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New Secretary For' T'he FIRESIDE Tennis Card Partv Basket Ball Team
School Board Votes to Send School Association Next Friday Puts Narberth On
ner· u ....

Pupils to LO\\Ter l\1erion Jl,11SJ II')' Jl,lcLc(//l is Elcet-

~ r. \\'111,:1111 I';d'" :lId lI"y', til' 1-:111 E"ueniIlK E'vent /1/',11 Be Athletic Map i

,"':.I'"rg, ~"'ryl""d, " sl"d,,"t "I 1.,,1'.

Se~'era/ l"ct!crs arc Rccci~'c{1 ON ActioN to cd to Fill Post :I.\llttt' ('pIlt>gl'. Ea",tllll. PH., \\:1 . . . th,' Gi'L'Cll at r. J.~1. G.A. ://drlJ ']7CO Jlorc to Long-
"" ,Stril/.fJ Of'/ 'ictories
gllt'!'\t (1\ t'r fht' \\ I'I'K l'lld :d fhl' htlHll'
~ \\ ill It ~~ 'J
G'011lbiJJ{' the (ppcr Schools \lis, 1\." .:\1.· Lt':111 \\:1 S t' II'.' t.'\ :--:'1'1 rl'
"I' :llr, ,,"01
~Ir •.

\. \\·"rll"r. til 1-'1 :Irll:l r.\·
.\ I,ll III ,k :1 f
!ll!,. 1111 plt"l'f\ I'.

:, ";111'1111:1 r, 1,111..., 'Ill Flld:IY.!

I: f.\' "I' til.' lIollll' :llId :--:.,·11011\ .\S .. (lI'l:1 :111: til I." t hi'
Thl' '\.u·lll'r']1 H:t .. l\t·~ Hall 1":1111 \\011
,'I d I' ,\ I I ./11 Illd \\ III
. Letters on Subject StateInent by Board
:It :l rt'l·t·ld
I'lit i \'1' ('ollllliittl'p at
of tIll' EXI'

thl' 11111111' of tlH

Pr. \\' i II i:1I1I 1'1 111'1'''' - ,r (II 11<":' "lit- l'r' til' IIlll-f "x,:~ !II~ g:tlllt':-.. of

l'r, ... idt'llt. 1I11\\:lrd .\, H:lllk ... 1I11 \roor!

y~ I' .. t hi' n' "t' 1"'1111 . . . ,\ I II ... 1:·'· .. • 17 1,: I!
, \\ I, "I,
,\. I

! 1.1' ~tlt
... t:q!.I,d

1, \\':1

I'd t
\\ I'"

"Id., .\\I'IIIIt'. :\li ..... \11·Lt':11l t:I1\1'S th.' \:.111,1. lIa .. II'('('II!I!I 11'( lll'd't\ 111'\\ !.!1:1"11 .ll'll1 l l,t;III'1.\ I',j ..... ', ..
\I!' 'll'l! "I'
-I 11,11 It,· I'xl r:1 pl'fl tl .1.
1'li,~I illl' 111' 111111rll\ ,llg II ".I. 111'1111 II It.\. 1,1 r..: I rl' I. "r
,11:1.'.' Ill' :'\lr.... 1.1'r ll .\ (', PtllJ;..d :I .... \\1111 ;, ,,11 1111 \r\ II!I" :,11.
ill 111,llll'r 1.11. I' :1
IS FEBRUARY HTH THE FINAL Thl' . . . 'lIfl' ~"I' ..... ;1 \\ .,d
\;Irl, 1'1. ' ' 11,,111 t:I,·1I1Ll'''' I~ llldic';ltt'd :.: 1"1" II III'!!' 11 '1 11,[ 111:1 r k .', of
DATE FOR NEGOTIATIONS? 1.\ rl'" i:.! III" 1.
I',' ,I II ,.n" :,1 I .. t.ltt 1111'l\t :"''''\1 I,d till ....
r,'1 "111 \11..... \11" .1';' II ..
~Ir •. Ed', ,.I,j ~.
"'Ilt' ", l.. ~., ,111 d :-.:r ,\ t" ,'i 1111· ... , I r: 'I" 'I + II' 1\ f"'; i \\ 1'111.\ 1I111l1l t t'~ (1f 1'1:1.\
1.1\:1':1.\'1'1'. II:lStil" :1 llH':l1
1111'1'1' III III " , , "\1 II t \\ I " ,11:1 (1111" kl~11 11,1 It·s...
.\Ir ,'. Ho\\.lroi .\ ,ITtI'I. 1111':0;.. \,I.'k 11\ 'II "\,1"" fiil :-'q,hIlHI Pilt'ctl,rK. t't I ill~ \\ it h :1 II ;1 t 1:11' k I l l It:I\I' tI, I·IIL:,':..,:"II ill! f I' (I

.. dllllll, :11111 i ... illtl·f(·t,;t(·d kl'I·III.\· III 1111'

:\: rltl'rtl1 :--'1 1t'11l1 HO:lrd. I'll ...... ·,l~t I'll! t 1,,]111\\-": 1]',' 1':1 S t \\ t't' 1... 1'\ "I 1 II:"':, I '111 g,l,llg , ' t hi I~I, b..:..' :I II
• \':Irlll'rtll, 11 ;1.. .\ Iltl'I'tlll~ til tIlt· Board uf
\\t·lf:tr,' (If 1hl' (·(ltlllllllllll.\-. :--.:.111' \\111
-,tl\1 t., lIt' ~ I \ {'II tl.\ tIlt' 1.:1,1 ., .. ' \'1:\ I:,
",:11-\,. :t \;II'l:ddt' :Icldltioll to till' otli
11l':lr ' I r . .\ld·:lrlt'I:- 1)11"1 1t I'" 111'1.1 .1:11l1I:lr." :.!!lth. 1!t:';.~,
Tht. :'\arhl'rth TrOll}' of (;irl :--:('lll1t ... 'If.\ Ill' Ill,' \::lll.,'r:h TI·II11I . . . \ .... .;I~. III t ' , .... """f". '1'
/·j;d Ilirt'l·toratt' ot· till' ,\ ...... II(·iatil1ll. tllt'
I h;I\'I' IH'I'II illflllllll'd 111:tl tl1l' :---l'1lcnd If \\;1'" ,It'I'IlII'd to :-'I'nd tht' :--:'t'1l10r h,·ld till' rt·~"dllr 1""t'liJl~ ill 11,,· r. \1. ',: Y. \1. (. \. ff:tll. '1'1'" \\",d,'r. -:,,,r,'d II,,· st·,·""d ":df
1I1l1l'I'r'" of \\ hll·h l'Olh:st (If lhl' (,dlll\\
Hoald 1.-'; \1'1',\ 1':111 tull.\ l'IIII~Hkrill~ 111L:.·1 ""'I h'Hd -(tr,ld" ... }ll. 11 alld 1~ .\, H'Jildil.!. 1:I ... t '1"11 sd:l," ('\ Pllirq.!. Tllt'fl' \\ i'. lIt' ,·!I'll' ..... '. 1'1' t·r / ' " t ,I' \ !·It 1 1'11 ... 11 :llld . . . "'ll \\ I'llt ,Iht'ad ".'.
l"'hiladl,jl'hi: 1 tIll' \\llIlIl'r . . . : h:lld 1I1:1I!1' ' I l l ' " t' 1 ~ltt': 0111 Til" \i~itor...; hl'ld
Tt'li('f to tht' lI\('rt'ro\\.!I'd 1·t1uditi{l1\ uf --til 1.0\\1'1' ~II'ri(lll llig-h ~('hl){J1 in .:\I''''R \1:11'(;0\\:111. (rollJ I'" Ilt. 17 Iii.
l'n'~idf'lIt. Ilu\\:lrd \. I~:ll\k".
\I'gl,tl,lti(lli~ to that 11":ldllll:lrtt'r... , \\:t~ tllt'rt'. ~ln~l hl·JIIl"\ 1:ldi ..... ;11111 tII1l:l11." illtl'r,· .. t:ll_ 'In Ir,l ... f·!'I,r },:I,I lllltil \,rrlil' Flt',·k ('Ilt !oo....P
our "'I'bools ll.\ lIlt' 1111:111 . . . 111' :--'·llilllll.!.
lJig-iJ . . . "Jill/I! ..... :l1dt,t1ts til l.'l\\t'r \1t't:.i11
't'ld l Ittl l l'l
111 [ \\ ,II 111' 'It'gl1ll illllllt·dlatt'I.".
"il'I' I'rt·.. . ;dpllt. l'rl'd c'. Pattl'II.
:-;",·r,·t"ry, ~Ii-s II." \1,'1.":111.
Ihl' girl . . . l·lI.itJ," tht, t'\ t'lling. r'1 I' rh.' 111111. ,Th,·r. \\ III 1", 1,1. rtt.\ "'11 !'I';llIt ,1'111 "f:
... llt,t Jll" tht' t1H'11
f:t!I!t- ... I of· l11,t!1 ~:tUII'" :III" 1,,1 .... 'If I' 11 ~ ':11 I,.!. t'\lr'l p"Iind of .-1 lIlin-
:'11".\ I ".k. 11 .. \\ "\ ,'r Jf tll, ~,II,,,,J H""r.: Narb£rtb School Distrtct. Tn·:I~llrl'r . .lI'S~1' ~, lIarl'1~,

S I liJr '1'""" I'll) Renry Rose. ~fr. 1",,'" IIl1rd. "f E.,,'~ :Illd (·h.· .. ~ "1'1l1:11 !"'"P'" Illq .. t 1'1' \\h'l \0111 \'Il! :', ~ I'b,\"'! .11101 "(;1'111" 1>:l\IS
\t 1:lq.:I·. \Ir ..., ,\ldJi,' "\11·kl·r"';flll.
"I' L"\\"r \1,,1'."" T"\\J,-lIil' lI"s 1ix,'d Secretary. 1111t .\ \ t'1111I'S. l'ntl'r';1 ill1'd ~1·\t·r:11 Ill' Idll1\\, '1',1 till' ... r' th:lt .\1\,] ./",'1 hlll1\\.! tltl' "~;Ir 111l11l1t'r l-:u:lrl:i:lrtl plan.... 1
Cl1:\irm;11I (If }ffllg-r:11I1 (·"!Illllit"I'.'--
Ft'!lrll:lry l-ttll :1'" tllt' fill.1i !I;lf(' for! TIJI" . . Llfl,ltll'll· .lIlt' Illl! 11\lliC:ltt' tliat 11 4 fnt·lld ... ;It hi .. 1110111 1111 l'rid:l,\ \lIl! \\ill 1I1t'1'! t11:1: .'\111111:.., • • \,1 1 ".1,1 '\"11 l.. ,lldlflillit'lol :.!l;I' ... III tht' l!l't anti
\rlh"r \\'. B"r,,'. Ilft}]l'1 t.' ... 1 1111'11\ 111 till' :I'r,· Id, ,d'lll"l "1"
tht' I'ollll'll'tilltl It!' .... \11·11 :lfrHllgt'lIl·t'lIt~! dt'tillltl' :Jrr:ltll!l'IIH'llt It:I\'' h"t'lI 111:lIlt,. ,,101 .. \\:11 I I i , ' " ' ' ' ' \','rllli' F'!t·(·h

.\s rll:III~" of 11111' 1'lti/l'lI'" alt' illtl'r Jhnt ;1" t!1l' I'rt·I'llllll;lr,\ \\Ilrl.. has 11.1'1'11 ;111: l'\ idl'lll't lh:lf :\:I1II1'r l ll j ... :1 llr"tl.\·: I,!d· 01 l'llt' }!Ioll' lrl 11'''' total ,,-hilt' all
\\·"It,," :'II. \\·"ntz. I • 1
{,Htpd ill this l(lII'KIIHII I ;1I11 st'~l:llllg ,;~ldOllj" :1 I'f!1',I~111 :II'1'IIIl..:I·tll l ·ll! ... hould ht' \Ii~~ (':tt'roll 1)0\\111' ...... flf \\- Ilflll"'l, I " ~{J(ld ","rt flf ;1 1'1:II'c' ill \\h .,h t 11'\'1"1'111 \\·;,r'[l'r .. ,11111.1 1'"lll··,t \\:tl" t\\o lou
:llr. 1Il'nry \\'"",! Shl'lt"n lias hl'rn
c'o)'y of this It't1t'r to "Our ItI\\ll. pos:--t1dt'. I Itt' 1.11\\tl' .:\It·lllIl :llIt1,01'- ·1 .... I,l'd 10 laid' tll1' l·h:drfll:lll ... hil' llf thl' .\ \ 1'., j ...... ,It·1l Ii 1I;.! :1 fl'\\ I ~:J.\ " ill \ t t' I""
111" ;IU .... • tll1' p"llJd.' H I I ' tll.· k, II·l .\ nIl ..!":tl ....
and \\(luld !oillg-g'I·~'t III rt'ld~'ltJg \'IlU 1 ,t:,s ),;1\1 .. t;Jf.·,J '} ;1', :," fhl' r p·:I.I, 1"1.\'. Ijkt' ttl knl'\\. rhl' ',lr!'I'r~h 11·~1I1:1r... addt'd :Il1nlht'r
\\'1'1 f" '" ('''"I,"itt"". :i1'" h,,- th,· 111,,1
also !'i'j'lId :1 1';lrllllll t/l :hl' Edit"l}1. ifor tilt' 1'0111.11:":' ,\1';11 mll ... t ),1' 1Il:ld" \I'ry 11'1' lllldl'r atl\ is('lllt'llt. III .1.1" it i, II t (I t }Il' 1':1 t 01 1"'1.\ '1 ~ ,ltll1' \ l' 1 'III ill lht·ir 1"III~ ",trIll:! \\~}'I'11 tllt';oo..
T1J:llIk you fIll thl' t:I\llr (If :111 1':lfly; . . . l!ortl.v, .:'\.Irl,rth IIllht ll1dll':lll' ht'r
Pro Lt'r(l~" .\. King, (If lh" l·l\i\t'r.. tt,\· W thl' IIII/I'''. rl,fr.· ... hllll'llt .... , ;11 ,11111:,_ ·.t )"", ,'\\1'01 1111\1'111 I, lllldl I' :1 .~1 ~t :-'('111 1'.

r('S1~llll~'. Idl·... irt·s \\itlH l llt dt'la.\. \1 I 'I (. \\'. 1ft."'.. . . 1'l1rlllt'l'l.\ fl'" :ILd ":11101" it'lIl· ... ,,111 IH' .. , r' I I :IIld r:. 1,"·:1: ...... :,lltl t\ lIut \\ ith a hall~.
"f 1"·"'lS.\·h·:II,i", ",,01 till' HI'\. II "rr.\· . r. :111' ., rs. .
Figllrt~ "llllll11II'd }'.\' thl' ~:Itht'rth
HI' .. \'t.l·tfIJlI~ . ~ Illlr", \1 ('}mlf:llit });I\(' rt1lldt'rt'd :11'llrl'l·i:ltt'd II I' Jla\'t'r f ord . -\\t' .. \::trhl.rth. :lft' hl'itl~ \'011 fll:',\ ft' ... 1 :IS" I f I d ;1 ~lt(l I : ;'111' \\ II, ",,1 "I th.· "11.1 "I' til,' fi-I,t half had
\\' . .\. FOX. 1""11,,,,1 ""tl'''T1l:t,. S",'III t" i",J,,,·,,,,· tlt:!t . . 1"lllgr:ltnl;Jtt',1 til" I,.rtll "I' "1,,, 1",.1 It.' "II. :'1 '·'JJIlIl1.11Idlll~ 11;1" f l f ~.: -I. Ihtflllg tllt'
___ _ :lIllIlIt ~11 ... tl1d"l1~'" \\ ill lit' tt:llI~ft'rfl'd "t'r\ ll'P :1'" (.. ftlllTll1f11"'1ll1·1I. :,. ,I '~It' .. ' ',11,1 1',llt' "I'\I'r;t! .·h:lll~!Y~ \\t'rl' uwdt.>
1I1'Xt 1l11'I'til1~ 111' t111' .\ ...... lll'j;1 ,j;lllg h t I' r. 1

To till' Edit,'r "f "0111' '1'1>\\11 ":

