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Boost Narberth

Send In Fireside
And Knock No One



Community Dancers Main Line Community Club Notes

Welcome New Year Organizations TERCENTENARY DAY.
The IIlcelillg- IlII .11I1I1Iary ]1 will Ill'
MEMBERS OF DANCING CLASS INTERESTING S'fATISTICS GA'.l'H- a rrcrccntclI:tl'y Progralll, \\"it h He\".
AND 'l'HEIR FRIENDS GIVE ERED BY SUBURBAN ASSOCIA- \\'illiam Y. Berg oil the "l'1'llgrnlll
TION SHOW THEREI IS 1 Spirit of 1!l21." Th"l'e will he illtt're~l­
FOR EVERY !H PEOPLE. iug' :-:l(C'tehl's g'i\,PIl h,\· 1I11'11IlJcr:-; of tltl l

GREETING. ('lll1o, HII'] th" Clllh'~ II.·W III'('.hl'~1 I'a

Th,' SlI1Jur1oan A~~o,·ial i"l1 "I' Ih,' \\"ill lllak,· il~ Jir~t 1I1'1"'aI'1I111'l·. This
The 1IIl'IIIIlt'I'~ or the I)I'lI"illg- Cla~~ of :\Iaill Lill". ill a ~tndy of th(' ol'galliz,'d i~ all aLllled fcal II 1'1' tot hI' Clu!> actid-
th,' \\"OIll"I1'~ COllIlIIUllity Club, alld 1olldi,.~ 1'1'0111 (h'''I'1ol'o"k to l'allli. f'"llll\ li,,~, which proll';Sl'~ 1111111y tl'l'al~ at tIll'
sOllie of t hei)' rri"IIl]~, ga "e the :\ l'\I' tlln1. tlll'rC' arc t)-l~ orgaTlizatioJl:-'. 01' all THE FIRESIDE III1'etillg-s. Th" CIII!> ('hol'lI~ \\"il1 l'l'II,!t'1'
Year a h"arty alld li\"l'l~' weleoH'c .tt :i\"t'r:q1;e of (JIll' ol'gaJlizat ion for c\"cry ,·;,j\\·lll'd ::'I[cDo,rl'lI'~ I' 1I~·1I111 01' th,' H,'-
a HW~'1ul'rade dalll·c. on :\ ell' Year', gToUp of D·~ 11l'Op!l'-tIlPIl, \\'lIll\t'I1, hu,vs ~fr. and Mrs. John B. Brooks weI'" Pllltli('." rrhp t'horu:-, il-i doillg" sceolld 1"01' God and Counll'~·. we ns~'Oclnte our-
:-;e)vps t.og-ptller for the following- llUrlwses:
I':,·". iu the COII'lllUI,ity H,IOlll of th.' :lllll g'irh;;. t h... g-n ... ~ts of :II r. "n,1 .:\[r~. Hemy ,\"(1:11' \\"ork :llld llI:11,illg: wUlld('rfnl 1'1'0- '1'0 uphold lIlId ,!ef"11I1 the Constitutloll of
Y. :II. C. ,\. i'rlll>al>ly Ihi~ i~ Ih,' I'.·a~"" 1'01' lila ".,. .Jnllll·:-; I'np;e 011 ~atllrday la~t. gTt'S:-- liBeler 1h(~ ('ollllut't or, Pl'of('ssnl' thl' Cnil..,! >:la\('8 of Amerlea: to maintain
Ill\\' mill 01',11'1'; to foster anl! !ll'l'petunte
Litth> H('d Hiding Hood alld "Big" 1""'1,[" ~n,\'illo Ihat the :llaill LillI' I,; :-'pratt. The nO~Jlitalily COII'lI1ittl'l' ha~ olle lJuudrl'(l per ct'ut, AUll'l'icanism: to
O\"l'I'-(lJ'g:allizcIl :tilt! shu(lc1('l' Wlll'lt :-iOUIt'· :\11'. "nd :llr~. . Iam,'~ HakeI', of ,\t· aIT:l11~C'cl to st'r\"(~ X ('\\" ]ijllg'lnucl ]'f'- pr(-'spl'\'c the lIH'lllorics and ineidl'llts of our
Hl',1 Hidillg- nood wel'l' t hl'l'l" all,1 ,.0 assoeiat Ion In rhe Grt'al '\"a1': to incnlcate
was the, God,h'~~ of Lilll'l'ty, .lohll Chill' lIlIl' 111('111 ion!"' fOI'B! iUg" a JlP\\" nl'g:aniza 1:l1I1n, Gporg;ia . ""l'l'e tllt~ g'lHl:--ts of ~II'. 1'1'l'~hll"·lItS. II Sl'nsp of inLllY!<Iunl oulig-ation to the
C01ll1ll1l1lIt;\·, ~lllte and Nation; to eOlnhut
:llllaJl. pjP1Tot, LittIl' ~i:-'tt'r. 0]1(' of tilt"' tion. alld :\Ir~ ..lohll B. Bro"l" :\Iun,]a~' "1Id Ih" 1II1toCI'1I(,,\' of both thO' l'!lISSI'S and the
Clllollial j)alll(,~. :Ill'. 1':Il·k or I 'la.,·i 11/, Thl' organizations art' of Ill:lll~" lY}lI':"\ 'l'nl'~lla~·. H1a~Seli; to llIul(c rig-lit I he lunstel' of
MILLINERY EXHIBIT. illig-lit: to pl'ollloll' J)t':lce and ,~oo<J will on
Card~, all.! th,' Clown fl'lllll B. "= R.·~ \\"ilh \"Hrjou:-; pUl'pO~I':-;, Thp1't an~ 26 l
t'llrtll; to l-WCpI-Plal'd and Irlll1lill1it to po~·
Th,'I'I' will hl' all l'xhibit 01' the hnb 11'1'1t,\' th,' principII'S of justiCl'. fl'l'eLlolIl
fHlIl()U~ l,j],(,l1:-- • .ill~t t (J 1111\111 iOll :l ft. of 1
1I1'g":llliz:ltioll~ with :t :--pt'('ili(' ('i\'it' 1't1!'- :\1 i~~ .\ ill'eJl E. X l'edham retul'lled to
th(' .. hara .. t"l'~ plll'tra~'(',II,~' tll(' "O~tllll"

