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Send In Fireside Boost Narberth

ltel1'1s And Knock No One


Tennis Members Mrs. Baseler, Harpist, II

Christmas Cantata
to Play Basketball and Methodist Choir The King Cometh
Attract Large (R. M. Stultz) .


"FREE-FOR-ALL' , Therc was elljoyell one of the Yen' Narberth M. E. ChUl'ch, SUlldny Even-
AND FREE TO hest lllusieal treats oyer giYclI ill ~a~­ ing, December 26th, 7.45 P. M.
ALL. herth at the ~Jet.hodist. Chnrch last Snn- Orgoall l.'J'l'lutle-"Cl'adh! ~lIl1g."
day l'\'elling, when :'[rs. Dorot.hy Johlls- , 8pilllll',r
Jj' yon "':lIlt to se,' a ncw nnll thrill- tOil B:lsl'1er gave a re"itaJ on her mal"h, SHIH:; Carols sUllg' by tllp l'oll~I'cgati()1l
ing ,:(']'sion of the "slaughter of the
innoeenl~," we J'("'omnlend the hasket-
less "il\'er-toncd harp, alld the ~fetho-
dist Chorus Choir rCllller.,t! excpptional, THE FIRESIDE IJI'Hycr
,\llt'I\('IIl-" Chri~t ialls Awak,"' .. tHlllt z
tioJlral1O Solo, ~[is~ I'l'l'~cott
hall game to he playell next :'londay l~' lIlelo,Jious Christmas carols and an-
p"enin~, 1)e('elllhpr 2i, in the gym of thems, under the expert baton of Pro1'. :\fr. \VIlI. D. SIlIP,l'ey has l'etul'Iled , Sl'I'ipture ' For God lind Countr~', we associate our-
thp High S"hool, hetween two basl,et- C. C. :\icp. III :llhlition to ~e\'pral solos from a t rip to Florida. AIlIlOUlleelllt'lIts alld Ofl'erillg ~~l\'('s IOA'l'lIIl'r for the follo\\'ing purposes:
La IJ teams represent ing the married h.,' :\[rs. Basl'1er, inchlllin~ "Homancp .... HYllln I u/ilioid llI11l llef"nd III" Coustltutlon of

~lllaS Addrcss hy t hc l'a~t oj'

