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1..-. _



SCHOOL NOTES Narberth to Have

COME TO THE BIG CIVIC .. \\"ithlllli halt illg'. "ith,,"t r,',;t,
New Tennis Courts
1111111111111l11"'11IInlll""I1I"~I1I,nlll"1I11I111"rtl"""'"''"""",IIUllu,lOlIll"mUIlIIlI1"IIIII'III""""""""""'lI"""1111"",,,,,,,";'11""""'_"""' Liftillg bettl'r up to best." and Club House
Jli~h :-;,·h"ol Ill'I"'''lol' (i. ('. L. HipllI'
:-;pt'J11 \"t'dlil'sda." ill 0111' :-,(,11"01:-,, .lIt'
wa" parti'·lIlady ill '.'·Illl'ath.'· ",ith tht' THE TENNIS ASSOCIATION AP-
111' s,·hllo] rOlltr"l, "I' pupib' St'lf·
8.15 o'clock, This Friday Evening l'fJlltl'ld, :Iud tlH ' gt'lIt'l'al :--I'hool spirit.
'1'1,,' prof,-s"illllal atlillltl., "f tl", fa,'"lt~·
March 26th, 1920 was :d,,, poillt"d "u!.
TId' is lh,' first d,it :\Ir. Hil'II"'1" haR WILL BE READY FOR PLAY-
paid our :-l,'hooJ:.;, PI'U1'11S:-'OI':-l (((It,ll alld ING AT BEGINNING OF 1921
In the Community IloGm of the Y. M. C. A.
Interesting spealwl"!; on timf'!y topics
THE FIRESIDE T>t'illlt't", who for sulllP ~-t' 11:\\'p been
tlUI' ill:-ipt't'1ol'=-'. ha\'I' Ill't'll a:-o.sig'llt't1 to

IItl"'1" oI'·I"ll"tllll'lIt, ,,1' Ollr :-;tate 1'.1u.·I1·

Tall;,; will hl~ illustrated with colored pictures i'\arbertlI is to have a new COlli·
1 iOIJ:d tlq!;alliZalioll.
Th., 1'Oloias all' 11.'IC. I'l"ot'. Hi"IIIl'I"S add,...,;; to the stu· lI1unity featul"e that will realize what
Sppcial :\I\isieal Numher>; hy the Community Clull Chorm;
']"111 ho'l,v 1'1't''''lIt,'oI Ii,·" "hjl',·!i,-." of has long heen the ,lr('all1 of e\'erYone
:\Ir. (;"org'" I. :-'llIilh has r"tlll'lIp,] t h., ",h"o]: in our -borough who is intel'este;1 in
TIIE 'PROGRAM to :\arl"'lt!l. I. lI .. althy H\'ing. sports.
me(:tion of new offh·ers for 1920 n :\faldllg' a lh·itlg:. The Nal'bel'lh Tl'nni,; Association. at
TIlt, l'iglit hlllldrt',f :11111 tW('lIt" }IlIXf':-i ," I ~t' i:-, 111't). the annl1al nH'eting held last Friday
"The 'fown Beautiful-With Helpfnl Suggestions on Building a Home" ill OHI' Jlu~1 "fIil'i' :~I'l' lIot sui1it:i"111 to ,I. "'ortll.,· 1I1<"11I1""',,lIil' ill tIll' '·0111- pvening in the gYlllnasium of the Y. i\L
By MI'. Vi('1or D. Allel ~lIJ1l'ly tilt' dl'lll:ll!tl. C. A., I1nanilllously approved a ('0111·
III "" i I ,..
;i. (lIa ra<"1,-I" pl'ehensiye plan pl"odding for the al'·
·'Planting for Suhlil'han HOJJle;;·· HI-lliputl,,'r t1", (""lIl1lullitv Club Card Tll(' ~npIIOllltll'l' :llld FI't'",l!lIIt'lI lHl.'·s quireJl1ent of a trad of land ,·olllpris-
By Mr. A. E. Wohlert 1'art," on :':atllrola.'" ",,,lIillg; April 10th, who h:I\'(' lInt} so 11l:!ll\' t'xI·i1illg: atli· ing two al·res, the huilding thel'eon of
(JIIC of tll(' higJ.,:'I,q C~\'I'lJts of thl~ s(,:l~on. ]"til' I·tllltl':"ts 1'll11l1r1 tfll'lll~i'h't)~ hlltl.\' ten tennis courts and thl' pI·el'tiol1 of
Both of th.';;e talks \l"ill he ilInstrated \l"ith l'o!ored magic lantern ;;lides ,·""t.'"lillL:' Ih .. ,,],al"l'ioll-hil' at ,k],at· an attra.'tivl' duh house. '\IHI all of
illg: Ilil F)'ida.,- ill 1111' ~t'llit11' Litlll':Jr~' this is to lIc within thO' 1I0rough limits,
.:\11'. aliI] :\11'''. Ed"':II'd :-;. ITa"" ha"c so it will 11(' a lJistin"llv :'\arllel'1:11
:\1l 1S!CAL NDmERS I'I ' t II J'J1l'1 I frolllirill til :-\nillt l)t'ft,l'S, ~l)l'ipt " . . \~.;J\ 1 lit' ho\"!' ",Ito \yon,
:I institution. .
burg', Talll}I:1 :lllt! ntltt'l' }loinl:'" aI II 1lg' na~;'ball "'l':tfllt'I: h:t~ ~()1tt'1l the'
I-Commnnity Chorm;-··Honey TO\l"n"-Parks llitistiIlP:",:-; 011' ot' u:lo"I'~ ':Jlld ball~.
CI'e<1it for t1w t1"'·l'lopIllPnt of this
tht' nult' I'II;L:-:t Ill' Florida. IWW plan hplongs to Ihe sperlal 1'0111-
2-Soprano Solo lly :>,1 iss Fell'S \\':,t ,·1, fill" Ill" ",·h."illl.. of g'allil's. lI1ittel' of the Association whieh has
A new house in :-\arhrook Park and '1'11., nirl,,' H:I,h.'tl".lI Tl'alll ""'" ,!t'. been working on the llIattel' for se,·eral
:;-:'IfjX(·11 Qllartette-"Dinah" 1'",,1,,01 ]",t FI'iola~· at A11I],](']" hy ~ro]"('
a new daughter, Nan('y .Jane. are two weel,s past. This eOllllllittel was "0111-
'!-C'omm111lity Cltorm; with tenor obligato- or the joys of ~.pringtinw to :\11'. and ,,1' ;\Il 10 1~. posed of W. H. D. Hall. chairman.
··The Americans Come··-I~ay Foster 1\lrs. J. B. :\Iar'],enzil'. C. L. Warwicl;, Walter Cowin. Carl B.
Metzger, A. T. Gt'l1gan and A. J. Newell.
Every rf'sillent of :'\arherth is invited and will he wekome to this
mpeting. Come anti hrin/!; your neigh hoI'. This is a ('OmmllIlity dvic :11101
,';1 rljl'
j~ (;I'HI':":'l'
l:t' 11111111' uf ~I 1', :I'lld
t I; t
:\1:ln'"l Floyd The Women's The sit., (If t hI' new tpnnis grounds
and elull hous(' is what is Imown as
the Odell Property. and is lorated near
meeting", and there i-.; no eharge, neither is .here a silver offering.
~rl'!'. (;t'llr~t' Flll\'d. 11:! DUIll!'\" aY('lIl1l'.
Tltllr~II:L.",' ~1:ll'l'}'1 l·'ill. ('oll)2r:'ltlll:ltit)n~ Community Club the inters..,'tion of Ha\"l~l'ford Avenue
and Montgouwry Avenul'. in tllf' hor·
The Narberth Civic Association
:l {'t' ()l'l1 (I)'.
Expects to Build ough limits. Thp prpspnt owners of
the property. l\lpssl·R. 1<'lptl"her \\-.
\111'1111"11 I'" ";lnit'lIlill'h' "alll'd to Stite;;. AllglIstus .J. Loos and Charlps E.
:111' 11,,1," \rt'I,L :"'l'n il'I',":' :lpill':ll'ill1,~' ('1:-,(1- Hires. have agreed to the plan p('\".
\yllf'I'I' ill 1',i..:. ;~"I!t', ''::It'!l ,1:1\' ':-, ~1'1""­ !)uring' 1hi.' Ilt'xt JiYt" or :--ix wI'"l,:-- fectl'd hy tIl(' ;;p"l'ial "ommittep of the
;"1':-' ... hOldd 111' "'~ \j,[i, d :I~ d(lt :1(ll,d 11ail~" tIll' \\·"III"II'S (·""I1I1\1"it,· ('Iuh of :\:11'- Tennis AS'lwiation. anll wori; on the
Another Chance to \ Community Club Notes "I'njt"'~ nI'l' g'i'I'!1 i fl tIlt, )Jilt i(',t'. ],"I"th 1'111'/'0>1" 10 hoi,] :; ]'ig' haw",. al
Elm Ilali. Thi, \riill,,' th" o[',,"ill;": gllll
fht' t1lt' building-
('onst rlldioll of t11P l'onrts will hpgin
this snIl1nH'1'.

