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• NARBERTH, PA., SA.'lURDAY. :nJ:\E 9, 1923


Last Commencement of the l Baseball TodaY'1'he FIRESIDE ITennis Team Could Flower Show Today
.. High School Tuesday Night I ~,,"""h plo,_ ""wy'o lodo,.n ". ' INot Touch Cynwyd Will' Be a Brilliant
. home ground,. to break the f(lur-001'll' ,
I "rl',1 tie for fir.t plll"e in the lIofain
"-ii::I . :,Scribe Says to JI7atch E. vent
Thirteen will get Diplomas as Final Class Lin('
OurLeague. The aJlI1lHlI J'il'nic of tire Lu.theran,
]-0(' a I boys elimhed up to the Sunday ::;chool will .b,' hl'ld on Satur· ~ Them Today, Though Blooms . from Small and
Leaves Local School top In~t Rllttlrday by handing BaJa· 'day, Junl' ]Ii, in Fuirmount l'ark. A . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\\'l){'u y"u read that Xarl.erth Tennis
Large Gardens Invited
('yllwy'\ a l:i.; sl'ore on the Bala hearty weleol11e in l'xtende<I to 1111.
iTf'am 1S in I>iv. 'lA," it JllCanS our
grounds. George Fle(·k s"ored 3 of the With .plenty of hot \\'cather thill past
~frs. Emily )J{'('ke has just returue'\' hoys arl' going up against the top·
:'\arberth runs, and Quin YoNell tal- from the short, where ~he was stopping ~ uol('h playl'rs of the Middle States. wepk to -bring -out the blooms, Nar-
berth's annual Spring Flower Show
• Commencement Exercises liNI a three-baggllT.
at the Marlborough·Blenheim liotel., En'u t hough our hovs were not su/,'
0 3 0 0 4 2 ] 5 0-1/5 At1antie Oitv •. i f I ' . , f'
,'ess U lU 1\'1 1111 IIIg I'Om that erack
will be held thli.s afternoon. The event

Narberth High School Bala.Cyn\\'yd 0 I 0 0 4 0 0 1 1- 7 ('yllwyd TI'IUU last Haturdlly, it ..... uS w'ill take plaee in th~ Community
Hoom of the Y. M. C. A.
')Ir. and )[rs. Charles F. Haist aUll'plainly e\;(]('ut that it was no Chureh
Berwyn 6; Wayne, 5 Exhil..its are to be delivered at the
Tuesday E\'ening. June 12th, daughter FI(lren('e are ~pell,l,i'ng Jive; Il'a Jlllrt~· for Cynwyd, a~ thl'y w'Orkr<]
Phill Pyot! 's Berwyn team went m' clays in Atlantit' City. placl' of exhibition between 11 and
,har,1 for I'vl'ry point won. The sum·
l.Oll tod'lIy. . Jars will be provided for'

: . :\ineteen Twenty-three

to a four·cornered bie for leadership
of the Main Unl' League when t-htly Straw~,err:y Festival given by tIl<' i
1 mary follows:

won an inter~fting game from ,Wayne Ladie!!' A~d of Holy Trinity Lutheran I C. FiS('her,' C;nwyd. der'eated H. .~,A'hove all, don~t think 'heeaul'<e you
Cynwyd 8' Narberth 1
the exhibits in the cut 1l0wer classesr

do not hal'(' an employed gardener and

last Saturday, 6·,~. Church 1\'11\ be held Thursda)', June I Lalll', Xarhcrth, 4-6, 6·3, 1;-3.
Chorus. ":he ~raria" .. , .. ~ , ., ".. GOllllod
Aftl'r a poor start Pai~t settleil JO'WD 14th, at the residen('e of Mr.•John A.: 1. ~ ... Travis, Cplwyd, de.feated C. u Welsh polysillabic name on your-
.,4 front ,gate that Y'Ou ean't compete·
1nvocation un,l pitehed brilliant ball f'Or Berwyn, Oald.wlCll, Essex an,l Elmwood .\ ve. , at To' r. Fretz_, ", l' .lr1ler tl1, -,-,),- ,)....
t' 3

!lwillg espeeially effective with men on 8. 0 'eloek. R. sU(,l'e>'sfully in this flo·wer festival•. '
T.. (' . I .eonar ds, Cynwy'I , (-efeate,l 1
: buses, apd holding Wayne to one hit 1.T\I~t walk around Xarberth some af-
1. Fretz, X arherth, 8-6, Ii·:!.
~:llutatory ! f,or thl' last five innings. This was a The WX'f.. un's F(,H'igll ~Ii&;i()nar.\' " ". ' ...
[ B eart, }' -r.C In\i)'(,
"I defeatt'd ' ..-\. tl'moon anll see the wonderful blooms· :
: three-hagger by HalloWlell and was Soriety of the ~!. E. l1lurch were the lIa we_, 6-2, 1l-4. '
iu ollr little gi,le·yard gardens. Bet· .~I.

(11Orlls, "Come \\'here ;\Iy I.o\'e Lies Dreaming·· , Fosler : prohaJbl~' th" long-est ,lrive '('v('r made gu-es.ts of .)Jrs. ('1lwrl ..s ('Ipgg, E\;l;rx! H. Fisl'!;pr, Cy1l-\vyll, .lIdeatl',l A. T. t er yl't, walk out i'n your own yard.
thl' n",lnqr grounds. o :l 0 0 1-6 ..\ I'e., last )Jonds.\'. now and _(']('I't a few of the prettiest
L ' b'·
"Gipsy Life" , Schl/man • Ill! 1I ,rugan, (," _,ar 1lOrt ;' 6·."" 11-2. from :I mOllg YoOur flowers, The early

0 1 0 1
,2 0 I 2
o 0 0 0 o':'-al e·.....· : G. H. Powell, Cyn \\'),,1 , ,lefeat('o(l .1. I'OS('8 arl' the finest, and everyone
'I I" L' G. Allen, Xarbl'rl'h, 6·2, 6·2.
HONORABLE FLETCHER \\'. :-;1'11'1':' _' r. anI .urs. Ired Hcrmnnn, ]11\1 has a few.
Narberth 12, St. Malachy, 9 L'l Fischer jlll,l Fis('her, Cynwyd, (1<'feat· Thl' jlHlges have been seleetcd, alld
r:.. mwood Ave., h·ft for \Vhl'hin~on,
Chorus. ":\ \\'earyin' For You" , Hond
.. "Southern :'.Iedley" Hall
}-;tarting thr _e\'('nth inning with a D. C., la,t :\1'Onday, where Mr. Her. e,l Lane lind lIa""", ).'arherth, 4·6, \\'111 },l' :\Iiss ~rary Evans of Ardmore,
I,andi";q' of a fl.:! B"Orl'. XarlH'rth toolt Illann will attl'n,l thl' Imperial Ooun. Ii.l: 6·4. . )[r. .lohll \\"i'lliams, of Haverford, and
the l1ll'lIsurl' (Yf Rt. ),ralaehy on Thurs- ,,', }-;"ss';on ,,{ the Rhriners. They' fretz alltI Fretz, ::-':arherth. dl'feated l\J r, Tla vid Rust, Secretary of the Penn-
'\' aledictory
.\LEXA;-.;nER En\\'l:\ (;11 .. Fll.L:\:\ da~' night antI srored ninl' runs in that wi!; he lh" gUlst of thl'ir nl'l'hew 11'0\\,(.11 and Trav,is, C~'nwy,l, 11·H,6·3. 8yll'ania Hortieultural ::'loeieif.y. In
inning. 'rhe hitt,ing of Vernon Flook I' Captain P. Hermann, English Consu; I Bl'ur,1 lind Ll'onar<!s, ~'ynw)'d, de· :lfl<Iition to t.he I'ibbon awarlb, the
Chorus. "I~()w L's ~wiftly" .......... " , Cmll pa llil anrl .Tohn Di"kie fellture<1 the game, one' ~~t4It('S, while t~ll're. On thl'ir home f .. ate,1 Grngan an,l Allen, ::-':arherth, 1i·3, S" l'l'p- ta k I' prize will be a fine sill'er '... ,
o f tl 1(' I'o.pu 1ar tWI'1'Ig'h '
t Serles. ' !rIp . they \\ ill st "1' off at Fairfax, Va., 1).9•., ,·.uh "IT"red hy the Pennsylvania Hort-
Presentation of Diplomas here tl '11 1 t f I ::-':ext Raturtlu)' we plav the Phil· .'\1 It Ilr" I So(·ie,ty.
PRE:,IDE?," ('. HoWARD :'.IcC\RTER, noard of hlll((/.tiOll
\\ ley"', .,(' a gues 0 an () d •
I'O"lIeg(' f;ien,l of :\Ir. HennHnn '~. mont team 'on their !'ourts at the Phil·
A ward of Prizes and Honors A BIG CANVASS
I mont CX>untry Club, and ju,lging from
'1'1,," (' i_ no -entry fee, and no quali-
~"lll'''11 is required, just so you live
I Dr I ero' -\ I" , -\.' t' t P ! the praetiee and improvement shown ; II :'\a rherth (II' thereabouts, and bring
Chorus, "Olaf TrygYasson" (;,-ieg , An interesting Im~eting was hl'hl o.n t ~," ,:"1~, . S;;I~ <I.n .ro. hv our team this week it is a fore· ."'ollr flowers to the Y. iM:. C, A. be-
,l's~()r of E<l\1<'atlonal AdlllJlJlstratlOn .
• •
, ' ,
,Wednl'-sday evening 'Of thi" week at <It

