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_.- ........., .._--- «I'll • lin. n.


_·-V-O-L-U-M-E-~-27-N~U::-:M:::B~E~R-:3~8=======================================~N-A-R-BERTH. PA., THURSDAY. SE~T-EMBER-3-f),-1-94-8-, ----------------------::PR==::IC:::E::-:::F:::IV~E::-:c.E=NT=S~_
Hillside Route Above River Road
Chosen for Turnpike Extension
Opinion Poll on Narberth Stores and Services
'A fourhlghwav
State lanc, 120-root
Philadelphia \\1 1
utilize a ne\\
I'al\ed oul of the hlllsirle ahove
le ex e':!- Rlvel RIl. through the eastern out·
bl' Be-In,! Conducted by Local BUll-n-ell Councl-1
8ion of the PennsrlvRl1Ia Skll'ls of Bryn 1\Ia\l I, Glao\\)'ne
Turnpike at King; or Prussia
Wlst Manayunk. SUitable un-
pass through LoweI' l\lel:- derpasses or 0\ 1'1 passes will be
F,·remen R
ee I M alor,fy
eef •• 0
f D•,ree t ors Residents Asked to Tell Their

Likes and Dislikes; Merchants

- ion To" nship 101' aXxpl'OXI- pm\ Idl'rl for all loads ClossI'd by
matelv half of its twelve mile Ihe nl'\\ hlgh\\lI) , to pl'lmit unln-
ee s e a s or mprovlng
Announ(l'nH'nt 01 Ihp louIe thiS
tellUpll'O flo\\' of tlalfic.
Tl'nlatlve plans as l'l)'slalllzed
C00 ke, H0 bson ,Le.gio.n Command
l led Shopping Section

,\pek hv DIStlll't Englnel'r Stll,'k· so fal I'all"\' the route liS fRT as A SUI\!'y to detel'mlne possible Impl'ovements m servIce by NaP-
poii', or the Stlltl' lIrgh\\ay Dp- 01, Line. 'Thp 10Utl' flom CllY Named As Only' ~ ~;:~ herth huslness housps IS belllg condU('leo b.\ the husmess sUI've)' como
f ,aTtmpnf, enoeo monlhs of tonll'('- LII;e to the center of Philadelphia
IIIIP Rno ('onlJO\ersy 0\1'1' ItS pos- IS stili to be detelmlned. New Memb "
mlttee of the Nalhpllh BuslnPss CouncIl.
I'lhle 10eRllon, At one tlllle It waS Go\ernor Duff refprted to fhe
filoul(ht Ihl' loao mlghl 'lOSS the Iugh\\a\' In an aooless last \\eek
ers '1 '
A "uestlonnllue to detl'lmll1e
Illbout hU~lI1ess III NllI'herth has
whal's light anrl what's wrong
heen madpd 10 :100 reSIdents of
R/'hu) Iklll on a 111'\\ hllOgp and mat'klllg Ihe hpgll1nll1g of I'onst ruc- Nine Man Board Is Narhel.t h, Mellon and PPlln Vallpy \\ hose names were chosl'n at ran-
pi o/'PI'O along Ihe oPPoslle Side 01 lIon on fhe turnpIke l'xt enSlOn, dom. Up to Monrlay night appl OXI Illatel~ 16 ppl'I'l'nt had bel'n retul'n..
thp rl\'PI'
Sta('kpolp , Duff said
salo ('ollllll(\S \\Ollld!slletch the a,l'('Pss
hv \\a\ of "the10Rr! \\ ould
Sdlll) Iklll Chosen
N From Record 0
I'd and a 1111 gel' letul'n Is expecterl III t he next fl'\\ dn)s,

he Jet Immpolalpl~ fOI sUI\e~s of to ('onnp(:t \\Ith the l'ulll'nt \\Iden- 17 omln'ees rhe questlOnnnlre !ISIs t,\'pell of
l hp proposl'r! Toute, after \\hl<'il 111" of Vlll o St. 01 °1111101111'1' ml'th.
oetRII<'r1 plannlllg anrl e\pnlua!
,., ~,' ]\![pmhers of lhe Narherth Vol-
00 liS the Common\\eallh tile CltV unlper Fire Company voled Mon-
0 penlng
· SeSSIOn· merchallrllse on snle in NRrberth
,,1011'S ano asks lhe leslrlent to
ge of PhIIROf'lpllla, till' Clt~' Plllnning
Id I
h\lllrllllg of Ihe IlIgh\\ a) cou
un"e ... r \\ ",
' l
C omlllisslon, th p Ch am h PI 0 f C om- 011.\ Illght to kel'l) the malority of,
The lOad \\111 11('g n at the ler'/ n1<'lt'e, anrl otilpr I'I\I/' olgRniza- Ihelr pleselll dllectors, and ap-
Of Nar bert hPTA ,lln~s check \\ hl'lhel hI' buys all, almost
all or pall of hiS needs In those
In Nalhellh stores. It also 1Il-
nllnus or thp IllInplkp pxtpnslOn'jll0nS stud~lng lhp hlgh\\a~ a('('I'SS pOltned onl~ two new members al

" in Kin" of PI ussla. anrl follo\\ an 1)lohll'ms

pnlllely,., ne\\ loute to Phlladel- aglce upon.
In Phlladl'lphla rna"
, Ihe allnual ele<'flon held III the FJI'e
HeIdL as t Monday I
la)le to slm k....
qUII es \\ helhl'l II \\ (lIdo he <lesir-
a""lllona I I mes
phla I
"11 1< rel'oglllzeo," he addel!, Hall : , Resirlents ale also askprl to tell
DU'Ing lis tilst thlee miles itl"lhilt the Imn1l'Olate solullon of The t\\O ne\\ dlrl'clors, Allhur, Dr. Miles Murphy Spbke \\hlch fa('IOlS attlact Ihem t.o
Will pa<s SOllle\\ hat 10 the south Ithls Il1lm( plohlf'1Il IS IIllpel-ali\p L Cooke ano Rohert Hobson, WI1I1 0 slol es, \\ hethel' Ihf'~ leCel\'1' SRI IS-
• 0

or Roulp :!.l 'AI a po'nt neal GUlph lano Ihe, Common\\ Nllt h IS no\\ in- <en p fOi olll'-year terms, ano Will, To Group on Dlsclphne; fa, t on ~el \lC I' In t hp slores they
r,I,lls, ho\\ p\ PI, It \\ 1)1 \ el'l 10\\ arrl tenseh st ud\ Ing me-t hoos for the II e-plal'p Thomas Case) and George IS' I FH d II w
pall onlze. ano \\ het hpr Summer
thp rt\f'I, cuttIng' across :\Iatson's . , IH P, Calr. oCla our 0 0 e ,'lo<lng hOUIS ale a hllndlcap,
FOlo Rrl. anel sknllJlg \\'pst Con- IContlllupo rl'OIll Page One) The dlleclols \\ho ',\1'11' leeleet€'d ! The Nal!JPlth Pall'nl-Tea,'hel' In ordpl to encourage frank
-1111I'lll-'0 RICh~I" GIlliS, BUI11,o F opinIOn. I P( Ipll'nts of the quesllon-
Il~ AssoclallOn fllpl last 1\lonoll\ e\l'-
Moth er- Daughter
n II • "

.. Roland Fleer Bpsl, John H Jeffenes, JI , ,John A.

