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VOLUME 2..L No. ,5

Tax Bills Bowl of Rice

Plans Are Completed for the .,Irc (Jut Earlier This Y car, for Party for Chi"a is IUlle 17
Summer Playground Activities Earlin Returns

ill W y1lllewood

Kindl'l'gartencrs, etc. . . . The l'l'aSlln, as Tax Cullectur John, I A cOllllllitt,'e cnlllposed mostly of
At lh ... :\:tII"'II" """ll11llllily grounds : :\Iain Lim'rs n1l't W"dnesdav at the
nq!I,lr:ttlllll fill' :tIl childl"'11 1'lIkr- It Hall is cart'ful til explain, is due I
Ilt·g-llllllJI1.! ,Jllllt· ~-:-. l~\'crt'atitlnal :,u-
Cnder I : Shan~hal Gardens in rhilad~'lphia to
"'~' lh,' :\al'!'''l'th Puhlic :'chonl 1I,·~t til a changl' III tlw Stall' la\\'. 'plan for th,' Illlwl of rice party which
}h'r\"i:--i11tl wl1l lot pr11\·i1kd 1'1'11111 ~I.:~l)
f:i11 1'''1' th,' tlr,-1 tilll>' 1\l1! Ill' h,·ld the IIl'\\' "tatllt'·" the;' 1"'1' C"lIt dis-I ; till' Philadelphia sl,ction will g;ive at
A. :\1. til ;>,,;11 1', ~l. :tlld 1'1'0111 " I', :\1. III tilt, :--c!lclld lInin', ~aturda~· 1l11lnlill~!'. l'''lInt dat\.' "n h"r"u~h lind CliUllty;
i'i o'l'loek Sunday ,'Yenin~, June 17, at
til I' 1', ~I. "n \\,·"\,,Ja,'s alld 1'1'11111 ~I.:W .IUII'· I. 1'1'''111 lilli" til 11\,,11,'. Chil- taxi's has bel'n a,h'allc,·d fn'lll October .. Pl..:pd,·n'·... tl1l' "state of :\11'. and
1 til ~"ptl'lllb"r I, Hlld the pl'nalty date
A, ~1. 10 1 I', ~l. "n ~atllrday, D, :-;, T. ,11"11 lilli,' 1'1"'-"111 hirth ''l'llllil'atl'" "I' 2\lrs. Gid"on BO"rick,', in Wynnewood,
"th,'1' ,·I'ld"IIt·,· "I' th., d:tl" ,,1' hirth. ha,- b,·,·n lllll\·,·d up alst'l, thoug-h not
()II "I"'nlnt: ~1"lId:lY kag;I11'- and quite :-;11 clo~l' ttl ~Unlnll'r.
simultan"llusly with 2000 other com-
all' 1 \·:Il'('IIl:l t if III ('('rt itlcutl·,"':.
tt·:llll .... \\"111 I,,· (It'l.!·anizt'd fur l'llrnIH'ti- munitH'S for Civilian Relief in China.
:\11', Hall is g;l'ltin~ thl' bills l'l'ady , :\Irs, BIIl'ril'k,' wil I show movies of
til',· 1,la,' III b:I.-"I,all, ba,kt'lhall, t"I1- Narberth PI n"\I', fill' mailing; this month. They
ni,. l'addk 1l'lIl1is. "oftl"t! alld otlwr ayers are dated July 1. In explainin~ the
P,·king; and the surrounding; territory
whieh sh" took on a visit tu her
-1"'1'1", Th"",' II'I-hing- til play "n allY !lll'ite tire Public, Mall, IVomall ad\allc,·d payml'nt date~, he ~ays; daug;htt'r in 1~I:llI and will rl'late much
,>t' the IIrg;anlz,'cl tl'lIms ~houlcl hL' alld Child, to Their "TIll' l'l·spllnsihiliti.'s and duties of first-hand information from her
1'1""I'lIt 1',,1' l"'!!I,tration that day- tlil' tax c,,1I1'ct"r an' rl'g;ulat,'d by l The daug;htl'r and slln-in-Iaw whu still re-
I ,- I
t 11' ~,t 1.
I"t:'i"lati\'" authllrity and nil distinc-'
,\lIllual \11l'lIic. thl' :'al11I'da,. al \':11- tilill can 1)(' u""d (}r fav,JI's granted to Boroug h B oys H aye a B aII ,side thl're.
Oth"r speakl'rs will be Dr. Henry

Team---The Narberth Sluggers

E\'l'ry Th11r-da,' aftl'nwlln a special I",' F"r<,:,' Park, th,· 1,,1\"'1' grill"'.

.• !III,' taxahll', changing" these regu a-

I \\'. Lucl',. of Han'rford, one-time pas-
{'I"'nt is planllt'd. the exact dl'tails to ~I,"rt., 1'\','111, start al .".-\t tiuJ" as to coll('ction and enforcemenl' ,tor In (hllla and now wurkmg for
lil' allnoullc,·t! t,y th,· recl'l'ati"nlll su- Ih,·I"· lI'dl h" :1 Ct,fll,:ill galil l' 1',,1' nll'n, uf such col1l'ction~, -------------=-==----, Chinese Relid in this country; and
I'l'n'isor, frllnl timl' to ,imp; alld :11,,1 al ;1. "n" for g;irls. At II. a ,tl'ak "Plt-asl' nutl' chang;e in dates of dis J It' I J' 't ". Samu,,1 J. :\Iills, Bible teacher at
Friday aft"l'lll,,,nS will h., devoted ttl r"ast alld S~ll'\I('r (bring; your O\I'n). IS ,eve OJlIllg; In 0 a new .,ar-
cnunts and penaltlf',';. It should be: b tl B . "I h t t ' th L I Haverford College, who has worked
a weekly aS~"nlbly prOgram. Gaml's ..'It ~. the award Ill' priz,'s, which will " I ('I' 1 oy' , \I , 0 mpe 111 e e-
undl'rHu(}d that thl're IS no ueslre 011 , I' l' th C 't R 'ld on famine r"lid in China. Chinese
and aeti\'iti"" l'''l"'cially' appropriate ;11('I11d,' g;al,' priz,'s, And at i'i, twi- 1 glon ,oum" e "lllllluni y UI-
th,' part of tlH' tax collector 01' local,1l1g WI'tl l' tl II I I k tl a II I I I musician;; will play. Tickl,ts, which
for th(' ,'IIung.'r groUp, will be h,·ld liL:'ht ,ing;ing·. with accordi"n aC('olll- auth"ritips to arilltrarilv alh'ance the, t 't 1 00 tlab an), 1)la'f' 'I' )t a(, e ( are on" dollar, can be prucured from
dailY in thl' morning \\'ith a ~tory l,allinKnl. ' . : 0 I S pl'l's('n as" 1a unc lOn, an d
dllt,,~ of discounts and penalties, I , , 'I b h' ,nll'mb"rs of the co III !l1itt l'e,
hour at 1 I', ~1. An attractive recn'a- (;"01'''',' \\"'1'I1l'1' h,'ads tIll' C " " l l l l i t - ' "I ~\\'Immlng ton, may1>", .' em ers Ip
~ Th"'l' arc covered hv State ~tatute, I, tl I I' . t II h l' r Committee !l1elllb{'r;; are: Co-chair-
oy~- 0
tional activily will be available for t"I',
all. I'l'g;ardl(''''' (If ag;I', a~ l'x('mplifi,'d
. 1\11
W I'll) IS "I H ' 1I 0 a
nlln-jlal'tisall, ]1ltn·'l'eturian bc- I men, :\Irs. Philip E. lIu~hl's and :\Irs.
in th,· handnaft I'I'IIgram which will Third Annual Fair Juniors' Chairmen i tl\'·l'n the agl'S of 11 and 1-1. I
:\Iorris L. Ship!l'y, of Haverford;
treasun'l', \\'illialll J. Lloyd, of Nar-
be graduat.·d from pap\'!' cut-outs, ,\11,1 ('lIrlll\al of th" ~I"l'llin FII'" ('Olll- :\Iemb"rship on till' ball team, berth; I'rog;rulll, :\lrs. E. \\'. Hey-
h"adll'lIl'k and dl'awing;. til IPatlll'r, fVill Hold Their First Board I thollg;h. is clost'd, Thel'l' arc mure
1':111,' lI'i11 III,glll tOllighl. at 1.:tIlC:I-t"1' mann, of :\arlJl'rth, chairman, and
ml'lal alld amh('l'ol wllrk. Meeting MOllday. 'than nin,' regular plar"l's already,
l'lk,' and Church I'llad ...\1',11111'1"'. Th,·I" ' Mrs, Hil'hard Winkelman, uf Ard-
Hl'guJation" g'O\'l'rnillg the use of i and tlwy're going" placl',';, Playing all
"I'i11 h" 11'11" 1,,'rfllrnll'l'~ :l:; ft.'" in th,· mure, and :\Iiss Florence B. Scott, of
the playg;l'lI~nd and it~ equipment air \\'Jth"ut ,-:lfl'tY 11l'ts, a F,'rl'i" II,III"'! l'lll',' \\'j'll )", g,lll',ct.c " ~ "f tIl" nl'\\ I tiwir game~ on the :\arherth ball \\'y/llll'woud; Tickets and Posters,
during tl1l' pia,' ""a,on will Ill' formu- ;III>I oth .. 1' attl'acti"ns fill' ,,1,1 alld' pl"'S"l<-lIt, ~lis .; .I"an Stal'!"s, al h"r: ti"ld, they havl' for oppon.'nts such Mrs. Samul'l Yellin, of Wynnewood;
lat"d a, n,·,·d ..d II,' tI1<' supprvislil's, ,'lIun;.:'...\ BUIl'k st,d,," II ill 1>" a\\'ard- IIII II Il', 1:..1 ) \\' Oil' 1'1 Sll" a\"'nu,', ""11'1\': " t"am.; as St. :\Iar~arl'l's-thi, Satul'-
Publicity, :\lrs, Ll'on \\" :\Il'!cher, of
The U,P 01 tIl<' g;l'lIund" will be harn·d ,t! lhl' lill:i1 da\'-:'atllrdav th,' 11th. II :lIlllIlllIled. '
tlH'y al'(,: • • : ,h\' at 1\1 A.
I <. ~I CI>!HT D'lrbv Gram-
• ••• , '. Cynwyd, and :\11'0'. F. :\, Floyd, of
to thllse who do Ill,1 o1>"erv,' such ru!e~ . . [ l' L' F', I C.' ' : mar School-next TUl'sday at -1 P.
I 'I I I I ~Irs, ~Iary :"'lItt :\1l':-:hHlll' h"ad" th,' Braill... ,:\ rs, , r.. 'I~C ll't';111-' \1 I I" I ' I I L Merion; :\1 iss Lidia G. de Calderon,
lit' \ \ ' ) 0 VlO at" t ll' stan' Ing; regu a- \\""Ill"n', (IInJl11itt.". alld .lallKs J"n-' I \1' C I' P I." an, 'nl'n, s ll'ntra an, ee of Philadelphia, :\Iiss ElIl'n Starr
tllln" ag;ainst th,. USl' of profane til' Z,'lb 111', ,b- ,at 1<'1'1 Ill' atton;: Sehool.
,,1,j"cti(lna!,I,' language, ,l11ok1l1g;, bi- I,ill,- th,' nll'n·s. Uanl"'. :\Iiss ~Iargl" H"tfillan; F:duca-i Rrinton, of :\arb,'rth, :'oIl'S. F. C.
tion. :\Iis" E!l'anol' j{arick; su1>.chair-; The boys made $-17 and bought ,Hartshurnl', of Cynwyd, :\Irs. Chester
cycll' riding on the g;rounds, or other I . Cl '11 :-:t II' ~lr' \\"'lVn{' Burn-I t Ilelr ' (l1\'n unl'I' orms, alll I p Ian to pay I
il11jll'Ojler conuuct. Co-op,'ration with"
The l"arberth Men's Club
, , , I n , 1 I 1 . ,11' " ( I " , ", , • " in th(,m ever" Tuesday and Thursday
I L. Baker, uf Pe~n Wynne, :\Ir". Ed-
:\0\1' 1>('IJl~ [ol'lJl(·d. \\'Jlh .I. :.\lllton,sl,k; r"lIl1w"hl]>, :\l.r~, J. 11 . .II'fT"'I'lP~,I. ,J. '
The R. F. and Manager 1 \\'in :\, Brown, of Ardmorl', :\11'5. H.
the sUI1l'rvistll's i~ a,ked of tho,e u"ing . " I" . II . alternoon and Saturday mOl'lung that
the grounds so that maximum l'nJ'o.y- Kent a.; kad"r. \\'111 hold an. all-da\'IJr.; I'lnanCl',:\lrs. S.II. Rrown; o~-I' ' I ' F(J1',l/ot (/11([ went to sec "The Childs Hodgen", of Cynwyd, ~Irs.
.", th"v can find a team to s ug agamst.
11wnt mat' be had b\.' all. outing; at Tkttl'rton. ~Id" Saturday, Iiltallty, :\Irs, Carml'1a Johnston; In-I rLnr \{'hen th,' tcam pic- Boericke, :\11'''' Chester C. McKibbin,
J "
t Iley ma'e k no b unes a f te h f act J]UCC(lIu'('/""
of :\arberth, Dr, William W. Comfort,
Thl' sUJ1ervisor" as l,,·eviou.;h.' an-, tlw 11th, , All lI1l'n an' , : • w(·lconH'" tl'rnatlonal Rl'latiOns,
" ~Ir,s. J amI's r' h'
that t ey are t e .,ar jert h"" I h SI uggers, ture 1("a8 taken !a,qt /ced,-"/ld, 80

