'-.. t"" !llan,' 0ll- I III'" ('ntll'I 1'1 !' 'mpr... I . f -.
'';lu'" 0 ::;\\'I'u('II._, ,,' In" (ieltv
,... '\!t'rion , und "Ir
,., Rl·ba from
, l'hilade]phlu III til(' ';l'a; complt'-
":'Illkado." .-\11 ... 1'1 TUrJll'r, \lill rt'l~n
1 .tlllllll"-, 1',11' ,"11 Illf"rl'I'!' t(','llll tf"
,;ul'l'l'm", a,,"l,'d I,,' I Ill' !.ord 1I Igh ,\111 tIll' t,'tle. .-\ mung I I11' pa Iro!w,;';I'S f (II' t h e I ec- 1I,'ndl'lck,;un ,\\'"st
. B I' I I ,;"n t;l'''I'~l'
. Chl"'II'!"
' .
\\' Doll Trenilin :\ J
" 'In,1 one,llun of the Clwsupeakl' a"d Dplawarp' I.
(Hilal and compktlon of a Iwenty-five
' . to store systematically.
EX"('ulilln"r, "KII K"," lIarllld ]1011-
1','I lUll'
I an'\1 aro"l''''
E J(,' I Sc lauensl'e,'
f P . . ~ ' ., . 1'''''1 channel from PhiladelphIa ' .' to Stop in at your earliest con-
111,11,; "p""h Bait," l."l'd High ~:\I'ry­ TIll' half-sl'a,;uII plan, he a~';l'rt.ed, I,·\'un;. rs. ugl'!W (11'( an, 0 pnn Tn'nlon. venience and let us show
Ihlll~ EI,;e, ]la\·ld S"llg,lack; and l,r"\'ld(',; mure Inc('ntivl' 10 thl' rival \'alll'y; :\11'';. Jaml''; L. Richards, :\11'';. Mr~.
Mary S. IeI' you what can be done and
"p"h Tu,h." a l\IIb\<- lord, Ulln LYllch. tl'alll- I" put forth Ihcir Le,;t l'!forts FranCIS A. L('wi", of Bryn :\Iawr; l1)utlH'1' of T. :\ul·1 Butler, and of :'III'S. Lower :'Ilprioll Tllwn,;hip runks third at the same time utilize nor-
":\ankl Po.. ," Jill' ,lin "f Ih" :'Illka<lll, ;II all tllll"'. \Irs. ChariI''' \'Ictor Rl'rgh, of :\11'rion; Flun'ncl' B. Cunningham, of :\arbNth, among municipuJittp~ of Pennsylvania
, .'. 'n \, e,' n 'w u I , lIlg con,; ruc- mally waste space. While
Ronald P:IIg,·. iall,; In I"v" Wllh "Yunl Jlll."lt-Illall", :":arl)('rlh IlroLabk.' will :'.11'';. Thomu,; :\,'\\'hall, of (;n'pn lIill who dll'd :'.Iondav in u privall' ho,;pitul I'n th 'alu If ( b ·11' t
Yum." ('''"lli,' Smitlt. althou~h "Ka- l,,' wllhuut th,' services thi,; season Farm,;, (h'l'rbrook; :'111'';. Samul'1 :'I Ie- III I'hiludl'lphla, wu,; hurll'd vpste,rd~I,
• _ +-t....v lI. <.-. lIlg
e IHI'; \'l'a r.
t Th
k you're here be sure to take
For~e; $5,020,4~13.
'.i1'I -,.....
ti,;ha," all ('ltkrly la<l\. (i('rtrud., G"r- "I' h"lh ,lack Eachu,;, cRtcher, who Cn'l'ry, of \'alll'Y :\In;. Charks In E\'('rgrPI'n Ceml:ll'I'Y follq.'f totaled . advantage of our SPE.
I'nl)('ck, I" aln·ady in lo\'(' With hlln. 1'.... 1,; Ill' can't WOI'k on a c1uiry route A. "1Behnl'y, J of \\'
0 kf I f H 1'_ IlInnal 1'1",')'\'1("" I 1 I h ,Rt .l:nl)
c'l :V:. Broad Th I' passage' 0 f t.IP I " 1"'1' cI'nl saIl" ~ CIALS on Breakfast Sets,
