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BIG TENNIS MATCH PARTLY Narberth Veterans Suffrage Notes

PLAYED WILL BE FINISHED Form American '1'he I'l'gulur monthly meetiug of the
Jofoutgoull'ry Couuty Sufi'rage AFsocin-

THIS SATURDAY Legion Post !ion will he held ou Wl'dnpsday, Octo·

her 1'1, at 10.:1II A. ~L, at J(iI)(i Fiuanco
Buillliug, 1'hila<lt'lphia.
On Frilluy p\'ening, SpptclllhL'r :?6, :\lr.
Eo l'"unL'lI, County Ol'gauizel', lJIL't the
BIG CROWD EXPECTED TO-DAY sl'l'\'i,'e lJIt'n of Xarhl'l'th iu till' Fin' Narberth Meeting.
lIoust'. to fonu a ('hapter of the Amer· Thl' IliouthlylJll'cting of thL' :\al'hertl;
Th,' Hnab in thl' lOIn tournalllt'nl of iean Legion. Sutfrage ASl'tll'iation will he l]('l'd on
the Xarherth Tellnis As"wiatioll for
of his 14 serves, gl\'ll1g the forntcl' a
:-oli;.!ht aflvHntap-tl in tlJi:-; rp~Ill~('J, show- THE FIRESIDE 'l'his 0l'gau1zatiou \I'as fomll',l iu
1<'r:lu,'e au,l is fouudetl ou su,'h tiue
1"ri<la,\', Odoher ] n, :: 1'. ],1., at the Y.
thL' single". ,:h:llnpion"hil' 'nl" starh,a ing that i tillIPs Van Atlgpn hrokl' in ~1. C. A., ~al'herth.
late last Satunlay aftprnoou, BlIt dark· on Kirkpa tripk 's sen'ie" and Wall, i'!<'ab of AmPI·i,'anisrtl that it is grow·
n,'ss ,'alII" Oll, hpfort' the pl:l,\'prs, ~Ie;n,:, II"lll'!"l'aS Kirkpatriek hro]H' in on Van 'rhe COll1mulliityCloh \\"ill ho],l a sur· iug -by thousautls daily. Posts are he-
Y:lIl AukI'll al1<1 KirkJlatri,'k. ,'ollld Jiu· AU](PIl 's ~tlI'\·l' and wou oul.v ;; tinll\:'o. prisp lilt'''! illg all,l hox 10nehL'oa on 0,,· ing formL'd iu lIIost "YL'ry to\l'U i u the
tohl'r ith at noon. eouutry, and while tht'Y art' all tem- NOTICE.
ish, The match will he coudude'l this In thl' llIattpr of lon' gallIes Van Aukcn
Saturday aftl'I"lIOOIl. An dl'ort will Ill' won ;"), while Kirl<patricl< di,lll't win !lorary, just at prest'nt, thl' Pt'unsyl. Ash",. will he collected on the north
Don't forgl't the Women '" Auxiliary
made to start playillg at:; 0 'elock. an,v. ]n the three sets Van AukL'1l vauia State Cou\'('ntion will ht' held in side '1'hurs<lay, Octoher!), aull on tho
lIIPL'ting' 011 ~[onday evening, Octobcr
The first two SL'ts ,,'ere won h~' Van s"orL'd nil points for a total of Hi gallIPs, Harrisburg 011 Oetoher Z, :1, 4, and the south "ide, Friday, Oetober 10.
AllkL'n, tIll' first one in qlli"k onll'r. while Kirkpatriek scon,d in points fOI ~at<ioual Conyention in ~linn"apolis C. E. HlDIPHHEYS,
BlIt in the ':L','ond Kirkpatl"il'k lwgan a total of 12 games. ende Sam alld 1'0stmastL'r 11uws have for three dll,\"S' aheJllt ;"o\·t'm'lll'r 10, 11, StrL'et Commissioner.
to "get on to the X:I1',\' nlan ',: sl"'l',l 1'H't.'1I t10ilJg quite a hu:,'illes....; in" thl~ ~aJl­ 1:? Aftpr thesr ('on\'L'ntion", the or.
nnd cur\"e:o:," as thp)" an" ~ayjng in Cill~
Other Tournament Matches. 01'.1 goods line. gauizat,jou will he a permaul'nt one.
einnati :lUtl Chit'tlgo tld:-; \\'(~I\I{, an,d thp OthL'r mateh(',. in, the s('l'eral tourna' Thp eonstitution an,l history of the DEATH OF MR. JOHN THORTON
II a ve y,ou any rUlllmage for the
:\uI(,l'i"lIn Lpgion \l'IlS ]'('ad h.v :I[r. Peu-
s,'ore ,\~'is nilleh e!oser, 1,-'-4, wh(,I'l'a,: nll'n ts playl"] dnring the ]l:lst week reo BALSLEY.
WOOI('II '" Auxiliary I PleasL" phone
the fir,:t s('t I\'as 6-:? In tIl,' third ':l't snitI'd in the following seorl's: 1I!'1l to the :"arlwrth hoy.s, thirty,sL'\'elh\
:'I:arl)('rth 1ull·W.
Kirkpatril'k stnll'k ,:omethiJlg of his :Singh''', seiuiofinals-Van AukL'n ,Ic· ~f whom attendt'd the meeting, nllll
ol,t stritle and won '6-4. ft'ate,1 Warll'il'k, 4-6, 6--0, !l-7, li-3. :\11'. and :\lrs. Alhert G. StL'phL'nson thL' following otTi"prs WL're elected 1'0' 011 Satunlay, S,'ptl'nlht'r :?7th, Mr.
thL' :\arherth Post: .John Thorton Balsley "l'nterl'd into
Xext WL'L'k. with thL' matl'll 1'0nclIlllL',I, ~lixpd Dlluhles, first roun<l-":':lfis" Ir· will he u t homL' during the win tL'r U t
G"orgt' O. SU'lith, C1I:liJ"lUall. l'('st. t, ComilJg' to i\arherth one Jyear
we will puhlish a full "co)'(' all" analysis \I'iu and ~lr. Pattisoll <ll'fL'atl'<l ~li"s Ila,' .. rfonl Ion., '
of the l'omplPle contest, hilt it is in· .Just),,!' an,l ~fr. :lluschalllp (i-:;, 8-0. Irwin \\'ard, Vi"t'·Chairman, ago to spl'nd tht' .v"ars which he thought
~Irs, WlII, H. Smith an,1 ehildren, of Han.\· A. Simpsou. St'('rctary. might Ill' his in happy, rpstful rctim.
t,'rL'sting to note now that in last Sat- Singh'S Consolation, semi·finals~~lus·
urd:,y 's pla~'ing Van Aukcn won n of :llaplt' uod Woodsid': avenue, hu\'e left H. :\t'wton Compton, Treasurer. nll'IlL as' our town sl'"ml'd to llim to
('anlp (h\fc'at(\d ](ru:-'ll. (i-:!, ;"j-7, (l-:!,
his 14 sL'n'L's, an,l Kirkpatril'k won 7 for H thn,' mooths" \'isit to Boston. Posts art' to 1)(' u.:1I11t',l in honor or off"r what hL' most ,lesin'tl, ht' and his
sonl('one in th" ,li"trid who hilS "II','U wifl' "hose tht' pleasant homt' at tho
:\Ir. and :\11''', .Jan'es 1". 1)llnnPlly an,l
his lift',' or exception ~"I"\'i,'e in the~'\'<lr: ('oruer of )ferioll :lnd Es:·.;(\x avenueH.
Community Club 11 igh ~"hool Bo,Ys-:llon,la,v
Thursda,\'. ;l.OO·,;.:lO 1'. ~r.
an,l .. hil,ln'll Sllt'llt thl' lus,t WL'!'k cnd al
Atlalltie City. this lIaml' to hI' ('lIrriL'll hy thl' Post
,luring its I'xistence.
III ht'alth prL'H'ntt'd adi\'(, part,it'ipa.
tion ill the afl"airs of til(' town, hilt his
Luncheon Next Tuesday' Gramlllar 8,·hool BO'y,:-\VI't1nl's,la.,',
