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Send In Fireside
ltel1'ls SAVE LIVES J

I Community Club Notes




Thl'\' 111'(' all tl,,'I'I', 1111 " th,' ",·i,rh.

hors~" (Ill :I htJs~· JlIorlliug', ](,:t\'illg' thl1ir
work for a hit of j'ril'ndl~- g'o"il'. Awl
th('.\' find it-arrivillg 011 th,' i.,iS. :-;Ud1 '
pJ'('par:t~i()llS for l'l't'l'ivillg' it as to ('Ol))·
pll'tl'ly tl:JJ1sforlll a day! nl':lndllla'~
(':11'1'l'1 rag's t:du' on :tll addl'll in1l'),l':-\t;
~II';-:. Tl'ot forgl'ts-llo1 llXHt,t I." t'org"t.'ts,
hut I'athl'r igllol','s-that bnfTalo hug
c-li,"hill;": 111' into hl'r parlor "urtains;
.\Irs. ~I Irall ,'pa,,'s to "olllplaill of her
lalllP liacl\.; P\'I'll :.\11':-\. Ahpl lIPglt'l·ts,
1I0t 11I1I"h. hut ,iust a hit, hl'r wl'ck's
iroJliJlg, "'hill' Ezra filltl:-; tillll' for ser\'-
ie·t', and ]><,tp1' for ]ovp.
Ej~llt lllt..'JIIIl('J's of thp \V·OIIIlIJl ~s C0111·
'llunit.'· ':luh are' gi\'ing the pla.\- in the
illt"rl'st of ('Ilih adi\'itil's, Hl'hl'arsaJs
aI'<' hping hl'ld lwo aft,'rlloolls a week
1111.1,,1' thl' dil'l'dioll of :'III'S. :\orlllan
:--;outhworth. :o;tagl' I'rol'ertil's arc be-
illg gath"I'<',l 1'1'0111 kil,'hl'n alld atti .. for
(;l'all,IJlla alll! [n,'z, for ~Irs. ElIs\\'ol'th
'111.1 Ezra, :--;tridh· fl'1I1inilll' women
aI'" stlldi"usl~' \\'a1c'1;illg stridl.\· masell-
lilll' 1111'11 in thp hop,· of illl·n'as.. ,l ahil-
it.,· ill "l'l':,rish))'iJlg'" h~' look :lllil gl'S·

Enlarged Building and New Parish Narberth Business lul'l' th"s., maslpI'I'1I1 ,lolllillatilig Illla1i-
ti,'s, As if slldl illdi"atiolls of power

Section Swept by had l'a,'Sl'd Ullohsl'l'vl'd hithprto!

"Tht' :\('ighlt()r~" is Olll' of thl' "'"is-
House For All Saints Church Big Conllagation
{'ollsin plays :-00 popul:lr at Pl'l'~(,lIt, :Inti
is ('''lIsitll'I','d h\' that falllous mid,\\,,,st-
PI'Il dr:llll:ltic' o'rganizatioll 011l' of tlll'ir
ACCORDING TO PHILADELPHIA 111'1" Ill' "l,taill,'d frOl1l Iiny 1Il1'lIll,,'r of
CHOIR AND ASSEMBLY RO OMS WILL BE PROVIDED th,,' ('OIIllIlUllih' <:llIh, 01' 1'1';1111 the tl'<'as-
UI'I'I' of lh,· 1';lItl'rtailllll"lIt Co'lIl1littee,
The H"dol' alld Y('~tI'Y of' .\11 :O;aillts lift' HlId for its \\"or1dllg (\l'g'nlliz:\1itlll~, ":'III'S. E. H. Co,'krill, ~();; FOI'I' a\·l'lIue.
:'Ilally Xal'i"·l'thit.,s WI'I',' sUl'l'ris,'d ',0 DOlI'l forgl't. th,' first 1111,1 olll~' pel'-
Prot('stallt El'is"o!",al Chun·h. :'Ilollt- alld its "hoiI', ,rith the snl'p11'1I1l'nt a 1'.\' rl'ad in til" l'hillldl'll'hia J'lll,,'rs ~Ionday fOJ'lllall('p hy this eOlllpallY at thl' ~,'hool
gOJlll'ry :111(1 \\","JlIH'\\'O()(] A Y('lIl1t':--, 11a '"P huy I'hoir "'hie']) i~ lloW lH'ing 11':liIl'.'II, 1I111I'IIIJlg all H('('iJlIllt ut' :t :-'('I):-,,:lt ion:d .\utlitOJ'lUIII, }'rida~-, ,\pril ~!l, ::; 1'. ":'II.
,in~t alillolllll'e(l thp plall for the Parish
lIonsp an,l t~ll' IIIl1<'h-II(',',I<',l :cddit iOIl
Jl11I:->t 11:I\"l' suitahlp at't'Ollllllllllntinl1. '1'111\
plalls for lhp Parish lIolIsp 1II"l\'i'l,' for
THE FIRESIDE lin' rigll! ill IIUI' IlJielSt :O;ulldllY :Il':lll.
.:\ot tlll ll,:t:-:t :--iill'III'iHPd ,,'l'l'(, Jll:t~~~'
..:\dllli:.;~ioJl, 7;") 4·('l1tS.

of tlil' '':,'i!'tillls'' who Wl'l't' :-iaid til ADDRESS ON HISTORIC SPOTS IN

to th(' ehlln·h. all' ..\ssl'lllbly HOOIII, ~O b~' 4S f",'t, alld
II:tY(l hl'PH )'(':';('114 111. LOWER MERION.
'1'h(' al'"hit('d's ,ll':twinl! of thp a H(l('tO)' 's Boolll (111 t h (\ Illa i II fitl()]" (:l t
,\ pill' IIf rubhi"h '111.1 SOIIl" StOI'];
Chlll'"h and Parish lIollsp as it will ap- thl' Salll(' 11'\'1'1 as th(' ('hlll'1'h) all,l ac CIl'all-np \V,'ek, :'lIllY ~Il,l to (ith, ill Ih,· haSI'IIIl'lIt of 111<' :--;hll" :-;1"1'" 1,,- ~r'rs ..:Ioho F. n,'\""lill, H"gl'llt of the
pe':ll' __ Whf\lL_.C.01l1p}ptet.l is l'npt'otllwl r} 1 ('hoi]' H()llJin~ Boolll. l\:itc'hptl. l"'tOt'H;.!t.~ ,'atl'd ill th,' ..\1"':1.1,'. (':'lIgI,t lil'<' 1'1,1 ('hapt,,1' 01' th" ])atlghtl'i·s of th,' '\lIll'r-
all,l Toikt Booms Oll thl' gl'ol1l1d floor, }'Ol':\ IJ-Gold hl'oo('h, id"lItify at 1'. O. :O;ulld:ty awl till"'\\' "I' 'Iuitp a Sill 11.1;..:" i"all 1I"\'olutioll, will luldn'ss the Cluh
aho\,('. '1'h(' ]ll'espllt seatin;.: .. apa"it~­
till th" fin'III"1I I\pllt aroulld '111.1 put it at lh"il' tI('xt 11I','l't illg Oil 'l'lIpsela~- aft"I'-
of the Chu]"('h will hp I'l'adi,'all.\' ',\1I :O;ail'ts ('llIlI'I'h, althollgh 1"":1«'.1 :\al'h,'l'th ,'all h .. fl\',ll'sS an,l JIIO'· 110011, Apri) J!l, ill th" Y. ":'II. C. A., ~.:\O
c1ouh1l',l h~' th(' plllargplll"lIt, ill<·lll,lin;.: ,illSt the othpr sillP of tIl<' Borough Lin('. ql1ito-]('.:-;:-; if ~'()11 will 'tlo YOUl' :-;lI:1r,'. P. :'II.
011 th,' frollt I'ag" Ill' the "it~· 1'''1'''1'' This tOl'i,' will ulldoul,1<',lly appl'al to
s,'atinl! fa,·ilit i,'s for thp ,·llCli r. is thl' honll' Chlll',·h for Episc.ol'"lialls thl' IIPxt JllnrJlilJ~. hOWl'\'t !" Iii:,!; 1I(':!!!-

rl'sidin;!' ill :\arb"l'th, allll "'l' lO"k for' :'Ii iss ~L Loui,,' BII~'lltoll, of X,'\\' all \'('si,ic'lIts of lhis lu"ality. aile! ":'III'S,
Th,' Ill'e,l for tll<' Parish ]fousp has liJlPS liliP tlli~ 4'all~'ht thl' l'\'(': '·1:!
York, '''I1I'lIt a 1',"\' da,\'s \'isitillg fri"lIds ))"\'"Iill hl'illgs to th,' JIIl'ctilig a full
long lH\(ltl :lJlpnrl1Jlt. Thp C1JuJ'{·h lllU:-;t \\'ard with plt'asnJ'(' to tllis I"'''ntifnl I'I-:H:-;O:\:--; :--;.\ n:ll. S PI H E:'II 1';:-; ][ I'WI'
ill _\:lI'I,,'rt h. kllO,,'h'd~(\ of hpJ' :-;Ubjt'l't, g-aiut'tl frolH
han' an a,1l''1uate hnilclillg for its s'h·ial :"l<litioll to 0111' "OIlIIl111llil~'. IIX :\,\l{ln:IIT/I FIliI-:." III Oil" 1'''1''''' a ,·Iosl' "t udy of histori" allllab of this
,\,p J't1ad that ":-:l1fr()('atill~ ll:IlIh'~ }"..'lll l •
Th,' ,\"hil'l' of lh(' lawll-Il\o\\'I'1' is l'l1:,.!;iOIl.
trat"d tlll'\'''l'y '1":tl'll'I' or th,' four ~lol'.'·
h":1I'I1 alld 111l' eli"k of thl' h ..,lge sh"~lrs
Scouts Co-operate in NarberthChoralSoeiety -so 10llg, sIPigh !,,'Ils.
huildillg," th"t t\\'I'II"1' p"rsolls h:td '0
I,,' ('al'l',,'d to lh,· strl'ct, and t:iat :t;·LllillI
wOl,th or d:tlllng,· was elOIII'. Oil" fall,ih'
Fly Campaign
~ ~
:'I[iss .Il'all E. Ch:dfallt. of l'hl'stllut whil'h WH:-, I' l'('St'lIl'd" ha:-: llo1 llt't,'11
i", Sl'('lldill~ a 'fl'\\' days III
1:' .•\ "l'll IH',
ji,·illg' ill lh" ,\I'"",!" ,\pn1'1 1I1l'lIt" f",.
~:IIlH' t illil'.
Tht· Ia~t tllt'l'till/.!. (If fhp .Julliol' ~(ll'­
tioll was h,'ld at th,' Y. :'II. ('...\. on