"I"'"p-Bo," Kay Baij('y; "Pltll-SiIl~," and play baH'ball at 11ll' ,;an1l' timl', . r~. anw,; . a' 01'1, 0 av" stred. 11 a'" pia. 011' was 74. tax in Philadelphia (if 111<' ordinaIlc, Bookshelves. Screens and
Ill'alrll'<' Brown, and "Yum Yum" ar{' :lI1d Buddy Walk"r, fir,:1 ,ackl'r, who f"rd; :'111'';. Fn'd('rick R. Kirkland, of :'.Irs. But In was promilH'nt for i,; ~ustainl'd hy th(' courts) \'ilalh'
~Ir, I'rlll~
Picture Frames.
ward,;.''I l'm bof1'1'';":\unki-P"o."
0 ft lw · I ' (' Iloru, alT' I' ,11 11'· f' rom t }H' l' ff ecb 0 f a \\'ynnl'wIlfld; :\Irs. Alexand('r D ,"'ar,; 111 ' \\'onwn,; . 'Iral"r"al organiza- aff('cls rp"id('nts . Iwrp who ha\'I' ' thl''''
Flon'nc<' Aylor, BdlY Carson, :'Ilar- brohn knee. IrWin, I'hiJ:ll!elphia; l\lr~. Charll'': II"n,: in I'hihuh'lphia, bl·ing pa,;t pre,;i- busin('ss in thl' cilY·
gun.t Eachu,;, BI'l\y Evan,;, Elizalll'th Annual n1l'dillg- of the :'Ilain Line I'ickd Stokl':i, of :\arberth; :\11'';. d,'nt of Qual"'r Cily R('view, :\0. 1444, Shull Lumber Company
Fi,;lH'r, Virginia Fll'I,ch"r. Franchl'l Ll'ague will not bt' until after the Ralph F. Bronll'r, of Bryn :'Iawr; w"men',; b('!ll'lil u';Hlciation formerly A Radio for $9.95 The Link Between Forest & Homt
Harrison, :\Iarcia :\Iatlll'\\'':. ('arol :'Ilc- c1",;,' of Ih(' :\1. L. Ba,;ketball League \11'';. Edward Bok, of :\lerion; Mrs. tIll' "Ladi(·,; of Ih(' :\Iaccabee~."
Inlyn', Lucill' :\1 iIIl'r, j)"rothy :\e\\'- ';I'a,;on, acclll'ding to Walter Hanley, \\'illiam J. Clothier. of Valley Forgt, ~ :;IH' was Ih,' wife of JanH''; "'eboll _ The new Emerson table
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
mun, Edith Rorh, :'Ilary no,;,;, (;lady,; l'a.,JI. pre,;id('nt of the diamond \Ii,,; Vida Hunt, of Aldan Park flutll·r. model brings you standard CYNWYD 662
Shollenbergl'r, Jea" ~holll'n},,'rg-('r, ('ircllit. "Ianor; Dr. Florenc(' E. Ahfeldt. :'.Iis,;
broadcasts and police caIls ...
FuIl vision iIluminated dial OPEN SATURDAY
Virginia Thomp,:on, Ih-lia L'ran,;on. I Elizabeth W. Pharo, of Bryn Mawr, Henry Clay Butch('r FuIl tone.
:\11'm!Jer" of tl1l' hoy,:' choru, arl': TIME OUT ~~:~a~lrs. POpt' Yeatman, Jr., of Villa- I Final ritl''; \\'('re held Wednesday
; See it here, today.
\\'i1llam !lingham. I'au! !lolH'm, ,J"hn : afternoon for Henry Clay Rutchl'l',
Flick, l{ob(.rt 1!"lfman, Howard \Iy g-u.·,;,; i" that Pott,:town will he: Civil \\'ur VI·tl·ran and oldest living
~Illart th~'
Kairl'r, 1I1'nry Land, Anll'riru, :'.lar- I"", for G1I-n :\01' ,,]ay('!';;' United Campaign m('mber of tlH' 1. nion L,'ague, at the
Narberth Elec. &: Radio CO.