;\lm\ I er, ,Jr. Ernest ,]enklns. WII-
nan PS \\ Pie tolrl II \\ liS unnecessary
nlng In I hp Nailw!t h SI hool auol- fOI III ,-o n1 10 sl" ,.,n t Ilell rlonle.
n ",

Adoilional pelsons \\ho \~ould

Expands His ·
DInner PI an ned p~. IIam S. Ho\\ard and HOlace SOlen-
lorlum fOJ' the 0l'pnlllg sesSlOll of
Ihe fall spaSOll. The meellllg \\as llkp to SUhll1l1 their opinions in the
I .. ISUI'\P\ ma\ ohlllin qUf'stlonllalres

BY CIr- 1St
The dllpetols \\1'11' eleclpd flom lalll'r1 to oldl'l' h\ Ile preSllienl, al thp estahllshlllpnts of Ralph S,

Law Offices COIl S al'stIIs1 of 17 of

llumhpr nominal IOn<, .to
nonllnees thpbehigh-
pul Re\pIPllO Halolrl D Floorl, Dunne. :!:iR lIa\erfol'o A\e, Mapl'S'

hpfol I' Ihl' organlzllt Ion III several

pastor of Ihl' Nalhellh Melhoctlsl 5 anct 10 Slole, Ha\erforrl Ave.,
Thp III'W ('011111101ll1I'rs of S,'V"/I .\Ioin Lirl(' AIllt'rl('llll L,'gion Po sis installl'<I af a 1'",ullinl'<I ("'1'1'- IChl1l cll. The Rp\ 1'1 ell-.l eha III'S n 110 t he Penn JewelJ'y Store, Valll'~
Fornler Borough Councio l F N berth Troops ~ Pili s 1110n~ Snn<lar at Penll~'packell I~i el<l, I.o\\er 1\-II"rion Hilth "ScIIOOI, arl' sh~\\ n as thl'~ Jinl" up "'I'I'po~a- Nal hert h A\ I'
our ar Hobson \\ as pjet! ed to the hoal <i ton' to thl" Installation. From Il"f t to riltht are 'I co
" 1's. ",ora h T O(II( anI I "Iss
'I H I' Ien Po WI'r S, 111('0111111" "
O'Collnpl. of St M111 gal e1 s Pnlloh, ' _
President Takes War Prepared for Event to follo\\ Iilg a tiP In t hp \ oles cast for, omi ontgoinl( ('onllualllll"rs of th e Main I.ine "'ol11en's Post Xo. ilL;; l\'atle A, Giorno llll<l Frank ,'111aOp the In\ 01 III Ion pla\ PI.
hllll ano Ca,p\ \\'hen Ihe II€' vole k P t ....· Ce r 8
Veteran as P B H
Id t b O 26 . ,J. l\Iyprs, incoll1in~ ond ontlt oin J( cOllllllandl"rs of the ",'st "anR) un
n' 'I
os .-0,
• 0 ge . ArIel Iiltlooul'lng thf' IllPm!lpl<

Rol ~n"n"
of ',"-/
~~ NOI'lh NQr-
e e coer
Thp Npl!!hhnr-hoorl
\\as anlloun('eo Casey wJfhol'ew In,
Cnlllmlllpf' of fa\ol
Oliwiof Hohson
Illen llolllinalerl fOl' the,
Scott npw e0Il1Ill11ndl'r of thl' L,'on Sppncer Rpid POst Xo. 51i; i\lostelll'r, r"-I'le(,tpll ('01111ll111l-
dl'r ~f thl' Harold D. Spl'lIkl1lan I'ost Xo. 356; "'orrell Riggs and t;d\\ll.rd 8. F'UOlIgl.Iprt), \ I t I irll'on,in~I
of lhp exl" Ull\p ,ilmnllltpp al10
\\phollling 010 al1rl 111'\\ IIlplllhplS. Former Jurist
01l<1 ontl{oinl( ('olllmalldprs of the Thomas n. Yalldi\'er Post Xo, I 33;;; k "\ IIl1'l'lIt
Succumbs at 55
helth A\e .. Nalbf'lth,
IUlnouncl'r1lhe ,'omhlnl'o Gill S"olll 'floops of Boaro Inelurle Ho\\arrl F COtll'l',1 d • P OIJ;:'I,S
t;o.; JPrltp.r
136 aall< d thp' S pi' lopnl plPs"nleo ,Ste,llll\::
"', ,I. Pa\iIIard, incomillJ(' olld 0 IIt~oing comillalulprs of the 81110('
thl<; I\pek tilat IIenr~' Stuchelt Nalhelth ha< announlpo Its (
lIst I \\ ,..,an erson os l O. , ; II 1l'llaln ,'hall Illan of the pi ogl am
l,lr, Paul \Vholell, Chales 'l'st- Ernl"st Mariller, nl'w cOlllll1a'Hll"r of the .Johll "'inthrop Post Xo, JIll I,'olllmillep
Millel. of ,Jpnkll1tO\\n, ha< hel'ome mothl'l-oaugllll'l olnl1l'l to he h<'ld man, Olto Dupr, Ed\\alct PUl'llng. At tllf" SllPakl'rs' stand is Hl'rhl'rt 711, \Ylllkl'r, l'iinth Uistrict COllllllalHIt'r, \\ho I'rf'sidl'd at the I 1\1 ~I Gludl?n I I ,
,,. Pall,el \VoolJlllnglon Horace Hor- J H'" t t A f 11 ;o.;inth Distritt. I Is .•l1 101 Ie Sl p al11
affillall?rl \\ Ilh him In hiS la\l )lla('-ITue<;na~ 1'\ enlng, Ollobl'l 2". at Ion ano Dpslllono M: Tighe ('I'reillonies, and hol<lillK the flaK is ,osel'h arrlS, "I'r/:,,'all -a - rills 0 II' 'solOist. Sang 1\\" gloups or sOIl~S. Judge Shmidheiser
ttep In NornslO\\ n 'fl. at the COlllmunl" Bull(hng. "II s AI t hur Golrl<mlt hand Roh-, Bpt \1 pen IIH'Sp glOUl's \\'..] D' pn-I Was Long Time III
Flper, \\ ho has pI a, Ilc'eo la\\ III ' Narhell h, , I'll ,lvl Camel on al e a Iso mem bI'rS'N
An P\ pnlng. pi ogl am Ill< luoll1g of tllf' Boalfl In honoraI ~ posh, ]\11 s,[ ar ber t hWomen,1MCConneliH eads Spea kers L·ISt nan 1"ln'II>a1 or Ill(' "honl" \\1'1- F'IU lei a I Spi \ Il es f01',1" u"gP "'.J rJ"-
""Olll<;town for Ihp pasl :!O \ eal s,