;;,OO,,"),:W 1'. :ll.; 8atnr';:1,", fl.l.l·IO.],") :\11'. alld :\11'''' ll<,ilJl'l't Buchallun :tI1I1
SOli have takell ul"urtnll'llts for the win·
TIll' ('all. "\Vht'll ,10 Wt' t'at!" WIIS
alIs\\,erNl hy the famili"s of the hoys,
intellig,'nt, qni"k, rL'sponsi\'(' spirit \\'on
tht' n's!,,'l't anll hig-h n'gard of those
The Commnnity Club lI'ill open its A. ~r.
fall seasoll with a lawn s<Jeial. All t"r at the \\'aYlle\\"ood, 'WaYlie. au,l "uhstalltial rt'frL'shllll'nt~ werL' se~," II"ho w,'n' fortuna tt' I'IllIngII to knOll"
Grallllliar SI'!1Ooi Giris-Tllt'slla~', 3.00·
th" mellllwrs are n'qn,'st!'d to hring :L 1',1, aftl'r whi,'h tht' IIIl'et,ing adjournt'd, him.
il,:W P. :I!.: Satnl'<la~·. ]0,:\0·1 \':\0 A, ~r. ~Ir". Walter S:oilh, of DUllley anti
box Inncheon on TU"l'tla~', Ol"foher 7th, ~forp news rt'garding tht' FOl'l'igu PI'\\' indt"',1 It'a Yt' sUl'h a splendid
'The above sl'!le,]u1t' is "ubjPct to \VinMJI" a\','nnes, h,OIS sold hL'r honse
at 12 0 'clock noon, at thL' residencL' ,).f Legion will be found in the ,'oluullJ.s of re"ol'd of long, intt'lbgt'nt, faithful servo
ehangr if ,1t'vplopm,'uts ilIlli ,'a ft' the and lI'ill spend se,n':al months with hl'r
Mrs. H. A. ,Jacobs, Wyllncwoo,l alit.! Our Town,. i,,\,. For oyer fifty years he had served
nl'ed of rearrallgenll'nts or of additiollal son Cla,,,tl'l' in Cali:!JI.rnia.
Elmwood avenurs. This is termed II Thl', nL'xf' 11l1't'tiJlg will Ill' hPld duro thl' P,'nll!;,Ylvania Railroad Company
e la~~es.
surpl'isl' mL'eting and will lH' held all A'fll'I' !"l'ceiving thed' first order of illg the wpek of Oetol1l'r 6·11. with ral'L' tidl'lity' and hall risen to the
the luwn following the hox luncheon. food through the Post OllieI', a gr!'at position of FrL'ight Train ~Iastl'r, ana
'. WIlS fnlfilling the duties of that posi·
Many' of the members have bl'eu in· LARGE QUANTITY OF GOVERN, many people are or,Jpril1'g additiollul
qUiring wh!'n the 'Club wOllld nlPet, so supplies. HONORS FOR ONE OF OUR MOS'!' t ion a t Harrisburg when ht' retired.' Ht
do not fail to make this evcnt the most luul sprn t fiftL'l'n years wi t h the como
The \\'olllL'n'S Auxiliary mitL' hoxe,: pany at PhiladL'lphia ant! had an ex.
important engagement for TUoCsday, Oc·
tober 7th. ComL' and see 'what ~ur, will he recalled during the latter part tL'nded a .. qullin,tan\~e along the en<t.ire
Up to datL', GO\'erlllncllt food supplies ~Ir. William Kirk, .Jr., of Woodside
prises are in store for you. of Odohl'r at a sociiIl guthering to be Phi!adl'lphia Di\·i~ion.
to the value of ilion' than $l,iOO have
hel~ in the Y. :\1. C. A. a\'CIllIP, who is oue of :\arherth's old· His int('rllIL'nt oe(~urr"d at Harris-
beL'n sold to residents of our horough Pst alld lJIost respe,·ted eitizens, was bnrg, whert' tht' Hl'v. .lohn Van Nes~
Y.M.C.A.Gymnasium thongh the l'iarhprth Post Ollice and
the good ollin's of Postlllastpr Haws und
The members of the SL'mp"f Fidelis
Bible Class will hold a husiness and
highly houored this past week on the
o"easiou of his rdirt'meut from aetiYe
otli"iatt'd amI his ~fasoni.. frien,ls paid
tl1l'ir trihnte of r"gard and affect'ion.
Opens October 1 his assistants. In hull< this represents
a hout 15,000 pounds.
sOeiul meeting in the PrL's'hyteriun
Church IIL'Xt TUL'sduy e\'L'ning.
sen'iee with the 1"'llI1sylnll1ia Hailroad
COlllpauy, with whieh he has heL'u asso,
Thlls far foo,l l'llppli,'s nl!uL'd at ciated for forty·tlm!l' yenrs.
MR. E. E. ELLIS, PHYSICAL DIRECT. ~Ir. and :\[r,s. Wm. B. Goodall are
$i6::'40, or ahout th ree alItl a half tons, ASH COLLECTIONS NEXT WEEK.
leu "ing to·day fOl' a ten days' dsit to au '1'uL's<lay .Mr. Kirk rl'tirt'd a~ chief
OR OF NARBERTH SCH:OOLS, ha\'(' h('('n reepi"L'd and delivered. As
Atluntie City. Th"y will stop at the hookkel'per in the olhee of the general
WILL DIRECT PHYSICAL fast as Illl,litiollal Sllipllll'nt" an' I"l'ceiv· The BOl'ongh ash eollel'tions will ho
:\1 arlhorongh·Blenheim. lIIanagL'r, \\'lll'rL' he has' heen for thirty.
DEPARTMENT AC- pd thpj' ",ill he deliwrell to the pur· ma.l" nt'xt \\'cpk. On Thursday, October
"ight years, having OUtlllstL'd half It
TIVITIES. ehu:--ers. n, the "oiled ions will Ill' made on tho
:\11'. William T. lIurris, of :\lontgom· dozl'u 01' more gL'nl'l':J1 managers. AI.
Ortll'rs for "orn, peaS, hakl'd heans, north sidl', :11,,1 on thp j".lllowing day,
el'~'a\·cllllc, nIlIlOUn('e~ the cngagculent though ht' is st'\'enty year" 01<1, he looks
Arrangements havr heen oCompll'!t'd roast bppf. ('orn,'d b('('f, h:lt'on and corn- Friday. Ol'tohl'l' 10, eollt'l'lions will he
of his ,laughtl'r, AnlY Harris, to :\11'. younger H11(1 :-;ays Ill\ fpl'l:-, P\"lltl youngpr
by the Assoeiation to give the hoys an,l pd Ill'pf ha"h are still heillg reeph'ed at than he looks. nllld,! on tht' south side.
Ll'wis Woo,l Easby, of ML'diu.
girls, llIen and \I'OUIL'n of :\arberth the tIll' Post Olliee.
Col. .1. W. Study, ading for the em'
usual first·dass opportunitiL's for physi. Hpports from thosL' who ha ve rl'('eh'ed Tiloe to hIy up 1Ill' IUWIl' mOll'l'r and plo.vees of th" gl'neral mauagcr's oillel',
cal culturL' and recrL'ation. t!ll'ir ordL'rs and tried the food are h,'dge clipper :11111 get busy with the 11I','sented ~lr. Kirk with a set of tra\'(,I·
Afternoon, e\'L'ning alld nlOrning nnanimous that the goods are fine. eoal shovel and nsh euns. 'Life' in the ing bags.
suburhs is ,iust oIll' thing' lifter another. Two cente per word each In.ertlon. cull
