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Send In Fireside

IteDls OUR TO ,"The Rose Maiden"

Friday Night



Community Club Notes Minstrel Show

"The Rose Maiden" Will Make Her MUSICAL Well Received

Appearance inNarberth, Friday,Apri115 OF APRIL 5

'I'h,' \\'ollll'II'S "OIIlIlIUllity ('Iub 01'


7: :\'al'llI'rtlJ jist.'lIl'd 10 II ,.]lal'lllillg tall,

h,\' :III'S. ~Iaul'i"e .T. Bahh, who studied
th,' violiu with all old lIla"tl'l' ill Bo,

h"llIin. Hl'r suhjl'd wns, ., \\'h~' :\10- Our XarlH'rth Bo.\· :-;"outs again cov-
sil' is the ~oul of Bohl'mia," 'I'his ere,l thl'nlsel\"(,s with glor,\' last 1-'ri-
('(lllnt ry i~ HOW known n~ Czeeho-:-:;Io- da~' night ill thl'ir annual l'ntertain·

Tbe Story.
"'1'he (~ue"1J of tlw rlower Flli)"ie~, \\' I'a 1',\' of a life of un·
THE FiRESIDE yalda. 'I t rlll~' ~lavi .. rejlllbli,' sllr-
rOlllldld h~' Telltolls. TIIil "ollntry is
III"nt awl lIlillstrel sholl' in EII1I Hall.
The hall \I'as "1'0\1"(1",1 to tIll' ,1001'S,
1't'1I111tt', ill:H'('('~~ible and lal'gt'l~' :q,!,'l'i· awl the applallse was g"lIerolls for every
hroken call1l, prays of thl) newly !"<,tuI'll',1 ~priug that he will he· :Ill'. R.lph S. Dt:nn has taken No. Hi
,·lIHlIra!. Xobles arc in IUI\\'('r. TIll'y nlllllhl'r on till' progralll. ,\ lid on last
stow upou her abo the gift of lovl' that he llestO\\'fj upon man. ~hiller avellne.
sllpport. lI"ond,'rflll fon's! r.\' Sl~hools, ~loll<Ia~' e\','nillp; th" ho~'s \I'l'llt up to
He warns her of the risk she rUlIs, but Jinally yiel,ls to her en-
\l'hi,.]l train the peasant~ in lIIallY arts. \\'aylH', all,l J'l'peated tl!<'ir ,·ntertain·
tr'.!atie~ by changing her, whlle shl' ~h'"ps, illtO the form of a :III'. \\'. G. GllIllmer is moving to
The~' arC) 'all tallp;ht 1II11si .. from I'hiltl- lllent, llllder the auspiees of the "'ayne
beautiful girl. l'nder the name of ]h~eblo"solll, "he \\'l1l1lIers :llontonr"ville, 1'a.
hood to old agl'. They lIIake illexpl'n· ~eouts, 1<, the 11I'colllpanilllellt of l1Iore
through the world to find the lo\'<' that ~he seeks, and lIIeets
si\',' violins frolll tl", 01,1 \I'IHHI of' tlll'ir applallsc alld appl'l'l'iat.ioll.
\I'ith a girl who, hal'ing Iwen hetrayed allll ,l,'sl'rteu by her lovcr, ~Ir. :tIlIl ?III'S. Hl'l'1lert "\. Pratt have
'roo 1I111"h erc,lit, tlll'rl'fore, ,'allnot
loses her ~enses an,l dil's broken-hearted, But, IU1l1l'terl'l',1 1'1'0111 J'( l lllovpd to C:l111dcll, X . .T.
IO\'I'I~', l'('r1'",'t forests. :\'('arly ,'very-
0111' 0\1'1),-; and pJa~'s a violin. :lllIsi,' he givl'l! to ~"Olltlllast"r Frell. Patten
1",1' sl'an',h, Hoseblussolll heeomes thl' wife of a forester with whom
is nl'ar alld dl~ar to all. lh'oral, 's awl his wide-a\I'ak,' band of Scouts.
she lives for a time in Ru('h perfed happiness that she ellltl10t U"org'" 1'. Hohins and family have
t ht'llll':-' :t re frolll tIl C gloriot1s1~r :-;w('t't They lll'O\'e,1 tlll'lll"el\,cs a l'1'I'dit to the
survive his ,leath. The elves bewail til(' fate of their Qllt'Cn, amI n'ulo\'ed to \Voodl)llry, ?\. ,J.
ll11h'~ of tlH' \\OOllllerfuI :-'Ollg binl:-- of ~l'out lIl11\'ClIl"nt and to the town of
sing a farewell. '1'he dosing ('horus praise,.; Gou, who in His
tht':--t' forc:--t:-;. Purit,Y of ttllll\ JlJ(\aJ1~ :\'arherth, alld pro\'ided two good even·
\\isdolll has gi\'ell evcn the Hose its thOl'lI," ;\li·. A. S. ::'\edd has tal"'n apart-
IlIlll'h to th,'sl' peasants, and the a""lIr- ing~ of flln and ,'nlightellllient for
IIIl'nts .tt, the AYon.
a,·y of ,'ollstnll'tion of thl' \"iolins ]>1'0- ahollt ].'ilill pcople.
This story is a stanuaril produetion IIIIlI'h strain to sinp; the oratorio two dlil'p:-- (1lt1~. pure :JJld lovcl,\· toups. '1'11l~ POI' tlll~ entertainlllent was not all
~11'. :..;tanlu~· B(lrg' is oe(~UPJring ;t3:1
by Fre'leric H. Cowen, and will he told nights in successioll, It is pl'oha hIe ,.]lil.lren in s,.],ool all sinp;, thl' ~'ollnp; Illcl'ry JJI:tldng'. SC\'t!ral of the nUll)·
:lll'din::;hous,' LallI'.
to you on Friday evening', April 1:'i, at t hat a ':,','ond rendit.ioll of "'l'he Hose 1111'11 a III 1 In:d,ls an' \\"l'11 tra iJH~,1 ill lnll- 1,,'rs on t hl' prop;ra 111 werl' (·duea tional,
S.l;; 0 ','lo('k in the :-;ehool AlHlitorium )laid,'n" \\"ill he givl'lI for some dmr· :-,it' (luring' tlll~ir 1IIn~t. I'l'('cpth't· ag t '. ill that they "xplain"d ahollt t.he splen-
i1:l1>le I'Ul"JlIlse in another j\lain Line :II rs, H. ,\, .l:II'o!>s is 1'l'l1overing from
in IH'autiful hanllony by 7;) voiees, 1,1 (:l':Indp:ln'nts, parl'n1s and "hil,lr,'n di,l \1'01'1, Ihat the Sl'outs aI''' doillg and
H ~t'\'t'l't\ :ltt:Il'l( of ttlll:--ilitis.
soloists lOnd a lll-pi",'e ol'l'hestra, eom- tOWIl n"arbr, at \I,hieh time those Nar- what th:'~' plan to do in thl' filture.
I'la~' tll~,'tl'r.
posing thl' Xarberth Chora I So('idy. IIl'llhian" \I'ho will not hllve h,'en ahle A Scout Program All the Way Through.
They h:l\-t' 1l1:tJl~r ()J'('IH\~tl':l~ anel goi\'C'
Do)) 't 111 bs " The H():-,e ~[aiclC'll"
The 1111'1 (I(ly and thellle running to :dt"'111 on thl' ];)tlt "an ha\'e the op- ·It W:\:-; n :Sc'out cvcnin~ ill (',"cry par·
Ill'Xt Friday llight. Foll(
l'OBI't'ri", :,Ild 11:1111'(':0;. slIlIg°:-' f0l111d-
through this entire ,'antata are so 1""'!llnity ot' hearing it in 1I110ther 10' ti"ular. 'I'he prllgrnlll "1"'II,'d with a
I'd 011 il'gPllds of the ohl ('a~tlc:-, fur·
fantasti"ally appealinp; that \1 ith the ("a lit~·.
Ili~h 111:tny :111 (',,('ning's t'nt"pl'taiIl111PllL
Thl' 'oloist.s 11:1 ve been selcded frulll :\1 r". H. D. lIu!'p awl family, who re-
<1(,c}lc:--t l'('gl'tlt one is llHule tu realize :-;"llll'tlill', ]' litcratllre and nlll-
11", ('horus, alld inehllle: :lIfrs. Ho\\'· :--idt\d Oil Pri(,C a\"l,,'Ulit', Ul'P now living
the Jinak is at an "n,l Im,l is gentl~' :-;i(' nrc' ('l'f'ntt'cl tht'l'tI, hut we J)P\'PI' hcar
ani 1l0f1'lllllll, )lrs. "'Ill. 'I'. Ta~'lor, J\hs. i II Hut L~dg'e, J>a.
l'('llJillfled that·-" '1'hey that rejoie'J
Jllust soITOW, and the~' that 10\'1' lllust ,\, ~. LOllghottom, Mrs. H. S, Bradley,
:II iss Huth E. Pres,'ott, )lrs. Katherine :Ill'. Willis E. Blo,lgl'tt, of Grayling
HI' t ltt'l!I. Tltt'
Prl':-,itl(,Jlt, Prot'l'SSOI'
h:l:-' all . . \lllt'J'il':I11 wifl\ ::'0 WP
All Star Win From
part, but ~'et, 0 (:,"1, \n,
pmisl' Thel'. who blcllllest nip;IJt and 11. T1'o·.... hl'i,lg,·, :!III'S, Arthur Staples, a\'eIlIH', has he('u iu Chi"agu the last
t.wo weeks oU husiul'ss for the ,\ utOear
hll]'1' to kllo\l' nll,n' of this art in the
flit lire.
Tennis Team 49 to 14
1lIOl'n. 'rou }o\'cly \YCl'l~ rrh:,r rtl:--t':-' \n'rc :\11'..1. D. ::'II urjlh~', l\lr. H. P. Carr, ::III'.
:III'S. \Yood ga\"(~ a I'l'yi"\I' of J)rinl,·
they with a thorn." ,Ioseph ::'Il.-(;arrit~', ::III'. Louis Easby, (\I111l'all:r·, of Ardmore. BUT IT WAS A GREAT NIGHT FOR
\I':l1er's "Ahrnh:Ull Lin"oln" 11011" Ile-
The ~arherth Choral Soeiet~· d ..sen·('s :II r. F. H, :II ih·hdl, :Ill'. George Hose. 'fHE SINGLE TENNIS MEN AT
The a,i1lli,,",i,," to "The nose ),[aid· ~In;.
H. C:. Hu(,,:, and her danghtl'l" ing pla::,,'l at th,· H,..'a,1 St,..,d 'rbl'atn'
llllstillte I "retlit all,l ~uppo1't ill ib ~jllell­ THAT-MARTIN AND LARDIE
en" will be $1.00, and tieketH ean I,e ~lIsan, Forrl'st avenul', HJlCllt the ;\lrs. l{at,,'hl'lor rea,l frolll "nl' of .John
,li,l un,l .. rtakings, allll is to he eertainly oj DAVIS GIVE FINE EXHI-
Bllrl'()l1~,;h~' \\'ritillp::--.
congrat!llateel upon SIH·h progTcss that secured fwm any member of the Chorus Easter 1",lidays ill Xew York visiting BITION AS • 'SHOOT-
01' h~' te1<-pllllnillg' the Benetary, Nar- ~\I r:->. Hc,·ve~' ltlother. :!Iliss Call1phl'll "ntertain"d th" ('lliI. ING STARS,"
renelers it eapable of puttillg on this
I'l'l'th H:!7-W. b.,' ht\l' delightful talk ell! 'l ~l)lIg~ of'
!ll'autiful produ"tion ill six \\'el'ks of
Th "l'l' f"J'(' I'e it resoln'd h~' all y" ~Ir. :\'Ol"lllall ~ollthworth. of H:uup· :\1,\' YOllth." Fir"t shl' fldd of ~"oh'b
ensclIlhh, \\'ork. Xarhcrth is unusually ,\" 1':1, '''' \\" lIT:',' ahll' to fip;l1re out
:tlld ]rbil soug:-- her Jl\ot1ll\r S:lIl~O, tl11'1)