T0 S 0 A Rbi·we nay
R Ii 0 eto ber 5 10111('(1 t Ill' "<II pnls ano lilt I 0.i11l'Pf1 \I al Ii G SllIllIrlhplser. of 2:l2 FlPef'h

~ st.'lf
ponsor t pen u
" I f ' h' . f th Nar- 11\e-l11mUlp ,1,lls on GI,I S<outmg G,O«ml II th Ippipspnlllg t II11' 1\1 ule-
I I hiS. leH,hln" H III R" '\. \nll'\\OO",
1 .. f 01 10 \pars
< a 01 mel I11pl1l <'I 0 e
l'k~o"sb Alh~11
IIp< and CaJlll'ron t hI' BOl'ollgh
ep ~ a Sppnl,,', of I hI' "\ "lling \\ a- DI a l11emllel of F'hllarlf'lphla's Munl-

,_. 1M-
helth BOIough Courll'll He sJl\eo b\ eaeh of the fou, a Inmt-'COUIHII J NIII" tire chief ' :\111", ;\Iulpll\ ""nllalp plolpS'OI (lI'al COLI II , \\ell' hl'id TUl'srlav at
as plesldent of CounCil for slx'ieadeis has heen planlH'o '
11111 n It \ Sl n g and lal s \ s< Oll

i CllallJllan fOl lhe rtml1l'l', \\hl.h OlhfelS of Ihp Boaro \\111 hpl
. '
IS also a l1lemhel of the Boarrl
'poltlca ,

eetrn o Lo\\el' l\[el'ion nepulJlicHnS] Till' I.III~ \\llIlw 0l'pnlo IJlp pllII- 0 ps\fhong\ a 11<'
'Iwill launch an all-out 01'1\'1' IIC ano Is !JPll1g 'pol1solpd

101n~h Penns~l\anla

IIp spoke
l' 1 f
nl\p'SI,,\ 0 :! P 1\1, a.1 Ihl' B,yn Ma\\r Pres-
Ol~ DIS- 11.\11'11110 \hullh .

In making the anIlOUl1eeQ'en, t I~ Ihl;' filst f 01 mollPIS I anll ....."allgl- I elpclprl al a Jllpptlng of the glOIiPI ~-, 101' . a "nUl" I' 11110' (, ' ( ) r\'IC ' t on'l h\ thp LO\\I'I j\1f'1101l Rf'pllhlll'all (lfrlllll'd 'I ..PaI<'111s and Dls,lpllnf'd ,Judgp Shmlrlhpisel Olprl at hit':

F!PPI statl'rl thaI the IIp\\ filln.

GIS 1 s 10 hI' hl;'lri Octoher 4 At presl'nt • f
PI . '...
With a rally October fi at t1e!NoIilwlth ('oUIHII uf
}' Hpptlblll~ni
('OIllIllII!I''! 01110 tl'e LO\\PI :\Ipllon- (hi dl"1l
~.Iulph~ \'otllrl~hll\'e
hOllle I,lte Salulda\ nl"ht aftpr a
I II I tl;'ls In BOlO /I
IS MIS FII'r1ellek 1\1 Rohl!, , I ,
,eout 1I tOI)\ lllf'\ are HO\\lIld VICI'-pleSldl'nl' Party Alms, at orms
\ 'I \ \ . "Cl 'l'lll'I(I' .
,nl <llpSSf'd Ih" IlPpd IO'lg IIJIl"'<; [{p
FieI'I ano Mllel, \\1 ,olll1nue 0 AsslStlllg MIS. Rohh "I II 111' a (om- Res . 'PPlelal\, Caspl.
.l " ,
, flnancllIl, T 0 b e H ear d'Thursda y :... )cmOle ' OI11,HIS t "'}1 111 'I ,I -/\\IlI11,'n . 101 hal,tn,·" 1)('11\1'('11 IIf'f'r1olll Hnd }.J \PdI' olel Ollohe]:!O
°llPlale 0111('1" In both NOJrlslo\~n,mlltee IIwluol/lg 1\! liS R C . 1,' "'lU "pl'lpl1'll\
g . ' Thl;' posl of prpSlopnt 1« A C 't B • •
Id 1I1g, stHrttng H "' .•1 ." ?lls 1',,1.11 1I,'pbUII1 1'1 ,'sulpl1l oll(>sllolllli bpl\\f>pn nll\l'II\ ani API'0llltPO
. 10 thp COLllt h\' (;ov-
and .1pnklnlo\\11 , , M R S \a(ant due to the Ip<lgnallon of t OmmUnl y ql Ing l\!ontgoll1en' Count\' s Con-Itbp (fllllllil \\111 0PPII IIw nlel'llng 'Olltlll<', and Iwl\\<,plI SU(I<',S and elllOI l,eOlge II Eallp In Dl'cl'l11-
l\ltllel "ho has sel\pd as As_,MIS, KaJl "]II1IIam,sr' IllS M . F" Wlillalll H Durhln, \\ho has SI'I\ erl , 0rpssm'l!l Sal;)uel J": . :\lcCon- '\n,: Inllodll'p ,I \\,,11,,1 II a III IllOlHb, lall11IP Follo\\Il1g IllP Hddl<',s all 0f'1 l!nS ,Iuogl;' ShmlOhl'lSPI \\all
•~Islanl DI<;tl'ltl Atlol'llp\ 111 M o n I Bpl kp\ MIS,
RHullhlllsonj\llsFlan '~k D ellllY, Ilnlhat post fOl' the past se\clal
In" I' 1< \.' th
vi an e~
I" fo the "ol11lng" .,
I 11ell , 'JI'
" Of\l'\'nlle\\'llod
, •
, 11e'ld"
c . . . .10\lllslllpIOl!lnllllt'",l,lI1mall.
. •
I~ 0PPOIIUIlII~ \\as ~I\ell ro, IllPIIl-gl'aduatprl f,om the l!nl\prSlt"• of
gOIllPI~ Count~ 1 • ."VI), ~ears. ~_ _ __ _
rOI the pllst t t\\Of MIS E L. G'I t I of I 'PlpSloelltlal elelllOn, Ihe Nlllhl;'lll F.lllestIIH' B,llon
I " II edllllS \\1 slnl( hpls of Ill£' auolPIH'e to ask qul's- Ppnlls\l\allla In 191fl Rnd \\as lalf'r
1'lno one.~a f ~ ('al s, IS a \ e 1'1 all 0 Eln;'sl PI! scher ano MI S. GpOI ge --~-------
I OOS)OloUgl. II Nt

