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Y. M. C. A.


--------' --- -.
Detty llllxter'tl Gossll)
loulI~ ~II'II
101' A lIlepling of the 1\'al"iJe.l'th Civil: As-
. ,ocial.i:J1l was helll at. t.he Y, l\I, C, A,
To the Youn~ :'lIen's Chl'ist.ian AH~O-' <,II I·'r"illa.y ,~vening last, Xovelllher 1;
Oetoher ::1. U)lS, ll1\1nhu o!' puhlie tire ]1lug's in scrvit:e
dations of XOl'1I1 Ampri('a: ['Ie",iilen:, .Joseph H, Xash in the chair.
'1'111. '\arlll'rth ('ivit: Association, '101' the year 1:111 (rom $2Ii2;; Itl The l'ommiUce for siglls to he phwe'll
:\arhe.rth, Pennsylvania. :!!I.~n2.:)II; and. The week of praycr for young !!Ien at. the Val":(lUS enl,ranees to t.he hol'-
"here:l~. any such inerease,1 for 'Ihe ~'ear IHIS falls within a ough was continuel!.. It is in confel'-
Ucntleml'II--1 heg; ,0 ha1ll1 you here·· (har!',l' ('au IIllly he, met. hy all iller'ease spal:ious, monwnt.ous anti falc,~'ul pnel' with horoug-h offiela,ls aud is
;';ith ('opy o!' a rC'wiution a.<lollted by ill thp raIl' of taxation for ,general Lime, Truly we are II\'ing' in gre:lt authorized to diville t.ho expense wH11
this aHH()('ia!ioll at a special plll'pO"'>H allil IIl1lsI IherebY impHse a.u daYH; greal in nphe:>.val and overturn· the borough,
lit Iho ho,lI'd of djrc,~!ors regarding in- Hdllitional lax Oil many owners of hlg. for literally olll t.hingH arc A letter was rcad from 1'0Ht.masl.el'
<Tea,'ell ,l'harge~ or the Springfie,]d (llo(lerty ill sedion,; of the t.~lwnshi(l paHsing away anll all things arc he· HawH. r2lativL' to making the ap~
('(;Ilsolillnted water Company, having uo aewal or pot.C'lltial fire eoming- new; grea,1 In advent.ure '.UII proal'll 10 thr, Post OlJice more COil'
Onr Ihought ill s~nding yon UliH prote('t,ioll; and.
a l~onHtrud ive achievement; ~rea,1 in \'t'llienl. /II people coming l~rolll t.h~
I'l Hol\l'tion i., thaI YOUI' IISS(H:latloll "'hel'l'a~. saill illl'rl'ased chargeH arc I :v.I'. ·l-Io1'1)(:e Rlnedley is home lin , i sar:rifice and Huffering for see 'he
.railro:((1 slation, hy I]o:,ng away with
ml/!ht "are to allo(lt a somewhat Iltt(~rly eX(,'l:"sivp Oil Ihe 'ba,;iH or Ihe fnrloongh. ~ ll,OOO 000 and more war-filled gra','es Ihe high step 1'1'0111 the stree! le"el to
similar re,;o:ut;:'oll. If such al'.liou i" valne of the servlee r,irlliished:
:'IIiHs M:;rgarel ";~'l'(' is re"ove"JIl" I and the many other millions of the Ihe J.eyol of the pavement, dircctly III
lalwll, will you p(wse notify l'arlwr Iteso!\">;l, that Ihis aSl,ociatioll
from. the "tlu," . . ,., Imutilatell and 'the maimed, allll 111l! Iront of lllO entrullee. This let.ter wa"
. H. Williams. (~sq.. 710 COlllmereial. herehy expressCl' its proteHt ag-ailHt 'coullt.lesH SOl'l'o\y-stric'ken anll allx!ous rpl'el'l'ed 10 t.he Street. Commissioner.
Trust llui:l<ling, Phi:ladelphia, who Is Ih,' inl:rpa,;ed ('har:~e I'e,r water ser- '1 ., I I 'k" ... i homes; gre~,,( in the IliHl:overv ant! re '1 I 1
Ihp alt.orney rcr Lowel' "'lerion 'fown- vie for fire proleetioll, apprl)\'€d hy .\ rs. "amue )l(~ 'H~ IS entertnlllll1~: I . I' 'I . '1.' r aH it waH COllSJ( erel a matter for' l'Or-
1\1' D' f \\' PI'I I I I ' I easmg 0 men S atent capac1 IeS or I t'
ship COllllllisHioners ·:'11 l'han~e or this t he order of Ilw l'uhlk Serviee COI\J' :' Iss aVIS, 0
cst 11 al e p lla, : he,rois1l1 ant! unselfish dc\'olion; greal t:ug I a(' IOn.
Thl' se('.l'l'lary. was inst.rueled to
Illal 11'1' I;·efnre the Puhlie l'tilities miHsioll as Ilfor(',;aid, and eomll1elllls , .. i in t.he challenges sl;iIl1l11oning men to
('onllnissioll. Very I:onlially yonrs, the adion of the Township Conllni,'- 1\lrs, bdwarc1 l\IuHchamp entert:lllled, , I,' ,'t1 ,: I I'" I G' I \nile It:t ter..; of apJlreciation ann
her Hil<ter. Miss Darr, of Philallelphia ' en 1'1 111.1 . .\\,{? P ,Ins ,lll! (.{ - Il.alll,,.: 1.0 :'III'. ,Jo~'('e, Ht. Francis lloc!
111'111')" F. EIliIIll'I'I'. SI\I:ret.ary. "iollel's In tRkillg all prope,r lllwsures ! tot;'!:!lell SPITI\.>; 11110 new anll hetler
last week, : days, Sal!'.; Thnd. thll [,ihNIy Loan s'ong
Rl'sollltloll t.o ohtaill a motlifiealloll of said orcler:
and. , , i Times lil((' Ihese nol oul~' dClllal((1 traders. Ihe YO"al Holnists and others
Wher("ls. Ihe PuhIie Ser.viee Coni~ Hergeant. t. Hall (,TC\'er has I II II I . I t ' 1 I II who":I" :;CI'Yice., hall 1101, hee·n JJI'eyi-
H.esol ved. I'nl'll1:.I'. tha:, this as,'oeia-
enlere,1 Ihe olliecrH' traiuing ~l'hool at I a Ill. Is les IU men lUI il so, ";' :\lr-jy a"I,uowled!!;ell formally.
Hl!ssion of I'enn"ylvanht hy its onler t iOIl will approve all Inerem,e in the Camp Le-e, Va " Us to prayer tlmt Ihe power o! Ihe It'Jlllr!;; of rcceipt:" anrl expend i-
(loatcd S, lUIS, ('hange,l the an- millimum rates for domestic eonHum· c. : Li":ug GOll may he lIIanifested. The 'nr .. s iu COI1I1L,(,tion with the :\'arhel'th
Hual rates to he (laill h~' Lowcr ers fixed b~' the ('ommission ill its fla"id 'rllll!'ntllll \V. Grugan. 0 t' II allllll,en 1 i, Associatiou
tl . I . ~\'Iovcmeut.
I . lIke
I ' el·ery· . I'al riol i.. 1"1': (, werc preseutel!. A .de-
:\Ierion :owIL;hip for water sen'iee (1!'Ilel'. if the reduction in the charges avenue, haL lefof for Seattle to he goue! llUg e ·51' lJ1 t lesl' duys. IS )(,lllg trlPl1 lailed l'cJlllrt Ill' Ihe reeeiptH of t.h(,
rurni~hed hy the Springfiehl ConHoli- for fil'e! protection 'sLwvice would ot.her- ~evcl'al monlhs. i as hy fire. Our dau~el's are so nl'tn)· Val' hoothH 3ml other features wa'"
date'l \Vater Comp:·1oI1Y for fire protec- wis'~ too /?-",reaUy reduc,e the proper : and so /{l'Uve, our taskH HO g;reatly <'x-
fJuhli"hell iu Our Town last. w€ek,
lion from a Hat rate. in foree for tif- a.IiIlual relu,rn to Ihe Spring',fiel,l Con' Woo,J,;ille' ~,,:ell our powers. and our (~p.prjoJ'tll11- Thi:" .!Jave the tot',l,1 amount of net. re-
te,en yearH, Of $Hi for ea('h publie fire solidaled Water ('nmpa.liy on tile fail' :\11'. ",dward Connell, of 11t.les so far t l':lnseeuII our V181hl.:- I'l'. u