fortunate in havillg a professiollal di- who·, and who .. xpeet none but t!('ll a \"t~~llle, ha:-> rt'hll'lll\d froBl B(I~tun, frOl1l tl,,' 111:"'' of ,,(atisti('s furnish"d
th" hest of Illusi,', that upon Friday :\Iass., \1"111''''' hI' was called hy the 111' Lon,kl1 I,allads, ~,'hoolda~'s l.rollght
redor ill its llli,lst slll·h liS Vro!'. Xi,'''. 10,\- th,· ihl'<'" ofli"ial s"orl' keepers,
,'\'I'lling', April I.i, at S,l;; o'e!ol'k, ye :-;el'iolls i1l11(1:-;~ of hi~ Jlwther. lllorals and ,,'ntillll'lIt into tb., hal,
who has showlI II Illost "n'ditahle "om- a loll II i t 11" olll~' glllr,\' that t hI' basl,et·
~li:ll1 ht' g-atllt'rcll alllUng t.lip thrung" at btl:--. Hi!.!; brotlH'J' 's 1I1111:-,('II:--e in tillll'
11l1111it~p ~pjrit. hi giving :-\() 11111('1. tillh' , l.all 1":1111 of tlll' Xarhl'l'th '!\'nnis "\SRO-
work lind ,'l1'o1't towanl the shaping of till' ~l'hool AllIlitorilllll to witlless a (Continuell all Page ·1.) \l'as follo\l'.'d hy :1 !"'riod of t"arflll "iatioll got uut of tht' ~alll(' with tlH~
lllusi,'al tl'illlllph for the always 1'1'''- aud lug;1l1JUl'ioliS HOllg-:-;. :--;ht~ learIlc(l all
this Chorus. Our hats a 1'1' otT to you. :\ar1\1'l't1, ,\I! ~tar, ill tI", Y. ;\L C. A.
]lI'Of. ::"i('p! ]~()lIgo 1Iiay :'·011 11(' aillollg gTt'~:-,i\"t' to\\°]l of ~al'ht'rtho :-;0 t.hat ye tIle lIatiollal airs and lI.,rds. 'I'h"11 g~'m last \YI',hll'sda~' night belongell to
:-;11:111 lit' ~l'al'ed tht' rcgTt'ts of h:l\·ing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (':\111(' (~i\·il \rar :lnd Ethitl]iiall ~OJlg:-"
1l:--! th" ~in~ll' :l1l'Il, For out of th" 1·'
It has h",'n detinit<'I~' de"i,I"d to rell- 111i;-;~(ld dIU' I)f the lll':-,t prothl(,tion~ CVCl'
Two cents per word it cash accom- of whi"h "":\l~' 01,1 l\:"lItu"!;y HOllie" poiuts "'on'd h~' th,' t<'lIuis pl:t~'ers, I:!
f":l1ur('d iu, Ul'ar. rouud, or a1>out this panies advertisement; otherwise. five i~ tht' IH\:-;t. Shp ('lol"(\d with all tlrig·
,leI' this "alltllta ill Xarlll'rth only th,' \\,(\rt' g'.lthert'll in h~r t.he ~illg1c 111Clll-
one nip;ht, liS the Boanl of Di1'l"'1ors 11(1I'1l1l~h (If ;\:ll'lH'rth. cents per word, illal "poem" llrilig-iJl~ in tlit' titlt':-; of
1\1'rs "I' the tl':lIl1, so at ih,' enel or the
amI the )lusiea I Din,,·tor ,ll"'id,'d it Friday, April 15, at 8.15 P. M., Scbool lIl:Luy old SOll~~, ridieuliJlg' t1lP :ll)~lIrtli­
:.!:l me 1 hl' :-;j'UI'l'S rt':dl~' \\"l'1'(':
\10111<1 be plltting' the Clwrtl"; 1I11d,·1' too Anditorinnl, Admission, $1.00. ESTATE NOTICE. tics all,l illlpossihilitil's ,'olltailled in All ~t:Jrs, ~!I: ::'\arll"rth T.'nnis Asso·
ESTATE OF MARY JEFFERIES their li:I"s. l'ialion, 1·1.
ADAMS, late at' Borough of Narberth, ('on1illll(\d nil l):qo~t' 4) 8ill,g],' '1'''lIl1i~ ~ll'll, I:!: l\larri .. d Tl'n-
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. :lIontgoluel'y 'Conn1y, l'enn~yh'ania, de- Ilis -:\lplI. ~.
cenHe,l.-Letters 'l'estauleutary on the
a!Jo\'e Estate ha "ing been granted to Alumni Reorganization Of ,'ours,', if 11"1' s1ul'1, to the B~'­
1.:I\I'S anel ('onstitution of the Spllrtill~'::
Fixed Meeting Dates.
Borough Council Monthly-Second Monday COlUICil Cbamber
'1'he "\lerion 'l'itle anu 'l'rust Company
of Arumore, all persons indebteu to said Meeting a Success \Vritns' l'lIion, L'H':d ::'\0, 7S!', \11'
won],]n 'r, sa~' all~'thing al,out this l>~'­
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n MontWy-First Tlmrsday COIIDCil Cbamber Estate :tre request cd to make imme,liate llf'{lthlt,t. Sc'OI'(', :-;0 t tI ~lll' 11(. hlit ill vie,,-
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building payment, anll those ha viug legal claims, PLANS MADE FOR FUTURE ACTIV- Hi' tht' 'rf':-'lI1t~ or t1Jl~ :'.!::lllll':--; pla~·l'd he-
Narberth Civic Association MontWy-Tbird Thursday Council Chamber to prescnt the ~ame without delay at ITIES-NEW CHAIRMEN AP- t \I'",'n th.. "Ma1'ri",1 allll Single ':I[en
Narbertb Fire Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House the omce of saiu Company, No.5 East POINTED AND BY·LAWS durinp; the ]last 1Ilonths, this iH ,lhout
Lancaster avenue, Ardmore, I'll. REVISED.
Narberth Choral Society Weekly-Monday EveningsY. M. C. A. thl' onl~' \I'ay that it is possible tn reo
HARRY C. BARR, (',ml the fact that for oll.'e til(' S:nglc
A sp,'dal bllSil!<'ss lllCetillg of the
(27·1') 'l'rust Officer. l\1l'1l eame ont 011 top!
XarlH'rth High 8"11001 ,\hllllni As~o,
Date. Name of Organization and Event. Place Hour ,'iatioll was hel,l l\T0l1l1ay night ill the A Regular Maclyn Arbuckle.
FARM WANTED-I \\"!lnt to hear
from party having farm fur sale. High :-;"hool Auditoriulll. .\s for the galli" itself, it \l'as eel'-
April 14 ..•• W. C. C. Millinery Class 1117 Ellllwood AVI1. . , 9.-1511...11. Gin price an,] description. B. B. The II','W b~'·laws, as preparell hy tl1(' tainl~' worth fonr tilues th" pripe of
April 14 .•.• W. C. C. ChoraL :! I!l POl'est Ave, 2.00 P. 11. Howard, Champaign, Illinois. (26-1') )o;xe"llti\-e Board. \\"ere pl'l's('nt"d to the , alllnission. ,\ 1111 Captain (ielle Davis
ApriI15 "'l'he Ro~e ~lai,len" ~l'hool Auditorium S.OOP.lf. nll'11l1"'I'S, :ulIl pass('d \\"ith hut minor "('I'tainl~' knclI" II"hat hl' was doing
WANTED-HeJinl',l white girl to help
April 15 ...• W. C. C. 01'l'llestra , :ll:l Essex Ave 3.4,) P. M. ,.]lllllgl'S. Th('s" ne\\" hy-Iaws hring tl", \\'h"n h,' 1I:lnll',l his tl'lllll thl' AI! Stars.
with housework and I'ook; ean go
,\pril 29 Play and Cantata ~l'11001 Auditorinlll P. J\L orp;alliz:ll,ion of the AIlllllni stridly up Takl' that Inan ":\lartill, for example.
home .'lights. Or high s"hool girl to
to date, alld will h" llse,l as a hasis He ,loe~1l 't think an~' nIOt'l' of shooting
work h'11f tlays. Phone Narberth H7S or
apply ij:!:! Es~ex avenue. (:In·e) for a general waldn~'up. a liel'l ;roal with one han,l. from three·
Althollg-h the meetillg was well llll- quart"rs of thl' way down the eage,
WANTED-Home for Camphell's up- vertisecl, othl'r nnd appar('ntly 1Il0re illl- thall l\faclyn Arhn('ldc thonght of roll·
right llIission pinuo, almost new. He· port:lllt llIatters k('pt 1l1l\IlY of the melll- ing a ('igarl'tlP with onc hand in "The
sjlollsihle party may have use of hers away, as llt:1H~r \\,('ro ah:-iCllt ,,,ho Houll'l 11p." An,l Dr. "Lanlie" Da\"i,.
in tbe Garden Club of the Narberth Civic Association
piano in return for gooll care, owner llSllall~' :'1'e intel'estl'd in A lunmi aeti\-i· is just ahout as ""ar"l"ss." Xor is
ha ving moved in apartments. Phone ties. rl'lH'l'c ,,'cre llluny IllellllH'rH froBl Bill Durbin very much more of a re-
Germantown GI07-.l, or write 314 Earl· the cla':'es siJll1e 19](i, ex"eptillg 1920, s]ll'der of "the othcr sille." 'Which
Address ham 'l'erraee, Philadelphia. (2li,p) of which class llf) one was preSl'llt. In is not to ~ay, eitl1('r, that the other All
the ol,ler ela~ses, 0\\'1'1'1'1', so lIIan~' of ~tars arl' "hcgiulll'fS" hy an~r 111ell1lS.
I am a paying member of the Civic Association FOR SALE-Portahle sheet irou gar- thc gra,lnat"s live at a ,listance frolll E\""r.\· onl' of them pla~'e,l :t star game.
age. :.120 Hampden aV"llIHJ, Narherth. Xarherth that they wcre unahle to at· Hut ',rll joking asi,le, the 1I"0rk of
............................................................... .... '
Phone 1'27-\\'. (:lij.p) tl'nd, hut these 1Il1'1Il1H'rs nrc usuall~' on L:mlie Davis allll Lou Martin, hoth
As membership in thc Civic Association is necessary in order to hand for the :lnnllal llleptiugs, fOl'llll'r C'al't.aiuH of U. of P. hasketlmll
become a member of the Garden Club, $1.00 to be enclosed, covering WANTED-Girl for general housC\vork. If the enthusiaslll showll hy the lltem- teallls, \l'a~ an exhihition of skillful
year's dues for new members. No w;lshing. Mrs. Wohlert, 2li Nar- bel'S pl'l'sent is :IllY uitel'ion, tho reo playing well worth seeiug. The easo
Mail to tbe Garden ClUb, Box 118, Narbertb brook Park. Phone. Narherth 11170·Vr. juvenate,l Alul1lni Association has u
(2(j-p) hright future. (Contillllell oa Page 4)