Take Out Building ! "'''"11'" TI,t' 's ('11II1I1"",il,· ('11110 III,Ll

:-;::':.1)(1 IlI'r ,"1':11" j~ lIlt' l·tI~t to yon ill
1.t'iJl~ a ~11~t:liltil';":' ilLl'llIhl'l' nf tJII' ~:Jr'
})('r111 Fire ('1111111:111,'-'
ld a
":Il1lp:dgll 10 lill:lII('I'
(')ulJ "flll~t'.
th.' hazaar i, to 1,,' 1,,-101 ",ill I", a"-
Tht ' dalt)~ oil
The grollnd on ",hic·h the Assoda·
tion's present conrts an' 10,'ate(1 was
sold a fpw weel;s ago, hnt the Asso·
il~ IIH'lllill~' TlIt':--:d;l\', ~l:tl'l·it :!:;. ill t]I('
and Loan Shares I I
y. ,\I. ( .. 'A. 'I'll,' i,rll~I'alll, as :t1",,,."-.
\\":I~ 11lllSl illlt')'I':",f illg'. At a gat hering at the hon1l' of Geo. :\1.
111'111",,'01 ,l,"nl\'. .1\1,1 \r1"'1"I' lh., ,·1ul,
hous", 'h:lll I,,: hililt is a" \"('\ 1II1d,'-
ciation has """lIn'(1 a lease 011 Ihe
grounll which will pennit pla~·ing there
tl'l'I11iIH'll. hut 1hl'J't, aI',' (lltl: til' mill'.. throughout thp season of 1920.
:\11". I,:. :'II lI",·halll) , ga',' a Ii ", .• "'t"il- lJ:lIll!O and wif,:. last \VN]nesday even·
ing. thp engag.-!lll'nt of their daughter, a,-ail:t1d,: sitl'S 110\\' in "ie\\'. The idl'a The plan for t h" dl'vp]opment of the
The IJlott"l"8 sent Ollt lly the Narherth (,.1 )"(IJIIII't tlf thp ]'I'I'I'lIt IIlt'I'till t }" of Fl·d j:-; ttl is:-:lh ' lIoJl-illtt'l't ' :-it ht'al'ill~' lIolld:--
Builtling and Loan A;;sociation seemed pl" .. 1t'l) \Yollll'II'S ('IIIII~ at ;\on~ood. :ltld Ida :\Iay. to IJI', S. A. Bl'lldall. of Phila· new home of t hI' Tl'nnis Assodation
dl'lphia, \\'a~ anllolllH'ell. Itt' ItI\\' dplllln!illatitll1:--: tu ht' paid for ill provides for Sl'ven ,'ollrts beiug' finished
to remind a numher of ollr re;;idents :111 pal'l'llf~ who 1'lIjo.'-t , d 1 hi:-; I'l'Jl(ll't l'a~1J or tIll ill:--t:lIIlH'111~, ~illkillg: fund
that the Twenty·ninth Series would
.-\ and ready for liSP at t hl' heginning of
,·oldd 11,,1 h,'I!, hili I"t'aliz,' It,,\\, illl- will 1,,' 1'1'1I,'id,'d 1',,1' tltp ~1':loI"al rptil't'- ncxt season. t hat is. spring- anll sum·
open on ;\Iar.. h 4, anl! on t1lllt (wening I'0rtall! a "nh,i"d ., 1·:01l1"at i,,"·' ,,,"'. .\11''', I'. Ii, 11,,1,,1,. \\-if., "I' Li,'II1. 1"01. 1111'111 Ill' 111t' hlllld:--:. ~()lIl'n)~ of ill('olue
twelve hllndr('11 sha res were isslled in (', (;. 11:111·11, 111' ~'(lJltgtllllt'r~' a\'I)IlUC,
mel' of 1!121. and till' den~loJl111ent of
~Plldi!J~' 1l1lr {'hildl'l'll til :--:1·1100] lH'l11~ will btl initiatiol1 ft''':'''. 111l('~, l'ill'll p:ll'.
the new series, whi"h was the largest the l'1 uh hous.' tot he point where it
OIlly a' IH';,,:,'iIlHjllg'~ til(' hOlJlt' and ~tlr­ :\"1'1'''11 h, :111<1 .\:III",ltll'l'. :\Ii" 1·:liz:tl,l'th 1 Ii'''. oI:1""l". rpnta] of hall, etc. )[em- will pro'·illp dn's,ing·rooms, lor·ken;
numIJer of shares t hat has ever heen J'llllllllillg':-; hayiJlg' .i1l~1 as i11111lirlalli a 1I'""h. It''I'' c'''''' 1\1 .\tlallti,· ('it\". an.\ 1"'I',hil' in Ihp ,·1,,11 'rill 10" "ollli",'01 to and showers also in time for use next
sold on the opening night. I'a I't in ,·Ilild life. nt'l' ;-':llIJlllill,~' :t1 ;J]I' ('1I:I11'ollll'. 'wht'I't' lJI(l~t' of tl!t' ~t)lltlt\l' ~px.' lint ol·I'~lsi()ll· Fpring. The l'onstrudion of the three
To those who did not :l\'uil them, Th .. ,'Iuh ,·hlll'll'. 11I100"r th .. ahl,' ,1i- I !J I'y I' \: II: 'I" : I rl'l/;:l ill t I'll ,1;1 !":"'.
selves of the opportunity to take shares
alh- nIPI',' I"an ,,-ill I", !"-I'IiJitt.',1 III
n'l·titH; (If :\1"1':-;. L:tlll'. 1'l'1I I !t-I'l'l I 1wII plli,,1' i1:--: ~af·rt'tl
ptlrtHl~ alill l'arl:!l\:p (If (Continued on Page 3.)
in this new series. another l'1ulIlee is :-;(llt'l·t iOll:-' IlJo:--t hl'al1t i r;ill", :--;'lI't,l" 11111' IlkIJat'l] :'Ilarl, Cahrey is one of the
offered. as at the next meeting. to he a g"otll1 :-:qll:Jr(\ IIIP:d. whill' lli:-; wif.. i;-;
(·11111 (':111 ht, ,lu:-,tly Jl !'tI I III 'of it:", "iIOl'lI~. nl'w,'OI!l.,rF to :'\arberth. arriving in awn\, ill 111t' (·(I11lltl','-. 'rllt' I'(dlllllll~ (If
held April I at the Fire House. froll! t () wn t hi' ,u -p], froll1 the Jefferson
-:\II'~, (;I'lll',~I·Ht':lII, 1hi' :l ft t'I'1HJOIi '~ Oil 1" T.I\\,l1 will l';('I'jl 0111' I'I':U\('I':-- ill
7 till 9. new sllllrps "an he tal,en Ollt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
~IH'a].:t'r, spokl' IJII 1'lIl'rt'1l1 l'\'t'llt-
;lilli' Hospital. wh"I't, Ill' made his first ap· tOll1"h win f"l'th,'1' oI"'l'llll'"I,'nt,.
in the Twenty·ninth Series hy paying
Mar('h and April dill'S, or $2 a share. :llId 'rul'l\:t',Y, w}dl'}1 W;h II I tl:--1 illll'r\'~l· I,,-alan"., 011 .\Iarch 10. 1!120. l\lother
ill~'. ~tr:-;. Ht':lll 1tll1l'IlI'd 011 Ill,' tl'ITihll' and haby an' lIoin!: ('xI'l'ellingly wplt. 1'\\"0 ('('titS. PPI' W01'I} if t'nsh fier'om-
Owing to the' gl"l'al llulllher of real pnnlt.s fit}"prtist'tllf'nt: otlll'1'wlse, fi\'(·
estate transaetlons laldllg place at this I'li;.!h1 lI1 tIll' ,\l'lIlt't1i:lll~ alld at 1111' PLAN EASTER DANCE.
do:-;p IJt' Ih l , 1I11't\1ill~ :l l'ollf'l'1ioll \\':1- If:t\t, ,\llil ,"0111' I111'llllll'I':.;hil' ('('nt~ liP!' word,
time. all the Building alltl Loan Asso· "·l,t'\\l'd