; III tho' t,,11.
\\'hilt- t1"'I\' "r" ""Iy ~1I tinn IS lik('·.\· to ht' ;III itnp"rt:lllt 0111'. ,'T . h·' ,,1, l'II;J!dl.d lh,' ,t'"
t" llIakt'
.\~ ollt' (If tht' l'itIZt'll:-i o..:P(·klllg' ('11-:111 tht' 1l111'1'r lhfl'l' gr:llll'''' 1I(1\\. it 1'",et'lll~ of "qu:d inter!' ... t til the lilli' at ,\hil'h "r, \\~. P . .\.lo(Jrp. rlf 107 l)lIdlt',\ I r" ill:1 r k;l L II' litli . . . ll.
'l'ight"1I110'lIt 011 tl", III)!h ~ .. Io,ol qU(""I'ft'!>:,] It' t1J,JI th:. II 111111 tt' I lIill T;1j"dl~' Pr. 1"'lI'is. of tl,,' :-;tatt' Ho"rd "f Edu .\\"'.. lias hel'lI qllilt· iI, I tht' "all"" o!. H"III"!! Id'r: ~1:lrk t]l:\t .!'tt" 'Ill ~HIIII I.'~: '1'11111' ... .1:1.\ tilt, loc'al tt':HIl tr:\v-
tion :It tht.' Tt'lnllaf ,... Hlt,t'tillg- ( I f tlH'IIIlI'I"t'a
I .. t • :b ~ht· I:lq:.' LI\\I'r l'lass('~ l:l1il,n. 10101 \\h:1! :1'1 idl':tl 1I:g-!l ~.'h(l(ll ,,·ti,·11 I .1:-\ I I llt' to !'
lIS I tl'lng' t'XIH)"' . . ·fI:Ilrl'r
' 1':11111";1'-. I-'r:d·l.\ ('\I'llillg. ('I'!lrlll\' ~1'l"II',1 1" ":lldi :llld .. hll\\~ld thf h'lllll(' 1

~{.h\,ttl Hoard last ":\IOlld:I.\ ('\t'IlIIlJ.!. pt'r . IIlt;)\'(, III', for th., Hr"I~I' :llId 1'1\1' 11111,,11"/'" ~1\t'lI~. 11\'" 11,,\\ tIll' ".Itlll· .. 11/'111" lIt' pla\'t 1d,
shollid I",. ". rt'I",rt"d ill "Ollr TOlln";t I <ailr"lli I II Tt·,· I, "I' t I Il' ~Iat.·.
Jnit JIll' to t·X}H·l' ....S t\\11 ft'pling-:-- with I I As ~·t·t IlO 1illlllil'ial arrangPllu'llt h:ll'i
1a ... 1 \\t'l'k. FllllPr :1 II 111111 11 1'1'111('11 t :IS ttl
I>\' til,· I.a,li,s .\Il,i ian' •
,.1' tli' "" " \ ' :":1\ II'~ ~t I1I'1I1~ :1 d~ . I''1 trllllllllllg.
I". . .• ."'\.
whil'h I "anll' II\\'IIY. 'I'll\' fir·t is on,'II"'1'1I ft·",·I".,!. It i, til,· ]..,Ii,·f of 1111tJI '\[t. ('. T, ITt"flf.\· TJI:1l1t' :1 ~ll/lrt \ isit l'r'r:t!1 TI't1111 . . . _\ ...... I'I·i:i~'.1l1, itt y, ,to {. tlll:11 1'1' tWI'II:\' Ih'I' H,·ld g'll-nb WPlt'
I tlip pro}!"r:alll CIt tht' IIPx-l T111't'tiJlg. \\ ltic'h
of appn"'iation {>f th,' 11ll'tinl10lls "ollr-Itl'" 1.01\,r :'I1"ri"lI and :\"rh"rth nuth· ',.-ill 1],1' h .. ],1 th,' third Thllr"d"y in t(j his hOIll .. ill til,· :-;""th (j\ ,'r till' .\• II ;1. II Tid\< 1- Ill'.\ 1 I,,'. ,,1"'1
' "
11.,,1'!" Ir,'t! it,\' tht' "10\\11 . ho.\·~." and thl'~'
tes~' of 110' Boar.1 to its ;rUl'st'. alld ,·f1oriti"s. 1",\\('\ ,'r. that th" 1,'itinll c·"st t'''hrll"r.\', \\ill h(' lIl"d" 1I('~t \\'(,I'k. \\ I·,'k end. fr'lIl al:y ",' 111"'1 "I' tl", \·,,·11.'1'\. . II' l'Il' t'l 1'0\\1'11, !t: I hltlllJl, . -I; (00. k • •-);
its pro:ni~1' to makl' fllll J'uldil' ."t"tl' I ",II lI"t ,·"·,,,·d :!'1~,".1'" l",r sllld"nt, Pul thaI datI' Oil ~'"ur ,·,11"11 ,1:1 r. lind : \ ,I' ,,:'. 1; .T"llk;I,'. ~: ll",·kl". 1..
nll'nl . . '~lllthorit:ltl\"t'I~' and otlil,j:llly" I illt'ltlt!'I1:":' lr:JlI"p'llt:ltiol\ ltl lh(' 1... 0\\ ('1' TIll' \\' 0111:111':- ~'()rt'igl1 \1 issioll:l ry '1', ItI~l,t. r,·I,.. :. th" E. 1'. ('. ,,\' th,'
dllll't 1('1 th(' IlIIH it· ...... Ill' :111.."tiJ:lI~ l,l ... c, I
of its l'0~iti(,n through tht' {'OIUJlllI'S ()f'~1"l'Jtlll l'll:ltlilq..:. Thp l'h:IJ;:t' for thp WESTMINSTE.R CIRCLE
i, t." "f tIl,' :'II. E. l'h"r"h will nll,,·t 1;"fl'l:lllill" II B",\ . . . · ('1111, \\ill ht' pl'aypd
~'Ol1r '1'o\\n" lhi~ \\I'{'k. 1:1111 (J1l(' If :'\:tl;','1111 lo\tlldt·ut ... \\~:11 lHI h:J~,wcl 011 f~t't ill tltt' \\:IY (d' it . 1\ t'l ~Ir'. H"I'('r! ('tllI1!,t"ll . .ill \\'00,)
Til" rl'J!lI1:lr 1lI1'1.t'III~ of tlIt' \\'I' .. t- I, 11\11' fll"r.. Thi'" t.·;IIJ1 h:1~ ~ll'ft'ah't1
·I .
11l~11I:' who will 1001, (':I~('rly ttl t IlIS) tIlt' ]t{'r·I·:tI'It:l C'lt~t uf ruullillg' tIt-'
... ',1 .\\'1' .• (III .\11111. F(..1,. ,I. :I,t ~.:~(I
lIlinsh r Cir('ll'
'f. uf the Jlfl'sh."tt'ri~tll" li·'1 ,·11111'" :1'" ('olutli:ll If'" Cn'nlli. ()\,,'T-
"tat.,'ml'lIt to .. ll'llr up a:l lIn,·,'rla';nt.\·j Lowl'r ~ll'r,on ,,1:II,t tllIrill~ lh" I'r,,\·i· MR. JOHN BRAUN OF THE ART :'II. 1

('}l!lf( . lJ "ill he ht':d :11 tl11' 11.lJllt' f l f I ' l l , d{ {',ltJlI'i ("'11 .• ;tllrl :1 lot of (J1~11·pr:-.,
a" to the B~tar<l 'Ji..llttitu~11J 011 t.Lis vilnl 'liS y,'"r ALLIANCE TO SPEAK
nnc! urgl'lIt prohll'm. TQJ(' LOI\('r :'I[eri'tln authoritie, hn\'(' ~Irs. \\'Iilli. ,J. H"ik,,", .Ir.. ~1" \\',I.""" 111.1 tlll'\ "~I"" I t" :lrI,J :\a"lH'rt'h tn
\Ir. al,,1 \lr,. Holol,'~' .\. \\':lTIlI'r \\'PHlH'. Ft'll. ~th. ·};.':r I: .. •. ('111111' (1\'pr to th£1 "y" toO-
Thl' other j'('"ling \\as Oil" of keell tolc! our o\\n sd'tI'ol 1J{lard th"t th,'~' ar" Community Club to Have Art
"I,t,'rtaill"" "t ,ltilll1t'r :lIon,lay 1'\'('lIillg .. '1,,1 1 , :lIld """I' thl'ltl t r.v 10 do it. :\
l!i.•apl'olntnll'llt tha,t th" Board r{'· not in :, I'0.iti"n to "ssnn.... t!l(' l'rtth· Afternoon Thp Ladit, ... l -\uxil::lf!' ll:l\.' 111\ It'd: -
.11 th .. ir II "" Il' oil ;\orlh :\arh"rth .\\ ...
tl1.' ladil'''' 111' ,hi' t' 11.11' ~u "'1'\\ \\ ,Ih I ~r.·,' ~. !t,I' '" ill till' II1:tking for :--\at.
fu",'d t,o allol\' its ,·it.iz"n gu""ts to 11(', 1"1ll til' transl'"rtin~ till' :\ar!>"rth stu· Tlll'ir gll(·;;ts "'pre tll(' HI'\·. AI,I",rl C. thl'lll at tlll' (·l!llrl.h otl \\"I'.\I'I' .... 1':1~. !'I'h, 1. 1• \\ ht'fI (;I'~lr~(' Sullivan. t,ht'
prl'8ent dllring il~ o\\'n di""u"sion anI! i tll'nt,. It al'!,"ars that thl'~' ha,'l' a Th,· III1'l'tillg of tIll' \\·oln.'n·s ('''111 K:lIlZina1('T, P:IHtOT. and tbl' lllPlnht'rs (If tot' I'. f,,,,!,j,,dl "II'! Itaskl,t.\mll playl'r,
final d<'!l'rminati'oa. [ lind 1l1'Orl' th:ln!".,riOllS I'rol,J"1ll of 1IlI'ir o\\'n {)n t:heir II",nit.' ('llIh tll',t TUl'sday \\ ill b" gin'l\ th,' ('oulll·it of ~aint Pa"l's Llltherall F"hTlwry ith, ht'1\\{·t'1l 1",11,1 "lid 11.""
on"" h,'ar,! tbl' I'tl'sident an,! IIthl'l hund" t,) gl'! thl' Tcn\ ""hip "tu,h'nh to ",,'r to th" dis,'uss:on of art and (·lIur,·h at .\r,!moTl'. .\.:\r. Tht,..'" arf' S.'\\ ing' for ti~I' .:'\i'l'dl.'
nl('1II1wrs of the Boar'l stute tllat thl" thl' lIi)!'h ~1·!lOol. .\n' ulllmanl"', of.\ nlt'ri":lI' art.ists. Tlli;; i, tIl(' first ""rk (;"ild. ('olltillu",1 on 1'a:;:l' 4)
Bo"r,! hu,1 abs"IUIt·ly nothinl! to hid". "Ollr,,', in th" tuition "stimult' \\'ill h" tinlt' t,h"t this suh.iet'! h"" he"n pr,,·
I for om' had h,'gnll to fe,,1 I lh'serveu 1Il,,~II', if :\arlol'rth is oh!gN! til work Sl'nt.'t! ·hpfor.' tl", g,'"..rul ('I"b 1I1"l't
tl"'ir r"l'rn'\l'h tlhut th"ir 1lIl'l'l inl."S, (llIt 11Iid pay f,'r transportation. ing, Iwcl r"g'nr,J,l"s.~ of h,ow fllmiliar yOll Th~·. gUl',.'ls :,t till' 11111,·1,," II ."n,) "anl

.\ rl'"i 1'T<H'a 1 plan. whi{'h mny lutl'I un' "ith the topi-,', ~'O:I ma.'· !lI' sur" !,arl~- ·of :'Ilrs. J)Ul1's~al' :-;Iltith. of I~~
whi .. h \\,er(' "nl\\'n~'s o[>,'n," \\,,,,n' not
mUTI' f['('(ln"ntl~' alt"lI,led. I f,,1t th"y "~' pllt in ol'"ra,ti\.n. has h"('11 sug· tllllt :llr. Braun's talk will !w unusu· \\'oo,lsitl(' A\·c.• Xar!lI'rth. Oil \\'('dllp"·
Wl'rl' ju"t.ifi(',1 in eriti"i7oing ;;-,,<'Ouu anu g"1's,t.·cl Io~' I.Jo"'l'r ~h'rioll. ThLs pIau IJ1I~' illlt'r"sting. "sl)('eilllly ill v,i,'\\' of tI".\·. illl,lud,' :'III'S. H . . f. Egn"lr", "f
Plans for Next Winter's Coal
thir.!.'1wlltl imjlr"sllinlls all.! illforma· is thut tho,,, "tn,!"II'ts in thl' Township tIll' "l'ry marked ,1"\'l')opml'II1 of :'II erion, :'Irs. F. Rhiph'y, of I'ott,,\'il\(', Every householder please
tioll. wh"u tll"S(, might 'h(' gaine.l first· !i,·jng adjul<.'nt to :'\arlwrth h,' Sl'ut to .\nll'ri,·all art an,! tIl<' rl'all.\· fiue {hillgs :'Ilr'. \'i"'or Taylor. of \\"'st Phil" .• lind fill in this important
h:lIltl from the Boar,! jj"'l'lf at its nw('t· th" Boroug'h "l"m"lIrt:lr~' sl'hool inl<t"'n,! that AlIl"ri"lln artists have I'ontrihuted ~Iiss M. ,\rilliallls.
ing!!. Ro I w"ut to this meeting hop· of t'O LO\\'«'r M"riou. At th" present to th(' worlt! of art. Mr. Br:IUII i",
ing to go"t II c·l"ar first·lul!l<! uuder· tin1l', no SUI'II nrrang"ment has ~'('('n I'rl'sill<'nt. of th" Art All in 11(''', 1111(1 his :\ol,iss Alethl'll
s.tllu,linl! of the poillt·of-\'lPW of the 111:1(1", hut it may h" neeesl'nr~' f{lr "lIr·<'! will 'h" "AIlll'ril"ln Artists." twenty gu,'st" llt n hirthday party Oil
La11lh ('ut"'rtain"t1 QUESTIONAIRE
S€vl'ral 11I"mllwrs of thr Bonn\. hl'rth to I'ous>i,!er till' poss~,bilitil's when :I[rs. \V. E. Bhlllgl'tt, who WllS ullnh!e ~lllurc1l\Y ('v"ning•.Jau. ~itll.
HE coal shortage for our citizens has been
As the rourtt'ou~ <1iscu'8sion and an fl-Dur 1'o\'n PID t'o report nt Ul>(l l:u~t lltpptiuR hc-('all~(, I
sW('Tiug of qIH,,,tiou's Jlllt hy \'anous it 'h,,('ol\l'e, n"""!lsary-as it soon will- of si,·klll's" iu th" family, will this Till' :-;t,a 1l,1J:L r,1 B"I' n'rs of t'll., :'II. E T very serious this year; operators' agree-
ments with the anthracite miners expire in
r.itiz"n's proel'("~,,d, it sl'em",1 as if th" to prOVide larg"r elem"ntary fne,ilitil's. \\'""k gi\''' hpr r('port nU thl' :'II,onday 0hllrl'h will me<>t on TU'l'sday "vl'ning, the spring and the conditions next winter may be
~u"st><, inst"nd ",f h"lping, Wl'rt' fOll<l1y :\0 stn.t>ement has yP! b""u ma'!p a;; ('oufHerll'''. F"h. 6th. lit thc honll' of :'Ilr. Hoy Smitll,
equally bad.
d'e!nyin~ th" finn! d ...tenniulltion \\1hi*·h to ,th" readjus1meM that will ,Ill' Uel"es-, :l1r",..1. F. Donn... lh·. ,·llair11lllu of the :\1 0 Ess'Cx A "'1'.
Mr. ~f.'Cnrt"r sn,ill the Bonrd hOJled S':I~' in the :-';nrherth syst"m. It is t.he DT:l11l"til' R~'n(1ing rlass whieh hlls so
The Narberth Civic Association has some plans
to rearh 1hnt evcuiug. Rto 1he Presi· bclie-f hn"'l'v"r t·hat thc staff \\'iIl be nhl:v preseut"d a. slketl'h b~,fbr" t;he' ~[j"s ]\lI1a Reott has r-durnl',) aI1.'r which may be worked out to insure Narberth's
dl'nt wns ask"d ,,-hether th" Board r"tIure,) hy aJh<out fi"" t'"n'rhl'rs nnd Cluh. will TI'ad a short p!ny hy A. A.'spending' last w("{'k·('nd M 1111' short·.
anthracite supply for next winter. In order to
w'Ould lIul pr"fe.r to go uhend with its that the .Tunior High Rrhool w'ill be :'Ili!n" "ntitll'<! "Th,' ~t"pIlloth"r." i
develop such a plan it is necessary to make a sur-
rcgular bu&ill('ss without int"rrupt-ion mo\'1'-d 1'0 th" present High Seh'o",!. :llrs. \\' F. Kl'mpf will f.:i\'(' u piuno' Mr. Gl'orge ,Yo Grth, of E.·ss"x An' ..
vey of our requirements. Will you please co-oper-
fr01l1 its g'ue1!ts. who rould si1 ~il"nt nil'! Compll·t" ,1"t:lils will not, of coursl', solo. hns rl'"ently rl'turn"l! from II trip 'Il
ate by filling in and mailing promptly the blank
r"Sl'Tn~ furthl'r qUl'lltions until th,,))(\ work.·,) out uutil the fina! agr<>e· The" :'\urs"ry d,o\\'n·stairs" will ht' Pitt.shllrgh and deinit)'. printed here?
Board had comp!eteu its d"lillll'ratiolls 1I1"nt IIns ~een r<>a,-he<l with Lowor in working ,order to rl','ei\'(' "hil<J,ren of I-\\'hllt si7.1' lInth,a,·it,· tlo yOIl hllm in yOllr fllrllac'e 1
n1ll1 taken its vote. Mr. l\{... Curter rp- ~I"rinn. The d"finite ,!c{'.i",ion ",n l'Il" Tnf'mherB. Chul'g'e 15 (·"nts. I :'I1rs. E. C. Coc'.krill hns left for
plied thnt he th'ougM that WlouM hnrd" part 0.1' th" Srh'ool Board, after se\'ernl Bring lllong your po,'kethook. The Ivisit in Buffalo.
Iy bl' 8ut1sfnctory to the visHon< pre· mlonths of' dl'lilIwration, to muk<' thc ("uh HOUBl' c·jlimnl·y will rr('ei\'l' your
I :!-\\'hllt ,i7oe nllthrneitl' .I" yon lourll for "th,'r !,ur!,"",,"?
s"nt; that fN' the lII'eeting!! were "ombination, is n big step tow'nrds re· Ilrrrrinl!.
I :'IrisB :'II" r~' Chalfant is spl'llIling al
short. hut ·thnt tonight th-l' Boord h~ld li.'\'ing till' I'r",.'"t '·'.llgf'Stillll.
few dnys at homl' fN,m Wilson e'ol·:
ono or two other quest'ons to settle Xarherth, Pa., lpge .
before it came to the High Sch'ool
i :l-How DIlIlIy tons annually for .vollr f"rna,·,· 1 ..
mnttcr, whidl wQu!d make it too late EVENING CHORAL SERVICE -l-How mallY tons llnlluully f'H oll1,'r [lI'I'IIII"'" 1 ..
for t,he, visit.ors to !ltny throu~b to the lI"W PLAY TO BE PRESENTED BY
end. II 0 wus t.hen nl<ke<! if it ,,<a,lld JUNIOR COMMUNITY CLUB ii-How mOllY tOil" ,'nn your hillS ''''''oll1l11,,,late ! .
'r,h,' :'lIn I" "hoir of All SIJilltS Churl'll,' ill,
interfere ,d,t11 the Bonrd 'EI nction if ll--WOIl!tl you he ill fllvor of hadllg YOllr "lItill' supp.I:.
Wy'lIl1{,'wood, will Bing nil
thosc who were intl'rl'sted '('nough nna delivercd ut 0111' time betlHell .\pril 1st lllJd :-;eptemher
Il'hle to stny though to the end, did
so, no mattcr !l()'W Ia/t e, ithe ·hour. Then 1st 1 , ..
he . I'Il'pIi-l'd that the preseut"e' of the i - I f arrangements "oll1<l 'he mnd,,, wOlll,! yOll be ill fnvor of
rlllitors would be a d,jstiJlet interfer· having- )'our entire supply c1elivere,!, (lllyillg for it ill
enee wifu the w;}rk of the Board'. that monthly inst:JIImellts betweell April 1st nnd Octoher I5t·/
the High School problem InvoIWld quI's'
tions 'wM~h the Board' would much pre-
.............................. ~ ~ .
fer to talk ~ver quietly 'and conftd&nt- Slglled ............................................................................................................
iRIIy nmong tlromllJclves, and ,thnt if the
visltol'9 'should insist 011 remn,!ning, the A,)dress .
Board ~"Ou1ll find It neeC88llry til' go
The· identity of the signers of these questionalres will be
into ,. ex~UJtive BOssion'.' , held coDfidenttliJly by a committee of three, and the infor-
In the face of 8Mh a Iltt>l1teme.nt from mation Will not be used commercially.
the Pres.ident, th'ere wos obvioWlly
MaU the Blank to
or eourie. w.