a\'enu(~, Is ont. again aflcr a sev('l'c I . , , I 1'1 i]1ts 1',1'0111 till'S!) sources as $IR20.S7
!lIng. t.o Ute. rate of $7 per lire plug- valne of it~ (:apit;l,1 invest.ed, 1here· : sources tl;nt nothing; short Ilt a Ircs.1
pluH $;l!'i;, per mile of pipe. 4 ,ineheH duction in ,eharges for fi,r'e protec'- ailack of influenza, ; and ",oullcrful aece~,sioll of SU!)('I" To t h',.; was adde.rl proceeoH
'hu I . 10 J I I ''''ht I'll Ill' (' Ill' sal .. o!' airr~lauc .... ' .. ' 21.40
or greater in diallle(or, I'egardea a~ tion heing. in the jnllgment or this Mr Harriett L. Gl'eg;g 'luLi hlllily I IllllI WIS( m :\1 I Ill.. \'1 S1 I<'
al'fording al~lnal or potential fire pro- .,~soeiaj,ion, eH:;ential to t.he int.erestJ" • ,s. ' : ' i Therefore, let us during- thp (Ia','s
of :--;arhel'th llvenue. havc gone ,0 AI- X I 10 l' .' I" 'lal;in~· :1 tolal of .... , ..... $1R42.27
teelion, therehy illl'rcu,-ing the ('harg,e 01' Uw tnxJlnypr~ of Lowcr !\Ierio'n laulle City for the winter, :. ovem WI' . 10 . II. gl\'(' olll'se \'!'s ,Il
for Ihis ~ervi<'c on thl' has'!,.; of tho to",nsllip. ; I)rayer and hkewlse "all upon our "11' TIll' gcneral expenseH, in addition to
·1 \\"11' II I.' . I! tire hrotherhool! au,l its multi,lull .. of tlw cxpelJ"es or the respective hooths,
: r. aUt I 1\
M • rs. 1 lalll . .arllliu ' f ' I whit'h wpre ca,red for 'out of thcil'
l;n<1 1\ Ja.niee Carmi1lt. of WOOdsidc! r!P1H s to pra:.. .
SCOUT NEWS :Community Club Luncheon 1\\'enue, are in AIl:1ntic City.
I ?n hehalf of ',he Inlerua,I1Ouai ,('Il.III' ~ros~ I"'l'eipts, were a~ [ollows:
'mlHee of tlw \ouug; :'Ilcn,.; ChI1H':1'.11
1;"IIN'lll EXII('IISeS
The HCOUt h: receivIng tlnite November 12th 1\11'. Galen Clay. of Woodside avenue,
A ssncia tion.
,\lir(~,1 I:. ~Illrlill!!·. ('hllirlllllJl. Unpaid, l'aid.
a number of complaints regarding: is home a~ain afit.l'1' an ext.endell ILlsl-
hellav,inr l}[ boys In :\'arbel'th, and. Th .. WOIlHHI'S Commllnity Chlh will je~~ Il'ip ("rOugH ·ilIC Sout.h.
,John u. ~Iot.t. nl'nl'rnl St'('rctlll')', W. l.J. Hili cd IfY. earlNn·
tel'. etc . ~S4.67
with the exception of one case, all' open the sea'~{)n's program with a
1\11'. W. Arlhur Cole, well-lulOWl1 to Hints 1111 tile Ilhscl'l'llJwe IIi till' Wll'k "'al ton Bros.. hauling. $26.50
complaints were o[ boys not belong-: luncheon to bo held M. the home of
IIi Prll)'cr A. E. Wohlert.!',
ing to the scouts, so I feel it. advisable Mrs. Ho'bHt. Dothanl, Wynn~wood I'\arherth pepole, was called to M::ine 10.00
rel~ently hy the death of his Il1ntlH'r gr~ltig .
to acquaiut t.he eitizens of :\'arbel'th: avellue. Xal'herlh, on Tlle,'-lliay, Novel1l- Let eHeh one to whom l.hiH "all
A. I":. Wuhlert, planling
who the scouts are. 'her 12, at. 1 P. 1\1. The Hlleakers on 'I 1 '1 -;-~ I It b t f !l'omcs reHolve. Ihal he will fa it.hfullv th 1'('(> 1r('(,s ., .. ,., .. 15.00
The follOWing .are members of :0-:011'- this 0('('a5ioll will he ?III'S. If, S, Prell- "Pine-hurst." .\ I'. all< •• rR. erelva () 1>1' S, 0 1 tl I '1'1 . '11 t l'
have returned from ('<In-; 0 )serVe Ie wee \. liS WI no on y VerI Pugh. elecll'il'
herth Scout Troop Xo 1 UII to present. tiss :\ielwb, prc..;iLh'nt ;'o:"IV Century ! prove to he 0111' 1I10st profhable e1l1- work .. , ", 1;4.11
. I II.1P. 'm" I ' , . ,
wl"iting: Cluh of I'hillHle,lphia ;'.nll vlee IH'e'sl- al a \\' h
I' I : 'I"
. t h e\, I]fIYe spcn ' : plo)'m'Cnt. hut to our lIIVIt.atHlll to Waltou :\r '''eu1z, "1111-
I.'rell C. Patten. Hcoulmaster. . dent j"llJ't.crn llistriet of the Woman's ell \\ ee ,so 'others \{l pray it. will lellli t rllly 1'0111-
dl'ie;. al'eOllnl. 1'11'1'-
H. }!. R. Bowcn, assist.ant scoutlUa~:el'.:1"elil'l'ation of Cluhs or Penllsylvania; ----. IlI11nielltive power.
Karl I"remer, leader Kangaroo pa~ ..ol : Mrs. It .J. ,1I'lllliiton, president :'III'S, H. G. Sowle an'l :'Iliss Loa;~l' I
AnlOng; t hc objeds of pmyer on
lI'i!' work
Walson & Co.. a,'enunl
. 1.00