\- 1'1
I \"~rs'~ y
't 0
f P I
-enn~" Van1a,
' gone •
conl'lusi-on the Xarherth t"am tween 11 and 1.00.
\Vhat may b" the !:1st (''Olllmeuee. AMERICAN LEGI I, the homl' of )frs. Flet('her Stites, a. spent severa1 ·Harnsburg
··· Come baek and see the show between
,lays In t h IbrIngs s , home the .. l:lur('ls.
m('lIt exercises ever to he held in XII.r. .' ON TO MAKE i time representative!'\ horn the- '\'i-l'ek, as a memher of the Pine hot Ad- We must agam refer to those won- three and fi\''C in the afteTnoon, or-
-berth will take place on ne:l:t Tuesday SCHOOL AWARD NEXT I van,lUS ,,-omen 's orga.n~zations in to . v.1sory Oommittee on state edllcational derlul suppers the Ladies are ll('rving hetween Seven and nine in the evening,
evening at the High Rchool Audntor. TUESDAY NIGHT i pledged thelllBelves to Clim"aSS ':'O~': affair.s. The committee has been a\;6lst.. each Saturday night at 75 cents for and probahly 'be surprised at the. Qllan•. . . ',';.
ium. : TOWII" for eontributions to 8UpIJ'O'l' i,Jlg in tl1(' :lttl'mpt to hring about all adults ~nd four bits for the chHdren. tity unrl the quality of the flowers,
Thirteen diplomas will be awarded For thc RCl'onrl time 1'he Harold D.l the work of t.he v1siting nurse. .a~reellll'nt l'et"'('C'n the Governor an,l .Just gIve 11Ist Saturday's m-enu the from our gardens. ",
hy ~f:r. MeOarter, President of the Hpeakman Post, Xo. :~51i, Ameri!'an I During the past year ~arhert.h h ,:the State Superintendent. once over and try and figure how any Ha\'e the ehildren gat'her wild flow-
Board of Education. Those wbo will Legion, will awurp the medals earned' had t,he bene:1lt of 400 viBit8 from th' ('ompetent ehef eould prepare it for ers and arrange them, the early .years·
b~ ~!-
grliduate are Dorothy Bottloms, David one girl and one boy of th'e gradu- nurse assigned to this distriet, and .' double the price. arl' the ones 'in which to create an in-
~'. '...'"
Casey, ~ildegar4e Geyler, Edwin Gil. aLing clll.SS of the. Narberth 8clJool. aile can estimate the insUrance'· and :Mr!'. A. B. Ross motored to Potatoes a la McKell Olives terest ill the things that grO'W and .allK). .
~ Rjll~.~.El~\l..e~h, q~!i~~,,:tiJonB .~c.~e-ss..ary ~1I;I1bfJrth. disea~_~~. ..,me r""jlt'cot f"r tllem, .:. ··e"....·
1"'-;;:-:'" _ . __ ._' 1ilbn,_' Qha.rlotte
Jones, Marion Miller, Emiily Needbam, meaal ure as folrows:
.T]t.;. _ .!C?, .J!'in' II; agai)\st
ace of epidemics fhiE! servic.e gives u~. . Holyou whoere they.. will
the week.end.
·spend Baked Ham
Waluo~f Salad The Rweep;>take
New String Beans Vl'r Cup is a,new feature this- year, and
Prize aitd the Elil-"
Gerald Sperry, Bremer Yocum, Ma'ble 1. Sl'holastic attainment. : 1'he work 'is supported partly by tne: --- - Old fashioned strawberry shortcake the' Pellnsylvania Horticultural Soeiety·
Kirkpatriek, Franeis Lambert and Her-
bert MeCarter. '. .
2. F-olldne."'-'1 for and succc>;s in SpoTt HeaJoth Ooouncil, partly by the Main !Jine I Dr Clarence T F .
. Citizens' ASIlOciatlon and Narbe~'h i~: ._' JlT~es
as gone
fur with cream is hoping t.hat there will be mueh keen
:1. Manhood, truth, devotion to d:\lty , ,an extende-d tour durlllg the summer. ColI'o(>C Milk eompetition for
The address will be made by Seu. sympathy for and protection of th~ ~xpected to diO her share toward rai~'1 He plans to return to XaI'berth, in
thus and similar
We underlrtand that 62 eovers were in the coming years.
Hoor Eletcher ,V. Stites. The' Saluta- w>ea.k, kindliness, unselfishness ann lUg. the neeessary budget. A contn'j Reptember. laid last Saturday. As the limit of the The expellB-es of the flower show are:,
..... tory will be delivered by Dorothy Bot. fellOlWshlp. h~tlOn of $!.OO from. each home. ill d.ining room at the Club is less than not great' and n silver 'oll'er'ing to be·
. and the .Valedictory
, by., Edwin 4. E xlltbltHlll
.. , of moral force of this :'\arberth
end Will splend'id,ly llccompb....h ~fiT. and Mrs. - J. L. deHart, with their (De hundred and twenty, it will iJ,)
coHeeted at the d-oor should cover the
.. ;.
Gllfillall, },fume wIll be furJriSlhed by character and instincts to lead. r \ : tli .". 1" • tl daughter, Virginia, of 317 Price !\ve· well to call Narberth 1772 ond have amount,
the school chorus, as shown in th-e pro.
gram printed above. 1"or the pas~ six J1lIont~s a e:omrnittee e.anvlU!8 are:
-vrganLZa ons pllrvlclpa mg nn Ie . . '
' n Ie, are oeeupymg theu apartment at
reservation made, thus making sure A new fea!ure that Sihould prove
: 1415 Wesley Avenue, Oeea·n Oity, N. J, you get yoour shar-e of the good t hin 8'l both ~ntereating and educational will,
. , ' d' of the Amenean Legion head-ed by Woman"s Auxiliary t<l th A .
Many alumm of the school, 1D a dl' Comrade Ro h b b'l 'd L . e I10r the month of June. . to eat. bet.he exhibits of ltUlny varieties ot
." ss as een USI y engage eglOn, Mrs. L. B, Engerton haa charge of peon iel< by eommerciali growers.
graduQ,ting ~la88 are expected to a t . .
hon to the parent.B and fnends of the in striking up
. t e a\era~~ 0
h ' f h
t e ' . . 'i .
."uxII aries of- th-e Baptist, Luther- Mr. and Mrs. Gorham Clifton of 15 the SUppell Saturday, June 9th, and
. . ., varIOus members of the ellglhle elass all, Methodist and Prellbyterian Woodbine Ave., have left their home At the request of a num'ber' Of'
that in itself i.s a guarantee of a garden lovers, and since we have a·
tend the exerC'lsea. ThiS IS not the to s.ift down-Q the most.-m. Ahd it Churehes, for the summer. They expect to Ibe
good meal. little e,,"<'ess spaee at this seairon of'
largest claBl! . . ever. to graduate, but is no e as y wor k ....:_- """anse ..... '- Il8
vnel·.,. • a lot Red Cross, in Atlantic City until fall.
f In SIZe WIth thtose of the past to .'-- = tak~~n In . t 0 consl'd erat"IOn.. E al'<tern Star, the year, "Our T()wn~' is agDin print-
ANOTHER BUS w:REcKED ing the schedu·le of classes this week,.., .
ow years. Nen Tuesday night bas been eh06en SiJ\T('r Star
NtCxt year, aeeord~ng to present pla~s, as the time of presentation, 1:>ut so Da~ghters,
King'fJ! ,Mr. and Mrs. John F. Neiman bave wi t h !<Orne correetlons ltUlde d\lJ'jng the
Mer~on, tha~
th-e high school WIll • be merged WIth close is the result that v names of Aux'I'I IIlry t 0 th . e T ennIs
. ."B8()(!latlQn,
I ., left Narberth for Overbrook where " week. .
that of Lower so Nal'lberth the winners will have to be published .Tunior Oommunily Clu'b, they expect to Inake their home. Four persons were hurt on Thursday Th is year ''8 show promises t'o be one
Commencements Wolll .be a thlllg of the in our next iS6llc. I ~eague 0 f W omen V 0 t ers, 'u W B in an auto
~.ra~l..-rth collision at Windsor and of the most Nllorful ever held. Among .
pll.ll, Th'd d I . 00 't CI b Alr. , unter MeDowell and family""'" those who have volunteered to make. . .
t bion eof Ithe ea medals
un e1' ymg is that the'ofiPresenta'
a culti- mnltllll y u. are spend,ing the summer in Ocean City, One of the bUIMl8 of the Narberth
. . ~. J. Bus 'Line was travelling north on Nar- the event a 'Suceess are Miss Helen E. '.,

Shand, M·rs. Fletcher' W. Stite&,' Mialr
The Sophomores and of Juniors gaV1e 0. va t Jon 1Il the minds of ollr youth the
to the. 'OJ.a8S
A 1
1923 on Fri- ineallt upon
itself was foun"~d. .A~~rl'can
th-e American LegiO'Il
LIBRARIANS ENTERTAINED I berth Avenue, wben a roadster, driven ~rnizie .T. SimpllOn, Mrs. Frank A.
A number of Nar.berth folks were hy Ralph Boerie'ke, of 416 Brookway
IRo~ert "Li~rary"
CIlark. and :Messrs. Robert .T. Edga'r,
d ayand evenIng;
had a very argaenjoyable
nnmber attend-time. Legion exists primarily u" for service ~' to [Mrs. \Vood, of seen in Washington, D, C., during the .-\ venue, Merion, erash'ed head-em into .Io81.'ph F. Simpson lind A. C. Shand,.
the -eIO nt d t" .... ... F'orelPt Avenu-e, entertained seventeen past week. it,
Qlass Day Exercises W1il1 'be head! in pooses. u Itsryan, prime n'O purpose ..,or i.s to make
Sell,USU pUT' of ,the ladies who aasi~t in various ~. The impa('t was great enough to car·
the Qudi!torium on M'on'day, June 11th, t h Lib
rary, with t'bf'!nkills~ r,Y the heal·....• bus to the nurb .·III(]
morniJ;~ ~[rs. ~tll
e\"ery ma b tt A' d ways a t e ' ., '
at 2.00 P. Y. The parents and friendll make every n aboye and er girl menean gro,w anup to to and! lbooks" on T,uesday at. Mr. and Arthur ,C. St.'lp].el', of hurl it 011 shle on the pan'llJent
of the Oll1f1s are invited 00 wttend. The be .a good ('.it'izen and! an upobolder of home. .W'Oodside Ave., entertained at cards on e ore h f D r. T , .
own s resldoence. T he HEARD FROM THE SIDE '''''S
Thnt thl' funny !\Oundl:' emanating-
chicken salad wer" del'A~ous f t
followling program
Welcome •......... will .be given:
Herbert MCJOal'ter the laws and Oonstitution of the United Stra.Wlberries and rolls stuffed with Sllturday evening. Those present were roalIst er was I d
a.pparent y Ilptu'lllg at
"-"-- B' . . Mr a d Mr J P W·..... a pace exceeeUng 40 Illliles pcr hour, from the .-\v{ln Apartments is Horace
Histal'y ••..........• Dorotliy Botton. SW'hich .......""". 't yd reOOgnlZlng
t k those dqualiti!,!s
' ~
of the meal. During the meeUng l~ , ea UTl11!
sev- nnd• Mrs, n S.' ames Rudolph,
Seooetioll . l(IIJerow,
Mr. and r. for the measuremenl& made by the Smedley singing.
011188 Will .. , ......• Hildegard tbey hO'PCento help 0 rna
th g d e goo eUizens;
k 10 eral matters pertnJining to tho Lihrnry '){1'8. J. W. Darville and Mr. and 1Ifrs. poliee show'ed that t"e n ,nnr sll'd for a
Prophecy •..... ' .. Yooe~;.irk~ek ~~f .sevellt.y-five feet I'n I·t".~ That o,·.. a&ions wh-ere there are two
e 00 WlOr a ng. were .d'lSCUtll,ed. Another matter of E. E. Marsh. (l·istanne '
Oomplinlents, • ;.; •. :'.- •• Elizabeth Jones interest !brought up' wae the invitll stop~
effort to funny 1'011 nIls, it is Alex Shand) Jr'r,'
,.Tokes .••.••.....•....• Gerald Sperry YEAR BOOK tion extended by the Editor of "O'Jr The poliee found tllat young Boe·rr hel~ing him O'\lt.
T-own" t, the ladies, of th~ .Ll·brary '; 1M'!'. and .MM. James A. Scott, of ricke, who is juSt sixteen, was dll'h'in
Presentation' . . . • . •Oha'l
"" Da 'd C
u VI asey.
r 0 tte H'II' 1 egas,
Th 1....3 Cl B k '-'1 b ....... h
~ Woodside Ave., have left for tlltC shore
wittJ,a,flut"a license. In the ear with 111'nl
e "Q as'll 0'0 s ......1 e placed alllSume cuarge OL t.e pap'lr' during a wh-ere they expeet to remain for the ~ That the Fretz Boys lire noW hitting
Clall& Song on sale in tlUl lower hallway of. the Dl'Orith's .leave lIf absenoo 'he pltns to Test of the l'Iunimer. . we' is father, John J. Boericke, and on all twelve eylindeJ'B, and toot we
Ivy. Speeeh ...•.••• iI:leJ'bert M'COarter .High School, immediately after' tihe take. at the close of the ,college )'",ar• Dan,iel Qlligley, his cha!ltfeur. The 'lat· can look for some tennis of the Bill
DistriiDuti<on of. Y<eai' Boob. Class Day exercises, .Tune 11. These The ladies Wef& most -enthusiastic. in ' tel' WllS the moet eeriously' injured, Tilden 2nd brand from now on. '
'Baccalaureate exerciscs will be held books cO,ntain, 'the Clas9 Will,' Pro. their W1illingnes& to tackiet.he tnSok. .-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treen, of Elm· sulI'erlin,g a ·brloken leg Il,nd internal
~ntl!e'auditorium of' the s-ehooloh pheey,0I46s B:i8tory, aud all the Usual 'Certainly 'a mos.t interesting ,a.nd .d·~~ A~e·ili
;.ood Je~ve
win shortly f'Or Ft. inj·uries. The other two occupantll of
.Su~dai ~vei)J~g,, JO,th, at, J' .45P.features. They' alsO' ccmtabl . the com- 1i.ghtful .. Our' 'l"OWn" would be the n:ne~h ~ ana, w ere they expect to tlle &eriek-e car wereblldIy .ehaken np,
:'M.:.ReY.:A~.S.~\VaiI&,':D.,))~,.Wd~ p~~o;lib, 'J;esu1~ ~
.the'$'I!rmon,.an(l~l'~eQ~~n ~.T1ie ~Bo bin~ e-:--~er~rited.~·~···
plete athletic'records of ·the sehool for their efforts, if the success ma e en' hOOle. and Mrs. Anne Campbell of 320 Wood·
'price at 'these ()f:the.IA.brary,is.'llny criterion... "M-r'Ea
8eryi~" '.ot1le~,l~lI,iPaSW:rs~
tIfe the ''Pl¥'t.·yen:r•. c1 d f "nT d' Avenu.e, ""'liB
• :lJ:!y '1'Jie 'hookah' oned:aUarper: ciopy. . . " : ' .. ... . ., .' '."., &.1';41r .B6ar , 0 .. 00 &' .'. .
.. . bli c: i",s' '!X1'rdiall'. Y in.... ~:
" v.t e d . ''.. '... . .," . . , .'. '.. . , ' Av:e;,is CiOnfin'ed: to . her home With ' It . Th e d'" rlv~r " bus;' , OOns.tantino.
A:YBs~' ~~tack youn:g'~oe1ioke ~erebotb
of th,e
"FleldDay.1if thellcho:Ol. -ivUF:be 'held, 'PENsm:lBBT BEADS severe of pneumonill. Marioni, and'.
.,~be.·ea!i\.p~ DoN;A~ON,DAY· '~A~PBO~l1_ be~r~r
._ .
ou,.W'<idneildRY; ·.Tune