1eventually (IlS cVCTY rational ci:tizpn'
: knows) n ponllervat"ive amount of the
Iluitpr n.dministerl'd by the p"oppr bnnds
'at \.h<, 'proper time in the proper placl's,
'HOWARD'S deliver - &D1
place - a..,

A co-operative Community Journal

OWIJ('d a"ci puhlishe,l e\'ory Saturdny

Talks About Narberth wil\ 110 douht go fnr towun\' prollllOtill[,(
pro!""r il~tl'Tl'st in Ill(' fornwr nnd "".
"urillg the he,;t facilities for ,)ur Hor:..
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
oy the C\nrhl'rllt Ci"i~ Associalior.. (Conductcd by the Ci\'ic Association)
One P"llar ,,"d
Fifty Cents per vellf
\\·hi,·11 rt'l1Iinlls us. For th,' 111<o.-t
1l1Irt, our rl'",ling' t,his past w,·.·k h.I'
- '1 A Reason For Beillg 1>("'11 :\1rs. II IIlfiphry Wal'l.I '6 t,T:Ul~ la t i,)u
til ad\':l tlf'e
I \\'11\ ,]'1 somc folk,., prcfer to li"e in thc Iar~e citie,., 0 "f .. Th,' Jutil\l~,\.e .Tourual "I' H,'uri One of the products of our new bakery is the
I \\·h·,· ,]0 stlme elect to li\'e in the country or on the fann ~ .F'r('clerie Afnip}" nnd a nl'Oft' t'hanHil1~ Danish Pastry Ring. It is an article which will melt
.\nli wh\' do mal1\' choose to li\'c in thc suhurlh Ill' in ,.,mall lhillg' has ue\l'r h"I'u writt!'u. .\ 1',.",.
in your mouth. Something for those who want an
toIl 1h con~'enient t,; the large cities? tillt\Jlt :11111 rog-tillt B(\llteu('p nf tht' ,,1,1

'I'll answer the la,.,t question let liS say that in the hearh 'If I'hilosophl'r ruus tlo this I'If!'d :111<1 fits exceptionally delicious article. They will be on sale
Illan" oj the hetter citizcns of this country there is an il11\lul,.,c th·1' situati.oll jllst IlIt'ntiout'<I, "Hllmall
lif!' is liko Sl'il'u,'p; a St''1tll'lIl'l' of
beginning Saturday.
that 'compels them tIl locate their homes where they can cnjoy
the heauties of nature and the healthy atl110sphcre that the IlJi"t"k,'s \\ ith g't'lIl'rnlly a trill' <line·
"ut,]oor,., oti"er,." ,not onl\' for thc older members of thc family tinll. " "You Can Get the Best In Narberth"
Philip A. Livingston
l11lt Illnre especially for' the children. . .
_____________ I1 (luI' hu,.,iness requires that we be com'enlent tt) the bIg .\'1 ",01,1, il \\"a" nn u'"'\','lIlflll ",.,-k-
l·itie,., so that thc solution is the suburbs. harrillg I.]u' l':<"it"IIlI'nt of hcing ,lpli,"
Adolrl''' nIl rorrpllpolI,lencu to !'o~t :I ,,1'(',1 at. thl' front cl'oor of .JlIsl'ph H"r'
WEET You'll Taate the
:'lIht1rhs such as :\arberth ha"e de\'eloped into small town,."
l-('(,'fh,'illll'r's \\'"",t Chc'sllpr, I','nns~'ha"ia
Offic(' nnx !lfHI.
OUf Tnwtl l ' Oil sale ut the ,leJloL
a, re,.,idencc towns completc within themselves, local gm'ern-
l!lent. 1ncal schoo]", and churches, local ci\·ic and social tlrganiza- n',;idt'IIl't' in u Ford milk trnek,
arri,t' III thl' lIlansi,on of this popular
To White's HOP Difference
:.Jews ~talld. alld at tbl' stort' uf 1\. Eo
tilln,. athletic organizations, shops and stores <111 made up of
Ilurseh'c,;, our friends and neighhors. nO\'I'lisl (\\"il.h \\"hom we playe,1 ill uur
In this feature of community life the small town is partic- ~'onth) hl'ral,I(',1 hy Ihe jnngle of CTl'nlll
Entered as .st,t·olld·(~]n:oll~ Ilwttf'r. O('!n.!
. I ularh' fortunate, the spirit of neig-hhorlines,.,. of better aCCjuaint- ,'ans a 11,1, the rattle of loose bottles
her 15th, 1!)]4, at th" Post Office at:
I'I'nlJ'ylvanin, unllcr the !let ~ ance~hip, work and play for everyone and alll·ay,., a neigh hoI' ,':In So('nr,·ply I", IIcpor,ling' to tl1'1' l1l'st
Nnr",'rth, Ilut! 1II0Rt polite IIlnII nl'ri.<ll1s. Bllt Jt
:1, 18i'lJ.
II ho has ;l hobhy just like your own, ,
of :\(:t r"h
.\nc1 what is the price we pay for all the ;lcIYantage s ot "ns thrillillg allcl unusllal to say thl' IN THE LAST FEW YEARS THE USE
,.,mall town home life. ::\lerely a sympathetic understanding It'a !It.
Ol'R TIIWN will gladly prilll al/:~
"f the other fellow's viewpoint. )'lany personalities with ;l * *
And In Conclusion-
of Floor Wax has come into prominence. More and
,tt-..vs aboul Il1l}' sHbjecl ~('Izieh is of l"1l111t1llln thought-a hetter home an,1 a better home t'1\\'11- more people are realizing that the only good and last-
i'Tlerest tn Sarbo'llz fo!l~s. Copy Ihe mal,ing of a hetter .\mcrica. and l11akin~ the w"rld :1 ing floor finish is Varnish finished with Wax. We arlO
~[lI<t nonollraloll' ("OIlUIll Hil-('hlt'r:
is due 011 Fucst/a \' of ('aeh «'cel~, at 1.l'ttl't' pb':" in which to live. well stocked to supply your needs in this case, since we
I'i ...k "I' th,' marhll's-you will.
6 P ..11. La/c e;f'.\'· /"ccci'V('d Wcd-
Y'lurs t.ill Plymonth Hocks,
carry Johnson's, 17th Century, Old English and Sim-
IIHda\' (,,'ClliIl9 will !J(' prill ted OIlI.V mons' Prepared Wax. For the Varnish we recommend
.I[~I P.\H\·ILLE.
if spa'«(' is still a'vailable. Pitcairn Waters par, and for those who want it we have
I·t is in'I"'ilahle thut ill these weekly
('lllltr:.hut;oIlH tn ~\nl('ric'atl iLtt'raturl'
THE TOWER \\"1' ,holl':',1 al ,,,1,1 til1l0S to he
Oil Friolay, .Talluar~' l!lth, a Seout
Fire, 350. OF BABBLE tllll.ll'f:-otood.
hl.lllhl<' "tforts.
hy sUlillry S('aUIlPfS
\\'hi,'h i" no~ Ollr
of Ollr
ol .."tillg "as ht'I,] nt the Y. ~r. C. .\.,
J'oliee, 12,,0. to whi"h 1lI1'I,tillg pUTt'lIts :1"'] fri"lIols
or Ardmore 20 By Collum Righter f"\llt~ .-\ pra"ti,'!' of tIlt· ('oIUIIII ha<
\\"('Tt' ill\·itl"\. The Chid Seout Ex('
('\l'r ht'PH tu kllo\\ ('\In HtitlllS f1l11.,' 1 . .\·
1'lIt h,' of ~I
onl gOIllI'ry nll,l ])"Ia" a Tt' I!:.==================================::::!.I
KNOW YOUR OWN TOWN ('I1r1t'a\'orill~ ttl ('urn'I'r tlll'lIl I if
('l1l1l1ti,·s. ~Ir. E,]ward ('"rlllllll, \\a,
Till 1',' lll'jlll!' 11l1fllrltlllatt>ly nothillg" nf \\fnng) or til (·OIlLllll'n.l th~lftl (if rll-:ht)

In lllany ('itit'\:-i, aUel towns thl' lH'ople!IIl',II "Ilt to writt' ahout tllls \\t'pk. w\, :11:t1 \\ hilt' it is not intt'nrl'll \\".' sil:dl
I'r""'lIt. as was hill nlillistalll, :\11'..J. \\'.
f'a tton.
who lin' ill Ih .. prl'tty Tt',idl'ncl' IIl'igh. l ,h:c11 'a \\"rlhy Edit"r willillg) ,'a~t P0l'H' as an Or;u'!p. yt't in m:IIIY jll~
lhorhoo,ls oft"11 ha"e Iiltle ('on('l'llIioll of 11:" Joo:«1 illt" that !>ott'OIll1l'ss ,,',,11 of ,11111""8 our 1':lII,lid l'dli,'S (all,1 IYl'lcome
.\ n'r.,· illl"rl',tillg featurl' of thl' CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
.. \"(,"i"g ,,'\S thl' prt'seutntioll hy our
the oth .. r portiolls of the 811me p1<ll'e \\",,1011< "II,] Truth \\'hi,··h i" IInnl' olhl'f as "'I'll) hll\'(' foull'! the ~llDe to fit PHONE,NARBERTH 1661J
Burgl'ss, :\11'. raI'l :\Il'lzgl'r, of Eng]l'
when' liYing' is not so 1'1<'a'alll. It ihall till' (',,11111111 ilsplf, in a flltill' d·'lI"·"I\·,,, illst"lld of 11'.
S,'out haog(',. ",hi,'h is the higlwllt
woul,l do th"1I1 gno,1 Oll('p in a while to 1'''1'1 I" ."1111,) ils d .. pths. .\nti "0. \\'ith
hllllllr to "hi,'h a H"out ('all attniu. to
pass through the lo("alilips \\'bpre pl'o, '111" \,n','\.I.,. \\1' l:Jkl' IIlIoth,'r 8tl'1' along \"","'1' i, it I\'iSl' t(l \,llIlIg,- illt" au~',
th,. fOllllWill1! JJlpJJlh('rs IIf the Troop: A NEW LOUD SPEAKER
I'll' live in II more struggling way :tno1 the rOlld Ibut links the Joy of Li\'ing Ih,illg IInpn'part'<I. \\"1' Ji,1 8111'h a thillg
.\tlu'rtnn Lnn(',
huvp to 1'111 III' 'I itb things thl'~' 111111 't \\ :th ~"h"lar~h'ip, H\'SI!t'd for t·hl' Past once ill 0111' ~''''lungt'T days. TIJl' n'- , The Atlas Amplitone Loud Speaker leads any loud
like. . I"",]
1.""" f"r the Snhl'illl(' 1I11'! tIlt' Hi,Ii, 1I11'll\hrall"l' (If t h,' o('c'nsioll is all frl'~h
]1'c,h"rt Pn (.tl"II,
.111"l'ph i'ny'!<'r.
speaker on the market today. Tone distortion and
In.lltnny to\\ 11:0- th('r(~ 1:0; ('af('h~,"'SI}('s"l ll~'·l:", :lnd 1I\':1\"P thp~t' fpw p{'urls h(~· HoW ns in 1~!l7. Bl'\ing' f'l\lll'd upon in
Thi" IIll'rit hadge is olll~' :Il'hil"""] hy
mechanical noises have been eliminated. Musical and
in t.olerat,jI1Cf ... Iloorl.y-ellll:"itfU(·tt·d stropt!'!' l.lfl' HUf ~"J1t It' l'llndt'rs to t>uli\ l~1l th~lll Lalill rlnss 011 l\ ,la~' \\ h!'11 h~' all sy'· vocal sounds are reproduced with a mellow quality,
1I:'rd \\lIrk Oil thp part of the hoys,
un,1 walks ill s.....·tions of thp tOWII "(\"1 111i- \\I',·k l'lll\. 11'111< uf rotation we sholll<l not h;',,' 'giving broadcasted reproduction of life-like distinct·
allol th,'," aTt' to h,' "ollgratulat,',l on
where Ihe p"Oli~1' arl' not I,rosperoll'·I' IWI'II; ill tIll' ,'x"itl'llIl'lIt of ollr 1111·
ha"ing mndl' it. XarhPTth shou!,1 he
ness. Price, Complete, with Cord, $25
]\;lIisalll'l" may hI' lH'rmiltl'd thl'rt' thnt i \r., 1'!:d":1\-OI'l'd, howP\'t'r, to :!("'UlllU, prt~pan'\t1llll"'~S \\'(' Inac1e :In nt,tp1l1pt to prOUt! llf tht"ln 1I!-\ ,-\t" :iTf' tlH' ()1J1~' Troop Will demonstrate any evening
woull] ('OilSI' Ilrot",t if thl'y n(','urrl',l ill \.,;" -lIlli•. j"lIt illsl'irntioll throllgh !l1l1l'h· fllisl olf in Stu.C ., id am co mmitte re 111'011
thp more . , attrlldi\"l' IIl'ighhorhoo,]s. ' .:IIJ.! \\"11 . I I t IH' t .u I Oll(~ Iat " ,,:1 f (' •\11
) lO1l1 I'1, tIll' lInn, .... u II of tIl" '-
.\11"""111 Lall<TII."<TI'S
1-0 .. ,.,
'n tpl' t\\O "ollnti,', "ith thTt'" Eag-I,' A. W. WARD, Jr.
Fastlc1IOIIS ]'1'''1'1(' SOllll'tllllt'S :Irt' 1"". II till' ,.,1". Ilt'"t ,':o.s,'! thp nnllH' ,Io.'s lirst ratl' tran,,]nt iOIl for the I'hrn~l'