Donald !"ail, Kangaroo patro!. , \\'onmn',; Club of Ardmore, also prcHi- Sowle-, of XcI\' B(!I~ford. :\~ass.: are the I wh"ieh we JJlay well con'centrate in:cl'- S. t:-~ ,
IlUn Ling ' , , ..
Thomas :\leAuliffe, Kangaroo patl'l'!. 'uen! of tlw :'IIonlg-omerr Connty I·'ed- ~Ilesls of ;'vII'S. ('111'1'01'11 ~. HIl'1tCt~Oll. i <:ession are the following:
Wat,;on & ('0 .. ac('ounl
I·'rcd DOlIge, Kangaroo patrol. ,('ration of WOIlla.n'" (~luhH; MiS!, Gray1iul~ a\'enlle. f1) For t.he men of 011'1' arm:; anll
llllllt inl~ .
Paul BnHlen, aHsoeiate scout. ':'Iiarioll (JoeuIIH'I', pre-iflenl. "The navy anll of the Allied forces, ,llal
Watson & Co .. :IlTOunt
:'Iler,ritt Davis, 1st. class scout. : X<,I,~ltll{lr,," of Hat.horo. ~Iuslea,] The- :\arhcrth l"ortnightly Cluh t hey llla~' win t he war, and that they 1.20
lIull Iill!;" . . . ., .....
George Stanley. lHt. clas,; scout. 'I;ulllhers ar<' I,,~illg lLnangpd hy MrH. llelll the firs,:, meetiug of the season may do so without losin/{ their own
II. C. Gara, stil'1{ers for
Uoscoe Smellley, 1st dass seoul. : .Joseph Baf'(':ay, "hairmall of th .. Jl11hl- on I"riday afternoon at. the homB of souls. 6.40
OmdUiI program ... '
,Iohn Wilson, 2d elass scout. i cal drpartmcnt. of Ilw dull. :\Ii~s Ifla Buckman. (2) For all who :"uffel' in hospitJI~
Edwin Cog-geshall, 211 dass sellllt.' : 01' who langllish in prisoner-of-war
w. ,r. Auderson, motion
piet.ure exhihition ., 19.00
l~awrelH'e Houston, 2d class !'cour.
Donald Brown, ,teIHlerfoot. scout. SUFFRAGE NEWS 1\11'. ,I. H. Jefferies ll10torl'l! 10 (lalllpS, thtl't they may he g-iven
,Prineeton i:>aJturday t.o sec his ~on patienel' to enllure anL! that. they lllay
St. !"l'a.tleI" do
Baml, servil'!'>; .' ...
Wayne Bond, tenderfcot scout. ,.lad" who i:,; in the ,:Hul!ent,,' army he restorcll to their homeH.
Alexander Burt. tenderfoot scout.
Ba,ird Caldwell, tenderfoot. seol't.
shall light for t.hings whieh we Iraining eorps there.
have always carried nearest 'lUI'
(:l) For the work of the aH'Hocia'.ion Watl·hmcu. ni,~ht allll
day sen'lee,; . 1:',00
on hehall' of the HolllicrH and sailors.
,lack Cunningham, tenderfoot scoul. · heaNH--l'or flemoeracy. 1'01' the rigll'l Frll & Co.. oflll:ia I pro-
The Pennsylvania Ra ilroad t kke,t tha,1 it may lJeeOllle Inereaslngly
Il'vi,n Dodge, tenderfoot. scout, · of those who submit to au'lhorit.y to olliee will, unt il further notice, he elfil·.:ent and fru-itflll in spiritual rc- g;ra illS 420,00
Tom Dalton, t.enderfoot 'scout. have a vOiee in th(\ir own govCl n- open to 10 P. 1\1. on Sunda)'s. OWlllg sults, A'~H paill hy 01' llue
from alll'ert i~crs ... 2:l0.00 200.00
,Ioe Fult.on, t.enderfoot scout. , ment. to the heavy Sundar evening trame. (41 Tha.t the hOllle work and the
.Iohn Godnwn, tenderfoot seoul. The November meeting of ! he ::'ol:' 1'- foreign work of t.he American anL!
Herbert McCart!.'r, tenderfoot. scout. herth Branch 01' the Woman',.; S:II'· :\11'. and :\lrs. Green, who have b'\en Canadian Assoeiations may not only Total., ' ,
Carl 1\letzger, tenderfootseou,1.. · frage party will he held 011 !·'riday. mal\!ng their home with their daugh- meet the present war dema,J1(ls hut· LNlving a net. hahulf'()
Itil'lw,rd Odi.v,rn, tenderfoot scou I, ':\'o\'ember S. Glt. :l P. M" at the home Mrs. John Du, HI'ee, :\orth l'\ar- also be preparCIl for the far grL':\ter i of rcceipt!l nf .
Lester Pders, tenderfoot. Heoul. · of l\IrH. William II. Pugh. Srcamore hert.h avenue'. IHlYC laken a housl' in responsihilitdcs o[ Ihe periods of' .\ ldll'l' was rcceived froJ1l the
1'~lIS\VCT!h Heilly. tenderfoot scou', · and Medon avenues, Merion, Anr nne :\lerion. demohilization and reeonst.ructiou :'IIprion Civil' AHsodation re.lative to
"ahnel' Swartz, ,telllJ.erfont. scout. inlerestcl! in suffrage is in\'i1ell to hI' (5) That leaders may he raised up ! be exccs-'II'e chargeH of the Spring·
William St an Icy, tenderfoot scon t IJreHent. Miss l\'Iaizie Simpson 11111] Miss' :'Ilabel capahle of meeting the unparallelell (j~ItI Walp]' Company for wat,er service
lle~alLl Hperr~'. tenllel'foot HCOUt.. ----.-- ---- Sermonl' are spending SOUle tinlc opportuni'ties whi .. h are 10 .. rowll the for tiro prot ect ion. This was uccom-
ScontJl\llstl'l'. ,~ro the Women of the Fourth Lihel·t~· with I\lrs, \V, AJ'lt'hur Cllie. at her new coming day~. paniell h~' a resolnt,ion adopted hy thl'
L01l11 COlllmittee of Xarbe,rth: Yermont home, neal' WeHI Brattll~h,~~o. asslll·ia t':on JH1 0testing against these
OHJ('t:nS w()~rE~'S ('tnmr~r'I'Y:
('I,I'H, 1915.1919 ' To tlh~ IllL'lll'iJers of t.he ahovo eOIll- Vermont. I wish to ·extenl! my I;;hlcerest I
WHAT MR. BROOKS DID great 1y illcre:Kell ehn.rg;es, and com-
l1H'IHling t.he ad ion of the Township
l~iL'utenanl .lames Hunt. or t.he F:re
president. Mrs, C. P. Fowler. congratulations allli t!HUlI,s for theIr Unit Division of I he Orllnanee Depart· AI the recent. luncheon given hy n;e ('011lmis:,;ionerH in takin!!i all proper
Vlee-President. Mrs, Chas. W. Young. ,splendid achievemenls a,nd energetLe ment or the U, S. army, vlHited 1\11'. ehail'man of the Fourth Liberty Loan .·mcasurc~ to ohtain a morliflcat,ion 01'
('orresponding Reeretary. Mrs. Edward eo-operation IluI'ing the Fourth Liberty anl! Mrs. Alhf'J'lI G. Stepll(~ns over t.he Mr. John B. Brooks, o[ Dlldle~' IlYenUe them. In 1917 Lower Merion town-
sh ip paid $211:l:' for this service. and
C, llatchelor. Loa·n eampaigin , . week-enl!. was :\ppoiJ1'l'ed chairman of the ('oa I
lteeording Secretar~" :'III'S. Harl'y A' That. wonllerfel I'Ct'ults attended the Trade~. Owing to the pressure (',j' th!' inc:euse [or 19lR wa" to $29,~02.50
,Iaeobs. ',,"omen's effort.s Ilespite the very try- 1\11'. allli Mrs. Touhill, of West Pit IS- hnslness :\11'. llro.oks found it impos- or an lllcrea-e oyer 1917 'o[ 103.) pel'
Treasurer, Mrs. Eligar H. CoekriE : il!g cnlltliti{)n~. wHI be appreclatell ton. have returned to theilr home siblo to accept the honor conferr!"11 (Continul?c1 on Fourth Page)
('lmirmclJ of CommlUccs when it iH understood t.hat t.heY ,re- aftel' spellllingthe week-end wit.h t.heir upon him. but. advised he would 110 -- . -- . -- ---
j.'ooll Conservatiou, Mrs. A. B. Ross. i ceivell appl' [or near·ly t.w~ and son. Mr. Hollin S. Touhill, of \V'lo,l- all he could in ra.ising suhscription~
Hospitality, Mrs. Charles A. Verna,' a hall' times us lIlueh us on the prevl- side aVenue.
for the loan. On the last <lay wlll'n
rr.Assn'Ilm .\ nvrmTlSEUEXTS
J,eglsll1't'ion, Mrs, William H. Russe)) ous Imin, COllshlering that. were the loan was fur belOW t.he quota. ~,Ir Two ('flnts fl~r wonl f'llrh 'n~~rtlon. cll"b
:'I1uHlo, :'Ill'S, Joseph A. Bu,rc!ay. ll',everal ehannels t.hrough which Nar- ;\11'. and MI':';, Warren AIHlersen have Brool{s turned in subscript.ions In nd VA nce. :"0 n( accepted un ..
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 berUI Wa.H e·na ble.d to more· than leli5 cnRh accompnnlcs COpy,
• ..... -r i double her qunt.r. and that over half retu'rned to their home on Angora '!mounting to $2.200000, and is the re-
terrace, hllving pllss~d several months ci)Jient of II letter from the chairman Iton !".U,E-('hlelten" nTn] duel". JnquJr~
Save and Bundle 101' this amount was obtained by t.he with their parents, :vIr. and
,Woman's Committee alone ·speaks for Charles Je~lklnl;;, of DUdley llvenu,>.
Mrs. 'enmmending him on the won(II?I'ful
work he had done,
::~I; \\'",,<1l1ln,· "\'I'Il\l~. :""rherlh.
('on ~.\I,I;;-Fr,.~h CJ.:'J.;"H arlll 41rpsRed chlc)<-
Itflelf. Again expressing my apprecia- enl':. Telp]Jllllll P RamUt~l 'Vyll<" Nn.r-
. YOUR NEWSPAPERS t ion. r am sincerely ~-OUl"S,
CUrs.) C. P••'owler.
Mr, and Mrs. James P, Witherow The regular mont.hh" meeting of Ille
have returned to. thelu' home in ROIl]{- Women's Auxilary will he held Hi. ~hp J~(l!';';T-SPllIHltln ~flart nt. !"\'tlI'IH'l'lh fHntlon.
"."th :l2S. (10e)