ciations have ahout 10HllPd ont their tal,,'n 1'111' 11", :'\.'al' I-;,,,t H"li"f Fnnd. illIh" \":lri'l.'rttl ('j,ll' ~\~:"tot'iatillll,1 Co:",t Bryn Mawr Hospital Affair on the
\\,hil·h i:-; ill l·llaq.!y of ~rl':-;. E. (', TO\\'1lt,~ of a yl·:ll'· . . Jllt.ll.ill'!',..:liip i~ *1.011. 15th of April.
available f\llllis '11lll premillms, and
commissions arp paid in sonl!' "ases in II"hll I"", h,-,'n 1I1'1'0inl<"\ hy th,' nlt'n,- An Easter dan,:c for the heneh!. or FOR SALE-Hull tul' <I.,,\{, sl'l'-lIdi<l
order to pIaN' mortgages on properties 111'1':" to a('t :1:-' ('lI~toc1iall of th('s(' 1'Ullr1:-:. Thl' \\'onlt'n·~ Commllllily Clnh will till' Sodal Servit-e Departl11l'nt of the '·Ollllitilln. *~(I, ~ltJIl1~ollll'r'y (1:tl'ngl',
that arl' heing purl"ilaSl'l1. If :111," 1II1'11I11l'1':-; lint prt ' :-;(' !I I would t':tI'I' givp a ,'ard party on April 10. at S Bryn :'IllIwr Hospital will be given on
The Narbel'lh Building aud Loan In g'l\"C' :1 ,1oJlnlioll fol' this Illllst worth,' p, ,\1., in Elm HaJI, which promises April 1;; at the :\Ierion CrIl'l,et Club,
Assol'iatior. has about all of its avail- oll.i".·t, :\ll'~, TOWill' will 1)(' ;.:1:\11 1'" to snrpass all their previous l'fforts in The ('ol11mittel~ in charge includes Miss
able funds loaned on first a1ll1 second hn "" il , .. nl to lter. this direclion. There will he tahles :\largaret.ta Harrison. 1Iiss Eleanor
mortgages on high·grade real estate, a .\t 1ht' "ll1:"'I' of tilt' lllt,t,tilq~' I'l't'n'slt, for ··bridge·· and "500." with many Robh. :\1Iss Anne Ashton, i\liss HlIth
large !1umh~'r representing homes being 1lIl'1I1s \\'t'l't' ~t'l'\·t'll In' 1l1('IIIIH"·:-; of tIll' hpautiful prizes. All who want a good Packard, Miss ;\Iary Tha~'er, Miss
paid for on the Building and Loan plan 11";;pit,llit.,, Committee. tillll, should gpt tlt-kets early from Virginia Hel"ksl'11el' and :\!iss Edith
In the borough of :'\arberth. :\Irs, Harry _-\. .Jacohs, chairman of I'\ewlin.
It is not generally understood that Ho;;pitality ('onllnittee.
payments can lIe IllrJde at any meeting
to red1H~e the amount of yom· Building
and Loan mortgage so that interest.
charges wiJI Ill' greatly r~du..ed. and it
The Women's Auxili- "lid :\1.1". LOllis Hrown. of
\\'"od"id,' an'II11", :'\ad,,'rth, ,'nt.'rtaill·
Two million dollars IJd'ol'e '·0111'
mencement is the goal set hy the l·om·
mittee in charge of the Bryn :llawr
is earnestly llrought t.o your attention
that should you have any available
funds wherell)' you could red uce the
ary Narberth Y.M.C.A. t'd tlit'it'
Wt)J't' ?torr,:;;.
('1"1'1-1)(,., ~illg-l"ton T:lY. :\1 r. aUIl :\rrs.
~IT, :11111
endowment ('ampaign, whil'h startet!
i\lon<1ay. The entire amount rai,pli
will he used to increase the salaries
FOR SALE-Halo.'· ('arriag-l'. whit,', full
('I,-n"'lIt :\I .. ('r"a, Mr. an,\ :\rr,. ('Iar- of the teaching staff of Br~·n :\Ia WI'
amount of your Building and I,oan College. 1'1'.'<1. Hl.... h m"oIt'. ;i:.?:.? lln<ljp~· ""l'.
•'n,'" (;all:Ig-I,,·r. ~rl". and :\rrs. S. ('.
mortgage hy maldng a partial pay·
ment.. it would not only be of benefit
to you hy redul'ing your interest
Th .. I'(-:.:nlnl' nlonthh' 11l"dill"- ",ill 1,,'
10,101 (Ill' )1 Olltlay, April 5th, at Ii
II '.·1.",1, I'rollli'tl.". ,\11 "o·nil"'I' allol
Iindoll'li. ~ntl. ;\r;~, Limln Kirk and
:\1 i", :\1:l1':':1I,'I'i1" Eil"l{. --_ ... _--- ESTATE OF WILLIAM B. GODFREY,
( ~4-1')

charges, hut woulll be an immense frit'JJd~ iJ1\'i1t ' d.