nounc{.d, will be :\Iessrs. A. n. Weath- Bust's \\'111 l"a\'P • the Baptl~t Church, ! Stanton; LeglslatH>n, :\lI's. F. C. ' for paces, 1 tI/{, /101JS' 1Il'lItOI' dick ... ! him by president of Haverford College; and
. , '
! groomIng eventua II y, on a Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Severinghaus,
eral and Isaac KnlJII and :\liss E. L. F:lmwood and :\al'berth an'nues, at, Hutchinson; Literature, Mrs. La~r;_ N ar bert h b a II t eam t ha t th ey h ope
,' ' himBe!f.
Dildine. '8 A. :11. CaliJhan; MUSIC, Mrs. Robert Morrl- '1' of Ardmore.
WI'II WIn,' ' all1 L'Inc ch amplOns ' h'IpS
I, son; Press, Mrs.
.. Mahel
HunsIcker; Wit. h tl I I f
le 1e p a exc uSlve y oca l ' I I ) The committee will meet to make

To the Rotary : Program, :\llss :\1Ina Rose Ly1P; 'I Narberth Sinks final plans 10.30 A. ~. Tuesday at
Memorial Day . '1
I Transportation, .' rs, , ' . c 1Wl'ln"-
C H S I ' ta enl.
""rg; Welfan', :\Iiss Emma Kay Cros- . JIm .PrUitt IS preSident of the club,
, " , the home of :.1rs. Samuel Yellin, in
Two Holiday Games m Wide
IV as IV ell Cdebrated Here by International COIl)'elltioll at 'Il'\'; Auditing, :\Irs. Fn.derick Rohh. K"n W Iison IS \'lce-prl'sldent, and Bub King Sing Thoms, owner of the
Op~n Race.
Legion and Public. San Francisco, Jl:. Comptun is secretary and Dick Whit- IShanghai Gardens and unofficial
ing treasurer. mayor of Philadelphia's Chinatown,
The nl'\\' offiC('r~, in addition to :\Ii"" BY JOIl:-l Ml'LLIGAl"
The Har"ld D, Sp('nkman f',,,t June 1D-24, Ralph S. Dunne, Shirley Staph's, arc l\Iiss Lyle, first vice-presi- The team: Greer Heindel, p; Jim presented to the committee a Chinese
There's no mistake in the "stand- panel in water colonl to be auctioned
placed \\TPaths Oil gra\'ps Saturda,', road, :\arbC'rth, is going next Thurs- ,!l-nt; :\Irs. Brown, second \'ice-presi- Pruitt, c; Ken \\'ibon, 1b; Dick Pru-
ings."-Believe it or not, !liarberth's olf at the party, Ilnd started the con-
attend"d "en IC{'S at Chaplain R. r:., day. It's Rotary's 29th annual, and d{'nt; Mrs. George A Ihert, ~ecretary; itt, 2b; Bob Tabor, 3b and captain;
Henry Spinelli,s,;; Ed Gorman, cf; warriors of the diamond arc sunk tributions by giving them a rice bowl , ..
Keighton's Raptist Church SundaY Ifellow-l\lain Liners going as dell'gates ~lios Kay \Vheell'r, director.
" . , . are the Ardmore Club's Robert Pick- Dick \\,hiting, If; Bob Compton, rf dpep in a tie for fifth place in the
mornll1g;, mcled Ardmore,; po"t III l'X-' . containing a dollar.
The literaturl' group will s{'e ~Iaill Line Baseball League as a re-
ercises at Gladwvnp Sunday after-, ing, Elmer Althouse and Ralph "~oah" at Hedgerow, on Thursday. and manager; and Howaru Biudle, CoJ. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Na-
sult of a hectic week-end and holiday. tional chairman of the United Coun-
noon, and on ~Ipm~rial Day c:ll1ducted ISpringer, newly-elected district gov- Thei I' final meeting is June Hi, in Jim l\lcQuiston and Harry ullman,
, ernor who will go by' motor. Even the lowly Upper Darby team cil for Civilian Relief in China, said,
the annual jlaradp thr{)u~h the strel't.;! ' substi tutl'S.
charge of Mrs, Robert ~Iorrison, l"ar- "hades Gene Davis' boys as Gladwyne's in an address at the commemoration
of :\arherth, wincling; UJl with (,xl'r-: ~Ir. Dunne, who WIth 1\lrs. Dunne herth Hall. :\ arberth men to whom credit goes
first conqueror, Berwyn, shares the of China's "Democracy Day" in New
cises at thp new memorial g;rouping, will go by train, plans before return- The Junior Cluh clance i" this Sat- for helping' the boys get started, are top rung with the Key-NeIlJO.
all the playground. ing, July a, to visit Chicago, Colo- urday (.qee Fircside). Bob Hood, Eddie Ensinger, Earl York, May 17, "the way to minimize
Dickey, Eck Burgess, Lou Ricklin and It's news when Narberth drops two wars is to preserve democracy, where
Although none of Philadelphia's rado SlIrmgs, Denver, the Grand
Civil War vetcrans was ah!l' to l)ara,I<-' Canyon, Boulder Dam, Bill Durbin; and one who asks to re- successive decisions to league foes. the people control their own affairs
' th Los v
Angeles. The Foo d Department
in the city :\ arherth was J>rivilegl'd S'a It La k'e C Ity and e . ellowstone. main anonymous, but at whose home, The Davismen, after shellacking An- and cannot be hurled into battle by a
., I :\1 D . 'd f h '" Of the Caledonian Market sponsored Windsor avenue, facing the play- gora, 13-0 away on Saturday, traveled dictator. In the name of our own
to honol' its ,un'ivnr of the Grand: • r. unne, presl ent 0 t e .,ar-
Am1\' of the Rel)ublic H"nrv Doll,: berth Business Council, secretary of by the Main Line F~deration of ground, the club came into being, a tu Manoa the next day and were nosed democracy, the least we can do is to
. ' . h ~ b h PI . C " Churches 10 A, M. to 5 P. M. next new proof of the character and the out, 4-3 in a thriller. Then the de- aid China's women and children."
of lana a\'enue who had a place (If t e ,ar crt annll1g ommlSSlOn,
honor in the l)r~cession. 'on(~time hea~ of the Narber,th Civic Tuesday, will be managed by Mrs. deeds that thrive in the atmosphere fending champions bowed to a keyed-
A t f d t f \Vanen D. Wright and twelve aides up Coatesville club, 5-3 here Monday
Al~o in the parade WPJ'(' :\Irs. Em-! ssocla lOn, IS
ormer presl en 0
. the Bala-CYI1\\'yd-Narberth Rotary from the Karberth Presbyterian
of the burough.
afternoon. Narberth nipped Cres- High Ranking
ma Speakman and ~1 rs, John Smith,: Cl b Church. They will make sandwiches centville, 6-5 in a fast independent,
L. M. H. S. Students Pledged
Gold Star mothers·, se\'('ral local mcm-:I U.
IJl'l's of the PUl'ple Hpart (order nf:
to order and have tea, coffee, ice
cream and cake. The market, with
Legion Sponsors game pla.yed in the morning.
Recently as Members
' ser"ICP, 1 I
' 1 ' oun,,": Sunday School Picnic The Davismen will invade Berwyn
\'P t "rans \\,ounle( I I III ~." curios, uld books, flowers and plants, Junior Baseball Team for for a crucial game tomorrow and will
hy G{'lIrge \\'ashin~ton); the Lpgion Of All Salllt~ Church IS Saturday the candy, etc., is patterned after the entertain the West Phils on the bor- Of the :\ational Honor Society, are
Auxiliary, whose gift of nl'\\' colon 11th.. .. Cars leave the church at 10 i old London Caledonian Market and ough field Sunday. as follows:
\\'lIS appropriatp!y apprpciati\'ely ac-' A. :\1. and return by 4.:W. Annual Iwill be held on the grounds of the " :\arberth started fast with four Spniors: Elinor Abel, David Alburg-
cepted; borough officials, Boy Scout", parish outing, on the grounds of the! Haverford Friends School Buck lane 1 hIS afternoon, at :l,30, all boys runs in the fir.;t against Angora as PI', Kathryn Baill'y, Hplpn 13erta~, Bet-
Girl SCIIUt", :\Iulieres, Italiall-Anll'ri- I :\Iontgomery School as usual, is IHaverford. ' 'I ag'"d 14 tn 18, nrc invited to report
~ick Lyons turned in his second vic- ty Church, Gihh Clark, Jeanne D'Am-
call Cluh, ladies of the D. A. R.; th": \\'ednesuay the 15th. I at the :\arh"rth hall diamond tn apply ,' ..
tury. Claude Bailey, with four hits, bly, Don DeLanoy, Ag-nes Faggioli, . :~~,
C. A. R.. , . alld the "chool childrell: The Altar Guild, to raise money Township-Borough Democrats I fill' nWl1lbership Oil a lIew hall tpam, allll George Gazella and Roger Mal- Bl'rnice Floocl, \Villiam Furber, Mu--
had a g;1'and time on tIw fire trucks. for its work, is having a bridge and T 'Sponsored by' the Harllld D, :-;pl'ak..
, On Tuesday night re-elected John h ".'ed with two each, were the leading riel Geckle, Clarence Griffis, Marjorie
and l.ilotillg tlwir dl'coratl'd hikes, I· swimming IJarty at 1\Irs. Henry W. Durnin O\·erbrook Hills chairman 0 f':, Illan Post, An1Prican Leginn, "
it will e1 hitters for the homesters. Gazella Hicks, Shirley ,lpnning-s, Daniel Kar-
The Fourth of July will I,,· Oil a Pfet1pr's, ~loreno ruad, this F r i d a y . ' , lone of a Ipagul' of L"glon-org;al11ze{
the Dl'mocratic Committee of LoweI' . h h . 'II I \V'II slammed one for the circuit with a cher, Capitola Koenig-cr, Mary Larney.
~Ionda\.., also. I It'arns WIt \\' am It \\'1 P a\,- I ow
J. .
:\Ierion and Kar '
1erth. Grovc, Fort \VaShlllgton, . ;,
man on in the fourth, as the locals Jerry ~lah(ll1, Caroline Massey, Clif-
Sl'!' ".-II'()/lIII! the TOICII." :
I 351 SenIOrs, I The cOllmu ttce mem . hers also re- R 'I t
I'll gepor, n more, aniA l I L'lI1\\'oo, . I piled up 10 blows. ford Rainey, Reed Rl'cknagel, Lewis
" ~
J. The Sl'COIHI largest graduating class elected R. ~Ieadc Smith, Haverford, Practice of the ~arhl'rth tpam Al Herrmann hooked up with \Val- Reisner, John Schenck, Kalman SiI- "