Kat unln.v tllflrnlnf!. N'ovt>mhl"r ~. H,cwartl.

For the Y. M. C. A. --!
Chut:rma.ll of Woman', Fourth Llbert~', lnnrl llVenue, Grove Place, having Y. M C, A. tonight (Th'\lrstlay) ·,t ~ Ih'turn to Alation :lg'PIlt, Nnrhcrlh. 01"
Loan ('oml1lltt.c,o of ~arherth, (Continued on Fourth Pn~e) o'P)ol'k. phpllr- ~Inhprt h :l4!t. (lip)

OUR TOWN cellars of houses during the present

i I

Beginning Novemlber 15, tl1erefore,l

An ExperIment In Co·operatlve ashes will be collected onl~' when: To the Editor of 0111' TOlVn:
Jonrnnllsm-No Paid Workers.

Illaced In receptacles outside of the! If the reader has poerused ill the Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." He Will Appreciate
-.----..-.--..---.-----.-.. -------- honRcs and within convenient acco.·s: \:urrent editlo,n of the Saturday Even- d WITh eft.
Owned and Published every Thurs- froUl tho s~reet. : Ing Post a story showing how ,mme an e come ese om or s. .
day by the Narbel"th Civic Assoela- The co-operation of all householders' of the large ;industrlal plants of the
tlon. .. _._ _ is reqnested III tho enforcement of; Unite(1 States of Amel"lca. have be- SHAVING SUPPLIES BRUSHES
--s-~~~I:i~ti~~-__;_M~~ one dollar per this regUlation with Ihe llssuranee; come 100 per eE'Ilt. patriotic, he wlll
year in __advance. . .. ~.
from Council that the present meifholl 'nndersta1ld the meaJling of the above'
will be re~tored aHl'OOn a~ ('ondit Ions title.
XAltHElt'l'1I CIVIC ASSOCIATION will permit. , We do not genera.lly give precedenco FOOT POWDERS STATIONERY
--- ------.---- ,'in the tWe to the most (1~'pI8el(j hull-
President-Joseph H. Nash. [
I ',." .. ,. . r
r·. ,'d t _.\ C SI d James It. (, ~.ladfY11lg to le,l111 t \Ht our a, tI I
,.. I' .Yldual. 'hnt he I;; t.he Hubject of this
Telephones, Of course, we
\ Ice-pI eSI en s •. . lall,
Artman, A J. Loos.
Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. ~I. Coles-.
Civil: Associa tloll heartily endorses l' c e.
t I1C lie t·JOn 0 f tie"
. . f l '
tlOn . III It". .orma
I "I .
erl-01I ('".IY,I:C .<,81S0C
. ' "protest ...,

agalllst t I ,and
Directors-W. Arthur Cole, ~Irs. C ellOI mons !IlCI.eds e III Ch'tl.rges fO l' I him. But the {}iker is the mao\! who,
a-' The profiteer .
l e .fortunatC'ily ·there IS
call he .
a word. a's he I;S whol\~' [0<1' hlmoolf

. not many of
dismlss-e(1 by
deliver - any
pi Bce - any'

P. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W. R. D. I' I I b

wat er serVIce for fi re prote-clOn esta I1-
I S Ill'I ng I'10 I( II. " lIte~' C om-,I. whell ,
. .
his hUlI(!Ing; assocIation
stock I
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
IS Ie( . Y t Ie .
Hall George l\L Heury, H. R. Hillegas,
, . . h pan \'.
n e commen(
our reu( 'crs to'
I IIS paid orr, looks fllr the hIghest re-
.. . A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Charles E. Humphreys, Damel Lelte " [II h I tt I 'I til I'll on IllS prlllcirlul lilHU and puts
R d' read very care u . v t e . 0 'er am " . .
1". A. Muschamp, Mrs. A. Perry e 1- I' t' t i t I 1
fer Mrs. A. B. Ross, l"letcher W I'f'jim utlOln 0 Pfro] ~s . pr neAl n ~In- I When he shoull!. huy Lihe!'tv Bonrls.
' W I Gt wr CO'II111n 0 t liS b,sue. ~~ l Illli ar
,thoulsanllR mto dIVIdend paYIng stocks
" .
III'" "O"'L' ".\' I E'I']'
," ",,, .., I
, S , . ". Frank Crl·st

Stites. Walton l\l. Wentz, A. E.

lert. lVII'S. Charles \V. ) onng,
. 01-
prote,s w' Ie Hell IV 0111' IVIC s-
.' soC'iation
A IThe JHker IH the woman who works
one-half a day at the Rerl Crolls and fill'?" sang out the obsequious harher,
"Morning, sir! Halr-eut. sir? ShU\.e,[
.....--------- . '--'" " :then orl1cl', extra Rugal' for her fam-
._. _.__ ._....__ .....
. As we I1I11Jerstulld the ~1'tlla.tlOn .,111 . i1y with the exclI.~e that she will need
:'I; a.rberoLh , the charges
creas{)d here from $420 per an-: I or preHen'mg.
WIll be III 1'1 f . TI 'J
Ie Pi {er 1S
. tI
"Shave, pleqse." said Ihe client.
Heating Illmself In the ehalr. "And
~e I'm in rather a hurry."
I' H· h G d B tt
ra e u er
,TelePhone-Narberth 644 A.
:\[rs. Hoy E. Clarl;: A.•1. Loos num :10 $2897.55. We formerly mal; ~'h'~ ad~ls a few txt~a ~cn'\ t~ 1!IH
'I "Quite so, sir," wcnt on the a~-I
W. T. Melchior Henry Rose Ilaid $lfi f'or 'each fire plug. This, co:a ('~C ~ra on ,to t 1lJ lie nl m n!,s- Hlstant, lathering the customer's face., H. C. FRITSCH
Associlltc Ellitors I d I I I S I I trator 1I1 the hope of sel'.re-th· recelv- "I 1