chlon,', ]lenry :'.lar,;l"n, Edward :'.It-- :::IIIIII~hl,

in till' S"lllOr High tourna-! Is m· Second Week' honw of hi'; duught('r, :'III'S. G. Brin-
NARB. 4182
Narberth A venue near Theatre
W. G. Cast

Crack,'n, ,J am"" :'II d 10nl1l'l\. J uck I"n Ro}wrl;;. in Rala.
SOUl hgatl', H a l-ri,; r"ng, Cha 1'1.,,; i Mr. Butcher, who was (1:1, died
T1I11m. Ch.,,;tl'r Ty-"I1, j{olll'rt \\'aglll'r, .I."oking hack lI\'(',r til(' work of' Workers Along Main Line Re- :'.Iollday nighl In Allantic City. afler
Dan \\','a\'('r. Siandard Ill-an'r,; aI"': (";teh Hill Andl'r,on" hlly;; Ihl'; pa;;t . . an illrll'ss of Ihn'l' w~k,;.
Jack LlIrd, 1{lchard \\'anlworlh, B"ll' ,,'in\<-r, it H'I'm,; that thl'\' aI'" du(' a port Increased GIvIng H(, J': "urviv!'d by another c1augh- R. R.
1I0lfman. ~T('at dl'al of approhati'on for tlH' by Contributors 1<'1'. :\Irs. France,; E. Grp('n, of Villa-
'1,Jl'lldld Iyp(' of hall Ihl'~' play,.d. Bringhurst
nO\'a, and by hi,; grandrhildr<'n and
:'Ilain Line workers for the L'ni!<'d ~r<'at grandchildren.
Th" pr,"lueli,," I, undl'l' th,' <III'" '1'1.",. d..fl'at,'d \l'am,; which \\'I'J'{'
lion .. I' .-\lIal' \' :\1'1'11, U,-I,I,d 1,\ Illalll1l'd loy ,;11'<,nger playprs than tIll' Campaign rl'lurn('d ~·,';;tprday
&: Co., Inc.
:'IIi", Flor"lll'" ~IC!I"I",". ,t:w,· d'll"'- \Iaroon ,;quad Ilf1SS('';H.(j and thrllugh-I IO ) from the ~eclllld n'porl luncl1l' ll Ovcr a Ccntury of Scrvice
tur. Bru('" l'. lka .. h 1- Illanagll\~ thl' "ut I II(' ';1'a';lIn ga\'t' thl'ir schlllll and' lIf t h" campaign dl'!erminl'ri tll shat E. C. GRISWOLD
IS now associated with
bu.-in",,; I'lld. Ih" ';lll'ctatll!':i a tim' exhibitilln lIf Ihe l t,'r all Illcal fund-raising n'col',!:i. Funeral Directors
In,jll"r gailH'. : This determination. it was !Parrll'd Fidelity Investment Ass'n
\\'ith a strong, capahle squad com-; from R,"ln,,~' K. :'.11'nick, chairman of "Fidelity Income Plan" 1924 Arch Street
Narberth School inl! aIling for nl'xt year the fortune, tlIP ;'Ilain Linl' Divi,;ion, was in,;pin'd 1 Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095· J RITtenhouse 5690
On :'Ilarl'h 4, tlll'n' was ulltltlll'r au- "f th,' :'I11'rionitl''; may \wll takl' on a hy tlw glowing n'ports of inc!'l'ased _::::!O
ditorium program for tl1l' studl'nl.- .. \ mure fa\'f,rablt, outlollk. giving made hy OIH' workl'r afll'l
tlH' :\arb,'rth l'uLlic School. alloth"r. I In 1882 ours JI'as Olle of
:'111'';. Brenn"r had char!!e, with 1ll'1 Lower :\Il'l'itln', Junior High leam Thl' trend to\\·ard incr"aspd !dying Insurance thc original telcphones m
seventh grad.. , Each child hud ]ll'l'V "ntl'r,; thl' ~Ionlg-onll'ry County cham- was announcpd at thp fir,;t rp]1ort WE WRITE THE FOLLOW·
iou;;ly dra\lll a pictun' ..n a gla', l'i,,",;III]I tournament at ;o\orristowlI luncheon on l\Iarch 4, t\\'o and a half ING LINES: Fire. Explosion. Philadelphia. TO MEN WHO
,;lid,'. Th",I' werl' put in th(· ,lid, t hI I w" i~
I 1.. k. W ednp~day
thl'Y w"I'(' Ilays after the slart of till' carn]1ai~n Windstorm. Automobile,
Glass. Liability, Workmen's Plate
maehilll' alld til .. :chJ1dr('1I tllld abllu ';l' 1l'( U (" to mel'! Rittenhou,;t· Jun-, at which time mo!'l' Ihan $1,000,000 Compensation. HA TE TO GET UP
tlll'm ill till' 1'", III Ill' a radio talk. Th, i"r IIlgh, of that city, in the first I was lurned in. P0licic5 covering practically
"Our work!'r~ \\'('1'(' plectrifj(,t! hv
piCIUl'l'" s!J"w"d ,;cI'n,'" in the Fa: garne, ('Vcry kind of financial 1055. Local Representative:
East. Itilt,'nhous(' held thp local~ ye~terday.
10 the; that first !'l']Iort," 1\11'. l\Ierrick sai;!
H.(9 C. Raymond L. Watrous
:'.Iarch ., br"I1~·ht anlltlll'r boys' in ,.I",;",;t gan){' of tlH' Sl'ason III Janu- "It fired Ihem with almost Fritsch, Jr.
I'~' 1('~' Leopurd~;
Firc Casualty Insurance '
tramural l'a,k"lhall ~alll'" \Iill"r', a w Il'n t lost 10 Ihe a cl'u,;ading z,'aJ, l'ag,'r to mist' our 215 Avon Road. Narberth I
team play.. d 1I,'alh's alld :\arri~an', hy one point in a great battle which quota which Ihis year is 20 per Cl'nt A. M. Fritsch Narberth 2216
play,.d lIayward·,;. In till' lil'''l g·allll
;\Iilkr w.. n, I-J-li, TIll' ,{'culld ~am,' pia,'.
d.... i,h-d in tlw final minute,; of, higlll'r than last year's. Yest{'l'day',;,
n1('pting, at which it was shown that
Notary Public Real Estatc
\\'a:-=. \\'(In by ~al'rlgan'~ tt..'anl. ll-~. I:,· It' tit" },"" ,;ur\,i\'(' this ()pl'ning inc!'l'u';l'd giving 0\'('1' !!I:l; c o n t r i h u - , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cau,;,' :\arrl~all" !l'am ha, "('II Ih,· 1",1 thl'Y will n1l'l'! th(' "'inlH'r of tlH' tions is lIot only conlinuing hut actu-
maj"l'Ily ,If 111l' g-aml'~. thl' t":l1l1 \I'"' :--;', \\;lI.t Ih,,!t.:'·I"'r! contl';;I, or tlH" ally mounting, did moJ'(o for them-it
YOUR face, YOUR hands, YOUR hair
OUR specialty-They deserve OUR care
th,' kiter;;. :11\"'/ "I' tl" SI'ri,,~,li,:ld-Wl'st rott~-,fillt-d Ih,'m with a detl'rmination ac-
EU:A:\O!l 11,\ )'\\'11111'.
All of Ih"sl' I.'am~ an' lually to go O\'(·r·lhe quotu as,;igned
~tudt'lIt J{"\lt1rtl'l'.
1-:1'''\.'' alfair.