. hd I in LO\\'pr :\Ierion High School's his-I as vice chairman and treasurer, and Istarts todav with Alan Weather- tel' Azpell in a pitchers' battle at Ma- vcrt, Warren Simons, Franklin Sweet-
H•enry. D 0II, Wh ose 90 t h Brrt , ay t,,1'\' (last June therp were 3ii) will ~Irs. J osep h FI allerty, l C I '' .,
ynwy", sec-'all of the :\arberth School as coach· noa and the latter had the better of Sl'I', Donald \Vhitl', Robl·rt Winthrop.
\\ as III January, has been a reSident " ., ' .' " . ' , . , ,
f Na 'b I' h fa' th t t . V
recell'e theIr ,lIplomas thiS e ellll1g" at Id,lly. : lIan'{'\' Cnok a~ 1l1,IIJag;l'r, Waltl'!' it. Each struck out four. Buddy Juniors: Clare Barton, Gonion Cal-
o , I e t I e pas en ~ears, Al'll I' At the !l1eeting held in the Town- ' . ,.,' Walker had two of Narberth's seven low, l\Iaxine Calvin, Muriel Culbert-
He enlisted in 1863 when only four-I· ,no e. , .,' .' , Humphries and Eddll' r"lIslllg;er as as- hits and :'>lalseed contributed a triple. son, Lawrence Da\·is, John DuBois,
ship 13uildlllg, Ardmore, \\ i1IIam J. ' I F k CI I .
teen years of age and served on the . • slstant coache~, anc ran· 1a leng;el :\arberth scored once in the first, but Ruth Goodwin, Betty Grace, Caroline
Flags'hip Portsmouth under Admiral I MISS Margaret Squier's Carey', \\ est Ardmore, proposed that for secretary-tn'a~ur{'r,
:'olanoa got all of its runs in a hectic I Laing, Noyps Leech, Franc~s Lynd,
Farragut. He also , served on the:'St u d'cn t s a f pIa . 110 an d h armony WI'11 Mr. . Durnin be endorsed for county, . 'I he team \\'1'1 I l Ie 'lI1t"I'IlW' I'latl' 1)('.
Tallahassee, a gunboat on the Red give their spring recital at Holy Trin- chaIrman, the post .n_ow held by Frank twcen the Narberth Slu~gers, men- Continued on Pa~e Two Dorothy Newman, George Paille, Dow
Pruitt, Janet Spring'field, Franklin
. .
RIver, whIch he boarded from MISSIS-1 . . Il'ty Luthel'an Chul·cI1 ' Nal'berth and J. Bradlev, . . Nornstown. The o n e l1 eIsew h pre In
, t llocal,. ' t I" lIS Is"ue, all'
I tl1e
sippi, and on the U. S. S. Elk. From IWoodbine, 7,30 P. M., Friday, June 10. comnuttee approved the motIOn. !regular hall team, \\'hich the L{'g;ion Deaths From Appendectomy, West, Jane \Vhitchead.
there he went to the Sebago, through 'I· I'
t"alll, like the SJuggns, will e\'entually according' to Dr. William L. Martin,
the blockade of August 5, 1864, and Narberth's SoftbaIl Pe~n YaIley's Boy Scout s~pply with talent, it is hOJlpd. of l\lerion Park, addressing the Bala- The Annual Art Exhibit
the battle of Mobile Bay and the cap-: Team was surprised by the lowly Troop WIll have a Court of Honor at! Boys will be chosen for berths on Cynwyd-N arherth Rotary Club Tues- Of students of Miss Margery D.
ture of Mobile City. About January, I Suburbanites Tuesday night and lost Montg~mery School, Tue~day the 14t?, i the team before June 25. Today's the day, average more here than else- Cowin, at the Narberth Library,
1865, he helped fit up the U. S. S.I u close one at the school playground, to w,hlch all. p~rsons mterested ml
day to see Coach Weatherall. where. which began June 1, eontinues to the
Brooklyn and was sent to Brazil on a 14- 3 . Narberth is now seventh in the scoutmg are mVlted. I
Practice will be 3.30 P. M. daily ex- . . . He stressed the need for warn- 22nd and is well worth seeing.
two-year cruise. He was honorably 14-team circuit. ,cept Saturdays. ing the public and especially youths
discharged at Philadelphia, September A Recital I Winner of the section's league in their teens, where mortality is A Cafeteria Supper
11, 1867, while serving under Cap- Republican Women of Pennsylvania Of Mrs. Mildred W. Baily's pupils gaqIes will compete in larger contests greatest, to beware laxatives when Of all home-baked food will be held
tain Patterson and Rear Admiral will hold an all-day Regional confer- will be held 7.45 P, M. next Thursday leading up to a State championship. abdominal pains come, and to call a next Thursday, 5.30 to 7.30 P. M., at
Cridon. ence Wednesday for the purpose of at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, doctor promptly, especially when the the Narberth Methodist Episcopal
He is the last survivor of Post 31. "equipping workers and strengthen- The public is invited. A-Flying pains last as long as four hours. Church. The pUblic is invited.
He is the father of four children, ing leaders" for the fall campaign. • Last Sunday, went Win and Harry Gene Davis will have charge of next
fifteen grandchildren, and nine great The subject will be "The Republican Next Week's Our Town Scott, of Lantwyn lane, at Roosevelt Tuesday's meeting, and the following To call Ollr Town. , •
grandchildren. Party and the November Election." Will be dedicated to the graduates. Airport. week's will be the annual outing. the number is Narberth 8637.
".~: ..' .' ,_; ,; .'t~:r~, "."~' , ;.. " ,,'•. t l • , ' , " ~~·1.:, •• .... ,'
".,: \~,·v."" ~_'-.

June 3, 1938

OURToWN Egyptian
Na~b~rth------1 >1111
The Zoning Amendment
:1:':1111/-1 1."\\"1' :\1"1'1111/ TII\I'llship
For Main Line Women of Discrimination

A CO-fl}II'I'flfi,"t rflHlIlIltllifU
fOIl/III,,, ill I:/I~ I'll
.'"j H'SJlflJ>I'''
tilt' S"r/"'rtl,
---- -- - ---------------
___ 1 !1:1- III I'll 11' hI JI"lll -\ t"
, ,1", I",· 1\ Iii C I, I
.J lilH' 1;'> hy
Cil'lr .-\,< . . . 1/(·111'11111. find ])lIldl.....JIf,1 I, 11 f"rlllerly with A 1I10;lIe de Par;s and
/'11/'/" ,. I
e1"( r!1 f'nt/tllI lit .\'arl" ,.th, /'0, \\'A~AMAKER'S TRIBOUT SHOP
( I( II; I~! I·" II" \\ II ;1'" t 11t· '
Tllnllla~ A. Ll\\.,od. 1':'111('1" ,\; l'IJ1\il~!lf-'1 111111'- \\·h,,)'<,
"11,:\'- I,d
AnIle ~,.d~ar; r:"l)l'II~. ~,wlal «dlllll
t, I ]"t f.,)" '1'"" 11'- "ltlll/"
I I.lverfnrd A",.. ~.lrl·H'rth
Officc...-!'iH lilJltdol I
I'. I I. I:",,' .: I', ~
\ . 1 for Graduorion
r, 'I': ,,"
:I! 1 I' 'I H\NG ON
'''_ .. J,
... s;:.. Specta Pennanent Wan'
1':ll1PII"\ ;I~ ~",·,\·:.,l-' ~:t~"'l r l , l ' l . ' ) 41, -"l" 1 III! 1"'1·1 I-:r ~ll~ll l'l'1lWd.\ fl·;lll1I1·~ I.a\\ ,1,,(,1 - ill ..--: "ddtll I: I i I 111'1'11. 10/\ Fore.(1 ,·h'e" Narberlh
13, l!~JI. :tt 1111' l'I'~1 tHI1".- a' \.'.1: Ill': Ill.
rl til" (111\.·!" \\1111 .\1.'1'\1- ()f'I'ltdl :In.\ !,; I It I lll· \ t \\ L. 1 111 (.(' \, '-
I" ' I' I '.

I 1\1/>1 Narberlh 2180 Opell Fr;day e'Yen;rlgs by appo;/Ilmelll (lilLY

Frid,n. Jlln.. ;, I')\H (., ,I rlt'~ t I' ! lit' 1·>_..''\ 1111:\ r I :\1111111:1.\ . • 1: I lit' .. ,II II III : \\ I, (,11; I t III
t:, : r, t :1" ,ii, BI'!:1 ill
---------- - ... _.
t 1'1' d;I:1 -.

I'"r, : 101 "HI .1 JI \ "' ,I. I

11;1\ 1-
\\' I I
II lilt·

Town & Township \\ III>! .

11," r \
I!' ,,I' til"
Give from
I·: I \I ' " "i .
~:11"~111~ Thllr . .
, .••· S .... I.IIC·
~l'll(' It!l';t t': I tl\:111~ 111~ :\;111,.1
11'- I:,' I! I 11·1., \\

,I", I .\11'( 1" ;1, I ;"J, I: II I'll - :I!I/ I

S(l/"clh;I/.~ .(J,re-Io-b,·-apprcc;alcd, 10 Ihl'
paJl('r. (It H '1'11\\ '\,. \\ 11\('h l~ d"I]I;': ;1 'i.'·
! d II \ '( . - I I, 0' ; 1 t ,. I ' " I J 1 ~ 11:..: 11, t Ill" III I \\ I' I - Fences ;lIT not .iust
.i"". 1'",/ /. ....:1

\\"hirh c;dl

dr, ;1
"j'"" I

\,. tt."!" (,IT


1'''1' 1,1 1'1"11"'" .I, :1111;1. "\\,,·11, I-'ar","" a round t he corners. June Bride and
t tll' }.:; I 'I I tI \1; l .11 1.lllt', -I" III - 1" Ill'
They take 111 the long
tl I 1It· ;1 " I ! " ~ r;,' ! (,Ill'. ;111 1I I'll i ; II! 1, ,I'
stlTtches ;lS well. ;lnd the Graduate
\\'IIlI\\1 II. III\(J',I~. 1',·,,,,1,,.1.
J1;lrticubrly the Jre'l'c appropr;alc card,. el/!ir<1l'ed ;1Il'llalio",(, t'/e
Hala·(·:. 11\\:--01'\::11 1"'111, 1:"I:1ly ("ii, "Hollle Stretch.." Get- P<1rly decoral;olls, fm·or.(
[DOPEy] ting I'ight to the point. S.'C ollr n iI/dOlI,( for sugge,ti()Il' ,uch a, painted tra\"
Picket Fences with
Around the Town :I! t
."-' 11/.. ', , ",I 'I" :-:, II ,,' ,.
Gothic or Spear Head
that neither chip nor ,tain: hal1lnlt'red aluminum:
Ill'\ er.tanli,hing Kensingtl1n \, arc
\\';\~ .~ll('\\·1l hy
:Ltlilltl\ll\ 11'
t 1:1' "True tops ;In' harmonious - IV 0 Sales r a x
\,ith many t)"11I.'s of
Hllthllj'lt "'- IJI pl'tldul'ing t1\1 !l;q..!I';\n t Confession" 209 HAVERFORD AVE.-l':ARB, 2RH2
in :\;Lllolldd\ lIar\.; !"l·Ct'IIt!\"
h,.11' tl,,· .\1<-lll",,,d I l:ty ":\"I'f'I-' - :II
\\('lllll Suburban 1I1/f, ('01'''/'- l.o/llb"ld <llIeI
homes. Our bark
;lbout the rustic IS It1
tilt' loIa:--,,1 '''11111. 111/Iy' a f,'\\' "f \\ 11' t I' t·.l:, Ii I I' :II'II:! I ;1 t 11 ~ II]·" \ t 'C I /-In/ ,'100\[111'1"1\ . . , 0 1';01
keeping with its POSSI-
thl' :--llI'~'I;ttlll':-- ~lt l I"l';lll \\'Ylltll'\\I' lll bilities.
llll' ~ \\'t', 'II I I f tIl"
and \\'I!ld~tlr (tld," til
: III 11"1 'I t ; l:ll ,\ L'":l11l-1
o i i 1111.'