~ ~ -~
'rll1l1'~c1a,'· l,\'t·llilq.~·, ~1:lI'l,h :~lst. WIIl'1l
Th,' Bo\' :';"Ollts d th,' :'I[aill LillI' .\,·ruall\' \'('1'\' litt!" dalll"gl' 0""111'1'1'.1
H"III'\' C'. lIo\\'I's. .Jr., It'ft :\al'-
:'1[1'. thl' .llIlIiors h"le! t h"i I' fir,l 01'''1i Illl,,'t-
han' a"(":l't,'c1 th,' "halll'll;!l' to "Kill :11111 110 'Iiyp,,\' Wl'J'{' l'llcl:lIl!,!l'l'l'd, 111(\
~"'li('s and :--:n,-(\ Li,"p~."
;1----. ht'rlh Tlll':--ilt'ay, for C'hit'ngo, to l\lIf.!,-:lgl' illg ,{" th" :--;"lIillr (·Iu'h. Th,' .JUlliors
thrillillo' l'l'S('U(lS IlL1illtr Plltil'l'h· 1m'lllin-
1"'rlllalll'lItly ill husi,il'sS ill that "ily. ;.!n'atl,\· dl'lightl'd at tlH' v('r~p
\\'ha't till' 1I'I~lad,'lphi'a p:;I~"1's
Th,' S,'ollls (If ,:'I["l'iOIl, .\I'.JIIIOJ'(', a 1'.". :--pII'Jldid illt('l't'~t if! tlu'ir pt"ogTt'~:' ,,'hi("h
Rryn ~l:l\\"]" l\osPlllOJlt ha\"l\ (Il'g;allizl' d TiI(' :\al'hl'rth Choral :-;oeidy is sho\\'- pl'illtl',l, h"\\'",,l''', is what 111<' fil'<' 1'1'0-
I I' .'·ou ha I'Pl'1I to still' ill at f)'1 "is 's, lh,~ :--;"lIior ('Illh pl'(I\"'e! to ha"I' h,'- tllC'ir
to "'I-I'p"l'ate \"ith,thl' lo"al ('Ol1l1llit1t','s, ing th,' l'eslllt of its hard "on('l'lItl'al"d hahll" ,,"olliel ha\'" b,',," ir our Fin'
'1'hl'" will help ill loeat ill" l'I'I,,'dill" '11111 ha,' .. t"n ""Ilts or 1"11 dollars. a"k ):ll'gt' :1 tt ('IHla lI('('. Tltt' n'~lIla I' hu:-:i 1(('SS
,,'ork of six \\'l'('ks in thp n'llllition' of Gelll\ how h:~:--'l) hall is l'(J1Hill~ :tlO~I~" Co,"i,,,"." had 1I0t 111'PII Oil thp ,i,,11. :It
I'I:II:"S, distl'ihlltl' pallll'h1et~, I'ostel'~ I I Thc Hose ":'I[ai,h'll" at thl' :--;('hool i:-, a :-':Jti:-:fat·tioll that l)(\t":ll1~t' of rl!','ir
Illl'l'1iu!.: WIIS di'I"'lIs"d with. alld th,'
}Ir()~l':Illl. arJ':lllgl't! Ih.,· th,' .lullio1' 'Pl'l\si-
alld s\\'att"l's, alld lllal'" fly traps til ,\lIditorilllll this Pl'ida~' ('\,plling, :111<1 ('fro1'ts 0111' pXIll'ri"",.,, with h"d li,',·s
:'I[iss Flol'('l1"" ('. lIaaf, of Hi""l'toll, ,1"lIt, ;'Iiss (II']PII ,lOlli'S, filll'd thl' ,'li-
1)(' nse,l in tbl'il' hOlll"S. :0;'11111" of th,' thl'I'1' is no donbt that :\arbl'l'th will he is limitt'll to imaginal'.'· :ll'('1I1IIItS in thl'
X .. f" '111.1 :'III'. Cail"ill Col .., "I' .\Itoolla. t in l"'('11 illg.
"'Ollts are taldng ol',lel's for tr"ps, whi"h 1I10st fa,'ol'a'bl~' illll'J'('ssl'd with the ra' II "wsl''' 1"'I's.
S)1I'lIt th .. w"l'k "lid lit. thl' hOllll' of' ~II'. :\(is:-; .lout','; ga,'(' a \'l'I'~P ('ol'llial ad-
the\' are makillg in or<!er to ('am lh"ir I'id pl'ogJ'('" of the CllOral :--;,wil'ty ulI,ler
<!n~s anll othel"fnll<!s lhat lhe\' "I'(' ,'x' and ":'III'S. A. H. Wi bon, drl'S':'oi (If Wl'l('lJlllP to tht ::-;l'lIiur:;, thank-

Prof. ::\il'P'S clirt'etioJl. illg th"llI for lhl'il' aiel all,1 ,'o-opl'ratioll
l)('(·te<1 to carll hy thl'ir OWll ~,n'ort.
Thl' Choral :O;o,·iNy .. xl' .. ds to I'l'odll"" 'l'h,' :\:lI'l",,·th-l'hilad,·lphia hlls lill" ill til\' forlllatioll 01' a .Iullior I""l'tion,
The ::\[pl'ioJl ~('Ollt~ ~h(lw()(l tl11' 1Iiotioll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
011(' 1II0re "Oll('prt lH'for.. th .. SlIlllllll'r i~ lin\\, ill r('J.!lllar upt'ration. Tht..' rout ... all(1 for th"ir 1ll1I"h aPI'J'(,,'iatl'd elolla-
pif'lnl'p on " '1'hl' FI.\'" to lhl'ir fri"n,h lIlollths, alld th .. n rl'llp\\, th"il' WOI'];
ill th"ir Ill'\\' '111al'tprs, an,l '1'. Dlll1 lkl· and Sl'h,'c1ul" is a1l1l0UIl',·,'eI ill thl'ir ael- tioll of' thl' hall 1'01' thl' I'ast .Iullior
..a I'ly J1('xt fall. \'eltisellll'llt 1his "·l'l'k. Two cents per word It casb accom- elan,'l'. Th" \,:lriolls all,l sp]Pndi(l tall'lIt
field, the ~ .. ontllJ:l.s1t'I', statl's that th,' 1I'l1l11l'diall'I.\' fol1owillg this 1'1'0,1 liP- panies advertisement; otberwlse, five whil·h tllp Club lH'~~l';-..~t'~ aIll()n~ its
IJ.I 0)' S are I'o-0l'eratillg with thl' loC'al tioll of "The Hose ":'Ifni(l .. n," lhe adin' cents per word. lIumhl"'s was th"11 "all<'e! Ul'0ll to "ut.l'l'-
t\o1l11llittep ill l'\"(1 l'." ,\"a~r possihh\, in lIlelll'lwrshil' in the Choral So,·iet~· will _\ ,flO\\' :!]'I"'lIrs ill town to,la~' al
orelel' to loeat" thc hl'l'l'ding I'la,"'s of "Fin'nll'II'" lIall," 1<'1 us hopl' it will taill. ":'Iliss Eillil~' :-;i'hll'~' ga\'l' a WOII-
I,,' 0IH'1I for allollt two weeks to all ,1<'l'ful piallo s"ll'dioll, :'II iss Augnsta
flies. int.. n·sled singl'rs for pnl't. ill th,' ~p('olld ,J,I' 1'1('\,ating- allel "c1I1,':llioll:d-or at ESTATE NOTICE. 'Vithl'l'o,\' :';:lllg two t"ll:tI'Jllillg' songs, :in
Th" ,lail'ips of 1.0\\,('1' ":'I!<'rion '1'oWII' eOIl,"'rt. IUlll appli('atioll shoul,l Ill' lIla,!P ll'n~t f'lltl'rtaillill~-tlJ our youlI1!(\r foll<s
ship \\'(,I'p illspl"'!l',l h~' thl' hl'al1h otli- ESTATE OF MARY JEFFERIES cost1l1l1(" allll ":'Iriss Hosl' :--;alllpl .. pr('s-
to ":'1[1'. F, H. ;'[it('hell. Chnil'lIlall of th,' ,'sl,,· .. iall~'. Plllpd a 1I1(l~t putpl'taiJling t'll:ltlillg. 'l'hell
,'el', allll JI(' reportl'(1 1hat on 1 h" "'holt, Adi\'(' ;'1l'nJ1ll'l'ship Committ,·,·, or di- ADAMS, late of Borough of Narberth,
tJH'~' \\'1'1'1' ill sl'll'lIdid l'ollditioll. 'I'Jl<' )!iss :'I!'ar.iol'il' .ll'n'ri"s. also a C'lnth
rept to Prof. :>:i('e. :'I[iss ":'Ilan' F. Chalfaut, of Clll'st IIUt ":'Ifontgolllery County, Pennsy)\,nIlia, de· 1I1C'llllwl', alld a thil'eI yl'ar ":'I[l',lkal
,lail'yllH'1I an' ill hpart~· s~'lIll"lth~' with Assoeiatc ":'I[l'lIllhel'ship is slill OpCIl A \,(,UUl', n',turlll',l tll \Vilsou 'Co]Jp~p, ceased.-Letters Teslamentary on the stU(lt'ut at P(,IIII~,\'I\'ania. ~:t\'l\ a Illos-t
thp ('allll'aign, and \rill ,10 ("·I'r~·thing to nil lIIusieall\'-illC'lillc<1 folks who want. TUP:-:tlny, a ftpl' llt.,1' ~pri Ilg' yap:! t i 011. ~h('
abo\'e Estate ha \'ing been g1'llnted to i nt(,l'('sting' a II' I i list rll"t i \'1' talk a,hont
to l,e al1iliate(i with the Choral So,·il'1\· was a",'oJllplll\il',1 h.\' :'Iliss Sarn Pi .. n'l', "\\'lwt "'o,,"'n AI'(' !1oillg in ~rl'di('ille
hut who are lIot Il('(','ssarily sillg"rs.. of :'I[allasqllllll. :\ . . f .. a l'1assJllatl' 11"110 The ":'Ilerion Title and Trust Company
(Con t i1ll11'(1 on Page 4) ill Phila<1plphia," ,\ lthough ;.Iiss .1<'1'-
h:ui ,!IPPIl \'iEitiug- hpJ'. of Al'lllllore, all persolls indebted to said I'ril'H IlClmittl'(1 that 1'1'1111 was th .. mORt
Estate are requested to make immediate gloriolls, splt'lIeli'l, aile! III'l'fl'"t of all
'I'hirt",'n 01 i'arlll'rth's ":O;ppl',1 pnylllent, an,l those having legnl claims, ":'I[e,li ..a 1 {'oIll'gl's, sh" ,'pry g-ellpronsly
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. l~iJlg:-o" "·Pltt to the Jell Palal'(\ ont..' to present the same without delay at lallll ..,l th .. JIIau~- oth"r roIll'gl's of' ~[(',li­
f'Yt'lIiJl~ this wC"pk. whpre a l'h1"(1l' pro- einp of whi"h l'hil:ulpll'hia !1HJ:lsts,-
the oflice of said Company, No.5 Enst SOIlH' of th(' ol,I<'st :lIHl hl'st in the
grant eOlisistiJlg of Raep~, ] Ildoor linse·
Lnncaster avenue, Ardmore, Pa, worl'l,-\VonH'n's ":'Il"di"al, .Jl'Ifer"oll,
hall, Tal!, l'1" .. was arran!!I"!. Thl'l'l'
Fixed Meeting Dates. arp ·pl'osperts of a :"arlwrth Rl;nting HARRY C. BARR, 'I'empl(', :ln,l IInhllllt'nlall. ;'[iss .1,,1l·l'ies
Clu], hpin;.: forJllP,], (2i-e) Trust Officer. made it \'pry (,Ipar that woman's posi-
Borough COWlcil Monthly-Second MOnday COWlcil Chamber tion in lh" ":'I[p,lil'al \\'OJ'I,) was \lOW
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday COWlcil Chamber iIHlisplltahl~- ns strollg ns 1lInll'S, an,1
Pl"a,1' ,10 1I0t fOl'gl't to sa,'e "our YOUNG WOMAN-with little girl Ill' t.he training 01'''11 to tJJ('m ,iust as ex-
American Legion Bldg. & L 'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building dis('anh',1 ,,]othiug', furnitul'l', pllilla, i ypa1's, elesi1'l's pel'lIIalll'lIt position "eJlen1. Her tnlk was undpnia!11ly a
g-hsswar(', jewelry or allY 0),1 thing liS working hOllsekpl'pl'r in ::\'nI11ll'rth.
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber tl'"at, all,l th,' girls were proUll' to
\'ou ha\'p Il;l usc for lllld ~('n<1 it to the Aclclres5 Our '1'0\\'11. (~i-Jl) know that on" of their llIellllll'rR W:l8
Narberth Fire Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House J~ing's ,laughtpl's for tJ1l'ir rUllllllag" pugagcd in 'j,~nrr,\'ing- ou" the lWeI'
sall'. Date a1ll1 plaee to he hl'],l will FOR SALE-Refrigerator. Good eOluli- inel'easing work for women in the
Narberth Choral Society Weekly-Monday EveningsY. M. C. A.
he ]Juhlished later. tion. Price, $5.00. PhoHe Nal'he1'th ":'I[('(lirnl Fi,'],!.
12til·J. (2i-p) All th" .Juniors ha<1 nil' 0pTlortuuity
'rhos(' who !'law "'l'he Distri(·t. SchooJ to II('\,form when the GJee Clnh was
at Bluph"I'rY Corners" know thnt tIJe WANTED-Laun<1l'ess, two <1a\'s a ('all(',l upon, :l\J(1 tlll' first lluhlie I'en-
Date. Name of Organization and Event, Place Hour folks up tIJ':l'e on tIJl' hill know llow to week. P. O. Box !lii, :"arhert.h, or ,l('rin'! of two of I!heir uUIll~lers, "The
"put o,'rr~' a goo(1 show. l-Ierl"s an- telephone Cynwy,l ~!li. (2i -p) Barefoot Trail," aud "The Swing--
thpr-" A, Rurprise Party 'at BriIl1,- Song," was met with cnthusiasJI1 on
April 20 •.. ,Stanl1al'<1 Benrer PJay •..•.• .1\[etho,list Church 8.00P. ~L ll'~·. ". II lively play gh'ell by Il. li\'ely FOR SALE-Refrigerntor. Brass he,l, thp part of the au,lil'nee.
group of yOlllll?: l'('ople,-for n most complete. Piano. l:n Merion aye.
April 29 ... ,W. C. G. PIny nnd Cantntn •... S~JlOOJ Auditorium 8.00 P.1£. worthy Clluse-forl'ign missions. (2i-p) (Continued on Pnge 4)
uncler the Act of A"scul hly of the COIll- Telephones, Ot course, "e
Owned and Published every Saturday
Illon\l'l'alth of Pennsyh'ania, entitlecl,
"An :'..ct to Pro\'i,le for, the Iucorpora,
tion a1ll1 Regulation of Certain Corpora·
1268 HOWARD'S deliver - aDJ
place - aDJ
1t1 the Narberth Civie Association. tions," appro\'e,.1 "\pril :!!l, lSi i, aw! The Brightest Spot in Narberth
the supplenll'nts thereto, for the char'
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
cents per year in acl\'ance.
tel' of an intelldecl Corporation, to he' A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
called 'l'HE WO:\[EX'~ CmC\WXI'l'i'