Hal"ry II:i I't I.",·. of 1'\arherth,
POLITICAL DEBATE late of th" Borough of Narberth. ,Il"
benefit to the eonllnunit~· hy increasing reased.-Letters of :lllmilliRtratioll ·c, t.
the funds that the Narberth Building "llt.-rtainl"\ at eal"tl, :\1 lin <1,\\- aftpr· Republican Party vs. Democratic
Rummage. TIll' follo\rili~ gUt':"t~ "';'I't' }In's- a. on the ahon~ .'~tatl~ having- bcen
and Loan Association would haye to 1111011.
party granted to the untlerRigned, nil persons
loan out on new mortgages, allpltca- \"t' art' g'llld to :H'kllowlpdg'e rt'l'l'ipt. pnt, :\11"". FI'l·d ,I. W:I\'lI('\'. :\rl". \\'il·
tions for which are heiug presented at lian' (;1"",'. :\Ir-, E.l\.. in ('. Town. :\rr,. Fn<1er thp "\""pi('('~ of 11", indebted to the said estate are request·
of :1 1l1111i11l'1' of hl)x('~ of I'UlIIlHap;C fronl
each meeting of the Association. OUI' t'ri"'IlI:-; and art' pl't.'pul'p,l to i"l'nd 1I:II"II]d 'r1"l,,'n. :\11",. (L H. :-;,'ft.oll~ :\rrs. CITIZE;NSHIP DEPARTMENT
ed to mllkc payment. nnd those ha"ing-
It is hoped that the April meeting Hanlloll,l .foll'",... :\11"'. lIuII"'r :\r.·\)ow· e1aims to pJ'l'Sput the SrtIllP, ,,·ithollt de·
al allv tillI .. for :ol.Ii1ional !'ontriltu, of the
will see the number of shares in the ,'il; :\ll"s. Thol'uton Gl"ng':lII, :'III'S. 1101"- lay. to
tiolls ·on r",·,'ipt. of phone l·alls, Xo. THE WAYNE TITLE & TRUST CO..
new Twenty-ninth Series reach the two lIill W. Ii:.?:; H, or lli-Hl W. a,· .. :\I"ort'. :\rrs. S:lulu,,1 T. Atht'l'holt WOMAN'S CLUB OF CYNWYD
thousand mark, whi,·h. together with and :\fl'" H, n. lIullt. of H:lll,lollfipl<1, Or to it;; Attornev, .
Mrs, Rosalie Loew Whitney FHEDlmIC R. 'CALVERT,
the payments on account of present i'\..1.
mortgages. should give the Associa- Sale of FlaVOling Extract. of :'\.'w York 612 Rpal ERtatc Trust Building,
tion funds to take care of all the "'(' han' a snpl'ly of flavoring- ex' 11" \'I' ~·"n (",-ad ,. Thf' Ohj.·.·t of th.' R('IJI·.'~entilll! till' Rl'}Jtthli,'au Prilade1phia. (24'c)
business In the borough. t I'Ht·t:--, \'uuilla, lellloll. aud ornJlgl'~ :'\arl,,'rtl1 (';,'i" "\",o";lItion." It is Xatiollal ""olllall', COTlllllitt('('
Don't forget Thursday evening. April "'hi"h w .. ot1'l'r for snl.· at thirt.v·th-e priut",l frolfl time t" time in the col· ESTATE OF ELIZABETH R. GOD·
1st, 7 tllI 9. at the Fire HOllse. ".'11 ts per two OUIO·p hot tie. Thl's ex' lITJ1I1S of tl,i" 1':'T"'I", and should he rend FREY, late of the Borough of Nar·
tract is mallufad IIrl'oI I,,· the Purit.v -an,] ...",,1 a~"in. Mrs. Antoinette Funk berth. dereasell. Let.terR of administra·
PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE. I'ro.lul'ls Co.• is lIoll·alo·oholic allll ltll·S tion d. b. n. c. 1.. a. on the above estato
Reprpselltill~the Democratic ha dng been gmntetl to the underRig-lIctl,
Program week March 29. 1920: Mon· h.... 11 ltig-hly \"(,.'olllm.. nd"d hy those of -:\[)'!". ("]nn'll"l) ~ill~lt'tnn 'ray. of E~~
ollr members \\'lto han' alrl'atlv used it. ,.'x a,,"nill'. :'\:,,·hrrth, .'ntl'rtninp<1 11er Xatjonal 'VonHtIl '8 COlllmittce all personR ind"lJted to tho said estate
day. MacLean & May in "Mary's
Ankle"; Tuesday. House Peters in "You All IIJ('mbers of thl' Auxiliar\' will be se\\'in" (·llIh Inst. Tups.lav afternoon. of \Vashingtoll are requested t.o make payment, allll
Nevel' Know Your Luck"; \Vednesday. prepared to suppl,v you. 01' if you use TlJ(' rollowi Iltr Illflnl hl'lr~ ,,:prl' prc!'"Pll t: those huving claims to present tho same,
THURSDAY, APRIL 8TH, wHhout delay. to
her latest and best picture. Norma :IllY of the pltolll' I'all' sperifil'd above Mrs. RIIlll'rt Ros~, :l\ln'. B. Broolte, l.frR. 8.15 P, M.
Talmadge in "She Loves and Lies": for rUIIBllag-c, we \\'il1 he glad to sen·e RC'r],ert rl"o~;;. l\[r~. RohU\ll A1C'xanller, THE WAYNE TITLE & TRUST CO.,
Thursday. alI·star cast with Crawford you a t once. ~Irs. Hnhprt Brown. Mrs. George Dan· BALA·CYNWYD AUDITORIUM Or to its Attorney,
Kent in "Other Men's Shoes"; FridaY IJenhlH'r. :l\Ir;;. Harold :\finpr, )[r,. Au· FREDERIC B. CALVERT,
Tickets, Admitting Two, $1.00 612 Real ERtato Trust Building,
and Saturday, Mabel Normand In thom' Fplix. :l\{r;;. Herhprt CroR, aud
"Mickey." Admission, 22 cents to all. Time to look up thosp garden tools. Mr~: .T, B. Rutll'li1fe. Prilndelphiu. (24,e)
Telephones, Of course. ".
Ar. Exp~riment in Cfl-operative
1268 HOWARD'S deliver - aDJ
Journalism-No Paid Workers. JOHN ALBRECHT The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned and Published every Saturday A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. Florist and Nurseryman
Rubscription price olle dollar and lift,}'
Icnts per year ill advance.
Floral Work-Decorations NOTICE!
April 24, 1919.
Call Narberth 1633
24 Hour Service
President-Mr. ,Joseph H. Nash.
Vice·Presidcnt-Mr. .Iames Ar.hnan,
Mr. A. J. Loos, IIlr. H. .1. Dothard.
8ecretar,}'-Mr. R. .1. Edgar.
Treasurcr-l\-[is;; l\fllizie Simpson.
Direetors--Mr..J. .r. Cuurey, .l\frs. C. PLANTS-FLOWERS We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
P. Fowler, Mr. H. H. Hillegas, l\fr. Chas.
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. H. D. Hall, Mr. H. Lilies Azaleas Roses Hydrangeas Narberth Real Estate
A. ,Tacobs, :Mr. P. A. Lanahan, Mr.
Daniel Leitch, MI'. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. Hyacinths Daffodils Tulips and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
J. Nesper, Mr. Eo A. l\rnscl~alllp, Mr.
Begonias Geraniums to Answer Your Requirements
Fletcher W. Stites, MI'. A. E. Wohlert.,
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. This office does a strictly brokerage business and has no par-
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, l\frs..James A large display will be made at our Nurseries. Visit ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
roate. buyer unbiased information regarding any particular property.
our Greenhouses where they are grown.
Oar Re/,rences-Anyone with whom we have done business
Editor. t I
Real Estate Broker
Mrs. Ray E. Clark, Henry Rosc,
W. T. Melchior A.•1. Laas,
Associatil 'itors. "You'll Like It " MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE
Residence, 104 Grayling Avenue. Narberth