frolll Chnstopher l\Iorley's "Travels in Of course. "'.
OUR TOWN Phil:lllelphia: " The Brass Knoeker 1267 deliver - -111
place --111
,\ long th['\ greell enl ho\\'ereu track 1268 time.
Owned and Published every Saturday M~' heart throws ofl: its pedaler's pack RECOLLECTIONS, OBSERVATIONS
It,. the Narberth Civic Association. In nll'lllOI',\' "olllllluting haek AND COMMENTS BY AN The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Kol\' ,;\\'i(,tly all,l now slo\\'ly- OLD TIMER.
Subscription price olle dollar and fifty
cents per year in ad \"llJlce.
"\h! 1\1(' ky p,!ople, you, in sooth A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
"'ho rille that ,'ara\'an of youth We sec t.hat. t.he eorre~pollrlellt for t.he
The Imal to Paoli! .Tllllior Bralleh of the "'0 1\1 ell 's COI\1-
OFFICERS OF TIm NARBERTH mUllity Club has felt t.hat our notiee of
March 31, 1921
Ih('ir refrl'shlllellt.s ,lemantletl an all- "SAMPLE OFFERI1\ GS "
"THE ROSE MAIDEN." s\\"er. 1f the eorrespoutlent tlesin's to
1'1'l'sid"III .... , .. '" .. G"org-e A. Mahl
,,·ttll' lllli('uhl~', \\"e \\"llllll hI' pl,'a,;('d
yi,'e.l're,;id"lIt :roseph H. :1\ash
Yit,(,.}lI'_,:;jdI'Jl1 \lIgll~tlls .T. Loos I" ('all lIll'] lalk it O\·l'r. ".(' arc. of $9,500,00 New two story hollow tile bungalow, three bedrooms, tile
:\exl Frillay night \\'ill be 0]\1' tirst. bat.h, large living room (stone open fire place), dining room, kitchen,
Yi,.• ,·! '1'l',;id"lIt ~I rs. ('. 1'. FowleI' ('0111':-;(', n:-::-otllltill~!; frolll lH'illg a Illl'lIllIe!'
~ti:-;~ ~IJlii'.it' .T. ~iIllPS()11
Tn':t:-;ilfl'I' • . • . •
opporl U:l it,\' to hear the Narherth Choral front anu hack cement porches, Unll,;ual ha~cment. Lot 50 x 117. Best
"I' thl' .Jnlli,,1' ]{J-aJll·h Ihat tIll' YO\lllg location.
~(l('J'(·taI'Y •••• " " . . • • I~lllH'rt .J, Edg':IJ"
'l'hi;-; llJ'!-!::IIJizalioJ) 1'('II1'l'~('llt;-; th(' big-· lad~~ i~ 1l1l11l:Jl'J'ipd, -:tIlt! 1'1'0111 heing; n. $12,000.00 Nearing completion, eOfIJer rl'~idence, colonial plan. Im-
lJin'l·l"r,. I" :-1'1"',' 1I111il 1!1~:;: .\1.-". mediate vieillit.y of properties up to $30,000.
H"I,,'r! ,.'. \\,,,,,.1, .J. ':;lIl'li"ld ,\tIIl'l'h"lt, g,',,1 III",-i,,:tl 1'11'01'1 .\,,'t lila",' h.\' Ih,' ]'('sidl'lIt of Xarhl'rth thaI ,;111' is prl'1t~'.
$15,000.00 Colonial farm house, 1'('lllodeled into ']elightful eight
1. ,\. ~lill,'I', ('. 1.:1\\]'('111'1' \\'lIl'\\,i .. k, i I" I'll' 0;' :""rl",rth . . . 'I'h,' HosI' ::'Iaid- room I'esidellce, hot water heat, el"ctric light, elc. Large lot, fine
,\. I,;. \\',,111"1'1, Philil' .\. l.i,'illg-sl"lI. III L,,\\"is ('al'l'oll's ., ,\Ii,'t' ill \Von-
"11," tlll'it' lir:-:t lll'odll,'tioll, pr(lllli~c:" to old shade, attractive setting. A property impossible to duplicate, gar-
Din·(·tl'l';-;, to ;-;i'I'\'(' \llItil 1~1:.!:.!: .1 .•T. "I'rlall"" ,\li,'1' relllark,; Ihat althollgh ag-e.
('ah]'(·". \\':111<'1' .\. 1-'"". II. 1:. Ilill,'g-a,;, Ill' a 1l'!"11 1'''1' all :"arl"'rlh 11l1l,;i,..10\'l·l's.
('. ]1.' ,\. ('1Il1ill. \Y. I:. 1>, IIlIlI, Illlrr~' 1.1'1 ':-: Ill' nil 11:llld, :Il1d :--htlw the Choral ,h,' had ,,('I"1l ,;el'lI a ,·at. \\'ilhollt. a Have you some friends that you \\'allt 10 bring to Narherth ~ This
,\ ..J,"'"I >,;, :,;",'i"l,\' Ih", \\'" aI'" ill h'll'k tJH'ir grill, she had 11('\'t'}" :'-i1'('11 n gTill \\"ithout o111ee will gladly give yOll complete ,ldails of any of our properties t.hat
a ,'al. ,\1 tI,,· "Ol'll"r 01' Xarl,,'rlh all" you think might interest them.
PHILI I' A. LI \T\l;;<]'OX, \\"oodldllt' :I\'l'1I11(':-O thl'I'l' I:" H ~ig;ht aI-

IIIOS! 'IS :;llIazillg, ;\ Ill'allliflll tlighl 01'
IllallY ('lI}flJ'(,d stOHl' :--t l'p:" lp:tding; fJ'()J1l
ROBERT J. NASH ~ea1'tc>:r
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, II' sid",,'::lI, t" a \':ll'alll 101. \\'" ha\'(' 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA
cashier. Sot !I'C is lIl'J'l'!'.\" )".pY('11 t hat an :'1)pli- .1I·h'll ~1't'Jl 1JOll~t':'-i without :,h'p~, hut \\,p Branch Office at S'atlon. Narberth. Pa. Telephone, Narberth 17 J 0
,'atioll will lw wadv to the 00\"1'1'11111' I)('\""!' ht,rUI'I' :-;an" :,tl'1':-' without hIJll~e:-;,
Bend all advertising and news items to "f ,Ill' ;-;Ialc ,,1' 1"'llIls,d,'allia (III ~[Ull'
P. O. Box 966. <1ay, ~I"y ~lld, ,\. P. ]!'~I, i>,\' :'Ial'.\' c. "-,, Iwti,·",1 111 Ihl' 1:I,;t iss I'" thaI th,' I,~'--~._.-_.~.__._.-_.~._--------------------------
Our Town is on sale at the depot .\llIlhull",,", ('ol'll,'lia I). Hoss, all"
nllwsstllDd, llnd llt the store of H. E. GI':I"" C. H:lll·hl,lor :I"d Ih,'ir as,il·i:ll",.
"dil"r ".'Ilil's 1>l'ing' 1111' aulhor 1'1' this
('"IIIIIIIl. 01' all lh,' ,I~ "aral, iroll,I>"lllld
Certain coals no higher in cost at the mouth of the mines than
Davis. IlIldl'l' til(' '\"; ot' '\"",uld,\' uf lh"COI'" 111'1'\'1' thaI is tIll' lillli1. ,\'; if h" "ollld others cost us 28c. per ton more in the way of freight rates to Narberth,
Entered as second-class mat.tilr 1l11l1l\l'I,::l1h (If ]'ellll'yh'allia. "1l1ii]eI1, ('\"l'!' writ(, :l1l.\"t1Jing- half :-:0 p;oot! a:"
Pa., just because the cars in transit cross and recross the Delaware.
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t "~\ll ..\"t to ])r()\'il!I' ful' the '1l1·"l'}HIl'a·
thes,' 'lI'lil'll's. 'I'h" oll" 01' Ih,' Jllllliall
Narberth, Penns)'1 vllnia, under the act tioll allil Hll,~111ati()n of l't.'l'taill L'ol'pura- failillg" \\'hi,'h \\1' 1I1,,~1 dislik,· i,; ('011- From now on we ",ill buy coal that we can sell at retaU Illarket
of March, 1879. li,,"s," al'I'l,,)\,'d '\I'l'il ~!I, hi .. , alld prices, which we believe to be good in quality, lmt have never been in
----,---- ------------ 1li,' sll'1'II'II""1.,; I hel't't o. 1'01' t!I(, 1,11ar' Jersey.
tel' or :til illl"!Ilkd ('lll'!'ol'atioll, to 111'
,\1I'"'h"d 1" "lli' "I' Ih,· I<'1<'pholl"
OUR TOWN will gladly print ralled TIlE \\'u:.n::--:';-; l'O\l\!'-:"ITr We arc distributors of coal and coke.
]Jult':-: \\"11:11 \\":1:-- Ollt'C
till E:-::-;I':'\ :1\"('1111(' 1:-;
any news it'3m about any subject ('OHI>OH,\TIO:'; 01,' :",\Itlll-:IITII,
a ha:--kl·~I,all glial. It. i:-: 1111\\" Illl'}""}."- We assume that you are your own efficiency expert.
that is of interest to Narberth 1'1-::":";-;\'1.\',\ X 1.\. till' ,·hara .. l"I' alld
t\\"tl lHlotnl:-: :11141 :t 1'I1:--t.'" iJ'oll 111)(111.
folks, but in order to meet the 01 •. 11'1':"-; td' ,,, hi\·ll :11'1' t t) 1'1I1'1·lla:-;e :"nit· We arc located at the right place to serve you.
\\":tlkillg' alollg: tIlt' :-:tl'l'l't thb gi\'(':-- one
printing schedule, all "copy" :ddl' groulld ::Ild (Oll:.;tl·ll{'! :llld lll:lill·
th(' illlJlI·I':-o;-.;illll ot' ha\"il1~ ltllkno\\"itlg'l~~ We nced and want your business.
-manuscripts-must reach the tain 1Ll't"I'0I1 1l\lildillg:-- for 1111' 1I1l'I't·
str"lhod J:pOll S"I II ""ll " '~ hask,·t.hall flool".
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each illg"s of tllt' \\'Otllt'll ';-.; l't1l1ll1111llit,Y Cluh
Tilt' oth\~r g'oal, hOWe\"I'I', i:-; llot to he We can give you as IUuch for your dollar as you can get anywhere,
week. of \:'1'1"'1'111, 1"·lIl1s."h-allia, alld ab" to
jill 1I:-'I.'i1 for illtl'lIl'l'tHal, I'dlll'atiollal, and it is our ambition to give you a little marc, for we do not forget
"lid 1I1l'1':" '!<-""I 01'11 1l'1I 1 :""lI,e: Ih,' lill('s that owing to circlUustances beyond our control (war time conditions)
of l'h"il':-:, 11111 . ..:;1·. art <illd g"I'III'raJ :-;ot'i:tl
On the 'i.:!!l niH' lIight la:.;t \\"l'pk a gl'll- many of our Narberth citizens paid ns prices in excess of those pre-
SATURDAY, APRIL 9,.1921 111'1ifl I,," 111",,11> "t 1<',·I11I',·S. ('!:Js,,'s alld tl""1all (h" had "" a "]'('';~ suit) ill- vaUing elsewhere, much to our mortification and disgust.
('''rJ:II''' Iii, fri"11I1 alld illl'id('II\aIl.\· Ih,!
1'lIfel'l:lilllllt'ld--. :llld for thl's,' Jllll'llll:-;t'~
\\IHdl' ('ar tll:tt hI' \\":1:-; g'\lillg' to the
Profits have zone just exactly as have sal:uies aud incomes of many
EMERG~NCYPHONECALLS 1,> 11:1\" alld I'"S'I',-~
alld "II.i"~' all 1h(' of our lustomers.
Fire, 350 l'i.~"1Jt~. 1l('tlPtil~ :llld JlJ'i\"ilq.!.·I's of the' "::'Ia,;k and "'ig" all" 1h"11 at't,'r\\-an]
Police, 1250 ",lid '\"1 of .\''''IIII<I,\' alld ils slll'pl,', t" a "a'll'('. \\'" \I,'re g-Ia" to I,no\\' it, Prices for the month of April follow, which are subject to change
1l1t'11t .... 1>lIt 11101'(' Jluhli"il~- Illight hav" hel'n
:'1l':,:('OE l\r. GIBsOX, (I1,1aillt'd hy :"l'lIding' till' IH'\\"l'" ill to the Pea Coal S10.50 Per Ton J
Nut Coal 13.50 ' • , • ~
50c Extra for
Editorial Solicitor. Fin'sid,'. Stove Coal
Egg Coal
'........ 13 ..'50 • • • .
,...... 13.00 •• ••
Carry or
\1·JII'r,·. oh \lh"n·. arc Ihr' I>orough Buckwheat Coal . $8,25 Per Ton
'1'0 the El1itol' of Our '1'0\\'11: Coke , , , . 8.75 'I I'
TROUBLE WITH HER CAR. liIH':" :111 I gT:t'de:-;, On "E:-o:-;('x a\'PlLll(' thl'