I'EX.:'\~YLV.\:\IA, the character awl
.. ... ... .. :
ohjeds of which are to plirl'hase suit-
March 31, 1921
George A. :Mahl
,Toseph H. Nash
ahle groullll :III'! lon"truct an,1 Illain-
tain tlll'rcou huil,lillgs for the Ill,'et- NARBROOK PARK
Yice-Pr,'si,lent Augustus J. Loos ings of the WouH'n's Conllllunity Club
Yice-Pre'si,lent Mrs. C. P. Fowler of Xnr],prth, Penns.d\'ania, an,1 also to The prettiest development in this section!
'l'reasllr"r l\Iiss l\laizie .T. Himpson
Secretar.\- , . Hohert .T. Edgar
Dircetors, to sen'e until .1 n:!:\: }\[rs.
'be nspd for illt.'llednal, edn('ational,
and 1II0ral ,]e'l'lol'llIcllt :doll;! the lines
of ('ivies, lJIu:·dt,. art :11111 gpJlPral social
The Brass Knocker Maybe, we live too nearby to appreciate its real
Hohert F. Wood, ,T. Garliel,l Atherholt,
1. A. l\lill,'r, C. Law)"('n"l~ \\'arwick, nplift h.\· Ineans or !l'dnl'l's, c!:ls"es and RECOLLECTIONS, OBSERVATIONS
A. Eo Wohlcrt, Philip A. Li\'ingston. t'utC'rtaiUJIlt1l1t:'1 :llltl fot' tht'se pnrpo:"ics AND COMMENTS BY AN Real homes (1101 houses) for sale $I3,oOO to
Direetllrs, to servc until .1!l:!:!: .J.•T. to lw \,.' a lid possc:<" an'! enjo,\' all th e OLD TIMER. $16,000.
Cahre'~', Walt.,!'r A. Fox, H. H. Hillegas, rig'hts. l"'nefil" and pri\'ileges of the
C. II.•\. Chain, W. H. D. Hall, Harry \\'" tri"d g'olf thl' oth,'r da~', ,loin~
A. ,Tal'ohs.
"aid ,\,,1 of ,\sselldd,\' and ito-< "nppll"
]·l hoks ill ::Ii.;. ,\rtl'r it lias oler Ill'
askl',1 thl' ,·aeld." if h,' ('\,el' lWI'\I- an\,-
:\[[':';COE :\r. GTB~O:\, cJl11' \l'ho pla."I'II so hadl.". "X 0," "';IS B.ea,11ior
PHILIP A. Lln:\O.-;'1'O:\,
Solidtnr. ]'('1'1,\', "1I0t on thc''''' lillks, ],lItthel'('
\\':I:-i n 111:l1l 0\"('1' ill .1('1"~(l'" who wa:-;
WOI''''' thall thaI." Wc j'II,]gl'd that Branch Office at Narberth Statlon Tel.pbon•• Narberth 1710
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, eMitll'd him to a fift,\' c'eut til'.
Cashier. Member Philadelphia Real Eatate Board
Our Po"tma"t"r lias a,ldsl',l Borough
Counc'il that the Po"t Of!i,'c Depart, \r" ag']',,1' with thl' Pil'l'side in that
Send all advertising and news items to 1lI"IIi wlil "hortl\' ('red in nn,l aroun,l it i:-< H "grHIlIl sight" to :'I't' the :Oil·hool
Xar],prth, ninl'tl'(.n (WI leU,'r hoxes to hoys :-;lIlOldJlg' t'ignr('fte:-i, l'ut ,,-p talu' •• _._. •••• a __ ea._e_. ~
f, O. Box 966. a ,1ill'I'!'l'nt \·il'l\' of th" sitnation. 'rIll'
)'("'l'i\'c first, se('ond an,1 thinl dass
Our Town is on sale at the depot llIail. ehil'f thing to Ii 11,1 ont i" "\\'h,,)'(' ,I"
newsstand, aud at the store of H. E. Tht' !c)('at iOlls ha\"t~ 11('('11 ~f'l(,(·tt'cl 1)\· thc.\' get th"III?"

Davis. thl' posh I in"p",'tor all<] appro\,,',1 an;\
I'l','or,!c"l 1,\' ('oun(,il. \\'" 1I0t" \dth lnn\'h 1''';!Tl't that n",
Entered as second-class mattilr gasoline pip" \\hieh wa" Ie"'at"d ill
En'n'on;' in and nl'ar Xarherth ",ill
Octo her 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t !Ian' a' lIt:lil hox IIl'ar t11l'ir home [1ll,1 front of 011(' or tlil' g:lra~(':-, ha:-, lH'l'll
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act eolll,,·timl will hp ma,le regn!arl~'. I'Plllo\'"d. It stllod ahllut Ii fl",t lIi"'h
of March, 1879. Xarl,,'rth will sonn han' ('\'CI')' COil' right on the siel('lralk, \r!Il'l'e l,,'dl'''ll'ia~1S
\'l'lIienl'e of a eih' of the lirst' ('lass. had tolic ,'al'el'nl 01' it \\'Ollld lIa\'l'
hl'ought its"lf flll"'ilill- til tlll'i, att('II'
Order your Winter Coal now and get APRIL
\,ith llI:lny additi;)]Ial a,I\'alltages anll
]I0lH' of thl' di~ad\":lJlt:q.!,·(':-:. tioll, \\'(, ha\'(' :,]w'a\'S adillirt'd the' PRICES.
OUR TOWN will gladly print '1'1", "l'ar,Honnd BOllle TO\ln shoul,l sta I'S all,1 011 d:l rk night s wht'll 1I01ll'
any news it':lm about any SUbject ],e eltang·cd to '1'h,' 13<'st Year-Hound \\('1',' \'isihh' ill th" skI', We oft ,'II
that is of interest to Narberth
BOllI<' Town. w:t1l\: past tlH' g';Il'ag(' with' til(' hfljlP:-' of We can make immediate' deliveries and give
The hox loeation" are as follows: :-:(,pillg' SOlllll of an 11l11l~l1al ,":tripty.
folks. but in order to meet the ~l'!tillcr an,1 Brooldlllr"t A\'('nues, you as good COAL and COKE as you can get
printing schedUle, all "copy"
-manuscripts-must reach the
\\'\'nnell'ood Court :lnl! \\'\'JlIlcwoo,1
..:\ ~'(,Jltl(', EIIIl Tt'IT:lC't.' Hllll E~~t'x .A '"('-
Th" Colnlllhia Hailrll:ul. \\hi"h \\-a"
tIIl- Pl't'd(,I'I'S~111' oj' tlit' J>PIIII:"yh·:lllia.
nile, ])lIdIc-y and :-;ahine .\ \'cnue", Xm'- - wa" tIll' fir"t 1':lill'o:,d ot' "III' size 10 1,,'
: anywhere on earth.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
],l'rth a lid Pri,'e .\ \','nue", Hamp,len :1ll,1
"'oodhine ,\\'ellll<'S, :-;hirley Hoa,1 all,1
Ban'rford A n'lllll'. Jona all,1 "'indsor
hnilt in l','nn,\''''""ia. ""1:" a"d th,'r,'
"hont :\aJ'l,,'rli,. ill \'aeant lilts 1IIo"t1l,. !I CHUTE, CASH PRICES
I'all h" fonll,l rl'Ill:IiIlS ot' tl,,' 1'0,,<11'l:,]

.\ \'l'JIlIl'''. Ehllwood and ,l\raple '\\'CIIIIl''', lI';th thl' SIOlll' til'" still in th"ir .. ri-
Xarherth and \\'ind"or A\'enlll''', Esscx i!i 11:1 I positioJIS. PI,dillg' that it Illi,l!l,t
SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921 :tlld \Yiudsol' .\ \"t\JllIl'S. ('OllW:"· allel
\\'indsor .\ \"'nlll'''. :\'arhl'llok' Park,
Ill' of int,,!,,,,,t til both lIl'II' "lid 01,1
}"t':-iid('1l1s, \\',,' 11:1\'(' dpt·idl'tl III \\"l'i1(' a
Pea Coal • $10.50 per ton
I Nut Coal .
Chl'stnut and \\'ood"i,!t, ,\\'('IIIIl'S, ,\nll\ brit'f hist"I'I' or :\:lrbl'rtl,'" fir,-t r:lil,
Fire, 350
I/oad :llld lona A\'enll<'. Essex :111,1 :Mcr-
ion '\\"':lII<'S. ]-;SSl'X alld \\'oo,lsidc ,\\'e-
road, \"hi .. h' will app,'ar ill thi" l'llltll""
fr"llI t illll' tot i 1I11'.
13.50 " "
Police, 1250 ulle, Ch -'stJllit a III I l\lapIc- An'nues, ,,'il-
Iiams Pla"e anel \\'oodhilll' ,\\'cnup.
OLD TRANSPORTA'rrON ROUTES ,J Stove Coal 13.50 " " -
- 13.00 " "
April Couneil l\[,'cting. PJ'('\"j(lll~ to JoS:'!;j tht' ollh· ll11'all~ of I
, Editorial Egg Coal
trallsportatioll :"·"il,,ltll' 'h;'! \I',','" thl'
.\It''lllic' Sl'a"ort" alld th" W,,:<t \I'a, h\'
stag" eO:1(,11 'on'r the turllpikl'''. l'lIt il
that tillll' Phil"dl'lphia was the fOn'lIll1"t
II Buckwheat Coal 8.25 " "
STATE DEP.ARTMENT OF ,·Olllllll'\'l·ial "it\' ill th,' ('lIit,'d ~tat"s. I
:-::':Olllfl foIl,s ha,'p thp strange i,lr'a
that e\'l'n'thilI" prinh',1 ill aliI' 'J'own AGRICULTURE-BUREAU III that \'I'ar, i,oll'I'''''I'. till' ";ri" C"",II II
is writt,'!I' hy the Editor, who h~' lIleans OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY
\\'as ('oll;pktcd thro"g·h thl' "orth""lI
of a t~'IH'I\'I'iter and a h,'alth~' im:q,:-ina-
tioll grillds Ol1t th,' various news itellls
:qlJlt ;trill:! (':1(,11 \\ ('t1k.
Jt i" or'!c'l'l'd thaI :1 stl':l'! 't!laran-
1 illP 111. IlLlint:tillt·d nn all dogs lo('atpt!
part of .:'\,,\1' YCll·l,. "Olllll'dillg thl' t'I'<'"t
L"kl's \\'ith th,' 1I1t,],,01l Hi\'(,!'. thlls
l'J'oYiding: au all ,ulfpl' rnut" to thr'