til" Cliited :';Iall's of Alllerica: 10 maintain
:lIId siJlgle lJlemhers of tIl(' Xarhcrth "Elegie" and "Challte," the harpist :\liss ,\ "a :'fulholland is hOllle frolll In\\' nlld or'ler; to roster and perpetuute
Tf'J11lis Association. necompallied the chorus in tlll'ir all- nne hlludre{] 1'(\1' cent. Americanism; to
l'olll'ge for the Ch rist mas hoJidnys. CA:\TAT~\ pl','sr1'\'c Ihe ml'lIIorl('s and iucldents of 0111'
The game ",ill hc free, hut if au~'one thl'm and ,,','e1'lll of the soloists. '1'0- nsslll'lallnn in [I", Great \,"ar; to Inculeate
"':lIIts to bring a Rpd Cross kit or a wal'll the "lit! of the program, hy re- 1. Illtrouuctioll-organ n HellHI' of Indh'idllnl obligation to the
The "Ollllllllltit\' ha~ sustainPll a 'leci<1- ~. Opellillg' ChoJ't1s-".:\ W:I kl' , I 'nt cOllllllllnllr, Hlat.. and Nation; to combat
bottle of anli"a or an extra roll of '1l11'~t. :\frs. Ha~p1er play,~,l "Xearer,
h:lI"lages to donale to thp "victims" :'1\' God. to 'I'hee," her instrumenT aI" Ptl lo~~ ill the <!,:ath of' :\frs. L. H. Trot- 011 Thy tit n'llgth, 0 Zion" III" alltllel'ncr of botll the eluHSl's nnd the
III~SHl'S: to mnl\(' right the muster of
e,'el,\, such Jittlp eontribution will he ti:,ulatin'g- ea"h ,;'ortl of thp h~'mn as ter. PAHT 1. illIg-lit; to promote ppuec and g'ood wIll on
gratefully ree"i,'",l. thoUl!'h ~nng h.,' a ri('ll fnll human ",'i,"', ,\ JO:\O lti j']W:\UtiED. ('lIrth; to saf('g'UHl'd and trfillHIl1lt to pos-
\\'aYlle lIal'l'is will eaptain the single :\llll tlurillg whi"h J'('ntlition no sOlln,l 1"I'll.\' thr prlnel"ll's of jn~tlce, freedoin
:\fn J'\' Fra IICl'~ Ua \'\\'1\1',1 is at her •. J. Tl'lIoJ' :111(1 Baritullc- nu(1 ()ell1ocrae.r; to consecr:tte nud sanctify
men's team :1I1l1 ",ill be assistetl-ill was Ileal'll throng'hont the "hureh un' hOIll" .. ]::!:: ":1 III \I'OlHl aH'nUl'. for the ., '\1111 TIH'l'l' tihall COllll' Fo\'th a 0111' cOlIIl'lllll'shl" by 0111' de\'otlon to lIlutllal
"eaptailling" as ",p]] as playing, we It's~ it \I'as the hrpathillg' of th" l'n ~chool \'aeation. lIel"fn!nl'ss.-J're:uuhle to the Cnnstltllllon
Hod." or I Ill' Anll'l'lclln Lpglon.
inlllgine-hy th,' I'o]]owing: Scanlon, gro~se,l :11111 spl'll-bountl pongre~al ion. :--iolo~ allll Choru~-
Fret?, Slnpd1e~', Pl'rr~' Hl'difer, .11'., and It is quit<, inlJ",,,ihle to de~"rilll' the "111 His Days .'udah Shall be
]~a rl Di"ke~·. wonderful tonl' of :'[rs. Baseler '5 harp, :'lrs. Su~all D. Brooks was the p;ue~t ~a\"ed." .
Ro~' "'iJ]jam~ will gui'l" the llpstinies hut Olll' IIlig-ht 1'''I,,'at a relllark o\,pr- of :'[r. all,l :'[I's..Iohll H. Rrool,s Ihll'ing XMAS GREETINGS.
"Alld This i~ the XalllB \\'herehy
of the marri"d mpu, anll ;jllll~ing- hy Ill':lI',1 a1llong t he part ieipants that e"ell- t h,' past week.
lll' Shall bl' Called," Th~ lIa 1'01,1.n. 'SpeakJuan Post, :156,
th" li~t of playprs that hp has line(] ing: "It ~oulI,ls th" IIparpst to hpa,'('n, TellO\" :\[ ... ~t:l\l]e.,' ,\nl('l'lt'lIn L"g'lou, XllrlH'rtll. Pa .. wishes
up, hp "ddently expe,·t~ "heaY~' easual- Iv Innsi(' that T e\'pr hear,1." 'l'h" :\fl'. Pn'd lIar~('l1 \yith 01,1" Dohhin" Bariloll", ~Ir. Ho~e the r,'~id(,lIb and Yisitors 01' "Ollr
ties," or else he thillks that mayhe (:hul'l·11 \I'as in,!<'hted to the kindn,'s~ of is busy this week ,1eli\'('l'illg' pal'(·d post J. ti0Pl':lllO ti010-" TIll'refore thc Il. 0 II\(' TowlI" a :'fl'l'r,\' Chri~l111:" amI a
thp.\' ']] all get tin'd of haskethall and Prllf. Xi,·,' ill ""'uring :\[rs. Ha~elpr to for Fllcle Salll. Lo\'d lIilll",lf :--ihall Gi\e You Jill!,!,.\' Xl'W Year.
\','dlt 10 start a foothall or hasebalJ pl:l~' that e\'('lling. a~ it was entirely a Sig'Jl"
~anlC. An~'w:l~', Cap1ain Hor wiJJ hnvc :It his p/l'ort" all,l n'qll,'~t that th,' ('on· :'[rs. Br:\llll'''
with him IIPxt ~[onda~' evcning the fol· gregation cnjoye<l her mu~il'. Thl' :'fl'. :111,1 :\[I'S, ,101111 B. Brook~, of ;'\ar- ;). 'f\'io-Sopra 1l0, COlll r:~lt 0 a '''I Tl'lIo\'. AMERICAN LEGION DANCES.
lowing players: Doc JTartle~', \Yhitne~-, Chorns Choir is ,1PYPloping lllost rapi<lly h"l'th a ""11111'. will Ill' at hOllle on SUIl' "Fo\' l:lIlo (r:, a Child i~ 130m" '~lIitl'
a lut Ill' Ile\\, I'a"'" \\'l'I'(' Iloticed
Eastnlca<l. Silltl'~OIl, Boyer. \Y. \\'.: nlld('r I'rof. Xil-("~ ,lil'l'dioll. an,l it j;, lla.\'. 1ll'('(,lllb,'1' ::!Iith. 1'1'0111 J Ullt il (i, to tioprallo. ~Ii" l'n'"cl,t t at th(, ,1:(JIl'" 11('ld Ill~t l'I'idll.\' l'\'(~lIing,
E\':lIls, FpJlIIO allll Sharp, hop"d wiJl ,'ont illllC its (,x"I'!,t ional \I'orl, l'p('(li\'p t"ht'i!' frit ' Ji(l:--. :\0 (':Ii'll:-; lw\'e COllt ralto. :\Irs. ('uth],,'rt :llId 1\'1' gladl." \\'l'lcollI(, all who wish to
\Yhat Dirk Fenno is 'loing with that lor llildlr ~'ears to ,·om". thns givblg 1"'('11 is~uel1. 'f"1I01'. ~I I'. :--it alii,'\, :-'!I('lId a Jllt·:t~:tllt (I\'(lllillp: alld (Illjoy t.he
]Ialll] of giants we ha\'pn 't ~'pt fonnd Xlll'h,'rth a 101lg'II"l'lll'd IIln~il'al ill' (i. ('ho\'us-" 10'1'0111 J] t'n \'I'll 'High the good lllu:-;ie.
onl. Either hp is a Very vPlltllresome ~I'irat iOIl llIlil allllo'phere. 'I'hp solo, The 1l"Xt dall'·". a lIIa~'lul'ra,l<', ",ill
YOllllg Inall or plse h;"s a 1'egnla r i~t~. inrludillg :\Irs. :\Iilll'r, :\II'~. _\h, :'[I's. G. B. Seft ou n't u1'Ill'd Ihi~ week Allgels COII1P"
frolll a two-molltl,,' \'i~it at Ihp hOlue ('olltralto Solo. :\[r~. Cuthbert Ill' held Oil :\,,\\, \','ar's /o:\'e, D"l'emher
i'tongh gu~'" allll'~ Ill'PU hi,lillg somC" IIl>lI. :\Ir~. ('nthill'I,t, ~fl'.', Ilon'lIiall. :\fr~. 7. ChoJ'l1~-"T!l.\" .Kill~d(l1l1 is Hll ::J~f. ill /o:lr~1 11:111. .\ !,I"asant surprise
thiug- from us. nl'ad1t'~'. :'Ii~~ pre,,·ott. :\I,'~sl's. Stanle~',
of hpr p:II'''lItS. ('nillll :--ipriugs, Alab:lIna.
1':\"('1'1:1:-:1 illg' l"illgdolll" IS III ~tor,' jill' alI thlls" who IItteu<l.
"You 11ll1~' ~a~' for mp," sail] Captain .'n:,ti,'". :\[1((']]1'1'. Atl'lJi~OIl. TIl"'];. sho\\'- and at Co]utllhu:--, Gporgia. '
Soprallo Ohhligato, :\Ir~. Holl'1I11l11
\\'anle Harris. when inh'J'\'ie\\'(',l at his ,',I 1'~IIl'eial t:ll('nt and t !l 0 1'0 II g'it II ('SS, ill1i1 1',\ HT II.
h('a~lqual'ters and trniniu~ camp on the fad H:d tht'l'l' :11'1' ~o m:I11." g'()n,~ TIlE IX(,_\H:\.\'I'IOX. VISITORS.
lIa\,pl'fol',l aYPII\]('. "that while we will ",]oi~ts in thi~ ,'ohmtl'('r "horns \\,0111,] The chi"f 1I"I'd of the 1'Iaygrollllll
A~~ociatjou at tltis 1 illle i~
a host of S. TellO\' alld Barit"'I" :--iolo~ all,l Duet- ('0111. Geol'gt' O. :'tllith dro!,pe,l in al
i,,' :I~ pas\, with those old !Ilarried men further almost gual'alltl'!' its fntul'P ~II("
*](10 suhs"ription~, as the ellterprisc "'\1I1l thl' ,\1Ig'l'1 Sai,l Ullto the cluh hOIl'" l:"t 'I'lll'''la~' Ilight. 'V"
a~ \H C:II;, \\'e inten,l to heat them." ,·,'~s alld "olil illnalll·". :\arhprth i~ in-
IIlIg'lIt 10 1)(' ~'U}lllll"~ _'11 hy a ('oll('el'tct1 \I a n' " hope ""('1',\- 11I('ml)('1' \I ill ilia!,,, hilll~,'lf
So dOll--'t", ~.r yon ,~~flllt to see li"t'li forrU1Hlle. nllll P:--pl'('ially the
T':llor, :\11'. :rust i"l'
all evpnin~ of rca 1 sport ,lIlel not have :'[ptho<list Churl'h is to h,' ,'ollgTatlllate,l puhlic oJlillioll of all ntllllistakable lIa- at !lOIllC. If yOll ,10 not 10l0\\' all t !l(,
ture. Baritolll', :\11'. ,\tehi~oll I'ello\\'s. lIlak,' ~'olll'self al'qll:lintc,]. It
to '1"'llll a pelln~- of your Christmas in h:l\'illg slll'li a "01111'1'1 "Ilt profe~' !t. ('hon"-" J]" Sh:d1 hI' Gn'at"
IIlOll"y, go up to the High Sehool ne'l:I. ,iollal dirp,'1'tlr as Prof. C. C. Xie!'. Prof. is part of ~'Olll' dllt." to 1111' ne\\' f,'lIow~
10. 8ol,rallo alll! ,\Ito I)ul't allil Cho\'us, \rho do lIot ft,,'1 ill"lill"t! to appl'oa"h
:'[1lI1l1a~' pvenin~, Dpcemher 3i, allel Xi"e i~ a YO"al elir!',·tor allll te:Il'h!'r ill 'rhc sur\'('.\' of th,' lalld for the play- "'\1111 th,' \\'ord \\'a,; :\[a,le
watdl that hasketha]] ~a111('. :\('\1' York Cil,' allll abo has a ,'oil") ground, athletic field. eOlllmUuil\' ,,,'n· .YOU lir~t.
Pl(':..;h '.'
~tlldio ill the i)r(,:-'~t.'r 1~l1il11illg- ill ('on· tre, ele· .• ha~ hpell e;llllpletl'd [lI'ld the Soprano. :\fr~. :'[iller
,illtll·tion 'rith the ]lrlllllill,'nt 1' o l'pa, :ll'ehitl'('1:-; art' no\\" htl~y {li:-O:-il\l·till 1r tltt" Alto. :\11':', E,]il'k MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN.
Community Club Notes lanlo. It is 11111"'I'Stood that ~e\'!'ral
:'Iain Lin!' e1l111'l'hes ha\'1' 1'('I1l':dp,lJ~'
l','plll'l for th,' pnrpose' of arrh'iJ7g at
,:,'!ill itl' i1111'1'0\'1'111('111 costs.
I' A WI' II r.
TJI(\ llIPlIJ!I(lI'Rhip {':Ill1paig'll
]II'O~I'f'S:-; allll we \r:lllt
j:-; 1I0W ill
('\Ocr\" IllPm1Jl'1'
1I'i,',l to inollll'l' Prof. Xi,,!, to train tlll,ir
] I. Chorll~-" Th, n' \\','rt' Slll'p]lel',ls ~o \'.Olllllt<','r to hl'lp hllil,luJl 'the orgall-
,·lloirs. hilt ,In,' to his ndelih' to Xar· .\ lJidillg: ill t lit' "F'i .. '](l"
'I'h"re will hc a Illceting- Oil '1'uesday IzatlOn.
"t'l'th all'] hi~ Iri~h to ill~tilJ 'a lIlusical 'd,,' Ilala ,.011' ('1111> i~ sai,] to ha\'e
aft ,'rI1OOI1. IJe""lIlber ~St h, at 3.30 :lInlosl'h"I'(, ill XilrlH'rth, \\'h (' 1'(' thpre
j') :\la1<' (~uart"tt" alld Ch"rus-
funlled :t liolt1iJlg' ("olll}l:llly to :ll'l!lIire
o'clock. ~fl'. A. lInl1t Vanti,'r, of thc "_\lld J.o, lh,' ,\Il~,'1 of th,' Lonl"
:11'(1 )-iO tll:lnr ~JllI'IHli(l :llId t:dPlltl'll sill~­ additiollal lalld :l!oug Iii,' ~:lII((! lim's as DUES FOR 1921.
1'l1iyen;ity Jo:xt(,lI~ioll, lI"ill ad,ln'~s the ,. F":ll' :\ot. 1'01' 1:,:I"d<l I Brillg You
I'r~. I'rof. Xi"e ha~ J'(,ii,aill",l \\'ith tJlP 11,,' Xal'I>l'I't h l'laygl'olllld ,\s~tl,·iat iOIl.
lIlt'l'l ill~· (\n (,ur}"ellt" eY£.lllts. 00011 rl'i(lillP::-;" Hell' 1IS start the New Yenr right
~I('th,,,list ('horn~ Choil'. "~la~t Sun' ,\ ~illlilar t'lIteq'risl' ill Bl'OIlXdll,', ~.
:\1 1', .11l~t i,·" ~Ir, 1:,"'\ "~
'l'here wilL he 110 chi1<1ren'~ <lancing
c1a~~ thb \I'e~'k. 'I'h,' ]ll'xt !Ileding will
da~"s s"I'\'i,·,' \I'a~ th,' ~:lnI1'1p of pral'-
ti,·alh' ollly lwo niollth~' PIl~elllhlp work
\'., is rC!,urleu tu ha \'" ShOWl1 an ju-
,'n'a,,' in the value of il~ ~lo"k fl'Olli a
:\fr. :--it a 1111'\'
1:1. ,\lto Solo-" .\Ill! This Shalllw a
"1'," it,,!Il'll
alit! 1':1," yOlll' dlll'~ Oil or hpforc .Jall-
lIa 1'," 1.
oj' th'e Ch'orns Choir. it is rath"r 'lif1i- pal' ot' :1']0(1 to a !,l'l''''lJl wurth of *:i,~O.
he 8atlll'llay •.lannar~· 8, 10::!1. ~igll l'lIto roup
"lIlt to imagille the a1Jilit~- of this Ull- ~fi:..;:-; ~\I:";~ OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX-
n~nal I'hol'uS after :I continued pel'sever-
Th(' :1I1nlt dall('illg' ,.I:t~~ \lill lllect J.J.. C1osillg- ('horll~- ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
a n,'" of a fll]] senson. :\Il's..Iohn H. Bl'otlks "a \'I' It IUIIl'!I('on
Frida,'· (\\"lillillg',. Dl'l'lllnhel' ~ll. .'(-;](l1'~' to
nod ill 111(1 JIi~..!:hl':':t."
alld lill('11 ~h()\\'l'r for ~\1 i,~ Lut it' \\". Presi<1l'lIt-:\Irs. D. D. Stickney.
.• Hark! '['II" ""l':Ild ,\II~"b Sillg" Viee-Presirlent-:'ll's.• 1. B. Darlington.
OFFICERS MAIN LINE COMMUNITY \\'01""1'1 on, of Haddonfield, :\ . .1., OIJ
1". B"II,'dil'lioll ' Sl'(·l'etal'~'-:'[l's. C. L. lIlcLean.
:--ialllrtla" at hcr hOllle frolll ;\ ulltil ii.
Are You One of .the . KITCHEN.
Thl'l'(l \\'("I'(~ t Wl'ut y-t \\"0 g'lH'st~. )'1I's.
,lllIlIt'~ IJe Keinl. ot' \\'a~hillgton, D. C.,
Ifi. p()~t 111d{'-" Ft':t:-;t of ~Ollg,"
'l'rc' a slll'e r-l\frs. H. C. Keim.
Chairmen of Committees.
Fortunates President-'Villiam' Wooel
X a I'herth.