I"""'. Ii' s,,,,ial (~luh~, 51 fratcrnal so· 1'('1111 :-'tat,· "t'I,'r 'IH'II']ill,~ h"r Cltri~l­ ('I'l'llt"d loy tIll' ,·la" 01 1I1'iIIg' th" raIl ]e~­ :lllti dpIIIOel·:H.\\": III COIHiPt'I'ale aUd sanctify
0111' comnHI('slJlp h,\" our devotion to milt IInl
:-:OIlS. The ('In:,,~ b :dloul to ~t:1I1 Oil a helpfllhH'ss.--Prpalllhlp to the Constitution
",1 ,lalll"·I'~. {'it'i it':-;, S pat riot ie, ~:: h('IlP\'O]Cllt, 'J II'''~ h"l,iola.\·~ lI·ilh hl'1' l'al'''IJIs•.\fl'. "nIl of tll(' Ampl'ican !..('g-iOIl,
III'W 1('1"11' alld will 10,' glad 10 add III
\\"ith the al'l'l'lla,·h of lI,idllight, \':ll'i- l'OllltlH'1'I·ial. ~-t }lu1lIh· ~(·h()lll:-;. ~:i prj" .\rr~. A. W. Needham.
il~ 1l"'llIh,'r~hil" 'l'h .. I'la~~ :lbll "xt"II'I,
('0101'(,111 toy h:lllo0JlS llt'gall lual,illg' \"alp :-'l'hoo]:-;, i Jllis('('ll:IIIt'()Il~, ;'):.! nli:-;"
llll in\"ilatillll to allyoll" to "i~it thO'
th('ir :1)'1\('al':lll.,,, alld hold,illg allllllt Ih.· ('l']la 111'011:-- t'd 111':11 i OJ1:! 1 ~ 1'1111 p:-:. .')H :\li:-,s .1:IIIt' Il'tlJlt' ntll1~1JJl(''':r, of II:tzlt" LEGION DANCES.
(·1:,,~ nll~- 'I'hlil'sda." IIlOrllillg" at 10!!
1'oonl. Long: strC:lllIl'l'S of 1,,,}ol'l'd p:l }Iel' "hlll','~. ] Y. :\1. I'. ,\. alld :!:;.! "hllr"h 1011. Pa" \\"11" 11:1:-: ht'I':1 :-'Jlt'lldillg: t he hoI·
Ehll\\"opd :l \·cnuC'.
W"!'l' IlIln'l'!(',l alld liu],,,d fl'l'lIl "llUplt' :-:lwipti('s. Tht, l:t1tpl' f1g'Ul'l' will lH' iu· ill,,~'~ ,... ith hl'1' "11111. :\Ir~. \\'. H. ('"hi .. , '1'1,,' following al'l' the dates of the
to "ouplP. 1'I'Ollipt 1.\' on t h,' fil'~l ~t n,I,,· "!"l'a,,',] a~ "lOll as all of the ehurches I,'" ,'('~ for h,,1' home today. LI'gi(II' J):llle(':-; for ]021:
llf lIIidnight hau,lfll]~ of "llUI'('t t i 11,'\" a I'l' h,':, I'd rrlllli. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING. P!'ida~·.•lallll:lry ~1.
thl'Ough th" ail'. ,\lId ali thi~ ..... ith th" 'I'll,' It'rritor.'· ill,'llld,,~ :!l di,t I'i,·t '1'111' ""sh Ill'''] I,:~talt· Om"l' h,,~ hel'lI The EX""lIt i\l' lillaI'd ,... ill lll"l't at Fl'i,]ay, February 18.
wlJirlillg ('olor:-- of tllp llH'rrY-1I1al\(.'I'~' ""lll1lllllliti.,~. ,\l'lllllor... has a tot a] oj' II II 1\' l"] illto \\"h:11 was at one time th(' t h,' l'l'~id"Il"" 01' t III' 1'1'l'~i,j,ollt. :\11'''. I,:. Friday. ilfarch 18.
•·,,,t 11I'"·'. a~ t h" ,·.lllll'h'~ ,]a IIl"'d 111<' II:! ol'gallizati,,,,,: HI',"" :\f:t \\" 1'. !lS; Pos1 ani('I' Building', 1111 tlll l
prlll'f'l':,\' (;. Hnt"!ll'IIlI'. III., ('1<"~1111l1 a\I'III1". '"l Fri,ja~-. April 2!l.
Old Y"'ll' IlUt allll tlil' :,\,,\\, Y"al' ill. tu \\-:I~'I1l', Ii]: ""l'llI'l't1l. ,,:!; B,·r\\"~·". -tl: of t1l(' 1't\1l1JS,\"}\':JIli:l 1\:lill'lIad ('111111':11 1.". "'cllllcS/lay at !1.:;1I 1I· .. I,Il'!; ill t I", 111111',1, Fri,]ay, :\[ay 2().
th" li\l'1~' t 1I11l'S llf t h., ,il'zz lll'l'h,,~t 1':1. HIl:-'PlIllltIt, :.!s: Paoli, ~:~: Gladw,\'n, ~tl. illg.
('l'p:l1ed a pil·ture of collir nllt! anillla· Tll(' 11:11:11:('(' i:-: di~;f rihl1t('d :lIIIOIlg' lilt: Tit,· !2'il'b ot' Iltt' I-:;llt]'(' Nou~ Cluh are
tion that ga\'e til tIll' d:JII"1' th .. 1'1':11 IItho1' ('(:HllI11l11it it':-' ill :-:1I1a111'}' 11111111'1'1':-'. g"i\"illg' :l 1I01l1t' b:t].:;I' Oll ,J:lIlUary ~. 10,], 'l'h" "\,11111 Valll·illg· ('la,;~ met I:"t HII"II 1I ll "l'ila1,
Till' i"l'ol'lllat illll \\"a~ o]Jtailll'd 1'1'0111 at· tht' Y. :If. ( •..\. I'il·~. '·1II·; ... ~. roil~ lIight all 11 flll'th('1' ,jat,,~ will I,,' :111· :\1111\"1'11. I'a.,
alln nSl'h"l'''' of a fest i "a 1.
th,' Boy,]'~ :\f"ill Lil1l' llire,.jllIY. :\Iai" 110llIlC'('() hi fh(l 11('xl i:-::-'lIt',
rrhf" pal't-~" was :t hi~ :-:UI'I'I':-,S and 111,,1 "1IIJ(lil'~ \\'ill be on sale. PI',"'IIII,,'I' ~!llh. l!l:!(I.
1'1'1l\C,] ill all ulIllli,la]wh1,' \\'a.'· thO' Lilli' l~(,II(lr:11 i011 (If Chnrt'hl':-:, III i Ili:-:t ('1':-', ""1'11l'1'11i AlIll'ri":lI' L ...~io" Post,
1'0l'ul:trit~· llf th,' (;1l1l1111unity Club Jll'i(':.:i~, t it'l~l\t ag;l'llt:-:, wol'1({'r:" at ('11111" Other ('olllilig l""'It1~ ,,1' th., <'1111, will
(~II\"t'1'JIJll('lIt ~:I\'iqg:-, :-'l'('ul'itic:" anI to :'\ Ill'h,' 1'111. I'a.
l1111l1it~" CplI1t\r:-:, llP\Y:-::papC'l':-:. !t':ltlt'r:-: (If !>c fl1l!l1l1 111101('1' lh,' (·"kll·I:11' "I' ('''lIlill:~'
r:i:\llf>lllg Clnf-::--. h,' ,III ~:<1 .. 1111 th,' St1l1'1 11 n,,,'1\'" l:"IIII,'III"": \\,p \\i~iJ III thank yOIl
1'1111". sl'hoo] head~. lll"IOhl'r~ of 1,,,lg",, E\-PIl(-::" in tllis b;,,;tll'.
i'lIl1d ill :-'a\"illg">' :St:lll1pS. 011 sale a]] ful' ,\·(lU1' killdllll;-;:-i Hlld ,~I'Ij(,t'()sity
to t1u'
lihrarians, :-;111l"l'kpPlWI'1"', io\\"ll:-'hip t'OIlI- tit" tillll' 'II tl", I',,~t Olli'·l·. Olh .. l'~ ll'l' ('X-S(ll'\'il'l' Illt'lI Jll'!'l' oil ('lIri:itIJlaH.
111i:-:~i()llt'r:-,: PHI'h on(' had :-'OIlI('tl1ill,~' ill huying' tlll'lll. \\"11.'" lOll! you'? \\""
lIighly al'I'I"I·,',,<I,' tlll' illt,'r,'-t
Mid-Winter Tennis :Ie'll: ~ll 111(' li:--i lll'!'tl\l:-:P 1!11 011(' CYf'r
""1IIpklt',] li~lillg all ot' thc organi7.a- .\11'. 1Illd :\11'.-. !:"hl" .....\. \\'al"ll"l' t'll·
Borough Places .\'j)11 1()ok ill 11:-' :11111 111ti11' ill \\'i~il ill:~"
::0" all" \""1'." 11111'1',\' :I,"1 I'I'O~Pl'I'OIl~
Dance, Next Friday 1 jOIJ:-> :Illlllg- thp Pili if(, ~faill I~iJl(~.
.\11 .'11'01'1 ,... ill hI' ilia,]" tll kI"'I' thi~
ll'l'tnill"d 1It dillll"1' Cltl"i~1 III1IS lIight al
th .. il' 1t0!)1l'. oll ;\"l'lh :'\1I]'I"'l'tll a',·IIIII'.
Contract ;\"11' \""111' .
~ i Ill' I' l''' I~' you rs,
li~t 111' to datl'. h"'l'a1l~'" thl' t'111I,la- ill hOIlOI' "I' 1111' \r('dding' :llIlli\"t'J'sar,\· of
",\1, the spceial BOJ'llllg'h ('ollllt'il lIll'Pt· \\':\1. H. ~;\ \,llU1.
MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATION AND ""111:11 I'rilll'il':l1 of th" 811h1l1'11all Asso- llll'ir fl'il'lId:-,. :\11'. :Illd ~rrs, G('llt'~(' ,r,
iug lIl'ld 011 ~fullday 1'\t'llilJ;1. !)('l't'llllH'l'
THEIR FRIENDS ASKED 'fO "i:l1i"l1 i~ 10 '·"·"l"'r,,t,· ..... ith al1 1,,,,:11 I':li!2.(', of LI:lllt'l'l'h, Pn.
:!7. it \\a~ 1'01111.[ that hi,b 1'01' ,·oli,·,·t-
llr,~~":llliz('Il lHHlil':-' ill :III {'fi'ort lu 11('· Off Sick Report.
MAKE NO O'fHER ENGAGE- illg g:lrh.q,~'l' iJi the hOI'Ollf..!;h \\"('1'(' gn'at,
\"tOllll' :1 illt"t'l't':-:t in t11f' "jYil'
hl'o:llll'l' \\'., 111'1' plPa>'I',1 10 h"I'1' 1hat Com-
MENTS FOR THIS DATE. Th,· \\'''JII''II'~ .\lIx'ili1ll'.... of tit,· .\1111'1" 1,\" ill ('X('(':-<S of pl'l'\'iotls Jig-tll'(·S. It
1ll'tllq'lI1l'Ili Ill' 1!11' 1'llIllllll1l1i11P:-: l~'ill~ rnt!I' H(lbel'1 Oi]llIOl't' h:l:-' i'('t'\i\"('!'l'c1
it'arl Lt'~"ililJ \\ill llHld lllt'ir lIt'xl Illl't';- \\":lS det'jl1pd :!Il\"j:-::lldl' to 1'l',il'("l illl hid:-:
hp1 \\"('{'II ()\"l'l'hl'lllll( :11111 P:lnli :11111 ill :111 f(lr a p!lt'ltdi('it is.
T1Il' 1IIid·\\·illlt'r dlllll'" of th,· :'\a 1'1"'1'1 h i lI,~~" lIlI :\llIlld:I,\" I' \"1' IJ i IJ 12.', .I:t 1111:11'.... 1(I, :1 i 1111 d n··a ,I\"'rt isc. °111'1':11 i'-lIl
1"111' t'1I111l1r~' 1·llldi,!.:.III11I-': ill tht' \1:lill
Tl'lIl1i~ .\:-':-;lwi:11 ion \\ ill lit' ht'lll Ill':d ...: lJ·t·llll'l~ :-;h:II'J" ill 1111' Lt'gioll 11l':ld- ~"\t :1 11l('l'tilJg" ht'Iti 011 .1:lIlU:lry '" tIl'
LitH' of 11 It' Pt'Il11:-,yh":lllia Railroad.
Friday t',"Plling', ,lalltI:lr,\' ]-t, :11, Il~lJll qll:II'I('I':-;, E:-::-,p\: :till! 1,:1111\\"(/)(1 :1\'I ' lll1l'''':, i'llUI' J,id~ O["'IIl'd, t he lo",,,~t ",a~ sub- New Sick Rcport .
Hall. .\~ 11", 111(,,'1 illg' ",ill ]", ot' ~I)(·,'in] illl- lIIittl'd 10.'· \\'illi:l111 ]>'1':lZ'·I'. of .\I'dlllol"·. \'ollll'ad,'" Burld"'l'dl and :-,pftnn :Ire
Ti,.!,,'b \\'ill I'l':wh 111"llIh"r~ of th.· 1"'l't "''''''. it i~ Itol""] Illat all t h .. ll"·I1I· 'I"ho did th,' \\"lll'k dllrillg ]!I~II. TIi,'
.\ssot'ini itlll 111'Xl \\'t't'k. Friellds of Durbin-Smedley h"l';-; \\"ill Ill:lkl :til 1'!l'llrl til lit' pl't':-:t'IJt,
1'(l~l for g'nrh:I;"~'I' j'tl1hTtittll fur ]~l:!l
1'1'0111 Jll':1 \',\' 1'(lL 1:-, ('ont rUl't-
.. d dlll'ilig til .. h"lida .... ~.
ll\l'lllhC'J',~ :In' ul'gl'd in 1ll:1l\l' }'(':-,eryatiolls will h,' :j;l,.lltl.lltl. "I' :i'1~tI.tlll I"'I' 1lIOUt!,
illlllll',]iatl'ly. .<"l.'I'HLETE AND FORMER SERVICE HI',~'illllill,~" .r:lllll:ll'~' 1. 1!1:!1. :-'JI(\('ial --~OllIPII'hat higlll'I' thall ill I!I:!(I.
Opcn Meeting Night.
Tllt':-'t' t-C'JlJlis dall('t'~ :In") alllong the MAN WEDS NARBERTH GIRL. d .. li'· .. I'.... 11I1Iil lI·ill I,,' d .. 1i'·"!'l·d ",itholll ,\ ~ t h.' garha ge i~ us",1 on a stock
1110"t I'''Jlu1al' ""'ial Idrail'~ of t1l" ,,'a- 1"I",.'il'l'; 1Ill'] will he I... ft in regular mail 1'a1'111 to f('('d hog':-:, it Illtl:-.t II(' (·1(':111 \\-at,.), I'llI' th., :lI'1I011l1l·"1I11·"t oj' Ihe
~on. alld a 1'1' :11\\'a~·~ 11'1'11 atft·lIdl"!. Bt':-:idl'llt:-; tit' 111:111,\' (If rill' ('lllllllllllli 1't'1'('pf:II'lt,:o-> ",11(')1 }ll'r:-:lIll:l 1 tlt'li \"I'I'~' ('n JI" frOIH g:lass. tll1tlrith' til' lilJlt ' alltI oih!'], (l1'1'1J 1Ill'etill;!' lIig'lIt. ttl lIt' }ll,ltl unller
:l1"l11her~ a]'(' ul'gl',1 to attl'lId :tlll] llOt 1,,' ('I""ei"l·'!. 'I'lt .. sl,,·,'ial d,'lin'I','· II()i~(lllotls lll:lterials. 1111' :JlIJ-ipi('P:-: of 1 hi' "\I!Il'l'i(":ln L(Ig-ion
ti,'~ alollg tll(' :\1 11 ill Lill" 1Itt"1I,1t-<1 tIll'
hring tllt.'ir friclItls. The pror.l.'lld:-- go w(,t!tlillg'. 011 \Vl'dll{'~d:l,\' night. Ih,t'l'llI" :-'t'J'\,i('I' 1:-' 11('~ig'llt'd 1t1 ('xpl'llitp :11111 lIot COll1aiuPl's for ~arb:-q.!,"l' art' also illl· 1)1):,,1,