! C. P. COOK

'J'lll' fad is that thl' Editor \\'ritl's \\'"st :llld gi\'illg' :\l'll- York Cit~, :1
or fonnd within lindls or t1ii" tpl'!'iton'
Yl'r~' Ii ttl" of the Inatl'rial, and ral'l'l~' for :t IIt'rind of '.j d:t,\-~ dat iug 1'1"01;1
('Olllllll'l"t·i:d atlyallta~'I' \\'hil"h lIa~ 11('\"('1'
~jll(,f' hL'PlI slIrp:l~~\:41. TIJ(' :ti1\-alltn;":"I' Coal Builders' Supplies Coke
anything' illlportant. Ea,'11 Jlll'IIlI'l'r of
the "OIlIJllllllity is pro fado a I'('portcr
to Our Town. Thl' Fin'side is an Opl'n
AI',il lst.
I: is fllrtl", or,!\')'l'd th:1t I':\(,h :llId
l'\'l'l'~" do,!.! withitl thl'St' lilllit~ :-<hall \H.'
uainl',l h\' .:'\l'\\' York ean:'[',1 th,' PClIll'
~,\·h"alli:l' Lt'~'i:,datlln' to ('oll:-:idl'l" ~Ollil' I NARBERTH 375 I
I.--- -- ---
J'Ol'lll!l for lll'WS ih'lllS aud illtp]'('stiJl~ :-:ill1ilar lnl'aH~ of ('Olllllllllli('ati{J1l 1.{'-
~t"'ll]'('l\" t'()lllilll'd :llld ]'(':"tril'tl'\l OIL n)(~ I
notl's of :dl kinds, and ~·"t, II'l' IIsually hl'ppll Phila']l'lphia ""dl'ittshnr:,:h "'ith I
pft')lIis~':-; (If (I'WIIl'1" II)' 1;.:1'('111'1" at :111
:Ire ohlig-l'd to d"pell,1 ou a fl'\\' fril'JI,ls t ill!(':'. t'XI'('Jlt whl'll ht'itq,!,' h·d 1I1ldl'1'
a Yi('\\" to J'l'!!aillill~ till' iO:-it '\~I'~,tt'J'lI
tra,Ie'. ' , ':
to k"I'i' us supplil'd \lith U,'II'S of lo"al propl'l' J'l'Slraitlt :llld l'Xl'l'pt "'III'1l IlIllZ·
hnPIH'H ings. !','nlls\'1I':lIIia was ill fad the fon'-
zIP,] with a 1I"l,II'iittilig IIlI1Zzll' that \\'ill rnllnl'r ilf' .:'\P\I' York ill thp 1IIalt"r of
You d" not ha\'l' to he an l'xIH'ri- I'ff..',·tuall,\· 1'rt'\'('lIt llit ill.~.
l'JlP('tl l'('11lH'f('1' or author to sPlld ill lila· ,'nllal i III 111'0 \'('Ill,'n is, for on Sep!c'lnlll'r
~-\II~" do~ found 1'1ll1l1illf.!,' at largl' in
terial to Our '1'oWJl. lIIakl' it a poiut ~H, liB1, <.I ("olupall.'" W:IS illf'ol'pol':Itt'tl
\·itll:ttipll of 111t' j't)}'(lg'(lill~ Cjttaralltiut'
"a"h w""k to s"IIlI to Box !)fili sOllie to cOllncrt thc Snsqneh:lIl1la :lIl,1
m~r i{prtoll mUIr au~ wru!lt Q!ompUl111
lIIH,'" lit' kilJt~d alld tht' 0\\"11('1' 01' l\:PPIH'l'
itclns II'hi"h lIIight int.,)"(,,,t Xarherth- ~ .. llIl\'lkill Hin'rs 'hI" :1 """al alld sla,·I;-
of slll'h elog' shall ],l' liabll' to l'I'll ""l'11- \1':1 t ,,;, ",l\'jl!a t ion; ;11I,1 thn" a,"'onlplish
itl''', an,l so lIelp to Illak" ~'our papcr
of th" highcst int"rest to al!.
Note: This qnarantil'" has 1i(,l'n or-
the first link ill th" grc:lt "]will 1,.\' of !\rllmorl'. tIt,
whirh it. \\'as intendl'll l'n'ntnall~' to
,lert',1 to I'rt'\'('llt t lll' sl'!'l'ad of h,\',]ro- "onlled I':ri", l'ittshnrgh all,l I'hil",Ie'!,
I'II"liia or rabil's whieh has al'l,,'an'<!
EXTERMINATION OF MOSQUITO. in ""\"('I'a! 1']:ll"'S ill this di"tl'i,·1.
phi:l. Statement of Condition as of March 31, 1921.
.\nothl'r rOlllpallr was ill"orl,oratp,1
,\plil 11l, liD:!, to en\'l't a ;jnlldion or RESOURCES LIABILITIES
An 'lrganiz,'<1 "alllpaigu agaiu"t the thp J)claw"I'l' Hi",'r with thp f;ehn\'lkill
ih' lIlelHll'C is no\\' w"ll un<1cr way. SAVE BILLS AND SALES SLIPS Hin'r h~' a ..anal pxtl'l1(ling frolll :\;lrri", Loans nnd Illvest.- C'lpital f:;toek $;;00,000.00
\\'ith till' various tOWJlS and organiz;l- town to l'hil:lllt'lphia. a distalll'l' 01'
It is 1I'1Irth II'hill' to ""'luiI'<' " h"l,it Ilf JlI('nts $:.?,!llq,:!.lO,SS 1"1IrpillS aJllI rn,li,
tions eo-operating thc Main Linl' shoul'l li Illilps. By an ad 01' ass"lll'bly. "\pril
hc virtually free of the p,'st this SUIll- snl'illg' all hills alld ",til'S "lip,;-lhis :! . .1S11, thesl' two ,!,olljps (whil'h \I'pl'l' "idecl Profit." ..... 4:W,.1-l0A;;
Mortgag"" an,l .rutlg-
Iller. ~':lI'lit'II';trI,\" :qlplit's til :Ill,\" nl'ti('ll' you
"IIictl~' ponlposp,1 (jf th" snnll' in,]i\'i- JlIl'nts Si7,S;j:i,:1O Bills l'a~'ahl(' HIl,1 Rc'
Anoth"r nuisann' \l'hidl shoul,1 re- In,,~' han' plll'('has"i] tll ",'n,l It~' jll,urfd
duals) \\'erl' rpol'ganizc,1 and nllih'd into <1isl'ollnts 4SS,Si:!.S;1
('eive the ath'ntion of e\'en'OJll' is thc pnl'l'p! .j""t. clllP ronlpany h~' thp nallle of th" l'nion Hl'al Estatc :!O::!,:i-lO.,H
Illosqulto. The opcn ,,'int:'r, :lIl,1 thc 'I'hl' fllllowillg' i. quotpd 1'1'0111 th,' Can:ll COllll'all~' of I·I'nlls~'I\'ania. ])"Iunn,l D('-
VCI'y" ~lllnll amouut of fl't,pzill~' "'P:It'lH'1', I'pgulatioll U'u\'pJ'Ilillg' Hl'plit':ttillll:-' for Furniture anll Fix-
The lInion Canal rl1llltillg IIo'arJ~' 1'ar- )'!lsits $:!.Illil ,7n:l.;12
faile,l to Idll th" hiheJ'llating Illosqui- indplnllity fllr 10,,1 or damag-",] insul'l',1 all,'1 til th"Tulpe]ICIl'1"'1l and :-;lI'artara tines 8,400.00
toes, an,l unl"ss jlre\'('ntive steps arc pH }'(.(11 post. .:, III {\ \"(' 1'," l'a~p a tl pfl'ort TilllP Dl'-
('n'"ks fWIIl :\Ii,ldh,tllwlI OIL th" ~us'lu,',
tak"n at OIIl'l', \1''
nI:I~' lin<1 our porehes III list hl' 111:1,11' to Ilhtain a bill Ill' signed
hanlla til u poillt on th" S('1JII~'lkill, a
C,lsh on Hall,l 1l1l,1 in po~its S:l2,73:>,OS
l'xtn'lIleh' un,'olllfortahle this SU 111 Ill" r. statement frnll th .. 1"'1'''011 \\'hll sll]d th"
short <1iStU!I"" ,'WillI\' H":l(lill~·, wa" ·is Banks 200,;';1:i.Oli - - - - - - - :!,Sfl-!,;,:!SAO
Mr. c::Lin,'oln .I-'urhush, Din'dor of :lrti .. !<,s til thl' IlWlIpr. showiug' thcir mil"s in h'ngth . .1t was lH'gnll in li!l!
th" Phil:Hl"lphia DepartlueJlt of Puhlie v~llles alld dnte of sale.
and not c'on'l,I"t",1 until lS:!'. Thi"
Hpalth, has souudl'<1 a lI'aJ'lling, an,1 in "\\'hplI thii ('allllot 1", oht:lill('ll. ,·l:tim· was thc first imprll\'l',1 rlllltl', 1I1her thall $4,319,5H.68 $4,319,5-11.68
:In nJ'ti,'!e in thp "l'uhlic Ll'dger" alit mllst "t:,t" lIan,,' alld ad']I'l''''' Ill' thl' thl' tnrllpikl's, to Ill' hllilt lwt \\-"('11
points IHlt the various ways of COlli' 0111' frllm I\'holll pll!'I'hasp,1 all,1 date' of Philac1e1phia aw] tlIP Wesl. TIlUST DEPARTMENT
hating the nuisanl'e at its soun·p. plll'('ll:tsl'.' ,
('I'll 'hi' ,'ontillul',l) Total Tru8l Fuods $314.285.21
"'1'h" whole math'r of' "Iilllinating It is of't,'n ,liflic'ult to ","'url' n dllpli-
till' 1II0squito is to lll'e\'ent its dl'\'"lop- ,'ate, 1,ill Ill' "tatplI"'lIt afh'r "omp II'ppks Old Timer.
1I11'lIt," Ilrr. l'urhush says. 'I'he prilll'i- or lIIolllhs or I'\','n tll )'l'(':tli \\'lIpl'<' :1Il,1
pal hreel1ing phll'''S, in a,ldition to \\h .. 11 :en :lrti,']1' was 1)(lr('hasl,,],-thp)"(,-
Sll'a1llps :Incl stagnant wat"r. an' th" fCli'f'. tlip iJllJln]'tn~H'L~ of :-'t l'l1l'illg' alld

rain IJ:lrrcls. I'ans, hoHh's all,1 ruhhish ]'('taining ~1It'11 J1:1I'V)'S ill lilp. PARCEL POST TO GERMANY
which lIlay hoI,] suflicient watl'r to at- Edward S, Haws,
t rad the lIlosquito. Postnl'a:ter. Elr"l'lin' at OII('P, parl'l,1 post 1'u<'1,-
Car"ful att"ntion to thes" spots in
our eo·ning CI"an-up "'''ck \l'ill ,10
lIIu"h to\l'unb assuring rom fort this
ag"l'S ('(jIl~:dllill,g fat:--, h1"('ad~ :l1111 nthpl'
'baIH'l"s' Hl'tiplps; IllPnts nll,l l11C'at Hr- Easier on the Pocketbook
•• CLEAN UP WEEK" til·ll's nn,l lard will !w udnlilte,l illtll
Gprl1l:lIl~' np to th" \\'eight limit of
It has '})('I'n <1pl';,lp'l that th" firct "!<'\'('lI ])(IUnlls. when Ilrllpl'rl,l' pal'kag",l. Bread, Cakes and Candies SWEET
CHARTER NOTICE. \\,,"'1, of l\[nl' shall he' (,'LEAX 111'
""EEl\: for th" Hlll'OII'~'h of ;\:lI·l)('rth. CostA you less than Materials and Labor
Let's gl't I'i,l of nil that ruhhish thnt THE LIMIT
Notice is hcrehy gi\"'n that an appli- hns 1)('l'n ""lIl",tiut.! iu our f'ellnrs, yards --..- in baking at home-without the bother.
cation \l'iJlhc lIlacle to the Go\"Crnor nll,l I':ll'nut lot 1'''.1' th" past v('nr,' Thc "Henry," ejacuJate<1 Mrs. Smith. And you are always sure it's fresh and
of the State of Pcnns,\''''lIuia on :\Ion- B:tI'OIHrh 1'01'1'" wiJl "nlll','t' an.l'ihing "I see in the paper t ha t. William Simp· delicious. Prepared by experts in clean
dn~', ~Iay 2nd, A. D, 1921, hy :\Iar.\· C. that you put out on th" Sallll' lln~'s that son just got married." •
th" ashps \\,Cl'( roll['('t[',I. "Just got. married?" rctorted Smith, and sanitary kitchens. Opposite the StatioD
l\flrlholland, Cornelill D. Hoss. :l1Hl
Geo. B. SU~lee, milking rClll1~r for a swift exit. "Ain't
Grace C. Batchelor anll their as"ieiate", Street Commissioner. that enough 7"