.\t th(' r('']III'st of Ihl' S('oullllastl'r,

pplll'd from' thl' less .'lttraeti,'l' portioll:' I 1'(1: llllp I\" . :,1;11111011. I' OSI't'lVl~ I \" not. .\g" tl' ""11111I,'t .°\1 417 NARBERTH AVENUE Phone 1255W
1 . '"' 1"'1' '!". " It ,!,',! 11<)t ,,'ork. thl' flillowillg' Ita VI' \"oll1lltl't'f(\d to ';wr\~p
of t1wir own ('olllu,ullity, '1I1l1 if thl'~'::o lllalll'; of f:od l"·I'T\·thin<T ;,t:>out thl' TIlt' lIlIl\' rl'\\ard "ht:oilll,,1 ,\I" l'ri'·i"'h....· :l~ a ('nn,tnittPl' to ('o-0l'PrafI1 ,,-ith him
tlri,'l' or walk, I'Tt'f,'r 10 1u'I'1' , to ' Ihl' 'Jllll'" j.., Ilrt.I.]. ' _ . .(lna
.... P. puritan . as plaln . ' ,110. JIg- ' t\\O f111 I f
p.IJ.!I'S II
' (
ITIlJ~fl""ltloli ill Ih,' dirl'c'lioll of' thl' atIairs (If the
. 1(lt'IIIlrH'S. Bllt . If onl' IS t n ." a . 1"1'" sll'm to thp Ingh('st . I .
dl'gr"l' tl11' f01l0\\111g lillY· .\11 0 f \\l '11(' II I >I'.!T, '
00 h" Ilnrl toward thl' llIll,ro\,plIIl'lIt of "I' lIrlh,,,\,,x'·. Th!' pnl'lrOnllll'nt
his. h01l11' .. town,, hI' ,hould . . he .t h o .r o u gtil,'
1''''11 h ·:q'l'ronoi
of 0111' stnlt1 .
\\0' ,
what a \"('nta . III I' mlllt·
'In our fir"t Sl'lltl'lIl'I':O I ,""'.
. 0 f \"t'ral'lly .
\\'il1ialll ('. ('Iaghorn. (ehai~II,all)
.TI"sp R. Harris,
Big Sale Now On
Iy , fnllllltar \\'I'th ronelltlons In all lts Illl'll'~ ("11I11I1UII1t" . Cl U) I or th (' qUIPt . We have purchased from John B. Simpson, the College Girls ~
' . , Frl',ll'ri,' .\. Ln nnha n Tailor, of 914 Walnut Street, a large stock of Skirts (sizes for the
neIghborhoods, H,s 1I1I1u<,ll<'(, ,houl,1 '1' 1·11111 ... "\S~(lI'lntlou
····1 1 IS("' If , ('ven I'f tl IP
~tr:ln~p t,o r('la,t~'. 1'\·t>1I ill
tlltl~l~ t ll·
, . ,.;. K. :\Ionnillglon stout and slim), Children's Peter Thompson Dresses, and Slipovers,
be ,'nsl for a polin' . thn t woul,! .ltsl nll' . 1 1;l1tl'r dl'l' ... llt'rllut . 1. t S llUl,lpstlC
. , rU 11 H"lor lig-htplI"c! lil1\l's, I1lnny goo oU,t on \1'11'
Edw:Ir,l T. Wolf. at a great reduction, and will bll sold for at least 40<;;' cheaper than
utI' fa,'ors allci n<l\·antn.ges f\UT'y tn'\'- I.. fr,"'7.l' to ,Il'atl!. The C 0.:'0 II ('I turps unprppnrE"\. \\'hill' WI' appron<'11 ~Ir. l'att('II, R('()utlllllllll'r. is a llll'm· you conld bUy in town. Come in and look them over. You are
through nIl porI ions of the . COIllIIIUI1It\·,. . " Il\slsTI',l, 01\ fiI"p t 1I,ousnn,] I'Inpu ] f ,,(' t this suhj"d with ~)at1',1 !>rl'alh nl\'] 1,1'1' of thl' ('oJJllllittl'p (l'x·otlkio). under no obligation to buy.
l'uhli<' fp('ling pontrols !I\"lng- . colII!l, III, fl'I',h killt'.1 'pa 1Igettl. I ,ai 111'1 I .In '(111111\1"'] hpl'ls on 11,·,'01\11 t of u 1\ jl0l'u·:lT.
tion~ :.l good <leal and the sentll1\pnt of
the . ('OI1\IIlUlllIY
d wor
I f
I or goo I ,.
. ,
d t"UI:I!'1 ':11\"" "n,1 1I1'Tll\kll'd wllh gratpc!
ity with nu (,Hl'lll'llit Choral f.;o,'ict~·
,lwrpahouts. ,I,ill ,,'I' f('pl 1h,' hnnd',>oll1'\ JUNIOR OOMMUNITY CLUB
'h' ! h I' I'"rllll'~nn ,·hl'l'sp. \\" wl'rp offl'rl',1 no The Lower Merion Tailors
slllutnry und '~USlllg nn, (lol er con, I' altpl'lIati\'., --:1\'" til fllIlow suiL H's sih."r.hnirpc! l:t<1y with 1\1'1' 1Il1lart,
tions in all nel~hhorhoods. Lnlldlor<ls Ilt:dinll "",·,,,,11'\' lIl:lI\1fl'sts . .Itselt, c]carh' 'brown sup,h' hnt who wio;he(} to ha"e "A good lin1l' \\'as h:Il1 hy all"-is Ladies' and Gents' Suits and Overcoats Made to Measure
and olhpr owners SIOU
I ( 1'1' urge. I to
1 I II
I ..... .
! ill Iii,' dl'ft 11\""l1l'r \n Willdl, \\"Ith Ilu' :1 (\onl'l'rt ('anl ,lisplu~'c<1 in the XUI" I h<> rl'llOrt OIU' hpars on p"l'r~' sidl'
Mason and Hanson Exclusive Woolens for Spring and Summer
are now on display In our Store
k ('('1' 11{I t h plf.1 propl'rt\' '1 un" SIOU' . rea·
t :l;d pf n largol' sl'0"11 nlld Dl\lII(' .. Pro· h,'rth Buss I\t· thp SiX'ty·third StTl'pl allont Ihl' JJll'ding of thl' .Tunior ('0111'
ize t Ilat rUI1·uown, rNI estate Is np to \"i'II'II"'" hI' wlllds . fift\' foot kllgths of l'nd of the line last \\"e,]nesdny after· munit~· (,Iuh whieh \\"lIs on .Tlllllwry EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS
be n Iloor 1Il"estlllen I, . . ',"lIl\ a 1'111\1\,1 tllTl'l' thirty. lIIig-ht hn"1' ~.;Ih. in· thl' attm('ti\"(' littll' Hoot
'l'he real tl'st of l'.i\'i,' eOllditiollS is ill\- ,\<oll·,·tah]" pro"l'lu]l'r nJholltl the Narberth 1749·R
a "1'1II11p1i8hl',1 111'1' III ission 1>l't tl'r hu,! Shllp Oil A"011 Rllntl. Bl'illg I hp last
. 1 f 1 1 I Itil\"" of his fork all<l u('colllplishl'S thp
nol III t 1(' uppl'arnll('p 0 tIl' 11101'1' w n , · . . ., shl' ('01111' out ,,'ith a hUllllIIpr fillJ 0 Illp,.ting whil'll our Trl'nsurrr. "'ho h~' 102 FORREST AVENUE Opposite Elm Hall NARBERTH, PA.
some h'lIl1ps. Thl'sp a,1<I th,'ir 0\\"11 fillP :1"11\1'1"," "f ,t 10 ,It,,,tlllalloll, 1J{"'~r
., I I' \In'l'l'i'''' :I tr:,,'1' of thp h:·oo(]·recl snure
1"1Jwr of tn,'k.. Xl"')'r f('ar, :,il\'l'r' t.hl' wny is, or shoul<1 Wt' ~IIY WIIS. lrl'np
:lnd artlstI\' tOIl<' I IIIH gl\'P thp ( ' o m - . - . . "11:1'<1 la"~~~ thl' rnr,l weltt up. \YillellP~tpr, would be with us, thl' 1II:1ill
IIlUluty a. ce.r Ulll
renl qUl'stton IS ns to whllt lS hl"lIg c!lIIU' P
B t th 111 ]'''11 hi'; "r:I\'lIt or \\nlllteoat. Fmnldy
. u el~ cnkin<T, olir sportill<T pl'lo('livities nrc
~ ~ \.
"'P sa\\' to th:,1. Tl'e ,Iri""r ('n i,I"a, of t'ourJip, "'liS t·o gi\'e her II goo,]
luty j .... :L fripl111 41f lJ:lrs. HI"'" lit' I11H1 timl' g,o shp ,,"ou,hl't forget \IS. A \pry I
. Ib I I I I t Illot II I' ,. "lop"'] to tIn,. l'xtent. \ e
f or th p, lIelg I orI 100'" I'
W11'1'(' tIe mo,
.1 I tl
(':dml\' .. ut I\p IIIl' 1l'\'lathal1 fi.sltworlll tn I'xtrad n t:I<,11 from his Ratp Cord am\l"ing nlhl ol1iginal skpt,'h ('lItitleo.
8 t rugg Ilng p('oOp (' I\'P, al\u W II' leI' ' \\'ith th(' ai,1 ()f 1111 ol,} trouserll hnngN "Thirty Ypurs Hpnl'p" WIIS 11I,..",,"tpt!
'Ruch lopnlit ips n 1'1' "holesoll' e :lnrl rpa' 1 \Ill I Il('a pl',1 lIur pIa Iter 111111 mode a way Don't Hunt a Gas Leak With a Match.
" t l..t) "ithilllftprtnu'AlI1l"ri('anfaslli,oll- ttl ,10 thl' joh. h~' thl' ,'o·lIl1thors, Rllth HIIWS, P,'g "f,('k··
80nn,II• .\' W'O 11 I\ep. &0 t .",1' : YOU !J('rt IInl1 E"l']yn \\'ortb. Hllth Haws, Should you discover a leakage of gas, please report it
, 1Ig- III :I,·h III t hI' Colonl'l's disgust. to us at once. Do not attempt to find it yourself, especi·
peoplo fl'pl sl'lf·rl'sl'l't't and aTl' 111('11,,11 I For SIIIIIt' inl'.xp1iMll1(' rl'nson I'l'st as I'ostmislrl''''• .. blllld,',! ollt. illstcat! of ally with the aid of a. match or other open·fl.ame light.
to cherish slanrlnrll.< of onlpr 1111,1 ,'are.! * kllO\\1l t,o oth('rs, we ha"e 111"'('1' hl'l'lI mnil, n line of gos·sip ("olll"l'rllillg Iht'. We maintain a perfectly equipped emergency corps to

NEW POLICY 10 wl'itl' ahollt pxl'l'!'1 to It'll you sOlIll" :\nrherth '8 socml

'I'he ~ldnt\'rl- :-:101"', on 1I1t"nftlr,1 lh,' C'"lllll,n is a \l'ry rliv('rling ,Iepnrt· snn' ill his olnl pountr\'. T_
A venue. h~lS 1 I't'n t t)C (ll'\!ll'd t h i:o; wppk 'lIl'llt 'of' this 1'11\)('r. Ro it L.! Ro it is!
. or sportl\e
\" p. t h"n' is lI·oth illg of all~' 1II0n"'lIt a"IIt',1 10 nffili·nh' oun;l' I f wil II nlly 0 f ,lilfprpllt 1I1(\1II,bpI's of thl' Cll1h whi('h
'JlI" hila :,::ra .. ionsly pn1lllg'h n,l\isNl liS ti'olls. A I'rol~!l-t't i,s not with'out onor g,ny till' p()stmh,tr('ss hn,1 no npws of,
orgunlzn- '

u;,!It) I'on' hprsplf'!

was quite ~nligh'teliinA'. Rt rlll"gp to,

,lay Wi' r('('{'in'o nn in\-itntion 0 Join were ehosell IIn<1 8pVl'rlll g'nll1('~ pln~'et!-,
Following' thl'\ skl'tl'h si'les' l\
take earl' of such troubles. This service is cnrried on at
night exactly as in the day time. When any difficulty
with your gas service a.rises, do not hesitate to call US
to correct it.
'. 'l1l1'der a 1tQW I :Ill:1.~t.'1'. illltl' \\jth :t .\I\d primnri]~' h('('nuse those who reull th.. . Wpst('hl'~tpr Biltmore 0 oUlllry the most nlllusing 'bl'illg' thnt of passing
new poli,'y, ,,1\\:'."8 Tl'lIlain ill tl1l' dillg'~0·c1:lngll' 0'£ ('llIh nit Ryp, I:""'W Y{,rk. I','-el":\" ,<1iamolld . , Ii,1 of n !wfl'tr I1Il1tph hox clOWII C·
T1Jolll:ls \Y. TlwllIp I.m, thl' lit'''' mltn· t hn t a·w fnl SllSPl'IIS0 of 1I0t kno'ldng has its finw. rpon inve-stigntillll ;the ]ill'p hv IlIpans of olle's nosp, \\'p might: t6.',:

llgl'r, hus I>l'(,11 f.·r a IIUIII h,'r ,1\' ypa r~ \\'h:1l '< g-oing to be snid lIexl 1
1IIplllolerS,lnpI' f ,<It' wus f 011I1' I tlo 1Ie e Ieven ndo hl're . thut pug-"nospd !fir-Is w'l're out Home from the after·
. ,,'i,th. thl' AlIler:,'all Htores ('omplllly. * * hIllH]rNI dolJuTS. 1'\0 w·e shall dpfer nc-, of lu('k. As II- propp I' ond fitting finule' noon's shopping at 6 P. M••
Thl' 1'It>:J"re has Iyeell rClIw<1i>le,l, unti }'or n ypar nvw ha"e we wooe(} Pub- tiOlI f'Or n ~oupll' of W 1'('kill' nnywuy. to I'Ill'h 'nn interl'sting JIIl'pti/lj:t, hot
will 1lt' Ilpl'r[~ted 011 Il cash has~s, with IiI' Tastp with n mixtpre of blundish- Thpre is n I'oal bill poming due.
tired-hungry? Faced by
chO\'d]nt~ :lnd snnd\\;ches Wl're s<'!'V1J(}
the discouraging task of
free deli\"lJI')'. ment, I.\n\·a.mishe;:I' gall and diablerie * * ~ IlInd e\'eJ'Y one left happy.
u.lmO!lt. bringinj:t to mind the actions of The inimituble toet lind evasion prn.c- i preparing and cooking the
the insane old gentl'emnn told of in tieed by n prominent State Educnto r : W'e lire indeed aorry to hn\-e Ire~i! evening meal for the fam·
~. Nic'holaa Nicltl1:!by· .who easa)'ed flO i,t a. lllIeeting J~ot ap long agiO -reminded' WiJleliester loa-ve u,.~ lind go ot NC'W ily?
"boost II'is pl>p\ilnrit1'~nd 'press his suit tiS of n ·tale- told of our lIJgl'ternni<l· York, for she ·hns·,been. II. good. wor~er
. . ' ". .' ~o,." .... >,',' Not If You H~ve.a .
witth a eertai", uudienee by hurling. moth,pr. It 'I\llpeared ,she did 11'ot earc for ,the. OUb-tnking.anl ,'netiV'c part
< '•• ;' .