h";llll,,' 1(,-\.1:,.1"'11 I·:, I~,·ight"ll·- III

l : I' I' i' ,\
11,11"';1\1~1 \\LII,I) !:lld \\;I~tl' t1l til" ('Il-
1,1 ( 'II i (' ~I:':" III 1.... -; I. (; t ·11 Today's Swing time IS
Miss Madeleine B. Mics(en
\'"cal",II. 111(' I:, \. \\'. \',,In,,11 :'111'1011<-- :'\llll1d.l~·. 1IIl',d,n'
1111:!1]1 ~ljl'rl.];111 dJI""c!I'd I' ~. tl'lll'II,~
tun·:-- I,;d 111,tJl' addrl·...: .... ('11111111:lll,!t-r Gate time. J\hv wc
,I, It;l .[,\'II;I!llll·ll~ t,r ~I'\I'I";I~ 11111 1401 '1- and \\'".111(',.1,1\- al/I/(JI/I/ces Ihc rel/lol'<11 of hn shop 10
\\'a!lt'l I' . .\11,'.-' n'- I" ",·I;ll/lal,,,n, If talk to vou, about'vour
:ltll l.'i 11~]n~~- III t h· !ll'lll' cd" 11;111 Ill:.!
not a 1,"ld-I"':lk"1 1" allll'liI> 111('11 problems on HOJJ1e
: 111 1.1 i I :1 ~ i:1 tl:..' tLII11I" -. I II "I II (I! d lldl" /)'Il';', H.-III) I'onda
\\·,)rd.-. at It';L... t a tl'l1lpl1rary Jdat 1'1'1'111
( 'II :1·:\ ~"!,'. 1) II ,..; lilli' iJ I'" t I 'I"!t' ... ('1 'llt· I ~ I JJ1 pr0\'l' III ell ts'?
would 1".11'; 1,.\ lal-lI tl1l' -1,,·:tk'·I- l" '/IIeI (;","};" Hr.-nl ;n 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE
II I r:;p'!I"I! :tl I \"I'~ lkt:lil \\"1111 :--:Id-
abul',' 11,,· h,'ad~ "I' tIl<' <'1"\\.1. 11
t:t ~ BLlck!'II I III til,' rl,j" Ill' ~lll·I'Hl:t~\.
"'nuld carlY tlll'll- \'",C", farth.-t·.
Fill<' tiling', lh,'", jllni"r I"lil t,'am.-
Tlit, lilill 1-- nl'\\ at tIlt' ~llll\ll"haIJ "JEZEBEL" Shull Lumber Company -Scco/ld floor, jl/sl Ina doors ca.'l of hn preselll addrcss.
Tllt'cltl'r :llld :\ntl:('I\~· \\·:I~·III' :--t:11't· The Li"k Bet"'all Forest (51 Home '
that aI'" f"l'I11illg-. Ill'n", 1" til,' day
111.L' ll!lIII'l]'I'\\. 11 -1:11'''' T~ IloIlt 1'11\"',,1",
wll<'ll \::lII"'llh \1'1" hal'!' a eh:lIll]'t"II'
:\]1("1' F:ty,· ;\lld lltll] .-\tlll'I'IIt",
29 l3ala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd DRESSMAKI;-';c; ... ALTERATIOl"S , , , REMODELI:"(;
f'hll' 1"all' l'"n-I,tillg' !'lllin,l:-- "I' \""al
"TIll" I.I,n,· H:III)!I'!"'" \\ IlwiJ (1)II·n ... CYNWYD 662
ta h'n1. 1"11111/'1"1'\\ ;11 tilt, ~ld'lll'llilll :Ind :\1\-
.I od M.-( r'-d. Hob HII rn 5
Th,. 1"\'. ('lan'IICt' .T,,,,·]011 (;"".1, ,wei f,.anc.-s D.-,' ;11 The pl"me i< NARBFRTH 2'1(15-J
1111011.\' \\",1.\ lit' Tllt·atl·" .... l)ril1L:~ til till" OrEN SATURDAY
y('ar·.- lir,1 Ill:",. ~llnday :It ~1. :'I1:JI'
_ I' l't '1' r I 1'1 I I' 111 I III' 1111 I~ 1 (':;\ 1111 I': I t I UNTIL 3 P, M.
gan't'-. \1':" alt"nol,,01 h,' 1ll"l/y a ('alh
olic, m" Ily a 11<'1I-('at h"lic.
\\1''''11'1"11 .... t·rlal .... "\t'l' 11l·1Hiur l 'll. "Wells Fargo" ---_.-'---- ---,--- _.-~--

Furtl1l'r "\'id"lll'!' Ihat :\:lrl)l'l'Ih I-

"top," \l'a' gl\"'n by the ~al,' ,,1' .-\11 Baseball Club
Mail ,tallll" till' day, Thur"lay tit" ('nntlnued rr-orTI PaJ,;e ()Tlt~
19th, "I' A,r :\Iail \\'l'l'k that a plan" .-""1111.1 alit! 11"'11 111'1.1 till' \'Isll"r~ .. If
pichd up mail at :\arberth and I'a"l1. \I'lli'll th,·y Illallag-l,d I .. g"'1 t\l'.. ill till' For a beautiful summer • •
The f'al,' "f Air :\lail ~tamp" that day (',urt h. a Permat/elll Waye b,' and games and sport accessories for a happy vacation. at
was 4,~ ill :\aruerlh, and 3,U fur all ('ltd Haupt. II Ill' Ill' thl' Circuit', l'l't- all ex per;ellccd operato;.
the n'st uf the :\Iain Line. t "I' hu 1'1,,1", ,'a "Il"d till' d"ci"illl1 1l\'''I',
Tllnll)\y' B,rn,:, \\·h .. m :\lal1ag-I'r (;"Ill' Monday - Tuesday - \Vednesday.
Railroad Safety "'nt t.. till' hill :\Illl1day aftc:rl1uul1 b,,-
(',n' a largo"~ 1",lida,' galhl'ril1g·. Ihl'lu'
3 beauty specials for S 1
Narberth 4035
Is al ;Js Peak, C. F. Tro'R'br;dge pit('hl'd ~"\"'11 franll" and \l'a, ta~g-"d
fill' s","'11 hit" Haupt wllItl't-d tWIl
KATHLENE 224 Haverford Avenue

'fells L;ons

Mr. Trll\dJridg-e, who lin's at 51~1

and ,,·alkt'd tInt'

-up]",rt til Ch'Tk 11,,· d,'II'I·IllIIlI·d :\ar-

:1wl \\"a:-o: g-i\"vn )!l/od
S, :'i:ar!.wrth an'nue, Merion, is di\'i-
sian eng-incer of the Penn~yl\'ania
I'l'rth "ti('k,mith~.
:\arl>('rth'~ ill fllrtunl' ",.. m, tIl ,'m-, 43 N. Narberth -
Establ;shed s;nce 1924
Narberth 4077
At Graduation He'll Like • • •
Jlha,izf' th,· fact that lhi, ,'l',n's race' a selection from our men's wear. Full line of Swank Gifts
Railroad. I n a recent talk to the
\Vaynl' Li"lls Club he said the com- \l'ill hI' a W lilt- Up"11 atfai I' wit h nil, -Jewelry, til' racks, initialed belts, etc.
l"am ""'ming- ttl ha\'(' any dl'cid...d'"
bination of improved safety f('ature'
,'dgo,'. H"wl'\'er, the Davi,nwn aI"'.
with the ITC('nt rate reductionf' make
railroadf' the mOf't nearly ideal means
of tran,portat ion obtainable.
l,nu\I'1l a" late starters al1d nn dllu bt
~oon will h,' moving' into t!wir accu,-'
tomed plact' at or n"ar till' tnp.
NOW! THEATRE-Montgomery Ave.
Ardmore . . Ample Parking

Theatre Building - Narberth 2n2

Jim Stanton
Ask about your paper's special
Joseph E. Barone Directing. O,m E"ery Eyen;ng
trial subf'cription offer, for clubs,
churches, etc. The :\orristown Symphony Orche~tra
\l'ill make its tirst appearance Tues-
day ('venin~ at the county sl'at',
Church News Haw, AvenUl' :\1. E. Church. With
A new watch for GRADUAl ES
adml'si"n llpen to the public, the eon-
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH c,'rt g-roup include" several :'Ilain TYRONE AlleE DON

Our selection of nationally
Rilv. Archer E, Anderson, Th,D., Pas- Lim'r",
POWER·FAYE·AMECHE known makes, of jeweled and
~Dd • CJ.t Q.t thoU!!Dd.
Sunday, June 5, 1938: In thp g'nod old ,ununcr time it )lays EXTRA ADDED SATURDA Y MATlNEE
guaranteed wrist watches assures
9.45 A. M. Bible school. tn r..lax and "Il,ioy rpcrpatioll, \'if'it THE NEW SUPER.SERIAL yo~ a smart choice-at your
11 A, M. Morning worship. Ser- tl11' "layground and pnjoy :\arherth's
mon by the JHlstor: .. How Can I Lin' unusual community faeilitips.
A Christian Life~" Text: Col. 2 :6-7.
11 A. M. Children's nursery under
-- YourJ for better times

the supervision of Miss Tibben. H. F. STELZER () --=-

Stone & B • Rig~ &:
6.45 P. M. The three Christian En- Formerly of Brother :'\
deavor g-roups. Mrs. Irwin will be
the guest spl'aker of the Junior Chris-
3 BrIck Cntified '~w~l~r and Watch and Clock Malur
18 years' exptri,ma, abroad and h~re. Work guaranteed
tian Endea\'or and will prescnt an il- GREEN VALLEY RD: edrooms 232 Bala Ave. below Montgomery CYNWYD 3250
lustrated talk.
,.45 P. 1\1. ~arberth's Happy Bible
On to 1/
'/2 Acres
. :
Hour, Sl'rmon by the pastor: "The
Church's Cnfinislwd Task."
Rom, 10: 14-17. "How then shall
Ideally situated in this restricted and delightfully picturesque
Graduates •
~uburb, between Swarthmore and Rose V"lIey, on high, roll- FROM
they calion him in whom they ha\'e
not b('lie\'('d~ and how shall the\' ue- ,ng ~round, Heatherwold Home. offer 10 different types of Start Life Right!
lie\'e in him of whom thc~' ha\'~ not
heard~ and how shall they hpar with-
out a pr,'achel"l" Rom. 10:14.
architecture. The 3 bedrooms easily "ccommod"te twin
beds. There is " sunny living room with wood,burning fire'
pl"ce. The "II-electric kitchen and colored tile bath are
thoroughly modern.
'5990 ITP
Now that you're "on your own."
ONLY practice smart economy with our
!J.15 p, 1\1. Stony Brook Rally, with With copper flashings, gutters "nd down spouts, hot and
cold water lines of coppe~, hot-water heat, concealed radia· tailoring and dry cleaning,
mo\'ies of last year's conference,
Wednesday, June 8:
8 p, 1\1. Prayer meeting, ThenH'
tion, on lots ranging from 75' to 100' in width by ISO' to
272' in depth, on improved
.treeh, Low ta. rates. CASH
You may have your choice of It is so important always to look
for \\' l'dllesday night, the Book of
wall covering. and tile by .e· welI dressed-so start by having
Ephcsiam. ' .Ieding your home now.
The yllung people of the :\arberth us dry dean your summer d.)thes
Heatherwold Home. are 5 min· Dir.~e.ion8
Pre~bytl'riall Church will ha\-e their
utes' walk from Wallingford Ste· right now and make plans for
f;\Jring picnic at the Old Mil1 near tion, Pennsylvania Railroad elec· Drive out Baltimore Pike to
Brnndamorp, thi~ Saturday afternoon. trified trains, 23 minutes to Phila· Providence Rd., Media Inn, )'<>111' next suit and topcoat.
Cars will Il'a\'e from the church at delphia. Bus ser#ice to Media
turn left on Providence Rd.,
and Chester at Green Valley Rd.
1.30, School., churches, movies, golf V. mile to Green Valley Rd., •••
TIl(' quarterly meeting of the Pres-
b~.terial Soeiety will be held Tuesday
,~~:g!!!~§~~t:§i;;~~~ courses 'and shopping centers are W4l1ingford.
~ \.,\.:. ~,,, convenient.
in IIIl' 1'I'l'~hyt('rian Church of Non'i-

ton. LO\l"'r f'1'ovidcncl', The morning
ses~ioll (Jltl'n~ at 1ll,:lO, wlll'n tl1<'l'l' wlll el/slom Ta;lors Clt'allers, D)"!rs, F II rr;ers
be a rl'plIl't of tIll' Buck Bill cOllfl'r- 102 Fun'S! Ave. Narb. 2602 228 Bala Avt', Cl't''''"d 9211
enc('. :\1 i"s ~lary 1. Taylor, who will
Repr••entative on Prem'.ea
E.uery Day to 9 P. M, •
Jllne 3, 1938 OUR TOWN Page Three

The Fireside

\\ 111111·11·...
Ilf tlJl' \\'I'I'k

1:-- tilt'
\11'. !{"I'nt H. " .. illhal"t. "f Il"ath:
Club ,·"a,1. "'1111'11,·01 "n :-;allll"tla,' fl""lll a "f \lan,,1' I'"a>l and :'Ililit-rs lallt·, al;tI
Penn Valley
:\11". all>l :\Ir~. Clal"Pllce L. Bn·arh·.