persons who have held other classes of

News of tIte C!LIturrItea
heen postponed until Wednesuay, April
'I'h!' Womeu's Bih]e Class will hold
tllt'ir lll'_lIllhly social and husiness meet-
ing next '1'hnrsday afternooa, April 21,
memhership ill the associatiolL and who
shall have removed from the Borough
of Na rherth.
Sedi'ln:1. Voting Privilege. Al1
pa~'in::: nH'lllhers of this association
CHESTNUT. Bel. Ullh St
Finest Photoplay The-
.tre 01 Its Size In the
En lire World.
Pb.toplllya-Conlinuou8 10 A. M. to Il.S.
MEETING HOUSE, at the home of lIfrs. H. K. Gottshall, P.M. .
Montgomery Pike, )\arberth, ,ms ~stab­ :.;0:: Can way A I'cmle. shall he privileged to vote.
'1'he :-lunda)' Sehool 'I'eachers' Asso- AHTICLE IV. Phlla•• Pa.
lisbeu 1682. Here William Peun wor-
"iation will mect at the Church next Se,·tion l. Dues. The annual dues
sbipeu, as well us many other noted
Fri,lay cvening, April :!:!. , of votin~ memlwrs shall he one dollar
Friends. One of the historical spots of 'rhc Seuior Endeavor Society will
America is opeu for worship every holt] a socia] at"the Chl1rch next Fri-
($1.00); of contrihuting memhers, two
(lo11ars ($:!.OO); of sust:Lining memhers,
First-day (Sunday) morning at 11 day el'elliug. :l\fr. Stam's Class has the til'e do]hrs ($;;.00) or more; payah]e at
o 'clock. First-day School begins at 10 pI'ogT:Ull in charge.
'rhe ~el\lper Fi,]elis Bih]e Cl:tss were
the time application is rercil'ed, and WE~K OF APRIL 18th
A. ~I. Visitors cordially inl'itell. anlln:t1h' thereafter at the time of the
\,('1',\' pleasantl~' entei'tained lit the home
H n ll\l:l I ·nlt~cting.
'rhe First-day School is held el'ery of thl'ir teacher, :Mrs. Yan Kess, Oll
First-day morning at ten o'clock. There la:-:t Thursday evening. AHTICLE Y.
Scd-ion 1. Officers. 'I'he officers of
"Lying Lips"
is a class for auults as w('11 as for
NARBERTH METHODIST EPISCO- CONSTITUTION OF THE this assoeiation shall he paying mem-
cbilllrcn, and we arc v('ry glnu to have NARBERTH CIVIC bers, an,l shall consist of a I'resi,]ent,
an~'one who is intcrested in knowing ASSOCIATION. thn'p Yice-l'resi,]ents, a Seeretary and AS POS:SIULE TO 10.00 A. 111., 11.00, 1.00,
more about our Sociel \' of FrieIltls aIltI Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M., B. D., ' a 'rn'asurcr, al\l] a Board of Directors 8•..111. 11.411. 7.411. 9.80 P. 11.
Pastor. eousistin~ of I:! memhers. Al1 shall he
tbe Friendly ideas vbit with us. ARTICLE 1.
p]p.. te,] hy hallot. '1'he Presitlent, the


SmIlLl:;, Apri] 1i:
,!I.~;; "\. .l\l.-SIIIl,lay Sehool. All
f'edioll 1. l'a ttl ('. 'I'hp lIall'" of this
orgalliz;ltioll shall h" Th,' Karherth
Ci\'ic "\ssoeiatioll.
\'i"e-l'resi,lents, the Secretury and the
'l'reas\l1','r shall hold office for [l. term
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector, of one (1) ~·I'ar. No Di redors shall he Raymond Weils, Proprietor
11 ;\. l\r.-lIlorning Worship. SCI'- "\ r:'nCLE II. pleetel] at the aunl1a] m('eting to he
Early Mass on Sundays at j A, 1L mOil h~' th(' pastor, Oil thellle, •• Christ Sp('\ ion 1. Oh,i,'(·t. '!'h .. oh,iet'! of t hi~
h,']d ill th .. ~·,'nr 1!1:!1. alld at sll'-""'l'dillg
Late Mass, 10 A. ~r. on tht 1
~t.\a." assodatioll I'hall he to i1l1pro\'e alld
!)(':ltItif\' thl' Borough alld ,'ieillit.\': to
ullllllnl J))('l'!ings in the years 1!l:!:!, 1!l:!3
0.4:i 1'. .l\l.-Ell\\'orth Le:lgne Devo-
Masses on holy .Jays, 6.30 anll 8.30
A. 1\[, "'eel<days at 8. Evening de\'o-
tiollal S('I'\'i,·p. assist all,l to ("t-(ll,,'ratp with U,,' author-
iti(·s in {lIfot'('iug' laws anll (l1'I11n:111I'(\S;
nll,l 1!l:!-t. four Direetors shall be elect,
l'd in p:\l'h year for the following terms
iA:i 1', :\l.-En'"illg "-orship, Ser- of Om"l': two for :! years, one for :l Telephone Narberth 1633
tions and other sen'ices at regular Ilion, •• ,,'hpl'l' "\ 1'1 Thou?" to ]1I'OIIl"tp all~' 1'1'0,i('l'! ha\'illg for its
Y<'HI'S • .-t!l11 olle for 4 yt'at'~.
(1o~ptd sing-iug lUU] pl'(':ll·hill~. purpose thl' 1ll'1tel'llll'nt- of thl' ('OIl1I11U\1-
times. , ~pt'!ioll::!. Exe"uti\'l: C01llIl1itte". 'fhe
\\"'dllesda~', "\pril :!1I: it~' as a who]c; to 1"'ol'i,ll' a mcalls of


j 1'. ~l.-Classes for preparatory :ll''1uirillg allll tlisspttlillatillg illfol'lI1a-
Board of Din'dors shall I'lwose from
their IIl1l11h('1' four persons, who, with
tion Oil :IItY suh,il't'! of I-:('ueral illter,
('st-; to 1'01'111 SUl'll suhsil]ia 1'1' hOllie,; UII-
thl' Pre,.;itlellt- oj' til(' assol'iatioll, shall Justice of the Peace
~ 1'. ~l.-1'ra~'pr ~rel'tillg. ,'ollstitutp an 1';xe,'uti\'e C01llmitte. of
th'I' its din\('t.ion a~ JlltlY l;l' JlPl'c!t\c] to REAL ESTATE
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. whielt th,.' l'resi,lt'ut shall he ChainiHlII,
"al'l',I' on its \\'ork; :l1Ili to foster ani]
Rev, Malbone H. Birchhead, Associate. BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE
lIIaintaill a fralprllal spirit alllong- the \I'h i('h "Ollllliittl'e sl)all haye power to Fire Insurance-Best Companies
EVANGEL. tralls:lt.t all~' hllSilll'sS of the Bouru;
people of otlr ('otlltllullit~-. Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
8.15 A. l\L-Holv Communion. pl'ol"itl,'d, that au~' ad dOlle hy thl'lI1
11.45 A. l\L-Chu'reh I"choo1. I"en'i,·es. SUIIl]a.\', Apri] Ii, 1!l:!1: A H'1'ICLE J I r. shall he suhje,·t to the apP!'o\'al of the
11.00 A. 1\L-~forning Prayer and !!.::ll ..:\. i\L-l'l'aYl'l' ~crvi('(l. f-Il'l't i;1I1 1. .l\1 "Jlllwrship. ,\ 11 pcrsolls Boa 1'<1 of Di I'edors. PAINTING GLAZING
!IA;; A. .l\1.-I"\JI;dav Sehool. r<,':.;iclillg' ill thl' BOl'Ollp:h of :\arherth are ~l'l'!ioa ;l. 1!l'etillgs of the Bo:m]. DECORATING JOBBING
Sermon. pli~ihlt, to tII('llIhl'rship in this :"slH'ia-
11 A . .l\L-:\lomin·g Worship. SCI'- 'flll're shall he reg-iliaI' IIH,etillg-S of the
ilion h~' the pastor Oil the suh,iect,
., (;,,,1 's ,\pp ea1 for a Cseful Life."
tion on payllll'lIt of s\l(·h dIll'S an,] f,'('s
as an' hpl'l'in sl't forth, and are elltillt',]
Boal'l] )1' Direl'!ors at statp,1 times, as
dl'tel'llli 11('1] hy thl' Boal'll: ]lI'o\'i ,letl,
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. 'I'pxt. lIlatt. :J: .I::' H"l'Il1on 10 ehil']I'l'1I to attplld Jllel'tillg-s of th(' a~slH'iatioll ho\\"('\"I'I'. that su(·h 1IIpetillg-S shall he Painting and Decorating
~~" ~. Whell We "\ 1l He]p to Lift," Acts aw] to al'ail thpllISp1\'l'S of its 1ll'lIelits. hl'ld at Ipast OHf'C a lIiollth, ('X('Cptillg
App!i,'ati"lIs for 1l1l'llIhpl'ship ill this as- 212 WODdb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa.
IIfeetiug-s for npxl Sunday: 01: ,. dUl'illg- the 1II0llths oj' .Tltl~' :11,,1 August.
i P. .l\l.-YOllng- I'pople's Meeting'. A sO"iatioll from ]ll'I'SOIlS 1I0t l'l'sidillg' ill Phone, Ardmore 1435 W Narberlh 1758 W
rU:i A, ~r.-fhlllcl:l\' Rehool. A place Thl' l'resid('lIt shall ha\'e tIl(' allthorih'
('ollllllitte" frolll thl' Baptist YOUlIg' Peo- thp Borough of :\'arhprth shall hc suh- to ..all sl"'"ial lI1el'tillgs of the Board 0'1'
aIltl a wcl,'olllp for ail. tIIittell tc. the Board of ])irel'!ors, as
11 A. lIf.-Puhlir Wmship. Rub,ief't
of ,serlllOU: "'''hat Go,l Hpquires of
pIe's l'nion of l'hil:\ll..lpllia will be
l'l'·.''''l·llt :Ill Ii bt·j Il.~ t he lllt\s:-.a~·l'. h,'reinaf't l'1' "oustitutp,l, for appro\'al,
alld OIl slleh apprll\'al su,·h applil'allts
Din,,·tor..; at slll'h tim('s as the husiness
and iilh.:'rt\~t:.; of the a:-;:-;oeiat.ioll Ina,' re- TONY GUILIAN
i.~:J 1'. lIf.-E\'l'ning \\'orship. Song quirc: I'l'Ol'i,](',l, howl'vl'J', that at 'kast
rs." ])Ining- this nll'pling the Sacra-
~"I'\"i,'l' of se],~..t,',l ltyJllns, a,,,,olllpanieu shall he adtlli1t",: to su.. h dass,'~ of fOl't."-~'ig-ht (-tS) hours' 1I0tiee in ,nit-
306 Woodbine Avenue
ment of Infant Baptism lI'iIl be admin- tIIl'lIIhcrshil' ill this ass'll'iatioll as thl'~'
isterell. 1,\' thl' or"lt"stra. I",'rlllon on ,. '1'he ill" ~hall hI' o'il'l'n ea"h IIlemhel' of thp NA.RBERTH, PA.
Xig'ht COIlll'lh," .Tohn !l: -to nla~' ell',·t, suhj",·j to th,' salll" ']\I('S anll B'~lrd III' ])irt~'lors of sUl'11 speria] meet-
liA:i P. lIr.-.Tuuior C. E. l\fpeting., f(\t's as :11'(\ lJ1lpost\cl l:}lOIl I'c:.;i,lf'nt IllClll· General Hauling ..nd Contrllctini', Lawn
7 P. ::\r.--~(,Jlior C. E. 1fcpting. Tu,'sda~', :!.:lO P. ~r.-'l'ltl' .l\follth]~' ings. and Carden Work, HedaeTrimming
lI[pl'ting of lit,' Ladies' ~[ission Circle hprs; 11l'o\'i,lpd, ho\\"(' 1',,1', that lI o thillg- 1",'l'!io'I'1, 01',11'1' of BlIsilless. "\t thp
j~:J P. lIr.-En'ning Worship. S,'r- Tree Planting aDd Trimming
will Ill' hpll] at thp' hOl\lc of ~[rs, \\'i]- h"I','ill "olltailtl',l ,;hall 1)(' ('onstnle,l as :llllll1al 1l1l'l·tillg· of the :l~~lll"iati()ll. allrl
mon th"lIlp: •• ])pli\'('r(',l :lIll] .Tusti-
]ialll .T.•[(lIIes, 10:l f,)outh Xarherlh Avc- cll'pl'h·ing allY }ll'lls('nt. Jl\(\lIdlt'I' of' the at till' IIll'pting of the Boar,l of Dirl'c-
H('IL ' , :I~s()('iati()n 111 g'o4111 ~t:lnding of his or
Churoh Notes. 11ue. tor,;, the order of hIlSilll'';s ,;hall lIe as
\\'",lll('"la~', S 1'. lIl.-.l\lidwl'ek serv- her tII,':lI \l,'rsh i l' t Ill'rl'ill.
The r,'I'orel in SUIl,]av S"hool attend-
unce was again -hrol,c.n last Sunday,
i,'1' of the Churl'1l. 'rhis will Ill' a I"ed iOH :.!. Class"s of :'IT PIli hersh i 1'.
~r(,lIIh('l'ship ill this asso"iatioll shall
foll(1\\"~ :
1. noll ca]1.
Narberth Auto
Tllanksg"i\"ing :-;Pf\·j('(' for the Ini~sion­