'''~ . ..on" "" bo,.. ond Be"",mbu .~. H.lid., H._
1.00 P. 1M; "There will be

i' ",th tho . ~"'M ..d' :....., ..... da,.· Fnda,. ~...... A>
" ..
.,... _ 'w!Hill~gasl
'~'" .

_de •• mItk, '~.85 f.... Brow. p ....,,"''Y~,baul, With· Tht. Is .h. .....d
""':"'o!' ."",,,,,,' Kate ., G""'''''...· .Ave,. ...d•••", '.. Frid., .... ".00 " .....ok Th.' 'h•.
.,' ,
.Mt; JQclc
aad: Bud" ur '. ". I..
, n r r e l l t e . d ' and arraigned
of Elmw(Jod trate WalZer; who liJeId them .. und.ei

~'gh........... ." I.~,:,._ #78' ""y.,
I' ll; pe.." . ' h '
f".lI•• h" .:""'" H"'. Pb""d'lph". " week. th.t On• •f tho ""bo~ :b h.', .,,, ~"h
"on h. on. Doe ..d Bu..,:"
th" ..,. Y., 'M t1"
:plIo,,' /..",
d.y.n: ·.:·;,.

H~liday.H ~ ~ ."""",··thAt <'m~,~a

. " •."' ""' ! " : ••, th of "' i• ..,., .' . . ' . . . . •.. b - ..b..• :., , ,t millOn•••. ,:,:
..•....' '.. . , .' . . .•..• O!rclo' " ..h. O'f :.ou!o 1\000 ·on""""" \1> w ,··· . . . .
~l'lJo ,Wm., .pJ01lighti~.' Qt, .OheitJ1ittth~.d8y,,~f:,tho W'Oman~s: '0001' 80r and·' Eseex .Avenliea. ,No' oil& Wi1~
B. Tho .th" on
. : " . ". .' lJi,neheoJi,•. i '" . ..' ·D\onth.... S,fle b' 7. ··;rea.r8,· 33Gdayi. of ,,4\uti'9ltlo: ..d·' of· . the.

gi·'.'· _me. on"'1Lontgomery Ave..~··"

X;'iii,;:,(jl;~G? . . ' .... "',' i;~
, ,','.... :.... , " ,.,', ." l ". ." .'."

PAGE ,TWO .~,~ltJ·tt·J\1. UW\.t"J:- j " ..• _,.- ~ ··v'···of<o~-··,"· ""I"'~" .• ,-,,'\-,'

~. .': .":'" .';'1 ',6 • " .~ ............ ~

P1non"",-'t' 'result o~ "frank. pel'sonal .' ".·:0 ~.

, ~~,;"~and ArtiBtic ~arlrl~p. Whie!l '·'hl.pboae.,:, D''''':·' >'~', M..I'' : :'.'
·;';w': .CO~',"'·I'"
,4He llftr
..4,·4 .... ;<Th

O·UR ' ':. £'... T' W·,:"E'';R', 01 'm"

. ' . . . .r

Jl. I , W..l "Jih'eir ideas and purposes. wilen they

• .. , ' . '.., ., ,. ....., ' . . H .... " " '. " • ' , ' .
o' f '1 explaiJls our prolleiency at'''pahrt- lH'1 ' . •, •.,'. " : ;', ': 'I"';,'",.' .. '''Ia ..... ._~,
campaign in this way they come under
TH l~.
~1 t
porch chairs and duele trousers in
. i'
. '

.... ,., -,.



... --".- '.

,'.- "'.'.
A OO-operattve OODJ.DlUJl1ty .Journal obLigation til no ·one.
OF 8 A B BLE ~tl opcrati{)n. YilU cannot -hI' an ar· . , . ," '. ' ' .
But ;hen they ha \'e til depend upon
tJat withoUlt good grounds. The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned &lid pabllahed •••'1' S.hardllT b'l'
the Narbertb OlYte A..OCII&&Iell. the efforts lJIf II lot of mercenary root· By Collum Righter .. * * * A Drug Store in the Mfnt Modern Senae of the Term
'.AftJer w~gMng what the Analyst
ers who are chasing around to corral
8UBSCRIPTION PRICE. One Dollar and told us we have be-en led to assume
Fifty Cent. per 'I'CIIU' IJI adYallC8 the voters, they ure incurring nobts the
J)ue to a oertain failh Elizaheth K. *e'voeo found our fore-ordained shelf
payment -of \\-hieh will "ome dilly be
Wood seems inclined to pin to our lapel where, with the Grace of Providence
demanded, not alwa)'s in a way cal-
we ha\'e rend Mr. and Mrs. Sen. Stop- a.nd a (Jorona typewriter we hope til
Fresh Stra~berry
culated to promote good governmellt.
ping atfer fifty pages or so, we shut eke out an eX'i.~tence, providied the shelf
It is a fine thing when public spirit,
our Qyes an,1 hy tJimple imagjnutory d'Oes not oome down .with us. Though
cd C'itizl'ns W1i1l get out and work for
processes so to speak, carried the tale we imagine there shall always be (as
a good candidate without hope of per-
through. Then we lit a frt~h pipe· npw) a cheerful ooberie of humans·in·
sona I rl"ward. But thosl' who perform One of the many delicious flavors of Ice Cream we
loa,! an'! "nrl'fully read all the way to ~neral to urge us on the topmost
these labors with the elGpectation of offer to discriminating Narberth.
till' <'losing, ('emetery paragruph. Bar- Heigh.tIt of Achienment by conwtnntly
Ph lip Atlee Livingston, Editor ~etting· 90nH-,thing in 1"l'turn, <'On,stlltute
alph S, Dunne. Treasurer one of thl' prohlemR of democratic
ring' 'one or two minor instances our l~h.-P'Oolling a t what 'We are dmng And it is not frozen up six months in advance.
imagination par~dleled th,e story. It nl\d oomplacently presoerLblng '/0 bet-
Correspondenee for ths Editor should
is unfortunate we cannot mensure thJis
Our sales, many hundreds of quarts daily, show that
ter paying profe98ion" of somc sort
be sent to Post Office Bolt 966. Remit· volume w·ith that succulent, succhar· nil a means of support. Ju~t what pro·
Narberth folks appreciate fresh products of pure, rich
tances for advertising, subscriptions and i ne tape em.ployed by "The LibeTary cream, made at home in the most sanitary fashion.
membership to Box 58. felllllion th,ey mean, we do not know.
VACATION WORK FOR BbYS He\--iew" or "The ~'ew York E\'ening
Our Town is on s~le at the depot
R~'~elY not Pharmacy! We had a right
Post"; IJut the W'aslLingtonian tradt e ,e -cinder rem,oved in Docbor Ho·
neWfl.stand, and at the store of H. E.
One Qf the problemR which parent·R posesseR 11'9 in connection with books
of h'ig-h s(-hool and NJllel(e students have as We'll as eherry stones.
\ i rd's once. No charge was made for Yo,,'ll Tade 'he
Elltered as second·class mattert • October t~b Gpe.ration. Therc's no money in
15tb, 1914. at the Post Omce at 1"larbertb, 10 settle nowadays is us to what these * * * DUFcrf/#nt:e..
Pennsylvania. under the act ot March 3. young people, es~ecially the boYf', 8holll' Our pri"ale ,"il'w is Lc)uise ~[j-lne taftt sort of thing is theref ,I' ,
1879. II
,1-0 during the summer seaso.n. I ' hnd ought to" stick to hon'ors (for ;, .' '
OUR TOWN will gladly print any Formerly a I{)t of boys JU9t l-oofe.d she can do them to the queen's taste) .'