periods have bl'!'11 an:anged in aceord· Gl'nt'ral :I[anager H. L. O'Dounl'll hilS In advance. No advertleement acc.pted un-
unee with sehedulL' showlI hcloll', which writtt'll ~fr. Kirk a Idter, pJ'llisiug him Ie.. cub accompanle. cop,.
'The Octo her me"tiug of the ~lain
experi('nee SL'L'IIIS to illdil'atl' I\I"P Ill'st
suited for the difi'erent clussl's.
The Women's Auxiliary Lilll' Com III unity Cooneil will be held
fol' his ,w'ars of faithful sen'i"t'.
l\[r. Kirk will ret il'l' on a Iwnsiou. He WANTED-l\1arried couple wants din-
The eo,opt'ratioll hetweoCll our school at the ;\lilestone. Luneaster avenll",
was horn Septemill'r ti, 18411, aud eut\'rt'd ner (evening). South side preferred.
llllll the Association, alld our good for· '1'hL' rL'gnlar monthly ml,pting will he Bryn ~luwr, at 8 1'. ~L on Tuesda~',
the employ of the Pcunsyh'ania Hail. Box !l6f3, Narberth.
tune in bL'ing able to sreure ~fr. Ellis. hl'l,l on ~[onday L'\"t'lling, O,·toher 5th, OetobL'r 7th.
road in Oetoht'r, 1876. He W"lIt to the
lIlakes poss';ble the cOlllprehellsL I'e sehed· lit S 0 ','Ioek promptly. This IIIcL'ting
~lr. nnd :\Irs. F. Wehard Gifford, who general Illtlnuger 'H otIiCl~ ill OetolH.ll',
prolnist's to he Ollll of unusual interest,
-, ule of gymllasiulll work.
o",ing to the nUlllher uf important dis.
ha\'e IJl'l'll sl'endillg their va"utioll ut 1881. FOR SALE-:\fllhagon~y Chinn Closet.
Physil'al Htness is a duty, not only FinL's\'illL', ~ .•1., hu\'(' rdurned and nrc Au,l Our '1'oll'n wishes to ad,l its hest J'hont' :\arherth (jO:I·~L (,")l.p)
to ones self, bnt to his to\l'11 IllHl eonn- ,'u""ions i!l<ci,lL'nt to the tiual arrange.
elltertaining' :\Iiss Duis,)' Young as theil \l'ishl's to thl' othl'rs aud eXll'u,1 to ~lr.
try, find it is hopl'd largl' nUluhers of IIIl'nts for the rUlllmage sale, rL'tllrll of
house guest. l"irk our ,'ollgrntulatious on his long
.our pL'ople ",ill amil themselves of the Illite boxl's, ~loth('r Goo"P Cnrnival, ete., OFFICE WANTED-Dt'ntist I'enires of-
all.1 sp!<'lllli<l serdees.
opportunitips affordL'd at our III cal Asso· which Ill''' likL'ly to h" h"ld, and it is Our High\\'lI,)' Department has made n tkl' at on"". ~lnst be \'entl'ally Joeat-
ciu tion gYlill1!1 si um for the tIevelopment ,'arn"stly hopc,1 that there ",ill he a fine job of re'surfueing WiJ](lsor a \'1" t'd, "ithel' in bnsiness st'etion 01' privut<l
of this fitness. large attendunee. 1'amil,'·' Pleas!' gin' full information a8
nul', fronl Essex to Con,wuy, and is get· ARDMORE WELCOME DATE
:1\1r. Ellis promises to cOlll'hille plenty ting r\~lllly for the stretch hetll'eL'n Can· to wha t you hll yeo Box 1~!l, X arherth.
Rummage Sale. CHANGED.
of rl'erention with his trninillg_ A nL'\\' way and Wynnewood avenuL's. (2)
fea ture of the work to be 1111 d<'rtakl'n The runllllag" sale \\'ill hL' held dur.
will bl' a l'!assill hoxing allil wrestlillj.: ing the latter part of the lIlonth. WI' Mrs.. William :\IeKiliney and famil~' The .latL' for the big weleome home ESTATE OF MARY L. GOUGH, Dec'd.
for the .Tunior and Senior High School will he glad to send for donat,ions at have rdurned from OCL'an City. whL're ('dehratiou for Anlmore's sen'iee meu, l,elll')'s 'l'est:lIncn tary on tho abOve
bo~·s. any time you lun'e thelll ready, if you t Ill'y ha \'e been spending the summer II'hi .. h is hl'ing unaug"d by n couuuit· estatl' ha dng heen granted to the un-
In spite of tho inerl'ased cost of ",ill killtlly phone l'iarb\'rth 16ll.W. ulltl are back in tlll-ir hOllle on :\orth te" of the Ardmore Cham'ber of COlJl o dersigned, all pprsons indebted to the
e\'eryt-hing, and in eontmst with th,' The 1'l"'L'nue frolll this sale will he used Essex a venue. mcree, has hel'n ,'hang,'d from Oetoher said estatt' an' I'eqnested to muke pay-
usual trend of things, our d ill'S this in puying the hal/lIl"e oll'ed 011 thL' new 11 to Octolll'r 18. '1'hL' origiual date ment, ulld those having legal claims,
. y,'ar are us in the pust; rpuson:lhle una roof. The original hill was $602.00. Of At tl1l' clos,e of the s!'rlllon in thL'
WllS d'is'cal'lle" when Governor SprOUl present tlw sallie withont delay to
within reaeh of all. Ask tIll' Secretary. this alnount $425.00 has heen puid. Xo Pn'shyteriaa Chureh lIext Sunday 11101'11·
selel'l"IJ t he sallie one as "Vietory 8. SPEl'iClm CHAPMAN,
You will find it \\'orth ",hill'. eust"Jff garment or pie,~e of furniture. ing, ~lrs. Hust, the popular soprano of
DIlY." '1'homus Croniu, chairmuu of .IOH:'I A BROWN,
The sehetIule is as folloll's: .. hina, pieturl', et,:., is too old to he of the Chur"h Quartette, II-ill sing the Ill'au·
the Cl'lehrutiou COlllmittee, promises a l~xeclltors.
Business Men-:\Ionday a 1111 Thurs· nIlu!' to us in gathering the fiual $~OO.OO tiful nell' son~, "Go to the Decps or
big ,'utertainull'nt for the retllmed he· Or to theil' attorneys, CHAPMAN ~
dny, 8.00·!l.00 P. ~[, on this bill. Will you kindly rClnellllJer God's Promise."
rops of thl' :lfaiu Line towu lIud lIear· CHAPMAN, 1420 Wideuer Building,
WOlllen-Tuesduy, 8.00·!l.00 ? 1\[. our plea in preparing for IlOusecleaning'? (Continued on 4.) h~' se"tious. Philadelphia. (2'0)
was gi dug a I'a rty, if the family had Of course, w.
Thc Ass·oc·iation, docs know, howevcr, Telephones,
OUR TOWN that it owcs' II llut.\· to the TOWIl, and
,just returned from the shorc or if a
cntaiu youug lady had annouuced her 1267
deliver - an1
place - an1