As we han' hall a l\Iareh that. \yas :-:idt'W:I}l\ I'UII:" :doug a],ollt 1'('t,t ahll\'p
Cannel Coal , ,., .. , 15.00 " I'
011 I",-j l\rrs. B. Gl'orgl' COIl-
lib, all I:ll,llI'r-g"oll·h"havi"r :\I'ril. 1"'1'- Ih" ,;11"-1'1 1',,1' ';(11111' "istall"". alld IJ"'ll
: tantinl' ~tarh~d 011t 111 n IIp\\' FOI'(l (le·
I,al's \l'e Illay ha\'(' all '\1'l'il Iii,,' a \\',·11-
Jleha,'"d :\Iay, allll\\'illg' 1'111' ';lld,1<o1l IIllt·
hreaks jike Ihat ,,1' l\lan'h ~!), \\'ilh ils
li\"I'r~' ",p' L:--;l'd ill {'Clllllt,(·tilill with the
~;H(Hh\"11 II' ~hot' HI'Jl:lit'ill~ hu:-:iIIP:":-O. Thp
';1l"d"ldy "1'01''; to :t 1",'('1 "I' a foot 01'
';0 ,d,o\'(' Ihl' ,;ll'I'''1. (h"J' Oil lona a\'I'-
IlU" Ih,·,.,.. arc t\lO ,;i"I'\\':tlks in front
c. P. COOK
("a r H'('llll'd Jlol'Ill:il ill l'\"t'!'.\" I"t':'llt'l·t. :llld
drop tit' Jlllar1~' /ill d\'~l't'(I:-\, gTtllIlltl of :-:0111(' of the hllll:-;I'~, 011(' 1I1'at' the
fl'OZI'Il, hlo:-;:-;olll:-< \\'ithl'rl'd~ 11I:q.!,"Jlldia
l'l'h'i\','d fill(, ulitil nt'ar 111l' sl<,n,' \\'all
,'urI> all,1 011" lI('ar Ihl' hOllsc. :-;i III ila l' Coal VVood Coke I
hllllllli 111l'1ll'd a rllst.\- hr"\\'ll, all lIatllI'l' I
:11 1h(' '\'1,,'1"1'11 ('lid of \Yilll!,;ol' :1\"'11111',
:'11'';. ('''II,I"ulin". who had onl.\· had
l'\:ltllpll':-- lIla~' hI' fOlllld Oil :lily ~tJ'(\ct II
';"I'llJillg- 10 I'l,,,] frlllll thi,; hlo\\' in the
a 1
\"1 1'.\' ll'\\" 1t':":-:(1I1~ ill ('h:lllfrellt'jn~,
ill t til' 1"\I'll. NARBERTH, PA. I
ll'ft turn. Tht' ('ar I
l!ow('\"t'I', there art' other hutl:-- ~·l~t
III hr,'ak fllrlh, all,l 11", ill.illr,\' \\'ill 1I0t.
t,It'I'h'd ,0 111:11\(' n
~t'I'IIIPti CII1,\" too \,"illing' :llld tril'tl to
:--;"111<' l)U' }to:-,itlg' :1:-: till' ;\lIlt\l'it':ln ~---------------------_. • a_e. •• • _.JI
l,('gioll I'alli,d a I'l'i('lId of oOI'S Oll Illl'
111\ ~o ~r(,:lt a~ it np]ll':lt':-'. Po:-,:-,ythia ]'lUI O\'l'1' I III' "lIrlt lIlId ,;id,,\\",l!k in it.,;
phOlll' ""0 III l' t illll' :lgll anti without :l1l;\P
Idossolll's ,;till holll th"ir ~'dlo\\', t.ulil's lia,;tl' I" g.·t arollnd Ih,' "'"'11"1' '1lli..Jd~'.
:1I11l01IJlt'~'1I1CJ1t of \\"ho \\'H:" ('alling', :t~k·
"Xot ~o fa:--t!" :-oaid ::\rl':-;, ('olistalltiJlI',
arc llllhllrt, and evell h~'a('illlhs alld ('il our fl'ipud if hl' W('I'(\ all eX·~t'r\'i(,t'
:11111 ga\"(' it a .\":llIk t1l(' other \\"a~'.
Ilar('i,;,;; in hloOl1l ,;""lll ullall'",·1<·d sa\'C
ill t.heir ,;tellls. \\'hil'll arc \\'"ak'·I](·'1.
rl'hcl'p has h(\Pll gT(\at tt~lllptati()1l to I
i'hi:" scnilll'd to ('onfu:-;t' tllP thing, alld
ill :t fnh·tiflll of a :-;l'I'OJld it ~('Cllll'd to
Ilian. 001' fl'i('lId l'I'pli"d
allll th"!l a,;lo'd, "\\'JIO
whieh Ihe \'oi,'c rel'licll,
Ihat ht' was,
i,; tlli,;!", '1'"
.. This i,; Ih,'
Last Month-What
lliake g,ll'dellS ill l\lar('h, and \\'heI'l' th" g'o 10 Ihc' rig-ht, Il'fl alld ,;ll'lIight ahell,l
-Itlll Ih,·I'l· \la,; a ';lld"l'n st"p \\"hell il 1\J111'l'i(·tll Lpg'ion." Ollr fl'il'Uti (·lailll:-> was paid for gas, groceries or meat? Women who have a
groulld \\'as dr.\' and "nllllhl~- it. \\':IS all
Hl'rh"l'll hl'ad (Ill against ::\fis:-; GihRon'R
he heal'll onl~' onc \'oi,·,'. household checking account here need not look over old bills-
right to tal,c a dlall'·''. ])"sl'itl' tIll'
changes ill lellljlL'raluI'l', hot SUll'; all,l liigh ,;t,'Hl' \\'all. ,\ 1','\\' of thl' front. for bills may be destroyed when paid, as every check is a proven
:-;l'l'ing has ('Ollll'. 'J'hi,; rad \\'a~
driving rain,;, oniolls and ]ll'as pl:lllt"d IJl·l).i('(·ti()ll~: \\"('I"l' 11tHI'll t'hang;ed, hut tht' receipt, and the stub carries a place for needed information.
"ar \\"a,; ,\.ill ahle to lIavigate allil thl' hl'ollght. to 0111' 1I0ti,·\' 1>.\- th,' inel't'as-
the 21st \\'''rc up ill I\\'el\'(· ,la~''; all,l iug 1l1111l11l'l' of IHJJlI~ on 1'11(' ('igal' :--tOI'l'
are doillg well, all,l il i,; tilll!' to Illake dl'i\"l'r ·tll1.,' rel'pi\'(\ll a :"hakillg' lip, 'rwo This institution solicits the savings and household accounts
Xarl,,'rlh 111('11 as,;is\('<1 ]lfr,;. COII,;tall- "01'111'1". If any of 0111' I'(':lllers \\'ish to
3 se"IlIld plallting.
I of wo:nen, offering many conveniences that make it pleasing
tin(' awl h('r ('Hr to thl' gurag'e, g-el a 1''';1' id"a of th" teoll'Crallll'(' alld
March ha,; also Ill'ell a Jilll' t.illle to do 11llt hav(' :l('<'CHf; to a thCl'1l1011l(ltCI', and profitable to have an account here.
tual\.(' or enlarge floweI' lwds, llsing t.he
a Sirllp!1' "olllltin~ of nil' loafl'r,; will
~o(l to l"l'pail' poor scc·tiolls or eo\'(lr
; gi\'l' a l'lo~c npproxitllation, T1H're j:->
uIlo"eupit'<1 ,;trip,;. ,\11 this \\'Ol'k Illal,t's
H Jille gaill Oil th" hus,\' da~',; of late
Spring Fete I'relt~'
nearl~' olle fol' ea(·lt ,ll'gn'"