First Vicc-President-~frs. Edw. Y.

alld .:\Ll':-:. Ul1org'll H. 11:t\'l'II~, of ChesL-
nut Hill, a~si~t<'d al tIl(' IUII('heou. :\li~s :\lelllhel'shiJl-~[l's. Samuel Dickie.
To re,,('i\'(, an indle to the Bal :'la~quc \\'ol\'('l'ton will 1,'aYe for Spokan,' in OFFICIALS OF THE BOROUGH \'isiting-:\Irs. Romaine HolIman.
Hartshorne. Ha"erford. .lanllalT to marry l·apt. Ellwar,[ Ban- HOll,e-:\fl's, W. N. ~filJs.
of tlIp Pl'ill:l~· l'Yl'lIillg llall~ill~ cla~s OF NARBERTH.
Second Vice-President-P. H. Chase, Social-l\frs. G. Merritt Davis.
Xl'''' l"'t'nr'~ EYe'"? COllie, fUl'luerly wit 11 the C. 8. Arllly.
Bala. :\lllsie-l\[r~. T. Nopl Butler.
Di,l ~'on h,'ar ahoul the priz,) to hc Treasllrer-H. 'V.
Shelton, Narberth. Burgess,
:lw:tl'll('d thfl HUlst "takillg ('o~tull1e"? Secretary-Leah T. Cadbury, Haver-
Bill :'Inlhollallil ~a,'~ "hp'lt' he (hI' hit Fort llnate illlleetl \\'l'I'l' t hos\' I'oll,~ CarroJJ DUWlll'S.
of the "H'ning." 'Hnt thel1 there'~ E,l. Board of Directors.
who a1'l'i\'('u at the :'[ethodist Church Council, MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA·
:'fus('halllp and Boh Dothanl and het'on' iA;) la~t SlIlIda,r "\'I'lling. ,\t
Mrs. ,Y. A. Bnrr, 'Vayne. this hour th,' Chul'l·h \I'a~ t'l'owtl,'tl to it~ W. n. D. Han, l'1'('~i,lellt TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS
"1','1<'" PO\lI"r :lllll Doc Orr alltl manv
Dr. C. A. Fox. Ardmore. lilllit, Hull it \\'H:-- IH'l'l'ssary to (']o;-;e I \\"ilJiam .J. lIenl1l'r~ou, '
others \lho vow the trophy is to be
~[iss Sidney Evans. l\ferion. the doors, disappointing ahout. :!00 ]):lIliel Ll'itch.
t heir~. 11 ugh BruwlI.· President-Mrs. R. J. Rolston, Fort:
A~ a limil<',l nlllnlH'r of tickets will :Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Narherth. lat.e ('UlllerH. Thosl' HI'I'i\"illg l\:trl.\" \\,('1'(\
Mr. E. Y. Hartshorne, Ardmore. Curl B. :'lc1zg-a r, Washington.
he ~ol,l. get ill tou,·h with any lllember \\'ell 1't'\\'al'ded. 'ehl~ lllu.sieal Sl'I'Vit'C,
or pholle l\'arlwrth :\iO-.1 or 1638·l\{. ?lfrs. ,V, H. Gibbons, Ardmore. \\'hich \\'a~ und,'r t h(' ,lin'dion of l'l'tlr: A. P. H"difer. Vice-President-1frs. D. T. Jones r
Mrs. C. G. Hoag, Haverford. Xice, waS of a quality rarcly clljoyt'll \\"altoll :\1. Wentz.
Tic'kds, $1.iiO a couple. Pottstown.
EXl'l'I1('nt nr('hc~t ra allll st ill other in- Miss .T. r. l\fa~ee, Cynwid. in a slllaU ehul'l·h. allll of an l'x"dlellce Secretary of Councils,
I<'n'stin~ fpatnl"'s l\'ell" Ypar's En', Mrs. P. Nicholson, Ardmore. of \\'hi"h a large cit~, ,·ll1lreh would be Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar-
Don 't, for~et. S,:)ll P. :'l., in the Com- :'lrs. H. ,V. Sen"rs, Narbertll. ('xce"t1illgl,r 11I'oud. l'ral'l ieally all of
Charll's Y. :\01'1. herth.
:'[1'. W, ,V. Wimer, Narherth. the talent \\'as l'l'("I'uite,1 from llleal Borough Treasurer,
munily Hoom Y. :'1. C. A. Treasurer--;-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion.
~ources, a fact in tIl(' kllo\\'lcdg'e of Edwin 1'. Do1<1.
\\'hit'h ?\ar1ll'l'lh shoulll !illll consilleralJle
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. gl'lllifil'ation. If "The Little Chnrch on . Borough Solicitor,
the Hill" ,'ontilllH's to olfer similar Fleteh('r W. :;tites.
musical prograllls, it is a foregone con- . Incoming Mails Arrive.
Fixed Meeting Dates. clusion that its capacity will he more
Street Commissioner, (jAO A.:\L-l~l'olll all points.
than taxed for nlllny days to COIllC. G(}Ol'gl~ Suplee. 0.00 A.M.-Loeal frolll Paoli.
Borough council Montllly-Second Monday COlmcil Chamber lOAIi A.M.-Prom a]) points.
Tax Collector, I~,OO M.-Frolll all points.
Narbertll Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Montllly-First Thursday COlUlcil Cltamber
RaYlllOllU C. JOlles. l ..j,) P.M,-Fl'olll all poillts.
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legioll Buildillg :1.:10 P.M.-Local fr01ll Paoli.
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Tllird Tlmrsday Council Chamber 4.45 1'.:\L-From all points.
CurllclI 'Varner. G,:iO P.M.-Local from Paoli.
Narberth Fire CompallY Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House Two ccnts per word Ir cash accom·
panles advertisement: otherWise, t1ve Building IlISpector,
cents per word. J. Tuylor Dal'1ill;;toll. Mails Close for Departure.
Date. Name of Orgadzation and Event. Place Rour Council meet s ill Council Room, 8.44 A.l\I.-For all points.
Ellll Han, at 8 P. ~[, Oil the sec·
l.OO P.M.-For all points.
FOR RENT-XcI\' i-room d\\'cUiJig. 12 1.~0 P.~L-Local to Paoli.
28 .••• Woman's community Club •••••••••••• Community Room .. 2:30 P. M. lIIinutes frolll Narberth station. C, and l\fondllY in each mouth. Meet,
Dec. ings ure open to the public. COIll-
:1.1 0 P.~I.-For alI points.
31 ..•• American Legion D:mce Elm Hall carl' of Our 'l'o\\'n. (ll-p) 4.20 P.M.-Local to Paoli.
Dec. mittees of Council meet au the
31. ... Adult Dancing Class ...•••.•••••••••• Community Room .. 7:45 P. M. 'Vednesday e\,pning 'immediately G.20 P.M.-For an points.
WOMAN wishes to cook and servo e\'l'II'
Jan. 8.•••• Children's Dancing Class .•.•••.•...•• Col1\munity Roonl. .2:00 P. M. ing dinner parties and entel'tllin-
preceding the monthly meeting of
8 .••• Chi Pi Sorority Dance Women's C:ub, Ardmore COllncil.
Jan. r ,'n ts. Address C 233, General Deli\'- Mail nrrives 7.10 A. M.
Jan. 14 •••• Tennis Association Dance ' Elm Hall er;:, ~arberth P. O. (ll-p) l\fnil closes 5.25 P. M.