i,'egCftnB1Ies over. u gn,relcn '1\'1111. "])0 t-o be 'intimate with n particulady pe;r. eveoT .since she johied, -nnd !the has.
'GASnAl'iGlrequipped with an Oven Heat Regulatol'!
they Like .squ>lUl'h; ",!)nngl tllke thnt I'.' .S~l!It.ellt Iud)' ('nliCT and, instructed on'e proved her . ability time· anW 't.ime Qgni1).~ . Forupoi!:,your: r!lt~il.t 6 P.M, you would find your' entire
wt\ mutte'r metli.phoriNllly 85 'We . pro' of her d:omestil'8 (n wily lri..qQ> damsel)· H()T unexpired' term R'!Io Treasurer wUl . e~ mea.l·, ("",hiCh. you had placed in' the oven at 1 P. :M.)
jer.t a qunrter peck 'Of turnips' or a ean to Itive snid lady ,nil l\\"n~iV'e anaw~r h'e' tnken by 'lI[rs. Beti-Durbin' whom de1iclo~ly cooked by the aid. of the magic oven heat control-
'Q~ .'bnked 'benM at our de\'oted: folloM" upon her ned u.rriml. And :the lad.y' w(!· kno,v': ,,;11 nIso be U~ig~t on. the and reailyto be taken from the oVen and l!laced on the tablel
. enmo 1(\ f(!\V. dnya late-r~o tb~ story ,j-ob:". ' . ~ . It's lIJl'justas ."lI1mple as it sounds." Let us explain. Come
* * * g.oes. "Is l\[fS. Walker at bOIl~ld"l. in· ~ in ~day; . There's. a revelation in .store for you. . .
May,hnp ~i1T gu(!er llli~ilellhi.i P~/!)1k quired" the ,1,1nl\pproved·c.nller... "She ~riiiAy 'V)Il'ning" ;3l.rnreh2nd, is the
. ~ast& in .*e .e)':8, ·to. l!f1~~, :ulld is. noti·,.~ rl!'t}l~n~d tlhi~ ~lJl·~ti~.:,u~en .;4~!ls~~!tor ·~k~~,pllty". ~r !'l~t~il8.
dafll '\'" .'
, ,, , ....
":.,'.: " : .. ' . n~te~;.:tJ1oe... ~rat, .~Ol;l~.~t· .sits;,~p :n~~. ~l~ s~.o. hI!'. ll't·.ho~~' ~ I .·lUelsld,1thil s(!e dpp~i~~ .'J1-~Wee!N :', .
' ·,:"·~~- II~:.n()tlee4I1t"".,,":fMbI:oIl.cllotb1~~1';'·
,,;tell£N:liJ,INIS,'i. '''''1'' ;.ld··';:';'·· :i:;:U'" .....:,;.;.~.
.. ~.w.JUt.~f.,gmJ1:!l\U~~n.lri~.
'. ., ; ..••••. -t'~;-;;:- .. ~: ._-" -. - 'f-' .... _~
. -.•..•.
r' ~'''~~:~ .'b""~l ~
--.~~~: .., ;..9.0" '.' :
~.·:'. ...,- :':,:,.·L!!.-O~.~ti··.·es.:
','~.",'".:~ a ·.:.~,.·.;.;.';.1.·'-:,:.I:'
....I,eC: .. ·. v' ,'.·.,'.-.
. tft,·C.·".C."". 0-.pall
.t.: )f!BlI"'/."', ....:.. U'u !l>n.~~ .:: 8... ,,=~pll~f'e.le,.: :~l!'''V'J,lI: m~~~e: nt~~....,y. ,,}o.~e ot~&' .Iln~.~r: .•..~m.;,thll .out.~ +fJ1:ljt~~.', ..:~onnce,~eJ\~"··,:.: .;::.::~.~ ~"": ;"~ "',~ ~ • ., . , . ,~ ,.:.~,' oJ . . .
"1.•• ':.

C",:"".: ~~':'''.:.; we m1P~:. ~Ul'. ~~r~ ,~l~~tJier. -",;;Ptit: '4n~g~'ter ,0J~J~lliUd•. :A,u:,ev~~ve',onl!: . <:.~,!: . ';:· t !(\o:\;" ""
'."'.:. ....., '<·:A:t~Dic)re.:.:.;',Bljn·l\fJWr .::;~ . WaiDe .,:"
.~:!::;):·.bq',".....':.'. ~:~j~;~e~;~···:tr;~:·;~:t~:~: .~~~. ~:~b:;i.~~~t.B~~~~!n#.~::~::~d~~ .~;::·~~;:~ij\~~4f~J,~~O\f .~h& .:i~~rb~~~~~·'1~1$~'e'~"~~'~'~.~,:.~.§'§"g''~";'s:'s'5'~<~~~. §'~'~'$5'§!'$~'~:g:~~::5::~.,~.~.~~§is~
.~.:~~d.~.~_.~::.~i~tIlJ~brg'·.;to"~1.:·,~h~~·.I.~ .. ~ ..r~· ':.::,! :.' .~ion· Bnd ~ea·. ~gi.~at~oq. :.. ::;~l~~~h .,:: ·~:~~~\y~~J'~~f'-#9~~.:;:;··\,:;~4' ~.:
"." ,'.' ;',- ., • • , '," ,,;" ' . I, 1\ • • ',', • • .' • '''; '. ',".:: . , . ' . ' , , ••
: J _ 1

THE Sundny masses at 7 0 'clock and 10 I
o 'clock. On first and third Sundays I
-~'''''~VI~~~F-~~~ -..r.r- "'" ,:
FLEET tbe late Mnss is a High Mass, followed,
Ity henpdiction.
Daily Mnss nt 8 A. l\1.


~fontgomery Pike, Xarberth, was estab- A real business oppol'tunity for the right party. Loca-
lished 1082. Here William Penn wor- tion: the Broad and Chestnut Streets of Narberth. Aggres-
We have just added a t:1ew truck to our delivery shippeLl, as wcll 6S Dlnny other noted sive business management will make a success of practically
fleet, making a total of four. The scarcity of coal Friends. One of the historical spots "f any business in this store, and the rent (which includes heat'!
America is open for worship every
makes pl'ompt delivery more necessary than ever, and is reasonable. And you can have a long lease, too. Servic.:,
First-dny (Sundny) morning at 11
the lIew addition will aid us materially to do this. o'clock. courtesy and ability will reap quicker rewards in the small

The truck is a two-ton Autocar with a Rodenhousc First-day Scbool is held every First- community than in the big city.
dny (Sunday) at 10 A, M, in the Meet-
hoist body. It is of the most modern type.
ing House. A ny one desiring to attend
either the ndult class or the ~-oung peo-
pIe's class wiJl be very welcome.
January, 1923, was the best January in all our experience.
Indications all point to a very active Spring market and a
EVANGEL scarcity of the "right kind" of Homes. Don't let February

• slip by if you are thinking of buying-get "busy" today. We

Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor, are always at your service.

~t'r\'ic'('~ fol' ~llnd:I~·.

Ft"h. -f:
!I.:W A. :'I.-Pra~-t'r St'r\'ice.
!l.~;' A. :'l,-Sun,lay SdlOol.
]l.flO _\. :'[,-:'['orlling \\'or>;hip. Ht'- WYNNE FARM
('(,pl inn of up\\, n)('lTdH~rS jilld ('Ollll1lun .. There is very little left for sale in this attractive develop-


;.lln P. :\1. ~Y()IlIl~ l','op~l\ ':-; ~rl'('t·
ment, either in houses or building lots.
ing of locating in this section? If so, we
Have you been think-
urge that you act
;.~., 1'. ~['-I-:\'t'llilig \Y"r,hip. Enln- promptly. Detailed plans at our offices.
WE ARE PREPARED to compound your prescrip-
gplistir ~l'r\·j(·f'. ~('rTllOIi l..\~ thl\ pas·
tions just as the doctor orders them. Only the best o? tor on .\cts IIi;::". Thl'llll'. ""'hpn'
ingredients used and our checking system eliminates \\'ill Souls ('ry, ''''hat ~IUBt T flo to he
Ha\'p,l?' "
any possibility of mistakes. Church Notes

TIll' Sorinl ("·Plling of
"'ill I ... h,'ld this llIollth 1'11''''
,'\'(,"i"~ tIlt' lith, at thp hlllllP of :-'frB.

The Rexall Store
"-. :-;. II 0 rtll'r. .\ "sll1l1t" parry bas'
hpPIl pl:Jllllt'd. and :I fillt' will hp iUl· REALTOR
IHI~t'd oil tho:"'" lIot t:Jl,ill~ Jl:lrt. to he
Phone 1620 We Deliver t1:-,pd toward the furBishing- of the ne-w ~arberth ()BJce City ()ffice
(11Ilfl'h hllil,Jinl!.
:.Iid·"'.... k B,'ni,·" of lh,' ('hllr"h "-1'<1. At the Station 1214 Locust Street
uf'Rdlly p\"puing at " (l "·!ll{·k. pOlldurte{l
h.v thp pastor. rOll will fill,] these Jl~mber Philadelphia Real Estate Board
IIIf'rt ill:r~ '"(lry h(\)pful. ('Onll\.
Yon wi:ll lw \\,p!<-Olll<' to an~- or all
REMEMBER of t.hC's~ Sl'f\-iees.
it is what -you save, not what you earn that makes you independ-
ent. Saving something, no matter ,how little, and depositing it at
interest is the foundation of all success. ALL SAINTS CHURCH (·iptil's.

Sl'rmon by the Pastor 011:

, • The First 'V'Ord from t he eroS"."
by R('nior ani! Intl'Tmediat-e So-.
Open a Savings Account at interest here; make regular deposits
out of your earnings; and let US put them to work for you.
We allow 4'io interest on Savings Accounts
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.
Rev. R. B. W. Hutt, Assistant.
Church Notes
"'l',lnesday, Feb. 7-AII day meet-
illg of .the 'Volllell of the C(lDgrcg'I-[
t ion. The "'olllen's Auxiliary will!
Big Clearance
THE MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY ~(lr\"i('r~ for Rf'x:q.!p~ill1:l. Fl'hrllnry 4:
,Jll"'_oI. at 10 A. l\1., anrl will ReI\" 1\"r'
I of Winter Stock
,1.1;; A. ~r. I
ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA-CYNWYD Holy OOllllllulI,ion :It ~ al1<l 11 A. ~r.
Pritllar~' all,l IlIll'fJlI,',li:ol" :-;,,11<>01 'It
thl' :-.,"eedlt'\\"ork Guild of Xarherth'l
who will h{' their glll'sts. Lunr,j""on I Prices Much Reduced
s,'ni'or i",.llOo! at 1'1.1-, .\_ ;'1. "'ill be SPf\-",1 at 1 1'. ~I., an,l at ~
Choral En'nsoll;.! :l~ ~.::II 1'. ~r. 1'. :'1. the ~tiRsionaf\' i"oridY will (,Oll-,
Come In and See these
.\t thp II 0 '('lorI, SP1'\"!"P th .. entire \-"n". This meeting' will h~ l111dreR"Cd I Wonderful Values
('hoir \\'ill sillg. 1'hp -l.:;'1 (, '('Ioek ser- hy :\Irs. .J. Haf\'''y nortion, formerly I

-Narberth Register vi,·p will ],p suug hy thp ;,ralc choir.

:0 mi"",ionary ill t·hl' Punj:ol" India.
. \\'P'hll'$,I,,~' at 8 I'. :'1.-PrnYl'r :'IPet-I'
Two Line., IOc per; Sc for each additional line NARBERTH METHODIST
Fri,lny at 8 P. ~1. th,'u will lIP a' Balberta Boot SaOD
ACCOUNTANTS LAWYERS Rev, Arthur S. WalJs, D. D., Pastor. ill :-'[ontgomery County_ A very IIt-'
(,hristian Endpavor Rally in this Church:
(If all the ""DUUg- Pt.·I0ld("~ ~H'iPtit'~1 12 Avon Road
Gottshall. H, Ii. PUblic Accountant. 303
Gilroy, John. 211 Essex ave. Pbone 1245· R. Near Comer of Haverford
Conway Ave.. Pbonp, Narberth 1667-J.
Phlln. address. Llneoln Bldg. tradj\"(~ program is "pin~ arranged.
Kelm, H. C. Certified Publlc Accountant_
StUe., }-Ietcher W. 413 Hnverford ave.
202 Dudle,\' Ave. Pbone Narbertb 300-W.
Phone 372-W. PhUa. address, Crozer Bldg. i"lIuda~-, Fcb. -l: 1'h,' puhlic is cordially invited.
AUTO)IOBILES LIGHTING FIXTURES [IA;) A. ~r.-Bi'hl(' :"<·hoo!. :'Ir. Yan :-.,"P8S ",111 hegin npxt SIlIl,li1~-
Doran Motor Co.• Ardmore, Pa.
ll"')onald, John. Nnrberth pbone. 1281l. 11.00 A. l\f.-kerll1oll ],,- thp Past-or.
'see display a.dvertlscment In this Issue.
1::i33 Cbest. st., PhUa_ Phone Spruee 3138 ' "\'I'llillg a seril's ,of nos!>cl Sprmons '7;:;;;;~~;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;~;:;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;:;;;;;:;;;;~~
Narberth Garall'e. Phone Narberth 1633.
)IEATS, ETC. ·,.\ntIH'II1, "0 Sing {'nto th..., Lord," on "The Beven Wore1" of our T,ord i'lr
See display advertisement In tbls Issue.
Wm. T. )Icintyre. Phone Narberth 663. Rtu·lts. Quartl't: •• \\'alk "'ith Him," from the Cro~." Thi» sprips will hring':
See display advertisement In tbls Issue. Wtt
Donaho.., patrick F, PholJe 1033.
See dlspla)' ad'-ertlsement 10 tbls Issue_
IIll1'hland Dairies, Inc.
I pro us up t,o Ea»ter Sunda,'"
:l.00 P. ~I.-Prpparatory :'[ .. m~)erS' Illpmher of the rongrpg'ation try to he
See d Isplny ad "ertlsement In tbls Issue. .(·Inss.
prl'spnt nt paph nweting_
Whit..•• Sweet Shop. Opposite Statlon_ )IUSIO fiA;, 1'. ~1.-El'lI"orth L .. ,q,r lit'. Office-Phone Cynwyd 889 Will Deliver
See dls\ll8Y ndvertlsement In tbls Issue.
Loo•. Fann)- H. PlanR teacher.
Studio, L M. C_ A_ Bldg. Phone 31O-J, 7,4., 1'. :'I.-kl'rIIlOIl ITy tIll' Pastor.
... M I
er on Tltl . e -~T roo tC o. Pb one. Nar b'tb311S "'Iml,~on, lIarr,- .\. 20., A,-on Road . Ant.hpll1: "I Am AII,hn," Stainer.
See display nd'-ert!lIemeJlt In tbls Issue. Pbvue, I\llrberth 2:!.~3-J. Quartpt: "Xo Room," Low,h'n.
BUILDERS T,·Non. Warren R. 20(l Woodbine ave. Church Notes
Bottoms•.Geo. W. Pbone, Nnrbertb 1200-W. Phvne Narbertb 120'.I-W. . Rev. Milton E. McLinn, Pastor,
!iee display advertisement In tbls 10 sue. OPTICIANS The }'ourth Qnllrtl'rl~- ('onfprenee
Thos. A. Kerrlga" &: Son. I'enton, Carl F .. 1631 Chestnut St. 'will l1l1'l'! at thl' Chul"'h on Tnpsday,
See display advertisement ID this Issue_ Spruce 77117. Residence, Wayne. Pa. Sn\'i('es (H·er.v Snmlay in thp Y. :.[,
Sband, Alex; ~., Jr. Pbone No. lil0.
Nnrbertb Station.
Smedley, \Vol. D. '" H. T. PhoDe 600_
See dlsl>!ay advertlsllment In this Issue.
Palmer, H. E .• 2011 Haverford Ave, Pbone I F ..b. 6th, at 8 P. l\L
301-J. Prescriptions tIlled and repairing.
~enlma)'er, JONepb. Ui06 Loeust st., P h l l a . ; "
Newborg, \VOl •• & Co. 212 Woodbine ave.
Prll~,'cr ~r{,l'tin<T, We<1. S P. M.
Run,lay SphQool Boanl, "'1',1., !1 1'_ l\L
. ('. A.
SUllday. phonl at n.4;j A, - .