The Merion Title and Trust Company

WE COMMUTERS. HURST AVENUE, MERION 'I'h,· ]>ersoll \l'ho Illail"d a Idkr
Mal'l·h :n ,lirel'ting- it to ~Ir,;. Charles Banking hours: 8 A. M. to 3 P. M.
The ('OllllHlJtl'I' is like :t harolllt·tt'r- Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.
YOIlIlg-. Kent COIIIII,\' IHlirlllar~-, will
he refleets the "hang-e~ ill the weather. 011 Sat Imlay, April lii. 1!l~I, at 11 Friday evenings 7 to 9.
pI "asp "all at the :\"arhl'rth Post omel'.
In wiuter, wht'll the pa\'enlellb are :\. :III. to Ii 1'. ::'1., f"r the hl'lIelit of
treaehel'Ous, and tl](· atlllllsphel'e is fill- th(' W"h,;ter ~t.rel't HOllse. Light
e<1 with .iu\'('lIik S111nl"1>alb. the ('0111- 1\lII('heoll, ifiI.O(), 12.:W to .J P.:III. The
Illuter eur~e,; the ,lay Ihat hroup;ht llallsallt., ifi],O(), .) to ;"; 1'. M. 011 sale
hilll to live in "'I'lw bal']{wooll,;." But. -potte:l plallt,;, ('lit 110\\"('1''', ,;e(',llings,
ill these haltll~' allll 1I1I1hilion,destro~·illg'
day~ he illflates his (·hest. :tIlll looks
hOJIIC-JlHUh' ('akt.'s, (·alldh.\l-;, haskets, Exhibition by
.10\\'11 \\'ith infinite pity upon his urhan
alltographe,l hook~ allil photographs,
ganlt'll 'I(,I'OIlS and eushion~, a :IIfeel('y Gymnasium Classes Easier on the Pocketbook
friends. gO\\'II, a ('herlak hat, a pedig-I'(',',l llUpp~'
Ther.' i~ a eerlain fl'elillg of exhilara- alld otht'r fa,;('illalillg arti,'h·s. Bal- Th" Girl,;' G~'llIlla,;illm Classes of the Bread, Cakes and Candies
tioll in fI,\'i II g' thr"ug-h Ml'rion station loons allol a gl'ah hag for ,~hil,ll'ell. XarJwrth High Sehooj will gi\'e adem-
Oil the ;'.1:, t.hat, perhaps, can be :telt COllllllittee in ('h:ll'g'(': Mrs. El'llest ollstrati,)]] of ('lass work ill t.he School Costs you less than Materials and Labor
ill 110 other way. 'J'ht' rose-covered :-;earillg-, l\rrs. '1'. "'00.1 Allllre\\'s, 1\[rs. AuditoriullI. in baking at home-without the bother.
hanks, the sharp eurn's :ulll the old .r. .I. B"eri('k(', Mrs. E,l\\"an] Bok. MrR. '!'ht' ,lellloll~trat.ion will be heM n"xt And you are always sure it's fresh and
hridges l'el'ollle so fallliliar to us that Ho~s C. Cornish, Ml's. C. C. Ba('on, Thur,;day I'\'l'nillg', April 14, at 8
delicious. Prepared by experts in clean
it woul,l lIP har,l t.o inlllgint' a norlllal Mrs. Ge(\rgl' P('ttinos. Mrs. Charles o'clock. '1'ie]{l't.s, :lii eellt.~, t.1\(' pro- Opposite the Statioll
exist('n",' Ulll]l'r :UI~' otlH'r eOlHlilions. and sanitary kitchens.
YaughulI, 1\[rH. A. H. Ehll" Mrs. Hnr- ,'('ells to go to the treasury of the Ath-
\Ve arc relllil\llell of that little gelll oW Pen<1er, 1\[rs. Hel'hert '1'. Herr. let.ic Associat.ion.

The SlIrRery which is condueted by I
the la,licR clllring the hour of Morning
WorRhip is proving to he n very pOpll- I tleeR
] 1 A. l\f.-:M:orning Worship. Chil-
dren'R 'icrlllon entitled, "'rhe Eye 'rhat
PRalm 15: 3.
will hree,], 'fhese arc reported to the
ollieI.' of the tluburbun ARRoeiation, unll
then Mr. Maxwell Rees to it that every- A RCADIA
CRESTNlTr. Bel. 16th St
Finest Photoplay The-
atre ollb Size In Ihe
Inr inRtitlltioll. All parellt~ with little i Quartet anthem, "'I'he Lord Is My thing is ,lont' to eliminate the nuis- En lire World.
c-hihlrell are cordially invite,] to hring I Hoek," by "'ooclnHIII. Sermon hy tlw aIlce. Pb.toplav..-Conllnuous 101\. M. to 11.3e
l\Iontgomery Pike, N arherth, was cstl1b- P.M.
thl'lII to the "Upper Hooll1" on SlIn- I pa:-;tor un the ~t1hjcet, "'rhe Unpar- 'I'h'" C(ll11mitteeR are reporting heart~'
lisbeu 1682. liore Willilllll Penn wor-
da~'s proll!ptly at 1.1 A. 1'1[, i c10nahle i"'in," 1\latt. I", 31. co,oj'erat.ioll on t.he part of everybody, Phila•• POl.
sbipetl, as well as IJllmy other noted
'l'he Dl'ac-OnR of the Chur('h will hold I 7 I'. 1\1.-Young People'~ l\leeting. a nd the COllllllittees fel'l that it will
Friends. One of thc historical spots of
a ht1:-;iIH'S~ JIlf'eting llf'xt TllC:-Iday even- I :--;ub.i,'ct, "Hcm Do,'~ ChriRt "ri~h HiR ()1I1~' 1." IICf'CS:':II',V to ('all attelltion to
AlJlcrica is open for "'orship every PROGRAM
ing at tIl(' hOll!e of 1\[1'. '\'altoll l\L Day to Be Spentl", 1\[att. 1'" ],]a. tli,' hl'l'l'dilll--:' plaeeR ill OJ'lI,'1' to have
First·clay (::,i\llillay) morning at 11
\\' l'ntz, ~n" "rayn!' .\ VI'JIIH', to he fol- 7AG 1'. l\I.-E\'<'uing' WorRhip. Song lhl'lll c·1<'alll'c] up. How('\'(,I', if any nre
a 'clock.' 1"irst-day ::,ichooJ begins at 10
A. ~L Visitors cordially invitcd.
101\'('<1 hy n s,,,,inl hOllr ill which their sl'r\'i('" :t~Ristccl h~' the orelll'stra. Quar- lIeg-ligl'!lt of the health of otherR hy WEEK OF APRIL 11 th
lI'i\'es ,\'ill partic·ipate. 1<'t authem, "l\[ore Love to 'rhee," hy I'c'fllsillg' to renll'd.\' any nlliRan('e, the
The First-clay ::,ichool is held every
I'rayer ;-[l'etinl--:' next "'l'l]neRc]ar SI"'akR. S,'rlllon h~' tl1<' paRtor on. Ply Deput.\' will 1uI\'e thl' full authority
First-day morning at ten o'clock. 'l'here
is a class for adults as wcll as for ,'I"'lIing. 'I'h,' attl'lIdanl'e at thiR llIeet- ., \rhat Christ EXJlI'dR of Fs," Lul,e of all t.hl' Boal'lls of Health, as '\'l'll aR "Straight is the Way"
childrcn, alll] wc arc n'r)" gJau to have illl--:' ha:' ~hOIl'II n lIlarl,el] inc'renRe of' 1:;: (i·D. th,' :-':ta1'e Dcpal'tllH'nl of Heallh, to
anpllle ,,'ho is intcJ:cstm1 in knowing 1:l1c, whic'h IS \'l'r~' 1'1I,·oul'ngillg-. '" ec]u-.'s<!a.\' at S P. :\1., l\Ii<!\\'eek ('olllpd adion. )IAIN I'I!OI)UCTIO:>; S'I'AU'l'" AS NRAM
011 SlIliila~' lliornillg, April ]7, the ~(llq.~· a )uI Pra,\'er Her,'i('l'. Ru hjc(·t, AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. Moo a.oo, 1.011,
marc ahout our Socil'(y of Friclll);, and 'rht' ~tol't\l\e('pcrs an' l'fH)pCl'atin~
1.-.16. 6.46. 7.46, 9.80 P. Ill.
thc FricncJly iclcas \'isit with us. Sac'rall! 'ut of lufnllt Baptism will be ., The Ktllr~' 'l'hat. .TeRus 'rolcl," Luke heartil,\', l'spcc'iall~' when' fooc] i~ ex-
ol'ser'"<'cl ill this Chun·h. IG: 11-32. Il(':'l'd for sale. Thl'Y I'l'alize that the
Rtl'au~.~('l':--; :lud \,j:..; jtor nrc wel('oillc to
all tIl<' 'I'n'i"I':' of this ChllJ'l·h.
11.\' Jills up his hod~' with liqui<l predi-
,~l'sled food llllCl then flit's aroond look·
Early Mass on Sunduys ut 7 A. lvi. PAL CHURCH. --,---- illg for a pl:ll'e to light. .\R hI' dO"R he Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Late Mass, 10 A. M. Rev: A!:tlInr S. Walls, A. M., B. D.,
Masscs on holy days, 6.30 an,l S,:~O Pastor.
.A Fl.," ltl:-;pPt'tO)' hHS been ('llg:aged
I'l'gurgilates :,ll he had ahsorh",], and
1111'11 tril'~ to I'eahsorh it. In 110 in-
A. M. 'Veekdays at 8. EI'cning del'o-
tions nnd other scrviccs at regular
Sllllda~', .\pril 111: h~' the (J,'IWl'aJ FJ~' (':lIl1j'aigll ('11l1l1l1it- st nll(,l~ d()('~ he :-i\WI'P('t! in g'ptting it a)) EXPERT REPAIRING
!UG .\. :lL-811IHla~' :-':c-hool. All IC'I' III' Ih,' ;-Iain Lilll', aUII thc' Boarcls hac·k. I I' he lights on food, lI!ilk hot- T .Iephone Narberth 1633
times. gT:l(l('s. lks, the nippk oj' a hahy'R lIIilk hottll',
of 1Il'alth of LOlI'c'r l\1t'rion, Ha\'t'l'fo!'ll,
]1 ~1.--:l["l'IIillg WOl'sIJip.
c\. Sl'r- alld I:ac]nor, ancl thl' Borough of :\ar- ' alld el'('I'~' oth,'r plac'l', he ka\'es ,ll':1I11~'
111011 h~'
t hI' pasto]', 1"'l'th. \l'ill gi\'l' hill! the authorily of a g"I'IIIS of typhoi,], llial'l'hc'a, elltl'riti~, HOWARD C. FRITSCH
1i.,l;; 1'. :l1.-EplI'orth ],c'aglll' ])c'vo- Dl'j'lI1y. His c1l1t,\' will hc 10 t'nfo!'l'" ('hoII'I':l, dy:'elltel'.\'. paratyphoid, fe\·.'r, Justice of the Peace
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. tiollnl,\[('elillg'. A prnisl' ~l'rviee fol' n,.~,tllatilll1:-; r('~l)(\l'tiv(' parasitic' illfl'c,tion~ alld othcr di"orcf,ol's.
Rev. Malbone H. Birchhead, Associate.
the of t.he HEAL ESTATE
I tlle .'"(JtllI~ pt>0l'lc. BO:ll'd~ III ritldill:! th ... <'lItil't' s('(,tiou (If Dr. Edllnl'.l :llal'till, Conllliissionpr of
7.~;; 1'. :lL--En'lIillg' WOl'ship. Scr- 1l,'al1h, slatt's that this i" \'N.\· lal'gel,\'
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
8.15 A. ;-[,-IToh' Ci'lllll1Union. fly hn·nding pla('l'~,
!JA5 A. ;-[,-Ch u'J'('h S,·1, 001. lIlOn h~' tlit ' l':lstOI'. GW'i]H'] Song :-:)(\rv- tlH' 1'l':lSOIl 1'01' thl' dt,:Jth ra1l' of illf:,lIts Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
:III'. W. ,\. ;-[axII'e1l. Ihl' I-'I~' Inspt'c-t·
n,oo A, ;-L-:lrnrllinf( Prayer and il"', ;-[:I,ic' h,\' 1hc ;-[al<' Quart,'t alII] I 01', \l'ill follo',I' III' thl' 1'l']iol'ls of the t:IJdllg :1 11\:lp 1I1'\\':t1'l1 dlll'ill.~ th<' :-'lllll-
Sermon. ('Ilorus. PAINTING GLAZING
IIISJl,'di:1I1 ('OIllIlJi1tl'('S. whi('h al'(' on Illt'l',
Weekday AnnOuncements. thl' lookollt ill ,'ac·1I s<,c'1 ion frolll Ol','r- '1'111' ill'I,,'c'101' Il'ill ask all lhp clealpl's
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ::\lnnd:l~') .\}ll'il 11, S P. ~r.-Official
Rev. JolIn Van Ness, Minister.