or course, "'e

NOTICE author, and I feel you should have util- Telephones,
OUR TOWN Bids for the eolleclioll of g'arbage
ized the occasion 10 driye homc to us
in yOllI' oltl-tillle vigorous style the up-
dellver - any
p I ace - an,
froll1 ail houses, apartmellts, allo stores !iftillg lessons ",hich they convey. 1268 time.
An Exp~rimen~ in Co-operative in thc horough of Xarh,'rth, for year All" then there ,,'as the annonncc-
Journalism-No Paid Workers. 1!l:21, aro herehr rl'fluI'stcel. 'rhe hids mellt of Pred \Valzer '8 promotion to the The Brightest Spot in Narberth
",ill be rl'cciyc<l h~' the Secret·lJ'y of th0 \1 :'1!isjr'ltc 's hellch This f'lIlloUS h'lll
Owned alld Puhlished every Saturday Borough Couucil OJ> to S P. ?II., ?lIonday, "la,""I' Hlltl equally j'alJluns manager has A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Deccmher :27th, ]\1:211, at "'hich time a a I laRt recei\'l'tl thc reward ,,-hich was
by the Narberth Civic Association. Spel'ial ::I["l'tillg of t he Borough Council hiR dnl'. and 1 Rorel)' rl'gret that you,
------~ .. ,---------- --_. __ ._~-- -------- Cnb. shon111 Ita"e o,'erlooked tltis oppor-
",ill ponn'lIe for thl' pUl'pORP of openlllg
Subscfiptioll price olle ,lol1al' alia fifty tllllit)' to congratulate Narberth on
sn ill bids.
cents pCI' year ill a,hallco, Contrad'; '''ill hI' a 11':\1'.1"11 to the her great goo,l l'ortulle in havillg olle
---- -- ---- --------'--- 10\l'est, respollsible bidder.
Collectiolls will he requirc,l ill accord,
of snch might~· jUllici:l1 mind and ex-
perience to gnide Iter pcople in their
Asbestos Insulating Company
CIVIC ASSOCIATION (wce with the followillg sehcdule: del'ious ways. 315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
'1'hl'ee collodiolls a wp,'I, Ilurillg' the _\lId jn~t at this ~[el'J'Y Christmas Sea-
March 26, 1920. ';Oll, too. Charlie HUlUphreys and Bill
J1\ollths III' ~ra~', .Tnlle, .Tnl~', Angust, PHONES
Presidellt, Hobcrt J. Edgar. <:l\l'"ll1~r lno\'('ll Ilway too soon. 01' did Norristown 791 Market 4686 Nsrberth 302-J or 661.J
Sl'ptl'mher IJlIII Oct oher.
Vice-Presillcnt, Joscph H. Nash. rrwo colh\C'tioJls H W(lt'k during- the thl'," Ren~e what ",'as comillg? ?lIerry
Vicc-Presidcnt, Augustus .1. Loos. Christlllas7 Oh, boy!
J1\ouths of XO\'('lIIhl~I', ])(','I'III],PI'.•Tanu,
Vice-Prcsiucllt, ~[rs, C, P. Fowlcr. SPANKER.
al'~', Pelol'llary, ::IIarc1l and April.
'J'reasllrer, ?I[iss ~Iaizic .J, :Simpsoll.
Secretary, Miss Hnth E. Prescott.
Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
Directors 192:3, 1111'S. A. B. Ross, :Mrs. 'I'll th" Edit!'1' lit' Uur '1'11\1'11: December 11, 1920, Ardmore Cbronicle ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
D. D. Stickney" J. Garficld Atherholt, );II\\, lhal ,011I"],,,,1-.. ha,; a');"'! th(' If t he plans of tIle Pennsylvul\l:L
r. A. :M ill er, C. Lawrence Wandck, A flllP,t iCOII, ., \\'i1~' e111 1h;'," .111 il !" plcl.Rl' Hailroad IIlauagelllent cOllcerning the
E, Wohlert; Directors 192Z, :1. J. Ca :1111~i\· 111(' :I:-;:l jll'i\·nltl l,i1il'.('11 10 li('Jp Bl'oa,l 8t I'l'"t 8tatiou are waitillg upon
brey, Walter A. ]<'ox, II. R. Hillegas, :lll~\n'l' t 111' <111(':-:1 j01l. prOplltll11!t'd :dllHl:'t 11ll' ,'o-opnr:I1ion of the municipal
Charles II. A, Chaill. \V, R. D. Hnll, I Irl/ldel sa" I", lhp 1'\'III1R,'II'llllia nnil- g'o"I'l'I11n"nt in lhe ,Ietennillation of it~
Harry A, ,Jacobs; Dir'ectors 1!l21, F. A 1'0llti CI/IIIJ;al'~: itRI'If. I ,;'onld 1111111', i ptll'llf):-<CS :U~ to stl'l'et or transit changes,
LUllllhall, ])alliel Lei t ch, George T
KIIUtZCII, J, B, ""esper, I"lctoher \Y
t.lli:l~·I,I' ':','- llt'fl'l' Illalul'l' tl('Iih"rati"r:
t ],:11 :1 IR 1111 :11"'1111111' of l],p 1"'1"'. ""I'\'
1':1" 1':... ilitil''; tile l'ennsl'1nJllin. Haii-
as I'ro~il!t'nt Hea, slall's, stcps ought to
1,1' tak"11 PI'OIIIIJ1I~' at City Hall to sup-
1'1," th" 1II"',"'d t'ador~ in hiR greatly
• • REALTOR • •
.."" I ('''llIl'a II~' 1,:" ,~i ,'en' 10 ;'\' al'],,'rt h II<'l'll"u puhlic improvement.
HARRY A. JACOBS, sl:,1 i"ll. JII th,' tir,;t pla"l', tho \'1'1','- "ot onlY ,]Ot'S the cOllvenience of the
PIIOl' :11111 :llull) . . . t oh:-,(Jl(lh~ tUllnel i:-- thl~ Ira"l'ling' jluhlil' rl'quire a moderu~zatioll
Editor. Specializing in
,,:11," I'r:II't il'nl al','I'"" to the eaRt-!JO\1T,d of this ~tali()lI. '1'hn changes III the
- - - - - - ---- --- - - - tra"" for the I'l'o]lle Hying 011 the railroall terlllillal aud tbe tracks caRt
:,<>;,th ,;itl('. alld tIll' lI'ritl'r ha,; al'tn"lh'
i 1"'11 IIl1llhle to ~l't :\IIY 1'111'1111'1' 1 h:';,
ot' the Schnylkill cOII~titute so importaut NARBERTH REAL·ESTATE
a pot"lItial in the I'ity's plan for street
th,' lIolth elltrallel' to the til II II 1'1 al! 1111
Bend all advertising and news items to ::I'I"'IiIl( of thl' 1'1'011,1 of 1'00l'le. 1he
widl'lIing and illlproveuwnt, to relieve
,'ong'l'stion anll prnl'i,lc an opportunity
1l1;I.l(Jrit~~ of whieh W(lre A'oing in 1 iol~
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
~:lllIP dirl'l·tioJl. tryiJq.~· to (.:tt"(.1J lhe cn:--t·
I for spI'l'a,ling out weRt of City Hall,
, that th" und,'rtal;ing ought to he recog-
houlltl t raill \l'hill' a traill hall alre:1I1y
newsstand, and at the store or' H. E ,-tu!JJ!"d all!l \\':t~ ~lalldillg' ~1ill :11 111'(
nizell as a puhli" work of Ilrst import RENTING
Davis, 'f:,t illll pIal 1'01'111, 'Phis conditioll, of lance.
I ~rarkl'l ~tl'l'l't \l'eRt from City Hall
l'OllrRt'. 1>l'illg- ]larll~- dne to the lilldh',1 Mortgages-Fire Insurance
Entered as second-clliss fiatt,)r I to Fifteenth Street, and the latter way
,olilitioll Ill' Ih,' oh~olctl' tllnnrl it;:1'1f.
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t .\ :-'Pt~()JHl 1'(l:l:-;0l1 i~ t11a1 t1Jp 111'a;~(\i;i('11
t'rOlIl Arl'h to \\'alllut street, constitute 1001 Chestnut Street, Phil.. 104 Gr.yliog Avenue, Narberth
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act Oil 1111' traill'; ,,"lInot allra~'s sce just at the prl'sQnt tilll" Oil" of the \\'orRt
Walnut 4443 • Race 1580 Narberth 605
who is ,~ollliug- III' out of the tllllH·1 point~ of (~ongl'~t ion in the central city
of March, 1879. 'l'hl' \l'i'lPning of Fifteenth street has Member, Philadelphia Edatc Board
twhill' lh" Iwopl,' g-l'ttill~' oil' the 11':Iill';
:Irt' g·fliJq.J: dO\\'11 111p st'f']l:'-) hcfoJ'c the
h(','n ~ngg"~tc'l. hnt that woulcl he a pal
hralu'lliPII gi,-t' tllt' ~igllal to ~tnrt 1'11(' I ial rl'1ipf' allel onll' a makeshift until the
OUR TOWN will gladly print 1l'aius. "\],;0. alill this iR l'o,;itil'l'l~- ''', ultilnate crt,atiol; of necded space by
n~ i::- ",itnl's:-p,] bY ~11l itH'illpili 11 i f' nlo,'in" th" railroa,l station backward
a.n.y news it'ilm about any subject
\Yritpl' S:lW of :I hl':li\Plll:lll :It'tlij,ll.v ~h·· \""'on:l the Fiftecnth street line.
that is of interest to Narberth ':\[0]'('0\'('1', while the spread of busi-
in;.!.' ~hp ~ig'1J:d tll s1nl'1 111t' tl':liil \\'ii~1 :l
folks, but in order to meet the nl',;R :doug 2\[arket street westward is
printing schedule, all "copy"
-manuscripts-must reach the
1:,,1\' ,l:lIl,lillg' with 01111' Olll' ""01' <111 11,,'
,;tl'j, of th,' traill, '
\\',; (}1I1~' hoI'" 11", ]>1'lIu';,I'i,'allla Rail,
al]'('all~' Ulleler wa~', that natural trcn,l
\I'iIl "Olltillur to he halJllicapped until
r!lad Cnlllp:lll~' \\'ill \ya]{p IIp :11:d g.-h"t· s\\l'h I iJlle a,; the exi~ting railroad nUL
editor by 6 p, M, Wednesday each
\:!r1lrrth tlu\ :l11~(J1111t\1'~ lI(\(·(lf-:~:.r: f:l('il" ~an\'l' is 1'l'lIIo'-l7\l "ithpl' h~' the substitu' Greatest Reductions ever known in the History of
week. ill1'''': 1t" J'(lql1il't'~ 1)('f~tT' (,;u.. . 'Ii, 11101"(\ t iOIl of a tunllel for th" railroad viadud
;l\t\~ an.. . l(\~t ill thl\ :1110\"(\ 11J:1IlIlCr. Anll o\', it' that shall lw deplt1l',1 impradl the Tailoring Trade.
;11 ('lll:.:ill~" }(,t llll' ~a.\' thal ]\ot:willl:-:t::llld "a hi", h~' the cOlllpll'le eledrificlltion of Every Style of the Famous Ansonia Woolens has been
ill~' Ihr far'!' lhal th,' Prnn;;I'II"lTIia th,' ]';l ilro:lll RPl'\'ice this side of the reduced to Rock Bottom Prices.
SAT., DECEMBER 25, 1920 ll:ii1ro:,,1 r"n1]';ln~- haR Old~' J:Nrntl," \\,,'Rt Phi1:111elpltill station.
r:ti"',11h,, 1"1'(,1 of th,' 1'II,;t-hl\l11l1! lrain It haR 111'<'11 "l1I'r,'ntl~' I'l'ported that This is YOUR opportunity to buy a suit or overcoat
1'I:tlforlll to sl,,'<,d 111' hnarll,n~ 1h,' thr Pellllsylvania management is con Hand Tailored in the latest style, absolutely 100 % All Pur~
1l'a i 11:-:. i1 i:-: \"t'r.," 1':\1' from 1h~"" :lllllqll:lt(l tr11lplating an cnterprising program of Wool, at a Great Bargain, ., ...
Fire, 350 fal.iii1i(l~ 1111('('~:-,:tr,~ 10 tlJ(\ illlltllllll of station J'("'on,;truetinn at severlll points
Police, 1250 pClIplp l1:-,ill~ )\n1'l;"1'111 :-;fntilill. aloll!.!: ils lill('s, in,'lu,ling' \Vest Phihlllel Suit with extra Pair Pants, $35.00
I);'I'EHEST E fl, phia~ ill th" IIl'ar 1'ntur0. 'I'he Ilna~l'ial
sitnat ion lt1a~' po,;l pone that for ll. tunc, F re?~h Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Scouring, Pressing,
'1'" th,' Edil"r "l' Onr 'l'o",n: I hu1 ,':hl't 11<'1' it Rhall he lJurl('l'tal,en nl'xt RepaIrIng. Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Editorial 011, ('n1>, lI'h,'I'<' :\1'1' "Oil Ih,',;(' ,l;l";;?
I "I'al' or till' Y('al' Ilftl'l'. tho Brnad Strrel
i Station oug-ilt to h" inl'lu,kd, and the .Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R, and our automobile
~111·11 :l lot" of t·l1all('l\~ :1; vOll IlIi~~('(1 last
Will call at your home for your clothes,
j ('it\' sllOulll he ]1l'('pared for its part in
""t\('},! l)ill11't '"1)11 ~:tl(' ;11l1' 1loh}t' Btl r-
g(\:,~' ('}l1'i~tlll:l~' tltllllg-ht-lH':l111if111 [uHl : th~ I'nt P\'priRe. nJlll even he ill the pORi
i lJ~l'i t'(1t1"? TIll' :-,(\1l1 i llH"Jt ~ (lX1I1'(""I:-:;:=;("11 clo
I t inn of lll'g-i ng till' railroad to its dlJt~
l'l'l'rlit 10 th" .~Tnllli Hatnrr of thpir I in thl' matter.
It's a scurvy bird which soils its own 102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.