Re.idenc:. Phone: Narb.rth 605

Cashier. Rainey-Wood
Send all advertising and news items to
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is 011 sale at the depat
" Domestic" CokeOrder now from your dealer
newsstand, and at t.he stare of H. E.
Entered as sccand-cluss mattilr
Octaber 15, 1914, at. the Post Office at :
Price chuted, $9.50 Carried $10.00
Horace S. Boyd
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
Interior 1)ecorator
Coal Prl'ces { ~~~tve"::::::::::::::: .s~;:~~
af March, l8i9.
--_._----------- Egg 11.75 Paperhanging and Painting
Pea 9.50
OUR TOWN will gladly print
50c. per ton extra far carrying in. Now located at
any news it'lm abaut any SUbject
that is af interest to Narberth j

folks, but in Order to meet the 104 Forrest Avenue Narberth

printing schedUle, all "copy" BELL PHONE; NARBERTH 3156
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
New Show Room and Shop
SATURDAY, March 27, 1920

Fire, 350 r=:==,.
Police, 1250
Everything needed for the Garden. Greenhouse. Lawn nnd Farm. inc1udID~
TilE "BUYS" OF YESTER· YEAR: the best varieties of V~etableand Flower Seeds. Lawn Grass Seeds, Faron
A JI\·e-~·par·uld tlul1al" Is \\'Ul"! h " hal(-
dollar 110W, lIl:lyhl' Il':'" S, and lil~('wiSl' till'
liff' in:-;t1l'llllt'P polky of otlu'J' dnys now
List Yours with BENT T. HYBERG Seeds, Roses, Dahlias, Hardy Perennials and other Plants, Garden hi!-
plemenrs. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rollers, Fertilizers, Insecticides, etc••
falls far :-;lIol'f 01" Its ol'I~lllal IJlll')lnsl', 1 t Will tell )lOllhow to obtain the best result. from
won't lit.' you wllo will Ipt it- I't'lIIaill tIlls
W:l.\". 1'01' thPl't"S all pas)" :Iud dll':l}) war to
NARBERTH STATION your bom. Rarden.
hring' it I'lg'ht 111' 10 \\,11PI'I' it' 111'1011;'::', :
Call or Write for a cop:v-FREE
Don't fOl'~('t tn ('all IIlI' lip. Phone: NARBERTH 1713 HENRYA.DREER 714-1b Chestnut 5t'lPbila.
P. O. Box 3ri~.
20.) Fort's!,
~nl'lwrth :;--1-1 H. •

· O'er the Wrecks of Time" IS the Cross
Roger Babson, the famous statistician, in a recent speech at the City Club in Philadelphia on the present
financial status said that not balances of trade, nor pe r capita circulations, nor exports and imports, nor bank
deposits, etc., was the world's greatest need, but RELIGION.
The Cross of Calvary is the heart of real religion. That is why yaU-whoever you are, professing
Christian or not, connected with any church or not, are invited to the
A week of "looking unto Jesus, who .... for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.
Hebrews .12: 2.
·i..i~·From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, March 28th to April 4th, at 7.45 P. M. Every evening. The
Pastor, Rev. John Van Ness opens with a sermon on "That Sychar Revival."
- I -------.--------.---
Dr. David S. Kennedy, Editar of the Rev. C. C. Tyler, Pastor Trinity Pres- Mr. George Innes, the well-knoWll Mrs. A. W. Kamell, Hallle Depart- Dr. W. B. Anderson, Missionary Sec-
Philadelphia Presbyterian, Ol~ , 'The byterian Church, Chestnut Hill. Mr. Philadelphia business leader, an "WlIy ment Secretary of tlle Interuatianal retary of the United Presbyterian

I 'SlUlCiay School Association, an "The I Board, on "The Meaning of the Cross."

Atanell1ent. ' , Tyler made a profoWld impression upan I Stopped Getting Rich." A great ad-
, Responsibility of the ClIristian Home." An appropriate Good Friday message
Miss Anna Bader renders two salas. I a previal\S visit to Narbertll. dress on Stewardsllip.
A woman of beauty, charm and spir- by a former missionary to India and a
The Ledger says she bas a remarkable I Special selection by our talented The Women's Sextette furnishes spe- I itual power. former resident of Narberth.
. lyric soprano voice. I tenor, Lieut. H. G. Spark. cial music fOr the evening.
! Special selections by the Mell's I
Special music by tlle Clmrcll Quar-
Quartette. tette.
The pastor concludes with a Resurrection sermon Easter Sunday morning. These services are held
under the auspices of the Men's and Women's Adult Classes.
uuc, and next Friday at 2 P. M. at 224
lona avenue. LEE'S GARAGE 48,000
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on DrugStores Sell It.
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. BAPTIST OHUR.CH OF THE all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing Five million people
EVANGEL. Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies use it to KILL COLDS
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.
Rev. Avery S. Denuny, B. D., Pastor. Narberth 180S L. C. SHAHAN. Prop. BILL'S
Spr\'itf's on Palm Sunday, ?I[al'ch 28,
Merion Meeting is open for worship
every First-day morning at 11 a 'clock.
!J.:~O-Pl'aYl'r SCl'ViC·fl.
of five years each; Albert G. Stephen-
son and F. M. Justice, for termti of
to the committee was unanimously
We cUldially welcome any visitors Who fi.4 :i--8nn'dn \. Schoo!. four years each; Walter Y. Sha\\", for The meeting also elected the fol-
a term of three years. lowing officers for the ensuing year:
desire to worship with us. ] LOO-l\[ol',;illg' worship, S,'nllou by
Ihe pastor. Speeial mnsic by the choir. The reorganIzation of the Tennis As· President, A. J. Newell; vice-presIdent, BROMIDE
First day school opens at 10 A. M. soclation and the creation of the Board Robert E. Pattison, Jr.; treasurer, Standard cold remedy for 2D years
Classes are held for both adults and 7.UU-,Youllg' I'popl(' 's meetillg'. Tho -in tablet form-safe, lure. no
pastor will ~i\'l' thirt,)· minntes' Christ- of Trustees does not in any way affect Arthur G. Staples; secretary, Jesse opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
chill1ren. Those in teresteu are invited the present plan of government of the Harris; Board of Government, Perry hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
to attend. ian teachin~ illustr:lteu with ohjeets Money back if it fails. The
with mechllJli"al aliI! magie efreC'.!s. A Association. The president, vice-presi· Redifel', Sr., E. A. Muschamp and A. T.
genuine box has a Red
,pl','ial jnbilPe otr"ring will lIl' 1'," dent, secretary and treasurer and Board Grugan. top wit h Mr. Hill's
cl'iYl'd. of Government will continue to have picture.
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. entire charge of the management of A t A II Drul1 Store.
7.4;i-}<;\'l'ni 1Ig- wor"h ip. .lllustra I",!. PLAN TO BEAUTIFY MAIN LINE.
sermon on th" subject, ,. Christianity the Association, the maint.enance of
t hl' 0111\' }'o III III a t ion of All True Lih·
courts and cluh house, the control of
Rev. R. F. Oowley, Rector. playing-courts and grounds, the making
erty." 'Sixty beautifully colored stl'r- To Try to Make Section One of Most