i Board.
brook t'l ['aoli 1'01' plal'C'~ \l'h,'l'c' llil's 111 food :"'llppli(l~ to ('arty out. tlu' rpg'lI· WILLIAM NEWBORG I CO.
~rl\rting'~ for }H'xt ~1111l1:l:"~: : Tues,hy. Apl'il ]~, I" 1'. l\1.-Lncli,'s' Painting and Decorating
fl.,L; c\. ;-L--Sullda~' S(,hlll'1. A p!al'C I ~\id ~l)(·ip1.'". 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa.
nlll] n \';I'IC'IIIIII' j'or all. \\','cllll'scla~', April 1:;. 7 1'. ;-L-Prc- Phone, Mdmore 1436 W Narberlh 1758 W
11 A. :lL-:l[orning' \\·orshij'. Puh- 11:11':11"111'." :\1 (\111 1lPI':-' , Class('~. S ]). )'L-
lip l'l\('e~,+ioll (If Ilt'\\" lIH'ltllH r;-;, follo\\"ca
]'v I'pll'lll'ation oj' thl' LOI'c1's Bup!'pr.

! 1'I'arC'l" ..",fc(

'I'hurs,ln~· . •\pril 1-1, " to ,S 1'. :IL-

'n.,l" 1'. ;-L-.Tuuiol' Ellclenl'ol' ;lred-
7 1'. :lL-Sl'lIior EII,lp:I"or ~[I'ctillg.
7.,1" i'. ;-L---EI"'lIillg' \Y"I',hil', 1""1'-
I Tile kllIH!:I.'· ~t'h(l()l 1:--; o'l't'riug- to thp

1'1I1Ilil' " hot I'l,as( bl'l'f sllp!'el' at GO

('('Ilt:--:, J'ntroll:lg'(l :-;o]j('itp,l,
Public Sale of 306 Woodbine Avenue
General Hauling and Contractin~, LI\wn
and Garden Work, Hedl'e Trimming
1,~' ;-11'. '<'nn :\I':'S ol! the sllh.ipl't,

"HolI' Othl'l's ;-la~' 1\11"11' r c\1I! a

CIll'l:-;ti:nl. ~,
Narberth Lots Tree Dlanting and Trimming

Church Notes
'I'hpre \I','J'(' :-\~Ii pJ'(':'l'Jlt ill the SlIn-
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.
81'I'\'i,"'s 81111<l:l~', .\ I'ri] lfI, 1!)~1 : Six choice Building Lots, 5 O~foot Narberth Auto
•la~· Sc-hool last SlIlIdn~', Il'hidl i:, the
rpI'oJ'(] 'Ittl'lIclallc'e so far.
!l.::o .\. :lL--l'l'ayl'l' :-':1'I'\'iC·l'.
n.,L; A. M.-8111111ay S,·hcol.
front, some wider, with good shade, Repair Shop
some fruit trees, right between nIce 125 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Homes, on W oodbine Avenue,' one
Repairs-all kinds
Narberth Register' square north of Montgomery Pike,
Narberth. At Public Auction, Satur~
Supplies-all kirds
Two Lines, IDe per issue; Sc for each additional line
day, Apnl 16th, at lOA. M. Terms Phones-Narberth 1726W or 672
,JU('I';'~UII, .\lIllt·.
Vioilll lnstruetiull.
one-fourth cash, balance easy terms.
Gottsboll, II. Ii. Public ,I..Cl'uUllllllll. 3U3
Conwu)-' Avenue, N'arbel'th. I-u, ·t'"I"phoIH', :-Iarhel'\h 31(;-./,
lI:elm, H. O. Certified Public Acoountant. Lootoi, J"onnJ" II. IJiuno tt'ficlJer.
201 DUdley av". Phone. Narberth 100-W. ~I\ldl().Arcade Bldg. Phone. 316·J. E. GEORGE WURST, owner For Permanent
,\ UTO)I 01111.1,::,;. NOTAlty PUBLIC.
lIurl'j,.., L('H()~' ,,'C ('Iurli, It)('.
Je/l'erie., J. II. 111 Narberth ave.
Phone, 666-M.
NARBERTH Satisfaction
:!1 "", L:ulf':t:-;tt'l' ..\n'" .\I'~hllOl'(', ll:l.
Siml•• on, Harry A. 232 Essex Ave.
Leea' Gorac_Repalrlng, Etc, Ph?ne. 1606. Phone. Nnrberth 636.
See display n(h'l'rti~('lI1l'llt in tillS issup,
Narberth ('arn!;c. pholle Narbertb IG33.
T~'SUJl, "'nrrC'n U.
1'holle, :'\ar!",rlh
:.!UO \Yootlbine Ave'.
1~1)2- W,
~l'l' <!lsJlla~' lluvertl,sement In, tbls lo~,~~' . nI'TICI.\:"i~
"'it)f, }Jdwin. H(lpalrtl1~, pte. 111()J}C",ll_{J·"

Smedley Buill Home

l'-flntull, Carl Ir. 60G E88ex aVe. Pbon~, 628- v.
~ee di~play ndn\rtiHl'lIll'llt In tillS lSS\W.
Phila, :ultlrcRS. In:n Cht'stnut Ht. SJJl'uce 'j7!J7
AUTO)IOBII.I, ~l';I~\·ICE. Zentmn)·er. Jose!)h. 228 S. 15th 8t .. Pblla.
Donahue I'utrick J". Pholle 1G3:" 1',\1:'\1'1:,\(•.
See dls'plar ll<!"l'rtlsellll:nt In Ihl,,:_~~sue, Xt'whur~, ""rn., & ('0. ~1~ "·oodLJiIlP Av\.'.
Sabie Cerisorc. 1'IIOIIl'. ::-\arbcrtll ,hl_, ]~lIoll('. :\'nl'lI(ll"tll 17;'~·'Y.
See dlsJllllr lld\'er(isl'lnent In
tillS Isslle. ~"l'<11'/11:1.\' :lII\'l'rll"'II",nl III this 1"111',
\"1l1zer, Fred.
Connecting Narberth with Philadelphia WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.
~Ierl~n Title s:. Trust Co. Pholle, Nnrb'th 3!lS
See display advertisement In talB hlsue, PAI'I,H HA:>;(i):SG. NARBERTH BUS LINE
lJo~'d, Ilornt.'c S, :na ~Ipeting House Lnul'.
Shand. Alex. C., Jr. Pbone, No. 1710.
Narbertb Station.
Smedle~', Wm. D. & II. T. Phone, 600.
1'hone 351i.
"Arcadia," 16th and Cbefltnut at•., Phlla
Busses will leave
Sell Property for Every-
and at Any Time.
See advertl.ement In this I".ue. See dloplay advertloement In thll 1.luo. THE COMMiSSiON IS 3%
OANDY, ETC, I'I.\SO TU:SIS(. A:'\11 HHI'AIl{~.
Davis. II. E. Phone. 1264-W.
See advertisement 1n this I"sue,
.\hl"lt·, (ieorl{e U.