"\lId hard a, if i,· 111 ,:1\' it. th('I'1'"

;11' this 1I:1;-.;t\'
PJltin.'l\· 100111111,11 1'\ idl'llt'I' Open E"enings Until 9 O'clock
IlUball~e ill .'\arl'I'l'lh, ' 219 HAVERFORD AVENUE. N' RBERTH
It ough1 111 1,,' IIlll'ootl'd \l'ilh a

Xmas Candies/'--..........~

II ollg'ht to hl' Illa,!l' a 1"'r,,llIal lIlat-

t,'l' \\'ith e\'l'n' lIIall all,l \l'1I1l1:t1l \\'ho
11:lS H PI'O}H1l" ('OIH'I'Jll ion (If thl1j I' (·.it-
iZPllshil', t h"il' 0\1'11 dig'lIit", all,l Relf-
r"g-:l1'll, j!J(' 1I}",iIlIlR o},Jigat iOIl "'hidl
is th('il'~ ",ith n'R/"'I'! to th"il' JIl'igh-
hoI', alld (o\l'IIRfolk,
70c. Ib.-5 lbs. $3.25
90c. Ib.-5 lbs. 4.25
$1.15 Ib.-5 lbs. 5.25 I RAINEY
",,0 ,llll' 0]' "'1,1 igatioll of );arlll'l'th
RIIOIlIII g'O Il 11 I' h('I']; "d.
Till' IHl1I1" alld addn'RR of thl' ·out-
fiitll'1'who on'tlflll:-; should ht' gi\,{,t1 to tltl'
8rf,ide at our own factory. 6040-42 Markel St•• 'Philadelphia
Ci lie Assol'iat iOIl.
!"f"l'Ill:,tillll lIilI tlll'll h" flll'lliRhl'd Delicious Fruit Cake $1.00 lb. French Pastry made at the best and most modern equipped
,. !,idl lI'ill lIIakl' hilll 1\1Il 1\" hl'tt"l'. ______________,. •• .t!
coke plant in the world, and at pre-war prices
If hI' 1'('I)('ats tIll' afl'l'olll. hI' hl"'OIIlI'R
" liar '11111 a k:III1'I',
~holll,1 (JIl' to\l'1l I,,' R1IIJ'l"'d 11,- OJIl' of You can use this fuel with or without Anthracite
its OWII 1'l·~idt·1I1:-;. antI ~'Oll ]H':ll:it- If you want to see your Town g-et everything' it ought to have,
coal either for cooking or heating. We are told
'l'hl'lI it's III' to :.011 to :1} '1'1," ~'Olll' you will join in the PlaygTound Project. It's an investment-with
0\1'11 h"l'oje IrrallllPIlt. interest. You don't give the money away, but you do make it plain that great cities of the Middle West use coke ex-
nOll't llt,:..; jtntt' to Ill' ruug-h Oil rat:-i. that you are a citizen-of-service in fact, the kind on whom progress clusively for these purposes, There is no slate ,
Ol'dilla I'." ,1""I'Il"~' i III (,,,Is 1hat \\'e must depend, Sig'n up before December 15th. The movement needs no waste of any kind.
Rhall Rtalld log-,,(h,'l' ill ,;t:lllll'illg out your support.
r\'I'I'~' tn,,',' of thiR 1'0lltl'IIIl'tihll' cal' Give this product a fair unprejudiced trial and
1111111)', tlli~ \l'J'(,tl'hl'cl rPIlllte whil'h tlas-
1:, I'ds \1'0111,1 bl'illg lIR. help bring down the price of Anthracite (now a
.'\arhl'i'th l'JIl~'g'l'lllllld "\ssoeiatioll, Xarhl'l'th. 1':1. rich man's luxury)
n'~ 0111' H01ll(' '1'0\1'11 bl"oll'el!.
] go 011 ]'('('0)'11 as (l(\e1aril!go that I hclieyc in 1hc Town wllere 1. Illul\:e
ShaJII(' Oil u~, tlll'lI, if \l'e 1'0111 illue to
Illy hOIll<' alld that 1 alll lI'il1illg to ael'ept Illy part of the gelll'ral ohligation The price is $9.50 chuted in, and $10.00
Il't it Ill' thl' ,'idilll of \\-ilful R1:lIltler
:lIld ,h'pl'l'l'iat illg' gossip.
ill ('IIl'l't illg its 1I'('lf'art' a1\(l pWgI'PSR. Thl'rcfol'l', I subscrihe to ., .... ' ... carried, per net ton anywhere in this district.
RI,aH's of R1<Il'k in tl](' "Ilrlll'l'th Pla~'grollnd Associatioll, at $100 each, tel'lllS
'l'here'R 110 plare fo!' n dirty \'iper in allll l'OllllitiollS nR a,herti';I',1 ill n prl'\'iolls iS~lIl' of OUI' '1'0\1'11.
a wllitl' lIIall's ,'oulltry-
i'\o room ill Narhl'rth for curR, i\ullle ....................................•.••.... c. P. COOK
of thp
Dp wh;e HlHI put HOHlt' portion. If not nIl,
lUOt1PY ;\'C)11 1'('(,4.'I\"l'. l11to :J ;\"PHI']\"
lit IlIt,'rest-, Oil n 11I'otp,'II\'" Lire
Addrl'RS ., .. ,

Sl\hseri!'tillllR taken for Olle to ten shares.


~[ai1 applil'lltioll to JIarry A. Jacohs, 'l'l'enSllrel'. Narberth Playground

, , _., .. , ".
Coal - Wood
Insurn".." polle~-, Bllr nil J~IIc1o\\'lI1e"t.
"\ssodatioll, a Elmwood llI'ClIlIe. Phone 662-J.
20G ]>'or"st Ave. I'hone Xllrberth :H4 n,

.'.~-"'-------------------------------------'------~-----_ _------~--------_.-------- ... _--_ .. _---~.-----------_._------._._._----------_ _--------------------------_._----------------


are YOU going to save Next Year? Make your decision now, then join our

C!Tqrtstmas C!Tlub
which makes it easy to carry out your purpose. Put aside a certain amount each week and
you 'will receive a check on December 10th for the full amount, plus interest
Make a deposit today and receive a member's card
Narberth Office: ,
A ~s5'UT~.E !A
News of tltr QJ1turdtra ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- the minds of those who were present THE l'RESBYTERIAN OHUROH.
WOOD, l'A. last Sunday that this cantata sets the
standaI'll of excellence £01' Christmns Rev. John Van Ness, :Minister.
music in this community. Finest Photoplay The-
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. atre 01 Its SIze In the
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associa.te. 7.00 P. l\I.-Young People's meeting. Entire World.
Sunday scrvices: 'Mcetings for to-morrow:
A Christmas sen'ice with singing of Pb.toplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.S.
Merton Meeting House, Merion, l'a.. 8.15 A. M.-IIoly ComlJlunion. carols. fl.'!;' A. :\L-Sunday School. A place P.M.
9045 A. M.-Sunduy School. a ncl a welcome for all.
11.00 A. M:.-Morning scrvicc and ser- iA" P. :\L-A Christmas pagcant and PhlI.... Po.
Merion Meeting is open for worship l'antolllinJ(' l'lltitletl "Goel 's :\Iessagc 11.00 A. :\I.-:\Iol'ning worship. A
every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. A frec autobus bringll thc children to for :\[:1nkind" will he giyen by a large speei:tl Christmas serlllon by the pastor
We cUldially welcome any visitors who and frol11 Sunday School and thc mem- g'roup of young people, assisted hy the and special Christmas music b~ the
desire to worship with UB. hers to and from Church, leaving Nar- choir. Ditrere!lt: characters with their Church Quartettc.
berth Station ut 9040 and 10040. If partieular )l\('ssagc will hc rohed in 7.00 P. l\L-Senior Christian En-
\Vm. T. Ellis, religious editor of the Orient a] anel GJ'e,~ian costumes. Decor-
North American, f:ll~1l01lS author-lectur-
rcquested it will lraye the station at
8.00 for thc early service. atiolls of 1111 U S11:1 I heauty, a message of
cleavor meeting, led by :\Ir. Ralph A. PROGRAM
er and tr:tyeler, will \'isit :\[erioll :\Ieet- Beatty, of State Collegc. Christmas
superior importance, a day of un com- Ca rols will be sung.
ing on First Day (Suuday), December 111011 meaning assures t his to bc a serv-
12th. at the regnlar hour of worship. BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE ice of extraordinary merit. i.OO P.l\L-.Tunior Christian Endeavor
EVANGEL 8.00 \\'cclnrse]ay e\·cn ing-Prayer
meeting, conducteel hy :\Irs. Southworth WEEK of DECEMBER 27
11IIe] 1Irs. Lambert.
lAG P. l\L-E\'ening worship. R. M.
Rev. Avery S. DenmlY, l'astor. 7.:10 Thul"slla.v (1\·('nill;.r-ChristnulS Stults' healltful Christmas cantuta en-
Rev. R. F. Oowley, Rector. fr"ti\'a] of the Sunday School. A pro- titleel "'1'he Gift Di\·ine" will be ren-
Sl1nelay. Drl'rJl\hrr ~(j. H)~O. Chris!!nns
,~Tam of clialogue, r('('itations, Christmas
parols, ('tc., will be gi\'('n. '1'he orches,
<1er,,<1 by a double qllartette. The pas-
tor will make a brief aclclress on "God's
To Please One Woman
~(lryiecs: tra \yill play ancl Santa Claus is cx-
Early :\Inss on SU!Il]ays ati A. :\L Christmas Gift."
flAG .\. :\[,-~Snl1,lay i3e'hool session. jwptecl to be present.
Lnte Mass, 10 A. :\L Next \\' el]nesda~- eyell ing-Prayer
Masses on holy ,lays, G.:JO :1I"] 8.30 11,00 "\. :\[,--:\[nsieal senicr. Choice \Vc extcnd a heart \' \\'e1co111e to these meeting, followed hy congregational
sen'iees IlJlcl to n;· read('rs of Our lllcctillg.
A. :\I. \Veekc1ays at S. E\'ening <1CYO- selections of 1he \\'onclerfnl cantata ren- Town we wish a l\fNr\, Chrstmas anc1
tions nn,] other sen'iees at regular Next Snturday. fl.:lO A. 1r.-New
<1l'rl'<1 last Sllll,l:ty "n'ning \Yill hc giycn Happ? ~ew Year. . 1'('ar's consecration llleetillg for eyery
times. ~t this sl'n-il'e. '1'hcrc is no doubt in MAIN I'UODUCTION STAltT8 A8 N£A.
membcr of thc cOllgregation.
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. ~I .. 12.00, '.00,
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUROH. On \Vednesl1a~- c\'enillg, .January 5,
3.~5, 5.46. 7.45, 9.80 P. III.
1!l~1, Hey. Anllrew :\[uteh, D. D., pastor
of the Bryn ?lIa\\'I' Presbyteriall Church,