A ~S~VT~.~!A
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 ('opticon lantern slidl'~ will be lIsed to of rules and the appointment or elec·
tion of the regular standing commit- Picturesque in World.
to October 31 at 6.30 A. 111. From No· illustrate the thelllc. tees. In other words, the function of Plans are maturing to make the Main
vcmber 1 to ~farch 31, at i A. M. Late 'rhf' choir. 11I111,'1' thl' ,li",'ct.ion of :-11'. the Board of Trustees wlll he exclu- Line, from Overbrool{ to Malvern, one
\\ralt PI' ?If. ]("l'lwr". }Ius. 13ae... will ren- Finest Photoplay The-
Mass, 10.00 A. .M:. throughout the year. sively the working out and the execu- of the most picturesque districts in atre ot lis Size In the
(]PI' se]PcliollS fl'OIll :\falllldl'l"s cantata. tion of the necessary financial plans the world. EnUre World.
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 "Olivd to (·aI\'III'."." both 11lOl'lIill,U and the development of the ne\\" project Details are said to be contained in a Pb.toplays-Conllnuous 10 A. M. to 11.3'
A. M. Weekdays at 8. E\'ening devo- HIll1 ev('ning.
up to the point where it is ready to he I'eport just received by the Main Line P.M.
tions and other services at regular Thl\l'C ,yill he t'lJn'p gT(l:lt 5f'I',"jPI 1 S ill
turned over to the Associat.ion. Citizens' Association from Frederick
this "hllr"h Ellst"r :-;ullda.". COllllllllll' The Association deeided to Inc-rease Law Olmstead, Boston, landscape en- Phlla., Pa.
times. ion ~l'l'\"i('t' t]\(, lIIorlling. H(~I'Pptit)lI
ill its membership for the coming season gineer, employed to make a survey. It
of n",," nlf'lIlbcrs and special Easter of 1920 from GO to 80 and to iucrease Includes a park and thoroughfare sys-
III lIsi,' by Ihe choi r. Easter exercises the anual dues for membership from tem for at least two miles on each sidc
METHODIST EPISOOP AL .cHURCH. of Ihf' S'III11lny School in the nft,'rlloon, $10 to $15. With the completion and of the Main L!ne.
•• The Little Church on the Hill." a lid ill Ihe eV('lIi Il g' Easter lIlusic anel opening of the seven new courts the PROGRAM
C]lristiall haptislll. membership will be increased to 125
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M. Ynu \,ill he "1'1,,01111' 10 llll~' or all of and the annual dues will be inl'reased Phone, Narberth 1687
1h('SII :-:t·r\-il·t'~. to $20. In voting to increase the mem- WEEK of MARCH 29
fl.~5 A. ?It-Bunday School.
for nIl ag"'·s.
11 A. ~f.-~[orllill~S"rvi,,(', S,'rlllon


bership from GO to 80 for the present
season, the meeting heartily approved
the following recommendation made hy
the special committee:
by thf' lll'W pastor, the He\'. Arthur S.
"·al1s. fOI'llI,'r!y pastor of the Norwood
COURTS AND CLUB HOUSE. "Relative to the recommended in-
crease in memhership, your committee
lIIethodist Episcopal Chllrch. IJ,~ is a
,·,'ry sur"ossful pastor and Narberth is (Continued from Page 1.) is well aware that this may cause con-
very fortunate in having him as the gestion of the court space available
during the 1920 playing season an,l
INSURANCE ."The Little Shepherd
suceessor 10 Re,·. F. M. Gray. Mr. additional courts and the completion of
"'ails \\'ill prclll·h Oil '''['h" 'friUlllphal will necessitate an exercise of self-
the club house will be carried forward
Entry." Spf'rial lllusi" 1>y Ihf' ,·hoir. as rapidly as, possi]}le. denial on the part of members "hould
the full limit of playiug mem hers he
NARBERTH. PA, of Kingdom Come"
:J P. :-L-Childl'l'n's Church. O"r.ject At the present time there is on the reached. However, your eOlllmittee
talk by th" new pastor. 8p"cial Illusic new site a wooden and sheet-iron finds that such a number of memhers
In- til(' ,'"ster] choir.
' i P. :\[.-!·;pwort h L"a;!lI'·. .\ Ii ",'
111f'etin~ for Yotlng l'(loplpo
story-and-a-half barn, approximately
80 x 30 feet, built on a substantial
stone foundation. The plan drawn up
by the special committee and approved
will be required in order to finance
properly the proposed acquisitIon of
the new grounds, and feels justified in
7.15 P. :-f.-}<;""lIi,1" sf'!'Yi"". 1'11f' urging all playing memhers to sacri- In the following homes:
new pastor \\'ill JlI'(,:Il'h~OIl "Cah'ar~·." hy the Association mem bel'S provides fice temporarily, if necessary, during AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. :II., 12.00, 2.00,
All nrc \\'"ICOlllf' to thf's,' sf'n'i,'ps, alld 1"01' the remaking of this structure into this year, some of their enjoyment of 8.~5, 5.45, 7.~5, 9.80 P. JI.
cspcch 11.,· to 1llf'f'1 t hf' nf'W pln;\ or, \\'ho a modern club house containing, in ad- the courts, to the end that all may
208 Grayling Avenue
\\'ill 1>f' au illspiring- leaner. dition to the locker-I'ooms and showers enjoy the benl'fits thereof in thl' 34 Avon Road
for men and women, bowling-alleys, future."
"'f'(lncsnay, 8 1'. :-f.-Pra~"'r Illpf't·
billiard and pool room and a dance The new tennis grounds and club
36 Avon Road
illg. Ip,l by the Ill'W past"r. COllle alld
p:i '"t' h itn a royal Wl,lCOIlH\.
/loor. There are a number of fine old
trees on the tmct of land, only a few
of which will have to be sacrificed in
house will he financed through the
sale of Participating Ownership Cer-
tificates, which will be issued in de-
100 Avon Road
the building of the courts, leaving a nominations of $50 and \\'hich may he
Raymond Wei.s, Proprietor
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. sufficient number of these trees to Cll'
hance the attractiveness of the property
purehased on the instalment plan, afler
the same manner in which the various
Rev. .John Van Ness, Minister. and afford shade around the club house
~r"f'tiug-" for Palll: Rnn,ln.,·: verandas.
issues of Liherty Bonds \\'ol'e sold.
There will be two different types of JOBBING ALTERATIONS
fl.45 A. ?\L-Sull'la,\' Schoo!. ~7S pl'es- In recommending the plan the com- these certificates. The first yl'ar it is Telephone Narberth 1633
('II t last. Sunda)-. mittee stated that. they found the planned to issue at least forty non-
11 A. 1If. --1I[ornillg' wOl'ship. 1"'1'-
mOil 111l'IIIl', "Thl' 'fl'iu\lIl'halElltl'.'·."
owners of the new land, Messrs. Stites,
Loos and Hires, decidedly receptive
interest-bearing $50 certificates, which
it Is expected will be tal,en hy tIle
Clarence A. Speakman
TIll' Chllr"h Qllartl'ttt' will rPlloel' sPP- and friendly towards the Association members of the Association, and at
('ia1 Illusi,·, in"ltu1in~ "The Pal \liS. " and glad to have the opportunity of- least forty 6 per cent. interest-hearing Carpenter and Builder
fered them of assisting the Tennis certificates, which may be purchased
4 P. :-f.-Examilllltioll of commnui· Association in securing a permanent by anyone--in or out of the Associa-
callt~' r,la:,,~ hy th(' S('~sinll. Hplatiyf's Phone 1652·R Narberth
home. tion-WhO is 1001{ing for a good in-
:-lIul fri"ll,]s iuviler!. vestment or who feels that they would
After approving the special commit-
6.45 P. lII.-,lunior C. E. 1ll"t'!ill~, tee's plan, the Association adopted a I!l{e to co-operate with the Tennis As-
:-ll's. Trowhl'idge, sllperinteudl'nt. L
nUluber of necessary amendm,ents to sociation in the development of the
7 P. 1If.-8eniol' C. E. L"nd,'I'. :-[i,s the constitution and by·laws of the new grounds and club. Payment for
.A 1I1iH I;"J'\" t l".
7.4;' P.
1 .
~L-First 1J\l'l't illg' 01" Ihf'
Association. Under one of these amend-
ments there was created a Board of
these certificates may be made as fol-
lows: $5 per month per $50 certificate COOK BROS.
("'lillin;! :-:f'l'yjr'PH to 1w 11(1111 d'uring' Holy Trustees of five members, and this during April, May, June and July, and
250 Haverford Ave.
.. ----
\\'",,]e ;\[1'. Yall N,'ss will ]'r0:\('h on board will have entire control of the $6 per month during August. Septem-
"Thnl S~'char Re,'i\'nl. ,. filHtncial arrangements for the acquisi- ber, Octobel', November and Decemher
Church Notes. lion of the new property and develop- of this yeaI'. Additional Participating