to th" fUlI,l that the ElItertaillnll'lIt 1)('1' ~[l. 1It till' H1II't.i~t ('!Jul'l·h llf till' 10 safq.ntarll lJl:lil. The l'l';.!'h.:t 1'.\. sy~­ pOl'tant to th" ,·olll'..tlll'~. lind th" hca]th
COlllIlliti('(' i~ rHisill,~ for tlu' lIt ('(}l1J'tsl
1':,·al:g,'I. :\1IJ'1.l'l'th. of \\'i lli1l 111 llohll"~ 11'111 is prn\"idt'll to illSlll'll J-i:lfl'ty, :11)(1 (d~ tllc eOlllllll1llit-,\". G:lh"nlllzl'11 iron (':l!lS A Wanner Floor.
:IIIlI ('Iuh 1Jml~'·. l1uJ'bill alld :lfi" ][ilo1a ~lIletll,·~-. ~Il'. :Ill lHail ('IlIlt:lillillp: t'lllT('lH'y 111' nthl'!' '" it h t igh t ('ll\'''r~ a l'l' hest". \\'hcn th ... \\'1' ha ....• 1'1I1'l'ha~,'d Sollll' 1oattl<'~hiJl
I )llrbi II. ,... ho i~ thc ~on of :Mr. and :l1'11{'lp:-: of \':1111(' :-,hould 11l' l'Pg'i:-,tt }'t 1. l 1f
.·all~ I... ak th.,~· ~hollld h" di""I1'd,"1. Ii 1101 I'll II I to ,'0\,"1' tl .., 110,,1' of 1"I1L' dub
:\fr~. Holl('rt II. DUl'hiu. of Xarbcrth, is 01'01,,1' :\0. ,,1 :L'. D"""lIllH'J' ~7. 1!I:!(). (j:IJ'hngl' pl:ll'('t! ill P:'111'1' h:lg:-: or (':1 I'll· 1Iou:"l'.
DISTANCE LENDS ENCHANTMENT uot(',] 11~ 1111 athlct". His bride is the hOlll'd hox"s ",ill Ilot 11,' ('01l1',·11"1.
,;aug'ht,,1' of ::'Ill'. and :Mrs. W. D. Smed- ColIl'l't iOIl~ ,..-ill Ill' IlIa,I,' t wi,'" 'H'I'I;·
(Continued on Pagc 4.) Next DaIlCC.
Hin': "\\'hat i~ it. do yon ~nl'l1(I~l', Jro~', also of Xarb ... rth. I~· .]uring' th" lI·ill1l'1' lIlld thrl'" linll'~
'I'hl' lI"xt Ll'gioll !lal"·" \\'ill he held
that will Illal,,· a llIall go ~o far for a I' Rill" Durbill is regarded as one "'1'1']d~' dUl'ing Ih.' RllInlllCI' lIlonth~.
drink or liquol'?" All eo1l1lplllillt~ 11Ia,l" to an~- Inl'llI1o"r
()lJPl'iday ('\"l'llill~", .Jallu:lI',\" 21. in Ehll
Hall': "B(lI'aU~1' ht' <,all '1". get it any H:Il1. _\11 tid,('ts 11I1I~t Ill' p:lid for at
(Continucd on Page 4.) of Coull"i], till' poli,·" nm .. "r, 01' tIl('
1l(':\l'l'J'. of 1'0111':"1'." the ,]001'.
Two cents per word IC cnsh nccom· Street Cnllt1l1is~ion,'r. \\'ill 1)(' full.,' ill·
panles ad\'crtiselOent; otherwise, !l\'e \"e~tigatc,l :\11l] r"nl"di,',l. if thl' ,'OUI'
cents per word.
pl:lillt is justified. A MAN MAY BE DOWN--
JOB PRINTING-Joseph F. Barclay, \\'h"11 .\llmItalli Lilll'lllll ,,'as :l .,·ollllg

Fixed Meeting Dates.

312 Essex Avenue, Karberth. Phonc,
IG17-J. (15-p) Narberth Man lI"Iall h,' 1':111 1',,1' thl' Ll'gi~l:ltlll'l' ill Illi-
lillis, :llId was dt'l't':dl'tl. I1(l Jlt'xt ('Il~

Borough COlUlci! Monthly-Sccond Monday C01Ulci! Chambcr WASHING-(Rongh dried or ironed)

Bags Deer tt'n'd htl:-;ill('S:-', faiIpl1, :llld WlIS
tt'l']I ,\"(1:11':-' paying- hi~ d('h1s.

Narbcrth Bldg., and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday C01UlCil Chamber \Yan ted to take home. Call Jennie
Amcrican Lcgion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building Henry, 37 Waner A\'011Ue, Bryn Mawr, Wllil"
huntillg' trip ill ""oulh oil a (Continued on Page 4.)
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber hl'ought dtl\YIl
(':tI'Olin:l a I:lrg"l' dl'l'r W:I;-.;
Pa. (13-p)
Narbcrth Fire Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House h." ])Ol'l'lIll1~ Hr'I\,·nhll,·k. of' :\lIl'h('l'th .
.\~ t"hi~ i~ th,' fil'~t ~IIl·,·('"f'ul 01.,,'1' hUllt

Date. Name of OrgU11ization and Event. Place Hour 1'01' 1!):!1, In.'olll'' Tax Affida\'it~. all
ill whi,·h :\fl'. Bl'oll'llhad, hll~ tllJ;('n
I'lll't. h.· f'l'l']~ '1uitl' ,'bt"d, 1'~lll,.. illll~· a~
othpl' ]\iotarial 'York. Bthelm:le ]o'a 11011 ,
11u' dl~l'r ht' h:q.!g't'11 \\":t:-' :l Hill' :-:pt'l'iIlIPIl,
0,·,,1' Bank, Narherth, Pa. (1:1-1')
Jan. 8 ••••• Children's Dancing Class •.••••••••••• Community Room •• 2:00 P. M. h:l\'ini; l'ig-ht poillt~ to th(' ant h·I'~. Saturday, Jan. 8, 1921
Jan. 8 ..•• Chi Pi Sorority Dance Womcn's ClUb, Ardmore WANTED-Bahy'~ high l'!Jair. Phou,' Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
Jan. 11 Woman's ConulltUlity Club Conlll1tmity Room 2,30 P. M. XarhL'rth ]2Gl-.J. (13-1')
W. C. C. Exccutive Board
W. O. C. Millinery Class
105 Ohestnut Ave 9,30A.M.
109 ElInwoQd Ave .. 9.45 A. M. HAND BAG on E~~ex :I\'euue, het\\'ceu
Have You Paid Home-made cakes, pies, rolls,
14 Tennis Association Dance .. : Elm Hall candies, etc. for sale by the
Jan. 14 Community Club ChontS .....•........ 229 Essex Ave 2.00 P. M.
scho(.1 and station, .lauuary G. 'l'rip
tieket, llIone:r all<1 othcr yulul1ble~,
Your Subscription Entre Nous Girls for the bene-
fit of the Holiday House, 10-1.
Jan. 14 ConmlUnity Orchestra ••..•.•.......•• 312 Essex Ave 3.45 P. M. I'lea~e retum to 1'. O. Reward. :Mi~~
Jan. 15 •.•• Children's Dancing Class ......•••...• Comnumity Room 2.00 P. M. Fny Fluck. (13·~) to "OUR TOWN"?