,,,11(111 :t1-~ ,,·PI'P. rf'}lnrt(\tl Pl'l'~f'I1t. .) J:t'adillg of the lldlllltC':-,.
')'he ('hur"h ]'ra~'('r lIfel'ting- will be
a 1'.\' :1l"'''lIll'lishlllt'nts of tilt' past year.
I"'('rs an,l \'isitors an' wcl"ollle
"ousist of ,'utillg IIH'llIhel's, "ontrihutilll-:
III lllll hl\I';';, ~llstaining lllelllbl'rs awl hon- 01. I-:t'!J()l't':'i of otlil·('r~. Repair Shop
hel,] next \Ve,lneSl]a~' l'\'l'ning-. The [ orary IIlPlllhprs; pl'o\'idl\d, ho,,-('Ypl', that -to Hl'ports of rOIl1tt1ittpe,;.
to all thpse :-;t\]'\"il'PS.
annun] ('ongregationa] mel'ting ha~ hOII(lI':lI'.\· 111 (' 1\l1 ,,'r,:hip ~hllll loe ]illlite,] to i). \-11 fiJli:",ht~ll hllSiut.':"':-:. 125 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Repairs-all kinds
r- ......-------,.--------.------~----~-----~--.-.-------------~----1 Supplies-all kinds
Narberth Register
Two Line., IOc per iuue; Sc for each additional line
Phones-Narberth 1726W or 672

Jal'I<.on. Anne. \'Iolln Instruction.
1 Connecting Narberth with Philadelphia \
Gott8hall, II. Ii. Public Accountant, 303
Conll'll)' A ... enue, ~1l1'berth, I'u.
'l'cleIlhone, Narberth 31tj-,). ROUTE OF BUSSES
kelm, B. O. CertiOed Public Acoounta.nt.
201 Dudley av-. Phone. Na.rberth 100-W.
LOOM, j·'OIlIl30" II.
Stuulo. Arcaue Blug. pbone. 310·J.
Pinno teacher.
63rd and Market Streets, North on 63rd Street For Permanent
Ilnrris. I ...·Uo:r ...'\: Clink, Illl',
,}ell'erle8, J. II. 111 Narbertb ave.
Phone, 666-M.
\ to City Line Bridge, to Merion Avenue, to Sycamore Satisfaction
~1 \Y. Lnue:lstl'l' ..\n·....;\ I'll 1Ilt)1't'. Pa. ,SlmllSon, lIarry A. 232 Essex Ave. Avenue to Montgomery Pike, to Essex Avenue, to
~' G..r...._RePlLlrlng. Etc. Phone. 1805.
Sce dlsJlln)' adYertlsellH'lIt III this Iss\1e.
Phonl'. Narberth 636.
T~'".n. Worren n. ::00 Woollbine Ave. Howard's Drug Store. BUY A
Narberth Garage. Phone Nnrberth 1633. 1'hollc. :'\arbcrth 1::02- \\'. Returning via Narberth Avenue to Montgomery,
See disl,lny nU\'ertlselnent in this issue. I
Smedley Built Home
"·I.,f, Etlwin. Repalr!\1;::,l'tc. Phone, I72li- ,y Frnton. Carl F. 506 E••ex ave. Pbone, 6U-'" Busses stop anywhere along the line to take on
See displu)' ndvcl'thwJlH.-'llt in this issue. Phil:l. nt1(lress, lti:n Clwstnnt st. Spruce r;;~rj
Zentmayer, Josel,h. 228 S. 15tb st.. Phlla. or discharge passengers.
1'.\l:\TI:\(;. At Narberth wait in Howard's drug store; at
Donahue, Pntrlek F. Phone Ili:!:!.
Sell dlspln)' nu\'crtisement III this Iss\1e. :\~\\"horl':", Wm" 8.: ('0. 212 "'oodblne An.
Phon". :'\1l1'1)('rlh 17~R-'\'.
63rd and Market in Shelton's drug store. Driver will
Sable Cen",ore. Phone. Nurberth ti72.
See ulspla)' n(l\'crtlsemcllt III this Issue. ~I''' ,1IsJlla~' ,,,I\'cl'lls('lI\ent In this Issue.
Walzer. Fred.
announce arrival of bus. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
BANKS 117 Winsor ave. Pboue, 12U-J.
Busses will leave
Merion Title & Trust Co. Pholle, Nnrb·th 3GS
See dlepllL)' ..d verU.ement In thl. I•• ue.
nn~'<1. noroce S. 31:! ~I('etlng House Lane.
Phone 3;;U,
Sell Property for Every-
and at Any Time.
Shanll, Alex. C.. Jr. Phone. No. lilO. PIIOTO PLAYS EVERY TWENTY MINUTES
Narherth Station.
Smel1le~'. Wm. D. &: II. T. Phone. 600.
..Arcadl..... 16tb and Che.tnut ste., Pbll. On the Hour-20 Minutes after the Hour-and 40 Minutes THE COMMISSION IS 3%
See dleploy advertl.ement In thl. 'e.ue. See adverUeement In tbl. I.eue. after the Hour
I'I.\NO TU:\IN(i Iml'AlIIS. First Bus leaving 6 A. M. Every hour on the hour after
CANDY, ETC. ,\:\n
.-\h~It.·. (j~nrA"e U. PhotH'. l\'arhl'l'lh 1:!:i:i-.T.
Dad8, 11. E. Phone, 1254-W.
See display advertisement In thl. Issue.
12 0' clock midnight from 63rd and Market Sts. On the half
PLU~I8ING, ETC. hour from Narberth. Busses stop anywhere along the line to
Jenkins. Ch.... L. See display uunrllsement In this Issue. take on or discharge passengers.
Wall, U. 8. Phone. Narbcrth 1U02-J. Phone, Narberth 1687
103 Dudley ave. Phone, 1GS4. See display advertisement In tble IUU. FARE, 10c. After Midnight, 25c.
Orr, Dr. A. I•. 101 Elmwood ..v, 1'bone.
Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252, Keltb Bldlr.
ColllweU. J. A. Phone, 1687
See display advertl.ement In thle luue. DRIVER FOR RATES. 230 HAVERFORD AVE.
Sehemb8, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 3l6-W.
Cor. Gro)'Ung and Windsor aVeS.
Office Hours until 0 P. M, dally.
FritllCh. H. C. Pbone, 252-W.
See display advsrtleement In tble I.eue.
11011. Albert.. ~pruce H!ll. WO repair, sell and install anything
DRUGGISTS' Lanu Title Bnll,lIng, Pltlln<1elllhla, I'll. Electrical. Old house wiring a speeailty.
How..rd's. Phone, 1287. Na.b, Roberl oJ. Pbone, 605.
See advertl.ement In tbls I••ue. Money for Flr.t and Second Mortl'al'ee. Ask about our three payment plan in-
ELEOTRICIANS Slmp80n. Jnmes C. 233 Eesex ave. cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
Ca8e, W. G. Phone. 3l15- W. Phone, 636. or H20 Che.tnut et,
See dlsplny ouvertisement In this issue.
l'ul'h, Veri 225 Iona ave. HOOFING, ETC.
fl. X (l'W hllRi IH·~~.
Nar. Pbone, 650-W. Ard. Pbone, 181-J.
Gullion. Ton~·. :lOll Woo,lhllll' A\·,'.
See l1isplu)' Hth-l'rthH..' lIWl1t in this issue.
Garo-lIleGlnley Co. Phone. 125S-W.
See display adverU.ement In tbl. I.eue.
IIl\Ier, ,}oho A. 241 Ion.. ave. Phone. 681-J
Shop, 246 Ha~ertord ave. Phone. lIU-J
COOK BROS. 7. Xominations all<l "Ipetion of of-
R. A,ljonrnnl!'nt.
INSUIUNCE. Good Wear Shoe Rel,alr Shop, Spction ~. Rp(l('ial ~r pptings. rrherc
Bowman, S..muel P. (Life.) Constautine. n. G. :!(j:! Haverford ave.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 8U-W.
SOrotter Bros. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1282-R.
Phone, Nnrberth 1700- W.
Sorbertlt Shoe Stor~. :!O!I Un\'el'ford ave.
See dIsplay odverllsement In this luue.
PLUMBING HEATING shaH hL' 110 other Statt'l] Iltl'etings of
thl' asso,·iation. hut. Ilteetings shaH he
('a1l",1 h~- tht' Presideut at uny t.ime
WImer. "·m. 'Vood. 106 Forest Avenue. upon t.he request of the Board of Di-
Phone. 32R R.
Conwbl'U. l'~rRnk D. Al1tOll1ohlle. Fire, etc.
o! Stuurt A\·e. 1'holle, 3!1~. B.
The above l1epa.rtrnent eho,ull1 be or tb.
I'reate.t uee to the community. tbe list can·
talns the name or every profeulonal man
tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc.. whe
ROOFING \'(,,'tor or of tlil' !~xecnti\'(~ Committee,
or upon the written request. of ten (10)
puring memhcrs, who shaH state in
LAWYERS does or can In any way eerve bi. fello,.,· writing' tlll' Jlurpose for which they de-
G11r07. ,}olm 211 Eesex ave. Pbone. UU·R. townsman. and who I. prol'reulve enoul'b sire the Ilteeting to 1)(' eaHeil. '
Phlla. addre.., LIncoln BIde. to add name to lI.t of Rel'leter.
BUte.. Fletcher W. 418 Haverford ave.
Phone. 172-W Pblla. addreu. Cro~er Bldl'.
A. 'It Is dlmcult for tboe. contrlbutlnl
their time and eftorte to the production of
Jobbing promptly attended to Seetioll :1. Notire of Meetings. 'When-
ever a meeting is to he called it shall
"Our Town" to pereonally eltber 1I:now or he the dnt~- of the Seeretary to issue
LIGHTING FlXTUBES Interview all .ucll. It would be moet belp-
lIeDon..ld ,}ohn. N..rberth pbone. UII. ful If tbo.e not now found In the printed n notice of the time, place iUl<l ohject
1511 Cbe.t. et.. Pblla. Pbone, Spruce U18. \I.t would .end In .. memo of tbelr nam... DAY PHONE NAR. 302J <1i sUl'h meeting. Such 1l0tiL'e shall he
addre.s, phone numbers and buelne_e or NIGHT PHONE NA.R.. 687 issued 11S long before the dnte of the
IIIEATS, ETC. profeulone for lIetlnl. Tble ,.,1\1 aoet· &II fol·
lowe: 10 cente each luue for I lin..; I "Db meeting us eire.umst.unces permit in or;'
(Jotter, BOilard F. Pbone. UU.
, See display advertleement In tbl. luue. for eacb addItional IIna. del' that all memhers shall hnve rca'
ca use he has he(,1l ol'<1el'el] hy t hc f;tate "The Gnrdl'n of thl' Shah," is to hl'
Ronnhlr opportunity to aUen<1 the meet, produced, ,'()al'hl'd. dan('l'd, netl'd nnd
otricials to rid the townships of nil fly
in~, hut in no ca~r ~haJ] a meetin~ he snng l'x('!nsi\"(·I~· h~' .!tulior ('olllllillnity
conYelll'll on Ic~s than twcnty,four (:!-l) bl"'l'llillj!; plaees, :1111] he intellds to see
to it thn! the hl':Jlth rcgulatiolls arl' Clnh tall'n1. Yon "'I' 11l'arrl som(,thillg' VolHAOOA '11>0. ~\N~ \ "'H BOSS
hours' notir'e, nbont that tnll'nt in the {'lIlllnl1lnit.\, .,)\:51" G01''11>o. \.E1''''i~Q. 'Po."\' '3~\O­
Sl'l'tion -l. Quol'1I1n of ~rrmhers. cnrriel1 out. -
The motion pietuJ'e film on "the fly" Clnh r;'l'lJrts-Ylln ','e llIpt with a 1,;t "ENC\.OS~O f'INO C\-\EC\(. FOQ. '1'\-\'
T\\"cnty IlH~'in~ melllhcr~ ~haJ] ,~on~ti­ of it if yon attl'll(led the .JtJltior ])anl'" P"'PE~ ANOl'\-\E\l. 'f'E.I>o.~ • A5 1'1\'1
tute a fj\lO I'll Ill. has hel'll user] hy thl' public sehools of
thl' to\\'llships of LIl\\','r ~rl'l'ioll, Hn\'rr- so 'nuf ~(\(1. \\t(~ pl'ollli:-i(l you ':IJI even- '"f\tl\'iO \~ ~EMU.'1 UP. 1'0 \-\1>o.\IE \oOR'
A HTICLE YIl. ing of splenllil] musil', danl'ill;! allll G01'1'EN A\.1.. A\?lO\J't' 1'1' IF 11" ,",ACN"I"
Spet,ioJl 1. "\mc\ldllll'nt~. '['his con~ti, forr], aUII Hal1nol', thr paJ'lwhial ~(']Iools
in "\1'<111101'<'. Bl'~'n ~[awl', an'! Hoselllont, bl':Inty-\\'ith '1'll'nty of (,olllerly for t>£.E~ FOI'. '1'\-\1>0.1' \MP 'N\\C,\l..\t:, 'NHOSE
tution nl:l~' bc allll'nl!r'd at any timc 11y thosl' who lil,1' til lang'h. 'I'll(' ,latC's "\C.1'UP-ES "'fOURE ~\JNN\NG IN "\'\-\'
Yote of t\\"o-tir<ls of the memhers prcs, the Shipl('~', Wright, Hal'eulIl allll Ball1-
\\'in Sr'hools, the Chur('h of thp Gool1 will hI' ~ra~' (ith and ,jth-(\\,o nights. PAPEQ. ~ 'N. \-\E SA'IS ~O\..,.;,~ '"'1>.01'.1'1"
pnt an,l entitk,1 to Yotc, provided
i'lll'phel'l], til<' Chur('h nr thc Hl'lleemel', -Anl1 thl' til'kl'fs at onl\' j;j ('l'nt~ OUGH'1'1Io. """"1' 'i'\\.\. 'n~' \-~,,' 0"'''1
thirty (:10) <la~'~' notiec in \\"riting of '1" RENEW SU~SCP-II>-rIONS'N"E'S
tIll' c\rdllllll'l' Y. ~r C. .\., 11111] the COil' l'lwh! III thl' slallg of Xl'\\' YOl'k-
thp IlIl'pting and of thc propo"~'] alllen<1-
l'stoga COIllIlIUllit~, ('('ntl'r, "A Broll(]\\,ay Sho\\' at a Bower)' R\c.H'T "~OU1' Ii'. \'\.L 5{>,'1 \
lllpnts ~IH,]I ha\'c heen givcn.
priee.' ,