. Ar. EXP'~riment in Co-operative

feels it is a good anu proper melliulll
through which the town shoulll nled
lH'trothal. 1268 time• ' ..
Kearl)' cvery residcnt rig-ht now
Journalism-No Paid Workers. it:; ,luty to its hoys an,1 girls; amI lllany coulu sit down :lIlll write two or thrl'e The Brightest Spot in Narberth
thcre. are of them. parngrnl'hs that woul,l be of interest
Owned and Published every Saturday The scet anrI cree,l feature our frienl1 to his 01' her frieuds and ucighhors. U
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. •• Bright J idca" seellls to sllllnblc OVl;I' they would do this regularly, or cn:'!l

Subscription pricc one dollar I\llU fifty

UOl'S not exist. The vCQ" appreciatiun
of our I'l'sponsihility as a wholesome, all-
o('casionlllly, Narhl'rth would have one
of the snappiest, breeziest and 1lI0st in- llUTO MOVIES
cents per year in adnlllce.


rouud, cOlllmunity ccn'ter precludes it.
Thc nll'Ill'bers of our Association, anll
those using our building, are rcquested
terl'sting papers of any town in the
Gniterl States.
Contributions should be written on
CIVIC ASSOCIATION. to stat(' their rcligion, together with
othl'r data, as a mattcr of record-anu
one side of Ute paper and addressed to
P. O. Box 966.
April 24, 1919.
rt'c')l'd only. Bcyolul that the Associa- SPARTACUS. f~."~OU6\.£ YOUR. A\JTO AND
President-Mr. Joseph H. Nash.
tion dOt.';-i not go, nor has it any illtCll- YOU'LL efT ALL
tillll of going...\11 arc ,,~('ll'oll1c, as the :YOU"RE
Vice-President-Mr. James Artman,
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard.
"oslllopolitan crowd of hoys will allirm. NPlUB of tl,p C!rqurrl,plJ 11 LOOKtNCi'
naturally any worth-while
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.
ltIOVl'ml'nl must ha\'c a heud and. an
Corresponding Secretary-Miss Frieda SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.
orgaJlimtioJl hack of It. \Yith ve.ry few
. Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson. l'X;·,1'1 iOJls, "oltluluuity elIorts, not hearl-
,,<1 h," a I'l'sponsible organizat ion han' Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa..
Directors-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C.
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas. hlossolllcd and fll!leu, fallen away he-
HE old saying goes "Look for trouble and you'll

H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. l'aUSe of the lack of chat permanent re- Merion Meeting is open for worship
sl'(lJ1,sihility and inccntive so l'ssl'utial. l'\'cry First·day morning at 11 0 'clock.
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. find it:' The man who neglects his auto is
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. This is a l'Ollllitioll ~arlH'rlh shoUll! We cordially welcome llny visitors who
guanl against. d('sire to worship with us. looking for trouble and don't know it until after
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschamp, Mr.
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert, \\'hat wc wau·t, hope :lIul expcd. to it happens. Employ us as your car experts and don't
(10 is to gh"c our hoJ·s and girl::;, men
Mr. Walter y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. ST. ~URGAltET'S CHUItCH allow the trouble to occur.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Youn-g, Mrs. James and wOlnl'n-all of them, \Yhoen'r thl',\'

arc-a n'al plal'e for rCl'reation in spare
honrs; a real Cl'nter for llloral an<1
physi"al den'lopnll'nt; a rca I attaetion
for tlw furthl'ring of that wholl'soltle
Rev. n. F. Cowley, Rector

Early Mass on Sunday from April -=-

"oIJlmun!.\· spirit aln'lul," strong in Our 1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. From
TOWII, hilt pos"ible of still further ;';ovelll1! I to March 31 at 7 A. M.
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry ROlle, Late Mass. 9.30 A. M. throughout tIte

W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, '1uickl'ning. veal'. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and
;'0; ow, fri<'n,l ,. Bright J ,1l'a," COllll' on,
Associatil '!tors. 8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening
,iUlllp ill all,l hl'lp us. You'll fl'el hl'\tl'r. devotions and other services at regu-
T. ;';08L BUTLI·;H, lar time.'l.

\"il','.l't'l'si.ll'lIt, :\arhcrth Y. ~r. C. A.
To thl' E,litor of Our Town:
Send all ad\'ertising and news items to
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
.lwlg'iJlg frollt thl' i'alllillP in IlPWS ('on-
triblltions. IlI'iglat thin], Our Town
Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. NOTICE •
was a tH()lll'.\'-lllakit1~ ~H"11l'1l1l'
fo1' tlip
newsstand, and at the store of H. E.
]"'lIefit of thl' E,!itor all,l his !l:"",,·iatl's. From .now on and incluuing the first For Good Taxi Service
A glauI'" Itt tlll' ul'l"'r right-h:I!l,l SlIllllay in September Sl~l'yjCCs at All
Entered, ,as second-cluss mattiJr
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at
('OI'IH'l' cd' page two in p:lt'h i:-:'Sltt'

l1i:-;})I'l:-- :In," slit'Ii illusion. T1Jis joul'Jlnl

qulc·kIy Saints' will he \Inaer the auspices of
the Rc\-. Gihson Bell, rector of :'Iont-
Call Narberth 1633
Narberth, Pennsylvunia, under the act
is puhlish,'d for thl' Ill'lIefit of thc two gomery School.
of March, 18i9.
thOllS:ll1d al1l1 lI~orl' l't':o:id{'1l1:-: of ~al'­ An~' member of the I,al'ish \I'ishing
24 Hour Service
It''rlh. ;'0;0 ,alaril's 01' ,1iYi,h'lllls a\'(' his administrations will please notify