OUR TOWN regbter a dog ill the eouuty in which Telephones,

Of course, WI
such Ilog- is kl'pl, as pro\"idell iu Dog deliver - anJ
Law {If .IHJ";, is a tille not exceeding place - an,
OF NARBERTH, 1268 time,
An Exp~riment in ~-operative $HJO.OO or illll'ri"ollllll'lIt uot exceediug'
Journalism-No Paid Workers. j hl'l'e mouths.
Burgess, The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Dogs uol ('l'gist l'I'l'd h.\· ,Jaullar.\· 1Jth
Owned and Published every Saturday of l'al'11 yl'al' ma.\· 1Il' shot hy State
Cnrroll Dowues. A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. GallJ{~ \\'ardl'II" or all.\· IOl'al oniuer. For Council,
failure to perf 01'111 his Iluty ullller pro· W. H. D, Hall, Pl'l'sident,
Subscriptiou price one c!'ollar al1l1 fifty William .J. Heudersou.
\'i"ious of llli" at'!, "udl polil'e ollieer
cents pel' year in luhance, DUlliel Leitl'h, .
shall Ill' li:d>ll' to a 1Il'IIalty of t \\'0 dol· lll1gh BI'Olnl,'
Iars for l'al·h oll'l'lIst'. Cai'l B. ~[et;l.gar, Asbestos Insulating Company
All." lil'l'llsl'd dog fouJld l'l1tllling at
Walton ~r. Weutz. 315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
March 26, 1920. lal'g-('. 1I1J:U'('lJlllp:lllil'll lQ' it~ O\Yllel',
Presiden t, Hohert ,J. Edgar. ilia." 1'1' l'i,·I;I',1 up alld illl]Jl1uudl'd, IUIlI Secretary of Councils, PHONES
Vice·President, Joscph H. Nash. if 1101 I':dll'd for alld fille pai,!. shall he Chadl's Y. :\oel. Norristown 791 Market 4686
........ --
Narberth 302-J or 661-J
Vice·Presi,lent, Auguslus .J. Loos. d i:-ill():-;t'd t)L Borough Treasurer,
Vice·President, ~[I's. C. P. Fowler.
Treasllrer, ?I[i"s .\[aizie ,I. 8inlpsoll. Lil'l'llst'" \\i[l 1I0t hI' i",,"ed to for· Elhdll P. Void.
Secretary, Miss Huth Eo Prescott. l·j;!.'Il-hol'lI 111111:11 1Il'aljzt~d IH'I'son:-;, :l1l(1 Borough Solicitor, Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
~Il(·ll h:lrhorill~
Directors] 92:;, ~[rs. A. B. Ross, Mrs.
D. D. Stic](!)ey, ,J. Garfield Atherholt,
:111.'" JII'I' ...;OIl klll'!dllg"
:1 dog· j:-; SUhjl't't to :t HIll' of $~;).OO or
(11' Pletdll'l' W. ::itites.
ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
Street Commissioner,
I. A . .:\[i!ler, C. LIl\\"l'ence Warwick, A. illl jll'i :-i(lIIII1I'llt.
E. Wohlert; DirectorR ]n2S, ,I. ,f. Ca· Gl'llrgp ~lIl'lee.
'1'1", Il"l'lll'tllll:llt of ,\gl'icul1ure has
brey, Walter ,\. Fox, H. H. Hillegas,
Chnrles II. A. Chain, W. H. D. Hall,
Harry A .•Incohs; DirectorR ]nZ], F. A.
illn IIg'!l 1':1 t (Ill :t l",,·s1Pllla 1 jt', 1111)t hOl1 for
I'liforl'illg tIds ,\l'I of ,\"sI'III111y, for tIle
Tax Collector,
HIIYIIlOIIL! C. ,Jolles. .- .... - ...... _.- ..-._--
Lannhnll, Vaniel Leitch, Gl'orge 'I'. Assessor,
Knutzen, ,J. B. "es!,l'l', Fletcher W.
/,r o l""tion of lin'stol'k, 1'0lll1ry and
Canl"11 "'arlll'r.
Stites. To enable us to take still better care of our suburban business, particu-
.\ fl'\\' \\'l'l'l" ag-o, st ra~' dogs killed Bui1(ling Inspector, larly in Narberth, we take grelit pleasure in announcing the opening of a
HARRY A. JACOBS, 11'11 ,1n('];s 111 B"lnloJlt Ha,'e 'I'rack, and ,I. Tayl"r Darlington.
it j" ,Jt.p]'('c!nt ions of this kiJld \\'hich
Editor. Council nll'l'ls in Council ROOIII,
('nll for 1 he "II
t'OI'I'enll'llt ot' the Dog Elm Hall, al S 1'. ~L Oil the sec'
for the tl'anB'lction of a general real estate and inBuranre business.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, Ln\I'. ond ::Uollllay in each mOllth. ?lIeet·
ings arc open to the public. Com· We have been specializing in Narberth real estate for the past ten years
Oashier. and have great confidence in Narberth's future. We have built up an
mittees of COllnci I IIIl'et on the
\Verlnesday cYl'nillg illlnll'dia tely
organizatinn on the corner stone of "S ERVICE" and our references are
Send all advertising and news items to anyone with whom we have done business.
LAST OF SACRED CONCERT SERIES precellillg 1 he mOllthly 1I11'eting' of
P. O. Box 966. Client. are ;nlJ; eJ to U8e the Faci/itie. of our new Branch ,,(fice
Couneil. or nur P~;"c;pQl office ot No. InOI Ch,.tnut Street, Phila.
Our Town is on sale at the depot Walnut 4444 Race 1580
newsstund, and at the store of H. E, It i" d"l'l'ly I"';..:-retll'c! thai Ihl' ~reth,
Entered as second·class matter
oc!ist ('hOI'IIS Choir, 1I11,lt-1' 111l' ,Iil'l,,·tioll
"I' I'rof. ('. C. :\i'·I'. has finished its
Incoming Mails Arrive. ROBERT J. NASH
October 15, 1914, at tho Post Office r.t H'l'it\~ of 11Illl'i{·:d s(')'\·i~·p:-: wllit·h :-:t:ll'tt'd
(;.40 A.~L":"'Prom all points.
!l.1l0 i\.~I.-Loeal frolll Paoli.
Real Esla'e find Insurance Broker
Narberth, Pcnnsylvunia, under the act 111'1'lJl'(' ('Jll'i;-;l lIla:-:. Tlll':-;l' IlItl:-,j('all':-' \\'1'1'(' 111.45 A.M.-Prom all points. 1001 Che.tnut Street, Philadelphia
of March, 1879. ;.!re:JtI.\· aPI"'l'l'iatl'd h~' large o\'erllo\\' I~.OO ~L-From all points. BRANCH OFFICI-:: NARBERTH ST ATION
1·llJJ.~T(':']::lt-ioJls. 1.45 P.~I.-Prolll all points.
:UO P.~L-Loeal from Paoli. Member, Philadelphia Eatat. Bcard
This Inst "OIlI'I'l't, h"ld lasl :-,\nnd:I:,' 4.,15 l'.~L-Prolll all points.
OUR TOWN will gladly print (,\·l'llillg", ill('lwlt'(l iOllally
llIHlI.," t'XI'l'pt (i.:iO P.:;\L-Local 1'1'011I Paoli.
any news it~m about any subject tlifli .. 1l11 Ilumhers. "I!l'h as "\yJ,o"o
that is of interest to Narberth Ihl'l'1II'th." h,\' ~Ial'tin: "nlt,,'i:1 ill I';x, Mails Close for Departure.
folks, but in order to meet the '·I'l~is." ",\s I'allt, thl' ]]arl.·' I'!l'. S.H A.?lI.-For all [Joints.
printing schedUle, all "copy"
-manuscripts-must reach the
The l·hol'lls ,,'as supplemellted and ac,
I'ollipallied h~' ~rr. Bcrtranll A. Allstin,
1.00 P.~I.-Fol' nil points.
1.20 P.M.-Local to Paoli.
:uu l'.~r.-For alI pointR.
editor by 6 P. M, Wednesday each a 1I:l'nil,el' of thl' Philadl'll'lrja (Jr")II'''' 4.20 P. ~r.-Locnl to Paoli.
week. Il'a, \dlo !'l'ul1<'I'I'11 ,<'\'end spl"ndid (i.~!J P.~r.-For nil pointR. Greatest Reductions ever known in the History of
"'1,110 solos. the Tailoring Trade.
It is Illld,'r,tootl thllt the ~[elhodist ~rail nrri\"es i.lO A. ?II. Every Style of the Famous Ansonia Woolens has been
('I:OI'Il" Choir \\'ill g'i\'l' spe('iaJ IlIl1si .. :!1 ~Iail eloses 5,~5 P. ~L
SAT., JANUARY 8, 1921 "·I'\·il'l's tlr .. 1:1'1 :--lllllda,\' or l'1I1,1t IlIllllth,
reduced to Rock Bottom Prices.
""d I'I'0hllhl~' a large oratorio ill tIJI' MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA· This is YOUR opportunity to buy a suit or overcoat,
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS :--Jll'ill,!!", lIud('r Prof. ~il·t' ':-; pHkil'Jl1 di- TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS
Hand Tailored in the latest style, absolutely 100 % All Pure
Fire, 350 I'l'l·jillp-. Wool. at a Great Bargain.
Police, 1250 Suit with extra Pair Pants, $35.00
EIIPllg'!J (,J't'di1 1':lIJIlO! Ill' g-i'"('11 10 tll('
President-Mrs. H. J. Holston, Fort
)l1'llro:li"t ('hlll"'h ill their selel'1ioll of Washington. French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. Scouring, Pressing,
I'rnf. Cl, C. \"il'l' n:-- :l dil'l'I,1or of ! hl·i!'
Editorial ("lloil'. :1"'; :111 1I1l1l."i1t:l1 (,l1tll'li" h:l .... ~jJr!lIl~·
D. T. Jones, Repairing. Work Guaranteed, Prices reasonable.
Telephone us, Narberth J 749 R, and our automobile
I;;l 0'"(']' llig']J1, i1 ~l'enlFi,
due greatly to
'ii" ,'x,·,'/,t iOllal opportunity each mcm' Secrl'tary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, No.1" will call at your home for your clothes.
NOTICE herth.
jll'!' JI:l:-; ill :td\:llit't'd 1r:!illillg' froJlI thi:-;

](':1 (lpI'. Treasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion.

In regard to Whooping Cough cases
Chihlren \\'h" al'l' thelllselves iIllIIlUlll', 102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pat
owillg til a pl'l'\'ious attaek of whoopillg'
cOllgh, an' l"'l'lIlitfl',1 to go to schoo] HETTY'S SWEE'T'S
Open E, enir>gs Until 9 O'clock

not\\'ith s tallllillg thl' [J1'l'sollee ill the
falllilr of ot h,'l' l'asl'S of whooping
Geo. B. Suplee,
Xmas Candies~-~e~ f----· ----------------------------------------------,
8e(,l'l'tllr:. of' BOlIl'oI of' Health.