____ ... ' II: lnldrg~\. "t· as cre uce( IY $t 1e prfing-l llIg enollf!;h 10 earr~' him ()\.er· the I\'in- . '~rj( ~ myself on my quick metholls, Pr,pertfes For Rent and Sale
;\IAIZIE . , ; , I ' d 1
I e . a er ,ompauyto 7 pel' re-· tl.r
" .
rrl J 1 I
I Fire Insuranee
Cllsh..ler }l,lug-. hut. to this tl~e'Y ali e.( the' The girl I\'ho gets a "war work" Jlosi- len )Clroug-lt Ihe razor into. Bell Phone au w.
----- --~------- -
e.norm{].us sum of $350 pe.r ml,le ( I t . "
. 4' I I I· - tlO]) at a.n nllUStHtl :~n.lary \\·hern she
A f I' I t ' t I
I_ f' ,,0
II B-ndl
uu. Dg.
Narberth, P..
Send all letters and news Items to pipe. . I~le les. or more n (IUlll(;ter coul(1 afford to and is (',()mpetent to ew Igl lllng I; 1'0 {e~ anll 11' 51 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P. O. ox
B 966 . ByIII tllIH t Illgenwus f arrangement.
tl t th·ey~ .1(. "t .l~ " . ,
,1. nu.rse IS
'. j . tas ' muc'1' 1 <l hloOd S was drawn, . I
Send all advertising- copy to P. O. I\' ex .ort. .. rom .10. axpayers 0" i!{el' as the business man who won't "o:ry, sir," apologized the man'l'
B .ox 39 . I Lower l\Te!"lon
l\Ialw all remittances t.o P. O. Box I\lore for this ,serVice 111 1918 t.han was ,-t.,
. . $27.177J;0 PI I (' t
a {e:l TovernlllenO'l' el' lHl es,· Ie
'1' , . fil
1 .~
I 1 scrapl11g awa\',
. anll
. I
making gashes
t _ here anll there, tIll the operation was . ' I I .. , til th I t
118 Ilall'1'In 1917 , name I ~', 'i'~26?""1'1 I_a.. Ie t own- ge "'l~
s an ,Il \anl.e pro I 011 II. mu e a t Iast conc Iu d e. d t anyt1ling
"n' . ~oUl 0 I l1ewspapers un e as
'0' 'f' ' 1 t Ille depot sllip doc,s not. propo:w to ;;nhmlt 11,1~. . . . on yonr face sir?" Satul'day of ea('1t month. The Ladies'
ur 0\\ n IS on sa e a . . Anoth(?')' part.1Clllarly rl,eSIJIHed piker' .., " .'
newsstand, 'and at the store of H. E. tamel)' to thiS extort.lon. is the small 11l:J.I1Ufadllrer who takes i "el.l, sa!d the ~ustomer, ruefully Auxiliary I < planning to collect and
navis We 'I'elgret that our "ocahu'la.ry Is I G t I.' I t I' t • suryeYll1g Illmself 111 the glasf<, "I'd SI~lI this otherwise wast.ed material illH
, ..
, as second-class matter I han .
,I~' ,equa. .
. ,
II ..
characte1'lZI.n g t.11S liS PI
I' a ,o\'ernlllen. 01'1 er III 01'( er 0 IS 'I
au t among . tl1(' e~-,en
. . t·J:l I's alHI', Ie 0 I Ig-e( II yOIl I eave my nose!
'I I "
Olle me"ns
to cover tile ...... l\~....
C. A.
Octoher 15, 1914, at the Post Office a~ actIon on tlle part ot the ,vater COll1- then goes on InakinJ.!. 1110ney out. of h'iH -------- (:oal hal \\'hich it has so ahly met in
1\arherth, Pennsylvania, under the act pallY. Our. reade)'s, 1.lOwev,o,.r, arc Ull- prl'vate ('Oll't.r:lcts.· 'fOH I'SEt'VI. '1'0 LOSE
I 1It e{II y 11~ pos,,,eHslon o.I II co:,c- II Ihe past. Have your hundle of news-
of March, 1879. (?U What.·s the URE,! Thel'p ~"'e t.hou-'
----.--..- -- - - tlO.n or vIgO~ous a,nd expr~sslve sands of piker.s who are holdlllg back: The rIet9ctive stood hefore papers Ileatl)- tierl Oil that day, ready
THURSDAY, ~OVE:\mErr 7, 1!11S clPlthetjs that WIll (10 ample justIce to the rapid eomple.t.ioll of our main ob-; the rich merchallt. waiting lor his in- for call.
. .. _.__ I Ie su lject.. .
Our I~:-al watoe,r PIP,es were lIIslaJI= in tho dark.
, I ieel anll sl'udll!ong :11'0111111 likl' ronehl"s I structions.
'" "It's this way." b~gan the merchant. Phone, Ardmore 967 W
-------- ----...- .. -..-. - - - -
Day and Nillht
K\lEltGI~~CY PH01\1" CALLS
Fire. ;{50
e~1 ear.l~ :n 1895. soon after the I Flltii we get 100 Iwr cent. emeleney, I have been rohhed of hundreds o[
tlOlI of .hl' borough. At. that tIme in the Unllell States of Anll'rica our i (~ollar;;. A raHcal has /!,one about the
Police, 1250 t.~l'ere \~'a', no. thought Of. fire prot~c- hovs wil con~;'lIue to die at thE' front· country pretending to be a collector
tlOn, 4-mch I}lpe for hOU&Ehold servIce 1'1
heingo l,nslaJ.led. Mam' veal'S later a~ll our wors. raj OIS al e lC pI ers.
' . t.· t ',1 " . ' 11 'k '. of ours. He has simpl\' coined money
'. ' . .'
Hauling and Moving
. . :. SlInpl\, Iweal1'se t.he\' are so nuIUOWUS, W h), III ,I wee!. he collected 11I0re ANYWHERE
some 6-I,nch pl'pe was lIIst.a:lIed. Thero land ,s~ 51\', antI! ~o ·har(!. to ('atch and: than all our travelerr; put together. Rate. Rea.onable ARDMORE, PA.
can. •
therElfore. •
he no argume.nt.