OUR TOWN will gladly print

any news it'lm about any subject
!,aid. :111,1 all c<litori:il \I'lIr!, is dlll\('
011t of :-:11('('1' p:ood will tnwal',1 the ('Olll-
Sel'Yices \\'jJI he: 8 A. :'I.-Holy NAR13ERTH GARAGE
IIllmit,\". COlllmunion. 11 A. :'I.-:'[orning Sen'-
that is of interest to Narberth
'1'11(' 11','\'(' flll'l that 0111' '1'0"'11 \YaS ice.
folks, but ill order to meet the
printing schedule, all ' 'copy' ,
oltlilll'd td SllSl"'1I11 1'lIltli"atioli thriH On the first SUlltla,\" of the month Holy CALDWELL & CO.
-manuscripts-must reach the
tltll'itl!,.:: tilt· ~lIlnBll'1' for JUl'k of fill:l1H'PS Conlmnnion will be held at both the
rara~~Ginle~'O Real Estate
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
i~ p\'id('IH'l' PHough that it i~ JlOl a l'('\"l'· 8 0 'clock and 11 0 'clock sen·ices. UI23South 11!I!S!. Phiiadel~1Ci:~'
nul' ]'\'O,1u,·('r.
All lIf wlli"h nll'al1:' that if thl' t",n,s-
SlIIulay School will open the thirll
Sl"l<la~' of this Inontll. A goo,lI)' num-
South' ide NARD ERTB. PA.
)H'(}l'h' <Ill tlilt take sutlil·i"nt ill!t'n'st
ill thpil' papf'l' it llliglit 11:\,,(\ to ('ea:-,p
hl'r of dasses will he formell anll par-

(Continued on Page 3.)

GARAnteed Roofs At the Stalion

SATURDAY" October 4, 1919 a!togp\hel'. In that eaSl' a ntluable

sOt'ial infl\ll'!ll~1' \\'oul.1 be lost. 'T'he NARBERTH GARAGE
1111'r"hlll1ts \\'ould losl' mOI\('~- h~' thl'ir
Jack of a,1\"l'rtisin;!, thl' chur"hl's a till SABlE CENSORE Raymond Weils. Proprietor
.E'ire, 350
Police, 1250
Y. ~r. C. A. woul,l sulrl'!' sonH'\\'hat. and. GASOLlNE, OIL, SUPPLIES
in fIll'!. all of :\arl)('rth would he af-
fl'dl'o h~' su"h a hackwal'll step. The Hack Service Man Has Changed EXPERT REPAIRING
T.lephone Narberth 1633
Thl' Editor is ~ooll-natul'e,l allll will-
Editorial ing- to do mor(' than his share for the His Phone Number to Narberth 377
Hurd work and maximum production
l'OlltlllOn good, hut IIp ('annot intervil'w
('ypryolll' in to-wn <.':1eh \y('pk.
or Narberth 625. GOOD VALUE
Hc cannot go around pushin~ door- ,,'
with economics and conliervation nrc
tlto sane pl'ople's mCalh'l of meeting tho Iw1ls in oral'r to filHl if a lmhy was Please do not call Narberth 1633 In the following up-tO· date homes:
high cost of lidng caused by 10llfing, horn in the house reccntly, if "om cone
strikes, extra \-agance llnd living only For my serf:Jice. 208 Grayling Avenue
for the aay, uot the morrow. Construct,
34 Avon Road
36 Avon Road
'tve ctTort nHllh' the United Stlltes, and
destrudin effort will not mllke a bet· CLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME 100 Avon Road
tel' country.
Last week yonI' eorrcspondl.'nt, desires to announce that he has opened his dental office at the
"Bright Iidea," gan' us a vcry inter· Pasteurized Milk \ .. DELIVERJES
c&ting letter. Fortnnat.ely thl' writer Bryndovls Certltled WEST PUILA
. Milk • S. E. Cor. Grayling and Windsor Aves.• Narberth Greenhoulel Nurseriea
bad first read your leading editorial re- (PedriaUe Society) OVERBROOK
OFFICE HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M... until 9 P. M. Sunday, 9 until J2 30,OOQ ft. of gla.. 12 hou•••
gllrding sllggc'stions and crith'isms, and Special HGuernsey" MERION
nooD. Pencoyd
80 he hopes that "Bright Iden" is n
Milk WYNNEFIELD Narberth.
(Roberts' &: Sharple..s· BALA-CYNWY PHILADELPHIA OFFlCE-310 311 Perry Bldg., 16th and Cheatnut St••
llIan with a punch anu willing to give
Dairies) NARBERTH "
a u~· good proposi t.ion a hoost.
position is \HIl takl'n, although his
H t5

lettcr SeelliS to il\(licatl' that hl' was to

Cream Buttermilk
Table and Whipping
T./ephone, Narb.rth 316 W
John Albrecht
an l'xll'nt re,~kouing without thl' fads. Look about the hOlile lrrounda .nd have
As to the ph.\'sical arrallgl'ull'ut of your planting done DOW. The .e••OD i.
lay-out lip ~Ug-gl\stH, it i~ an :lrt.'hi-
.-!I'dural illipossihilit)'. as our lll'cp stl1n)' SCOlI-POWELL DAIRIES Montgomery Garage
here again, and the weather conditioDs
are advl'lntsgeolla.
of the ,dtuation has rl'vcall"l.
plans whl'l1 puhlishlli WC think will
45th and Parrish Sts.
merit Itis appronl1. lona Avenue South of Montgomery Pike H. C. FRITSCH
As to ){l'Jt\Qrial, we ha \'e no disposi- Pr .pertJes For Rent aDd S'"
,tion to pre-cllIpt it. Our thought was,
llnd is, that IlS a ~[emorial of pntl'lit'al Cotter's Market Tires Storage
Fire Insuranee
Bell Phone au W.
henefit to thc boys who havc returncd.
our proposition can·'t he lll'at. How-
ever, the Memorial Committee thougllt
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb, Repairs Accessories ",'" BuUdlng. Narbertll. P..
otherwise, as our plllus were subl1l itted Country Dressed Veal Bnd
to them us a suggestion at their rl'quest, Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
llnd coupled with our suggestion wus our and Bacon Open 'Day and Night A COMPLETF LINE OF

olfer of thl' Ylliullble plot of groUlll1 wc SCHOOL SUPPLIES .•1


. own, llnd the n'ry considernble SUIll Bell Phone C. A.. KUHN. 3rd
You will find our prices right
: (running into live figurea) that we ai-
. ready have pledged to Ute" Y" proposi. Groceries and Provisions
Narberth 1624 Prop• DAVIS'

l: "

A ~S~VT~.E!A
7.45 P. ilL-Evening worship with THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
LEARN TO DO BANKING song service an<1 sermon by ~he pastor
on the subject, "The Lion and the Rev. John Van Ness, M. A., Minister. Flnellt Pholoplay The-
Lamh." Tpxt, Isaiah 11: 6-!l. .Ire 011111 Size In the
" EnUre World.
No matter how small your busir ~I)S may be. have a bank account. \V"dn'esday, 8 P. ;-'L-Song ancl prayer x ext SlIll<lay is Ha lIy Day iu th is Pb.topl.VII-ConllnuoulI 10 A. M. 10 U.3'
spn'iee, led hy the pastor. Subject. ('hur('h. This shou],1 mr:ln c"l'l'y IIlcm·
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his P.M.
"ilfultiplying; or, The Law oT Christian bl'J' presl'nt at I'l'pry IlIPl'ting. The fol-
credit. has safety for his cash. and pays his bills with a check in a Growt11.' , ]o\\'ing srhl'<1nll' has 1>PPI1 arrang('(l:
Phllo.• Pe.
business manner, Church Notes. ]0 A. 2\L--'Sunda~- School. Spe"ial cx·
erri"es. Fonr ""OW I'lass{'s will lw
You are invited tD open an account with us. The Young People's Society lIas re"
orgllnizeu for the year with the follow· formed.
ing officers: President, ,Mr. Laurence II A. ~L-J\forning worship. Promo- PROGRAM
Houston; Vice.President, ~[iss Florl'nce tion I'xcl'{·i"es. Spl'!'ial music hy chil-