:-Ieplillgs at 7.45 e"ery e\'Cning dul'-

ment of the same, and is empowel'cll
to appoint from time to time, and for
Ownership Certificates will be issued
during 1921 and 19~2.
ing 1101.,' 'Vet']c ~(le ~lH\llial Jloti ... rl~.
It h:l~ ])f\(l11 (]p{,idl'l] 1d lHlgin SUllda,\"
such periods as they may deem ne"es-
sary, Stich special committees as may
In investigating pOtisible sites or in
preparing and perfecting the plan
Sl'holll 11l'1"'aft"r at !1.·15 A. ;\r. illsll'atl
of 1(1 .\. :\f. This lI'ill g-i,'" lJ\or,' tilll('
be needed. The Board of Trnstceti
shall he responsible to the memhership
which was adoptcd, the special com-
mittee, aided hy Chairman Hall, spent
fill' t h(' SI ud,' of the IpSSOll. of the Association. The followin/'; many hours in meetings. interviews
Co1tag"\) J:l'aypl' JlI(\ptiJl~=-, Ilf'xt 'Y,'d· members were elected trnstees: "'. R. and conferences, and at the meeting, PHONE, 302 J JOBBING
ups,lny at ~ 1'. M. at :l1~ \Voo,lsi'],' a"e- D. Hall and C. L. \Varwick, for terms Frillay evcning, a reSOlution 01" thanks

?!j ~
~ ~

Why Blankets and Comforts Need Washing Now !
% Our ideas about many familiar things develop as we move along. If blankets and comforts were washed Bi/,
~ once a twelve-month a. century ago, our forefa.thers thought it was SUfficient. ~
~ %
~ Now we know that these bedclothes become soiled, even if to the eye they may seem sanit:lory enough. ~
~ ~
ii:: If you would your blankets and comforts as spotless and iIllmaculate as your other bed linen, send them ~
~ to us. We employ a special method of lalmdering that makes them ligllt and fresh, that gives them a wonderful ~

~ fillftlilless. ~
~ 0
~ Our Illethod of drying frees blankets and comforts from every impurity-gives to them tlle feel and look that ~
~ n\1,ture bestows when they are dried in the sunshine on a sUlllmer's day. ~
I %
~ Send us such of your comforts and blankets as you can spare the next time our representative calls for your ~
I~ family washing. Or, telephone, and we will our man stop in when next he visits your neighborhood.
I ~
I ~
I ~
~ ~
% ~

~ ~
~ ~
~ Bell Phone, PRESTON 5576 313-27 North Thirty-second Street, Philadelphia ~
~ ~


lollol··on Ind Afttr April 1st
WALTON BROS. Frank Coradetti Paper Hanging and Decorating OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED

Phone 672 tOO ESSEX AVENUE 212 Merion Avenue s. E. Corner Woodbine and W,lliams AYe.
BOl< 596, Narberth
Pasteurized Milk
Bryncl°'rJilkCertilled WEST PHIU.
(Pedrlalle Soelet;v) OVERBROOK
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered.
Contractor in Hauling, Cotter's Market Spe·elal .. Guernsey"

Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. Cement Work. Labor and (Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA.CYNWY
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
all work requiring services Cream Bultermllk ARDMORE
Country Dressed Veal and Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
NEW CHESTER WATER COMPANY of experienced men in the Pork, Sugar Cured Hams Cream.
(CHESTER, PENNA.) upkeep of lawns and gar- and Bacon
Two Year Six Percent Secured Note.
DATED MARCH l .. t. 1920 DUE MARCH l .. t, 1922
Ft.e of PeDna. State Tas aad Normal Income Tax (up to two percent)
You will find our prices right SCOIT-POWEtt DAIRIES
PRICE 97~ AND INTEREST, TO PAY 77;: % Groceries and Provisions 45th and Parrish Sts.
Member Phlln. Stock Exchanlle HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB-
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
28 Soutb Third St., Pbiladelphia SRIPTION TO OUR TOWN? H. C. FRITSCH HARRY B. WALL
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
PupertJes For Rent and Sal. and Heating
Fire Insuranee ,
. BeU Phone Ii! If. Phone, Narberth 319 J

W.IU BuDding. Narbertll. P..


Frank Reginelli
Easter Novelties Narberth Shoe Store
DAVIS' Repair Shop
The Narbertb Electric Shop
Will 80lve .11 your electric trouble..
we wirc old houses like new quickly and without
darnaRe. Let us estimate on your work. We caD
save you money on fixtures, portables, floor lamps
and appliances, Henry & Compton
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
PhODe. Narberth 395 W
Steam and Hot Water

W E are asking for adequate

rates. That the revenue
derived froni the pre..war rates
U 123 South 17~ S!. Philadel~ ~
Bell Phone, 661 J