Narberth Register Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. will preach ill this ehureh at a "Pre-
pa ratory l\[eet iug." looking forward to
Two Linea, JOc per iaaue; Sc for each additional line
;-;IIII,1:Jy. P"e'('lul",r
~G! Christmas sen'-
1 h,' Comll1union srrYice OJI the follow-
ACCOUNTANTS .\IUI-'IC Raymond Wei.s. Proprietor
Gotbhall, II. Ii. I'nblic Accuuutant, a03 tJndi"lOn, .\.llll(~. Violiu lutltructlou. (lAG .\. :\L-Sun<1ay School. Christmas MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY.
ConwaY An·nll!'. r\urb,,,·th. 1'a,
"elm, 11. V. Certified PubUc Acoount..nt.
rrelephouL't NUl'ucl'tl1 31lj~,].
I.oos, I'uun)' 11. Plauo teucller.
202 Dudley .. V-.
Phone. N .. rberth 800-W. ~tlldio. ArCllele Bldg-. I'hone, a16-J, ] l.OG A. :\I.-Senllon by the pastor. lInle]a. thl' pook. hall jnst recei y,'d It
]('1 I ('I' from he'r S\\,el]ish lo\'er in \\'hieh EXPERT REPAIRING
:o.;OTAltY I'UULIC. "'rhe Rond to Bethlehem-Towll." An-
ASnm;TO~ COYEHI:o.;G. tlJ('IlIS 1w the chorns. "All IIni] the lie' lolel her of his luck in heiJlg pro-
Asbe~tos InsullitillJ,;' C ()Ill IUlJl;\' , .Jefferies, J. 11. 111 Narbertb ave. Telephone Narberth 1633
a1" \Y. ~Iuill ~tl'l·l't. "Ol'l'istOWII. l'a, Phone. 666-M. Virgin '5' Son." Dickinson; "0 Little 1I10tetl to top sergea11t. Unable to keep
Sec <1isl)ia~' ,"In'rtisenl('lIt in this iHstle. Slrnllson, Ilurry A. 232 Essex Ave. 'I'o,,;n of Bethlehem." Scott; "Sollg of t h" g'ooe] l1('\\,S to herself, but doubtfnl
I'hon,\ N IIrberth 630. as to H~ l'Cl1l1el'ing into English, SllD
AUTO)IOIHL1~S. Tyson, 'V..rren It. Phone, Narberth 1202-W. the Ang-eIs, " l\forrison.
Leetl' G..rage-Rep..lrlng. Etc, Phone, 1606. \Vent to ller mist.ress:
OI'TIClA1\5 G,4:J P. :\L-Epworth League deYO- "Lar, SI1\-." sh(' :1Il1l0U11Cec1, "that
Narberth Gurajte. 1'houe Narbel·th
Sec <1isllla~' advertisemcnt in this isslle. Fcnt()[I. Carl If'. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 618-'" tional hour. h" han(' he~l1 dislocated."
Philo.. ..ddreea, lS08 Ch..etnut .t. Loout III.
ZentmaYer. Jooel.h. 228 S. 1Gth st.. PbU•. iA5 P. l\L-E\'ening worship. The
Donahue, I)ntrich:: I,'. l'IiOlw 1(jaa. "horus. under thc direction of Pro. Nice,
Sec <1is\llur uel\'('rliseull'nt in this issue. PAINTERS will render the cnntata, "'l'he King In order to handle an in-
Sabic CCJl!oiore. 1'h011(,. i'arlwl'th (;i:.? "·ulzer. Fred.' creased volume of M_'l.IN
See dh';lllny U(h·C'J'ti:-;PIlH.,nt in this i~Slle. 117 Wlnlor ave. Pbone, 1247·J. Com('th." 1w H. ?If. Stults. For full
BANKS pAl'l~1t 1I.\:o.;<a:o.;(;.
program of' t llis scn-ice see elsewhere
ill Our Town.
Cotter's Meats I"INE REAL ESTATE and
'0 add to OUR SERVICE,
Merion Title &: Trust Vo. Phone. Ardmore •. nn~'d, )I()rlU'(~ S. ::l:~ ~h'etillg IIollSC LuuC'.
See displaY advertisement tn thts tssue. PlIOIH\ :~;j(j.
We regret "cry much thut lust Sun- CITY and COMMERCIAL
BUILDEltS PHOTO PLAYS e]a~' e\'('ning we lwe] to t11rn so many we have
Shand. Alex. C.. Jr. Phone, No. 1710. "Arcadia." 16th and Chestnut stl.. PbUa folks away for want of room. \Ve hope
Narberth Station. See display advert18~ment In tblll tsaue. our clisnppointed frienils will cOme
joined forces with-
Smedle.v, Wm. D. &: Il. T. Phoue. (jOO,
See display advertisement in thle tBsue. I'IIYSICIAXS. l'arly this wcek.
People Who
Dnnicl 1<;. SiNh-nt,)1. n.,
:!1:! FOI'I'l'st '\\'e,
Phone. Nal'berth 001. Other Ohristmas Week Services. Want The Best ALBERT BALL
D..vh. 11. E. Phone. 1264-W. Olllee Hours: (j to S 1'. ~1. 810·12 LAND TITLE BUILDING
See display advertisement In this Iseue, D('cemher ~5th, 'Christmas morning
Ivy Candy ShOll, , PLU)UHNG, ETC. Philadelphia, Pa,
Cool< Uros. Phone 302-J. pra~·('r :lJll] praise sen'icc nt 6 0 'clock.
219 Haverford Ave. Phone. Narberth 1705. See disl,lur udvertlsement In tbls Issue, Groceries and Provisions
CAUI'ENTEltS ANI) BUIM)ERS "'ulI, H. B. 1'lIoIH·. l\al'bl'rth lGU2-,J. Dl'erm1H'r 20th. Sunday School Christ- "Phone Sp,.uce 7491 fo,. Real
Jenkins, Vh.... L. See dtsplay adverttBelnent In tbte tllIU. mas l'lItertainment at S P. l\I.
108 Dudley ave, Phone. 1(j~4. Estate Ser'bice th.1f brin9S results"
REAL ESTATE D('e'emlH'r ~lst, annual Wnteh Night
CONTltACTOlt <n' PLASTEIUNG ('I1II\\\,ell. J. A. I'hone. 1(j~7 s('!,\'ip('. fl to ]2 P.:\L Socinl hours, 9
l;'rutllutonl, James, & SonK. See dlsplu)' advertisement In tbl8 leau. BENT T. RYBERG
239 Hampden ave. Phone, 1697-\V. Fraoch. II. C. Phone, 262·W.
See dtsplay adverttl!lement 1f1 this ht.utl
to ] 1 P. :\L Entertainment fnrnislied
h~' t hc Epworth L('agl1(\ to all 0111'
IJENTISTS H)'berg, Bent T. I'hone 1713. \Yah'h ?\ight fril'nc1s, '1'he young peo-
Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood .. v. Phone, 398-W. See display ad\·crtlsement In this Issue. Pnpertles For Rent and ~.1,
Phlla. Phone. Filbert 425~. KeIth BldK, N ... h,
Uoben J. Phone, 606. 1'1(' will not let yon go to sleep. Prayer Fire IU8uanee
SehembH, Hr. John. Phone Narberth 316-\V. Money tor Flnt ..nd Seoond MortKagea hour, 11 to 12.
SllIlllHUU, Jlunes C. 232 I~ft8ex ave.
Cor. Gra~·Ilng and \Vhlllsor a\·es.
OIDee HOllrs nntll U P. M. ually. Phone. 636. or 1420 Chestnut et, .Tauuary " Comll1union anc1 final Bell Pbone iii W• For Permanent
DRUGGISTS ItOOFINO. ETC. II1l1sil'al s'erdpe of the holiday seaSOll. Wl,n BullcUng. Narbertll. P.
1I0",ard·s. Phone. 1267,
See dtsplo}' advertlBemer.t tn thts tssue.
<;.. ru-~I"Glnle)· Co. Phone, 1268-W.
See display advertisement In this ISlue.
lllller. Jolin A. 243 Iona Phone, 661-J
ELECTUICIANS Shell. 2~6 Haverford Pbone. 1226-J
Cuse, n·. G. Phone. aUG- ,,"-
See ulsplu~' IIdvertlsement in this Issue. 8HOEMAKERS BUY A
PUKh. Veri ~26 Ion.. ave. Ciuud "'ear Shoe Re(Jlllr Shop.
Constontine, U. (I. :!ri2 l-lll\~llrrord ave.

Nar. Phone. 660·W. Ard. Phone. 16B-J.

Smedley Built Home

Phon... 1\'arbl'rth 170(;- \Y.
INSURANCE ~nrh'~I·th Sho(~ Stor.·. :!OH II a \"l' I'f 01'(1 nYe.
Bowman, Sumuel P. (Life.) S .. e display advertisement in this ISBlle.
116 Elmwood "ve. Phone. 668·W.
LOnllhllll, l·'rt'derl(·k .:\. :.!O:; FOl'l'Pst HYt'l., T.\lLOH";.
Nn rhC'rtll, lIn. l'rlmost, 11. 2:1-1 Han'l'!'ol'el un' .. Nal'bl'rth.
See ,Ils(lia~' lIel\'erlis"nlent In this Isslle. Sl'e lllspiny udvel'li,,'nH'nt In tills Issue.
Trotter Bros. (FIre, etc.)
209 Woodelde ..Ve. Phone. 1262·R.
"'Imer. "·m. 'Vood. 106 Forest Avenue.
Phone. 326 R.
'1'l1e I~()\\'er :\Ierlon 'l'llilor
102 FOl'regt '\\·elllle. r\arhel·th. Pa.

Spe dls[lillY uel\"(,l'ltse!lIe'lIt in this tssue, PLUMBING HEATING WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
LAWYEUS The above d.epartment I!Ihould be of tb,
Gilroy, John 211 Essex ave. Pbone, 1246-R.
Philo.. address, Lincoln BldK.
StlteH, F1eteher W. 418 H..verford ave.
gre..teet Use to the communltv, the lIet oon.
ta.lns the ot every profea..lon..l man.
tradelJman. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc" wb.
ROOFING Phone, Narberth 1687

Phone, 872-W Philo.. ..ddreee, Crozer BldK.