Bros. Pbone 302·J.
Phollp, :";:ll"lll'l'th l:!:iri-,T. EVERY TWENTY MINUTES
On the Hour-20 Minutes, after the Hour-and 40 Minutes
J.nklnl. Cbas. L. See display ad,'el'tlsement In this IsslIe. after the Hour NARB£RTH, PA.
lOa Dudley nve. Phone. 1GS·!. Wall, H. B. Phone. Nllrberth lG02-J.
See dlslllny advertl.ement In thlo I••uo First Bus leaving 6 A, M. Every hour on the hour after Phone, Narberth 1687
REAL ESTATE 12 o'clock midnight from 63rd and Market Sts. On the half
Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood aVo Phone. IU-W.
PhUa. Phone. FUbert 4262. Keltb Bide.
Scbembo, Dr. Jobn. Phone Narbertb 316-W.
Caldwell, .J. A. Pbone. 1687
See dleplay advertloement In thl. 1•• uI
hour from Narberth. Busses stop anywhere along the line to i Tbe Narberth Electrical Shop
Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves. take on or discharge passengers. 230 IIAVERFORD AVE.
Jr'rltseb, II. 0, Phone. 262-W.
Office Hours IIntll 9 P. M. dally. See dlsiliay advertleement In tbl. I••uo ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Howard's. Phone. 1267.
See dloplay advertisement In this I..ue.
IIall, Albert.. Sprllec 7401.
Lunu 'rill" BlIll<linl;, Philadelphia, I'll.
Nasb, Boben ... Pbone, 606.
Money for Flr.t and Becond Morte&l'es.
Slml)SOn, James C. 232 Eeoex ave.
L FARE, 10c. After Midnight, 25c.
'Ve repair, sell and install anything
Eleetrical. Old house wiring a specailty.
Ask about our three payment plan in-
Case, W. G. Phone. 395· W. Phone. 636. or H20 Cheetnut .t. cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
See display nd vertlsemen t in this Isoue.
Pusb, Verl 226 lona ave. ROOFING, ETC.
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard, Phone, 161·.T. Gora-l\leGinley Co. Phone, 1268-W. latioll of thl' llilfel'l'1I1 Bnarc]s of Health,
(;E:st;n.\l. CO :S'l' UO\(;TI:S (;.
Gullinn. 1·()n~·. :10G 'Yoollhille AVI'.
See <1lsplllr a<1n'l'tlsl'IIIl'lIt ill this IsslIe.
See display advertloement In thl. lesuo.
Hiller, ..obn A. %41 lona ave. Phone. 661-J
Shop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 121&-J
Good Wear Bhoe Repair Sbop,
COOK BROS. whic'h 1"':I<IR
"Xo fil'lll.
eXj'ose for
as follows:
1"'l'snll, 01' ('oI'[H'l'lItion shall
sak Oil all~' si,le'walk or
pa VPIIIPIlf. OJ' othpl' t'Xll('~f'tl plaec any
Powman, Samuel P. (Life.) Constnntine, B. G. 252 Hayer!ord aye.
116 Elmwood ave. Phono. 661-W.
!frotter Bros. (Fire. etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phono. U62-R.
Wimer, Wm. Wood. 106 F()re8t Avenue.
Phone, Narberth 1706-W.
Nnrbcrtb Shoe Store. 200 Ha\'erford a\'e.
See dIsplay advertisement In tbls ISBUC. PLUMBING HEATING fruit, "'egl'tnhll's 01' other artieles of
{oo,] whil'h nr,' eatl'lI 11111'()okpl], uliless
s\lc·h fl'!!It. \'pg-l'tahleR or other articles
Phone. 326 R.
The above department ehould he ot tb.
Caml.bell, I"rtLnk D. AntollHlhlle, Fire. etc.
oj Stunrt A,·e.

1'ho\l", a:I:;-IL
.-reateot uee to the communIty, tbe list con.
taln. the name or every prof....lonal man.
tradesman, mechanic, IJhopkeeper. etc., wh,
doe. or can In any way eerve hi. fellow.
ROOFING of f0(111 :In' th()ro\lghl~' sC'l'eell\'c] and
jll'ot.'l'tl'd from Hic:" 11llcl unless the)"
arc Oil p]I'\'atecl Rt:lllclR at Icast twcllty-
GUroy. "ohn 211 Esoex ave. Pbone, U46-R.. and Who I. proere...lve enou.-b
Phl1a. ..ddress, Lincoln Bide. foul' illc'hes [lhm'l' the 1t'\·,,1 of the side-
BUtel, Fletcher W. 418 Ha.verford ave. to add name to lI.t of Reellter.
walk or 1'[1 \'el!lent. 'A,lopte,l h~' the Ad-
Phone, 872-W Phil&, addre.... Crozor BidS. Ao It Ie diMcult for thOle contrlbutlnl
their time and elrorts to the production 01
"Our Town" to personally either know or
Jobbing promptly attended to vi"tor,\' Boar,l, .TaIlUl1r~· 14, I!J];'."
LIGHTING nxTnES Int.rvlew all .uch. It would be mOlt help.
McDonald "ohn. Narberth pbone. UII. The COll!lIJittel'R are orgallizillg to diR-
ful It thol. not now found In the printed
1683 Chest. st., Phlla. Phone, Spruce lUI. list would .end In a memo of their nam... trihute thollSUlHIR of pnmphletR telling
UEATS, ETC. addres., phone nUJDbere and bWllne_ or
profellloOl for lIetln.-. Thill 11'111 OOlt &II fol.
NIGHT PHONE NAR. 687 DAY PHONE NAR. 302J the stor.\· of the fly. These will be fol-
Ootler, Hm'ard F, Phone, lUI. 1011'1: 10 cenle each luuo for J lin..: I ..nb lowed hy thousands of swatters llud
See dloplay advertisement In thll I..ue.. tor each additional lin•.

field: Martin, r,; L. Davis, r,; Durhin, en's COJJlmunity Cluh heltl the Inst hcrth, It will hc wi~e to purehasc tick-] pontinuing her work at school agnin
:1; .T(lnkin~t :1; Dielde, ~; IIurris, 1; Jueetillg of the season 011 1\[onday ets in ad\'an(~e to avoid disnppointmcnt. this \\·elk.
Fret~, 1; "'i II ill illS, 1. Goals from foul: mOl'lling with 1\[r~. Rohert F. "'ood,
:l\l'artin, 0; Pret~. s. H"feree, Fred of A \,on Road. The grentel' part of the 111'1'. Pat Donohue, our Jlopular taxi '1'he sehedule of the new hus line,
Harsh. morning was spent in discussing "Pot· driver, • ntel'tained MI'. .Jllmes Galla- advertised elqewhere in this issue,
tprisJJl," hy Hose 1\[acau!ny, which is gher. Pn'si,lent of the 101'1l1 American should I).:' of grcat intorest to those who
generally eonsidel'l',l one of the most i"tores Co., (luring his lundl hour last have 'hike<1" from the trolleys
Minstrel Show Well Received illlportant hool'S of the year. Refer· 'l'uesclay Ity driving him ahout the
through missing the last train.
i COlltinu(',l frolll Page 1) I'nce was IImde to the character and
work~ )f .Tohn Burroughs, the natnrnl- ]lIi"s ,Teanette WaIton, formerly of Is it ex,'reise you wanH 'rJlllt's nlI
lliusi"al "elp(·tinn h~' thp oreIH'stra, and ist. whose funeral took place on SUIl- Xarl,erth, \\-ho spent the Easter seaSOn you'll r-:l't from your \\'ork unlt·ss you
it was a i"eout orchestra at that-a tlay, his eighty·fourth hirt.hday. in 'Vashill~ton, has returlled to her sa ve. ,\ sk tho Postmaster ahout
fad with which prohahly a good many The l.iterature Class will reSlllllO pan'uts' home ill At.lantie City before 'l'1'l'asl1r,\' Savin~s Stamps and 'l'reasury
in th(' nudipllt'" were not famili:l1'. IIleetings in the fnll, wllCn it i~ hoped H:I\-ings Certiflcates. 'rhe priee of
Sing- a soug 0' sixp('ncc; a packet full 'l'h,'n HeoutllIastpr Patten spoke hriefly, til pxteud the scope of the work. *~:;.OO Certifieates in April is $~O.i';;.

of ~l'eds, t"l\illg ahont th,' work of his boys and NOTICE

A spade allll trowl'l, rake alltl hoc arc the value of thpir snnnner camp, fur "THE NEIGHBORS," Mr. Henl'~' Rose and Postmaster
all :\ ganleller lIee,ls.
"'hen the seed is eared for, into life it
the henefit of whidl the entertainment
\Y:l:"l gi \?CJl.
Hehl'al'~als arc beillg held for "'l'!Je
Xeighhors," hy Zona Gale, the play
Narberth Taxi Service
Patrick F. Donahue
Haws lHotOJ'(,.l through llortions of
Herl,~ al"l Chester Connties last Sun-

springs, Ernest Sehnlts, Calllp Director at whil'h is to he given hy memhers of ,la~·. Fanllers in those seetions fear
, "\nd Oh, the flowers all,1 veg-ta hIes are ('amp Ddmont. was the next sJleaker, tlll' "'oJllen's COJllmunity Club on Fri- Authorized Taxi Service. by Certifi- that th,~ apple "rop wiII he almost a
a 1111 h., t"l,l ahont Boy Scont camp life cate from Public Service Commls- eOlllplctc failul'l', .lue to the severe
g-oo,l enough for kings. day ('vetling, April ~!l. Don't you want slol1, dated November 16. 1920.
-;jnst what a (lay's program at the to St't) into what a ~tate of agitatioll Taxi meets all trains. frost.
H"OIlt ,'allll' eonsists of, and how the nl'ig-hhor:; "an he thrO\l"I1 when they Store orders prom~ t1y called for and
huys pn;joy thl' ealllp and the good that learn that a YOllng widow is to' re- delivered. Baggage called for and 'I'he St:lJlllnnl Benrer So"iet~' of t.he
III our eolumn last lI"eek an error delivered. Freight delivered.
it does thelll. t'eive a little hoy on the 7.;;81 :Mem- M. E. Clulr"h met with Doroth~' L.
was made in the lIames of officers clect-
cd. Mr. .Toseph H. Xash was elected
Showing Sconts in Action. hprs of the east inelude Mrs. Walker Open Day and Night Phone 1633 Chalfant on 'rue~,lay evening. Twenty
An impromptu patrol lIIeeting of the 1.. Owen, :l\l'rs. Merritt Davis, Mrs. 'V, mem h"rs \1'l'1'(' pl'l'sl'nt. The program
'rrea~url'r. 1\[1'• .Toseph P. Simpson was
Beavpr Patrol proved to he one of the E. Blodgett, 1\[rs. Franl<1in Dunlop, ,,'as given h~' Grace 'Vool"o"ks, George
electetl Secretary.
most inter('~ting featnres of the even· 1\lrs. W. A. :l\I'itehell, Mrs, C. A. Farm- Pnrring an<1 Dorothy Chalfant. Plnns
ing. Alexander Burt, the leader of the
Bpa vcr Pntrol, preside,l, and the fol-
er, 1II'rs. .Tesse Harris, :Mrs. Hobert
GLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME ,,-el'e made for a Thank Offering party
to he given in ]\[a~' alll! II pla~' which
At presellt, Saturda~·, .Tune 4th, seems
lowing Illt'lII hers of the patrol took reg· 'rhe pla~' is lwing eoat'hed by Mrs. OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED will he given in the near future.
to he the hest date for Peony and Rose

lIlar Scout tests under the questioning X ol"1ua f'outhworth. UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
Shuw, hut the seasull will have to gov-
of Scoutmaster Patten: Signnling, Wil-
ern the exact tlate. 'rhe frost of March ,
I limn Parker and Alfred Odiorne; Na-