\\'p arp gdtinj!; a ,,'holl' Ill'\\" o\ltJit '1'he Jllllolislll'I'S of Gardell ~ragnzilll'
Community Club Notes NOTIOE
(Continued from Page 1.)
of :--trl'l't :--iglls \\"hil'h an' ~hortlv to ha\'(' made a ~pl'['ial oll'er :IS to rates
hl) l'l'l·(·tt~fl at (',"pry 1-itrPl't intl'l'Sl·;·tioll
for thp I'<lilieation' of visitor~ anll the
convpnil'lIcc of I'l,~idcnts old awl nl'\\".
to OUI' Gardl'll Clllh fol' a g'I'OIlP of t"11
The ('rowJlillp; trpat of the c\"euing
"'as pl'{'sl'lIt,'d h~' ~li~s ,J01ll'~ ill the
Narbenh Taxi Service
Patrick F. Donahue
PRESS R.oor-

'fhe :--igns will he lIJl:lllle}(lI] frollt Hnd ]H'l'SOll of :\Ii:-;~ ])Ollt:r, of Hhaughai, Ou~ ...lOB
"I thillk that. I ~halJ IIl'\'('1' sel' Cl:ina. a stn,h'lIt of Br."n ~ra\\'r ('ollp~(', PIl, ... '!'I"""
hack, p\'('n till' sercw hoh's, ",hitl' kttcrs Authorized Taxi Service, by Certifi- SU 11'$
011 a blnc groulld. "\ pl,elll as IO"l'l~' as a tl'ee, whom :\Iiss .lollps >'uc('l'(',le,! in ~ceuring cate from Public Service Commls- Evt:f.I
"'bout ~ix nlonths ago the ~ign~ \\"l'n~ t 0 ~I"'ll k. I t \\'ll~ lIot so mu('h till' fad sloo, dated November 16, 1920. OLDJD.. oJ
ordrn,d hnt thl'\' arc hl'J'(' at last: alld A tl'('(' \\'ho~(' hllllgl')' mOllth i~ ]ll'('st tllnt ~Iiss DOllg's sul>jpd, "The Cn~­ w,
Taxi meets all trains. rE'O-i'c.U
,,-itll thelll :ll"(\ ~ix l:lr~c ~if.,!;lIs l(lttpr(~d ..:\gaiJl~t t1H l parth~:-: SWf'(lt lIowill~' toms of Chill('se \\'onll'II" was hound Store orders promftly called for and 'l./V\St'LP
"'1'0 :\:ll'!>f'rtll," .dd"h IITl.' to hc plllr'cd ,],I'easl. to }H~ of iuh'rp:..:t to a ffl}uiniue aUllil1 lJCe delivered. Baeeage called for and
at the followillj!; point~: \\',Ynnl.wo,,,!
Road and Cit',' Linl'. ;jHh ~tn'I't and Cit\" A tree tlwt 1001,s to God all <la\'
,I' that h,'r pI'rsollalit~·
\I'as so !"'rfe,,tly
~n'('sti"l(' :1:-: to JIl:li(P nu,rthill1r ~lll~
had to say make douhl~' app;'alillg~ '.I'hc
delivered. Freight delivered.
Open Day and Night Phone 1633
Lin(', (Hla,'k 1IIlTsI' lIotel), ''',Ynnel\'oo;' .'lId lifts IH'I' Il'af)' artlls to I'l'a,'-:
~{oad and Lanca,~tcr .\\'<'nuI" ~ront­ !!'irl~ fail'l." l'uhl>h,eI O\'pr \I'ith pllthu-
gomery A\'('lllll' an<l Chun·h Hoad. A t I'pe tllat llIny in Sl1JII!1ll'r \\,(':lr sia~m for the '1Ul'~t aliI] although she
1\I1'l'ling 1I0u,,' LallP nllll Conshohocken "' IIl'st of I'ohill~ ill hel' hair; told of mall." pha~ps of Chilll'sp life,
Statl' Hoa<l, OIl] L:IIll'a~tl'r Hoall a Ill!
1\1 ont gOll\er'y A \'cnup, prerioll\'i lip). l:p(JII whrlS" ,hOSOIll SilO\\, hilS laill;
"'ho illtilllatl'l~' lin'S ,,'ith mill,
\HI'(' full of additiollal questiolls to
ask her aftel'\\'ard, ~fiss j)ollg pn'sl'lItpII
thl' "II~toms of Chilla as the\' ha\'e
CONCERNING ASH CLLECTION ('xi:.;f(·d for g(l]l('ratioJ1s, aud ~~·s thl''y
POClllS Hrp llla(h' h,· fooi:-: 1ik(1 lIlt', han' hl'l'lI ra]Ji,II~' (-hanging' with the OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
Dl\ring the lll'('~ent IlIon:h \\'l' \l'ill Bllt Olll\' GOII ['all illal,l' a tl'ee." a,h'allel' of eiyilizatioll. 8hl' told oj' UNDER BACTERIOLOGJCAL CONTROL
(,O])l'<"1 ashl's e,'('I'\' two \I"'l'ks. unll'~s , Joyce l{ilmer. 1h e '111""1' method of foot-hi III! i ng, 1)('~t.
1l1PI'(\ is a S('\·Cl't (']J:111g"f' ill 111P wpathpl'.
1 ('xl'm!,lifil"] ill their old !'l1'o\'prh that
:1 maiolpn, to 1"IS"'~~ thl' proper small-
Pasteurized Milk j DELIVERIES rara.-M~Ginl~~
:1111] starting \l'ith thl' mOllth of ~Ia'y.
t,l1l' ,'ollel'1iolls \\'i]) h" iliad,' <lnring the llpSS of fpet lllUSt lll',,<1 sheri a wl'I1-full Brynclo~~lkcertllled WEST PHILA. U 123 South 17~ S!, Philadcf.~·
]a~t week of pal'!l month. NARBERTH SHADE TREE of !(':II'S (Illrill.t: the prOl'-('SH lwfo1'e :..:h(\ (Ped,~lallc Soclet;v) OVERBROOH
Geo. B, Suplee, ,'all hope to attain tIll' Ih'siral>ll' minute- Special .. Guernsey" MERION
Street Commissioner. Ill''' of sizp. Sh" tolel oj' tIll' anl'il'lIt.
s~'>,tenl of l'du('atioll, \\'h,'J'(~lo~' thl' ~tu­
(Roberts' &< Sharpless'
GARAnteed Roofs
DOG QUARANTINE n, .1, E,lgal', ,\, E. "'ohlt'rt, ))1'. D. "'. dt'uts :-:ill~·songill~I~· {'(llllled t11l} (It.'t.'pl'~t
St"I'kl"'I']L philosophy, 1I0t hotl:"l'in~ at all with Dairies) NARBERTH
Th(, :--tatc Hl'alth Ih>parlllll'nt has
the illtPl'pl'Pllltioll, allo] ~h,' vl'r~' fas, Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
plal'l'd a ,log quarantinl' on all of ~fonl­
('illntill~.d,'· qU(lted ~(HllL' of 11)(1 C'hilil'sl' Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
gOllllry Count~' and oth,'r eountics ill Our ~h:ld(\ Tn'p COHlJlli:..:sioll h:l:-:
lilll'~. \\'hi"h thl' littll' stlllknts J'\'l'it,'
thi~ ~('ctjou to pH'\'['nt thl' ~I'rea" of
rahil'~, eases oj' whi('h have h,'ell j'OIllIl]
fillall,\' !>l'ell I'I'g'allizeti alld ha~ 11mI'll'.]
rit.:-: rules l'()\'l'l'illg' Xarl!prth ':-, ~h:lCI(1
til tl:,' I'h\'tllllli(' ~\\'::\'illg to allll fro
of th,'il' h(;,]il'~. :--h,' t'old of th,'il' food.
Cotter's Meats
in sen'ra] plaees, tl'el'S ,,'hil'h arc hl'illg' ~Ilhlllittl'd to
their ('!othillg, allo] th,'il' hou~ing, allll
Thl' Horouc:h ('oll~ta1>11' h,;s hl"'ll 1I0ti-
ficrl that. t1;e quarantine is l'll'r,l'ti",'
April 1st until .Junl' 1;jth. Purillg' this
l.·"ulI .. il 1'01' thl'ir :lpJll'outl.
The Shade Tree Commission Act
This ad pr<H'ilh's for t1l(' plalltillg
ill sUlllming it all up. and ill tl']lillg'
thl' ('hall~l'~ .dJi('h l'i\'ilizat ion lln~
\\"I'OII"ht s'hl' a<lo],'d ,'pn' pl'l'ltih' a littll'
tlllll\ li(,(~II:-;t.'(l tlo~:-; an' to 1w 11ll1Zzh~d alld ('al'l' of shalh' tJ'('l'~ Oil hig'h\\'a~'s tribtlt(\ to our )Ii~:-,ipll:~l'il's \\"h;) slit, as- 45th and Parrish Sts. People Who
or 011 a h':lsh, dog:-, l'llJlJling at l:ll'gt) of towllships of Ih(' jjr~t "]ass, 1101'0ug'IJ~, ~nl'l'll II~ hao] liOll1' so 11111,'1: j'OI' thl' ad-
al'(' to hI' ~hot on sij!;ht hy thl' ,'ollstaIJle .111] (,iti('s. Y:lll('l}Ult.'llt of It'arJlill(r in her l'Olllltr\'.
Want The Best
alll] all stmy "og'~ arc' to hI' ~hot or l~l)lh'r thp nd :I l'Ollllllis:-,ioll of thrt't' '.I'll is Illll~t at t ru(·t ~'ll progra III w:'tS
~('1I1 to t he pound. fl'el'1Ioldl'l's lIla~' loe al'pOillll'l] \\'ho shall appJ'opl'iat('I~' jillisl'('ll 1,~' a \'<'1',\' killl]
Our Borough ('olllleil ,!r'si]'('~ that till' 11,1\'1' e)«,llIsi,'p alld allSollltl' l'lIstod\' :lIlfI ~ra('iol1:-' \rnrc! of prnbe to ih(} Groceries and Provisions
pl'()plc of Xarhl'rth IH' a('ljuainll'<1 with
tlll' qliarautiul' an,] that th,' Borou,dl