McDon..ld John. Narberth pbone, 1288.
does or oan In any w..y eerve hll fellOW-
townsman. and who Is proKreealve enousb
to add to list Ilf ReKlster.
Ae It Is dlmoult for thoee oootributln.
1638 Chelt. et.. Phlla, Pbone. Spruoe 11 n,
their time and elrorts to the produotlon of
"Our Town" to perlonally either know or
Jobbing promptly attended to REAL ESTATE
Gener.l! \\'a)'lIe Inn, IntervIew ..II euch, It would be moet belp.
,Tohn T. Odell, Proprietor. ful It thoee not now found In the prInted
See (llsplny .,dvertiselUent In this Issue. list would send In a memO of tbelr namee.
addreel. phone numbers and buelne_e or NIGHT PHONE NAR. 687 and INSURANCE
MEATS. ETC. profeeeione for lIetlnK. Thle will OOlt ... fol DA.Y PHONE NAR. 302J
(Jott"r, Ho".rd F. Phone, 1298. lowe: 10 oente eaob luue for I 1I0ee; S oeotl
Se.. dleplay advertleernent 10 tble \eeue. for eaob addItional line. NARBi.RTH. PA.
~rallY an,l thrillillg- IUl\'e bl'ell the WOMAN'S COMMUNITY CLUB
tales l'elah·,1 hy the h"rocs of se,'eral
wars ill that ;.1<1 huildillg. By
Officers Hel..L.O\····w~AgeA1
..?·.·-'teR J
Kill That Cold With logs, wPl'e told stol'ips 01' lll,liall war-
saJlle JiI'l'l'l:I<'p, iu the ,,'anll glow of the President-Mrs, E. C. Batchelor.
First Vice Pres.-l\lrs. C. P. Fowler.
Second Vice Pres.-Mrs. A. B. Ros3.
WOR.\(Il'l'~ Will..I. , ""~AOOA I
c:,A,~E ~''''''NO~S. """16 A,IN'1' 1'I-'.E
fare, but todll~' \\'e Ileal' of the yicious
+\~l:~, atrocitil's of the GerJlllLn Army. "Love
and vOllerntioll should fill out hearts fOl'
Corrcsponding Soc't.-l\Irs. E. Mus-
R6P~IQ, 6HOP·····WWof OON1"C.I-\/Ir
"1'R.'t AO'\le~1'191Nc:;.'? "'HA1'
this hllldlllark oj' histol'ic yalue. It is Hceol'lliug Secretary-]\[rs. N. Ander· MAKES 'ell/l \NOR.K\ 'l'Bli"l'CtlA
sou. G'a",e. \
to he hOI,ed t hat this famous Inn will
:-iul'vi\'c foJ' 1I1H1l\P years to ('ollle and will '1'rensurcr-l\ln•. ,Jesse Harris.
he poillll'll ont' t~ the younger gellera' Chaionen of Committees
tilill us sOllldhiug to be rcvcred." Finanee-]\lrs, \Y. ]\[ulholland.
FOR ~hOM;~~~ 'AND
Hospitality-l\lrs. \Y. Li\'ingston.
Colds, Coughs .... f: .,v La Grippe IT'S SERVICE 'l'HAT MEASURES Lcg-islat ion--]\[rs. J\. B, Ross.
Lit<'l'lItnw-AIl's. H. 1-'. \Vood.
It isn't the ,'ut of the clot hes t hat you l\felllhership-~Irs. Horace ]\[oore.
Neglected Colds are Dangerous WCar, Alusie-l\[rs.•Joscph Barclay.
T<,\.:<.: no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. ]\'01' thc 'stull' out of wlJieh tlley are l'l'l'ss-]\lrs. H. A. Jacobs.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - ~elieves JlHlflc, Prognlln-l\lrs. C. P. Fowler,
Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache Though ehosl'u with taste :JIl<1 fastid- .\ssi~t:llit COl'n':",ptJlldilJ l f Sp('rctnry-
ious ear(\; \frs, ~l ilion A kxa II (1('1'. ,., ,
Quinine in this form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative-No Opiate in HilI's. ..\11(1 it isn't the prite that :rou paiL!. llin'l'Ior 01' Il(','"ratioa-~Irs, ./llhu
J l' iSIl't the size oj' your pile in the \\-, ./0,\"'(',
ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ]\'01' the lllllnher of acres you own; Junior Chapter
J t iSIl't a questioll of prestige or rank, Chail'lllaJi-Mrs. Horace ~Io01·e.
Nor of sinew, and musele aIlll hOlle. \'il'e Chairmall--Mrs. Nnrman South-
J t isn't t.he sen'ants that COIIIC at your worth.
THE GENERAL WAYNE INN. for Ilearly two cClltul'ies ha\'e been reo call;
/lee!ed ill tlw scclles l'lIaded there." Jt. isn't the things you possess,
\Vhethcr nlllny, or little-or nothing at Right,
Curious leg-ellds alll! allcient t1'3l!i- Ala II ~lpLall". Oil" of '''ushington's all, 01,1 Lad,\'-" ~I,\' dl'al' littl,' lj"oy, what
tiOliS ('luster about the Gelleral \VaYlle 1II0,t lIotorious SC'Ollts, \'isitl'd the lUll arc you g'oiug' to he whell you get big'!"
It. 's sen'il'l' that measures SIH'cess.
1IIIl, This old lau(I-lIIark llseu through- frequclltly while tllc British were in Little £oy-" A man."
ont the Hl"'olnt iOllary War, should be Philadelphia. Olle uight a skirmish Small But Strong.
H isn't a question of lIame, or of length
of grl'at illtl!rest to the residents of took place in the 11111 yard, llctween
Of' :111 ancestral pedigree,
Lower ~Ierion. '1'he J nn has been the ",'onts of both partips. !Juring the skir· Call'lP Cllok-' ' What is the Illaner
:\01' a question of mcntal vigor and
silent witness of war allll romance. lIIish a youllg ElIglish ollicer was killed, with those l'g~S I gU\"C \'on?"
sl1'cngt h,
The General Wayne is typically all nl'0n his hOlly was fOl1l1d a mill iature :--;{'out-" Teo slIwll for th('ir ag(·."
Nor a qucstion of soeial (legree.
antiqne building-. Jts walls arc twenty- of a ]H'autifni wOll1an. The treasure is
It isn't a question oj' tity or town,
six inehl's thid" cx(,ellcut harriers st ill as fresh all<1 colorful as whilc worn Covering the SituatiOn.
Xor a (jul'stion of lloc1l'illl' or erel'<!;
ag'ain:-:t JllIlian wHrfare. rrwo lal'g'c h," t ha t lost lo,'er. It is 1I0W i II the "isitol'-"I hard1\' kllow "'hat to do
It isn't a question of fame 01' rcuown,
l'0ssessioll of a lIIcmher of ::>treeper's wit h HI\" wppk (\Ild.;'
WalliS Ol'l'UI'Y the norl!Jw('st side of the X or a quest ion of \'alorous (lecd.
f:tJllil~·, 1'l'~idiBg ill Gl\l'JIl:luto\\'Il, :\alh:(~-" I :-:ug'gpst that yon put a
lnll. \Vith their loug narrow lockers, Bllt he who mn kes sOIlIPbo<!y hn I'P~' each
white P:lillt~, lil'pldHee . . , light alld graee-
ful lIIanl cIs, the r04'IIIS arc indeed at-
Therc is tllllple proof that hodics ha"e
hpplI hllriell hot h Oil the propcrt~' of
lhe 11111 and iu thl' illlllll'diatp \'ieillity.
Aud he who g-iHS hec<l tll distress,
hat 011 it."
tmeti "e, Eddellce is sullicient that the \\'i~1 1i~1I1 satisf.:I(,t iOIl th(' ril'hest. of pay, What?
steps ba \'I' heell worn down b~' many, Whl'n thp 01,1 Illdiau trail was eon\'ert· For It':-; ~er\"Jl'e that 1I1PaSllJ'l'S :-:ll('t·css. First S,'OII!-":';:l\'! \\'hat is it that
Complete Line of
ilia II Y feet. cd illto ~Iolltgoll1ery a\,ellue two bodies yOIl ('all 1'111 ill a 1,':,1'1',,1 alld thl' more Goodyear Tennis Shoes
'J'!;e Gelleral "'a Ylle was hrought wI're disillterl'l'(l, elle!ospd ill thc crnlll' .nlH 1'1I~ ill. tilt.' liglJtf'l' it ~!:('1:-;?~'
n)()re forcibly illto p;lblic 1I0tice durillg lolillg- UllifoI"lIi of thl! Hl,,'olntion. ..\1' ~(\('()IHI S('ollt-~' })Otl 'I kllo\\"."
the He,'o]ution, The Jnll is situated, as auothl'r illstaul'e a body was fOUII<1, Pilst, Sellllt-"Holes."
~'ou know, Oil ~lontgOlllery a\'enue, ad· dl'Pply illibeddl'd ill a \'at. 0111'(' uSl',1 by See-Saw.
jat'l'llt to the ~Ierioll ~Ieetillg House. till' tallu('r," HI jIll' ,'j]]ag-p 01' Gl'lIl'ral rry_d Did the sa \\'!"
,\"011 S(ll' Jes' Left.
Duriug' the war it lay ]H'tweell the two
Jts ]Jositioll was indl'l'd ad-'
The lirst an,l for a while the ollly
)lllSt oflit'(I ill tII(\ T()\\"II~hip was iJl the
Cy-"Xo, I :--:1\\. tilt' spa."