Now Playing ,11 (;ldf ('[Id" ;,11111 and \\'114.4\- .,." I'al >la,'" ,Ia,' ,n ~,.\I' Y"rk. tll<"'1' dallghl,·I'. :\Ii.,s Bl'tly Hn·arly.

Ilil'" :--:;ttlll"d;l~ I·\tolllng·, llndl'l" .II-
(d' 1111 l·il;11 rIll;!
\11'. an,J \II". (;""I'~" \\". \Id'I,'I-' g'a,·,· a h"ll"" parl~' al tl\l'll" "llnlll1l'1"
:\11:-- . . :\In I'j tIl'll' 1:111,1. "I' :-;.
Lal,·h,·, lallt·. "ill gi,'" a h"nl" III (I""an City la"t '\"<·I'K-'·nd.
Modern days bring
II ill II,

11,,11'111:111 . ..\",-IIIlg' h""!,·,,,'- "'ill I,,' "'a al II", \I''I',,,n '1'1'111111,' !I"ll.'" ('11 Th,· gu",I, \I',·n, \11"" ~"rl1la F"rc,'.
.\11.'" Clain' B,·II"·I", :'Ilr~. :\lal,(·1 Ann-

~11" . . . 111 n,Tl :'Jllltil. till" II·tIJ'llq! c'allll',Ja,· . .J11I1<- 11. fr"nl .1 too li.:;11 1'.
1,,·,··,01,111. :11,01 :\11-. (;I,·,tI, \\·i1I"llll'. \1. I" 11111',,>111"" IllI'il' ,Jallghl'·I". \Ii""
.\1,_. \\',il"'llI ('. ('1:1,,11,>111. CIII"I- \hll"" ('1111>1 :\ld·I,·II:II1>1.
.-Ir"ng'. :\11'. \\'ililalll :\lunl"lll'. :\11'. .J,oIln
Bllllll an,J \11" . .Jal·k :\,,101,·. \11,'
better ways of
li\11 ;1' 1'1111,', 1'1111')'1:11111'1\ :It 11111(·111'1111 .\11' :'I1,J \11'.- . .J. :\,., In l'''Il1''r,,~·. "f Ilr"arl, "ill g'1:lllllat,· fl'"nl Fl'lI'nd',
''Produc~d by UOVIO v.'Selznick :111.1 1'1 jliL'" T\lI''':l!:I~' III 11l"lllr cd' :\lr:--:. 1;"1111:1111"\1'1'. ",I: "nl"l'la,n "I dlll/lt'1"
I.. .\1 Llllll/lllI'l L"'I, Ill' 1:11.-tl'll: :\11':--. :II II ... !'I"I:t,J"lplll:l ('''llnll'~'' ('llll, ("I'
.\ :\ . .\1,1':,11 . .\11' I. I.. ('1',·111'11. :\11"-. I"I In"11I 1",I'., ',f II", !'t'l"'I\'illg' pal"l,'
t"'nlral :-;1,1",,01 Frld", ..JIIIIl' III. :\I'~I
fall ,I", "ill ~" too 1"'1111 1l:t11 al
washing • •
.\. \\. 1.,,11 :,,1 . .\1, - .\. \1. BlIt'\;. :\11'-. :>11,1 a,Jd'"'>1r:Ji ~1l("I-. \11,,, J-:I"i,,· !Ial'nd'·l\. dall~'hl"I' "I'
E. C. GRISWOlD .\. \\ .\ I ", -: 1" 'I." :11 ,,j :\11'-. \',.1',1 .\1.-- \I<'(",II"",J "ill ai,,, I", lIlt' Ih,· ('h"I"I,·, !':. !I,ll:nd,·n-. \1"1"'"''
is no\\-' .1'iS(lCiah'd with 1.,"11. ~'lJt.-: col' 111'111>1 :t1 a :--\\illlllldl.l! IJarty ]'llad, g';t\l' a :-11\1\\"\'1' Jil.... t Tllt'.-:t!a'- III
." .1""'" .•.. _ ' I" I ". g'11't'n I,~ . .\1 1". "n, I h"Il"1' "f \11-' :\1 II 1'1,·1 \\'''].'-. ,,·jl".-,·
Fidelily Inn'sllllenl Ass'n 'II" .\ :'-.' ,,', 1'1:11 \"-. \\"11111"1"" .
''',ld. \\ )rlflt'\\"'H:. "1]'1 tlll ~lll· .... t- lit' .\11'" (;l'I'll'f
.\. F'l'nl,'~', "f 1'1,111'01'111 IIl:l1na~,· I" \11'. 11:11'1', "\I'eld,', H,Il-
"Fidelit) Inc""" Pia .... nl'l I "ill I"k,· 1'1,,(',· :-;"turtla,· .
.\ 11-. ,.' IItI;IlC'I. ,.1' tk":ln ("1,. \1'·I·IIIlg'.
'I'll<" I'hlla,lt-Ip1lla (,hapl"1" "I' II".
1'\1 I
!"'nll-~'hall,a ('"Ilt-g,' f,,1' \\'"n1l'n 1I1·1,J
Ttll"J'\-~. rd' The ;\lalTiage of l\liss 11"'11 allllll,,1 pi"IlI" al tl\l' h',nl<" "I'
:\:r ,1"'1'1 h. l\lary Jane BoxlIlan. \11' .. 1. Hl'lll'" H~'all, HI'.,·n \1:11\1' a,·,·-
11: l \ ' 14"'!, r! \ I! :11 I', 1\ ~ t,l!' <I d 1111 Jt' r 1,lll·. "n \\" ,·,JI",,,I:I'.
Jorct Gill Tf,lll'~,j:I.\ 1\1 lltllL' . . 111111' :~ll, ill !Hlntl!' ,1:1l1~1,1"I'
, f \11'. al,,1 :\11'.'. \\'. 11. H,,~- \11'. "nd \11.,. B"nj"1l1In ..\1.1,,,11
-For ('xpprt care "I' .\1,-- 1."'"" (,II" .. 1l I.,a. 1j,.J,ldalll,·
",,. "f .\1,,, '1, :1\,·lIll'·. :11,01 \11 .. J",- 1111·k.,,,n. HIg'hl''I''' :\1 ill I'nad, Will g'I\'"
of skin and hair. ILL l:'II:1 (,j .\11 alld :'\11 .... 1~IJ\\];llld ,I; II, II I, a Ill .. 11 "'11" r \11', .. 1" 1',J:1I1 an inf"rm,,1 lunch,·"n S"llll"d:II' III
210 1>1Idil'\' - l" .• rhnth 212-1 1-: I." " II, \, '/I. '1''',. ,." 101 "f \11'. II ( ." III :II:,J t I" l:r I,' .\1,. (; :I Ill. "I' h"n,,1' "f \11'. al,>I :\11',. \\'"".1 K::1I!,',·.
II", .,.,1
'j I., L' i'
'I, , , ': ,II' .. I ' 1'111'1",,·,1.
\\ II;
I t;:1 :1'. l t: lil'. \\, t ! I t:ll·.l' J,LH'1 :11 fIlII!",
1:1 t 1'1 :Lt t !'lld till' >.L11dol:I.\ :1 fll 1'11'1, 'I' • . J lllll II, II: 1111
"f \:"\I' Y"l'k an,J "('''Ianl''llnt.'' Fa,l'-
li,·ld. (',,""" "I,., \l'ill I", tlll'lr .~Ill·-I,
To you and you and you
,I.,'." 111:"1. :\11. :11,01 \11". 11:"I'I-"1l 1'111,-11 II:lil, r:-:l .\I."c·:r" 1'- 1'111111'1,. "\"'1 Ill<" 1\ 1·,·1,"11' I. :\11'-. Illek,-",,',
Fair Hearts h I . " " , . . 11". :l1I'! \1,- . .J. \\'al':II'" \;11 111 I tIl. 1'1'''1111'1' and ,,-1"1'-111 1:1,,'. ('apl:llil
"ill Allller. when y,'tI IL,1.,," ,·I!, \\ ;ll }:I\I at tlJl' :\!"ldll'llllllk \I,". 1:,,1,,:: T. (,,,,, I:II.,i. 1'" I"·,,l,·· 11:II'I'I'''1l ~1r:,I,I', t·. :-;. A .. alltl :\11".
"ear otlr IH'" B.V.I). I I ' ) \' (:,11
d:j,i~_'llll J~,
III )I,'111'!, III' thl·il' lkilut:ll;tt·
~! ~ t I'. \\ 11) II! 111'1 11.:1 t I '( III 'j f I I II r I' '1-,

I\.cl(,n'" :r ,,, I \11. I 101'1" 'I .1, 0I11I I-:~ 111"1 ' . .11 ..
~h;dl·l". \\ Ill' ;lrl .... utti(l!wd
n"I" III.. "iI~ 1,1' Ihl' g'll"-I- "f \11'.
at ~:l\~II1­
And so, as a solution to your
SWIM SUITS :Ind :\11". 11'1,1,-,," dlll'in/< n,·~! ",·,·k.
al head, and 1"",1 ..
. as hl\' as SJ.')).
(':,11' I. :<Il'[ .\1,-- .\Illlt· llall"'\'I·II.

.\11' .. 1. !'. II"I·I:II·!,'·I· ..11 .. "I' E--,'~

iii 1,1 ~I(.~ 1 J 11:1 II.
.\ '''''I'i,I'''11 \1111 f"II,,\\ t",· ("'1"'_ \JI'. 1I1('k,'"n all>l ('aptalll :-;hal,·1' "'ill laundry problems,
;1\,1.11' "I,ll t L,JIlI',j Iwl' l'\ul :,1 1\1111'1'1- l
,,:"111 al th,· B:Ii:1 1;,,11' CllIl,. atl"lld thl' \\·,·.-t 1'''1111 rl'ulli"n . .Jlln,·
I'II!I :lll': Illld)!l' :--:;Itlll'd:l~' :It \\'~Illlt·~ II \l ,. sllgg"'1 Ih .. hand lallndn'
NARBEHTH {·'H'1l 1!wi!' II,tlil'll frlllll a \\I·,jdlll~
, .. "I 11,,1i-'. :\11',. (·h:lI'I,·- E. ('lark,', Clal'l'll,j"11 (h .. :'\;trh .. nh H.lIld Lalllldn
MEN'S SHOP , , ,I'. \1,'. (;" III ,,",j I" - 1, 1101, II ill 1"'-
\11 :,",, .\11-. II. I' I '''I·Il'·-. l;I"y- .!I it :11 ..... ~( ) :'\1, '1\ t ""1 lIlli' J',\ ;1 \ l'lltll', \:;1 J'. rll;ld, t·lltl·rt;IJltl'l! a1 tl'a IIJl :\lllltd;t~·
Theatre Building-l':arh"rth
i : lit! ;1 I., t I'll'. t!, I \ (' ;\ I, Il"t Ild:I~' I ):I1t ~ 1"'11".
:11'11'1 III II ill.
Open En·ry E\'t'ning
:\1 t ,)., i:I.'. '. t'll j Il~ ill IJlIIII d' lol t 111'11'

tl;1 \I}:II:' I.