Oflieials \\'ill assist thc eOII~t:uhlr- ill
alII] e'lldl'lll ,,1' 1)()\\,l'l' to I'lalll. s"t oui.
rpllH)"(l, lliailltaill, }froh\(',t. HJlll ('a1'(\ for.
.Juniors frulJl thp ~t'lIiol's through th(?il'
1'I'l'~i<1l'lIt. ~fl'~, Bat,'hl'lor. .
Educator and
~hadc trpl'S 011 all~' of the ]lllhlil' hig'h- Thp varioll~ ('hairllll'n of thl' .lulliol'
1'1Ifol'<,ilJlY the j'('j!;lIlatioll \\'a~'~ of to\\'lIships. horoughs all,1 l'itil'~, ~(,l'tinll ':-; dl'partlllt.'nt:-, tll(,l1 g·a\"(} hrit'f
"'s :\;rhl'rth i" lIot p'roYilh'11 .dth a
I]o~-('al l'la'l' \\'agoll, thl' LO\\'l'r ~[I'riOlI
l'oli ..l' Ih'parlllll'lIt will assi~t 1,~' ~l'nrl­
1t 111:1\' Illakl' aliI] ellfol'[," I'e).!ulatioll~
fol' thl' '('an' of shalk tJ'('l'~.
It has power to 1'111 plo~- u Ill] pa,v 1'1'0-
rt'jlCll"t:-i upon th(' II)'og"I't':-':-'
\\'l'rk. ~fi" ~Iargll.. ritl' ~11Il'11('J' IIpoll
tIJ,' ,'"t('rtajllJlI"lIt-~liss ~lahl'l Kirk-
of t111'ir
Kreider Shoes HARRY B. WALL
illg thl'ir \\"Igon through :\arhl'rth and fl'ssiollal allll other 1l1'1'.]l'o] hl'lp, su"h patril'k UI"'II tIJ,' lI\l'II]lll .. rship-:\ri~s
for Children Plumbing, Gas Fitting
rPlll()\"iJlg all dO~H rtlllllillg' at large. a~ f(ll'l'~tel's, StlJll'rillft'lId('lIt~. l't['. .-\u!!usta "'i1hl'ro\\' I]Jll]1I thl' J1111~i(',d. and Heating
Keep Your Dog Muzzled. Th,' l'O~t ill(,i<l"lIt to the plalltillg alll]
reulo"al of tn't's is ~harglll1 ag:dll:-:t th('
alld :\li" .I<'alll'ttl' nillis UpOIl thl'
pt!i,Jil,ity r]"]':ll'tllll'lIt,
U, S. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA- ulollttillg Pl'o!,l'l't~' O\\'lleI'S. t1lat of maill-
U'Jl:ttH'l' :lllll l':tn' i~ 111l't 11,\' a gt'Jl(lr:d
Till' l't':--t ,It' th(' ('\"l'lling; wa:-; :-']I'\Jlt on School Shoes Phone, Narberth 1602.J
TIONS. ill a plt':I:-':tllt "gt'ttiJlg :H'ql1aillh:d
t ax or a ppr"pl'ia 1ion.
~tlpt'l'\' isi ng :\1 in i ng Engi llt'l\l', :-t:-l,nOo 111lll.'·' ],,'1\\"'1'11 th,' t\\'11 I'1I1I>S. allrl ill Better come in and look
to :j:,j,(I(I(I a ~'l'a 1', t h,' "lIio\'lIll'lIt lit' tIll' i""-I'rplIl,1 :: 1111
Desirable Sha1e Trees
1':I1\:l'''' ~'f;'\'l'd by thl' ho:-,tl':"Sl.IS of ylH' them over
~fiJlillg :\1141 ::\Ietall11r~il'ul
$-t,(lII(I to :j:;j,OOO a ~'l'ar.
EngiIH'lll', X"I'\\'a~' ~rapJp, :-;lIgUI' ~[a!,h'. 1/,'d
~faplr" ~fai.]l'lIhair '1'1'1'1' 01' Gill],o.
"'" thilll, thl' :-;I'llillr ('Ill], l'lIion"!
Narberth Shoe Store
I1hl1llillutiJlg Ga:o; ElIgill('el'~ ~:~.:!-l() a 'J'lI1ip PlIplar. Oril'lItal Pbll". EllrOp"111l their (l\'l'llillg-\\"l' l\.lIo\\" tlip .I'~I1:i()t' A FULL LINE OF
Linllcn, SC:Jr!l't Oak, H,'<1 Oak, Pill Oa],. ('ll1l, di4l-and !"o ]Il'rl"~ tl) :l\;'IlY 11.(}1'l'
.\IUl'ril"1ll 'I-:!m, IInr,,' ('h,'~tnllt, all.] ~lH'h d(ltllJl(~ lIH'l'tiJl~:--!
209 Haverford Avenue CIGARS
.Assi:-;tant Ht.1fill('l'Y EJI~..dIl(,(,I'~ $:2~7()n
~W(ll't (hUll. Narberth Stationery. Magazine•• Candie.
to *:1,(1(111 a y('ar.
:\finillg' Tl'('hnolog'ist, $~,-Pl() to $·l,nno Undesirable Shade Trezs A SURPRISE! .-- ... .. ..
_ _
Silvl'l' :\l:tph-, Carolina I'oplar, "\ilall-
a ~·(':tr.
.\t la~t th,' sta!.:,' i~ sl'l-figuratj\'('I~'
thns aud \\'ill,,\\',
'1"h(' "nitl'l] :--tat('~ Civil :--('I'\'i"I' ('nlll- :-:peakill~ n:-i ~·('t-'for thl' :-:uJ'priSl\ whi('h

1H i~si()n :t 1111011111'1':-' op(,Jl ('Olll}llit it h"e I'X- tht' .111111\':':-; 11:1\'(' hl'l')} l'ruJllh.illg' :"::11'·
alllillatiolis for thl' positinll~ li~t(',1 l'l'rth for SOllll' tillll'. \'1111 '11 111'\'1']'
SCOUTS CO-OPERATE IN FLY ~lI(,s~-:-:o \\"("11 ha\"(' to tpll, and t'1111
,T:!(':lJleifISill tlH' BtI]"(':ll1 lit' ~lilltl:-;,
CAMPAIGN t h, ..... u:->!II·Il!"t'.-A 11\ U:-ii('al ('Ollll'll;: ,-110, ~- ,(
-ll wonderfttl 1I111sil'al I'll 111 l'<1y, "lit itl,'d.
Dl'pal'tllH'lIt of the IlIll'l'iol', for 1]lIt,\' ill «('ontinnl'l] frolll Pa~e ]) --- I(

I 1(,\\\
\Yashillgtoll, P. C,. 01' ill th,' 1Ir,Id at the
Ral:lJ'ie~ illdi('ated, allll ill po~itioll~ J'(" ill thl'ir 1'0\\'1'1' til ,'o-opl'l'at", Tit"
fjuil'iug sillliJal' qualifit'atioll~. at thl'se
,]airies willhl' inspel'1l'<I frl'qtll'llt1y to
ill~llJ'{' thl' ('limin:Jtion oj' th(' 1\..- frOll1
or hig'hl'r or lo\\'l'!' salal'il's, \\'ill !>l' till' "'UI'",' of thl' 'l'o\\'Jl~hil"; milk STUDEBAKER DEALERS
fill('r] from thes,' ('x'lIlliuatioll~. ~uJlpl,\',
All l'itiz(,l1~ of thl' rllit,'" Stall'~ "1\'110 ~rl'. ~L V. Harrig'lII, hl'a]th llf!il'l'l' for for the Main Line ~-'\.,

1I1('('t the 1'('(llIirelll('III~, hoth IIIPII :11111 'l'n'I],dl'ri II , Ea~ttll\\'11 and "'illisto\\'11 Show Room and S.rvice Station at IA-.A-.A..A-r-A...,J'-...J'-I ~~.w~~~
Towtl~hips. }'('flurts 111at
Lancaat~r Ave.
("'l))','"OII l' \\':1:-'
"'0111011. IHay (\l1t(11' the PX:l1l1jll:ttjon~.
Jlotificd tll ('If-all up th('ir hal'k y:Jl'ds, 21 W.
Rl'(,,'ipt of apl']i['atiolls to ,'lo~"
April ~(j.
stn']lle~, (,l'lIars aUI] pi).! l"'n \'olulltal'il~·.
'H'f'ore he lIIak('~ his iJl>'l'l'"tioll, 11("
Phi/a. Offic. and Service Station at
907 N. Broad St.
i ,t
New Roofs for Old
Economically and Quickly
c. F. STRETCH, Box No. 53. 'Local Rep. Accomplished With
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
1------------ - ART CRAFT is firesafe and weather
proof; it gives lasting service;' it comes
Main Line Garage in beautiful tile designs-slate red or
Work. Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies Taxi Service Hauling of all kinda slate green. Laid right over old wooden
Packard Limouaine to Hire shingles it saves the expense and labor
Narberth 1805 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
SABlE CENSORE of ripping off the old roof. Made by
Phone. Narberth 672
Bird and Son, inc., Established 1795,
makers of the reliable Neponset products.
Ask for our advice and free estin&ows.
in the Garden Club of the Narberth Civic Association
Name ............................................. 3Jullttrl' of till' ',arl'
250 Haverford Ave.
Address ••••••••••••••••••• , _ •••••••••••• "0 .0. Insu,.ance of all kinds
Phone 302 J NARBERTH, PA.
I am •.•••...•• a payiJlg member of the Civic Association Auto Licen~es Rents C~l1ected
; Marriage Licen~es
Affadavits for Income Tax

k! (!aft ROO!
••••••••• '" •••••••••••• , ••••••• 0 •••••• 0. '" •••••••••••••••••••••••

As membership in tho Civic Association is necessary in order to Workmen's Compen8ation

become a member of the Garden ClUb, $1.00 to be enclosed, covering
year's dues for new members.
Phone, Nerbertb-J247-J
Mail to the GardIn Club, Box 118, Narberth

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