CHOCOLATES at 70c. Ib.-5 lbs. $3.25

HOI'Sl"lll'uwII n'hil'I"s alld 1>il·.\'des "11
the Ilia ill highways of I'l'III1S.\·h'ullia at
CHOCOLATES at . 90c. Ib.-5 lbs. 4.25
NUTS and FRUITS at $1.15 Ib.-5 lbs. 5.25 II RAINEY
nighl \\'ill 1)(' l'l'quil'l'd to tli"l'lay lig-hts

in thl' fntlll'l', as I'l'ljllil'l'd h.Y lhl' la\I'
,'ll'l'I'! i\'e ./111.\' I. Jill!l. 'I'hl' l'I'lIl1syl.
\lIl1ia ])el'al'llIlI'lIt oj' :--lta'" 1',,1i"l' \\'ill GIFT BOXES, Etc.
l'II1'ol'('(\ 11)(\ law rigidly, at.·l'ordillg' 10

8>fade a.t our own factory, 6040-42 Ma.rket St., Philadelphia.
~ra.iol' Lynn n. ,\oIIIIIlS, I Ill' SIl!'l'l'illtClld·
I'lit. made at the best and most modern equipped
Fren:~ ~~s_t:~ .-'
Delicious Fruit Cake $1.00 lb.
),rallY l'ep(Jrt'~ :11'l' (·()JJlill).!.' f(1 flit.' Statt'
l'olil'l' hea,lljllarll'l'·" "I' SllIash'lIl" al ------------,----_._._-,_._-------------~
coke plant in the world, and at pre-war prices
night lH'twl't11l :ltlt(llll()ldh'~ :llId hlll'~t'­
dl'lIl\'1I n'llil·ll's lhat d" II lit ,·al'J'.\· USE THE COUPON
Jig'lI t:",. 1II ~IlIII4.' i ns1 :lIIl'('S I h't'S 11~ \"(\ You can use this fuel with or without Anthracite
llPen In:-:t lH.'(':JlI!"il ' flip lnw W:IS lIof oh- If you want to see your Town get everything it ought to have,
sen'!'ll. 'I'hl' ~tat" I',di,'" 111'1' ,kt!'I" you will join in the Playground Project. It's an investment-with coal either for cooking or heating. We are told
lllinetl to I'llf:t ~top 1(1 1hi:-: di~)'{',~·:tt'd of' interest. You don't give the money away. but you do make it plain that great cities of the Middle West use coke ex-
life alld pl'opel't.\·. clusively for these purposes. There is no slate,
that you are a citizen-of-service in fact, the kind on whom progress
It is 1II'l'sl'rihe,1 Oil Ihl' stlltntl' 1)(l0I;s
t1wt at· It'ast 0111' \\'hitl' lighl shall 1,..
must depend. Sign up before December 15th. The movement needs no waste of any kind.
\"i,ih)" for ~OO fl'l'! 1'1'011I fl'Ollt and 1'l'1I1' your support.
(If all YPhi('l(\s lllo,'illg 0]' ~t:llldill;! 1111 Give this product a fair unprejudiced trial and
the I'n]>lil' high\\'a.,·s het\\'I'l'1I SIlIlSl't IIl1d help bring down the price of Anthracite ,(now a
SIIlIl'i"I'. l'al'til'n1al' att!'lItioll \\·ill hI' Narhl'l'th Pla~';..:-rollll,1 "\"'Ol'iat iOIl, Narherth, Pa.
rich man's luxury,)
g-iYPlI h.'" 111(1 polit'(' 10 iralli,· I't'gnla-
1 go 011 J'l','or,1 as dl',.]al'il!g that J 11"lie\"l) in the 'I'O\\'U \\'hl'l'e ( mal(e
tiolls ('II thl' tl'llllk high\\'a~',' 01' thc'
nl~' home and tllat I :lIn \\'illing 10 al'l'ept my part of the gelleral ohligatioll The price is $9.50 chuted in, and $10.00
in ell'!'l't ing its \\'l'll'al'e anll I' 1'0gI'l''''. 'I'herl'fol'e, I Rn!JRl'l'ibe to . carried, per net ton anywhere in this district.
sha I'l'S of stol'k ill thl' "'arl>!'rl h I'la~·ground As,ol'iation, at $100 eal'h, terllls
DOG LICENSES FOR YEAR 1921 :JI)(1 "OIlllitioll" as ad\"erti",',1 in a I'reYionR issue of OUI' 'l'o\\'n.

'l'hl' COtltlt~· '1'J'{'asllrL'l' lit ;\'orristo\\'n

i":llne .. , .........•............•........ , ... , ..... C. P. COOK
i;..; no,{- iS~llillg' dol.! li('t'Ill'w~ :lJlfl -1a~':-\
for the )"I'al' ]!J21.

Suhsl'ril'tiolls takell for olle to tell Rhares.

, , .....•........ , .
Coal • 'Wood Coke

l'ersclls oWllillg do~·s shoulc! St'u<1 til
him for' <1og li"l'llsl' :;pp]il'atioll hlaul",
~[u il npplil'a IiOIl to Harry A .•Jaeohs, Treasurer, Narberth Playgrolln,l NARBERTH, PA.
Assol'intioll, :1 Elm\\'ood n\'elllH'. Phonl' (j(i2·.r.
elll'losillg a tWO""'lIt stUlIlp for ]1 ostllgl'.
'1'!1l' mnxilllulll 1'l'lIult~· for faililll-\'.,to
• ••• ------- •••••• --. __ J

p. .... . ... .....__~.

••_ ......_ _ ••_ ......- .....
---. ...
- - . - . - . - . - - - - - -....- -....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....- -....- - - - -....- -....- - - - -.... ---t

The NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB opened December 22, 1920

It is not what a man makes, but what he saves, that spells SUCCESS
Join our Christmas Club now forming and save a certain sum each week, systematically
Deposit $ 25c. weekly and get $ 12.50 plus interest
" "
" " 100.00 "
" I
" " " " 250.00 " "
Or join the 2c. or Se. progressive or reducing class.

----~.-_._.-._._ .._.-......__.....-_...._--...._-...... .._--.-._.-.-.. _----------- -- --.

-.~_ _ ..-._-_.-._.--------_....._-_.__....._---------_._-----------
A ~S~UT~.E!A
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. tho Bild t ·, P:-,. ] IH: t:';!l-j::n.·' L('adt.'l', 7.4;) 1'. },[,-E\'l'lIillg \\. 0 I'"J Ii 1'. with
11.00 A. M.-M01'lling service and scI" ~riss Cha rIot t e Hillega,;. ~';l'rlll(l1J hy t hl pa~t Ol' Oil '~TIIl' ('rilllc of

man. 7045 P. :o.1.-E\'l'lIillg WOl'ship. Till' l'II,·olleern. " Finest Photoplay The-
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. A free autobus brings the children to
i"('cOlltl will iJt.~ ,l.!-iYl'!1 011 t ht·
HCl'1l101l Church Notes. atre 01118 Size In the
and from Snnday School and the memo Entire World.
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Fa.. hers to and from Church, leaving Nar· topic, "Tl'xts That Jl:l\-e :o.Iac!t' },!l'll: I'I'II,\'C'I' allcl praise sl'l'\·ic·e 1I,'xi \\'ecl-
Pb.toplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.39
berth Station at 9.40 and lOAD. If :o.[l'n \Vho IIaH' ~[lIdl' IIi,;tory," .Jolll1 Ilt':-d:ly (·\'t'Hillg. SlIh,jpt'L "T}\(, Chri~t­
requested it will leu\'e the station at P.M.
Merion Meeting is open for worship B. Gongh, H('h. i: :2.,. ancl "I'rohihi- i:, II '" 1'1'0],11'111 in AdditiOIl.' ,
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. 8.00 for the early ser\'ice. Phila.• Pa.
t jClll." lnl"pirillg" ~(JJlg :-;cr\·icc b~~ the Thp \rl':--fll1iJlsh'r ('irell' has IHadp
We cOLdially welcome any visitors who ('OJlgTf'ga tiOli. fnll lll']'allg'('lIlellts for the ":1\'II]'sery,"
desire to worship with UB. Church Notes. \\·hl'I'I' ,·ltilc!n.·11 \\'ill b,' c':lI·,'d 1'01' tllIr·
illp: thl' houl' (If lJ10l'llitll..\' ;rol'ship. Par-
EVANGEL. }'Ionclll~' at :2 :1I1f1 i.::O 1'. ,1.-" i,l-
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. ('lItS al',' c'oj'tlililly ill\'it"t! to hrillg their
willter rally of tlll' ',"OIlJaIl', Hap! ist
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
:o.lissionary SO('iet~' of Ih,' Philacll'lphill Jittle "hiJcll'c'lI to the 111'1'1'1' ]'00111 ill thl' PROGRAM
Rev. Avery S. Dell1DlY, Pastor.
,\ssoc'illtion jn tllc' Fir"t Bllplbt <'hlll',·h. IIC'\\' aclditioll to thl' .. hllrc·h jCHIlO\'l'OW
Earl~' :o.Iass 011 SUlldays at 7 A. 1\1. IIIOl'lIillg' Pl'C1I II pt 1.\' at 11 0',,10,,1;.
Tnl'sc!ay. (i.:;O 1'. ~r.-,\ IIllllal 'II pl'('r
~0ryid'S ~lIl1da.\'. . 1:l1In:lr~' n, 1fl:l1: rnu 1'('1!ular 1ll{)IIt-hly IIIt,ptillg of thp
La te ?-Iass, 10 A. :0.1.
n.::n A. :o.[,--l'rnyer sen·ice.
allc! hll~illcss llIeet ill;.!.' of th(' l"!lI1l'c·h.
l\Iasaes 011 holy days, O.:W alld 8.:30 \\rl'(l II csclay. S.lIll 1'. ,r.-~[id·\\'(·"I; \\',·'tllliIlSt,,1' Cil'c']P will ],e held at the
A. l\I. \Veel{(lays at S. E\'elling de\'o- !I.~;J ,\. ,r.---~c'"i"II' "I' thp lhl,lc' 1101lle of tl)(' I'I'l'sicll'lIt. :o.[l's. 'Yillis X.
:-;lJJlg' :11,,1 I'r:l.\~(·I' :-i('I',·il·l ' • It'd by t 11(' p:l:-:.
tions alld other ser\'ices at regular ~"hooJ. :o.[i1Js. on FO\'l'est avenue, on next Thurs-
tOI'. Sllh.iel'1," 'l'h,' GI'l'at U"fnslll,"
times. 11.00 A. :o.L-~[ orlli II;.!.' \\·tlr,hip. '1'1,,· da~' e\·elling. :o.l"l's. ~[i1Js will Jll' a""bl·
IJ:l,jtlr \yill gin' 1he H'C'OI\(l ill 1110
",'rips til' S"rIlIOIlS Oil c, \Vh~' T Belie\'e:
:o.lat1. 1fl: 16·30.
Yon will he \\·"lc-onlf' to IItt"lld all~'
I,d ill tIll' plltl\rtaillll}('n1 oj' her gU0:-it:\ "Midsummer Madness"
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE· or all of these :-;t"ll'\"j{·(l:-:.
1t.\. :1[1''', ~[lIl1nillg allcl ~II". ~h:I\\'. Thl'
'V I1\' 1 H"Ji,,\'p ill 1h,' Hihh'." :I1H' a ('ir('lp i~ pl:l11llillg' til g-h-C' :\11 C'nf'C'l'-
c.hil·,]rell's ohjec-t sermon on "'1'he Lit· 1ailllllelit ill thl' c'hlll','h 011 'l'hul'stlllY
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Ten~. tl,' Hous" YOII Li\'e In.'' METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. t"'llllillg: •• J:llln:lr.,~ ~i.
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. i.on 1'. ~r.-YOIIII;.!.' 1',·ttl,1p's :0. [l'"t illg'. Thl' Sl'lIIl,,'r Pickli" Bihll' Clllss heW
Sunday sen'ices: 'I'ttpic·. "'I'hc' :o.[o,t ])"lp1'ul Pa'Sage in
8.15 A. M.-Holy COlllll1union. Rev. Arthur S. Walls. Pastor. it" 1I1n1l1hl~' hu,illl'f's 1I11cl sOl'ial IIIl'eI' MAIN PUOUUCTION STARTS AS NII:A.•
ill.g· at thl' httllll' 01' ~[,i"s ~[:II'~lIl'l't BlIl·
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 1I1.. 12.00, '.00,
~IIIItJ:,y.. 111
II llll I'y . UJ h: lillg':tll la~t rplll1r~(lH~· P\l'llill,Q'.
8•.J5. 5.45. 1.45. 9.80 P. H.
!I.~;) ,\.".--SIIII':I1.'· :-:,·lIttol.