1 'I'" ;11,,1 \\·111 atf"rt! worth~' 0]11'0- 10 us."

Narberth 2124
I" oJI t" 111l' filII' huneh flf },flY;; thaI :'.Iuch lIf this t!l'!('l'Ininatifln wa, in- 216 Dudley Avenue
Thl' i" tIll' Ihlrd l'art Ill' tit" \ar- :Jr,' 1"'l'r"';"nlilll! the Orallge and spi!'l,t!, Mr. :'tlelTiek said, by what,
hl'rth ~ .. ltuul', l'h""I'I,,'tll ACII\'II,' Ill:t .. l, Ilti,; ,,'a';fln. \Vinthrop Rockl'fplll'r, fourth ,on flf •.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
program. ('harl," ~1\·,·rl"'n. nllh (ial\(' ant! ,John n. RlIck..fl'llt·I', .Jr., had to 'say
Th,' ,;('..und ~rad," alT und,'r th.
\\'.,jl;l'" ~1.'\\:I1'I, fr"lll nryn :'.'1awr; at yt',;tl'rday',; nll'I,ting ahlillt Ih,· $111,- ::~:.~
din'di,," "I' ~li-, HI,I'''I' alld \1/.-'
:,\' '!1 r \\'"If. .Jac!; SI1l'l11h", Nick 000.000 Cirt'al,'r :\t'\\' York Fund the Easter Season ........