flews about all}; subject which is of noonnd through the summer. Theu rather thun retrograde to verbally d~ !Ii OFFICIALS OF TIlE BOROUGH
in/crest to Narberth fol,ks, CoP'} idlelll'ss was 1I0t uoSeful, but anyway posing of as ratlling a fine fellow as II: OF NARBERTH.
is du~ all Tuesday of each week, at thl'Y- were I1Jt home and under 9Uper- \\-a.~ S• en J~' \.lIIg- 0
I 11 Y such ultr ••n - comntlOOPd ,'--- Ii
6 p, M. Late copy received Wed- nRlOn_ Todav
" the general
. tendency
_ means as h " k11ess
omeslc '. One thing Burgess.
nesda\' evetliug will be printed ouly ',,-hen th~y reac~1 a cl'r.t:un age IS to particularly nQtewort,hy we thought, pl' Carl B. Metzger
if spa'ce is still available. work durlllg thl'H vacahons. They en' wus dear Miss Julia Cwlhoun '!Iown- ;~ FEATURING PROOF PRODUCTS
joy I'arninl( s~l'nding. money a.nd they send's disgust at those folks who per· :.'
~et new and 1uteres-tlllg experiences. ,.:st in asparagus w;th their :;.
w. R. D. Hall, President, as we do, means that you are able to get in Narberth
SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1923 William J. Henderson,
But, . aeeor,linll' to ~he mothl'rs' poinl fiIIlll'ers. ,.. ~t t~'o \'ot,.s for the
Paints, Brushes and Glass second to none on the
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 0:VII'W, ~hesl' h~ys often hn": a pretty
,hffiC'l.It tlllll' of It, and "",mehmes work s t er a t"'l
"e l'u~"
Soutbe-rn spin'
t 'Junl'l I urI'. But Ile~'
Daniel Leitch,
HUA'h Brown,
A. P. Rl-'difer. market. Th~ entire resources of the Pittsburgh Plate
Fire, 350. 'C 111 ". Read
i Walton M. Wentz.
Police, 1250. llnrll'r unrlesirnhll' e-onditions. Boys . who t IIe I)DO k yourse I ' We are no kook
ves. U' I.
E. C. GrisWold Glass Company are back of their agents and assure
or Ardmore 20. .-10 fann and ol1hl'r llutrloor work ~sually reviewer! Mr. Tewson. of "The Public
Secretary of Councils, you of satisfaction and service. Buy in Narberth.
hnvl' n healthful summer, ~ut If they Ledger.' hl'stowed two non-fi,'tion best
-:;1'1 under a hard, and unfeelmg elllpl?y- sl'lIer>; upon us this time last year-and
Charles V. Noel.
FOOL DRIVING l'r he ma~- put them nt "'ork wlllch to 'Iatl' Wl' h,avl'n't lifted rover of Borough Treasurer,
shoul,1 'onlv Edwin P. Dold.
. hc done. hy - a man who 118'S elt 'h cr.
Last Thursday the crno'b- of two cars I attainerl full phYSical strength. A. * * * Borough Solicitor,
sounded another warning to those who: hoy lila)' gI"l qlLite a little injury in this· Ho\\-ever, \Should the mvoor,driving but Fletcher W. Stites.
regard the streets 'of ~llrherth liS n I, wnv . if n'ot lookl'd after properl)" I
0 tl ler",·lsr
. fnIT
' 'I . .¥ rs. '''''~o''V
·~rn"- to tax
II ,u Street Comm1BS1oner,
speedway · I :\rany. hOYR . have a relltlC5s dl'9ire tIo'I h ,er c>onsclen('e . fu r tl 1(' r nnhe can ,
do it George B. Suplee
1'his is thc se('.on<1 ~llIash'llp in three! °I'P th: country and wil} t~ke .~Oh8 0\. hy .turn'iug oYer /' BI-owing "'eather"
Tax Collector.
weeks. III ncith·er rasc hM anyone been long dlslan('e fr01l1 home, and thl'Jr pa:- to t.hat exquisitel)" gracefnl delh-ery
Raymond C. Janos.
killed, 'but that h:1S hl'clI more through: 'nt·s on"n fl'el Ilnellsy OR to the ('ondl- I clerk who iR so nd.cpt lit lowering thing'lt
goo<1 lu('k than good management.
There IS a 1m of plll- ·ea e
. h d d d' ,
tion... that th·ey meet.
The9l' yo.ungllters should remember
I thllt -the advice 'of theIr parentR Is us·
l' through the grntillg' of our dunge.o n .

* * *
I I h d t
Carden Warner.
Building Inspector,
Permitted I\'owadays. The \\'Orst ex-] .' I ' " It IS hl'tter to >e aug e a lIS a
. unlI" good. Then dl'slre to wor (lSI • • ., th J. Taylor Darlington. 29 BALA AVRNUE
lImpl\) ioi that of the dllM barely ou't J. k pur'Jst In 'language than toO JOIn e
· . , ~dmlraJJle Ibut they should thin t 'tl" h 1
of the ·nursery permitted b~- Indulgent ' . . crowd o-f those who corrup I -ow - ,.::. Council meets in Council Room, BALA -CYNWYD
· ' \\-hethl'r th·e Job they p"opose to take IS ., . d'd 't' . ;E:lm Hall, at 8 P. M, on the sec-
pnrents to handle a dangerous an.d . . ed we lU reJoo.nder at a can. 1 cn Ie
· . ' the TIght thlllg &r a y·oung fellow who tl th t 't , _ olld Monday in eaeh month. Meet-
potentially diCath-deallllg
~Y not hnvl' attained' ibiS I;1'QlWt .
. h who remarked to us recen y
ft tl
a 1
money .1 "ings are open to the publie. Com- LUMBER For All Kinds of REPAIRS
mechanism. Y o<ung ~lrls, lackmg tie· . . was" pretty so , Ie easy way . "mittees of Couneil meet on the
. 1'he monl'V or the fun thl'V get are no1 . I I " 'fl' et
stl'eng,th tJo get 'Out o.f a ttght place; .:, ' . . . caml' t'O Llternry fe ow'!', liS swe Wednesday evening immedilltely Telephone Cynwyd 662
. thl' p1"l1lC'lpnl thlllg'R. Thl' m:\1n o<bJect I t' I d t l'i !pTeceding the monthly meeting of
ehildren with nei'thfr Ihe eXpeTlenl'e . ,youth was of rourse en It I' 0 IS
• • ':8 for t.hem t.o find henlthful work that . , . . . d'd k f the ,-Council.
or the responsibility necessaFV til drive
. . ,
the streets with tax;!s at mght, With-
11 ear' Y-Oung f>ore1gner..< rnemg about

. . -
wIll gIve them usefnl expeTlence an
. . ,
I,t them to take up more Important Jobs
latcr Oil, A boy dUTlng' hiS summer
. d 0plllHln even If It
Bromndl' Factory.
I'd the sam~ erroneous 1 ea ('(

I ree
e mere J express·
It - f

h Id b
t I
.._._. 1_1_,_,_1_'_ _._.. . . -.-I~._._._._._._._._._I- •
ont lilrhts iearang Pll"t c--orners \'nth . .----.. ma:y.y, folk& wl,lOse ~llCU J () l;De~ a .. ',f.
"npnh'oll gets a chance to Irv Qut dlf- , '.. . . • h" h t I k'
\It ' _
the'ir horns SIlent; aU these are fnml-
liar sigMs to Narberth people who are

.' -
~Nellt k,JIlds of ,,-ork and find out whatJ
progress lOTI 1'5 ,0IT. a par Wit t 11 00'
('d up 'in the heads Q those" rO ecry
f'l d
Thos. A. Kerrigan &30n Special Prices
:' I

in .daily fear fur the I'wes 0 f l ' ~.l' :~ hl'st adaptl'd to. t h'e mn It'Lp I'lea t'lOll t ::l) I) e all d I'ts fune -
It i~ difficult to enforce mobor laws
'1 tions and still illsist UpOIl doing 25x25
h)' tlie Iaborii>us method of addlition.
"Building and Contracting I Social Affairs
Homes FOr Sale. Or :Rent
strietly. r.t is pretty hard to tell just
Who of these infunts are drivi.lli with
Letters to Editor By George!
* * *
We are off~ The
Plans & Estimates
Fu...-n1shOd For
trouble \\;th lrumalls in g~neral-and
the legal sane'tioll of a license, It b T" 1!J1' Editor of I I Our Town":
pretty ha,rd to restrain the "proud par-
"11' t
I 11111 afraid Y(J~ aJ'e a hil I'N'~'J1listic pleas-e note we do not say any human
. nature in general as human nature in
Alterations & Repairing I C.H.CRANE
ent" from permiotting L it.tle
g et
'hm Miving
. to
practice in
1 Ie 0 regarding plavgroulld progress.
" clQsely
a '
. . , . .
'It Is true t.he CltlZl'llS assoelUtlOlI h '
l f
~s the delectable dish of straw'
errtes so requell y SpOI e
'1 d b Ilaving
Write, Phone, Call
429 BROOIOttrll-ST AVB. I _._'_'_1_-
I ..0
"Notice the F1aon" NARBERTH, PA.
b U1 -up, wn, ',skcd for $ >,000 more tlmn was ap-, 1 f hun al· l'n gen.
· , '11 . . . sour, umpy cream 0 1. b 1!S~~~~~~j
But aceidents'''nnd tr.aged,les Wl 10- proprwte-d. The fad that the bond
. b-Il' . '
crease u'nti1 parents (If growmg c 1 I ' ISlSue W<lS for $.~O,f)OO 11Istl":ld of $3.>,ono I
., .•
I d
I,ra poure, over I - lie
't tL trouble with
I - tl ev are unable
~ I d f . I JUmanS In genera IS I . p,AINTING GLAZING
ren ' deman'a protection. T Ie r(}ne 0 WI1& unqu~tiollabh' due to a 111l8u n dcr.!
. speedl·ng. cllrs along the short resident·· ' . d' I. I
. . d
to lIooglne an conse u
q ently JW'i.ll IWt
' . , !Irailt -tih~ work and worry attending .a
. ial streets ·","here·, c:1Jli,ldren
standing, all.. to l!ot, Hng ese. I"