, THE MERION TITLE &. TRUST CO. Simpson; Secretary, Mr. Gcor,~(' Stan·
Icy, and Treasurer, iI[iss Charlotte Hille-
gas. New' song books h(l,\'e b"(,11 (11'0-
nr('n's I'horns. Infant baptislll. Ser-
ilion by th" pastor on the theme,
"L1Lllnch Ont Into thp Deep."
4 P. ilr.-~rI'l'ting of the group 11'11<1-

Narberth Office, Arcade Building cured an·<1 Sunday evening a special of-
fl'ring will h(' reccl"I'<! to pay fol' the PI'S with rcpol't" of the social d"itation. Marguerite Clark
i P. ~L-Op!'lring fall mcctlllg' of the
Chri:·d,ian EJldea\"orpl'~. .Toint s(':,sion o:~ IN
new President, Robert E. Pattison, 2nd. The Philadelphia Baptist Assol'iatioll
News 01 the Churches I An interesting anl1 happy tim(' for all will meet with the Memorial Baptist Scniors and .Tuniol's. A spel'ial progrnlll,
is bcing arrangl'cl. All young people
(Continued from Page 2.) I young people, with Sll<'cial social feat"
~lI'es in charge of Lt. Earl Dickie ail u
Church, Brond and l\[aster streets, Octo-
ber 7, 8, 9. The messengers np}loillt"d ill\'itcd. "Widow by Proxy"
from tIlis church are :Miss Laura Hop·
iA;, P. 2\L-Evl'ning' worship. Organ
ants arc requested to bring or send Capt. G. M. Tambl:rn:.
rcl'ital by 2\Irs. T. O. Lanc. Spl',·ial
their children wheil the classes open. Special revival sen"ices three ev('n- per, Miss Jane Super, Mr.•r. C. SimJl'
son, Mr. II. L. Philler and Pastor A. S. llIusi!' hy theChurl'h Quartcttc. Scr-
ing:> this wppk for the spiritual reviv-
mon hy tJ](' pastor abont. the h}'mn, ;lIAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAR
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ing of the members of our church and Delluny.
RaIly Day will be observl'il in tlli:. ".Tust as I Am." AS POSSmLE TO 10.00 A. 1\1•• 12.00, 2.00,
•'The Little Church on the Hill." the winning others to the consecration
of their Ih'es in the service of .Jesus church next Sunday, October 12th, \\'ith Church Notes. 3.·JLI. LI.4L1, 7.4L1. 9.30 P. H.

Rev. F. M. Gray. Pastor. Christ. The pastor urges that the UWTIl- services morning, aft!:rnooll anc1 ,,"pn- 2~0 \I'('1'C
prl'sent in t11l' Sund,ay Srhoo~
bel'S of those organizations of the ing. last Sunday. GEORGE K. YEAKEL
Sunday, October 5th. Rally Day. church makc a special effort to l)e pres- You will be weleollle to all~- or all of Allene Hogers 0 'Xeill, the in,fant NORRISTOWN, PA.
ent cach nig1lt, hut specially on these thcsc services. daught('r of 2\[1'. an<1 2\[rs. I.e C. O'Xpjll,
9.45 A. M.-ISunday School. Special
spec ificd nights.
candidate for the Republican HominaUoB
exercises by the Sunday School and \l'a" baptizl'dlast Sunday. FOR
Tuesday, Octoher ith. ~ P. 2\L-Of· The Sal'r:JlIIl'nt of the Lord's Supper
promotion of scholars.
ficial Board night,. After alterations, we will Register of Wills
11 A. M.-BacTnment of the Lord's will J)(, ohsl'n'ed in this church on Dc· of Montllomery County
Supper and reception of new Illl'mhers. \Ve<1ncsday, Odol,PT Sth, S P. 2\L- have an toil<'r 12. The nsua1 prepara tory meet· MY PLATFORM ONE TERM
All the members and friends of our Ladics' Aid an,l \\'olllen's 2\fissionary
church arc urged to attend this hlessed Societies night. UP-TO-DATE, SANITARY
consecration sen·ice. Thl' pastor will Thur,,<1ay, O,·t"h"r lith, S P. 2\L-I-:[1-
Meat Market
speak on "The Calvary in Chri"tian-
ity. "
3 P. M.-Children 'sChmch, with
worth L"ague 11.1111 ~fen 's Class night.
Friday, S P. M.-Sun,la~- 8pl!001
Why Not?
\'I'stl'd I'hoir anrl OhjN·t talk hy 2\L A. All arc "'clcome every night. Special Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
Chalker on "\ViIlingtown Chnrl'h." \Ve llH':-'f'ages Hud l11tl~je caeh SCI'\"icf', Cash Business and Low Prices will est spot in Narberth. It is, and the service is the
had 162 pre"l'nt last Snn,lay. "'e hope enable you to best in town. The various refreshing drinkl are
to ha\'1' at Ipast ]i5 this 8nnda~-. BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS mixed by thOle who know and whOle business it
7 P. lIL-Epworth Leagul'. A special EVANGEL. is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
Rally Day sen'ice for young- people.
you ever had.
7,45 P. 2\L-Evening Sl'rvi,·". Sl'rmon Avery S, Demmy, Pastor. Come in any time. Make our fountain your place
h~- the Re\'. Dr. .T. H. T. Gm.'·, pastor
JOHN B. HERTZLER of rest. At the same time
of the Old Radnor Chureh, of Bryn ~un,la.,-, !lA;, A. ~L-Bihlc Sehool.
2\fawr. lIe is the fathl'r of the pastor ]] A. ?lL-~1 OI'n ing \\'0 I'"hip. S<'I'II\OJl
of Xarherth Church. Thl're will he Spl', hy th,' pa,;ttlI' on th,·'l't, "Th,' 205 Haverford Ave. of our delicious Ice Cream
('ial music. All arc wI'11'0llle at all our t'P!'I'I' HOOlll," text, 2\fnrk ]4: 15. Com-
2\[onday, Oetohcr 6th, S P. 2\r.-First
municHI sl'rvi('l' \l'ill follow.
i P. 2\L-Young P"tlple '" IIIl'cting.
Deliciou. Meat..
Al High Grade Chicken..
T. B. 'SMITH, Druggist
sOl'ial and business meeting of our re- L":IlI"r, 2\fr. Georg" Stanley. Suhjl'ct,
Egg.. and Butter
organizcd Epworth League un,lcr the "\,oI'l,1 nrolhcrhood," Luke ]0: 2;j-:ri.