Stuck. I) \' :"I·a. .hd, Ih·an and l! lI\\·a I'd ; :\,.\\- Y"rk',; llnil,·d campai~n, 111l'
At th .. 1ll'~lllllln~ of til" ,·.'al' til>
pupil., II' till' ""'u"d glad,
Ih,. C"llllllUlilly 1)(,1", r, -u,'1i ", tli,
..\1"':111.1,,1'. fr"nl ..\rdllllln'; Hill \\'l'id"-,l:trg,',;1 and nl,\\·",;t "f Ih,' ,II,; CllIII-
;111 ;111<1 B"j, 1\:l1J,.\, fr"nl :\arl"'rlh, 1I11111il~' elll'';1s in tl1l' I'nit,·d St:II,'" Suggest Your T ributc
"",I.!:I .. I :'.111111/.. 1'1'11111 (l\t'r1,r.."k. \\ill Th,' ullit('(! app!'al fill' "hilanlhropic
fil't'nlt'll. pnlll't'lllt'll, gllll· .... I'. l'te, Tht,~
d" till' pl;1ylll(, 1',,1' 111l' (lrallg-,' alld fund,;, :'.11'. :'II"I-rick ;;aid, wa,; ori~ill­
1<-a I'n,·d 11ll' V:l Ill' "I' t il,',-,· Ill',) ",r~ On Ea,tcr, day "f renH'll1hrance, thoughh naturally
1:1.",1,. "t"d .n (,1"\1,1:1".1 ill 1:1\::. thu,; 111:11;-
Tlwll Ih .. ~, lalk,',j al.oul \\·ltat Ih,'~
!lie: this \,':11' Ihl' tWI'llly-liflh :llIlIi\'.. r- turn to tho~e \\ (' have loved and l(l~t. That you may When your furnace is filled
"ould III,,' t" I,uild, A ;:r"n'l'~ ,\o/'. . . ;lry llf thi ..; Illfl\·{'Illl'llt. ~i'H't' tlw fittingly and pcrmalH'ntly l'xpre" your l'l"pect in a with Koppers Coke you really
wa- dl'cidl'ti u]l"n, 1"11',1 1IIl' g-r.'lll" FREE SCHOLARSHIPS
\\'IIr1d \\':11' a ,;"an ,,1' al",\'1 :20 y"ar, hl'autiful menwrial. you are inYiH'd to \'isit (lUI' di,play
mad" all'll' 10 a ,101'<' III :\arl".rll1.
-c"lnnJllllily ell<'st~ in Ihi;; Cllunlr,' can sleep later! This modern.
Th"n, afl,'r ,I ud,·11 ,g "\Tr~ d.'!:'11 ". l1tf ('red to S('nior~ for Bcst Essay l'll(llll'. and "'l' our \'aried typc, of all·tilll(, nH'nwriab.
rai,;,'r1 a t"t:ll of 111,01'" I kill "II,' I.ill
th l, ,tol"., till' hlll·,1 worl, l)l'gall. on the Constitution ..' ;1111 d"ll:tr~: \11'. \!"ITi(·j; ,:lid. scientific fuel responds to
In ;\]i:-:::- ~tot.'k·~ J'(HlIll tIlt' \\'\11 11
10'1\" >cil •.\ar-bil',-; ill Stat" Ulli\,'I'-- - --- - - _. P/ea.~e ask for our booklet,
franll' fllr till' .-Ior<· 1- c"lIlplt-t,'d alld
iIi,'" al'" 'dr.,I"'" l" hi;:h alld \,I... par,.,- :\",'d household help? Try a classi· "HoJJ to Choose <I Memorial" draft - instantly! In no time
the cardl",ard for th,' wall, alld r,,,d' i,
on. lor~' "cit",,] ,"111'''''; III I"'lln~yIYalila fled ud. the house is warm as toast.
:'.li,;, Hi';!llJ]l''; rU"1ll i,"'t nlal;illg :1 1'''1' 1111' I",;t ",;,;a, lin tl1<' C',,":,I ilul i"II'
franll' fur it,; ,;tOl'l'';II Ih,·y an' fartill'/' ,,1' tit" 1'lIil,'d Stal,'';, l\('c"rdilll-: tll all And there are many other
on ill their wurk. Tlll'y huY" a ca,h alllllluIIC"lfll'llt Iliad.' III "chilli] I,rillci- Llule ROlOflna. C,.and Cham-
pion nob." 01 2405 S . .4",'ln Cemctcry Mcmorials
rl'!~i"ter, tWll t ..It'phlll\('';. alld play pal,; It~' 111'. 1."';\1-1' K. Adl'. ,ul"'rillt"Il- SI., lIihoau •••• ". ... co..dn.
advantages! Koppers Coke is
mll!H'y, a,; \\'l'1I :l'; many emply bliXt" Iklll "f j'uldj(' III;;trudillll. Between West Laurel Hill and Westminster Cemeteries.
of food. Thl' ,;hel\',''; w,'n' mad" "f Rul,';; g'II\'I'rllill~ 11ll' cnllll':i\, lI1ailt'd
economical to buy - even
on B('\mont Avenue Bala-Cynwyd P.O., Pol.
orangl' cratl'~. TIll' ston's will be u';PII to th,· Slall";; I:no Sl'cillldar~' ~clj()III,;,
by the childn'n in their llumb"r work provid,' that thl' cnlltl'st \\'ill Ill' 0]l1'1I
"THERE'S A Phone, Manayunk 0166
more economical to burn.
Uuring thl' yl'ar thl'Y abo studiL,d to Ih!' nH'mhers llf tl1<' cIa;;,;",; g-raduat- Light and clean. , • long bLirn-
Eskimo life, Indian lifl' and maue in" durillg- tllP yl'ar 1(1:-!S, including- WEALTH
dresses, pottery, dressed dolls and thosp llf Ihe F ..bruary as \\·,,11 a,; th{" ing •• , hardly any ashes at
made small friezes. June classes.
The second grade has ;;tarted sim·, Prizes for successful contestants arp
I OF Frankenfield Foneral Dome all. One ton of Koppers Coke
pIe multiplication and division.
four-year scholarships ranging- in
value for the period from $1600 to,
HEALTH Simpson Road at Athens Avenue will make you an enthusiastic:
Student Reporter. institutions: University of Pennsyl- Telephone Ardmore 9 Ardmore, Pa. user from now on! Phone your
$400 made u\'uiJable by the following: IN .. .. 2646
vania, The University of Pittsburgh,! order today!
W. J. Drennen, principal, attended
Temple University, Duquesne Uni-