are bound - ,After pa) \ng .for the gr~:lnd there I ,,:rit-l'r ill hi;, kindergarten years. Ne1- WILLIAM NEWBORG I CO• to build an b1come protection fund for use when sickiless or
to pla", J .
J" ,
dCspit.e>:,p'!iI.",.adm'linitioll'e, sh9w<I be more t-h <In $i,OOO U"al}1 '1 bl 1', ther wilI they concede the plnusibility P.liltlng and DlOorating of employment causeR a temporary loss of income.
will &<lmo .-day '1'.ease. . , . . "' 212 WoodbIne A,ve.,·N.l'berth,Pa.
for grading, et.e., nil d' t 1lat, a f ter a II ':. '1f his results when he IIrri\'es a't the A llxed amount saved each week and deposited regularly here will
PlIone, Ardmore 14311 W Narb.rlh 1768 W grow surpr1s1ngly fast.
oCertainly, no ilne has a Tight to think is qlnt.e UII llppreciable SUIll. l High RelIool plnne of Letters, soal'!>
that Iheca~ he hall not been arre'sted, more. the memhers of the lecrentIolI: 0\-1'1' it and 9tl't'TS t.oward the ivy grown AI little as $1 Will open a Saving Account and 4% interest is
he :is wilthin the law. Some day our Boar-dl know that the test of thl'ir NiP' I a:ntl's of the College of Literature with ~arbertb a'l'l-Y Arelmore la-.J credited. compounded.
motoristll will realize that the crimin- acit)- will cODie in the abiIit)· to make I its Post Gradua.t.e joys and posRibilities.
.. ully n~gl1igent is as much a murderer progres.~ w.ith What hllill be>!n g1\'en:
8S thoe man wb!o makes n business of them. They d-on't ha\'e to be told I The" insist upon dash'ing
* * *
'. it. that doing bUBine9S wHh a J. I nillch~s of salt Upiln every statement Eledrteal B~al'" and AppUallcee
pocket-book is 110 eddellce of outstalld· he makes prior to swaUoWTing it. Th&ir aU OI'llo'l'I1Il. AYe. 8 Crt• • ' Awe.
iug acumen. l1oeolight is futily attempting to gauge Narbfttb. '.... ArcJlDore, ""1~1================================::i
POLITIOAL CAMPAIGNING The people of Narberth 'waut this with a mierometer divided off in dol-
outdoQr elmtel' aVlIilUlble without unduc lar mnrks the. thicknc'S9 of that cloth
delay, lind the prospeet of reda~od C'osts "'h0(l8e warp is experienC'C and rellOll1'
later on is u-ot a sufficient Teason. of Hon, whosc weft is practical and sane
rara- M'j;irJFl-
. U'I '0
s~ __ ~l~ 218.Nd3_
itself to halt work at this time. idealism. To quote from Helen's
B.1I I'laoatl, Spraca 38-1111 and 38·117
J. J. CABREY. BabiC'S ," AU this and Il\J(Jre" is the .K.,atoo. Pbone, Raca 7~'4
tl"ollJ~le '\'lith hmmans. in general.
• • •
An undJisputable axiom fQt every- (,: ,
:GARAnteed·•• Roofl,
T-o the Editor of "Our Town":
body is this:' The good' w~ get outof l ;'~i- - -...., - - - - - - - - - - -
anythin~, eren thoe progress we- make tiai,L,PBO., Nl!dlm.d.~\"
Anticipate your next· season's coal requirements by
ordering NOW for delivery during spring
and summer

1 $14.50


,Fo:r..P~rmanetat Pea ..•.............. 11.50'

~uckwheat ... ~ . . . . . . 8.f~O
. 9.00
. :~',SiitiBfa~tio~'::,; .Coke: •... '~ ••.....'...' ..', ~ 9.00 '9:50,
····25·:~ c;nts)a:.'~t~~\idis-.;
.. '.,' ...'. '",I ; .: ;., :. " .' '",. :.' ~'... ': : .

.~ ::

for,,"cash, Oil:" d'e.1Very
PhD... Pa.


M. E. McLinn, Pastor.
THE OLD MEBION FBIBNDS' Corner semi-detached residence, 7 rooms EXCLUSIVE LISTING
• and .bath, hot-water heat, electric light,
WEEK OF JUNE 11 :MEETING HOUSE, Regu1ar sen'lice,. will he omitted On
excellent location. $8,000.
~lontgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab·
Sunday, June 10. Lot of half acre, attractively planted. All-
Children'8 'Day exc-r(',i...~c~ at 1O,3()
lished 1682. Here William Penn .wor· stone Detached stone-and-frame residence, 8
residence, 9 main rooms plus· en-
.j'A Noise in Newboro" ,hipped, as well as many other noted
A. l\f.
rooms and bath, all improvements, good
trance hall, 3 baths, pantry, laundry room,
repair, convenient location. $9,500.
Friends. One of the historiee.l .pots -f
Prepllrations are ill thl' making to inclosed (heated) porch.
IlllVe 11 deligmtful time ill the carrying I
America is open for worship every
New hollow-tile residence, 6 . rooms, tile
bath and storeroom, hardwood floors
This home is in perfect condition and con-
.'AI:'I I'ROVllCTI01'l MTABTS All M". o'clock.
through of the appointe,j [,rog-ram ,,-hich
First-day (Sunday) morning at 11
will he ver~' good.
throughout, near station. $10,500.
tains every convenience that money can
A8 POrlMIBLE TO UI.GO A. 31 .. 11.0&..... Newall-stone residence with slate roof,
Jl.~II, II,U, 1.411, 11.10 P. :Y. First-day School is held every First-
Our haJJ is not O"l'r warm i the pro- buy. Hot-water heat, hardwood floors on
containing large living room with stone
• mise is for a little (>ooler weather,
day (Sunday) at 10 A. M. in the Meet· both first and second floors, 3 open fire-
and we 'invite the peopll' to come lind
ing House. Anyone desiring to attend
fireplace, very cheerful dining room, large
places, back stairway, etc. bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout,
either the adult class or the young peo-
enjQy the exereisC6 with us.
spacious lot, restricted location, near sta-

IGHIAND pie's class will be very welcome.

The !Ladies' Aiid SO('liety of the ,> Three-car stone garage with man's room,
tion. $15,000.
Lutheran Chureh will h'o1<1 :t ~tnJw­, light and plumbing.
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : herry F~ti\'al on 'I'hul">'da~', ;fune 14th, BALA
. · Best section of this attractive suburb, ex-
" ~
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

~[oetings for June 10.

: at 8 P. M., on the grounds of Mr. John

Ca 1d-w'ClJ , corner Essex and Elmwood
Avenues. We know the l,adies wiLl do
tbeir part and ",erve a delicious treat
10.30 A. l\L-Celebrutio/l of Child.; in their usual sk ill fUbl man'dJCr , and ,t~e

Semi-detached stone residence in excellent
surroundings, near station and
condition, containing 8 rooms and bath, all
Cynwyd Club. Prompt possession. Price,
conveniences, 2-car garage. Lot 55'x127',
near station. $13,500.
758 LAN CASTER AVE. ren 'say. D I n eh arge 0 f : h e B'bl 1 prieCfl charged will e mo erate. "e

Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 School
Schoo, 1 "'~ "'bh . 1 .
l!-~elH: muSl~ .y
and exerClSes and reCItations by I
1 e I

I urgently

the vanol18 departl1len ts. There wIll,. ~" who are olllg such II commen "
d .
large attendance,
Ie i ene.oura e the members of the "Aid

be n b ne . f a. dd ress h y tl le pas t or on 'a-hle work in behalf of thc nl'W Church. REALTOR

HOWARD C. FRITSCH "The Story of a Garden." I
"" . Justice of the Peace
7.00 P. l\L-Christil\.n Endcavor' NARBERTH METHODIST
I ~arberth ()flace Ci ty ()ffice
REAL ESTATE 7.45 P. M.-Thil' congrl'gl1tion will
At the Station 1214 Locust Street
Fire Insurance-Best Companies unite in the BlIcealaure:,te Sl'rviee in Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor M ember Philadelphia Real Estate Board
PhODlI 1749W-211i Haverford An. the High Seh'ool Auditoriulll. Sunday, .June 10, Child ren's Day.
... ~ l\Ud-week Prayer meeting next \Ved 9.45 A. :\f.-Bible School. Special
nesdny evening. Progrwm.
For Bowling and 11.00 A. I\f.-Bnptism of children. :!
Pocket Billiards· BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Serm-on, "The Child in the Church." i $5,000,000 GAIN IN COUNTY
'''''come to the
No.1 Forrest Ave.
c. L. PA.RKE

Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor. I' ments.

6.45 P. M.--ohildren'f! Day Exercises
oy Beginners and PrinUlry Depart
Order JOUl' coal as far ahead . . pOSll1ble aDel &tate the Idle 7011 prefer
aDel your nut chOice.
7.45 P. M.-This congregation willi 12,342 Horses Listed ' Wh1le coal will be scarce, 8VeryGDlI w1ll be suppUecL

Serviees, Sunday, JUlII' 10: IlIttend the Baccalaureate Service of

11.00 A. l\L--<Mornin~ Wor,~ip. ser-I' the ~ar~rth High School at the ~chOOI 'the progress l)f the finances of th~
COOK B~.OS. ~o~nty 27 yards In PbUa· I
by Mr. Walter B. Tnitt.I
mon by the PlDSItor. Quartet., directed .\udltorlUm. Sermon by the Re,. Dr.
We have I Arthur S. Walls.
was very substantial last year.
Th~ annual report which Daniel r,
SprU<"8 HOO
Ardmore IO~
delpll~ lUI.d 8uburbs
at ,Tour sentce-.
lnclUdln. one at
' ..
PLUMBING, HEATING : been fortunate in securing the. service!; I Church Notes 8tciut derk to the County Cbmmis' 'I ARDMOBB.
ROOFING ' of Mr. to direct the mu~je of the The Official Board will meet on Mon- sione;s, sent to the Audiitor General at . ".'
Ohurc,h for the summer season. Any day at 8 P. iM. . !Harrisburg, shows that the asse&Bment . ,'.' .' ".. '.'
Jobbing promptly attended to meIl\lber or friend of the Churc!\ is in- The Ladlies' Aid S-ocicty will h1>ld for all purposes advanced more than I GEO. B•. NEWTON. COAL CO.
vited to become a member of /l Quartet th~ir .Tune me~ting' on Tuesdlay eve· {'~5 000,000, while the inc~ase in eight .
Nlcht Pboa•• Nub.rth .81
. D.,.Pboa•• Nerb.wtJo 302J or Chorus. Thc very best musIc will I\In9: a
t 8 ' c1 k
ks° Daoc . '11 b ,-_ d S
l" • .
sears has been almost $60,000,000.
1~~Ee~5~55~e~53~' be used and you will 00 taught how to 0 Id Fool Y WI e o.""en·e un·, Here are figures: llssessment,
~-~-----~-----~Iu~ywrv~ee~~e~~ a~ant~L ~y~n~~hM1nh,~110~H~'.M3.$lg~5~~0;fur 1M2, $IM~06(1i~~555$~555~5~55~E$$55E5$E5$EE~
Narberth:Beauty Shop' Anyone wishing to take lldv.llltage of Friends desiring. sent for 530; for 191'5, $130,359,825.
Seieiitific Care of Fe.ce and· Scalp the' mn.~cal trlli~ing offer by ~lr. Taitt, elderly and am'ahd folks WIll telephone -A remarkable gain was madc in thl'
Hair BobbIng Marcel
lResidllDtial Appointments
1600, Y liS well a5 thoe priVilege of singing Narberth 658-J.
praises to our Heavenly Fathl'r is. in·
rns of the. money at interest. For
T t h ' H l :yea'r 'the total is '$160;'l6:r,4()'1~"'1a!\t
Radio Narberth Electric. Shop. Ra410
~11 Haverford A~enue vjted to com{!- to the' C1IUreh for reo FtNAL SERVIOE ,'~ yeW, 143,lM,3,iS60; while for 1915' the Agents for Westinghouse Electric Co.
Phone Narberth 174!hJ hl'ar8lll1 Fridny evening of elleh wllek, " " aggregate wns $81,610,695.
at eig-ht 0 'clock. Th~ Male Ch~1r of All S~mts Church" Jt is ~l1teresting to note the .everin- fOT Special This Week
2.30 P. l\f.~Ohi'ldrell's Day Exerdses \~ynnoewood, wlbl render Its last ser- '~rlaSillg claims for exempthm from tax-
REISS AND ATKINS of the llible Sooooi. The program is V'lse for the Sl'3S0n. on Sunday at. the . a t on 'b e ea us e of property
LANDSCAPE GARDENERS nllder the. dirertion of Mrs. A very S. eleve~ 0 'eJ-ock l'Cf''lC>e. T~e 8~rvlc~ IS fo religious, charitabk or pub'lic pur. FIVE YEARS, $10.00
care of Gardens. Hedg8ll, l$l. Demmy, chwirman of the Special Day's m:ormng p~ayer. The Chou wIll sing: po es Buch as public ilchools rind pu'hlic
Lawn Trimming a Specialty Commit·-~. .T<lrdan b~'
We are closed Tuesday and Thursday evenings on
"'-"" Much time and labor has Te . Deum . m C .....•..•......
. u Inge. Th ere was $1000000
" incroose
Phones: Narberth 1790-R boon spent nn preparation. CoQme and Fieree was tfue Wild Billow. T. T. Noble in' he last 12 months, which, is at ap' . W. G. CASE, Manager
or 1722-W. see tile children bioom in all their. ' (Unaecompanied) . p 'mately the same ra.tio as prevailed b==555$5==5==$===5l55$55=5aE=5EaElJ U'

'beautyi The music will be led by . Th-e aW'llrds for' .t'he year 'nil be in: the last eigiht years. The amount
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; . . - - - -....- - - - - - - - - . gaven to. the :t1ollowllng bQys: . ofl xempt;ion rot this year is $18,607,-
Be!\t ChOIr Work .. ,Master Robert Ross 5!ltf; for la!rt year,' $17':149740 and. fur
'Church Reverenee .. Cl'ifton MieOlement 1915, 11,092,035.