Worlrl \\ IIr II He sel \ Prt liS a Ma- R lee

llnp Corps flghlpl ptlot allo \\a< .,
4 Car Cli-·
0 ISIOn ..
"I unlOI' Woman's Clllh has Sl heo-

uled a non-pailJ<an po I Itlla I mpel- H~~AUIH 'AR1'I<~nS
TIll' Lo\\er i\I('rion 1'owllshill
11' 11 lond ,nllwlll
II.lIllll111llds \\ I
lilt, I O( II' P S111"111-
I lOlls
AI I ('I t hI' fo,nlH I Pi ogl a III 1111' '-".
hplS 01 111(' 1.0'\ PI "I<,lIlln • I lOO hos"lldlll\ IUllllllltlpp unOI'I thp V\ 01 lei \\at I ano saw ('om hat I"
H,II IIlsll uclOl
hool Ill' plll"'teo
al 1 he
In 1111''
Na"v In

dl,phargcrl \\Jlh Ihp lank or l1lHJOI Eaeh tlOOp \\111 lI,tl\elv palllll-
Bol h mf'll a II' gl aou.11 es of Pl?nn !).a I I' "\ III epllllng fOl the. 1'\ Pili
Chaltpr School, Hal\alo CollegellloopNo :lfiS"
Deiays Tra ff·IC Ing al "hl('h memhels of thl'

\\111 sppak on IhplI parl~'s aim"

Rl'puhlican ('omllliUl'e \1 ill Boald alld Bnalrl of COIllI1lIS<IOIH'IS, IplIdp,shlp of ;\IIS
IDemoCT~llI allrl Repuhllcan flllrt IPS 0l'pn s ('allll,si"n hpsdquart('rs as \\ ('II ,IS lIlf:lIlhpl , 01 lile N.lI I:e, I h Sllllll1 ,," \ PO I erl psllnH'llt s III till' I Ig I \\ hpll 01" ha Il~erl
I'arl~' in Oetohpr, it \\IlS an- Repuhll'<lII(olllllllllpl'alldtht Inl-SlllOol "lfplplia Rpgula, llIeplllIg An plrlel of Ihl' BI'\n Mawr
nllhlllr! 'I' lile Atlallll' Jlp \,"< a lieutenant

noull('ed~'l'ster<la~'h) ,J.\\aller 10\\lllg el.,llpd ollnl.lls St,IIP SPIl-of the Nal!lPllil P T A \\111 hp F'IPsb\lprlfln Chur-( h. .Juelge
.. anri Hat\arr! La\\ School. Fll'el selling lhe tllille and the oel'ola-
\\as admlltl'o to Ihe hal' In 1928,IIOllS Tloop No. 9:l \\111 lIlakp till' Motorist in Wrong Traffic ano pl~tfOll1l,
Hommonds, ('hairmlln, TIl(' alor L1(J~0 Wood and MiS ;\1,11\ H hplo In thp s Ilf)ol all~llolllllll 011 ShmldhpISpl \\As also a Masnll, He
Bnrl Milipr m 19l~ H' 0 ' Bppl('l. e1HUl"llHllI Hlld \lfe chall- til<' Ihlld ;\Jolloa\ of ealh 1Il0nth. 1< SUI\I\eo h~' hiS 1\1 fl'. Martha.
~f '1'hul"srla~ (""IlI~
plat'e ,'alos ano aet liS hOstpsses Oppn to Ihe puhllc the meetl/lg hl'adlluartprs \\ill he lo('atp« in
At PIPSl'llt Flppi IS aSSlsllllg Tloop No 90 \\111 hp 10 ch,llge Lane 3 Its ther Cars 1\ iii liP_held e\pllIng, Oc-, thl" storl' on thl' sOllth\lpsl('or- mall of the 1\lolllgolllf'l\ hpglllnlllg <1181, P, 1\1 ,1IId lll1Pe dllllghteis. Jane, Carol
Jllrlge Hollallrl, pleslrlpllt Judge oflthp limllel allo Tloop No 475 \\111 ,. tolwl / al R:15, III the "'uh ~\Ing 11I'r of Rittenhouse Plal'e llnd Rpl'uhlll'lIn COllll1lllll'P. CoulIl\ lind Anllp
A DO\\lllngto\\n flUlt plckpl was of tlw Communl1~ BUlhllng, \\1Il0-
l'v!ontgomen' Counh
Court, as la\\ c1prk He IS IIlso soil-
Orphans supph the hp\er-agps alld oesselt.
Follo\\llIg Ihe -.llnllel. Nelgilhol- IlIluler! FIIOII~ night \\hplI hIS aUlo-lsOI A\e., Nalbprth
1.011<'ast.'r I'ikl",
0llPning datI" is I'XIII'('ted til he
Ar<lmore. ConlllllsslOllplS 1'1l'r1 C Pelels alld
f'ostpi C /llllf'g,I's, ,I"hn A Lalole, I'Vol-ldCommllnlOn • ' A t thp 111111' of IllS opalh, ai-
Iholl!!'h hI' hao lellnqulshprl his
ClioI' for the Nalbelth School hooo Commlltel' CrHllIlllHn MIS E moblll' ('ol1lrlpd \\lth anolhl'r eal'"
,I.. Golr!shOloUgh,.11 \\111 ,peak a tluck allrla slallOIl \\agoll as nelChalle, ,1
1011 "The PIa< e of tl1<' Pal Pllt III dl 0\ I' alollg the \\ IOllg SlriP of Hav-II'ampalgn Illallagel Qf Montgomel Y I
'I'll£' prlnl'lpal sppakprs \\111 he
Hephllill. Del1lollatl'l
ahout O(,tollf"r II.