the convention of the American Asso-
ciation of School Administrators in
Atlantic City, February 27 to March lege.
versity and Pennsylvania State Col-

The five contestants whose essays

2. are judged next in order of excellence. CEMETERY
wiII receive Certificates of Merit and
With $700,000 for 29 ice shows. wiII be considered alternates of the 1
I _a,,_ Mr.. Belen T. Rober,., Security, careful management, and beauty of
SonJa Henie has definitely cashed in scholarships winners. Thus in the I Mother 01 Grand Champion Bab, surroundings unite to make these beautiful roll· RAINEY-WOOD COKE CO.
on frozen assets.
Italian ambassador says Italy has
event that any of the winners fail to I ing hills an ideal resting place for those we love.
Conshohocken, Pa.
meet the entrance requirements of the I BROOKMEAD Select a lot before the need of its use is upon
an army it) Spain because it "seeks Telepllone your local e"eIIonge 61500
institutions to which tMy have been. GUERNSEY DAIRIES you.
tranquility." Must be a new Spanish I no toll charge'
awarded scholarships, winners of Cer- \ (Llcen.ed Producer. cI. DI.trlbutor.

:;',,::,i~~;:~;e~:~~:::~:~~~e,;:::::.P~~~~~~~~~,::h~'~'~,t~:;~~;~,_~aw~r.~.l.~ .I,~I~I:I'.I.,~.,~I~I !I~ · j'~-i i i iB.e.l.mi io.n.ti iA.v.e.·i ini ei ia.ri ji iC.ityi i .L; ;i i ni, iWYi i.di i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i~i i i=~ •
province we haven't heard of. or Clay outhorlled d~oler
tificates of Merit automatically will under Trademark)

"I,W,: .• . .'IPlllhlOID;.elw.a.ynl·e.lI1121111..
:r.":Il.'LT~lZ::Ra\j-l!l~1 ~ ".,.' "f,r,' .~~ r".J,... it:'~~·II;·;

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