. '",
Attendance Bar~ar~ Mellor .. ~1rhJile thlis is t1J.e motor vehicle age ....
The personnel.'Of the choor IS ~s fol· t~'re are still 80me borses and cows in The Hall ,Mark
low.s, arran~ed 11\ order ll~oordll\g to t#e country but th'Cy stea<llil/ (1('0
theIr s~ndlDg for tll.e entire season: l'reasing. Today' -there nre 12,3M!
SoIOOllt-Blobert :&088 hQ,.ses of the value of $791,060, while :. ::.

1-W~yne Brougbton

lalft year the1"e were 12,706, valued at . ' . '. . . .. ~ ..
Z-.Ohfton Me?lemen-t $82.1,915. In 1915, the 18,308 horses in
3---"WaUaee' ~tchfiel4 tbe county were vatued at $1,165,265.
4-George Stalker The oow d,ecrease is not 80 marked. of Service
Phone 1255-W 5--Oharles Ross TJ~is year's number is 18,130, valuod ai
.~lt1IOdes Mitchell
"-: .
$765,375; last year, 18,949, ·yalued ,at
I-Allen Claghorne $789,905. In 1915, the 18,495 were val·
8-Cha~ H e c k l e u e d , at $5;0'22,235.
9---.fumor SU~lee The number of taxal>les present is
This is the ideal season of the year for 'a trip' to the '." .:'
10--:-Ralph Snuth 118254' last year, 116,125; in 1915, Seashore. There is a tang 'in the air wafted from old oCean,

A Na~rberth
54 <is3. '

ll-Willard stalker a health-giving breeze from the piney woods, a vite.lizing
12L---4HOIW'ard ClaypoolC' ' . influence for every "'eleome visitor, which ,seems to renew
13~RobertVallette The asacssed valuation of all ree.lty, the spirit of youth and make a visit to Atlantic City a
, 14--0 M' heluding ,that; '6Xempted, aa '$194,377,· constant source, of health, joy and happiness. .
OOhrgeL kagu~re 000 for lIh isyear; $189,416,565 'foOr last

Publication 15--Jon ~ ' . . Charming at all timeS, especially delightful in the month " .....
16--ThXl~all.Payne. year, and $134,454,()75 for. 1915, . of June. .
~.; :. :.
l1~BarnardJ ':M:(lUor . tIle asaesse-d valuation of real estate As .Tames Russell Lowell h~s beautifuily phrased it:
l~da",aiadet·pe.yne~" lll'XelJl~tiondeduc:ted Us $U5;77Q,•• "And what is so rare as a day in Junet
19":"'Ramsey Wetherill . 900 for this year; $189;416,5fJ5 for las:t ' Then, if ever,' come perfect days."
'If you have··.Children in 'School- 21-Ralph Ro8.Il ·yellT, aricl'$123,362~()40 for 1915., ViSIT ATLANTIC CITY NOW
Ifyo\l.have Frieilds in School~ 22-Kenneth OJ~ypoole.
'. 23"":'Pie'i'BOnDeubler
J»he occupatliloila&8eilsment for ~his
. ,year $12,629,5815; for laiityear, $l~,~ :
Stroll on 'thegre~t wide" boardwalk, enjoy the wondroua
array of beauty and. fe,,,hion, aee it" magnificenthoteI8,. its
~o;hi1 'Eisenbrey ,227 ,9~5; for. 1915; $5,330,285.
If y<>uare ··in'School Yourself-
splendid shops, its varied theatres and amusements. 'which,
. 25-:-Ed Brinley . ' , . with attraetivepiers,' dillightful sunpe.i'lor",· IIplendid .
.. 2~eilry,iirhlki1 ~;"'''';';''''''''''''''''''''''-~--'';''
__--__''I orchestral music, nightlydallces, 'excellent fishiJi~. and.. in, "

You will.' wanta 'Copy of the . 21~W1Ii. 'Render&On. . "DURANT' ,and , STAR. vigomting ·.gblf facllitie';' provide· a' gulaxyof.$musem"ntli
to welcome the' visito.rat· thill ,season of the yea:r.·..· . . ' " .

··"·::,19,2·~3· Cla:ss',An'll,u al
Hon-o~a:ble 'm~'iitfo'~ .will' .lie: friade 'of
the first ~ne 'bo~ These ~:ys have . now:'MoToR co
. .... .' . Whether yo-lirolliJ!. e: eliair, dance on the'piers,-)hitiin"/
to the bands ,oi" :look at the beauty show on ,bOardw-,lk OJ:

,.:;r;~~·J~9i~t::i~~():.::;:;d:;~ '.~...,.,.•··. •'.,:'*".,: ·.~.:.·'.'.·',_...B~.:,- L,."~,.~,·.,.· ·~.:',~.· .B'o·.O"m·,o•':~.·',·:v.,'· .·~

bea(lh you, will.·aiense of holiday ill
,'pertains,- toA-tla.ntie -Qity#i J\1n~ll1Jol.idaY;,.~'~il~:e;rid
." I", " ••••..••• ' . . • r'," ". '.' '
.•. . .. . Ille~u:.rei b#~ging ~ealth:. aM, I\tr~n~th' in l~ ',~,1'll;~n•..' ,;' ,......• '
;dut~ng::!t.h'e. 'eii~:re::seafto~.· j.'~rll:
.: : .. :', . :11'"
a·,'on·' a
...: '1l81.·.·.··.·...'
. '.. ..'... .. '. .~. : .' ate
..' .. THE .:ALk~IL ::','bELlWili'RIVER ,lUtlD,qE", '.~~ :': .
,'. . ,". '. '. \

",. ·,~··.~'~~',·:l)ig,_cJ?uhli~ti~~~ ::,wit~::th~·<pit.tll~~~.:·~···pf . :~~~, '. 'fe~ ;p.~ple:ill,\,~a~b~~th·,,~J,J.o.lea~

the' fMf;·. that"Aji""S'ain~Ohurehls':off~ "
..,. ":', '."
'. (
. .- . . Pr~vid~' dir~'ct 'tr!ib:: I18rvice~ il voiding, poislb~~ :', le~rT' :' ','
"~dtultes~' iLhistory.of-:the schddl"ai).d athl~t.c .' .eriri·g·· rt~'~:of
_~ ~JV,
~ • ~',
":" T.. ' :'AI"~'-:",'1]"'0';'':'R'
'':. :., , d~lar'. to and from' :Atlla:llticr'·Qitf.;:' '" ' , - , " ,,:', ",: ,'. -:' "
;,."'WaITE::POR,j:REE:: N£W::_EJ':iSEASHO~ _:FO~.:,\ . .
'.' . • . .! •••• ' . , ' ' , . , ' ,

mlUJieal. t~lllliDgJ rt'Ii~' ,bo1.II' a'll: ti'a~., "," '. .' " .'.
'. :':rtp..()tt$16r' t~e.'~r§~1:~':;': ::~'::.!;. :"':~":,,:,: . ;';

.l'.. ·'· ,'.' , ,. ~d~.~'-- ~igh~ ::.\ngi}li~:,~~08',~~ae~~~n~! ,~.I:': Ci.~·~ ~'. ,: . - ' , '. ',:,'~ ~ b~~uiil~ijy·,n~U8iN.ted',and gives1~P:"iJif~r~ation' ':,
.,. I.
br,~tll~~~hO~' :-e~~~~t4.'Qn! ',\.~a-<~'t~, :', 1'-.,...•.'*.... ~~ :~... ~.·o",~
"netll'a1~~ohetUiD.ce :o~, ltU;';;ng:.. '~-th;'thi ': .J " : ,Ai ,,~.,: :po:'."GDD ,.. , .
.... 'YO\1 \'I'ilI, .;need in plannii:lg, lour','trip. . 4-~dreils ' ]j!Lvld' ,~•.

, " . ~1" •... " f':' . e·. ,'~.. , .. ge ,,~. _A, .oft , ,,. . Bell,> Pu~ilger··', TiJl,ftlc::: Mari~ser; ':Brood: a,tre~t ... Sta ~iollJ:
'211 HAVBBJoOBD fAvan UB
t ••

}\ :i:~E!~.t~&Cl~l.ll~~ .. ~, .
qther ,pallta" workll', of the' grel!ot "mas· .',