that , I Jo()11I. anI )' Wl'11 no·I ,rE'~'LI'IZ€, t 1U l · tI· t · : I-Ie 111USt. lIe [ouIl(1 "'IS (!III'('kl\'
IS; . "s
pas". -J
tll1S expenslv.e e~largoe IS to pay for their own sefj,,,Jmoss tha. t is l:ontribut- : sible.. Spare no expense."
extr.a ;Ia.rg:e ~Ipe mota lIed fOr fire pro- j.n gto tho calmalt\' llHt in each edition' "RighL" saill the detective. "Within
leel1v·(1 s,ernee. .. f . I 0 f 'onr n_"spaper~. n ,.. ~ a week he will be in prison."
_---------------""ll Red Cross ,~ool dIOostn·buted
Asong I as wa, t er ser\',lee IS urnls 1- '" I I t i l I I "Prison' 'What do YOU me'l1l ?.
" ," -' 1 L eR, \ve lave ( one ~l grea (en. HI '. ( . -,. t R d C Wk· Y
ell. by prIvate ent£lrprlse, If. I'S on:- we must. do a goreat dwi more hefore' erie,l Ihe merchant. "I don'! waul a e ross or room In .
fal1' t.hat those who IInrlertak,1) It we can .~~ee this war end him arrested: I wanl to engage hilll." •
',honld have full and tHlelluate com- '1'1 .L t h 't '. tl M. C. A" Monday, Wednesday
pensa tion. No ,reasona1Yle citizen will ](' .grea es,. ~j}:lC~1 e IS Ie 111a,n . '"
t t t1. B t h t who t.nes to deceive 111m"elf a'hont Il1s The pl'lze for opt 11lllSm If< a wardell and Friday.
o bj ec ,.0 115. 11. W en ra 'CiS are t ' t' I l i a '1 I ' to I res' Ie t f r tI I I'
XARBIUtTII W};A'I'HEH nEI'ORT raised to such an extent. a balt pc 1'I0.lsm w len 1!' (,nne .~H y /See le-, .' .. !I n 0 one 0 W rura IIS-
WEEK f:~))r.sG XO,,};~nn;U 2 should 'bo called. We hnye no fore hun countle~s hundreds who be- trwts O( Wales. ~s. the story goes.
(~oubt that our COUcTIcil a.nd Iits eounlsel long to the 100 per ee,ut. cla.:- s . nn ~1<! man was ~ilt11lg on the rll!!f
High. Low. will take all .... ecessary steps to com
"964 1 't tl . ..I t": ,., 'd t'l
Dear rendel'. are you a. piker 01' n of Ius house durmgo a flood, watch-
-t patrdot? Ing the wuters flow paHt. when a
Bltl'ometer, sea level '" .39.26 ~ la I1S qu,t" 'IOn, all . ley may res • '.. '. . .' , . 'I I " 1 I' 1 . I .
IS. not" I'Itl.en to mean, nelg I 101, \\ .10 p().·,~essel .1 )0,1 . 1'0\\ e,l,
0 •