rtf 't P r
,)1., l\lonlgomel) CllUllh COllllol- ,
- - - - - - - - Ipl. alld ;\llSs N.lIlf~ J-1lg111,,~,
I IpUbll' HIl Stale Co III III III Pp\\ 01ll.11l
R('-'Ob served Sun day OUllPs last ,ll1l1p Ollp 10 Ihl' loss of
hiS \Olle ilf' \\a< kl'f'nh Iillple<tprj
III 111<' Pi ohlpllls of rlompstlc relll-
W 63 IGIII Slollllllg." Eaf h Iloop leHoel el fOl d Rd, III Penn \\') nne ICounl~. IIno Rogel B Re\ nolds, a Js 0 PI'Ol.lllllen ,eptt ) 1- 01 hpl gUI'sl s of hOIlOI, \\ Iw \\ iii, . ,- lions allrl 1 1\ Pllilp opllllqupn,'v, a~rl
d W
. ynnewoo oman, , 1\\111 al<o speak hrleHv on hpl: .. AIToldlllg
Hurt When Struck by Car '1IOOP's plans fo' the wmlllg \eal' 101\1l<hlp police the thlee othl'l·IMolltgOllll'r)
to Lo\\Pr Merion Esq, A<slsiallt Dlsll'l('l
Count~ and a
of CaliS, \\ho \\111 adoress the be pll'senleo h\ 1\11' H"pbuJlI, 111-: New Members Received
mem-lll~eetlJ1g;. Illuop ,John C BplI, ,)1 .. 1011111'1 •
II \\as III 1Ihal fif'lo hI' sp<',;al'zed
,rlulln!.: most of hiS limp on the
A fi:l-\ pal -010 W\ IInp\\ ood \\ oman 'allO \\ ill plpsellt 10 1he ~ "1'(lUp hpi 011'1 el s maneu\preo , I hell' \ ehlcle!'lhpi of till' Rl'pulllll'an pal t Y I Ot her sppakers \\ III he Rppi ('spn- LleutplHllll (;0\ i :\ PI 1101 of PPlIlIs.\"
'. S a-I
· I Into Methodist Church nell( h .
. . I I assIStant If'aopl A ,ommunlt\ sing lip o\er the (urh to a\olo HI'IlI\ I Thp sublet't of the ploglam, to'lall\e LamhpI·t Cad\\alaoel anellnl<l, Orus ,J datlhc\\s, State kl"-
"n, InlulPo Flloa) night \\ ll'n Sle \\111 he leo h\ MIS R S BI'II,e\'
"alkpr! IIlto'llle path of all l I u l o - , ·
,TholllpsOn, 5;;, nS Ihl'~' saw "'-"Ihe follo\\ed 11\ gpneral rllscusslon. COllgrl'SSlllall Flanklill H Llt'illf'n-llplal\ of COIllI1lPI,e, ,losl'ph N,
. 'B C'
\\'ollo.i,\VIOP COllll11llnlOIl :-;ullctn\
II h I 0 al the Nal!ll'llh
Follo\\llIg a IP(f'nl Illpetlllg ol,hpaollghts approa(')lIng In thl'U'lls "\Vhal YOUI Vole Ca<t fOI lilt' \\allel', of thf' Elghl'h ConglpsSlonaJ Pp\\ .11; Bng (,('n, I <,lIton ,\\1 e O)sE'I\p. •
Illohllp at Lanlasipl' A\e. an
I ' c I II C I H b d 1\1 I ... t C'I II'h at 11 o,ll1('k

1Beriin Situation
• 1hI' Nl'lghholllOoO Commll tel' MIS' II alhe IanI' IRepublr['an or the Democratic DI'! lIet (Lehigh allrl Bu('ks oun- \Va aee; !VII s aro Ine u el an pI 1O"1S 11'
(hlllrh Ro, A l o m o r p , , , I . , f f 11 leek
R0 t ary T.
'C' .. "
D .. t t B 'Flllnl< Dpllllv ano 1\lIs Stanlon Ho\\e\pl Thollll,son, poille salrl Pal" Means" ties) IMls. Call £.IJl I,-.un"a\ Illnrnln~ 0
1'1 a III P" O\plnlg11 a I)n Npl<on \\ele 'anllOUl1leO as the ne\\ lal1lmeo the lealS of all Ihrpl' \'1'-. . I I 111 arloilion to aellllllllslpiing
liS \
J\1:l\\r l!ospllal \\lth sP\pral
tUlpd rlh< a posSlhl1' ('onl'USSlon,Ipa"pr

of Ihp st'alp she IS spedl\e~,

I . . .an" . . as<lslan t I paupi. -' 11'- IIIClps, fllst nil automohlle ortlpn he Dr. Rlcharo SmIth, of Nalherth.
l ' 'r'100P,h~' Charles Piccone, 25 of :l18 In-
Modeilltor of lhe olscllssion \\111
'Dayi·Ight BurgIar POSt Mt
0 ar
k l' 'Sa'llInwnl Ihe pastor, Ill' _ IR
I "I'\el-

/lnrl a laeelatlon .
Mrs Mat'garpt M('CrPllln, a' malel IN 0..90
I 0 f 1ntermp rlatf

al the home of PennS\l\anla's! Tloop melllhpl', hme hl'l'n In- opll\er~ lluck operalpo hv GeorgI' Mr', Mllchel1's home 200 S. Nal-,
Iwoorl Rd. Arrlmol'p, thpnll Bulletm Wilham Cllpshllm entl'rtalneo at I
Mrs K W. MltchplI anrl Mrs. I
Strl-k es In
- Boro _. Day
Armlstlce I pnd Halold f D Flooo,
I<tel the SacralllPnt 0 III fant ap'
\'lSm MId \\111 Ip'tl\t m~IlI)~rs In 0
f \\11 a"IllIIl-'h