Now He Feels Just •• So-So.' ,

.A llt',!lTO W:lS trying til ~:l(1111e a frac·
tious mull', \\'hell a bvstall,ler :lskl',l:
"Dol'S that 1I1l1lt- 1"',,1' I~i"k you, Sam?"
Its pl'Opril'tors han' bl'ell few. \Vhell Gl'IIerHI \\':I\'nl'. Votes were first cast Pir'! Class-"J g'Il1 a trig-htful stildl "No sllh, but 11<' SOllll'1lIl11's ki('ks OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
]'l!ilt ill ] i()~, if was owued hy Allthony t h"I'(' alld lI:allY a hHrd-J'IlIlg-ht polit ieal iu III,\' ;.;ille at thp I'all," the other (lay." \\'11(,1'(' ] 'st' .ips' 11(\('11."
batt II' was ('llIlI'ted withill its walls, ful' :';,','olld Class-" res, thaI's the WZlI'St UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
TlIJd:-;. During' tllP \\":Ir, it was COll-
tiu('tl'd b," Abl'ahalll ::>t l'l'l'jll'r, a youug' I k 1I0W lIot' how mallY generations. It Ill' ]Il'illg 'II(,lIl1l1ed' iu by the l'1'owd." A Point of Order.
lieut ('lIalit of I he ,\IIH'l'ieall COllt illeutaj
Lilies. :-it I','el,,'r, whill' \isit illg' his
i~ !lOW the tll:-ittlJII 10 \'lItt~
"Ollllllissiolll'I'S 01' the Towllship held
Jl(IJ'{l, TIlt ,
A Kick Coming.
"Xnw T
I'l'l':·dl]t'tlt :It t l'onp lllc'etillg:
\r:tll~ YIIU ~t'(Jllls 10 hI' ~() quiet
Pasteurized Milk 1 DELIVERIES
BryncJovls Cerlilled WEST PHILA
falllil,'" ,n,s tal"'11 pl'i'oll"1' b~' a party tllpir first IlIe"tillg- ill this bnildillg. Hasflls-":-:';:!\,. ~alll. wantn' buy a :I'al ~'Oll I'ollll! 111'ar a pin ,11'0]1," Milk .
umle I" ' ~lIlall ,'oil'" at th,' 1I:ll'k (If th,' room (pedrlaUc Society) OVERBROOH
of tIll' elll'llI" aud dl'tailll'd ill the \Val- Th,' C;PII!'ral \VaYlIl' was for lIlallY
IIUt ::>t 1',','1 i'l'isoll ill l'hila,lL-lphia, Jle \,,'Hr, a }'('lIdl'z,'ons' for tra\'elers, '1'1;0 :';auI-"\\'hat ail,; de lllule!" whcll c\'el'",thillg" ,\'a, qlliet: "Ll't 'IeI' Special .. Guernsey" MERION
also 0\\'11('(1 th,' blad,slllith shop oppo- 'JH'(lSC'llt" :\Iontg-ollicry :l\"elll1C was ol'ig'- Hastu:-,-" XOfhill '." 111'np. " Milk WYNNEFIELD
sitl' tl,,' JIIU, alld it InlS there that IlIau," illally au JudiHII trail. \\'hell the stage :";HIU-" Deu what \'Il' w:lllla sell him (Roberts' & Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
of \Yashillg-t011 's alill 'YaYlle's horses for'!" . Shooer.
l'otll'h hl'gall its tran'ls, from the Prus- Dairies) NARBERTH
wel'l' shod. Olll' Da,'i(1 YOUIIg- was sia lUll, I'llila,lL'lphia, to the Beach Ha\'- Hasl11s-" Xothill '." '1\'II(lerfoot- " Sa\', lIal'ol,l. IIi,] ~·ou
Sam-"l'lI take him." know thaI I h:11! a '1I1'W :illh?" Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
"BliJlc host" ill ] S;·:S. anti it 1'Clll:dllC(l l'lI lIonsl', LHllca,tcr, it usell the 01,1
iu his falllil~' uutil ISS:;' The \\'ayne 1r:t iI, :-i(l(lli to be BUll]t' into ~I OJltg-oIlH·r.\· First ('lass S"'1I1t-" '-'0, what is it?" Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
Understan' , Tl'II11l'J'foof-" 01,. 1'11I bl:ll'ksmith ICream.
was lhl'lI sol(l to .Jallll's Baird, who in ~1\(llitH'. The eoa('h~ IH.\g-illllillg' in 17S;"),
tllm sold it to 11'l' hllshand of thl' pl'es- lllndt! n trip (l Ye 1',\' ~[ollfla~r, Tl1l';..;day. "Xow, hO,v:-i," l":d<1 the J-\l'hoollllastel' (]0\\,1I to th" ,'alllh' kit"hcII."
ellt 0\\'111'1', ~ll's. I-:dw:II',1 Odell. Priday allll Sat ul'day, It always pullell to llJl' g'(Io;.!ral'hy ('la:,:-;~ " ] W:1111 you to First CIa,s 8,'o\;t-" I ,lon't get you,
Jts sig-n is qllaintl,'- fired in frollt antI
swings buck unll forth with the wino.
upon it is o(lol~' painted, in colors, a
Ill' t,. thl' lllu pon'h, awaitillg th(' al'-
l'j \"n 1 111' }I:l~Sl'lIgt'r:--. It \\':1:-' 1I III {'lIstnlll
of the drivel', while yet a 10llg distallce
Iwar ill Illin(l that the aHix 'sfau' Ill('aus
'till' pl:l('(l 01'.' Thu:-, \n' h:1\'(' Af'g'halli-
stau, th(' 1'1:1,'" oj' .-\J'g-hans-also Hin-
what do YOU lllC'Hn?"
Tenderfoot-" .Just wlmt I said, I
~dlt 'II fl it"'!". "
)lortrait of Gl'lIeral 'Vayne, seateo ujJon 1'1'0111 the 11111, to SOlllld a hla'1 1I1'01l hi~
dnst:lII, thl' pl:u'l' oj' llillllus. ('all au\,-
Oil!' :,!:i\"l' :lllolllpr pX:llllple!" . Painless.
45th and Parrish 8ts.
H Iio!':-;P. Thp dat(' of it~ erectioB and horll, thus nlaldllg- kllo\lll his ani,'a!.
lh,' lIalll<' of the pl'o)ll'il'tor (':lI' also :\01l0d." apl'l'an'd \'1'1'," anxiolls to do 'I'I'Il,lpl'f'not haYing- his tecth workl'tl
'Phe cOllslrlll'1ioll 01' a stl'am raih\'tl\' '" Ilut il lit t II' .lohllu,'- Snag-g-;.;, thl' joy Illl: "OlH·l1."
be notiel"l. l"pon thl' \\'hitl'was]'l',l po]e
plilllbs i,'y, all the whill' strh'illg-, so it
Sl"'1I1S, til rl'al'll fh,' (,I,'al' blue sky abo\'('.
l'realell qnitl' a S"lIsHtioll, '1'h,' Colnn;-
h;a Hailroad, hnilt h~' thl' ~tHt" ill IS::,I,
:d thp pxpclld1tlll'l' of' $;;.ns;L::()~. \\':l~
of his IIl0th('1' atld lh,' tl'l'l'OI' of (':ltS,
said prolldl~', "rl", sir. I call. Um,
IJ<>nt isl-" 'Vhat are Yon fnssing"
nhnllt, don 'f "on know I'~l a pai1l1l'ss
'l"h,' 11111 has h:III IIlan,' lIanll'S, SOOIi ),n'lla s tall, th,' 1'1:1<'" 1'01' JTmll1'cllas." t!('nf ist. " .
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Olll' of thl' Ii 1',1 oj' ils Idlld ill this ,'onll-
:01'''1' it was Iwilf it 'was eall"ll the Tendcrfnof-" Ycs, sir, you may be
tn ,lud 1hel'l'l'ort' t'oll:.;idt'l't'd a \\"o 11 t1t'l'-
and Heating

·~\\·:l,,~id(' 11111," Ih('11 "TlIni:- Ol'diJl~ Unnatural History, I'nillll'ss, hnt I'm not,"
1'1;] al'hip"L'ul<'lIl. It l'ass,'01 thl'ollg-h ~el'oJl(I Clas, :";('oul-" \Vh \' dOl's all
ar.\·. ,; .:\ftVI' tlIp t'tllllldt'l' of our gl'l':It
],IlWl'l' ~Ierioll I'llI' a tli,!':,",'" oj' fllul' I':-:ll'il'h h:l\-p stJ(·h :J long llcl'l{'l" NARBERTH PA
State had ,'isitl'(1 th" lilli, while attend· '111,1 OIlL'-llIlIf u,ill's. 'I'hp l":Iill'oHd ell-
illg a (~lIal'tel'l,\" ~Il'l'!illg of the l<'riends
of lhi:-; S~'('1 iolt, it \\:1S ~pok(,Jl of a~ the
ll'n'll t h(' \'illag',' Ilf Gl'IJ('ral Wa~'lIl.. _1Jc-
'l'1'1I<lerl'oot-" B"('HIIS!' its hea(l's so
t a I' from its hod,'" I g-Iless!"
The Narberth Electric Shop Phone, Narberth 1602-J
J•• w tl,e lilli, alld ha,1 a [JI'Olllill('lIt ,top-
"\Vlll, Penn Hotel." J)uriug the TIl"'O- pilll! pla,'e at 1hat [Jllillt. :'Iluk, \\'l'!'l'
lution it was" Streep,'r 's 'j'ayl'l'Il" and u:,eol til aill 1hI' ('Ilg-il'" ill pnlling- its Undisturbed. that dries without a wringer. ~""""""""""'\;~~::,::,;~"~\""""~"""~"",~,,,,,,,,,,~~~~
aequired its presl'lIt Illlllle nearl," twell- (';Il'g'o O\'('t' the l"1ight illt'lille at. the cn- lllqllisitin' 011(' (to 01,1 gl'lItll'man w. G. CASE, ~ ~
t~· YP:I I'S In 1 l'l'~ wh('11 (l11{\ of' t hp g'l'eil t e~t 323 Conway Ave.
fl'HII"l' 111' IIII' ,'i":I~". 'I'll,' old StIlU(' stil'l{illg ill a (·oa1 holp)-" Opal' IIlC.
soldiers this ,'oUllt r," I,as I'I'0dlll',,(1 se- bl'idg" is s1il1 staudillg-, (II' the propel't)' lIa\'e ~'ou falll'lI thl'oug-h thl' l'oal rhone. Narberth 395 W
l'ul'l'(l for pi,'ilizatioll t1wt t('I'I'itory he-
TWL'l'1I thl' Ohio a1l(1 ~lississi[lpi ninl's.
"j' thl' 11111. on'l' whil'h 11", l':Iihnl"
Itoll"? " ~ ~
. Old Gl'lItl('IIHln (wilh a gleam in his !l'@ Just think what you can save ~
011 );,('bl'lIal',\" Ii. li!I;" \\'a\II(', hi, 1:"t
batllc' f'ou~ht, woJ'll out ill 1I1ill,1 all,l ThL' autoJllohilt, has S\1("'l'I',Il'd the
(',\'(')-"Oh. 110, illd",',1. J happl'lIe(1 to ~ by calling the H. Primost Clean- ~
bo<1y, passed down this pike, 011 h is way 11l1ll1wring stage <,o:l('h. and c\"ell BO\\',
b,' hel'l' whl'lI th(' road W:lS l111iH, :11)(1 ~ ing, Pressing and lJyeing Co. ~
to Phil:\(lelphia fl'Olll Falll'lI 'I'ill,])el's, as iu ,lays of yOI'P, thl' luu i;.; a fa,'orite
so thl' \\'nrkll)('II. ullwillillg to disturh ~ They clean better, press hetter, ~
sloppilll! p]a('p. But with the autoJllo,
Ilil', Jllcrl'l." bllilt it :l1'Olllld n1l'!" ~ and als'> have call and delivery. ~
the hero of th,' da ". lIe wa, 1I11't at
"Streeper's 'I'a\,en;" hy a g-rouJl of Idlp \\,p ('Olll(\ to t lip Pl'(,~(,lIt hhitor,v of ~ We will try to explain to our ~
Philadelphia light horsc, aull e'eol'le,l th:1t lalldmark, ])\1l'iOI~ th,' g-n'at \\'orId
'1'0 I-i-v-e the wrollg way is e v i I. GARAnteed Roofs ~
many customers that we are
ready to give you the hest service.
iu POlll!', to n'('ei\'(· 1hl' hOlllage of the 1'''IIf1id lhl' 11111 II'a' tl,,' S""'"' Ilj' \l'1'l'1d\' %
~ J ust call Narberth 1254J, and we ~
lIIctT'opolis of tlll' eOl1ntr,"" Heel Cross JIlcetiugs nnd elaily savings
Dnring the Rl'\o]lItion thl' lun W:lS j'1l1' lhp ho,'s lit th(' fl'OIlt. 'I'hn'l' of' it;.; ~ will promptly call anybJherr. ~

in 1'1lIinl'ut IWI'il. "Ho,til(' arlllil" hu''-',' sou;,; saw 'sl'l",'i,'c. .\11 th!' whill', Old
call1pe,l in the fields that surroUllll it
and the victories and defeats or' six'
wars aud all the C\'Cllts that go to make l
G lory and thl' t h !'l','-sl a I'!'l',l sl'l'dcl' flag
h\1l1g' sidl' h~' si,k ill frollt of the hll1,
prllclniJlliug" 10 all who passl'd its teJll-
up th" lI1an~··si<1",1 life of a C'ommunitr, ' ;;; Home Town Tailor ~
plll":lry los,.
The Merion Title and Trust Company of ~ ~
Ardmore, Bala-Cynwyd Branch, cordially
234 Haverford Avenue I~
LEE'S GARAGE invites inspection of its New Offices on
Phon. 12154J ~
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on ~~~~~
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing Monday, December 27, 1920, at State and
Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies Llanerillo Roads, Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.
Narberth t 60S L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. Educator
...........--, and

N0TI(2E Kreider Shoes

Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds Patrick F. Donahue on School Shoes
Authorized Taxi Service, by Certificate'from Public Service
Packard Limousine to Hire Commission, dated November .6, .920 Better come in and look
them over
Taxi meets all trains
SABlE CENSORE Store orders promptly called for and delivered Narberth Shoe Store
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
209 Haverford Avenue
PHONE NARBERTH 672 Open Day and Night Phone 1633 Narberth

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