':':··1iai"",'iib~,.;t~ ,.,ie~~:ilf,N'Jj': ",,~ ~¥~:I:"B-':"
.... 'I';'" 'i:if '~: _ -.hiiI- ....-c eia th.'Am,~ eo.ttIMn~: ...

~~~lP~~~~~@'~~4~' '!li ;i ir ~' ,. c;:.;,,: :~:::~~r-'~Y~~~~;:ii~" " .,: ,'" ~:d';;'1;:~~ti,~~i>~~:;;iJi'~'{ ':';< ~<::'; ... ~;:,:i':f:;'~f;1,'i~.>jIj "!;~\;":l~:,:', .~"
;,- ----- nc----

The nllln in the car behind may be

NRcltb'Iaxf Servicc·
Today istTieDay for
the Governor of the State, bound fQr
the capitlll--or an important member
of the Rtate le.gislnture. CUll there be
Piitrlck F.-Donahue We Oarry '& 1"lin LiDe
uny ~utis.faction in ,1t'll1ying them'? I OpeD Day iDd Night PhOlle 1633 I DAVIS' SHOP
Th"y ha\'e it in their power to drive I
. .
you fr{J1ll the high\\'u)'-IO throw y'Ju
"lit of ''l()iIr job. I
oHILDREN B(> "'I('('rful; let them IlJlss. I 1
Y{)II h"ar a h'orn-it may i,(> a clol'lor MARSHALL CO.

The children'~ department .of the on an 'Prrancl of mt' ...·y-you \\'ollld:
Library is glad to announce thalt it 1I0t I\'illin/rly or kn()\\'ing)~' take u life.; CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
is add ing t.o i b Jist of magazines a
~ubs"ription to Child Life, l,ublished
by Hnnd ~lcXnJly Oompany. 'l'hoe tald"
Hnt .nHI may if y"n 1'('I'si-t in holding'
to th(' "pntT<' of tl,,· r<lncl. )'pt him.
p:n.;~-wit II a !"pirit ·of •. (jult sPl1flcl."
The Annual -------'

of ('ont,'ats of this magazine is par·

ti('ularly full and well chosen. There " .
.\r(' y'oll g"ing to let thpm Bay"
lnllln the tflll'k", I'm for dri,-ing off.
is the greeting page, by the editor, th,' hil!hway. or, with a· ,mill', "thanl, I
Spring Flower Show
Hose W:dd.o; Outdoor Sports; Nursery .\'ou, old top"-or H:ttta hoy."
It i~ railr<J~tcl pra('ti('~ t~:J linn] n:
COMMUNITY ROOM When you buy Sherwin-Williams' Paints
l\uggets in rhyme; Little .\rtists, a
section which tell'S chiefly.Qf t he child· fr"il'ht"r o
hood of our great artists, literary niHI "Xl'rPR' ~ by. It is ('omnH,n Bl'ns".
fl' 0" thp sidinl,( tf) II"! th,'
Y. M. C. A. You are buying the best that money can secure.
Y{)II ar(' the fwig'ht('r (If the highM'a~':
musical, as welt as f'h.e nrtists of pt·n
and ,hrul'h; Huppine'lS Ha\l; :Flliry --th" plllggpr, thp w"rl,er. the 11l'on"y I JUNE 9TH, 1923 Get it at
Fancies; Pluys and Pageants; )lature mHk,'r-a part of thp nation's , "
I 3 to 5 in the afternoon; 7-9 evening
Rwries j In Music Land; In,]oor Pas· uH'r('iHl !"ystl1m of tr:tIl!ol}Jortatlon.
times, \I-it'h maay ni('e cutuuts; Our l!eJnpllin)('r: RICKLIN'S
Book Friends j .J u,st Lil,e Th iri; FalJles J.-You ar" an cllgillt"'r with a ,1di·
in Fahric; and tbe .Joy Givers' Club, lIitl' rl'spo!H;ihiJity.
:i-You ('lIl1tn.,1 :1 hi~ll!)'
which is a selectiou (}f the lettNs, ("Ol){'pn-
Exhibj-ts to ~ de1i"eredbetween ,11 A. M. and 1 P. M.
poems, and. stori't"ll sent to t.he editor tratl'd I'iec(> of mach,inery.
:\.-A \'ahlJlhle ('argo has temporarily All exhihits to be tagged with exhibitor's name and the Class Number.
: ._. :-I
I ._
. _Ii _ _'._
~. _
I __ . ._
. _• _ _'._ a __'..
. _ __ a _ _' .
__ 1 __ ' ._
. _ 1 _ _. . . . ._
. _*__...__._-.1,'
by the child rea thcmselves.
JUT3 will be provided fo-;r exhibits - in tbe cut flow(>r classes.
The Ubrary nlso subscrib·Js to the lIepn "lncer! under your car(>.
Youth.'s Companion, Ameriean Boy, and ~.-lll your hands is fill in\·cstnwnt I
John M.artin's Book. Other magazines, of many thousnnds of dollars.
such as Populur >Iechanics, Seientific :;.-You nre operating ov('r a fillcly!
American, Oollier's, and Life are usu' built hi~h\\'ay-your highway; you, SCHEDULE OF PRIZES
We are right on the corner, the most convenient
ally found on the table. ha"p 011(> sharI'. ' SWEEP\<;TAKE J>H,lZE~"ilver ('up ofl'(>r(>d hv th(> P(>onsyh'unia HQrti('ul·
It is an aim of the Library that H,-Hut don't>t that the mall ill turul Societv to the exhibitor s('oring the great~'t numb(>r of points in all
location for you to get your smoking supplies.
parents shall be helped in t'heir lrelee- th", ear h"hin,l alAo hn" n ,hnre in it. ,,]ass(>B. SPECIAL
t.ions for their children's reading mat· '.-Thprp muy hI' ten (':ITS 1,..hin.i , Ilr' tpnzes
'I." ' count tl}fee pOlntll.. by suggestions received from the .VOIl-t . .. 1I Rhnre'hold(>T"'.
. Is it to . h,', '"
d '
pnz(>s COUll t .one pOlnt.
. Keck Perfectos, Special, at 4 for 25c
book shelves and from the magazine frJ('nd or f()('f 'ou a]oue "an dpc'l,le, HiI,hon" will be awart!"d in all ,·1u''''''' as first, ,eron,] and thir,1 priZl'~. Cigarettes, pipe tobacco, pipes, pouches, cigars, etc.
tuble. It may be .of interest to the ':--mil"l! lIre gol,len. They nrc th(' I
children to know that a more complet~ ~tutr out of I\'hi('h f,-it"lllship" aN· 1
syBitem of filing for reference work is huilt. ' c.
being undertaken which will facilitate Fro\\"ns, like a hlu(1;rl'ol1 in the h:II\.ls!
finding thoe references required in their of n criminal, arc (It'a,lly.
school work. i
Your /r0o<1 will ji", at stnke. (;()(,,1 I. Best individual white rose.
Be"t indi\'idllul pink ros(>.
IThe ~~ .store
The Library w~8h\'5 to thank Mrs. wi II is repr(>s(>ntt't! in: PhoDe 1620 We Deliver
Hittenbaeh, of Brookhurst Avenue for Your right to a ],1:1('1' on the 1Ii[;h-1I Bl'llt individual red rose.
her generous contrihution of children '8 wnyR. ; 4. Best in,li,-idulJ,1
!'i. Be;;t indi,"idual yellow
rose, any rose.other ('OIUT. , ._ _ 1_._1 0_0_1 0 ._0_0_0 0_11_0_, 1_
books. The list numbers fifty bQoks, The rupit:ll investm!'nt in v~hicle an,1
among them se,'ernl that have been load from which you rec(>ive your in· 11. Best exhibit white roses, any vlir:""y. not less than :l, not m<lre than 6·1 rr================================:i
in (lemand fur ~ome time, su(~.h as five c.ome. I. Best exhibit pink ros(>~, any varil'ty, lIot Ipss than :l, not more than 6.
of the " Autom()lbile Girls" series by "'hether the puhlic c las~es you as R. Best exhibit red r08es, any \'llrirty, not It"s tban 3, not more than 6. ; PRECAUTION
Laura Dent Crane; d'The Secret Gar- a nec.C'Ssity or a nui"a nce. !l. Best exhibit yellow ros(>6I, finy varid~', not less than 3, not more than 6.: A little precaution. now w1ll save your clothes from mothS.
den," ",Little Lord Fauntleroy," and Hang .on to that .ill-h. 10. Best exhibit climbing roses, an~' color, all .one variety. i Have your Clothes thoroughly clea.ned now. before storing them
"T,,'o Li tt,Ie Pilgrims' Progress," by Protect that investment. 11. Best exhibit climbing !'08es, any eolQr, mixed ,'arieties. I away for next winter.Ottr cleaning equals the best, while our
12. Best arrangement of in bowl, \"a~e or basket, any varieties. " prices for the qua.I1ty (If cleaning are at least 25% lower than
Francis 1I000ea.Qn Burnett; ~h~e tlf the Preserve t ha t goo (1 \I·m! you would pay in the e1ty.
"Mother West Wind" series 'by Thorn· It is your meal tieket; (lon't 1)(' fool- 13. Best exhibit white peonies-not less thnn :l. not more than 6, any varieties.
ton Burgess, and many others. The i,h and throw it away. 14. Best ex-hibit pink peonies-not leAS than 3, not more than G, any varieties. I PriC8ll for Cleaning

list is posted in the Library. MOYE TO THE RIOHT! 1:). Best ex-hibit red peonies-not less than 3, not more than 6, any varieties. I Gents, suits,
Cleaned .. '
French dry
Ladies suits, French dry
cleaned 1.75
16. Best exhibit mixed poonies-not l,,~ thun 3, not more than 6, any varieties. Ladies Coats, French dry
Th>/! children's bOQkl! pur.~hased hy .Gen:18 overcoats, French
the ,Li'brarywith the mOllcy reeeived 17. Best exhibit single poonies-not less than 3, 110t mure than 6, any varieti(>s.,! dry Cleaned 1.50 cleaned .. , __ " i.75
CLASSIFIED ADVERTiSEMENTS 18. Best exhibit Delphinium, light blue. Gents dress suits, French Dresses, French drY
from the Children's Dancing Clllll'S will dry C(leaned 2.00 cleaned 1.75 up
be rea~y fur the !thelves next week. 19. ~st erhibit Delphinium, darlt hlue:
. TwoceDta per word If C!Ub aeeom·
paDIN adTertllement; otberwlle. IIYf 20. Best exhibit Delphinium, any eoJ.ors·
21. Best exbj,bit Delphinium, in combination with other flowers. (Artistic ADELIZZI BROTHERS
arrangement.) .
Cleaners and Dyers
Best exhibit {)olumlbine, long spurred.
Along With "The Autocar Messen· FOR REN'.r~pace in private garage 22. Repairing Pressing . Remodeling