A. H. Seger Speaks to
fOI mel Lll'ulenallt GO\ ern~1 John \ 111'0 to I'Xlllhlt In the Nal hert h 81 ash, 50, of Phllaoelphla anct Ihel t'h A\ e. al a bnrlge luncheon t 1](' rpllm"illp 0 1 l P I' lUfl I I I I Group on Tuesday
C Ilell, of 283 Hllthawa~' I
Lanl', Woml'ns COllllllUnll\ anllual fl O\\',l1nally thl'
I ' "
sl1~llOn h~
\\agoll r1ll\ell ' fOl.
SallllOa\ aftelnoon the henefltl' Takes $38 Cash From . lop Speakman Unit lans 11\:SpPlial 111 1I sll' \\ I 11
ttlP 111'\\1\ IIlstallpd
lP 1I11l1~ H~( "lllSloe Gerlllarf\ Torlav" was/he
\\'\nlle\\ood 1'1 sho\\ to he helo al the Com-IChllrles E Klille, of R1R CllffOl'Ci!Of Ihe dub's lalent funrl I , ' I ' '1Ib,"lt of a lalk Jllesellterl hy
• Oll\eT . .John E Slauffel, 22, munlt.\ BUllolng Oct 1~ anrl 1.., J 'I A\e, AIr!moIP I The lund, \\hleh has a goal of I N ar b er th A par t men t B a anque t an d P ro~ r m Idlle<1OI , ' LOlli. S\\I'I'lIl'\, -' I I0 (,1111' I Gplilall H Spger, Gplmlln-horn
- ..
ofI4JShpldonLnnl',Aldllloll;',tolol I '"I
III' I aslllllpllcloro\plhestolIiOIl$lO IJel membl'l \\111 be used 101' In H <lallng da\lJghl burglol\ Phns 101 the allnu.ll Alllllstll'f" riPIi f\;f'\\ ,1t.JISP\. "nil )\ 11II .... 1'1011 natlililllzpd 1I1111pd Stllll'S 1'ltlZl'n,
LO\\('1 Menon 10\\nshlp •
polll'e hp'8lIH'0\~.RI~UOOKHILLSH07ln'll\agon
7:.. .~ '"
11110 a tplpphone pole andllhe I '
renmatlOn of kltehl'lI ann lest Saturd·1.\ lhle\es bloke Illto tllf'ID'1\ . ( 1l'lIHIUl't 01 "Ie Halold D ThpP\f'nln~st-'I\I(.t-:'s\\1
I '" I 11 '111IPOIl- 1'1'IOlnlPl np\\spaI'PI' man ano a
"as OIl\lllg €'a!'1 on Lllncastpl' A\e, I k I
MOil IS C Perlman has pllll'ill1Sedj nO(',ed '1'1 lOmpson ' s ('1I1 a('loss IhellOOl1l fa('llllIes In the ComJUunl!\ la(Jaltmellt .. (.. at lohn R Hll"ltps In thelSIJe'lkllllln (. ( POsl No 'l)6 ()I Ihp \elltl dl I tlf'S 1,,111101
i t 1 _ :"p ,,_ PIn<l''' 1\1 lllemhpI of the GPIIllan Rel('hstag, ,
Ilno s\\('I\'eo hiS automo
I "
Ill' to the properl\ lit 14fl Irl'nt R"I I . 0 \ - 1-' '1,,1'\\ a Ik on Ill' I othet Side . I01 Ihe BlIIldlllg . , ,
Nallwrlh Hall P:"Hltl1lents ~ - .
:{O(liAmPlican Ll'glOll of Nalbpllh \\PIP ChuI,1t tllS lIrHa\. H 1 'II ~.) 'J'I In .1 t.tll, 1)('IOIp 1IlP Bala-C\n\\\'fl- ,
.1 ell~ s I eel. ROlnl~
h f I b t
<1\010 the \\oman, III Ihat she ,prhrook HIII«, rOIll thl' '
'J' Id II' On f Ha\erlord f Rd, ' -_______ lJuolp\ A\p Nalherth anrl '
escapedI made fit tltl' unll's hlst mel'llng ' 011 ano \\ III lontlnllp unll l ' a\ 11'11'
II l"allll'llh , .
(Iuh al ' \\el'k.
lIs •

ne\\ \ pal TlIPsct1l\ e\ pnlng 011 ,\\111 hp sl"'IIHI ol~an IllUsH,

tl h
'\ as apparen ~ ow I' over ~ I e / '1' 11 1&'1' 11IsI C O. f 01 .~-
Id b h
I' ""Jour)()
, 'I \\"II
I' \\ een •S u ffl 0 k I .ane lin".. R em-Iy I 3 L
t W wlI h $:l8 " cash , I
II hI' ' I \\11I 1\ 1lH'.'llng- ,. lupsrla\ at the Over.
right rear fenrler. /liam J McCarler WIlS the bloker IIlgton Ro, \\as le-loutpd for 0\'1'11 oungs er, , oses ay Thl'ep 1('~ dolllli bills \\ele Idkenlthe COllln;ulllt'\ BUlldl~g, NllIbcllh 11\11' .S\\peIH'\ al Ihe lons() I" 'lanr,lhlOok l'ollnt" CllIh
- - ----- --- --- I 11 h a If I10llr \\ hi let h P d amage d \'1'- " I hree-vear-o IrI •1Ill.) -' 'c appel 1I, 0 f I f~om the po,'kel of a sUII hanging \Vllllllm Cllpshall}. . and Hal old: spe'lal IllU<I(' h\' ,. 111<' )oulh (1011 f Sp~p'. \\ ho " In 1 ~ 1l \\ ,IS all P~t pd
1 I
DRI'h~, w h 0 was \lsllrng h PI rn a beOIOOlll <Iosel, Hughps lololNordhJoonl, \\llh a ,Olllmlltc'e o0 fft hiP ' 11111 ( h I h p pa <I 01 0 till'f h\ Ih" Nazl< ano sJH'nl SIX months
Two Women Hurtl 2Hurt AS Cars h
lW I'S \\1'11' elng Il'mo\pO. •
Thompson, \\ho \\IIS lIeall'rl at fAlhl'r's reIRtl\'I'S at un walnutiLowpr Menon To\\nshlp pO!l(e, and'loul, arp p,ppanllg fOI lhp
Br)n Ma\\1 Hospllal fOI a posslhlp A\p, Arrlmol'l', Frloa~' afternoon'I$R \\orth of OIlllf'S \\ele laken fromlano plogl,lm \\hH h \\111 h" hl'ld thl'lthl' 1\1'1111 g.
r1lnnPI(ItUI~h \\~I~ hllllg the mes<age 0 J~ t'()Il(f'llllnll'l/l ('amp, rlesc'nhE'd

1n Merr·on Crash Crash-In BaIa

10 the ":IOUP Ihe ell('lIlllslance
fra('IUll'oflhp.llghtfol'l'arm,wa"tOrlolpoalmoSlamlll'a\\a~ f lO l11 a huteaudl'awel', I\pal al the \Y~nnp\\ooo Housp,l. , , Tt':-':I<:n\\lwhlpololhl?rlse/npo\\,erof
latpl' finl'rl $272;; hy JlIslwe of Ihp Ihp housl' on her way ha('k frol1l1 All SiX rooms of the apolrtOlpntl\\IYIlIlP\\OOO One huncllcrl guestsli''' i\jj\lt.R HOi\lF-S THRF.A." 1I1p HIIIf'1 'l'gll1le
'1'\\0 \\omen, onl' a sUlgeon, Wl're
i nll1l'e".. '"
A Bnn Ma\\r \\oman Rnrl nn'Pl?a('p Franklin P. Kromer, on alhU~'lng a penny's \\ol'lh of canoy at \\el'e ransackpo ano se\elill pocket \\111 he In\llpo I EO\\ln C. Gllrhf'I, of 1S0 summitt, In sppaklng of Ihe plespnl o('cU-
r rl rl a~ mOl. nlllg w Ill'n t h ell' 0\ erhrook mlln suffl'l'prI slight In- Irl'CkieSS rlnvlng chllrge. Ihl' nelghhorhood rlelieatessen StOlP. bool,s belon"'lng ~ to Hugltes' mOlhet'l H .. Listed as onl' 01 thp guest speak- " Lanp, (')ll\\\d. I 1ll00eo all home fUlnlsh- III plltlon of C;Plman\ h\' thl' Unlteli
MIS Anna R j.Hlghes, \\ere II ell. PI'S IS Monlgompl\ COllllt~ Con- Ings 1'0.01 liS SUlllm1'1 ,Slalps ~egpi salo thlll 11 has heen
8utomohill's eollirll'o al MOlllgOIll-
ery Ave., and Menon Rd, Mellon. JUlies
Both lakpll to Bl\n Mawl Hos- lhe cars In whleh