Narberth Register 11.1111 .\. ~[,-"ol'nillg' \I·ol',hip. TIlt'

1'""101' \\'ill 1'1'('lIc·h dlll'illg tllf' :-:nlldllY ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE-

Two Lines, JOe per issue; Sc for each additionailine

1111111:-' (Ill
of .J:lllll;II'~· a
TlIt, fil':-,t \\"ill Ill' i
III' :-,PI"-

Rev. Gillson Bell. Rector.

I'l'l"It'lll'd thi:-: JlltlJ'lJiIlg-. tllp'tt IIp-
Rev. l\l[allJone H. Birckhead. Associate.
Raymond Wei.s, Proprietor
,JUl'lisoll, .:\nne. Violin Instruction. ing·. ·'\\·h.\' ".(' Pray." The otlll'l' "'1'
Gottshall. II. Ii:. I'llblic AC('Ollllt:lllt. 303
~onway ':\'\"('111)('. Nal'l)t'l'tll, Pa.
Kelm, II. C. Certified Public Accountant.
Telcpholll', Narberth
l.ous, Fanus II. Piano
1111111:-: of tlip :-,pri{':-, will hi' .J:lllt1:ll'~· lli.
~111IlI:I.\· ..!1I II ua 1'.\' !It h. J!I~l:
203 Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth aoo-W. :-;tllc]ict. Arcade Bldg.
l\iOTAltl' PUBLIC.
I'hone. 3]G-J. dThp llra."t'!' Lifp of .-)(l:-:l1S'··; .lall11:II','"
~::. "\rh~· ~1I111e Pl':l~'tll':-- ~\n' :\ ot ~-\II­
S.l;) .\. ,r.-Httl~· ('el'"l1,ullittll. EXPERT REPAIRING
,\SIlES'j'OS CO\,j,HI;o;U. !l.-\.) ,\. ,r.-Chul','h Sl'11001.
Ash('~tn!'l 11l!-i1lIlltin~ ConlIJUII~',
detferle•• d. 11. III Narberth ave. ""c'r"t! ": .1:1 IIllll 1'.\' ;;11. ".\ ('llll to In- Telephone Narberth 1633
31iJ ,Yo ~lai·1l stl'l'ct. ~()l'ristuwn: I:a. Phone. 666-M. 11.011 ,\. '[,--'[ol'lIill;.!.' ]>l'lI.\·el' 1I11l1 H'I'- I
Spp 11i~play adverti:-;plIll'ut in tIllS lSSlIP. ~iml)SOn, narrJo' A. 232 Essex Ave. t('I'I·(':-i:--10tl."
I'hollP. Narberth <l3G. !HOII. ~fH\l·i:ll lllll:-:i(·:il :-It'l'\,j(,{,. ~()l()j:-,~.
fi.·Li P. :\[.~EJlw(jrth 1.. I':lgul' d(I\·o·
AU'J'O)IOIULES. TYson. \Varren R. Phone, Narberth 1202· W. hoy,oloi,t I'l'ellll :-:1. 'lark '" Choir. Phil-
Lee.' Garage-Repairing. Etc. Phone. 160&. tiollal IlH'I t i II g..

l\illrberth ('"rllg'c. I'hone Na.rberth 1033. Ol'TICIAr.S adell'llia.

J'entull. Carl 11'. 506 l'Jssex ave. Phone, 618-\'\ i.-I:, P. ~r.-I.;\·ellillg· \\'ol',hip. SOl"
~ .." ctisJllay ,\(I""rtiselllent III this Issue.
Phlla. addre.... 1808 Cbe.tnut .to Loau.t III
Zentmayer, Josel,h. 228 S. ]uth st.. Phlla.
IIlllll 1,.\' thc' pllstttr 011 th"IIIt'. ""'hat ~l 01 ell' hilS wiJI IC'lI \(' :\al'b"1'1 h Sf a· "BIGGER BUSINESS'
Do YOIl 1';xl'e('t Yttlll' Chllr{'h to Do for tioll lit n.::o 1I11c! 111.-111 .\. ~r.
Donahue I·nlric1' l·~. PhollP lOa:). In order to handle an in-
See 1l1;Jlln~' ,ul\'l'rtIRelll:"t ill thl~_~;,sne. PAINTERS
Wlllzer. Fred. You?"
811hit.~ Cel1!"iort'. Pllollt'. l"arhC'l'tll .hl:-.
1t 7 Wlneor ave. Pbone. 1247-J. Mid·Week.
creased volume of M.UN
S(,C' <l is play :lll "('I't j:-;PJlll'll t ill lllJS lSSUP.
BANKS I'AI'Jclt IL\l\i(i1S('. \\"l'tllIl'st!a.\' ..1:(Illlal'.\· l~. i.OIl P. }'L-
Illerloll Title &: Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore I. B(J~·d. ][orut'c S. :U:; :\l(\ptill~ IIOlI~(' LUBt'. ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. , () add to OUR SERVICE,
a:Jo. PI't'pal':l1ol'.Y lI1CJllhl'l's' (,1:1:--:-i.
See dlMpla~.. advertisement in this hume. PllolIP Presidl'lIt-:Mrs. D. D, SticlUley. CITY and COlllMERCIAL
S,OO P. },L-PrllY('I' 11ll'et illg. Vice·Presiclent-MI'~ .. J. B. Darling-ton.
Shallll, Alex. C.. ,Jr. Phone, No. 1710. uArcadla." 16th and ChflBtnut at_.. PhU. Sl'cretary-:Ml's. C. L. ~[cLl'an. joined forces with-
~ee dlspla)' advert1eament In tblll Isaue
Narberth Station. . Treasurer-Mrs. H. C. Keim.
Smcdle~·. \\'m. O. &: II. T. Phone. (j00. I'U l''''ICL\ ;0;:-;.
Sfl'~ display advertisement tn this isBue, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
J)lluicl l~. Stedt'm, .". J) ••
:!12 Forrest Ave, PhOIH'. ~nl'bcrth nOl.
Chainlleu of Committees. ALBERT HALL
Da,'I~. 11. E. Phone. 1264-W. 011lee lIours: (j to :.; 1'. ~1. Rev. JOIUl Van Ness, Minister. ~[emhel'ship-Mrs. Samuel Dieldt'. 810-12 LAND TITLE BUILDING
See dlsplny advertiselnent In thtl!l hU1U6. Visiting-:!\[rs. Romaille Hoffillall.
nett~'·1'i ~\\"eet!i
I'LU)16ING. ETC. ~r('('tillf!:-; for lI('xt Sunday: Philadelphia, Pa.
Cool, Bros. PholIP 302·J. House-l\Irs. W. N. l\fills.
See displaY nd\'l'rtiselllent in this 18sue. !U') A. :o.['-:3IlIl,la.\· Seh"o!. ,\. pla,'e Social-Mrs. G. Merritt Dayis.
CARI'ESTImS ANIl BUILDER!' \\'1111. II. B. 1'11011". Nar!J('rth ](j02·J. " Phone. Spruce 749/ for Real
Jenkins. Chas. L. See d18play advertisement 1n tblll l :1I1l1 a \I'l'lc'ollle 1'''1' all. lI[lI"ic--?-Irs. T. NOl'I But]er. Estate Ser'bice that brin9s results"
103 DUdley ave. Phone. lUS4. REAL ESTATE H.OO A.'llillg· \;·ol'ship. Brief.
(luldwelJ, .J. A. Phone. ]US7 Sel'llIOII ],,\' thl' pastor. fttllo\l",j ]'.\' pllh·
l'rntuJltol1l, darne,;, & SODS.
See <1hlplllY advertleement In tblll 1•• U.
)o'raseh. II. C. Phone. 262- W. lie l'(l(,llptioll of Ill'\\" lllL1lllhel":-- :llItl l'l'h ' · H. C. FRITSCH BENT T. RYBERG
23ll Hampden ave. Phone, 1697·'V. See dleplay adv.rtleement t~ thle luue ],I'atitlll of th,' Sll C' I'll IIll'll 1 of 1 he LOl'cl's
lI~'berg', Bent 'I'. Spruce 7-J!)1.
DEN'J'ISTS S('e display advertisement In this Issue. Sllp]>c'r. ,\11 Christiall'; an' illdtc',r to
Pnpertlell For Bent and Mal,
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone. 3U-W. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 606.
pal'lieipntl' ill this (,1'1l'1>r:ltioll. Fire Jusoranele
Phlla. Phone. FUbert 4252. Keltb Bldlr. Money tor Flret and Second Mortlr&lrel
Sehembs, Ur. ,John. Pholle Narberth 316· 'V.
cor. Grayllng and Windsor aves.
Office Honrs until [) 1'. M. !latly.
SIIU(uwu. JnlneR C. 232 El!lsex ave.
Phone. 636. or 1420 Che.tnut .t.
7.00 P. ~L-Sl'lIiol' alit! .11IlIior Christ.·
itlll Elldc:l Yo!" lIH1(lting's.
Bell Pbone 169 W. For Permanent
HOOFING. ETC. W.,II IlulldJng. Narberth. Pe
Ho",ard's. Phone, 1267.
DRUGGISTS (,lOrIl-J\le(llnley Co. Phone, 1268-W.
Ree advertleement tn thl. le.ue.
AI Iller. John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone. 661-J
See dlspln.~ advertisement In thll!l lasue. Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Phone. 1336-J
C".e, W. (;. Phonl'. 3[);)·\\'. Huud "~eBr Shoe Relu", Shop,