Hl'!{ulnr R('rvi,'pR at 10.4,j A. M. nll,l

Va"ls, II. E. Pbone 1254-W.
Sce 'd1s/,lay advertlselDeut In tbls Issue.
Pholle Narbertb 17::iS-W_
See display advertisement In tbls lallue.
Wal&er, I··red.
7.:l0 P. 1.r.
A II welcome.
CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 117 Wlnaor nve. Pboue 1247-J. Church Notes
Jenkin., Cbas, L,
103 Dudley ave. P.hoDe 1684.
Marshall Company. Contral!tlng Pl\perhang. i
ers, 300 Prlee Ave. Phone,'Narberth 1661-J, '
ReV. John Van Ness, Minister.
A Sp('(lilll ml'eting of the La,li.,,' Aiel
:'Sorit'ty will >he heltl at th.c hOllle of
I 225 Haverford Avenue
Narberth Coal & Bllllding :Uaterlal Co. PHOTO PLAYS' , nA5 A. :-'[.---..';hUlllllY Sl'1100J. \
See display advortlsement III tbls Issue. "Ar adl " 16tb a d Cb t t t Phil : ~[r", Lonis Franl" 1:?0 Elmw(}<,,1 - \·P .. Narberth, Pa.
Ne\vton Coal Co. Pbone Ardmore ]0&. Sc~ d~Play advenrtlsem~~tn~n ~b~ Issue~'! 11.00 A. l\l-~Iiorning Worship. Suh-, \\'e<1, eve, Fe'h. ith, at g 1'. ~1.
See display advertisement in this Issue. Ardmore Theatr... Ardmore, PII. :jec.t: "Wbat Men Think of Christ."
DENTISTS See display advertisement in tbiB Illue. I 1\[. ' . .
. . PLUMBING. ETC. 4.00 P. .-JuJllOr En'lpa\ or :Meet-'
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Ph. an3-\'\'.
Ph lin. PbOne FUbert 4252, Keith Bldg.
f)r. J. Scliembll, ,Jr. Pbone Narberth 310-W.
Cook Bro.. ;t>bone 302-J,
See display advertisement In tblB Illue.
S, .E. Cor. Grn:yllng lind WindBor aves. Wall, H. B. Phone NArberth 1002·J.
7.00 P: M.-Intel'mediate· lIl1t1 Senior' N
• -I
Is Now Open for Business
Office Hours: T.uesday, Thursday. Batur- See dlBplay advertisement In thlB IBlue. Endeavor l\Iel'tings.
daYtO,30,A._1Il. untUti.30 P.M·iMondll)'. PRINTING 7.45 P. M.-"C.e1e1hrntion of orlTllnizn.' •
Weonesday•.1"ri<la1.·0 P .. M.. untU 81'. hi. Ll I t P A P 0 D' n'nn ~ '. " :'\nrherth H. S. dl'fente,l thl' Colll'<Tl'
Or. H. F. McDutl'ilIl. 209 Havertord ave. v nil'S on. • • , . ox "". 'Hon 0, f. Christian Endea"'or. ,., 1 ,.
Phone. 644'R.. Hours: II A. M.-G.30 P. M. High grade ilr,inUng nlldengravlng. • Pl'l'Ja I f 0 t I F Ii' I t Fri I ,.
Ev~nlng8 by nppolntment. BADIO . :0 ~ l'opa t ly rl'S mpn as , ll.
. lVard.ll. W. Phontl Nlli'berth 12lllI-W. - - - , ; . . . - - - -....- - - - - - - - - , night llV thl' 5eOrl', :!1 to 17. Boo
DRVOGI$TsRndlo' Outfltl 'and~ Supplies;' : ' .' .. • . OQr Stocks of Grocel'ies, Meats, Fruit and Vegetables"'II. Phone 1267. ' . ". . BJIl'AJ-,'E8'1'AU-' , . G i l f i l l a n returnetl to the gnme und was this ISIUIl. Fritsch; JI•. ()~ Pl!qne ,2M-W.,. . tli,e higJI/ scorer with 4c ifieltl gouls. are Fresh and New. We have canvassed the markets
IIlalil Lin.. : Drul' 8toret:l~ Phone '1620: '~ee dllpl.l\.~dyer.tlllem,ent·lU., thli ISlue., . I 1 fi
Bee.dl.pla)' adveTtlse~entinthls illlie. . Jon. <e•• ' ,O......,:·A;·~l'liOJ1.. .'-Nutl. ..'~ru.UI19';.J•..; C u p t a i n , il\I~,rritt Hel'k e pluyel a . Ill" for the kind of goods we know you want•.. QUI' ,policy
_, . ... See. d1,8j)la"'.c1~l.8emllJ1t.dli .lhla wsue. . d'efenllh·J'. and: n Iso nUl de two
... ...'. .. J1iLE;I:):r.~()UNS . '
C..... ' wl.G•. Phone".3Illi.:W~ , ':
Sasb. Rooeri:·;J,·.'Phone·, Na;berlhtlT10,'
,.' hI,oneifor,,'.. F.~~ct ~~d~~leOcllNn.d,.M,. o,rt..,g,a~e.·." . '·..
gonllr. McHenry and AlilIdoll starrel1
of Selling to Buyil.igf~rCashand forC~h emi}j1¢~tis
See d Bplll!' advel'tll~tnent In this 11.. Sl1e. -
Pll.b. V..rl. 81•. Gl'ayUrig·-,Avenue. ,'Recreation' .llo0Dl; :-No.·l. F~l'r.t. ave;"
_ _... for Osteopathy. give you Quality every article LoW-Prices. The of we
Nili'. Phllne,3T1;Y..A~:PboJle .. 168·J~
, , ' , " . ,", . -, .'
'SeIl4i811Iar_.,lidv&rtlllemen,t In:.tb~8''sue., '.
. '.' '. :. 'BIDINOA:tlADE¥Y
, " . David Odel~: .Selmont .'!rrack,'Bldinr':lel':'::
. ',' ".. < N ' n . r b c l i . t . h · · · H. S.
Osteopathy F. sell you be guarante.ed. .. Our Deliv~l'Y Service will will
. be prompt and we wjsli you to ~ke ~dvailta~e of this
. .'. .. . 'DABDWABE,'"
Ber.ner H.~d"'.re Co;. 211' Bavertordav.e. ,.lion,s•. l~' "".,on,118 . to. 'hI " ·.Tele. pbon-. ,
Seil,dlsplay-.advertlslIlJlent In this Illue. lola b ead_ tho ci9T~ ~
. .,: .......
. 'Forward, ....... . EdwlIlo,(s
Blckllll. H. 203'Baverf.ord Avenue. ,: ' . r cr. , •. '.: ' " . , 'R.·GilftJ:la.n •..... F.('Gnpt.) 'McHenry
service, which is Abso'u.tely:' Free. ~
,'.6i!:e dlsplata~v~r~8emeIith~JthIB·I.8i1ue.· oarS-Mcolnie:°c?!I:r:.~II~~'W.' '. ,', SaVill' ••:., •.••• Oenter •...•.. Amidon
: Di8UBANClC '. ' See advertisement lD. tbls I.8IU.. ' . kl .(.n_ .) ,.. G'11 t ' . .
, ,

~;o~~:ll:;;~~d(F':; ,er:'}D~ ·w·w.

':: . B~r-n.:iI"~el·p. ~Llfe;}:'
; .' .. ' ,. _ ·'880,BMAlUIIShU :: . ",
• .• Mld~e:PI~~:: ~v;:o::i1:~:!e'pt~::·iI~l
We invite you to visit our our
'+'~ ·th 1 a.n1mess
;=rde~, ,:,:,.p.~ .:G:a~d',::.::.·: ....Ulc:;p Store'~~I?Fe
2(JII W~041i114e' ave. t'llolie'1282-B: :' . Good w...·8blle: ~ ,OP.. ., ,'. ,·FlilldGoal......Narberth:R. Gilfi lall',
see our: F resh N ew.S tOC' k_ 0 f .' ,. 00d,5, no~ _. ,e c ~T""-.,. , '
,4;;:Jie~)d~;: Savlll,:2; B:~l'd".,:L ,Os· the·'. c'our·'4.~ou:'5' ··a'·t·t·e'·n·.·da.·.n'.·ce :"'f q .' ·sii.t·e',sm'e·':""",a.:n··d'oo.n't 2r:

. CIlIIIP"'U; F8'aItk D ';A,utomoblle, Flre/elc: Con.tautlne, B. O·.,2Ii2aavertor4 ave; ,
b'-'-"_'._M. ~tWl~"T~6n. ~.B _. _e ' .
". , ,'.. ' ~~~:-C:-V::,",:····~ --_..:t Pbone ~arberth 171l8-W; , .' >'.
~::-~::::'--:~0- -"-"'~"~~.'!,~,"
,_'. ~
7~'-1':', :-:' . . t .!p!~!ii'ee}l: Am~d~ll,~S;·M~eni'Yt.
. ' . , '.
. .., .",: ' . . --':' "
V r U
~. ' .. '. C!:' .' '·11
~.: .. :' _ : ..••·lfl;,:~~n.~":I~~.yp:t:.~ " ... i_".' ~l ;.<? N",b4r\idloot·.8b~_~.. 'AT~··~'.... :.. -illl~;.1lidw.8id8~:1:~~ro~t:iw;,lii~ti..:llt"::'2 n overlookth~\hig'issU~M~Itityri~,c""'~OnOIllYQto;re."wl~,-,;..,;.:;
: ; ··Jf~~tt'.~~:~
:·ir~·~\:~;;~~:~lltl\~·'~:;·~ ~UrloltdS,.:; ';i<':'r~:-(i;~~;iW" '~\h';':":~'~:\
•...A. ,.-.,,, :v~~ I1~~~'" ~'''.hlo~~l'{,o:·~Y.t.l1°~fii:\'f:~a ·.rl'
:", ~.;;, ·r ,,',,,, . . ... " l

.- -
-:,.'} .. ,. " ...., ;:,

:;.:;:~~.;.t:.~•.,._·_,--<-:~ ~ ••$$!!.~~~~"'7':,:i::L:~::;:: .\-,~~~~~4~~~?.!: ',:",;~":. . .---~,:z,. ;,~;; ~lti!~~4!'" :;'~i" ~ ';~;tt". t',~ '.--. ' ! ~. ~-
~~\.,;(,."~·~/l;:.,~.·~ .,·.·~~:1'''1'~:,~ .:.~'.'~.~.~.·;t'.-:. ~." ~ o;~:".·t~".·',:-.~;'.,· -:, .'·,: ~·,:.' -o.,_:·.t :,· ~ :'.·"' ".;:., .',;.', ~'
' e .... ,';.