aftplnoon \\hen
\lere ndlllg
N ar berth CI u b W omen PIan MIS. Hughes is \Isltlllg lelallves Iil gre,snHln Samupi J I\I,Collllell, oJ O,pan
Pittslllll!~h, hO\\l'\l'1, and uIlIII hell\v~nlll'\\OOd, \\ho \\ill sl'pak Oil ('Hutlon .Igalllsi PXIH(lpd
(I~\ Fllon,~,
as a prl'-I"OIl the \Iholl' a glent dpal more
hpa\~1 ,u((esslul Ihan thp a\elage Clt!-
pllal thp\ all' DI' E~1m:1 B Be\fln collirleo al Belmonl Ave. ano St I Il'tulnan~ t\llthel aJlwlps IIllsslng "CunllllUnls\1(' Plopag.lIHla In Our'sl',ls 111' IWllw IS 0111' or Sl'\l'la zpn Is led to hplie\e thlough
45, ~f 119 Cou!lel' ~A\P', Ardm~1 p: ASllph's RrI, Bala. IFall Flower Show in October ClInlllJl hl' delPlllllIll'd ' IS,ltllols and Co!lpgps," allo "'I'hl'I\\111<,lllonl ltonlPs 11,1,plHlepd. h~ till' Ill'\\ SI'.IJWI SI'HlpS ano rarllo re-
who \\as detallll'd \\llh fla,'tulps of V H' 'ld f U u- Hughes, \lho \\uII,s In thPIBI'IIIn SlllllIllOII' ahnollllllll) high O"dn tHlps. Iporls'
MIS ,1. . clsllngs,. , 0 nO I, The Women's CUl1ImUclIl\ Clublt:l and IIUI1I :l to 5 P. M on OctO-I F' lll'g IIt 'J' Ill. Iii I' D PpUI I men t U1 Ihp -- - - - - -
the nose and IIhs, IIno MIS Rose er ts
F White, 58, of 4HO N Lal"hes · Rd, BI)1l MR\\I, al'cOldlllg tOl of Narbellh \\111 hold lIs 'anllual bel 14 Pluns for the sho\\ wele'PennS)I\a.llla Railioad, dls,u\E-IPd
Lllnp, MI'IIOn, \\ho \\as tleaterl for Lo\\el Merion pollcp, was drl\lllglHlmel sho\\ Odohel' 13 and 14. II madl' Friday al a meetIng of Mls'lthe bUlgl!ll~ heI0lt':3 P. M, Salul'-
L M JUnlOr
· H·19hAnnounces .------- '1'1 It' nlPe I 11ll( \\dS'I IOSp
Plfl\PI opll\pl('o h~ thl' Re\' Ron-
. rl \\1 lh a

Sh ow W.lnners
• ell G ;\lloolpton, pastor oC the

lI Annual Flower _
Sl'\eral fractured Ilbs east on Belmollt Ave. \\hpn her!\\as announcpo this \\1'1'1, by Mrs. Lal,eman's committpe, held at the day \\hen he letuilled 110m \\Olk' Nalherth Baptist Church,
AC('Dlolng 10 1.0\\'1;'1' Mel'lOn/l,al' l'olilded at the Intprsel'1lon \\lthlWllllam Lakeman, challman of Ihe hOllle of Mrs. DOI'othy Sehwelils- The apaltmellt \\US undlsILlI'h~d
0' Township [wllce, MI s Be\ an \\ as a second \ ehlcle opel'alpd h~ Perc~ dub's c.onservatlOn and gal'dens Ibelg lJl Penn Valley AS<lst lIlg t.hel \\ hl'n he left at 7:10 A, 1\1 , he said. ' I HEI.P "'ANTEll
dl'l\'lllg east on Montgomery A\ e, G Maddock of Thp Glpl'n IlIlll l'0Il1Il11t lee, hostesses were Mrs. Merrtll SqUIer I All hough a 11\ Ing loom \\ mdow The AI dmOl I' ,Jul1lor High S('/lOOI\penn Va Ile~ Gal dpn (Iuh. 1\1) s,
unrl Mrs, Whltl' \\'ns making a left Farms Apml ments, Overhrook. r Fol' the tirst I lOll', ent III'S Will and Mrs L. B. Moxon. ' Hughes said hE' hllrl lo('kl'd \\,aslannual fio\\ 1'1 sho\\ \\ as helrl at Hel hel t ,J. 'I'll), .1/ , anrl the Stl n\\ _ MAI.E _
turn onto Montgon1('I'~ Ave. flom D. Rohelt FiSkI', 58. of 254 FOll'st he accl'ptl'rl not only from club Letlprs of appreclallon \\1'1'1' 1l'arll wIOe open, police hpllevp Ihl' blllg-!the high slhool Wednf'srla~ \\lth hlldge 1'ln,1 Clothlel Main Line P-ART-O'R Flil~'rll\1F: rl?pres€'ntl!-
Mprion Rrl \\ ilpn t hI' two eal s ('01- Rd, Menon, a passl'nger'ln Marl- rrom Iwo school teachers who at- lars userl a skl'll'ton kpy to ol:en Ill:!'l exillbit s pntpi ect. I ill' gll'al pst 8tOl e, 1\\ P fOl !f'arllng au\o in'urancp.
l '