'II" ~Il' -1-

HI'I t~· :\1;It· } 1;11"111''''.
.\1,,- .I"all :\kLlug-h-
II', " .
N.lI·!ll'rth's First JUIH.' f"arlwrlh Bridge Club
:-;atllltilly ,·\'l·lllng'. :\Ia~' ;2 .., . 1"1'
!II~ • . \tolllll'!"t': ~Il"':-- 1'l',C'g-y 1--:\:111 ....
Bride of 19 ~R \Vill bc-
Slort' Hours 9: 30 to 5:3(1 ,,','1"'. :\"rtll IIn>l :-;"Ulh. :\11'.'. Th"llla, \ \ .... 1' .. c,'n\ .. ni .. nth n ~·I'II. ,lnd
\\ \ 111,,1I,""j, ""'! :\11'c t'1:L1n' 11,· lIall.
\1, __ \11111,·1 \\."Jt.-. d:,u~lltl'l' ,,1' .\11.' \\". Hlakl' a"d .\Ii.-" Anlla Y. F,'Jt.y; as \'0111' lI .. ighhors \l ,. ar" ahle tl'
.\1,-, j·::,a''''1 1~L<1'1"1'. :\11,.' ~hlrl<,y
11,,1 \11'._. 1"1(', .\. \\',i1,'.-. \\'11101'''1 i I,,!,. Ea,1 lind \:·l'~t. \11"'" ~. A. Halll- rdiahle alld ill'"rcst ..d
1::1, \ :', ~Il~- }-::111):11:1 \\'CHld]"'l\\", )li . . ~ gl\l' \'011 ,,'1'\-
,\, lill,. 111101 .\11'. HaIT\' ..\rcl,I,,\· H,.".' 1ll"1 and \11'. l harJt.~ B. Stoudt.
11"1'"11,, ~"I\I'lll:d;'·I. :\11-- 1','g·.L:Y
'11'11. :\aIIUI·IIt. '1'11' ;,·,.ddin/< :-;111-' i"
:\1""d", ,·"(·Ilillg. :\Ia,' :;0. t,,!'. \\'iI-
i,·,·, that \'lHI C.\ll g .. t 11l\\I h"re ..I,....
1:",,,- . .\11-- I.,,,', I,,,
Lilli,. :\1", H"I",
'·Id",· ..IUIl'·'1, at till"'" ,,',·I,,l'!,. 111.\11 lialll TJ,"lllJ""" and :\11'''' II. L.
\,'1.-1'1" I. .\1:-- (':ill"lill' HI""111 and
c',"rl,' ellul"Il. \\,\"",.""".1. 'I'll,' :-;lla"I,urg-"I; ""1''''1. \Jr. lind :\11', .
.\1,-- 11,1"11 \\"·,j"ll:,,m. 1111 "f :\ar-
I:, \"",1,01 (;tI,.-,," Ilt-II'\\:II ,>I1ic'III,·. C. A. 1lIlIlIIn.. I·.
.\11.- . . \I'IJ,1l1 ..\. H:lll, " alld :\11'- .
\1,-- El",-,· llal"ll'Jt." II ill I". I""id --------- Such as:
1:1';1111,1:11 :'\!;IXWt·]: \\'J!l g-I\"t· a .... 1111\"·1·1'
.,' 1'''''''1 :<1,,1 Ih,· 11,,\\,1' ~lrI- II til ill' Thc Engagcmcnt
1111-24 CHESTNUT ST .lll'Jt. :\11.-' ~1I:1,' Bidd],' 1\1101 \Ii.', "f \Ii", Elizalll'th I."ui",· :'11,11, I" .\1, . \\ "II, shins ;lr<' "IH' "f "III' sp....ial-
. \\,·dn,·",ja~ al lit,· 1,,,lll" "f :'Ill'"
'Ll,.:d~'11 J)lf\\·ll..... ;\(11'1nal1 FllX, ~cIJl of Prtlft':--:-Il! :111" ti,·, . . . \\' .. slarc·h th .. m just righl:
Baill'~', }\.I'1111\\·II1"t1l I"llad. :'\ll'l"iifll. ill
PHILADELPHIA \11. 1:,,!ttj'1 (;I":III\ill" B"Il"dt "'ill :'IIr". Charil's :-;. F,,~. Ikthl"h'·IIl. I'" .. t1w\,'r" spotl .. "ly "hill' . . . and "c
1]1111111 (If :\li:--.- :\lary .Jane B(lXlllall,
I,. Ih,' IIl',t Il\all ftlr hi" hrtltl\l'r. is ann"ulIced lJ,' Ill'r l'an'lIb, \11'. lIud
\I h",,· ilia I'I'J:Ig" \lill take placl' J unl' IlIrn fray cd ...,lIars and scw "n hUI-
Th,. ll,h'·I.- lI'i11 Ill' :\11". Fn.d,'riek :\11"'" \\". :\. \lill~, In;; \\'""dllill'. :\:11
I\. (ons-\\ ith no ":\Ira .. harg.. !
:\1,,, Ih'~1llan Ita.' al"o l)('('n th,' !{,,J .I, ..11.. 1I1l>l :\1 I'. n"ug-la", Stoneall .b;;.I_.I_·I..:,h_. _
1.1, IIlg"I"lI. ---------,
g:lIt'~t 111' hl,llul' at :--hU\\"l'r;o; gi\·l·n by Office Hours hy Arpointl1letll
:'II'~. J uhn :\11.111,,11dJ, :'Ill'.'. Herllert at Residence I.mce
!,Iohn EKlllol"e. :'II",,, Ruth Egmul'l·.
,:\1,,- Huth tiaul. h"1" lrridg,' clull and :\11'. and :'Ilr~. Geol"ge \\". Tidd,
Clal'l'nd"ll I"oad. P"nn Valll'Y, are
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Dr. Wm. G. Walton
As for blankets,
~ 1\1'1' 'l.rority. tl\l' Ikta Kappa.
Qptom ..trlet
:\11'" A. I'l'rr~' I{,·difer. ~I'.. r.:"".~ Iwillg cong-ratulat"d nn thl' birth of a Phone: Narberth 2464
flllHy, fcalhen·. c!can,sl\\clling-',·..
,an'nu", i" vI,iting ill Avalon. '1>/1. Tu""da~' the 31st. I' no anewer, Narberth 2570.J drv Ihem with a 'Iw.. ial pro..ess . . .
:\11'. and :\11'''' Wdlialll J. KirK- at IW exIra .. harge.
patrick. E"ex an'nu", their daug-hter,
: :\11'" Walter Hun,icker. and h,'r chd-
: dn'n 1.Ire cuttaglllg in OCt'an City this
. Ill"nth of June. SUMMER HO U R S And rugs, and
i :\li~, }lartha Stoudt, daughter of
,; 1:\1 I'. and :'>11'''' Charles R. Stoudt, 8 A. M. to 4.30 P. M.
I \\'",,,l,,,de an'IlU(', i'pent the holidays
I in Ocean Citv. furniture covers
: :\11'. and :\ir~. J. A. Dougherty, of
Alt,,"na. wel'e gue"t" of their daugh-
CLosed oli day Saturday- wc clean them clean as a whistle.
ll'r, :'III'S. Verna R. WoodCOCK, of
:\Iontgolllery an'nue, for a week until
June, JuLy, August
:\11'. Parker Woolmington, who is
I altl'nding Wh,'aton College, will ar- Ralph S. Dunne , ,
rive next wl'ek to spenJ several days
New Plaid i with hiS parents. the Clarence H.
i Woolming-ton", of :--';arbrook Park, lIe-
Straw Suit ,ful"e retuI'nlng 10 attend summer COAL • COMPANY I ,
goes in th~ lJ'oter : "choo\. Ha"el'ford & , I
:'I1i~~ Ag'nl's Ro~c, of Linden, N. J.,
"Iwnt till' wl'ek-elld with hel' mother,
:'III'''. Agne~ I{o"e, Woodside avcnue.
y es, w~ said straw, .\li~s Lilian C. \lur~l'Y' of :-;-arberth,
\l'h",,(' marriage to :\lr. W. }loo!"(~ NARBERTH 2430
non-scratchy and very
Harvey. of Philadelphia, takcs place (Nights, Sundays, Holidays: Narberth 2651)
smart. Dtsigned by .IUlle l~. ha.' been feted at numerous
Constanct Ripley. a "huwer:'. In :'Ilarch ~hl' was surprised
young Am~rican de- with a lim'n ~howl'r given by ~lrs. J. • , 4$
I~ I
signer. Featured 111 :'II. Casl'y and :\liss Betty Schraishuhn. 1

June 1st Vogu~. Skirt,

t The folluwing Illonth brought a
: kitchen shower from the :'>lisses Doro-
$25. ,
bra, btaCA hat,
i. 1~1:' H.ood, AIlI:"- Brenna, an~.Hele~1
Btach Shop, KIOllH r. In :\Ia) , ;\11',. 1 homa, :\Ial-
! \'(·1 and :'II i"" Cardella Harvey sur-
Reyitalizing Hair Treatment ;; Housecleaning?
First Floor
'pri'l'd hl'r with a lingerie shower.
Now's Ihe timc to call on lIS to help
••••••••••••••••••• t TUl'"daY l"'l'ning, :\Iay 24, the girls ... It promotes growth and dimin-
I with wholll .\lis~ Dorsl')' works at the ishcs dandruff. This treatment, fol~
~ , you, hy washing thoroughly clean,
cvcrything you'll wanl to put away
•••••••• e ••••••••••
; :\o['l"i"town Cuurthouse, gave her a
Imi~cellaneou" ~hower spol\soreJ by
lowed by a Frederic Permanent i' I,
! for summer, and everything else
•• •• :\Ii", Bptt)' Shearl'r, at the \'alley Wave as given by our experts, in-
sures you a
that you'll wanl 10 show off, clean

•• •• i 'Fol'ge Inll.
:\1 r. and :'III's. Spel\cer Smith, Essex I and fresh during the hot weather.

. Happy Summer!
•• and ,<JlenlOWft, P.. •• . a\'l'llue, will leaye :'Ilonday for a week's
• Writ. for fREE lIIu&trated Bookie'. Kutlto'Wn. Pa. •
i tl"ip t" Alban" al\d abo to Statel\ Is-

'land. where ;hey will be the guests

lof :\11'". ~milh'" ~i'ler, :'Ill's. Johl\
All Hair is cardully analyzed bdore waving ;i
! I

1l'larburger. 'J.J~- J Prices from $2.50 up

Ha~ 1""'1\ made of the eng-agement of
Frederic Ends

I Mi~~ :'Ilargaret ::\Iondy, of Scott" Rlutf,

Nebraska, to 1'11'. Alexander Thomas,
of Mr. and lUI'S, Royal D. Thomas,
Bral'burn IUlle, Penn Miss \'alle~·.
.. Three SpeciaLs •. $1.00"
Hand Laundry
I Moody is a gTaduute of the Un ivers- 107 N. Narbel·th Avenue
lity of :'Ili"souri. 1'11'. Thomas will
Igradual" from \\'l,,,leyan UniYer"ity,
I Tile Rea'ltv
. SalOl.
,l\'Ildtlll'\OII. ('01\1\ .. thi,.. mOlllh. The Phone Narberth 4177
"'1'.1.1 IIlg- w,I~1 t~l~\l' I'Iae1' in :'Iliddll'- 240 Haverford Avenue
. I t·,/\, .JUIU' .. l. I h,'v "'111 maKe their
llOl\\L' ill Call1IJridg,''' :\Ias~., aflpr Sep- U nda SlIpervision
for prompt appointment

0/ Three Sis/as
We call fl'r and ddin'r at your convenience

j tl'l\\hl'l' I .