_,'., 'i' <; ',. '" ',. . :" ' .,.'" . ,: .'. }r,·,:,:,',.1' .,:.- . 'i.• . :,.',.·.·,,,·,',".·,,·, ....,:... : .",.. .••. i ... .'," . " ,,:' -'. "'.: '.... ':,' '. ", !, .
i,·' ·: ~.'·I'".i':.J:· -· , ·.-u·;.'_·, _·;: ,:~·,; ~ ;~ ;,:.>:.; . :'/1:. J-'. ·:L;.~ :._: .<;_:~,:i ; ~.; .:~.: ~ ~ .;,i:. '(.~,:.;',-;. itU.,:~.' ,'~:. :,.·,.:;·.{ij .',·' .'~ .: ~".' ,·.~':
. -. ,.·.•,..:.,..,.;."",•• .•,':,:.. '....','.·.• ::":•.'••,•• -.'::•.

~~~~"_ ~ ".' .• .. ',;,.• •

il.~~~~~~ " -: -
{:<,r·~:;};;:· i:'~"; ";.,, ';',~;i, ~;:'.,~.;;.\ :r;.~ .; ~:/ '-,'
prt>«itl,en't of our sehool board stated, Smith, F., , .. 1 l\{(}nduy, Fe/b. 12, 3 P. M, A cordrial both in and out of the Penitentiary
1 3
ill Oll't' of t he m~etings of our citizens, WIOOOS, C" .. ,:1
thllt t'hl' hoard would he glad rto havt' Roolnnd, G" , .. 1
)'ou lI11,1 me attt'll,1 its meetings. On Hyan, G., ... 0
· th .. ,'ontrary, I undN~tand that nlhtout Narberth
3 ;\
weleome to all. Tell at 4,30 P. M.
6 12
were to be furnished. It will also be
p086ible for friends of the organiza.
Thp :"'llr'lwrth Lt'ague of WOlll~1I tion to Ile.(';()mpany the ~orJiety~ pro-
\'ot"rs WIlS wt'll re,preRented, fit the vided tht'ir IIIlmt's nr!' gh'en t·o Mr~.
CBES'I'IVlJT. BeL .8t11
. . . ._
. . . .411.0
sC~ lb.

"~.topl.".-eoatlauo_10 A. M. to 11.1.
~II "f .\T1lrht'rth's vL..iton; wert' asked; Fil'ld Goll]" Foul (iouls T",tnl i In"t iIl1('r""unty lun,'h~on at the Bl'lIe· Gill by Monrlny thl' .;tlil. A lIyOIl" in· P.M•
FREE BOOKS PREDOMINATE tot Il'a\''' th .. hoard's 1lIt't'ting of Jauu, H~('.kle, F., 1 2 .j : "Ut' H,t rn.t ford. The lll'emlbers terested in prilKllI work may havE' this l
ary ~!Ith; alit! I 'han' sin ..e bt'('n in,' Rit'klin, P., 1 Ii .. attt'n,I"tl: l\lrs' ('nrroll j)o'~n~8, Hr', opportJlnit~' IlIllking tl,,' trip fo tl1l'1
Library Enters New Stage of Develop- f"rll\(·,1 thllt sai,l ,..itizpII8 w~re leg-ally FiI..·.k. ('" ' .. :\ !I ,puhli"nn POllllllittN' WUl1Iall; :Mrs. T. En,tprn P,'nit,l'ntiar~' tl",r"fort' on'
ment-B:uying Standard Works t'lItitJ.tod to ft'main. eX{'epting onl~" in DaviH, G., .) Ii Kt'lIl1J.,>"g', Mrs. Wm, B. (;lIodnll, :'.Ii~" Snntluy th .. 11th.
for Free Circulation """,' tl", h'~lr<l rllllt"lIll'latl'd t1ist·u,~- 'I. ni .. kip, 0., 1 ·1 ,Alina ,r;wK"u~, :I[rs. Tri'tan t!n:llaTl1i~, PROGRAM
lllg l'itht'T t1lt' ('lIqdnymt'lIt OT di~qlds .. 'I f'. E. (', ('til' k ri 11, 1\1 rs. (}t'org.. \\". A NEW NARBERTH ORGANI-
,\ p"illt ill tl,,' d,',',,!opll\t'llt of th .. ""I "f a t,'a,·h"r "r th(' I'ur"ha,!' of PRESBYTERIANS WALLOP Orth, :lln~. A. H. HO~R. )fiss :'.Iary :\In,'- ZATION WEEK t'P FEB. 5
{'Olllllllll1ity Li\lJraTY ha.." IUI\\ ht.'t'u r .. 11 I e-t at ... BAPTISTS K"ag, :\In. Wm. T. Rn"".,II, :'.Ii~" )1.
rt'H('}u'd :It \\hit'h it iH pOR~iIJI(' to Illllk(' IrTf·~l'l't·ti'·t\ of ~lI(·h ditli4'Ultit'S in Ilh- DO\\'np", :\(rs. \\'. lIownt'8, "rs. Ed,,,"d ,\ IIl'W ,Jnnior nirl~' ('In]' l,as h,"'n
:ttl :tJlII(lllllt't.'lIl~·llt "hil'h ha~ long hpt'JI faluill,!! illfllTlltatHIII ill (lUT ~('hlJl)1 Th.. I'rt'"h.,·tl'rian- ,,1' th" lllf,·r· HIl\\~. :\1". ('. Krt'alll,'r, and :\ ('. f"rllll'd in ;'\nrh~rth. Its ,"1 III I' is tht'. "Drums of State"
th,' h"I''' :,",I tlio~t' iu
i"t .. I,ti"" of II"" ,d. \tot I" Lt':I.gUt·, t'ook :l good llt'althy
d" "ur I'"rt h.\' ,,,hltl- (']IUf,·!J
(;alllt' ('Inh. It wa~ ',rgllltizt'd at th ..
('haq!l'. That i,.. t1lat tIll' Lihrary i~ ll·t'ring til fl':oOI'PIlt} prolll}'tl.\' to' allY ~\, al :It thp Hapt i ...,ts :llId \"On thr,'t' lin.. t 1I1(}etinl-! h(·ld 011 ~:tlurd:IY tllorn-
uow prilwip:1l1.\· fTf'i' llJld 11lH'II to l'\"'f~' ,'all it Ill';l,\' lJJ:d,t' 1ll'LJI1 \I ... to :l .. ~i ... t :n ... traig-ht gaUlt'S 011 l~ridllY 1'\t'llillJ,! . . ':111. TO TALK OF ASIA'S INDIANS iug. • 1:111. :!'j. 1!1'"2:~. at 107 \\',,(Jth,idp 'lAIN PRODUCTION STARTS All NEA.
1'('adt'r "ithout :IIlY (·hargl·. Tht' :-.111:111 tilt' .... IIJ~!llll lit' it'" prohll'IIIS :Iud UIIT:o;, :.!I;th. Tilt' B:lpti:-:.t!-t \\011 thTl,t, gllnl'" .\ ,','. Thl' f"ll,," i IIg "fli,·,·rs \\ t'r" All POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M .. 11.00, .,CIe.
,."II"di"" "f r"utal h""I<" i, nO\\ a ,It- ".\'11'1':1. I'. H()"·~I.\\·. t'rolll tIl(' Luth'('Tall~ th,' pfl'\ iflll~ \\ 1'1,1", "1"di:II'~ "f .\,i,," will ht' tht' ~n\,- "it'd,',I, a...III, 11.411, 1.411, lI.lIO P. II.
(.id .. d tnilloril.\· of till' toud (·oll('(·tinll 111\ ~:IIlI\\u,,,1 .\\1'. allli llad \ i~·.;j41Il~ 4Jf rl'Ilf':I1IIlg- lhl' trl',k. ,il'c·t of :\lrs. .r. lIar\"l':," Hurton, of Prt'sHkllt-J)oToth.," ~1'Ylllllllr ('Il'\l'lI-
l.11t tht' I'rt· ..· hytl·ri:llI, \\('f" ill tIll' lilll'~~ :\l lI oll'StU" II.
of 1I1':lrly l,.~lllil \ (J11l1ll('~. ------ :'\ . . 1., at tht' T(lgulaf ~{'r. For Bowling and
forlll tlit',\' Illt\l' ... hll\\11 th:.:; .... ":I ... ul1. ullcl tll11llthly IIlt'pfillg (If lht' I.:ldit\s' )Ii!-'·
.\ frt,,· liloral,'". \\ ,th r"utal ,·harg.·, Yil'" I'hilil'" Pocket Billiards
fOT (llll~' tIlt' IIt'\\ (""d h'llIk~, prillt'ip:III.\ G'OJJIJJI /lJI ity G'I/lh
\', 11l1ldll 't !"1:llId fnr it. "i;PII:lr~' :--:Ol'il·ty lit' t!ll' Pf'l:l-shrtt'riall :\Iarsh. corne to the
I~\ \\ 11I1I11l~ tlll, .... t· fllr,'" ~:lIlI('S flit' ('h"r,·h.
fictlOll, \\111
ht' frtllll tlllW Oil :llId
It If \\ ill h,' h,'loi III thl' ('hnrdl, ~t"·T<'tar~·-.JI""1 (;riflith :-;taI'1<os. R~CRI:ATtON ROOM
I'rl' .... l,.\·t t'ri:1 Jl!-i ,'lg,'111l tllllk till' 1";111 III
'III \YI·dlll· .. d:1Y. Ft~I •. ~, :If :2 P. :\f.
111 ordl'r to 11l:lkt' tbi", :I f:lj·t in :ll·tllal Trp:\slIrt'r--\';ginia E.'"tf·. ~o. 1 Forrest Ave.
1."1 lill' "":1,\ III ('I\1 ... ill~. tll:11 11\1' ~t:tli­ 1t':q..:.l1t· ... t:ll1dillL!" tht· H:lJl1l~t . .
1,r"t·t It·", ill t h,' j'utUT<', it will 1", as· 11:1\·IBj.! ~II~.. Hlddlt \\:\"" fit :1 1l:11l1\'Il'r 111': .\t thi~"\ 1I1('tqill~ t':lt'l, lit' flIt' unit' 'I· ... C l- P~RKE
tlld.· of 111,' l"'oplt- \\ hll ha\',' J'1·I·t,j\ ,·d 11l·ld it fpr Wt'('l"
''''\lIl\'t'li thHt :111 11(Hlk~ ltr(' fn't' Hult's'" ~t·:tr ... ~li:-l~iHII:lr.Y ill
:l fht' PUlljllll, ill11011k p:lrt. :llld plalls fllT tIlt' fufurt>
. . \Ij·h :I.d" h :111 tllt' Tt'\\:lrd IJIll' ('all
Tht· ,,~'IITt' t 4"11,,w-.;:
tllarlu'd l'n'lltal 4'ClI14't'tillll"
thl' ol'l'osit" p"lit·~· Ii,'" \t'Hd of
hi,·" lIul.,· tht,
\\ i~h.
:111 ;,,:olld \\ .... h ..... t'\fr t hi'
'1.-<'" rt r'r


... hlJ 11~ ~ialt-"tt

f"r thl' l'"it"" l'rI'sh."tt'riall ad;,itll's "I' tht' "lul, \I,'r,' fllih' dis·
~lrt' "n", I'Tl'st'rd ;11 111t' f:UllO\1S l·u:oo . . C'd. Cullinan's
fr{'{' book"",
h:t \'t'
in thl' past.
hpf'11 In h(lltld frf't'
(If .'·ull r Ilt'\\ l'lull. I ;1111,
~lll,·t'r,"," ,"ours,
'I i t,·IIl·11 , .••.•• !I,""i
(·""'·1'11i,,". \\hi .. h rt'<nltt'd ill
:'\t'''' lIlt'lllh"rs \I'ill h" a'!lIIilfl·d fr":11
:1 Tf\1l1ark:tldl' Tt'\ hal. :11111 "as afllt·· tilll" to tirnt'. Enc·h 111t'11l!'I'r j ...... up· MAIN LINE
In "ollnl,,·tion \lith
tp"lIsioll :11111 {'Illl'ha ... is
thl' t':lrth,'r t';>;
(If thl' '1('0111
('1:1 ~'I"l(dl'
.. ,. . , 1~7
...... 1I ill .,-
,'I1I1,,,'r ,,1' th,' rr"" lit Il1aS" 1I,,,"'IIIt'lIt, 1""t',1 to hrillg :, 111'\\ ~arll" t,. ",·t·r~'
ill India ill \\hil·h "flll\'('rfs to ('hri:-o·t- 1l11't·till~. Hnd th(' Yit'l' l'n'sidt'llt ,1(·
... .. 11~ III II it.,· \\".'r,· "'"'pt ill b." hUlldr,',1" alld,,·id .. ~ ",hidl 0111' ,hall I", 100".n·d .
TIInllity" I,,"·t of its IIl"IIt'. tl,,' Lib
llt'ill~ '111
l1s Daily Deliveries Between
raf." has ill:lUg'Ilt":ltt'd t lit' prac·tit·(' (If (.\ "II thollS:lllll.... I
bnyitlg- for in'f' \'irl'ulatioll :Ill~· :--t:IIHl-
l!lIllle" :IUllll!H'r. 1''''IIt'''I:dl~' \\ ht'll ,t
T"t,,] . , .. fi7i' .J!+;' li:.!11
'Ir-. H"rt,," will '1", Tt'm~l1lhl'Tpd h~' JUrors Drawn for February
;I Ttl b"ok for \\ hid1 tbt'rt' :l\'!Il""'~ til
TlIf''''dny.' TIl:lt is
\'OIlH'" 1111
presbyterians 1lI:11l," '\nr)ll'rtiJ )11'11111(' ,·1 .... :\Ir~. ,\]il·t' . NARBERTH
l,t' :1 hll'hy d:I.\' fliT '-lldl ;;lId e\ t'r~' 1l1t'1l1 I,:lnl!hli" " . . . . . . 1.;~ 1-,-, 'I'hOSt l
frnnl Lo\\('r :\(,'rill!l t(l\\ll~lllp Leaves Pbiladelpbia 1.30 P. M. Sherp
lit" :I stl':Hly d ll'll1:llld. " J);I\'j,) ('tlJ!\lt'r- '1"'IUTt·, :llId \\:1" a fTt'q\l('lIt \'i~itorl
I"'r :lIld fr"'lId 111' tl11' (·III1'llInllit~· ("Ilih. .. l::~ I (Jal tlo,' h"III" ,,1' tl,,' HI". :,nd :'.1". \\'. lind :'\"rb,'rth dra\\n f"r .illr\' <1ll1." ,ITt': Ardmore, Oflice Phlled.lpble Oflice
fif'ld." by IJi,·kt'II-. i_ '"l ,·;>;allll'l... .\
~','I,n"lr.,· ]::th Ilt :: I'. ~l.. at th,' \'. :\1. 1':.l H. \ IId~'r. .. qll. \\ 111' \\ t'n' tlH'1l t'I"'~idl'llt.. j (;rand .lnT.\' for Ft~hrll;ITY t"ftll of ('Ollrt Pbone Ardmore 799 w 60 N, 10th S·r..t
Ut'\\" and a,ttra(·ti'l' \OlnUll' ot t,hi~ ... 1Ii:: l~J
K"y.toDfI. Race 19AO
honk I,;IS .in~t
('. ,\. :1 (':Ird P:lTt.\' \\ ill lH' gi\ t'll for
h.... n !'url·hllH·d ror fr,'" llo}l"rt'ol , ... 1,-,.-) Hfi 1~.-, "I' th" Hor"n~h. ~h,' i' a nlt'l"l ... r "f -.h,~t'ph K .. J1y, (·IIi,rl .. , ~t,,\"(·I1. .'-'alll Bell. Filbert 5558
tl\{, J,,'nt·lit tlf thl' Building Funt!. '1"ln' IAIII'r .. ' ..... 1::!' 1~.-, 1::11 th,' (''''lll''il ,,1' !l,,' \·i,·t"ri,,", I.if" T"sti. \11,1 \\·"th,'rill.
('ir('ulation, 11l"':l1l~t' r\'pr -sitl('(, tht'
lJihr:lr~' g'tlt

frl',!I\""t ""I'!~ f"r it

IIl1d('r \\~l~' theT(' ha\~(l '.flt·1I

"",I. although th,'

llt'fS :lIHl t'rit·lIll ... ,'ITt'
Itl'd fliT th"1f ... lIl'port, llnd
UtI\\ lwillj!
tl(·},t·t .... ar4'

T'''al " . . . . . j' ~7 ;'''i HIII\·.. (·""f,'r"I1""'.

I I'"tit ,Tnr\,-\),,"n Bak'·r. ,",'ra Hail,"' ..
Illony, :llId h:l'" 11"'1'11 n ~l't':d'4'r at 1ll:11l\"
'I,'mb"," of otht'r \I"r~' ('''rri~an, (,<,,·il lIan,'.'·. :\1. I).
Cleaning, Altering, Pressing
1j('ill~ dh!IO"'I'11 of r:lJlldl.y.
Team Standing (':tkt':--,llliflt:-- . Lippin"ott, (;"',rg" 'I,,"r,', 'Iar\' 'I,.
Lihr"r.,· ,,,,,!uirl'd 11." gift many (If (·htH('ll" ... :lft' l'IITd::d.'" ill\ itl'd to at . n ..n"~·-mode Suit. and Suit• .'Inde 10 O ..)er
lI"d f"a \\ ,11 I,,· -I'n,·,l. Ti"k,'ts HI'" \\' 1. l'.t·. fl'nd this Illt·('1:llg. :11101 ]'r""I,,.t"r·,,'III"' - ]),n\"t'll . .J"hn II. ~"I'I,I,',·. 'l:ir~art't
h(lol\~, tllHt was 11~lt a III II n}!
;.i (·t'lIt .... l'a"ll. :llld III:I~' ht' oll1aillt'd .... , 1
.... ::: (l"p~'l·i:llly aft' Tt'qllt'sll'd to Ill;ITl, th(" Zt.'ll.
fftlill :111." 111' tilt' follo\\ iug ('01111111t1(',': .JlJry-F'(~llf·l1:lr.\·
(lthl'r "tllnd"r,j Il"\'('}, wliil'h IITt' B''1,t .:11111 d:J11' 1111 tllt'ir "t,
t.:dl.nd:lr.... Tra\'t'rS(l :!li-l:1I11I'ft
Above Am. Store

:\If', II. F. ,"t,·, "11'. :\11<.' .J;"lIp.~ B. \f l,<lho,Jj ... t .. H. ('ol1rtn"~': .I"hn ).',,,t,'r. ''''rthn We call for and deliver
~dlt'dul"d f"r pnr.. ha",' .iu~t 11'" SOOIl
~lIlith. :\rr...... Jidlll \y .. JO.\·l't·. ~Irs. (t('UI'~(' ,1'aYIIl'. !l"I"11 1'. \\'"Ik"r.
:l~ fund", :IT(' H\"ailahll' art' I'LOTna 1.11 ~ h t'r:1 IJ" . . . . . . . . . 11 CHORAL SOCIETY NOTES
\Y. Orrh. 'Irs. ". I':. • Idf('ri". ~Ir-. Trn\'t'n;" .Inr."-',·h .-,- \\'illi_ 1':. 1
(11." th(' n·:tdillg of whit·h :lily


OTll' l'all IH'rt'('i\,(' ho\\ I'tl'orly ('x('t'utt'd

("h"rh·, '1,·1','1'. :\Ir'. F. O. 1"'H"II"k,
\Irs. (;,·"rg-,· (;il\"n . .Ir.. :\Ir,. ('h"rl,',
:ith. \\ ill bp tht' Hlodg-t'tt. ('"thl'ri" .. (·,,"n,·lI.,·. ~:,I\I in ~.
I,:lwr<>l1(·p. ~. y. ,\~. llatter ... \,tI, t 'h:lrll'~ Nalbenh Taxi
wa~ thl' rt't~l'llt lllotion pj(·tnrt\ adopt:l-
tioll frolll in. "Old Wi,'"s' Tal"." b~'
F. l"'i-t a".\ )Ir". lIar"ld L Fl'nntl. (Meets Every Second Monday in the · · · t
n·gnl:tr h\l!'nnt'''~ lllt'ptlllg IIf till' ('hor'll ,
h ,- 'I (. \ I 'Slaw,Flor,'nr~\\Tlght.
• . '
~""II'~' at t .. I. ,'. • .\. . t t 1:lt :
Arllo],1 H"I1",'tf; "Dial\lI of tht' ('rn~s'
\\-"~'s," b~' :l.h'T!',lith. '.-\nothl' il\ this
('prt will h~ 1ll:,,1t' to thl' ll\l'lllh .. rs h~'
tiIIl" ,prt·lilllill:tf." rt'pllrt~ fill thp ('01\

ARDMORE Open Day aod Night Phone 1633

group \\ hi,'h I,"s rt'('l'utly 1)("'11 pur,