hrlE'o. Nell her dn\'!'r <IIW the 01 her do('k's l'Ar suffl'l ed 11 fral'f urerl SORRY. tl'nrll'd a summer l'OUI se In 'con<el- the fl'ont door, anrl openpo the \\ 10-1 numhl'l' 10 an\ sho\\ sllll'e 1940 The .luog"s fOl' t h'" F 10\\ PI Sho\\, Gooo I'omml<slons. Reply
because of 1\ hus pRrkeo at thl' ankle ano 'Iacer'allons of the scalp. Ia.~t In nel'k'" i!i!ill<! of Our \'allon and garrlens at Penn State dO\\ as a PI',l'cautlDnar y n,'pasur€'. MISs MlldlPd Blad" SI'lpnep ledl'h- all Illembels of Ihl' Bala-C~'n\\ycl 10 J F, P. 0 Box ,,50, Ardmore,
southl' cOI'nl'r of Ihe Interse('tlon. He and Mrs. Hastings, who suffered Town, It WIIJi announced that under the committee's sponsorship, '1'~lere IS a 12-f?ot drop hom th~lel, and. a comnllttee of t\\enty- an-.l Ppnn Valle~ Galrlen Cluhs ,Pa.
.Dr. Bp\a~, \\ho has offIces In Ihe shock, \\1'1'1' taken to Blyn Mawr ;UrN. Car~'1 StRrr had hl'I'1I ap- The teachers were MIs. L. S. \\'lndo\\ to the siPewalk on Dudle) eight ninth-glade gtlls Olganlzerl welP: Mrs. N .•1. CIOl'kett, I\tIS . .J i , . _
TImes Ml'dlcal BUildl/lg, Al'dmol'e, Hospital by a passing motorIst Mrs, IJOlnted to fill a vacanc)' on the GeIst. of the Bowman Ave, School Ave" and aJlangpd the exillbits. G. 1\1 Bunllng. MIS. Geolgt' SII~el- FE]\(AI.E
Is on 1he staff ,at ~Q'n Ma.\\1' Hos- Hastll1gs was released In the care hoard of directors of the ",om- In Merion, and Mrs. CalOltne Bren-I Pllzes In the sho\\ \\ pnl to I hI" lee, j\1I s, H, BachUS, 1\11 <. E \\ el~-I
Pltlli. Mrs. WhIte IS the WIfe oC J. of her phySICian, COll1ll1ullit,~·
en'N Cluh of Nar- ner, of the Narbl'l th School. Stricken With Polio follm\ ing stll<lents: Sw('epstakes slpl, MI s. S ,Jollnson. 1\1l s D, S. "'OMAN OF' CHARACTER
Mercer White. Other passengers in the Maddock b~'
hl"rth ('ausl".d resi~nlltioll
Final plans \\ 1'1'1' made lo'rlday atl F1
our·tel'n cases 0
f I f til pal' \\ 111/101' \\ as Allen 11'\ tile \\ ho to- 'Vagnel, 1\11ss F. Luus, MIS, ,1.,
n an I' - ~., j
car \\ ho \\ ere uninJuled were H, of h Mrs. Fred IsenherK. a meeting of the pI'olect comnllltee I h b t d L \ Italed 46 IJllInI s· Blue Rlhhon \\ In- RII hanlson. SIX pal'pnts as,lsl e' Edu, alpd r l'tilll'd 28 to :50, ex peri-
OlJR TOWN W. Stelwagon, of 331 Malwyd Rd., S Oil d
I h
a\'e rea
d j t th
us PO
er for a fashion show and card pal'ty,
- M
ave een I epol I' 11\ 0\ -
l' h f th'. nOI' \\as Viola \\'altelson
., d
Blue Ihe ('ommlttee of nl1lth-gl'a e gn s'encpo In tPach1Og, club, ('hurch or
I ' ,

IS ON SALE EACH WEER AT Menon, and A. V. Smith, of 10

Wl\~' oroun. d i\I j rs. Storr h all schedull'dforNovemher1911tWan- er el Ion d owns Ip H so\th ar Oft IS '
'Rlbhol1 rUllllel.up\\asatlllee,\\a\ IIIINPl\lIlgHII<l111ranglngexll)lt It'
s "ulI1ll1ulllly \\01. k not I d
THE FOLI.OWJNG STORES: Cedar GI'O\ e Rd., Wynnewood, resiglled and Mrs.lsenhl"rll' hall amaker's Audilorium, Philadelphia, ) eal, a'~l'ol ,~ng to ea IceI'll Ie hel \\ een Fr erl LlpflllkOt t, Nan'- Thp~ \\ e' e 1\1r s, Fox, Mis. BI aUIl.IUnelll'Umherl'd: the I) pI' who does
hef'1I aPI)()inted to take her Mrs, Robert Cameron and MI's, ROTheit . '1 omas . 1~ c\' Bl'ltield aurl I uigl DIMalllno,jMI< "''''altel<on, MIS, Jeftel's, MIS not ll<uall~ all<\\1'1 110\ 1'1 tflsellmetnl ts,
Davis store, 224 Haverford Ave., HAVERFORD HOME SOLD 111 01'1'. G . R L ' h' of the he most lecen t ease IS a ,- - ~ d M . 'I' I hUI rle<n es Int pi €,sllng U me
Narberth, • 1'01 ge , ee. C?-C airmen yeal-old Ha\'erford girl \\ ho he-I Diane Br aun \\ as \\ IIlnl'l In I hp McMRnus an J 'S. ~~ 01 I p0<llion I pnol'r ing sprvil'e of na-
The coloOial rl'sidence and half- I committee, appo1Oted a s u b - c o m - .
Granite Drug store, Montgom- aCI'e propert)' at 523 W. Mont gam- m€'mhel's hut fl'O,m memhers of thp mittel' to hllndle the ticket and ~ame III s~rtem~e~ 16 ~nr \~r~;~ Patt'v PO\\ell 10 the Home Gal'flen \\on hy Ellyana RRlnler, patrlr'lal~I;,~af(:1~1~;~11'. Giv~ full lIlfOl'ma-
d h jArtlst I<' All angement glOUp and First places (hllle nhhons) \\ PI ei I .tance nrl helng \\ pll

ery Ave.• Narberth, ery Ave., Havl'rforrl. has bepn~sold BrownIes and Girl Scout troops oC prize arrangements, Members are: case \\~S dag~0i: I;: ~'d grou'p The pl'lZes are gl\l'n hy \\'l'lnner S81'1lh Thornlon, Harry tlon i\lt'1uolng phone 1\iJ". Bernll.rd
Jfarberth New_, 238 10 LauI'1I. W. Stanton for $25,000 by the Borough. Mrs. A, W. Ayars, Mrs. J, M. Bick- to'the oar 0 ell on rl ay. th A' d ' J" H'gh S hool Bloorl Mae John!'on Nanl'Y Can- For~ev 910 Morris Bldg. Philadel-
Haverford Ruth S' Toulmlll. Emlen Ii: Co" and The sho\\ will be open to the I • She IS helng treated at home and I e I' mOl e unlOr Ie" 'hI') h 2' Pa. '
Ave., HarbertA PJU19 B. Knowltoll • public from 3 to 9 P. M, on October~ <'€ontinued OIl PSR4! Titree) Is ill good condition. the BaIa-Cynwyd Garden ClUb, the lConttnued on Page T ee p ta ,
\ .' , .

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