',', .; .,,~. "'~''''':'': .
• '.1 •. :.. ,_,; ,~", :"-~f..:... ~ ':' t' ;;.• '.
.. ", ...~,;- . :",::.,,(

OUR TOWN June 3, 1938

Page Four
th~rr.on situate in the Borough of Norb.erth' rhelance of ) 23 f~et ~orth 7q drge, S I mine.
~1ontK. La .. Po .. on \\t.. sid~ of Essex Ave. Last from a spike marking the intersection
I Two Barbers Let Dan GO your
ConlalOin~ of (he midrlle lines of said \t'oodbine Ave·
Church Notes Classified
100' 5 f1ine of \J..·indeor Ave.
In front Of breadth on Essex ,-\ve. bh' B" nue nnd lona :\vrnue 1:;0 ft"el widel.
nnd t"xtt"ndln~ In drpth lH.. ( ...... t"'t"n purctllt"'ll ti\lnln~ 1n front or brt"arith along saki mid-
No waiting Barbering at home

COTltlllUl'll from f1ab't' Two

Advertisements 11Ilt" 11,'

I ht" Improvt"'n'lrnls thf"reon lHt" a:

I <lIt'" lln(, of \,t'nodhlne ,·\venue ~ortheo5t·
: \'dHdly 10 fet"'t Hnd f"'xtending of that width
I III I,..ngth or df'pth brtw("rn pllrnllel lint's on
21-.: ~tnry slnnt" nnd frftmf" house 2l f~et In coursf'" South 10 de..::s. q toln!>. Eas( 11:; Barber Shop
he :,ul'I'"rt,'d hy thl' Philadelphia front hy 042 fed rkep .....· lth .. rooms on firsl tt"'d B('mg prelnls"e l2h \\'oodbine Ave·
-will he charj\'ecl only to rellldentll 41 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth
:\'nl'th I'rl':,hyl"ria! SoddY, will :,ppak wh(J!'le lIAmeR RtJl)ear In the tele- IllHlr. ) r(Jorns and bath on sf"cond floor. J' nut"', ~arhl"'rth, ~('nn!il\'I ... nnlfi
at tIll' afll'l'n,,"n "(,:'~I"n at 1.-15. :'II ..-s tdHHIt' dlr("t'(ory (If to 8uhscrtbers. rooms on lhlrd Iloor. cellar. gas. t'lectrlc.
':-'prlTlgf!t"ld \'\.n1f"t. hrl1tIn~ systt'm. porc.h
Ihf' 100prCH'f"rnt'nts th('rt"on nrr a: Phone: Narbt'rth 4209 Women'. and Children'.
Taylur is a n'>:i:,t"l'l'U nurso: and will 20c a line Itllnt 1 2 ~fory IrilT1lf' and plilsl"rrr! housfO. 11 fl"'~t Fomlerly Slephen Girard Bldg. Hair Cutting S~ci"ljst
\", ~"llt t" \\"'01 Africa thi:, ,umml'r. I rl)ot h .... 42 ted d("f"p, wllh ) rOlHllS on hrst
for 3 newspaper.
SrlJ't"d and tilkt'n In l'Xf'cution fl8 th~ 11,)or. \ rUllfn!'! ilnd hrllh on ~t'( ond lloor. Ct·I·
COUllt five words to line pIIII't"rtyof Jlt"nry \lv' Dt"rhy and l!lllh~1 t\. Inr. ~as. ,·I"ltne li~ht~. 'sprlt1gfldd wllter. , - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- ------
HOLY TRINITY LUTHEIUN IJI'lb). hi" wilt" \1tlrtl-:ii~(Jrs, dnd :"oarlJt,rth h"iltln~ ~\ ~t("l1l, porch Iront
._ will h" acceptecl up to Wedn...- :\~~.H':l<'tl(jn. ({t'id C> ...... nt"f.
Try the famous NORRIS
He\'. C!etu~ A. Sl'nft, Pastor HlIII,!trq..: an'! Lllfln
rtay. 5 o'clock, for FrtdaY'1!I I~ue•. ,11l,j 10 Iw sold by .'-l"II'·,j tilk,'n In ,'x('rutlon a.! thl'
:'I[i:," :'I[ar>:ard :-''1uicr, Organist [,rllp('rly nl I'rililk .\ C)"Hrll'n and SorCI
All permanents done by Miss Norris
1)\\"1" II 1\I.I.1IS, ~h"f\tf , I) I~rl"n, an, 1 1,1 I,,· ~(Jlrl h\'
~',l~, ;\, \1. HtI,J" ,,,11,,,,1.
11 .-\. ~I. Tilt, lllunllllg" :--t·r\'icL'. PHONE: CYNWYD 811 Prices-$2.50 Up
,,\Il. "111,\1 'I.HT ..\I~ I", w"h buildll1".
~----- ------_!
TIll'Ill": "\\'llh (In" A"c"r,!."
';,·1,', I'. \1. I.ull",r [...;,gu,',

lin th.'
trIlPI()\,'("lllf'nl~ thfOr.'on. SltU.,tl' In
I~orflugh 01
:-.."rtH"rth. \lont~olll.'ry l"rl.
\)! Lrilyhn~ ~\ve. 12:;'
:'\.. f'rrqwrt\" In LO\\'('r \If'flon T\\'p bf"K· at
DaiLy SpeciaLs: 3 for 'I
At 'tour 'ser'Vice Sid,. I
~ L Cdr ot l dl\'('rl Rd an,1 BrolJkwilY
Licensed ZOTOS Shop
:'Il"nday: in the I'I.\\.'() ;11101 TIlI':I)I~Y r~,.aduat(' tp;lj·h,-.r.
Irnl1l '\, slll.- It! \\'Inrl.!loor .\\'t" l ont. In It'llll
on l.tnyIJrl~ ..\ .... t· i')' and exl l11U' in drpth \\'!' Ih"llll' <,I()n~ Brook''''ay :\\'t"I1UC ;-.. L
~ I', \1,
1'1:1:--:-, ;Irld 1111\;111' 1,':-:~1111:--. ('all Had·
"lilT I"::~. (:17)
Ih(" irnpru .... '·nll'nt~ th(·Tt'on ilre a:
144 It lht"n " \\ ;11 tIl It. th"'n 5, \\.
1 \) It Ih"n n!ong l a!n'rt Hd. S. L. HO (I. Norris BEAUTY SALON
Tw"da,' : L.\\\·~.\lll\\·I-:I~ rt'II:tII~ and g-rilldirlL:". 2 :~·~tory brl<k and IraIllt' hOlls,,·. 28 ft'f'l 2nd Floor, Narberth at Haverford
tiH' ~ll'r- l~t.ldl111 fl:"\\I'I~ (11r !-'illt'. :-.:. E. StnC'dley Itont by 24 ft"'~t dt't"'f' ...... Ith 2 1 --.: -story brick lh,' ImpfO\'t'nlt>nts Iht'r('on art' a:
1.:;11 I', :'I!. BI,)...:'inlling lIt'
nnd lram(" adrhtion 18 fl"'('t by H Icet, ...... Ith 2 1-.: ~tUI\ p!ilsl~'r,>d hnusf", 24 It'rt iront by Phone Narberth 40il
ill Zlldl Church, lIal'ri~-: 1",'I{~flllllllllL:. 1+11 Jllldlt'Y ave., Xar-
gt'r lllt't't 11Ig' 4 fOOl115 on hrst floor. \ r(){)nl~ nnd bath 4M II'I't d,·,·p. \\llh ... fOOf]lS nn hrst Hoor. J
I",nll :':~tI;l~ (tf)
s('cond flonr, 2 roon)s on thlfd Hoor. f " f l l l l ' l afld 1)/\111 l i n "t·("n I Iloor. 2 rooms on
burg', 011

1'1.\:\') Tl :-":I~I; --('lllllldt'le reliahle ~er\'~ t I,llnr. ~a!>. ,.I(·ctflc hghl::i. Sprln~ht"!d watt'f.' third Hoor. It·llilr. ~a~. ,.ketTle lJKht5,
~;ll lIrday:
~ I,:; II .-\ ,:'I I.
1'~UlnlnaL"'t' :--:al{' Ity it'1' II\'
(,WllllV t-·:qll'rl.
All wurk g-uar-
Servil'c, llilOfle
tll'atln~ .!>yslt"'nl. porLh Iront, t'nd()s~d p'nt
~jltlllt-:tll'Ll \\,Il"r, ht'i-dln h S\"~t"'TlI, rndoseJ
'p'i\r porch I-
A it! :-"'CI"t Y In \\'",.1 Phila-; Ard',,"'" (0-8-31)
,il-Ipllia. i ~il:I';(;A1{-i~'::;;TEH,
Jcdlhillg-. Scrf>ellillg-. (;ottlleb
prolH'rly of
and titk"n
Lftll~d{Jn l
in f'XI'lutl<lJ)
nnd ElSie 1
1 litr pl.'~lt'fl,1 ~"Ti"q..:t' IA h'd hy 22 (("('1.
.th f·
i A new roof's
:-:uI,day, ,lul1l' I~: J ()dlUfn(". nnel 10 b(' sold by lind tilk.'n In ('XI'cutton as thr-


I'PIl\\HY <1\"{.•.

~~I\lI'll"ll pll1!llf" :\'arLerth 3637.