now in effect does not Ineasure

up to the high costs of 1920 is
very plain. Narberth Register
Two Linea, IOc per ilJlJue; 5c for each additional line
"But," you ask, "how about those
important improvements and discover-- Gottshall, II. K. I'nulle Acconntant; 'I.'IIX MILK
Ilcott-I'owelJ IJlllrle•• Pbone, Preeton 2398.
Hel'orts, Andit_, pte., aeeoull'lishcd. 303 See display advertlflement In tblll lI.aue.
ies that have come about during the ('on way nveuup. ~al·bt.~rth, Pa.
Keirn. 11. C. Certilled Publlc Accountant. MUSIC
202 Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth 100·W.
last few years-'automatic' telephones, AUTO~IOBILES.
LOOM, I'-RUIlS II.. Piano tC'ucller.
~ttHli". Are,,,i,' llldJ;, Phone, 3lti-J,
Leel' Gara&'e--Repalrlng. Etc, Phone. 1606.
circuits over which several long dis.- SarlJerth (;ara.,;e. Phone l'a"lJl'rttJ lG33,
:-;()TAItY l'UIILIC.
"eJl'eri~ti, .I. II. III ~arLJerth ave.
~"e dlsJlhl~' lH!\,.'rllsl'lllellt III this issue. Phone, 666.M,
tance conversations may be held simul-- Au'rO~IOHII.E SElt\'ICE ~inlJ)son, JlllrrJ-· A. ~a:! l';s~ex Avl'.
Cent'orc, Sable. Phon~, 672. PhOJl(I. ="llrlJel'th O:Hi.
taneously, and so on? Aren't there S"c display ad,'crtl_l'lI11'nt ill this issul'. T)'8on, Warren n, Phone. Naruel'th 1:l02. 'Yo
some short cuts you can make at this Alerlon Title & TruKt Co. Phone, Ardmore •.
See dlspla)" advertisement In tbl. laeue.
Fenton. Carl F. 606 Eseex ave. Pbone, 618- \l\'
Phlla. &ddre.., 1108 CbeltDut at. Locu.ot IU.
tim.e towards bringing about a fair bal-- BUIUlERS
ShUlld, Alex. C .. ,Jr. Phone. No. InD.
Zentma)'er, ,Jooeph. ~~8 S. 15tb st .. Pbll&,
Narhcrth StlltlOll. PAINTERS
ance of inCOll1e and outgo?" SII1~<Ile~·. \\'111. n. & U. T. Phone. 600, Walzer, Frcd.
117 Winsor ave. Pbone. 1247-J.
See display advertisement In thtll hU1U6.
Unfortunately, no! For while we are Davl •• 11. E. Phon •• 1264-W. Witte, Goo. A. Fairview &ve.
See display advertisement In thll luue, See Displa~' Adl·ertlsement in tbis issue.
planning all of these things as rapidly as h·~' Candy ShOI',
:!HI HlIv('rford Ave, Phone, Narberth no:;.
"Arcadia," 16tb and Cbestnut Ill•.• PbU..
possible, not for several years can they CAHPENTERS AND BUILDERS
"en kin., Cha.. L.
See dteplay adverthu~ment In this t.,ue.
103 Dudley Phone, 3S2-M. I'LUIIIBINO, ETC.
be placed in ·general widespread use. Slleallmon. Clarenee A. Phone lG:i2-R. Conk
Uros. I'holle 1~10 .J.
display lldvertlsement In thl. illne.
See dlsplllY a,l\'Crtiselllent In this iasne.
COAl. ASll COI{E. Wall, U. B. Phone. 319-J.
Take "automatic" telephones as an Cook, C. J'. I'hOIlf', 1'1lrhHth 302-,).
See di_plny ,"!\'('rlls"lllent in this issue,
See advertisement In thll Illue,
exall1ple. Building interiors nlust be COSTltACTOn.
Caradettl. I'rank. Phone I'lll'lwl'th 16S11.
('aid well. J. A. Phone. HlSi
See display advertl.ement In thll IIIU•.
~ee displllY'rtiSl'Ill('nt in this issue.
changed, entire central office equip-- Frlt8eh, n. C. Phone. 262-W.
CONTJtACTOlt ()}o' PLASTEltJNG Sec advertisement In thl8 Illue,
.'rntnntonl, Jilmes. ,. 80n8.
ments nlust be replaced, likewise tele-- ~:l!J Hampden live, Pholle. 1Glli· W.
Ibher!:', Bent T. Phone 1713.
See display advertisement in tllis issue.
DENTISTS Nasb, Robe" .J. PhoDe, 606.
phone instrunlents-and altogether it Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood &v. PbODS, ns·w.
Phll&, Phone, Filbert 4262. Keltb B1dlr.
Money for Flrlt &nd Second MOrlKalru.
Simpson, Jam"" C. 232 aVe,
llr. ,J. n. Ludwll:' 100 Forrest Ave., Nar-
will take years of time and ll1illiollS of l)('rth, I'll. Office hours: 8,30 to 5.30. Open
Phone, 636, or 1420 Cheslnut It,
evcnlng's. Phone. 170s. Jl,OOFING. ETO.
dollars. SehembM, Dr••John. Phone Narberth 310-
Cor, Grll~'ling and 'Vlndsor aves.
'V. Garll-lIleGlnley Co. Phone, 12G8·W.
See advertloement In tbl. 1.lue.
Olliee Hours until !l P. ~1. dolly, Hiller, .Jobn A. 243 lona &ve. Phone. 661-J.
We have already adopted e'very pres-- DRUGGISTS
Howard'.. Phone. 1267.
Shop, 246 H&verford &ve. Phone. lUG.,1.
ent possibility for econOll1Y and effi, See display ad verll.ement In this lo.ue.
Good Wear Slloe Uel.alr tlhop.
Con.tantlne, B. O. ~:;~ Ha\'erford ll\·C.
CaKe, n·. G. Phon(', 3!15- W.
ciency in the conduct of the business. See dlspla~' advertis('lllenl ill this issue.
Phone. l\'arberth 1700- W.
ReglneUl, I'-rank. ~09 Ha\'crford nve.
Pugb, Veri 226 lona ave.
N&r, Phone. 660-W. Ard, Phone. 161·J. See display advertisement in this iaBue.
Today it is a question of securing FiSH AND OYSTERS STOCli A~J) BOND BnOKERS.
Imperial Grocery Co. Phone, N&rbertb 606, Wm, G., & Co. Philadelpllin.
sufficient revenue to meet present costs. INSURANCE
1J0wman, Samuel P. (Life.)
Sce display advertisement in this issue.
That is all that is asked. 116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 668·W.
",one., 'Vrn. J. 103 S. Narberth &v•. Pbone, Premost, H. Phone. 12M·,).
Sce dlsplay advertisement In this 18Bue.
680.J. Phll&, addr.... Penn Mutu&l Bldg,
Trott.·r Dro8. (Fire, etc.)
209 Wood.lde &ve, Phone. 1262·R, The &bove dep&rtment Ibould be of tb.
Wimer, "'m. 'Vood. 106 Forest Avenue. gre&teet Use to tbe community, the lilt con·
phoIle, 320 n, t&lns the n&me of every profe..lon&l man,
LAUNDRY. tradesman. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc.. wbe
Penn.)'h'anla Laundry Co. Phlladelpbin. doee or can In any W&y 8erve bll fellow·
~I''' dlsplny advertisement in tbis issue. town8m&n, and Who 18 prolrre..lve enoul'b
LAWYERS to add n&me to lilt of Rel'later.
Gilroy, .John 211 Eleex ave. Phone. U46·R. As It 18 dlmcult for tbooe contrlbutlnl
The Bell Telephone Company Phll&. &ddre.I, Lincoln Bldg.
Iltltel, Fletcber W. 4l I H&verford ave.
their time &nd etrortl to tbe production ot
"Our Town" to peroon&lIy eltber know or
Phone, 372-W Phil.. addr8l1, Croaer Bldl', Interview &11 luch, It would be moat help-
of Pennsylvania LIGHTING J!'IXTtlBES
McDonald .Jobn. Narberth phone. 1288.
ful If thOle not now found In tba prtDt~
lI8t would lend In & memo of thatr Dam...
1631 Chest. It.. Phil.. Pbone, Spruce 1188. addre81. phone nurnben &nd bualna_o or
~IEATS, ETC. profe..lonl for lIatinl'. Thll wIll ooat &II fol·
Cotter, Bo"ard F. Phone, 1213. 10wI: 10 cenu e&Oh I..ue for I linea: I eeDte
See dlaplay &dvertll.ment In tbla ....... for e&Ob &ddltlonal ltn••

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