Specializing AUTOMOBILE LUSTRE RECLAMATION-where cars are thoroughly washed
and polished.-Tops and Interiors .Cleaned by Vacuum

An institution in connection with HONEST TO GOODNESS" GARAGE where every attention is served
and your fee is INVESTED not SPENT

The inatallation of every MODERN facility employed together with CAPABLE employees to MAKE for popular pricel. The proper application of
such methods is your SERVICE. Believing that "He Profits Moat Who Serves Best" we will appreciate COMPETITIVE CONSIDERATION. We are a8
near you a8 your phone. Ours is NARBERTH 1210.

of .Narberth, Penna.
ASK H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating



.... . . ~" .
... '...; ....llE
Phone 672 100 ESSEX AVENUE ~,~
.." 8:1 "ll'
:;" ~

fl 1i: .. oS"


~rn .. "
~'iii .....
~~ .. .s"
II" ~Eo<
:s" Labor Yards Labor Material
a> "
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. $6 41 $63 19 $3441 $63 48 $610 97
J_. $100 00 899 30 $1 08 $116 16 $144 8187 60 434
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 1 04 126 64 886 768 1600 7047 471 91
13666 602 03
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. March 100 00 2600 100 61 106 46 804 1238 100 80 2033
28 17 6776 468 33
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. . April 100 00 1666 8946 1 76 11220 256 6600 734

32.20 160 98 1260 6422 134 93 18 160 44 1060 60 42 128 69 703 13

Ma,. 100 00
4745 197 48 22 78 34 50 70 177 65 27561 1297 27 50 5664 11329 1051 77
June 100 00
31 45 9300 41 68 1066 70
Thinking of Building Your Own Home Some Day? Jul,. 100 00 22 57 191 35 2419 31 00 66 11807 413 39
214 15 1092 260 93 1248 15 11 00 21 70 6540 2012 05
AUlllat 10000 8980

One of the First ConsideratioDs Should be Location, and

Good, Available Locations in Narberth are ELECTRIC SHDE REPAIRING & SHOE SHINE PARLOR George Alexander
Getting Scarcer Every Day JOSEPH COZZONE.
6041 Woodland Avenu... Philadelphia
Whitewashing by Spray or Hand Jules Junker Inc.
We have for sale at this time at reasonable prices two choice Hou.e Cleanintl' Rug. Beaten
Aulo Sorylc. Tuesday and Friday Heatera Taken Care of
sites that merit your serious consideration:
Northwest corner of Narberlh and Cb.atnut Avenuel, a little more
tban &eventy.five feat front on Narberth Avenue, one hundred and twenty
feet on Chestnut Avenue, and a little deeper on the lIorth lIa •.
South sid. of Ch.atnut Avenue, nearly opposite Maple Avenue, about
fifty feet front, one hundred and twenty.five feet deep.
Frank Reginelli Clarence A. Speakman
ROBERT J. NASH Narberth Shoe Store
Real Estate Broker
Carpenter and Builder T.I.phon.
and Phone 1652-R Narberth 104 Forred Ave., Narberth
Narberth 6·05
Repair Shop Phone. Ardmore 967 W Da,. .nd Night
For convenience of our
209 HAVERFORD AVENUE JOHN MARMORA patroms in this vicinity.
Electrical Contractor
NARBBRTH, PA. Hanling and Moving
5007 Westminster Avenue ehail'lIIan, has is"nel[ an' appeal for sol-
Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. diers' Ictlpl's written to home folk and
fri<,lllls fl'om l'amp and fipld. Person!!
i'f}~st':,:,dng intl're:-:ting (lata are asked For • Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitting
to s"IIl] it to thl' I'l'llnsy[,'ania War His- and Heating
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 tol'y Conllllissioll if th<,y will send eopies
of any pl'intl'd It'ltl'I''' to the Conlluis-
reasons why we should do your work sion. The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
Loyel's of romanl'C al\(] nwlodr:lllla Phone 1210 J JOBBING
234 Haverford Avenue
MARTIN & HENRY will find a largp supply of both in "The
\\'orld anl] 1ts \V olllan," with Geraldine
Fu 1'1':1 r as all j\UH1rit'ull heroine hrollgh t
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled
Plumbing and Heating
Decorators up in Rnss'ia, aud Lou Tellpg,'n as a
Work Called for Bnd Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty Eaaex and Haverford Avenues
Interior and Exterior Painting I Hussian prinl"', who go,'s through the
Bell 'Phone 12114 J Walton'. Garage "'ARBERTH, PA.
rl','olution and is glad to gin' up his
153 MONTGOMERY AVENUE rank and titk to hecome an American

Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, PA.

citiz<'n. It is th,e first picture in whil'h The Misses Zentmayer's
thc famous operatic stal' and her famous
,husbllnd !la,'e apppal'ed togethel', [\lId
will 1)(' shown lit the Palace Th<'atn',
We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes
Ardmor<" on \Vl'dnpsday, after showing Will Reopen September 17, 1919
t.\\"o weeks at the Chestnut Strpct Opera

ing will be hpld npxt Wednesday e'.. pr,-

ing, when the sermon will hp deli';erel:
hy Re,'. W. B. Grpenway, D. D., pastor
Free Demonstration r
Narberth Register
Two Linea, IOc per i..ue; 5c for each atlditionalline
of the Gaston Preshyterian Church of
The Women's Bible Cla"s will held
thpir monthly husiness meeting next
Kelm, B. 0. CertUled Public Accountant.
201 Dudley &V-. Phone. N.rberth 100·W.
LOOM. J"ollny H. Pinna teneher.
Stlldlo. Ar('ulle llhig. Phone. 31O-J.
Thursdlly aftel'lloon at the home of tI.e CALL AND SHOW YOU HOW TO BURN AUTO~]()BILES
Leee' G.....e--Repalrlns. tiliC. Phon.. UO~.
SJohohn. MIs. Ebba. MuoiO Teacher and Ao-
companlst. 228 lona ave.. Narbertb.
pastor. nontsomerY tiarage. 1'llone Narllerth 1624. NOTAR! I'UBLIC
The nlPmhers of the Session and tilCir Sec dl~lllay ad\'cl'tlsement In tills issue. Jelrerles. J. 11. 111 Narberth ave,
SarlJertb c.;arage. 1'llone Narl>erth 1633. Phone. 666·M.
",h'es will be entertained at the h:Jlnc
of ],[1'. and ~[rs. II. A. Banks next Fri- Rainey-Wood "Domestic" Scc dl~IJluy advertisement in tills Issue.
AlJ'I'O~l()lnI_l<~ SEln'lCE
(;cllHore, :suLJle. PlulIle. (j:!:i.
Tyson, WarreD R. 200 Woodbine aVe.
Phone, 1202-W.
day even ing. Sec dlsl>lu~' ulh','rtlscllll'ut In this Issne. Fenton. C.r1 F. 506 Ellex ave. Phone. saS·w
;\Inin Lint" Auto l~lIundr)' llnd GuruJ{e.
Phone, (ji':!. PhUa. addre... 180. Chestnut Itt. Loouat ....

S,'e ,IISI,lu)' udvel't1selllcut In this Issuc. Zentmo)·er. dooepb. 228 S. 15tll st.. 1'l>lIa.