:\arb. 3748-H.
YII1' l'.\~ :--:I:'\.'t; hf·tler. For "'ocal
in- 1-1)\\'1" II I\l.l.l.l:-i, ~her>ff.
jll"jl"rl\ "I Hol"'rt ~lu"rt I ,'(·n(,'\. nnd to b('
~ol~! hy \ better protection
:'I[(JntgunH'ry Pike, \\'YIlIll'\VOOU \'I'lltlLS1'EIU:-:n Itn,l rell. Hprlnj\'B or f.[)\\I"11 [lLLLlS. Sherif! Ii YOUR ROOF WILL BE
.'\1.'- 111,\'1' CLl~T.·\" of, lot or pl .. ce
Rl'\·. Gib!;oll Bell, Rector :~-pit"'e Huitt'S repaired, $10; Chair re-
;.:round \\'ith the Improve·h\Jd(iJn~s nno ,
i \~o\'t'rl'd, $;1. (io .. flywh~re. Call I..,ewls, nll.ote th~rt"'on t"rected, SJtUllt~ in the Bor· 1 j)()\\n \l(Jnf'\' :!.21111 (H)
~ A. \1. ll,,!y Communion. .,.,- E. LafWat-lter h ..... e. \\'ayne 1496. ou~h of Snrhl"'rlh. in lh,. County of \10nt- I ~ht'r1ff's (Hh,f". 'orTlstov,n. Pa.
~U5 A,:'II. Sunday Schoo!' l-:of1lt'ry and Statl' of Pt'nnsylvnnla, bounded \tay .> 1. 1') jf\ thaI our work is riJ:ht-when yOIl I('t us
11 A.:'II. :'Ilorning Sen-ice. ;Ir;.\I:.\/iE Garage, jor Rent dnrJ dt'scnht"'d In Rccordanct'" ..... ith R certain I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jay on a new one or repair the old.
~pa.·I'. ClllI\'PIlil'tltly !oratpr}- sur .... C'Y uno plan th(>rt"ol made by ~111ton R . • Glad to ('stimat':.
)'('rkt's. C. E.. :\1ay 15. 191 S. a8 follows, to I
BAPTIST CHURCH 0/ tIJe EVANGEL' :;"" ';,;>,""", at \\',,,,,lIlin,'-rea"onable,
\.. .· It - H. C. Fritsch, Jr. As for gulters, spouts, etc.-they·re riJ:ht
Robert E. Keightoll, l\linister ,:", .. h,'" Ii ~~,,; - \\_., -,-_= BECI:"SI:"G at n point io the middle of I Fire & Casualty Insurance
'I ' 1 [)' t '} . 'I tz
up ollr alley. Financing under FHA if
.\ u:--!ca
1],('(' (Il'--r t'llr~
:-:"",1" r"lIo,'al,'d,
J 11 ~
,f~1 :\t ll lllgnl1lt.ry ;l\'l'!llH", Cynwyd. \\'oodbine Avenue (,0 f~~t wide) at the, yOIl wish.
A. M. Fritsch
A,:'II. TIll' church :,ch",,1. 1\\·ll.LL\~1 1'1',;11. ")'11, 3"flO,
( tt)
~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~: Notary Public Real Estare
II A, :'II. \I"rning \\'or:,hip.
ser\'ic.. "f C"\ll!1\Ulli"ll. I )"diratl"ll ,,1 i Seashore and Resorts
tht. Cr(I:-:-: gi\'l'n hy till' Trotti'}' fanllly; :'\:1,;\\' LuI.: \\·,t1.'rfl-llJJl t·ott;ll.,;(· 011
81) HlTf'
U"" R..-.... Crand
Be"". ,,/ 11405 S......tbo
a.a- 109 Forrest Ave. Nar.4112-J
' . . '
nll'!1\ol'Y "f th .. HI"" 111"!1\a~ C,.1
f:l!!ll. /.1\\1",;11. ~III !,(,r
1:"I,a>1, I:",.""''', :lId, ,:1:»
WI't·k. Frallk JIll Flo_••" "
111 Forest Avenue, Narberth Phone: Narberth 2920 I
Twt tl'1·.
For Sale
7 P. \1. Y"ul1g I',."p!v'- 11l>,,'tJl1~
Ll'ad,'r: :\'al1cy ~1\111""I1, I·-t tl~ :--::.\ 1.1': J-"flrd station W:U:OIl, 1:1:l7. "THERFS A
! ,·\,·,·111'111 I'('lldllil'll. must ~t'lJ. I'hune lust show this tJd to your insects T ri-ogen for Roses' foes
:'I1"l1day, .JUI1l' ,;:
7,:;0 1',:'11. Y"Ufl>: 1""'1 01 ,.',
:--:t';I_:l'.'ldal -;- . . ,\\11 (11 (':dIWrcl :~S,·,-.J.
,11"':111.- \1·\1 'I,; ",\ I';:J':S--:llaole 011 order WEALTH and they'll curl up and die of Cynogas, Antrol, Tat :md Ant·
chek for ants and tht'ir rela-
llll1\' 1.:I . . ·(·r ... a~it:" )IlC tn $l.flO. CUJl
\'''I1>:''!' 1I UI1t. ,;I1\I~ :,:/1' a doz
";111 ('.'-n. B,')j'-IL
" I', \1. \1 .... 11111.: "I' til> 1;":,,.1 " 1'1'11.\1.\'1'1 I I 'L.\:\T:--: ~~,., dllZ. Alflo A~ter~. OF Our servIces include: tiyes . . . "lllack Leaf 40" and
Red Arrow and all sizl'S of
Tru:,t"",. I :--:':ll'll·t ~:ll..~'·. :--:llapdraJ.,:lllls and other The issuing of press
spra>'s for beetles and general
Tu",day . .lUI'" 7:
~ I', \1. \1".'til1~ "I' 11;,· (",iii,
'II:,I'IIS :C{~I
1'1,,,,,,· :-:,,11, :1:'~:I-I:.
!ll1dlt-'r a\'eIlUC', :":arberth.

1:,'(ri!..:I·ratr1r. ('apnt·!ty 6
r HEALTH notices and obituaries
- anywhere in the
garden use--such as Pyrote,
Sc!1('ld ('IIUJ1eJ! III tIll' l'!llll'l'!I. Slug Shot, Insectrogen, fi.,h oil
\\·('dlll·:,t!a,· • .run .. ~:
fl LII{I' I:I'\\" 1'11. :"\arh
lIf) IN world. soap, tree tanglt'foot
Mechling's arSl'nate of lead,
Ii 1'.:'11. \Iid-\\",·k n1l'l'l111g "rIll>
••• j
paris green and Jap Pox for
chur.. h. .-\ ,.Iud~' l'f th" clXlh cha!,I"1
of thl' no"k of tl1l' Act:" ,\J'.\r:1'~[I,::'\:T
1"111 .. dIll 1'111_,
\l;>fll",1 ifl :'\:a rh(' 1'\ 11, U,',
Ilath & },III'h, ),Ian anr1
R. R. Bringhurst I the bectles and their kindred
• . . And oh, how moths, flies,
Saturday, JUll(' 11: I\\it'•. ~ltI lllllrltli '".'." H"x 31fi. >-:ar~ & Co., Inc.
ts A.:'II. :'I[('n':, nutin>: t" B"lt,'rt". ,\"'I11l. ,3:,)
etc., love these gent'ral house
Over a Century of Service sprays: Bl~ck Flag, Gulf Spray,
Bu" Iea\''''' thl' church 1'''1' all,day trip I '} 'I:I:A'I'I\·}·; ",'e,1 for \lIlIlR~(1 storag-e
Tran:'jHJl.tati,,11 al1d dll1l1l'r includ"d III ",,;>,,' ill \\'l.kll :II. L. F~rl, ot Churclles FUNERAL DIRECTORS Flit, Noxon, Komo, Dethol,
Illay Kl-f'P dunatiolls until needed. Phone .a,.. Mra. Helen r. Rober'.. Divin and Larvex •••
tho: Co:'t-two uollnr,! .-\,<1 :,:I f'~) C
Mother 0/ Grand Champion BahT 1924 Arch St. RITtenhouse 5690
Sunday, June 12: We sell all kinds of spray-
10.:30 A.:'II. Childn'n'" ll"y " " j ' \ ' ers, for powder and liquid, in-
PROPOSALS BROOKMEAD cluding the Hudson Dust Gun.

w. H. H
ice. A c"muim'd ,.l'r\'IC" ,,1' till' church
lIl1d ~choul.
l'r'lJll,...::Il~ \\"111 I,,· I",·;·jy\'d at tlH' of-
Ii,'" f,f til., :--:'.·tTI,lan' Iff l"nUTldl of the
(Llcenaed Preduc.~. &. DI.trlbuto~.
under Trad.mark)
NARBERTH METHODIST I ~llr\ltl~h lIf ~;t II'I·nil. Elm ] la II. ForrC'Ht Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121 ARDWARE
EPISCOPAL .\\'j'!lllt .. ~;I!lwrlli 1';1, until -; 0',·10('\<
Rev. \\'. \"'rnun ,\lldl1ll'lUIl, :'Ilinisll' I' ~1 11-::1:--1.'111 ~tandard Tinlt'), ':\Inn-, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •lil~iiiiiiiiiii;;;;;~iii;;iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ OME APPLIANCES
11:1)' . .TIlIII' l::th. l~·:P". ((II' thp ("on~trul'ti()n
~U5 A.:'I1. Church :,ch",,!. ,,( ~;ll\it:'r" ~\,\\'t·!> III \\·!l,1f1~i(1(' A\'",nue 241 Haverford Avenue - Phone Narberth 4134
11 A. :'II. \Iorning w(J\·,hip. ~,'r­ ;jllil f;I':I\'li,lL: .\\1'11\].'. Ill' ill both aoS nne
l'II11I1";H't,' ill :In·flrrlalw,· with Sllf"cifica· Let us do your
man: "Pl'ntl'C,,:,t in Uur Day."
1 iOIJ~ alld 111'OIII)!";ll (nrmH whi('h nlay bf!'
6.-15 P.:'I1. Internll'diatl' and 5,'n- rdltailll'd a t tilt· I~lll'()uc:h Ollie£>.
ior E]>\\'orth Leagu,,~. ':,d~ ;11'1' tll IH' ~I'al(~d and adclr('ssed to
"l'!lainllltll. lIjgli\\':l~' and SewflT Cnm-
7.45 P.:'I1. Evening ser\'ice. Ser- Illitlt.-'e,'" Hllrotlgh ()ffi{'t', :'\arln·rth. ['a.,
man: "Some :'I[ouel'n Pentec,,:,ts." :11)(1 ilh·!ltifit·d :t:o: "HirI for Construction
o( ~anitarY S.,wl·r!o''' nid~ nluRt hE' ac·
Tuesday, June 7: 3 for $1, Mon. - Tues. - Wed.

School Board,
l'lfflIP:lI!il'd- h ...· a I"'rtifier) clH'l'k drawn to
8 P.:'If. :'I[eeting of tl1(' Church tIlt' Ol'lh'l' flf t ht' Tn'l\surer of the l3or-
111Igh llf 'arl"'I-tll, /11' (·a~ll. in the ~um
of OIH' Ilullrlrt-d 1$1 11 11.1111) J)ollars as ;\ Narberth National Bank of Narberth
Wednesday, June 8: ~'llal";llltt'4' tllat ttl4' :--\It"Ce~Hful bidrler will
8 P.:\1. :'Ilid-we"k ~el'\·icl'. "';"',"·l1lt' tIll' ('(II1trat't aR n"quir<>o "-1l<1
• Def\OSits Insured under the Government Plan •
fllnli:.:h blllld:-: witli l-lufllt"it"nt !"'un·o'.
Thursday, June B: Till' t'OllTl:1,'t fir I'(llltra('t~ will ht • Memb~r oj F~deral Resen'f System •
5.30 to 7.:30 P.:'II. Cafl'leria dinner :lwardt'rl :-:'l1bj,·I·t to all appropriation to
under the auspicE'S of the Friendship h,.' mad,," h~' ("(lulldl of till' Burougoh of H e"dqudrters • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
~arbf'rth. and t'tlllfwil rf'l-'('r\'f'f1 the rig-ht
Circ.le Bible Class. III rl·j.'l·t ;IIlY or all hiol~ (II' parts of hidli For $25.000.00 First Prize
6.BO P. M. Junior choir rehearsal. dt'.'I1H.ll to the ht·:.:t in1t.'r(,!H of the Bor-
8 P. 1\1. Choir rehearsal. 1:1-1'11 \\', GIL\CE,
:',·{"rt,tnry of Council, Tydol Safe-Driving Crusade
Itoroll/.': h of ~arhert h.
GET FREE ENTRY BLANK Frankenfield Funeral Home
SHERIFF'S SALE No Red Tape At Nothing to Buy
By virtue of variOUS writs is!lu~d out of Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
the Court of Common PIl"'8s of !\1ontRomery Telephone Ardmore 9
County. Pa, to me directed will be sold, GREEN'S TYDOL·VEEDOL SERVICE STATION .. 2646 Ardmore, Pat
at Public Sale on
Woodbine and Montgomt'ry Avenues, Narberth

~oon, ~~;:::::~~~~:~::::::::::::::::::~~::=:::~
jLJSE 29. 1936

nt II 00 0' cloc k Eastern Standard,

In Court Room "r\" at the Court

A Tribute
ilouse in tho Borough of Norristown, 8aid i
County the followin~ described Renl Estate:! Clothes are Cleaner
and Last Longer-at
ALL T11\T CEHTAIS lot with buildings'

St. Mary's Laundry, Inc. I've built a tribute o'er this place,
Where dwell the names that are my race.
Know Where Your Laundry Goe, In endless honor, timeless grace,

"3tere eomes PHONE TODAY ARDMORE 4400

I have remembered them.

I've crowned this quiet place with art,

ike 13rlJe I" To set their halIowed sleep apart,
With love •.. to live beyond my heart,
I have remembered them.
If you can't be there
I've marked this place that they be known;
in person, send best That silence need not watch alone,
With mem'ries shril)ed in votive stone,
wishes by telephone. I have remembered them.
We specialize in the design oj appropriate memorials
always seem sincere
and cordial when Narberth Electric
and Radio Co.
sent the personal
,N~rb. Ave. near the Theatre Cemetery Memor.als I.,
way - by telephone.
Ardmo~e 2650
Between West Laurel Hill and Westminster Cemeteries,
on Belntont Avenue Bala-Cynwyd P.O., Pat
o~ Allegheny 8400-
Weat 5201 Phone, Manayunk 0166 "
AsIc about our Buelg.' Plan

I~ ',",,"; ,- - ",' r7 - '!"' ....., .~; I '

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