See dI8p1a,,' advertisement III this Issue. C(JJls(I1JltlIH~, U. G. ~;j:! Haverford five,

Smedley Built "orne

Pugh. Veri ~26 lona ave. PhoTl". NarbC'rth ]700· W.
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Phone. 168-.1. ~nrl)("rth Shoe StCJrt~. ~O~) Hun'rford n'·p.
1',,(' lllsplay acl\'ertlselllPllt III this IS8U~.
Bowman. Sumuel P. (Life.) "rIIlHl.t. n.
2:H Hun'r!"orc] n\'C'.. Narlwrth.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 661-W. S('P db-:plny uth'l!rl h"Ptll(~1I t in tllls i~su('.
LllJlnhnn, ]"rederkl, .:\.
Na rherth. I'n.
~Oj Forl'('st five.,
See ,lIspl:I,,' adverUst'mellt III this Issne.
Trotter Bros. (Fire. etc.)
The Lower "Ierioll 'l'nilor eomlJnn~',
102 Porrp~t A\,ellllP, l'arl.lPl'th. Pa.
See cllsplay ncl\'l'rtiselll(>lIt III this Issue.
209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. U62-R.
Wimer, Wm. Wood. 106 Forest Avenue.
Phone. 326 R.
The above department Bllould be or tb.
grea.test UBe to the community, the I1J!1t COD
talne the name of every profe88lonal lDan
tradesman. mechaniC. ehopkeeper. etc.• wh,
ROOFING Phone, Narberth 1687
GlIroy. JobD 211 E ••e" ave. Phone. 124&-R.
Phlla. addre... Lincoln Bldlr.
Stlte.. Fletcher W. 413 Hav.rford ave.
doelS or can in any way serve his tell OW'
townsman, and who 18 progressive enoual
to add name to lIet of Regl.ter. J. A. CALDWELL
Phone. 372-W Phlla. addr•••. Crozer Bldlr. A. It Is dlmcult for thoee contrlbutlnl
their time and elforte to the produatlon or
"Our Town" to per-onally either know 01
Jobbing promptly attended to REAL ESTATE
LIGlITING FIXTURES Interview all such. It ... ould be moet help.
McDonald John. Narberth pbone. UU. rul If thoee not now tound In the prints"
1633 Cbest.•t .. Phlla. Pbone. Spruce IIIK. Uet would eend In • lDemo ot tbelr nalD••
addrese. phone number- and bu.lne..... 0' NIGHT PHONE NAR. 687 DAY PHONE NAR. 302J and INSURANCE
~IEATS. ETC. professions tor IIstlnlr. This ..m co.t a. tol
Cotter, Ho"ard F. Phone. 1291. low.: 10 cent. eaah I••ue tor 1 lin.. : 6 a.nb
See adverU.ement In thl. I••ue. fnr ~aah addItional \In•. NARB£RTH, PA.


HANGED BY RED TAPE. ilia ill of' hOllOI', \Yt)l'll gporg-l't I-e OVCI'
orchid satin, a silnr lace hat and cnr·

Kill That Cold With Tl,,' door of' the snlJ{~l'int('ndc,Jlt's of-
ti,'e nt thp ,'oullly as)'hlln hUl'st open
lIll,l ll1e new al t I'ndant rllshe(l in
ricd wldle lIl"l on'lIid sw""t peas. 'I'hl'
hridesllIai(ls, Miss Dlll'lll h)' Durbin, Miss
A ugust a \\'ill1el'ow lIu<l ~Iiss .Jall"
~'Ll:~ ,1
!ll'I'a t hlessly.
"Sir," he r('portp<I, ".Iou,'s has jnst.
Lnircl, wore ,'hal'll]('II:'" with ol'hl'e Jael'
nu<l !lrowlI lulle sashes an,l hrown laee
ha IIgl'<I himself." hat~. They carried pink roses.

CASCARA QUININE • i c\ 11<1 ,lid )'011 "ut hilll down?" de-

11I1IIll1,',l 111" sUjll'ri Ilh'llllcut in excite,
:\1r. Durhi II was n t tended by Perry
R(',lifpl·. The lishprs were Horace T.
f';1111~<lh')', R. H. Dllrhin, .Jr., and Ea·
~O.M\1) "Oh, 110, sir. Ill' wasn' yet." wn n1 ElI~iHp"pr.
Colds, Coughs La Grippe A 1't PI' 1he "<'1'1'111(11)' :\[1'. a lid 1frs,
BII1Pdlpy PlltprfaiJlPd nt :l ]'tll'ept iOrI.
Neglected Colds are Dangerous Pol1o",ing lhpi1' \\'I,tltling jou1'np~'. ;'[1'.
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. OFFICERS MAIN LINE COMMUNITY
alld ;'fl's. ])llr1lill \\'ill Ii"" at .Inl \\'0011,
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves
hilll' a\'pnIlP. :'\ar1)('l'lh.
Grippe in 3 days-Excellent fol' Headache
Quinine in this form docs not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic President-William Wood 'Vimer,
Laxative-No Opiate in HilI's. :'\arbcrth.


First Vice,President-:M:rs. Ed\\". Y.
Hartshol'lle, H:n'erford. AMERICAN LEGION
Second Vice-Pl'('sidcnt.-P. H. Chase, (Continued from Page 1.)
Bala. .
Treasurer-H. 'V. Sholton, Narberth.
Secretary-Leah T. Cadbury, Haver' 1ft' \\":I~ ('Jlgag-pel 1u :l IH Hut.if111 Yl)llJl~

If It Were a Newspaper He Could Have FOR WEIGHTY REASONS.

ford. \\'Olliall-,"he die,],
Digested the News. Board of Directors. Ellterillg- politics agaill, he rail 1"1>1'
Blinks-" '1'he undel'crust. t.o t.hat. :\Ii~s Stout hal1 heen ill\'ited to tho
tlipalTe hy her fiauI'p allll was natnrally ~1l's.'V. A, Barr, '''ayne. COllg:rcss, :l1Hl was ag'uiJl dcfeatccl.
chicken pie ,r0u brought. me was ubom-
filIp,l widl pleasul'ahk anticipation, " Dr. C. A. Fox, Ardmore. Hl' then tric<l to get. Ull appointlll"l1 t
inahly tough."
~[i"s Sidney Enms, Merion.
\Yaiter-" '1'here wasn't. any under- "Tlan' vou ~p('llJ'ell the spats?" she ill lhe Unite,l States Lanll Oflice, 1IIIt
t \\' i t1 e I'P'], .
Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Narberth. fa i l('(!.
crust to that pic, sir, it. was sen'ed on
Mr. E. Y. Hartshorne, Ardmore.
a pll pCI' pIa te." ,. \\'ell," hc' l'l'tuI'IIPd, gaziug douht, He hecame n ('andidate for 1h" FiliI,
Mrs. 'V. H. Gibbons, Ardmore.
1'11]].\' at. 11l~1' gell('rous proportions, "l ~1rs. C. G. Haag, Haverford. l'll Slates Senatl', an,l was badly h"atl'll.
,lidll't har,Jlv think that was neees- Miss .J. r. Magee, Cynwid.
A One,Man Quartette. lie ran for Yil~e·Pr,,~i<lent alld W:IS
sal'y, hut lllPi)1>p 1',1 h('l t('r-lllchhe T'II Mrs. P. Nicholsoll, Ardmore.
.<\. celebrated singer was in a motor 1>et 1PI'," on('" mOl'e defeated.
~1rs. H. W. Sellers, Narberth.
cllr accident one day. A paper, after \\'hpn you thillk of your ha]'(l luck,
recording the accident, added: "'Ve are 111'. W. W. Wimer, Narberth.
tliillk of Lill('olll.-American Legion
happy to state that he was able to ap' .JUDGING FROM APPEARANCES. Weekly.
pear the following e\'onillg ill foul'
pieces.' ,
]lOWII al Paris Islallll a hig marine
Officers Complete Line of
T'ooldt'l ,vas gpHilJg' initiated into tllc
\\'orkillgs of tll<' corp~. POl' hours Ill' Presi(lput-l\frs. E. C. Batchelor.
THE FIRESIDE Goodyear Tennis Shoes
h'lll stagg-ered alollg- lhp road lIIHler a Pirst Yice Pres.-~[I's. C. P. Fowler. (Continued from Page 1.)
., Do vou e\"('r lrm;1. to vour wife's
p:lek lhat ,,'pighe,l 1Il0St. of a lIlillioli CIGARS,STATIONERY,MAGAZINES
intuitio~s?" asb'll ;'[1'. • J iigs. poulI11~, h:1l1 squads ,'aste,l lllld ,,'cst e(]
Seeoncl "ice Pl'l'~.-?[rs. A. B. ROS3.
,. 11l(10etl 1 un," rpplied :\[1'. :\1eekly. Correspondillg- 8ee't.-1\[r8. E. 1\1118- :\fr~. \Y. ]], Colli,', of :no Essex ave-
for a fp\\' lIlorp houl's. hall raeked his
"'\'1I('no\'cr :\fa ria savs shc f,'ols it ('hmnp.
hraill~ o\,er 111l' intl'ieacies of guns all,l IIUC, g-a\-c a dilllll'r ~t'W Yt'ar':-, !':\'e tu
WOIl't he :,a fe for JIl'" to hp out aftcr He('onling Sl"'rcla 1')'-1frs, N. Ander-
h:lll sldllnell hi~ right. :'hou1,1er ra\\'
tc'n, I always nlanage to get home ahout
nille,thirty.' , t hroug-h ta rgct And nO\\'
11",\' h:1<l haulcll 111111 insi<l(' 1'01' sknll

rl'l't\a~ul'PJ'--l\h·~. .lcssc I-Iarris.