short spurred.
ger," issued und,er the direction of nt ~x Avenue find Stepney Pla.ce. 23. Best exhibit 'Columbine, Phone Narberth 1749-R We call for and del1ver
our feillow-townsmen, Messrs.W. E. Phone N<lll1ber,th 313. (36.p) 214. Best exhibit Ca.nterbury 102 Forest Ave. (OppoSite Elm Hall) Narberth, Pa.
25. Best ex-hibit Foxglove.
!Blodgett and Robert F. Wood, c'OIIles
Best exhibit Sweet William,
a pam-phle'!; ,addressed to' drivers of 'BUSINESS COUPLE deshe board and 00.
motor trucks, inculcating 80me ideas room, furnished h(}usekeeping apart· 27. Best exbibit Tall Bearded Irises.
of.the "etiquette of the road" for the ment; or fur~i8hed house for the sum- 28. Best exhibit Siberian Irises.

Narberth R'egister
Best exhibit {)om Flower.
chaps wlro dri:ve tht& I I big ·fel1~8." mer sea80n. Address" R," care of 29.
'l'hll 8uggestions ·are timely and worth "Our Town,'t P. O. Box 966. (35.p) 30. Best exbibit Hardy Pinks.
31. Best exhibit PyNlthruDl.
'i'ep~atUig: Two Lin.., .IOe periaae; 6e for each"i/ditionallin.
Best exhi.bit Oriental PoppiCll.
COurtesy is as cheap 88. the air you FOB! SALE-White Mountain Refrig· 32.
33. Best exhibit Pansies.
breath&-:-pra~tiC<!!. it on tb'Ose with erator, 2 6i! stoves, high ehair. Phone .'
··iWhlOm ~u oomelin contaet on :the Narberth 1707·W. (351)) 34. Best exbibit Sweet Peas. ACClOUNTANT8 ~INOERGABTEN
. hi~w..ys. It,payill When· Y'OU are 35• Best exhibit LUHes. oott.baU, H. It. PUblic ACCOUDtaDt. llOB 311•• ,Zent mll7er'. KlDd_...-na•
Best of Perennial or Annual Fl~ers. (Artistic Arrangement). CoDway Ave. Phone, .Narbllrtb 1687-J. N. W. cor. BI"x .and WlDdlor .....
.'r,iware. tbat"a' f~s.ter· moving' vehicle . is TYPEWJUTEB-Hammond Portable, 36. Kelm. H. O. CerWlecl 'pUblic' Aec!O.lUltaJlt. ., "W·-B·S
37. Best Vase or Bowl fiS CeDterpiece for Table Deooration. 202 DUdleY ATe. Phone Narberth IOO-W. ..- a_
.' .tijing.t!l'Pil.lls, nlO-vetotherlghtat tbe tor sale, as new. for vacation
AU.1'OIlOB, 1LiIl1l. OUrOT. John. 211 B..ex &'fe. phoDe 124li-R.
'fi,r~~' opPortUnitY; Give tile .~lIsing ve- use. At substantial reduction. Ad- 38,
Best Exhibit of nny Perennial FIQwer not in aoove dasse.,.
Do~ Motor Clo~ Ardmore; Pa.
.. Pbl!t. addrUl,' LlDeDlD Bla..
,stlt.. FleteJier' 'W; m·. ·Uatedord aTt.
'.' hilile.'Ii.·che'eJ:fu~:greetinga1l it :goosby., drees "A," Care of ('Our Town," Box See dllpla, advertllelDent ID tblt lIlI1Ie. Pbone 872· W. PhU.. addrell, Croser BId••
~(\"I" ' : ; •. ~erf\l1IY8hadng the road' with 966.. (tf) Narberth O~e. Pbolle Narberth 188lL -
See dll1lla, adnrtllemeDtlD tbll lAae. - LIgHTiNG FlXTUBliS
~;:;':' :':' .otJ1el'smakee· frieu&.. Blo~king the Ohildren's OlaSBes· AUTOMOBILE SERVICE M"Oonald, .JOIui.Narbertb
11133 Chelt. It.• PhU.. · PhoDe Spruce 1118.
pboDe. 1288.
N'" ." , . . .
·\f.,,·.,rOlld '. maJtes.. :!In unne.ce8sary enemy. DESX,.-IWIl top,' in good eondition, Donahue. PatrIck F. Pbone 1688.
~i;'<:" Ycluean'taif'Or(J to make enemies~ cheap, for 6'Q.le quick. Box 966, or 39. Best arrangement in "ase. bowl or basket of wild 1l0wers, entered by
phone Narberth 2261. (<If) children between~ears. Special first prize, $3.00 in cash;
See dlapla,advertlaement 111 .tbl. Illae.
U..rh....a OalrlN. be.
See dllplay adTerUeement ID tbll Ialue.
/:':, tbeymay prove experisiw.
second prize, $2;00. WhIte'. Sw" ·S.bop. ·Oppollte Station.
See· dlllllla, a4ve~~lIemllDt ID tlill lA,ue.
. ,,'.. " ,. , ....... ', .". 4-0. Best,ngement in vase, bowl or basket of wild llowers, entered by 'BANKS Loo.. FPDT H.Plano tp.acber.
Studloi Y. M. C. A. Bldtr. Phone 8111·,1.
children between 10 and 1'5 years. Special first prize, '$3.00 in cash; Merion Title. Tral& Co. PhODe. Narb'tb 898
See dllpla, advertllemeDt ID tbll lllue. NOTARY PVBlde
. GAS SAVING HINTS second prize, $2.00. &U.TY P&RLOR NMb, Henry T.. at Narberth Station•
BE". Pbolle, Nubertb ·1710. .
. nOJl~t use~hp.giantbUniers on the range when the
Narberth BeaatY 8hop,211 HaVerford Ave. Simplon, Barry. A. 200 Avon Road.
See display advertltlement In tbls Issue.
PboDe. Narberth 2283·J.
Ty.oD, Warren ·It. ·200 Woodbine ave.
srnaller ones will do.' . Phone Narberth 1202·W. ..
<'10':. ,: '". ,~'., '.' ~;"" .:.. ....: .... ~.,. .. ~.ll~y. 1" Bottom., Oeo. W. PbpDe, ·Nlltbertb 12ll6·W.
' ~

Don't permit the gaS flame 'to overlap the sides 'of ~ee dllJllaY advertllem.enl In thll 11..ue. OPTICIAN8 . .... :.': A•. lter""l~an .& ·Son.. . Fenlon, Carl F., 168i Cbettnat St.
See dlall1&, 'advertlsemeDt In tbll lllUe. Spruce 'l7ll7•. ResldeDce, WQ'no•...Pa. ~-.,.
.' ~ooking utensils." . '
. Shand, AI•• C., ,Jr. Phone Nil. 1710. Palmer,Ji. :E., 209' HaTerford Ave. Phone
Iieih~mbei,·ittakes,no r:CNV~~~l~~jjJ
Narberth StatloD, 301·J. Prelcriptlonllllled aDd repIJrlll•.
.',' more, gas ,to cook 12 potatoes · 8hiedley, Wm. D• .& H. T•. P·hone 600. Zent..,a;ver. Jo.eph•. lW6 .Locult .•t .• Pbtla.

~ee (lISplay advertisement In thll ISlne. pAIN~INO'
::::·::·;6. ' .... CANll:Y. ETC. Se\\'borc, Wm., .& Co. 212 WoodbIne aye.
0,,"11, H. E. Phone 1254-W. Pbone 'Narbertb 17lS8,W.
•.... Tur:n,Qut'the,g'aB: '''''hen you don't need it-matches See dllJJllllY adverUseUlellt In thl. laliue. \Valeer, See dllplay
advertlument .
ID thll Illue.
·iire·ch~~:,t;han.·gU~ •.. ..' .': .' , .".
',. ' .' .' .., '~.. ', ~. . ...
.Jenklnl, Cba;'. · L . .
&NO BUILDERS 117 Winlor ave..
PhoDe 1247·J•

1ua Dudle, ave. Phone' 1684. )lar.baU 'o~mpaia:V.CoDtrActlD.·I I Paperhan.·
. . CO&L &ND COKE e~, 800 PrIce ATe•. Pbone, Narberth 1661·;)".
Gas ;Does It Better Sarbert!l COlli .. Bul"Jln~)l.terllll Co. PHOTO. P:LAYS
.See dl8plaY udvortlaement In Ibla lrilue. '·Ar~"." 10tb and Cheatnut Itl., PhUa.
.Ne\Vton . Coal Co. Pbone.Ardmore lQ-l. See dlsplay.advertlsement ID tbll lllu"
~i, .:AIld, gas will .do your . See. dlllplay ad.\'ertlli!llient hi th\1 .lllue·PL.UllIBINO,:E'l'C.
*,:' .¢09lting better .than ever . D E N T l S T i l C o " k Brol. PhoDe 802-J.
· .Orr Dr. A. L. 101EhDwoil~ av.Ph. S03.W, See dl.8pla1:adveI'U8ement,11I thlli Iliae.
li.before ifYouuse.,one·.ofthe . . l'blla;. Pbone: :FlIb!irt· ~2l)2; .Keith. JJldlr;. W~,1l. 0. .. Phone· NaJ;bertll 1802~J'.
, .Or~ 'J.' Sch~bl; Jr. :Pbolle-Nlirberth Sll!'W; . 'See "d!lpla, a.d:vert,18eD!entm tIIlallllle.

}·~~W,·Gas:.It8tig~.:,enib.QdYiDg · tl~ E•.' Cor.. Gra;yllDgaDd \VlDdlor.· aT~.. ' . ' . PRINTINO', .
:''';tiiEl.:~lttious.featutes': for,' . .. omce Hoin"l ·Tue.da,., : Thurl".-J.· li!atur· Llvlt1,,8tp,'l"hlllp A•. ,P.. 6.. Bos: .ilOO;'
· '. dar.t 9.30A.,M••UDtllli..!O P. M'f;.M8ODpd~,,- . Hlgb trr.~dep·rllltlDtrell.nd'elltrravlDr.
~\hl~jri~~; '~~n:V~~i~h~e and : .Wea!le"4~1., Frdll7,i.i1 ~.' W;. aDW . ' , ' .
Dr. B •.F Mc~1dree•. l!Oll. Uaverford av~.: . , . , ' .
. BADIO:'··
.. .
.. :-ppoDe"OU.R.-,.Hourl:.:9 .A" M••Ii,SOP,)". ".rch A.., W.Pholle·:Narbertb, 12(I5-W.
~,'~.~. ,:;;o.;P:~J¥""'> .":.' '." "', ,
~~.'. ~..
· ,."Evenlntrl by app( : .
;~. . . . ' . ,:' ·."DaI10GI8~8::'
H""'lUd;•• PboDe:·12l17.'~ . ,..
. .;'.
. HacUo .Outllta ~4'Suppll"','
·BEA£.E~'l'AT"-'. .
..'-.., ·Frltl!"b.;O:. Q.•. 'phone 2!i2.W. ',... ,
'.'., ;'. . ..&il.dllpI17. adTer.Ul8me~t In ·thl. I6IlIe. ... ·I:lee :41IPla,ldverU.ement'.la :tb~laa.,
• •I . • " •

. Co ~r&he, O• .H •. PhQDe 1620..·

,. . , . :Nub, Rohert"•. Pbobe;,.Nar~rth 1110•.
[', ·,tll!edllpJa ,. ad\'eJ:'t1Illm!,lIt ·ID .thla· ".ae., ,MoDe)' . lor 'Firat. alld· !iJeeo.nc1: !riOl,'tr••eL
,',' .. : .... ',': "'~' 8LJ1lCTBI0JA.."'iS' ': . ' . . , . . , .. BBCBEA,TION.,-.: :,'. .
C.le,.'W.: ~ J>hoiie 2282,'" :, ., ' . .. . ·Becr_tloil·ll~No.,.:l.' Forreat· ..,.e.
i,Seil. dlapla,. adVel'UlemeDt III thl. IIlae., Setf. dllllla1 :adv.rt ..emeDt·Il1Ah S., lala.;
. .Pl!l'b. verI. .81. G.l'a7Ib111 'A'f8JIue. .• . ' . ' : . . BOOFlNO, 8'1',0; .' ,
f." .:.. Nar•.::eb~ll,e, .811~:r. ':Al'd.Ph.ODe, lea-I. ·O....He~..le:v CO.,Pbo/le 12lI8~W.: ..
,.... :'.' " .:. :". " .:. R'&RIi·. . . .' " ,".,.' '. '" Seetllaplar,.4vertliemellt'·'lD·tllla:lAQe.
'~':O'.'.' .• : ,'-.' Lc';"~ l''' '","~' ·d·· ·d'·· "llIlllei:'t'tTolUl.~,·241'IQD'.;'}.
. ~~aetl, ;.a~!e or .aYe,. ,.: Bh.OP ·.·2t6·JlPUford,·ue;"'P.h.·O.... UICJ.~
,.:.,.' ·_~~,·:,:::~i~::~,'8Yed:B,.:~.;~L:, :,g4~.~ :..'. :~t~~~.,:,p>·· . ". '..
,"" ·lkl'Per, BaI' '.

._g..~:~~~:;!.~_:,~;~~:,~:: ~jt~':.f";:"
. ,t,.;,


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