dlllsl',1 in rt'Sp01l8(' to lot'al 'h'1I\JlII,1 i~
"F"r Frolll tht, ),Ia,lding ('ro\\'d," by 111 Hl1s'\\i'f to :til :lI'II('al from SP\'I'f:11 tlon . . .
III th,' ,It'tprmill:l1i,11l t" nlllkp a\'ail- th .. "fli,·pr•. Th,'rt' \till also ht' a "n-
a'hle tH th,' \\"Olll~n of .'"rlH'rth illf"rnlll' pial prOll'rlllll alit! :t('(',ortlillg to Chnir-
to ('UTTI'lIt, sltat .. all' I l1Iall '1,·(;aTl'it~·, rpfr~shllH'lIts of a t'.har-

JlllItht'r!o' ill t1l(' \ i\·init.\, for a Ilt'ttl'r .
,"tt'''''a 1 It'glS. 1al':OIl.
. I
arrallgt'mt'IIJ~ I'" t' :1c-lN th"t \\ ill apl','al t,o all.· .\ full _ ~
15 _ ~
iI •
lla rdy.
('1:1"';'- (If JlIlI\ iJl.!:.: ]li(·tllft·S 1't'r ~·llildrl',11. \ 1 I \1 II 1 ' ~ ~ PLUMBING HEATING
Tht, 11\ r" 1 of this tnlt' is: If ~'Oll
(I ~ ""II Ill'"'' tot ,a"" , rs. ,'rlllall .. :lIt"llo1:II"·" sh"u],l h,' guar:lllt .. t'd h." tlh': 1
.:: I ,
tlon't find tht' I'ook you \\"lInt at tht, th,' ..J,airu,:," "f ('i";,," "I' thl' \\'011"''''. ~.·h'\\artz.. "I' \\'yllll"WilOd. Ex,('Hunt" lattt'r. i -~ ROOFING
l·Ollltll·~lllil.\' ( lll,h aud :l f('!ITt's('lltati\'ll 1 . I 11 f tl ··t t
Li:J·rary. "sk f"r it. and thl' ,'IHlllrt's '·.laITlU;11I an, a nlt't" wr '0 ' ' ' ' ' ' a" A trip has l,,"'n arrallgpd for U1I'11I-
arp th"t it will 1I1'1'""r allli h~ a\'ail· of th(' \\''''"''n '- ('lllh "f .\rtllllor.. r.' ~oartl of tht' Lt'IIg'U~. a,1,1r~'ss th(> Ill'r" of tht' ('horal Ro .. i~tv to tIll' Jobbing promptly attended to WEEK OF FEBRUARY 5th
",,"tly arrang",l all illtt'r\"ip\\, with th .. · tIl . '1 f I t ' .
ah1t unto you.
m"n l~' mpt'llll.l"" IIntl ul1 l('or 11" "'1'., EaAAt'rll 1""lIitt'lItja~' for ~ullllay. F('h. CONCERT ORCHESTRA Nlabt PhoDe. N.vb.rtb es?
11l'"lag"r "I' til<' .-\rollll.,n' Tht'lItn' Wl1it,h :'If ' h h f .
. r", i"t· \\"llrtz as or sonlt' IlIn".llth t" sillg for tht' I'ris()lll'rs. )Irs. Evel'y Evening "nd Sat. Matl'nae Pa", Phone, Narberth 302 J
rtl(·('i\·t·~ H liher:,1 IloltrClU .. lgt· fr"tll tllt" hit I f l ' 1 t' e' <:
p""t t'pll:'" os,' S llt ~Ilt () ..glS II " . " Oporgt' :'\. Gill. who i~ fll'ti"t'ly intl'r- Monday and Tuesda v
~'outh of :'\llrlrl'rth.
School ConsolidatioJl This "'Immittl'"
tt I I I I t
ma "rH. an, t 11' a' nilltagt's t 11\ "'.- r"tl'd in till' I'risoll work, hll~ sllgl!est~ll
rt'l'n's,'n1ing t\\" !'Til" t" IH'r f r"lI\ h !'r "011 lit',' t"Ion \\',It I1 that n program "f (',homl musir lw
BELL PRONS. Narberth 1256-W
(Continued from Page 1) 1:lrg,· grlll1p~ IIf progrtlssi\,(l \\'(l111PO re- I "t I I s IlOU' I] n" t ] 1(' nn, I .. r g-i,· .. n that ",ill ntT"r,1 tht' pri~"ners an in
'IU""1<'d 1ha t !'\','r.'· df"rt hI' Illu,k "n
t \(, ,I" .. 'IC1:1r<
t'stlllla "'.
I'lItir<'ly ,litT,'r~nt tyl't' of t'nt~rt",in- "Back Home and Broke" 6EORGE W. BOTTOMS
nSklll;! ]I
11I~',,,,lr ,. \\'hy shOll t nur ,oar<.
I' 1 'h" I'art "f t'ht' lIIallag-t'1l\l'nt to """- If ~·"u ar .. . lllt... . . 1 1'n
rt',;.,,,, . k n,,,wlng. . rnt'nt thal\ th~y 'lTIlinarily r~,'"i\'{', Thp Wednesday -Contractor and Builder-
. 1'1' "l'lItr:I1,' <\11 suita,hlp l,id\1T('~ f"r ('hild- III 0 ll' :1 ]"Ill t -"t a.. t It'gll" . I
\1 i,· 1,ody. WIth
II I'll) - n!)t I'
lLug to II't',
t nl11
a or" ] tl 1t'lr . ~1Ig-g'~~ti,on nwt with unallilllous up'
refusr to ,'arTy "II it.s (t' I II
. . ,rPIJ, (· ... pt.,.t'iHlI~· ·(lIl thp :--\aturday lllatin'l(1
i lI'rlltlOlIs JII
a.'tJ\"It!t'", a, "'I'
"> ynur r"llT,'st'lltn ['ro\'al "I' tht' orgnnizntion as soon :,S with 420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, ra.
our pr,,,,,,u('e,>" whi"h \\"uld !ogi,·all.\' ~I't'lll to ]", thp t'1\ I'S n t \\. "S l'IIUl! t "II. 1I 0 W .'" ~'onr 0l'por it was tl .. fillitpl~' un,]~rstJootl th'llt paBst's
Mary Alden
Henry Wood Shelton. t'hildrt'II'~ d:I,\'. ,\ IIIOSt t'o,o]H'rath'(' ,t:lt,it.",
u.ttitnd·{' \\'" (,11t'oullt .. r~d 11l\(1 sug-g'-s, i ('au yon uft'llrd to hp intlitrt'rpllt ill
Thursday and Friday Let Me Arrange Your
TO EACH PARENT OF EVERY · tiolls ",,,Iit·it,,,!. '"i,'''' 01' tht' fart that thl' adivit it'~ .If HEMSTITCHING WIRELESS OUTFIT "THE OLD UOMESTEAD"
CHILD IN NARBERTH: In resl'''lIse to thi., al'l,,':11 it will .J>~ .th .."" rl'sp~ ...ti.\'p hotli~s n'flt'd t,o yoUT t'EWIN(; OF AI.L KI:'IOIlS
grat.ifying to anxious 1II0th~rs to know a,h'ulltaW' or oth~r"'i"p1 . ~(( ,J)~;IL\TI'; PUICgt' Theo'dore Roberts, Geo. Fawcett L. N. WIGHT
I uud~rstantl t.hat at th(' nw,'tillg "f that "n I"atllrday. !-'t'h. ;\ ,hlf'ki~ C01>-' Call nlll atrortl to renmiu out of tht" woUK l'UO~ll''rLY 1)0:"1': and Harrison Ford Call Narberth 1664-R
our sehool -hoard ht'ld .Tan. 2\1, itoS glln in "Tronhlp" will 1)(' th~ maiu Lt'agu~' of """n~u Yo,tt'rs! ('!'rtllinly A. J. HERRSCHAFT Saturday
presidt'nt WIIS "awthorizt'd" to Ilrrangt> f~atul"t'. with th~ Fahles, Johnny Jones not. Tht' Leag'U~ is th~ ouly orguni7.a, 318 Dudley Ave., Narberth, Pa. "THE WOMAN WHO FOOLED
wnth thl' Lower l\It'ritOn -s"houl board ('olll!'dy a 1,,1 tIl<' Apha:hpti('al ZrJ"O. timl t,hat ill"'tru<'ts and W1i,l~s '\\'OI1ll'U I . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . "
for the trau.flfer th~l'~to of only thT'('~ ~lIrt'ly a d·t'lightful ehildren's progralll 011 l.. gi~'litl,i\'t' and pl,li,ti('al matters I'x.II'fri~~!5~!5!5~~~~S!55SSi!5~'1
..-.lH8!W1S of our high ~rh()oL a 11:1 OUf' dp9('ryiul! patronage. ('lush- e1 r, If you nre a nremfher p1f.~a8c I with Raymopd. Wei... Proprietor
Thos. A. Kerrigan &Son .

Is thi.." !best th~ I"hortly sol~tion? ,st'nrl youT r~nt'wal

at on('e to Mrs. E.'
May Allison and Robert Mills
Saturday Matinee
nfter Dr. Lewis, Assistant ·I"upl'rin't~nd, CHILDREN'S DANCING CLASS \'. Co.. krill, 20:1 E",'t'x An., alld if yl'U I , EXPERT REPAIRING
Pearl White in "Plunder"
ent of the Rtatl' Board of Education

H!DlIIl" and R"hool Asso<'illtion in th~,

Community ClUb
~l rt' not a 1I1't'mh"r, ·t'nrnll 1l'Cl'W.
at Harrisburg, har] coII"{'II('d with our Under the Auspices of the Women's ,1lollar 1'It'eurcs R mt'mbl'rship, ~ves VOIl i
board, iIle ud,1l'('ss~d m~I\II1('rs of tht'
at t.h~ \'ari'ous llleptings.
high sehool huilding; llnd while' lit first' Hl'igho, Hl'iWho, all,1 a \\a~' W(' go, .;,) p~r p('nl. of )'our tlu'es helps to ~np'

a,·,·,,", to all inf'ormatlon rli~'.. mi'1J;t~,]'

Building and Contracting
Homes FOr Sale Or Rent
Plans & Estimates
Furnished For

For Permanent
--------- '"
T elephoae N.rberth 1633

Narberth S71-\'

Electrical Contractor
Ardmore 16S-J

he was'r n'OlI-eomm1ttal (it tTilll8, to the ,'hiltlren's Ratur,1ay mornin!! 'pMt tht' Stntl' orgnnizl\Ition, nil,] per·' Alterations & Repairing
Electrical Repairs and ApplleDces
Pired that he had h('('n informocd' that d"lwiJlg' l'1Rs..~, froln 111 A. :'.1. t.o 12 l\Iit~ them to mllillt1:Jin 1110 ,1"eS1 hplld· i Write, Phone, call

Nnl"h<'rth had sulfiei~nt land availahle noon. qUllrters at HaniS/hurg throughout the I 314 Grayling Ave. 8 Cricket Ave.
.u-dlDore, Pa.
VOIl ha\'1(' h:lt] tIl(> tlIt'llS1t:'S or th~ N.rbertb, Fa.
to ju~tJify n ron1iuuunee 'ot" its rl'e~lIt · If
. . ~'P:lr IllH
I h .A
t .. r,my k '
<,~p 111 l']()Se tout"
trltjlitl gr.ow'lih), he s>tnt,~tl later that rhlt'k"n pox IUIII are now well, hurrY' \'\(Jur hus>in~s>< alld mille.
larger alld he-tter l'tjuipp('d hi",h s(',hoool~ hat'k and the ft'adlH will ht'lp ),<,u to, I.t'ngu~ 's ambition is 100 pt'r et'nt. r~-
Thl' 1§2~!5!5~!55~~!5~~!5~~~~.


','1 G',II."'. ,I. . '.

l1IIor~ atlva,~tage8 !n~\\':l1 r~nt. iu'Crcng~

can offer many to mllkp uJl for In:«t time alld prppnre IIl1d !iO pt'r in
pupils tlmn n;e available in smal1~r
for thl' final ex'hihit;ion and party at: memJht'ol'l'hip f10r this year. The
schools-thmt. small elusses eunnot hl'lthe end of the s('ason. ,w.ilI be hl'ld at the home of Mrs. E. C,
me~ting U U 'alntlng and De.oratlng
cxp(!('lt.ed to just.ify high,priced tJ~lll'h· i (~h. !,('t,lly,. won't we. hav~ fUll 1
O·A'I R·. '
·Towlle, ;0.<, XlIl'bertb find Windsor Aves., 212 Woodb·n. Ave., N.'ber'h, P•.
e1'l!, the nee<'6-"ury equipme.nt for ~hell1'l :'\'t'w I'llI'll!" may ('Ollll' III now-th.. ' WM. D. U. T. SMEDLEY & Phone, Ardmor.'4311 W Herb.rlb nils W
istry, <.>t.e. isoollpr the Iwttf'r,
If Teports are correct, Feb. 14 will i Come to the Y. :\I. C. A, Ra.turdny I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
be t,he II~st day upon w'hidh ilJh~ LowerUlorning", or ph-ollt' Xarherth 11\38 J\f! MILK ANDCR'EAM You owe it to YO:lf to look at our
Merion ,board ,wili armnge for the tmns- for arrangements. i Two centa per word It caab aceom· 758 L'A"N C ""·S.TE··R ·."'-'E. Bell Phone, Sp,aee 38·116 Ind 38·117
fer of our dIliildren nextt september.l
Is it ntO!, therefore, your desire andl
. ------
Basket Ball Games
pan lea .dv"rtlaement: otber""ae, liT.
centa per word. BRYN MAWR.
DURANT KeJatoDe Pboue, Riee 70·14

du.ty, lU "'011 us mine, to ase<ertnin I TelephOlUt, Bryn Mawr 882 , and GARAnteed Roofs :

. S T ~ RJ1,tlW machine. lIbe , Nil

whether' or not our board_ lIas fully (Continued from Page 1) FOR BALE-Dining roOIll set. Excel-
compared the. d'ollJowing. methodll:; .
1. . 'r9 . send only the upper thr~e WIll ~end a SItar aggregatton ~f ~>thlete8
lent c'ondition. Cull evenings. (11-e) berl:hElectricil Shop
'clnSllt'6 to Lower Merion, thereby de· to .Narberth. T~e cast· WIll lIldude FRESH EGGS for l!nle. 471 Broolt·
OVERJHOES· I' before deciding on your 230 .BA .A VERFOBD' VE.

prlving the . lower elassies 'of the ~ny EllUl Rosenast, Bl,B Gra....e and severol ~urst Avenue. (17·p-
benefilts tha'tar.egenern)IY .understood' othey former of P. stars. -n. We :'~~l\o:ru.u' Iilne DORAN MOTOR CO. We repair, sell· and I~tidl anythiDg

.'. .'.' .~.: ' . - ,....P .·
.Show aOOJll, 45 E. L,ncalter Avenue EJeetrical. Old house w:iring a specialty•
·i.o· be l\"l}.iting for ··thein, . and' in' ex·~ancock· . roaNiS.HSn aOOllrtwDllted for sIngle Ask about our ,three-payment plan, in·
cbn:nge ,for ~h'icli .. N.&I1berth.: shan DC' Field Goals Foul Goals TQltal mD,n. PhQueiQ; Write 323 Grayling AJ:~re 171 eluding hturel. .Ph"lie" 1633 . or: 895'W.
CQrd to 'l:Jower Miir.l.o~· aCClommodation H 0111111', F., .•• 1
i697~M. hFr~~~~~~~~~~e~ie~~5~~~~~e~e~~~
£o~ :itll e'lein:enta;Y~.pupU;divmg Withib Maguire, F.;.4 o : A ....e. Ph!One '(17.p)
or ill eliose prmdmity. to our boro\lgh, Oohen, C., :.,.2 3 ~. FOb.., "'",. 'EO
- ~~.. ~ "'..
. ,uI'gh grn'd'" o""k d'Ullng
.. .' 'Order 7OU1' coai as 'far .&hea4 ..
and yOur neltt chOice.'
po8alble aDd Bfate the awe 70ll prefer
,., . Justice of the' Peace .
Inc.identn:Ily.. t1oo' ret~ntlJtin of' hi~ Smith, G., .•. 1 1 .,
1 3 table nnd foUr leather seated chairs. While .coal ~ ·be 1C&rcil, ·w_ne. "W1J1." be' anppUed. ~EAL ESTATE'
Ilchoor' qin!l8e8will; l' unde.te-tau·d, neces- Hunter, G. . ,.1
lnquire ~aliberlih 1696"R,(i7'p) . .. ". ,.... .
liitn.te l1igh ·il~.ol eipeDse.i. . Narberth Fire Insuranc~~st CO~panie8
;,~. '~9 .send ~ll,of . our hig1). 'school . Field. G'lialsFou1 Goalil' TOilal FOV: B..A.LE
PhoDe 1149W...:.i1~:sa~cml An.
OB:BA.P":,,",WII1t~ .'.'r1 lards in PhU••
.. ieholaN' to; timer· Meti!Jnj' t·hereby., not
.,..:,.~iil)<iiif~tallig thJe~,·the· obe.t':elltication
"-"':~i1libl~""-lim~ifllt ,"';tJPt-'-.·''-;<••. YQJt.llll ',0. :,: •.•• It ' .. _ . 2·'
.Po;w:eU; F,', ... 1
-re~! .Ft , •._.4 . .
,2 .
6" Bondition. 'Phtone-Ntlrbllrth.385-:R.o::.·
S .... .
do?b1e.'tJ1ld,1I'pring and mnttreBll,' ~od . :i'.'
clelflila al1d Suburba
. ':. clUdlDtr
lOU' ·s.ntee·
' ... DMORJD.·.
':/' ': .: ~·i~~t&'n:~Y.): ·.~8~·. ,~"" :~i> liigh ri~~:~: ~:'2 ~:("'T -:c-t.'':":',: .--";it·:: ;-':-'~ "::=00 "'--~~":r-~"r ::-". ~-~,:·~-,~:":':-:·~(1.~·P):
V·<····.·~~~f..~·~p~'·'~n,:.-6hi1dr~n·no~·Cook~ ·G., .:;".1 4,. 6 ,.....x .,
.' '.e~t I!O' point. ,might ~ . -, .
,more ,'tUAitant
.',--,rlleBp8d: " .' :' '. '. ': '. .~ ~'... ' .,'. , ' . Field '.GoalW Fou.l Goale ·TOItal . b1 'p
: ~. ;~<f~P1; :it,::.I .·r~~r:~~ly, .the MioI,t1l9r,F.;·;.;O.:, .3 .;' 8.

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