The Fireside DANKS

Alerluu '1IUe & '1'ruot Cu. Phone, Ardmore I,
See d181Jlay ad verUAament in tbt. tuue.
Walzer. Fred.
117 Wlnoor aVe. Pholle. 1247·J.
(Oontinued from Page 1.) PAPER IIANGEBS
The Exeentive Board and Hospitality ISmeliley. Wm. D. & 11. '1'. Phone, 000. Witte. Geo. A. Fairview ave.
::lee dll11)lllY u.d verUllenlent In tb.ll!li 'NUB, Phone. Cynwyd 178-J. Flrst·cl... work..
Committee of the Commnnity 'Clnb are PIlOTO PLAYS
arrnnging a rpal surprise for the mem, 111... 1". II. E. Phone. 12f>4·W. ..Arcadl.... 16th and Cheotnut sta., Pbll..
bel'S of the Cluh. This surprise l1lPC'f- TO BEST ADVANTAGE :;ee dll11)Jay advertisement In tbl. ' .. ue.
CAIU·E1oi'l·EIt.. . A10iD DVILDII:Rb
See dloplay advertlaement In thl. I••u.
ing will he hpld on the lawn of Mrs. Ask Your Dealer. "enkln.. Clla.. L.
IU3 Dudley ave, Phone. IU·M.
Cook, Wlnfteld B. Phone 1210-J.
See dIsplay advertisement In thIs lune.
H. A. .Jaeobs. Elmwoo,l a,'enl1l", on SJleakman. Clorence A. Phone 1652-R. Wall. H. U. Phone. 319.J.
Sec dl~I,luy udvertlsemeut in tills Issne.
Tuesday next at 12 0 'dock. VUS'J'ltAC'l'ott 01" I'LAtlTII:JUNc.;
See dlaplay advertl.ement In thl. I••u•.
J··ratnntonl, tJumetf, & 800ft. REAL ESTATE
On OetolJl'r 12th a campaign lasting
one ,,'ppk will be started on thp ~[ain
OCTOBER PRICE- ~:lU HUlulHlcn uve.. lIiul'lJerth. Box 2iO.
Caldwell I/: Co. Phone. 1271-W.
See dlaplay adverUoement In thl. luu•.
Orr. Dr. A. J.. 101 Elmwood av. Phone... a·w.

Frltaeh. II. C. Phone. 1~2-W.
Linp from Owrbrook to Paoli, with th(\ PhUa. Phone. Fllberl 42~~, Keith Bldll. . See dlol'lay advertisement II' thl. I.sue.
DRUGGISTS '.olltrey. Wm. B.
ohjeet of raising snllil'ipnt monpy to lIoward·". Phone. 1267. 114 Wood.lde ave, Phone, U6-W.
InJild, equip and maintain a lllatpl'nity (NutSizel liee dloplay advertllement In thl. luue,
Smltl., T. U. Ardmore. l'u.
SaMb. Robert J. Phone. 60~.
Money tor Flrot and Second Mortllallea ,-
hospitlll for thl' Bryn ~[a WI' Hospital. See dl~I>IUY ndvertlsement In this ·Is~lle, Simpson. Jllmes C. 232 Eeoex ave. .
ELEOTRW1ANS Phone. 636, or 1420 Ch..slnut .t,
NllI'b(\)'th is rPl1l'(\sented in this cam- Per GrOll Ton. "Chuted In.'' I·UIIII. Veri ~2~ lona aVe. IlOOFING. ETC.
Illlign by :Mrs. Dr. Edwin C. Town. Nar. Phone. 6~0·W. Ard. Phone. 168·J. Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone. 12~8·W.
ELECTRICAL J)E\'ICES See dloplay advertllement In thl. lo.ue
IRe". Walter B. Grcenway, D. D., will DON'T JUDGE THIS COKE BY OTHERS YOU MAY HAVE TRIED- Snledley. E. q. PitonI' 1255- W. Hiller. Jobn A. ua lona ave. Pbone. 861~.J.
l:'cc dl"I,lu)' lldvertl~ement In this issue. Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Phone, UI6 • .I,
Iml.erlal tiro"ery Co. Phone, Narberth '06.
W(\(lnl'sduy evening. Dr. Greenway' is HAULING. ETC. Good Wear 8hoe Repair Shop. ,

~ltlrlnolnR••John. Ardulore, Pu. ConHtantine. B. G. 252 Huv('rtord n\·e.

the SUPcl'ssfnl pastor of the large Gaston Next to Cook's Coni furd. .
l'l'e "I""hl~' llclvprtlselnpnl In this Issue.
Prl'sbyterian Chun']1 of Philadp]phia, Distributor for NarbertJ-, W~nnewood aIId Muitn IN8URAlIICE TAILORS
!lowman, Samuel P. (Lite.) Premoot. B. Phone. 1254-J.
with ovpr 1,800 members. He will bring 116 Elmwood ave. Phone. '''-W.
a message worth hearing. C. P. COOK, Narberth "ones, ChaM. R.
30f, S. Narberth ave, Phone. 'SZ·J,
See dIsplay ndvertlsement In this Isslle.
Alexander, George.
1\£rs. KatllPrinp Trowhri,lge has hel'n
BN'ured as the Supprintcndl'nt of thp
"ones, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave, Phone.
G80·J Phil ... addrell, Penn ),Iutual Bldll.
!'rotter Broo. (Fire, etc,)
See dlsplny advertisement in thIs Issn...

209 Woodolde ave, Phone. U62·a. The above department obould be ot the
•JuniorCh ristian Enl]ea VOl' Sopipty of Sales Agents: W.]. RAINEY LAWYER8 IIrealeot uoe to the communIty,. the llot con-
the Presbyterian Church. ~[rs. Trow-
bridge has had large experipn,'e in thc
Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia
Telephone 6463 Walnut
GI'roy, John 211 Esoex ave. Phone. 12.~-a,
Philo.. addreoa, Lincoln BidS.
~t1tes, Fletcher W. 413 Havertord ave,
Phone an·w Phlla. addruo, Crozer BIde.
talna the name ot every proteulonal man.
tradeoman, mechanic, ohopkeeper. etc.. Who
doeR or can In any way aerve hi. tellow
townoman. and who la proere.olv. enouetl
train,ing of children and hpr lc'lldcrship LIGIITING FIXTURES to add name to list lit aegloter.
lllcJ)onald "ohn. Narberth phone. 1288, Ao It 10 dlmcult lor thoae contrlbutlnl \
in tbis organization will insnrp its sue- 1533 Cheot. al., Phlla. Phone, Spruce IU8, their time and e«orto to the production of
cpss. The ml'ptings arp to be hpld on
Sunday c\'Cnings 'at i 0 'clock.
"How to BurD RAINEY· WOOD 'Domestic' CClke"
Cotter. Howard F. Phone. 1298.
~e .. dlflt>lay advertloemenl In thlo I••ue.
Uert7.( ..r ••John n. Nnrberth.
"Our Town" to personally either know or
Interview all oucb. It would be moot help·
ful It tbose not now tound In the prlnte"
110t would oend In a memo ot tbolr nam••
The Penusylvauia "TnI' History Com- ~ ..(' 4lsplnr nd".,rtlRPment In thIs iuue. addreoa, phone number. and bU.lne••es or
M1I_K prote.olono tor listing, Thlo will oo.t as tol
mission, of which Governol' Sproul i" Iill'ott-l>ow..1l Dairies. Phone. Preoton UII, low.: 10 cent. eacb I..ue tor Z lInu: 5 cent.
Ree "Iaplay adverlloement In this luue. tor each additional lin.,

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