allJllJlIlJ('(' till' t'llga,u,'l'lllt'lit lit' heJ' daugh-
1,,1', .lane ";sl"I1I' ('olli,'. tu ;'[1'. Wanl CLEAN---SAFE--·WHOLESOME
I \\"o;'lc W. \Yellal', of Athl'lls) 1':1. TIte ta],iL·
NUT STUFF. Chairmen of Committees dp('()l':d iOJl~ were l'(}~l' alld wi: ill'. Thu:-,L' OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEEI'
The g)'rell" \\'lIS all in alld his
:IIIS\\'('rs 10 '1IIt'sliollS ~hot at him 1):,,' th ... Piu:1IIce-1frs. \Y. Mulholland. I'rl's"nl \\'C'I'P: Hill It .JlIn,'~. Ell':"lor \\'il- UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
"Y(l~." ~aid thp 111(1:",~ HCl'~l~:l1lt. ('. O. \\','rp a1>oul OIlP 11l11ldrecl lIlinns, Uns!'i1 alit )'--~[I'S, \V, Li\"illgst on, :-'0]1, _Be1t~~ ~rdlaig. ~\g'lll':-; HU:-'t', .\Iad('-
"\\'e'li han' had a ('hallg'p fl'o!ll lhis EX:lsIH'r:llPl], thp of1i('pr slionte,l: Ll',t:-islll! ion,-:\frs. c\, B. Ross.
P\'nlasti"" Sllllli .Ii,,! if \\'a:,hillgton had
":'<a\' ha\,pn't vou :11'" hraills at Lit,'ral11rt'-,-:\lrs. H. F. \\'ood.
It'ilil' :\1('(,,,.\', .\ugllsla \\'itltl'l'lI\\, ,lallI' Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES 'I
It)t tllat e:!rg'() of w:llllu1:-, j'O]IlP tllrongh. ~ftoJll!lc'rsllj!,--;,1r~. Horace :I\[oore.
Laird. 1I0l'is \'lIll ('Illill. ~f:ll'gar('t 1':,\'1'1'. 8rynclo~~II~erlilled WEST Pill LA.
all?" , . '
But the)' stopped it." ~fllSi"-:I\fl's, .To~l'ph Illirela,r. l)lIr"th,\' /)11 1'1 Ii II, ~ll's, Willialll II. DIll' (Pedrialle Society) OVERBROOH
"\\"alllllts? Stoppl'll it! \\'hat for?" The roolde :,adly nI1l1ill:ll(',] his ,la~'~
l'n'ss-:I\frs. II. c\. .Tacobs. ]'in alltl ,Jalll' Irenl' BlIllg'hnel', of llaz],'-
a~kp(l thl' fall gl1~-. of' 1'rpp,lo111 of the ,lim 1>ut not ,listanj' Special .. Guern"ey" MERION
1'I'ogram-:l\fr8. C. P. Fo"'l,,r, fOIl, Pa. • Milk WYNNEFIELV
"'Yell, you :,ep, h1111(1)', they ~aill past. _\:-,:-;i:-:1:lllt Clll'l't':-']'ldH:ill ll :-it"Ol'I'tan·-
1hl'l'f' ,,'as (langeI' of' 1he shells explod' "YolI'rp l'ig'ht. sir." he at!mitt.e(l ru('- ~ll's. ;,[ilton Alexau<!PL ,~ , (Robert,,' 0& Sharples,,' BA.LA-CYNWY
illg all,l strildng the colonels." 1'1111)'. "Don'l look that \\'a)', does it?" :-'lIh~('ript ion:" to Our Dairies) NARBt,RTH
Pin'l·t'l! of n"I'"r"liou-:\[r~. .Iohn }'jVt' 111'\" 'f(Hnl
W, .Jll~·ce, C':LlIH' ill 1:1:-;1 \n'!'I: 1'1'0111 a :--uh:"wrilH'l' Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
who i::I1"1,,<'" <Ill hilll"I'lt' th .. lask of Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOn
Junior Chapter ~('elll'ill:':" thl'III, Ir:l hUlldl't,d olhel' Hillil

('hail'lllall--:\[rs. Hol':u'" iI[om·e. and \\'0111('11 of 1111' J{ul'llllgh hatl the

Beginning January 1, 1921 \'i,'c' Chail'llllln--:\[]'s. l\"l'lllall ::;outh,

:-':lJllt' ielt,:!. j: '.\,qllld )u'l" thillg:s
:-:i(lC'l":I] 11,\', :Ill" g'j\'l' :Iddil iOIl:d itlll'e111~
10 thl' :-:pil'it

rd' ('O-fljl\'1':l1 i'"t' ('OIllllltll1it~­

dY.,rl ,',!ti"h "llar:ll'll'I'iz,'s Ihl' liltll' p1l11-
45th and Parrish 5ts.
We will allow DURBIN· SMEDLEY lil':ItillTI " ::0 p:licl '\"t)l'!,\'r:-,." If ~·otlr
(Continued trolli Page 1.) lI(li:,!:hlllll'.": :!Jl' Ilot n'('('i\·ill.~· tll(' paper ..
g('1- tl1('II' til :--::!II;-:I'l'ihp. lIJ1d if th(l,\~ arC"' HARRY B. WALL
lInt ~()nl1 III.·igli1J(lt'~ 1111'.': 1 h\'~· :-;ll1'lll~r will
of the greatest "all al'ollllll" athIeI ,," Plumbing, Gas Fitting

e\'er turlled Ollt. al the Ila \'errOr" he lhen.
School, where he played football, 1Ja~' and Heating
I;ctLall, hasl'ball allll ellgaged in tl'll..:k NARBERTH PA
sl'"l'ts. allu :,tarl'ed ill all of Illelll. Phone, Narberth 1602-J
.\I'te]' gr:ltluatioll fl'OIl1 the Ha\'erfllr,l
School he at t elldcII ::;\\'artlllllore Co..
Cotter's Meats
lc~c for olle year heful'e entering hl1~i~ ~>-'-.,,\..\.,,~"",,\:.,\:., '·,S~0..""'\.\.\."'''''''\.''''\.\.'''''''\.\.''''\~
interest on ~ ~

lIPSS, and durillg that lillle pla.n'd fo"t,
hall for Swarthmore. Outsille of schol,
astic eircles ;'11'. J)lll'lJin has hat! a hril,
A Quality For
People Who
7; ~
Saving Fund Accounts. liant l'a reel' ill loeal ha"phall, heiug reo
gal'dptl as all "~I1t'eially hrilliallt pitcher Want The Best ~
Just think what you can save
by calling the H. Primost Clean-
ing, Pressing and I 'yeing Co.
for tire Narherth team of the ~[aill
Lin" Lcag-Ill" lIe h"" also playell with
!!1 They clean better, pres~ better, ~
Groceries and Provisions ~ lind als') have call Ilnd d~Iivery. ~
the Sharplcss 1pa III a t West Che"t.e~ ~ We will try to explain to our ~
:lIltl wit h Stra \\"hrillgl' I\: Clot hipI'. ::'If r. ~ many customers t hat we lire ~
nllrhi II sen'c'd :" ('''a('h i II foot ha II alld ~ ready to give you the "cst ~ervice. ~
The Merion Title and Trust Company ha~l;pthal1 at ::\al'h"rth lligh :-'I'hool
last \'eal', :\f1'. Durbill was in Illilitarv
Watch For the Opening ~
Just call Narberth 1254 J, Bnd we
wi II promptly call anYbJherr. I~~
:-i('r,"i'ero in Fra"Jlce. . of the
ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA·CYNWYD 'I'he e,'rPllIollY \\'pcIlIPsday lIight was
p(,l't'ol'llll'll hy thp Hp\', ,\ \'Pry S, DPIII-
The Narberth Electrical Shop /,~ H. PRIMOST I~~ j

lilY, I'aslor of 1hl' ,']l\ll'('h. 'I'he hride A

at 230 Haverford Ave. Home Town Tailor ~
.; %
\Vas gi\'ell ill 1Ilal'ri:l~p hy hpr fathpr.
PHONE 1633 / 234 Haverford Avenue ~
She wore a dress of rose poilll lace on'r ~ I~
LEE'S GARAGE \\,hit<, ('hal'nIPu~p, ",ith trimmings of
orallg'e hlossoms. :lIlll a ('ourt traill.
Phon. 12S4J

Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on I lIpr ,"oil ",as II duchess lace coronet, ral"a~M~Ginle~'O
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing trinllllPll wit'h or:lng... hlos,oln", an,l she UI23South 17!1!S!, PhiiadeIPhiC1:~
I':lnip,l a sho",pr houqul'f' of hrille roses

Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Narberth 1805 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
au,l lilies of tlll' \'alley.
~fi8s Laura CO)'!C', of BosloJl, lhp
GARAnteed Roofs Educator
---_._---_ .... and

Kreider Shoes


Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds Patrick F. Donahue on School Shoes
• I Authorized Tax,i Service. by Certificate from Public Service
Packard Limousine to Hire Better come in and look
! !
Commission, dated November 16, 1920
them over
Ta~i meets all trains'
._._~_~ ~_~_~ ,~_~_~ R_._T_~ ._~_~_~_._._._. I
Store orders promptly called for and delivered
Bagg-age called for and delivered Freight delivered
Narberth Shoe Store
209 Haverford Avenue
ll.o._._._._. ._. __B_.E__ • • • Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 Narberth

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