28th injured the first shoots on Hybrid COMMUNITY CLUB LIBRARY. Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
tnre Stn,ly, Edwa1'll Gilfillen; Comp::tss,
Tea Hoses so that we will have to watch Sinee April :2 there have heen a,lded BrynclO~~lkCerIlUed WEST PHILA. 123 South 11~ S!. PhiiadeIPhlCl:~'
Hohert Gillillen; Pirst Aid, Russel (Pedrlalle Sodety) OVERBROOI(
them earefully to learn ahout when the to the Lihrary the following lIew
Sharp; Knife, Hatchet and Ax, Her-
first blo,}m lOan he expt'de,], huoks: Special .. Guernsey" MERION
hert Bn r:ell; History of the Flag, Ern-
pst Cox. Seontmaster Patten explnin-
"Harriet and the Piper," Kathleen Milk
(Roberts· & Sharpless'
GARAnteed Roofs
I'd that the Scouts did not know, in Dairies) NARBERTB
As sen'ml memhers are planting "The Hp\,ellth _\ng('I," Alexander
i :oh-anl'e, what questions he was goin~ Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
many of the nell" antl hetter varieties Bla"k,
to ask them. Every Scout taldng the Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOO
of g-l:lllioJj we will lil,el~' he a hle to "The Brilllilling- CUI'," Dorothy Can-
mal,e quite a fine display a hout .Tuly
h'sts dill ""ry \I"ell.
Then came a genuine ul.l·time scout
ii I' It 1.
Cotter's Meats
::Wth. , 'Th., 'l'ruJllpl'ter S\\'all," Temple

IIf the c'O\\"buy days of the Old 'Vest
-Charles G. Skirdin, who told some
i u I "rl'stin~ :lIul thrilling experiences of·
Also n\-., hooks have lwell reeeived
as gifts from memhprs of the COJllmun·
Septe/llhpr ~-lth, the fourth Saturday his days as a cowhoy anti scout with it,\- Cluh:
45th and Parrish Sts. People Who
in Sepi<'JIl],pl', Sf'CIIlS to he the right Bufl'alo Bill.
,late for this show. 'rhis means tuhers Good Jokes and Lively Songs.
"Dall"lI 0 'Hara," Bl1l1a Ferber. Want The Best
"Thl' Chal'Jllp,l Life of Miss Aus-
should ill' plallt,',l ahout .Tune l;;th for In the minstrel show, }'rnncis Lam-
till/' ~i111111('1 l'\[crwiu.
]wst results. A sehe,lule for vegetable~ b,'rt pl'Oved himself to he a first-class Groceries ~nd Provisions
to he plaJ!t('d about .Tllne ~Oth \I'ill also
he incltllle,l with th(' Dahlia Show.
int.t-I'lo('utol', and "'as ably assisted by
the ,'ntire cast. 'rhe end men were
"Ll'w;,; Hand." :l\lar.\- .Tohuston.
"The Harbor," Erl1""t Poole, Educator
"'lOll X('\'pr Kno\\' Your Luck,"
Hi"hard Odiorne and 'VeIls 'Vanamak·
Gilh,'rt Parker.
Swiss Chard, Onions, Turnips, Kohl·
er, allll the other come,lian" were Don-
a 1,1 Brown, ,loseph Snyder, 'l'homns
You arl' priYikg-ctl to tal,e hooks
fro!ll th(' Librar.\·, 11'I1t'tlll'r yOIl arc a
Kreider Shoes HARRY B. WALL
1\1 erl,,'I, 're,l Atkins, Gonlon Hudolph for Children Plumbing, Gas Fitting
ral)i, Carrot~, Bl)ct:o-;, Smooth Pens, nll'lIl hl'l' of I hI' ('lllh or lIot.
and HolH'rt Patten. Christopher Her-
and Heating
Salsify, Spinach.
I'OU an,l Atherton Lane were the hal- SPECIAL
lad singprs, an,l the ('horns ineluded:
THE FIRESIDE on School Shoes
All Stars Win from ('ar1 1\l'et:t.ger, Hohel't ?ll'acKinnon, How-
a 1',1 Yallette, 'rhOllla8 Haney, Berthald (Con ti nilI'd 1'1'0111 l'a!Ie 1)
Phone, Narberth 1602-J
Better come in and look
Tennis Team 49 to 14 Younghluth, Davi,l :l\[umford, Harr.\'
Cunllingham :\101 1'aul Longley. Don- Shriners' :\ ight at the 1,·., Palace them over
(('IIlltiIlU(',l frolll Pn~'p 1)

with whi.·h the~' haJlllle,l thp/ll~elves

ald Holl'umn was sta~e manager, an,l
'I'hOlllas ?ll'eAnlifl'e \I"as prol)('rt.~- lIIan.
WI'l1nes,la~', ,\pril 1:\lh. B,'n('fit of
hand and 1':' tro], :->pe"ial program has Narberth Shoe Store
an,l the a,·,·ur:ll'.\- with whidl th,'~' ~hot fl'hp .;;n]os W(~I'C suug :\:-; fllll(l\Ys: hel-Ill a rl':lng·t'cl for.
" Avalon." Christopher Herron; "]I[al'-
209 Haverford Avenue CIGARS
goals frllm loug ,listau,·,'s aud dil1icult
angles, 1\"(1Il for thelll the heart~- ap- ,c::ie," Atherton Lan.,; "Cili Bien," A misprint o""IIJ'1'(',1 in the elassiJie,1 Narberth Stationery. M.g~z;nes, Candie.
plause of the slH't'\ators. (; onIon Hu,lolph; " Featllt'r Your :ulyertiscment ofl'erillg a portahll' gar-
But Don't Forget Mr. Fretz. :\ ,'st." 'l'h("Hlor(' "\ tldns; " PalL's- age, la",t "'('l'le Tht\ pholle IIU11l1l('r
"It II 111 st III' t"l:rihle to ha\"(~ e~'e­ tina," ,Tos('ph Sn,\-d('l'; ":l\l'y ]I[amlll~'," shoul,l he ]i'~i'-W.
sight Ii ],e that!" sighed Doc Hartley, Donald Brown, :nul "1 'v'e not a Billl-
as 1\l'artin-standing alll",st at the ex- I", Down in Billlho lsle.·' Hiehanl "The TIOSt' 1\l'ai,ll'lI" lI"ill h., a real
tl'l'IIll' clId of the "agl'-tosse,l a Ii e1<1 ( ldillrne. !Ilusieal treat. Dill' to t he fad. that it
goal that drol'p('d in10 thp haskl,t with- A ,lan,'e ollowed the uliustl'el show, will be ~iY,'n only 0111' night in Xar-
ont (~\·(lJl sO ]11\1('11 as tOllehing- a Sillg-lc an,l all in all it "'as a fine eut"l'tain-
string in th" hasl,,,t nl'!. IIlI'nl. Cougratulations to Scoullllaster
Patt('n a nd to ('\'ery oil,' of his S('outs,
Martin also ga\'e a fine I'xhihition of
tos:-;ing goals fruill fnull"~ getting n ont
oj' 10 ehan,·('s. But rig-ht here we want STUDEBAKER DEALERS
to sa~' that Fret~. of th" 'J','nnis team, Community Club Notes for the Main Line
also (li,l himself proud, gt'tl ing 8 out (Continue:l from Page 1.) Show Room and S.rvice Stalion at
of 0 eh:tlll'l's, and in a,l,lition S(~orell
13usin(,8s of the Club followe,l, a~
21 W. Lancaster Ave.
onp of the thre" go:lls fl'Om fip]'l gath-
ered in h~' the Tpnnis I'la~'''rs. "'a~'ne
Harris '11so got Ollt,-:tIlll th" lirst to be
well as annOllllt'elllents of tllL' r"cejltion
on 'rhur~day p\'ening' to he g-i\"en hy the I
Phila. Office and Service Stalion al
New Roofs for Old
~core,1 h~' his si,le, at that-an,l we .Tunior Clu], to th(' Seniors. and of the 907 N. Broad St. Economically and Quickly
must al~o el'l',lit Hoy '''iIIiams with Play and Cantata to he ~i\'('n b~' the Accomplished With
C. F. STRETCH. Box No. 53. [Local Rep.
one. Xo:' shonld "-e lIeg-Ied to say that "'omen '.~ COJJl!llunity Cluh on the e\'l'n-
Captain i"ule,lle~- :tIlll his entire 'rennis ing of "\pril ~!l. 'rhe a Hel'noon close,l ART CRAFT
teanl put up a phl('lty hattIe throughout with a soeial hour, during which punch
ART CRAFT is firesafe and weather
the whol,· ('onlt'st. The linp-llp and 'and home-made ('akes were s('n'p,l. A
proof; it gives la:;tillg service; it comes
seore follow:
All Stars. Position. Tennis Association.
"hinl walk" is to he ta kell hy lIIany
mem],ers of thl' Cluh. X('w hooks arc
Main Line'" Garage in beautiful tile designs-slate red or
Taxi Service Haulinll of an kind. slate grcen. Laid right over old wooden
Gene D,n'is. . .. Gua 1'(1 Boryer eonstantl~· being :ul,le,l to our lihrary. Packard Limousine to Hire
Durbin. '" Guard Fenno 'Ve are ~tarting a ('alll]Jaign t.o increase
shingles it saves the expense and labor
Lal'llie Davis.. Centpr Fretl. the sub lcriptions to Our Town. Nomi- Phone. Narberth 672 of ripping off the old roof. Made by
Coole Forward SlIIedley nations for officers arc heing listed. In Bird and Son, ir.e., Esb}} Ii"hcd li95,
:Martin. Forwa1'll 'ViIIilllns every respect this was a delightful and makers of the reliable NCpollsct products.
Suhstitute~: All Stars-Guard, .Ten· imjlol'tan l meeting. ,·lsh for our wi"i"" GiiJ free estimates.
Idns; Centpr. 'Var,l; Forward, J,
Dielde. Tpnnis Assoeiation-Gunrd, THE LITERATURE CLASS.
Retlifer; Forward, Harris. Goals from The Literature Class of the 'Vom' ilulltttl' IIf t~r 'ruu
250 Haverford Ave.
In.r"ranCf! of all kind.r
Phone 302 J NARBERTH, PA.
Auto Licenses Rents Collected
LEE'S GARAGE :Marriage Licenses

Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick. deliveries on

all cars. All k.inds of Auto Repairing
Work. Guaranteed
Narberth 1805
Oils, Gas, Supplies
L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
Affadavits for Income Tax
Workmen's Compensation
Phone. N.rberth-1247.J
k! (!aft Roof

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