Thermometer .... ,....... 78 36 ,assured that th'eY have 'hal'k of them :\ote,-:hl;; Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Humillliy, Iper ce,n!t. ... ,.. 100 " I
6 even" ,el Izen 0 't' f 'th 1 l' I an\' one 111 partICular. so If yoo apply across to 111m.
t'. • I
I ,
. e 10 Ollie;. I. . .
It to yonl'l'.eIf It "1 \\'1 I he ~'our own eon- ' "Ha '11 oa, T e(I" , Ile sal(. .1 and Heating
Sdf'llCe ;.:peaking. "Halloa. Dave," r{)pllell the other.
JW~TIlLY WI~ATIlt;lt SUilHlAUl' I, ,\l"OTIIER LTnERTY T,OYX nnnXG Nnrbl'rth. "All yonr fOWls wflf<hcll aw,:y tllls
morning', Te:1 ?.
OF l"AUUERTII Secrewry of t.he Treaslll')" McAdoo

has anllounced tlwt, .no Illatter what

SA VDit; Ol-'f<')('to; STA'rlOSI-:Rl' 'es.
',- 1lI1t ,the ducks ean swim",
"Apple trees an,l all that /!,'one. too
0 0 ? Wh y G T Ctty • a

October, 1915

Atl110sllherk })ress11rl' (Inches 'LUII

the results of the overture~ S('fen SlIg~ostlollS br H. ill. Ha;n1(~h,' l:h ?"
for pelllC'{l Illay be, ,there will be an-
('111111'1111111 "'nr Illdustrll'R Boarl)
"Well, the~'
" '1 I"
they cJ'op~ wOIII'1'
.. fiC
;,! i11 Buy Your _Of
Hundredths) • ~~I~~~i<~I,b::\~e ~~~I'gO;J;~g u;~e I~~~O e:~ Chllirman B. 1\1. Baruch, of the War. le,,~1 n:~ 1~~:. \~~;'elrO;~~:,
rpacllel: aho\'(' VICTROLAS V~. ' '.
~:e{agt 3'0' 53' " :~~.~4 Hl1'ance peace for a While jllf,t as we Indus1ries Boarll. has had d'rawn up your windows now." , , ' .. ), and
Ig,les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on 1 hu.Y(l had' to fina-nco war," the follmving seven suggestons to "That's all right, Dave. Them win·
Lowest 29.64 on 30th 'l'!lere ~ ".re o"~r
V "
b usmeSH
. men for ihesllvlng • 0
f office ,lows necc1erl washin' badly." RECORDS
States sohlh!.l's abroall. If we trans- sf<ltlonery: At
Averago 57.8 pOrt these men hock to the United 1. Wrtt€ single space, except he-
St.ates a.t the ·rate of :lOO.OOO IL montlt, I tween paragraphs. I THE Narberth Guard
Highest . . . 79 on 18th
Lowest . . . 35 on 23rd it will 'he over haH Il year hefore 2. Write on hot.11 sides in eas(' of i
drills every Thursday MUSIC STORE
they all ret.ul'ned. Our army, long I.etters.
Greatest daily 'rn.nge, 33 degroos 011
t.herefore, 1I1111;·rt he malnt.ained, vlc- ~. Use ha Ii' or two-third sheets for evening in the Fire House, 32 E. LANCASTER AVE.
9th and 24th.
Lea'St daily range, 7 degree~on 30th tualed, and clothed for many monlhs Rhart letters. \\'here possible eli- to 8.45 1.4; ARDMORE, PA,
after peace I's an actua.I,i:ty. IIlI.inUit.e exces~ive ad"ertising al.Hl 'long
Number of clear <1a,r~ . 12 The American people, therefore, lists of otficers a~HI directors from
Nnmbel' of pa.rt cloudy daYH . 6 having suppQrterl t.he Liberty Loan letter heads. especially where changes
Number of cloudy days
Pre\'lLilling w!Lnd, southwe<st.
. 13' with a patriotism ilhat I'ulure hls- are Hkely to occur.
tor,lans will love to extnl. will have 4. Use 16-pound paper and the
''l'hunderst,orm on 6th.
Luna.r Ha.lo 011 17th.
an opportunity t.o show the ·same pa- smallest siZ{) envelopo5 required hy
triotlsm I~I fina.nclng, the just and con- 1he enclosure.
(;. D. c1uS/i'Ve vic,torlous peace whenever It :i. Use t.he hacks of let.ters being Have Removed to my
comes. answered for the ,purp05e of 'making New Address
Not for n. moment. however, is the carbons.
'1'he Ameil"i'cun peopl,c. are da.ily re- Trelllsury 011 any as'sumptlon 6. Use post Cllllxls for 'acknowlcdg- 234 Woodbine Aye.
ceiving lessons In economy. We have that pe-.1<Ce Is to come soon. Until ments.
had the Teputation of being the most peace i's nctuan)' assured theY altitude 7. Watch your waste baskets and
Narberth, Pa.
Phon.. Narberth 305
wasteful people in the worl{l. Now of the Treasury and the -altl!llde of use the spoHed sheets a:n'd hacles of
that we aTe counting Ottl' teaspoon- tho whole United' States Government envelopes for fl~rotch pads. Will give my CUslomcrs
every Itt~ntion in every rc..
ful,s of SUgaT a.nd shovetfll'ls of coal, Is 'for -the 11103t vlgarous p'l'Osecnt.1on These sugges:Vlons are alon~ the specI. Work good; prices
we are learning iChe importance of of the wa.r, Wild the motto 'of force lines of those 'recently adopted by reasonable.
small economies. Th'e suggestions or against Gel"mallY without. 'stint or IimJit government offices ,in Washington, and French Dry Cleaning.
Mr. Baruch, printed In tilis issue, will will he acted up .to until peace Is an thelt' general adoplJion, It Is believed, D,einll antI P,e••in,l
tea~h lUiS how to sav:e paper in many absolut.e accomplished faet. would res-utlt. in the saving of a large NarberthTal'lorl'ngCo
ways. Olle more Llbert~' Loan, at l.ea~t, is tonnag,e of hligh-grad<e paper and o.1d I ~~:=:~::=:;;~~:===7~~7==::-':=~:;=:====:==~==C:=::==~='
certain. The foU1l'th loan was popu- the government in iSCcurlng its ,re-'- ;-E"E'S GARAGE
---E--- ~--
The Council of the borough of Nar- Ill:l'ly called the "Flghtlng Loa.n"; the qulremenlt'S (If paper an{l pulp for war
·horth has found it necessary to make next oan may be a fLglltlmg loan, too, purposes. L alex Ave. abo Haverford
Avenue N.~~::th .
ll. change In the metllod of collecting I())' it may be a peace loon. ~hateIVer
ashes in the borough. the conditJIlOl1s, the. loan must be pre- Many a young man on returnIng
' d Sales
Overlan ' and SerVlce
· A gency .
Owing to the scarcity of labor and pared for and its ISUCCE9S TendoOred from his vacation at the seashore REPAIItS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT
to other war-time condltiDue, it will oertaln a.nd absolute. Begin. now to leaves his heart behind-also nls
not be possible to collect ashes< from prepare to suppol'! it. trunk. La C. SHAHAN
You will find it convenient to A. NEWSY IEI'TER IWALTON BROS.' GARAGE
have an account with H. H. Durbin who has three sons
hI as many hrl1.l1'ch~13 of the United Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight
States army. llaB ,rec.clived the follow-
iug letter from Dill. which will be of

THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. intereHt to hi·s man)' friends in Nar-
FranCE', Octohor 6. 1918. Ga..a':'M~6inl~o.
~ I~ ~ iIl:~'
I- ~~III ,,~;!!! PI!i"i----'
~- ..o-I

Narberth Office, Arcade Building

You are .11.0 doubt
you haveu·t heard C,pom me for some
tillle. I was Olij a 15even-d':t.y furlough.
I went to Lyon, Marseilles and NLce.
At Nice I spent my 'seven days amI
\\tonde1"l~ng \vhy
GARA ....

-.------- - - -
d R f
00 S I Pasleurlzed Milk
I Bryneiovis
I Milk

had a dandy time. luI view of the two little towns we (Pedrlalle Sodel", OVERBROOK
Our train pltlIed out of Chatel- w,ere u!bout to enter. I<'rom J... a 'furb'le Special "Guernse,," MERION
Checking Accounts Saving Accounts Guyon a.t 8.45 011 the morning of Sep-
temher :=:1. At Riol11 we chan.ged tralnfl
we took a tra.mway cal' which ran on
cogs down ·Uw hm to Monte Carlo,
and took 'the P. L. :U1l! M. for St. Ger- and he·re I saw What I believe mlllst Dairies) NARBERTH
IT i
Nl'WS of till' <!rl!urr yrs
IllJain des Fos<ses. where we again
siereoptH~on as a message from them chang,ed cars ~Ol' LyOlJ. Arriving In
be the prettle:st spot 011 ea,rth. The
Casino 1'3 wonderful :LI1d t~l,e Hote:1 de I
I Cream Bullermllk
Table and Whipping

will be given. Lyon a'bout 4 P. M .• we tr.ipped up Paris just aCTO::li.'l th,e way IS a wonder. Cream.
.1Il-:RION bU:Wl'IN{, lWVSt; f :
~~:~~~lIY in any or alI of these ser- ~~I:~I:n;:e~~(~~: C;~lC~~'~ ,~~e~ r~st:~el;~ ~'~~i:b:'~s:s;;~e<l~~at;:~f~~~:i~~~i~;:~~~~
The public is invited to join 1U0St and .<JOW1I a few of the ,streets amI: At !/ o'clock we were alIowed in the
(, _ IJ
.\lel·io!l Meeting Housc i,; opened or; i rant n€ar the station. Our tra:i:n pUll- t.he costly Uleatre with the wo'nder[ul
\':or"hlp every First-day at 11 A'I 'rlu; l'UJo:SUf'l'IUUA:-l tllFIWU
II ed out of Lyon about 6 P. M.• ilTId iJox for the PriJl{~e.
her,e hegan a miserable n,ight for all lose my money therer than -any place
I would rather
,:'01. Visitors are cordially welcome. 45th and Parrish Sts.
.\ regist.ry book is.leept fo~ \'isitors. --- of us. Six of us in a. compartment in the world. Play started at !1.30 , .
_X!I are :tsked to reglstcr theIr !names. ! Um·••Inhn -run Nftss. Jlinlstm' meant for eight. with two Civilians, and ai],] soldiers ,ha.d to Ic'ave, so I had BOWARD F COTTER
:-\'1'. MAHHAUt;'l"S fll\THCII
i ---
! Meetings for next Sunday:
onE' with his wife and howling- kid. no chance to lay 1L het. At ahout 10
After "many stops. stan3 a.nd jerks. our o'clock w,r, took a. car for Mentone"

F. fllnll')'. ICt~ct(lr
i 10.00 A. l\-l.-AII depaNments of Ihe trll,in arrived unharmed in the foul whieh is a pretlylittle town on the
I Sn·bbal.h school. smelling- station of Marsei.lles at 4 in borller of l~rance.. We walked ab(,lUt
11.00 A. M.-I'ublic' worship and the morning, September 24. Of course. a mile to a bridge which ,crossed a
Early Mass on Sunday from April celebration of the Sacrament of Ule our first thought was of fnod and ravine ;1111 which joiner, J<'rance wit.h Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
1 to October 31 at 7 A. M.
:\o\'emrber 1 to Ml~l'('h :)1 at 'j A. M.
J:.'ro1l1 1 Lord's Supper. drink. \Ve finally eame across a large Italy. Here in HaIr' we bought post-
400 P. M.-.Ju~lior C. K SociCit;y led canteen with a '5ign out fl'Ont ('.ailing eardH ,I'1HI sent them home. After
lCALDWELL& CO. ---'--------------

Lal(' Mass, 9.30 A. 1\1. thrnughout the by the president.. Miss Martha A. our attention t.o the fact that all takin~ a few pictures we left. for Men-
.'llar. Masses on hnlydays. 1;.30 and Martin. Ailed 'so]diers were welcome. When tone to ~~eal'ch for food bef'ore gettin~
8,:;0 A.!lT. Weekdays at S. l~vening I 7.00 P. l\1.-Senior C. E. Societ~· led I first stepped in.side I thou!1:ht I was the trolley 'back to Monte Carlo. 'l'hi'i; Real Estate
devotions and other se1'\'it'es at reg-u- by the president, Miss AI-,"nes M. Rose. ip Cugley and MuHin's. but 'On taldng i,~ a beautifUl ride. t,aking you nmong Insurance
!al' time.'l. 7.45 P. M.-J<~veni.Jlg WQ!l'ship with another sniff a:nd. further notice, I saw the hills, .throu!\',b vineyard's and tlo\\'-
--------- sermon nn 1he theme, "Elijah in that these were larger than the usual er gardens. past palJII trees and lemon I Soulh '"ide NARBERTH. PA•
.\1,1. S.\IN'l'S· J'. E. fllrUCII Hiding." I'Un f pel,'. A respoetahle gxmt wou.ld trees awl a,lwuys ttw blue Mediter-I_~I~~e_SI~~IO~__ .
0, _
condemn the plac::>/, 'I'here. were surely Irunea~l..
Ift'l. Andrew 8. HUl'k.·, l:('ctur
.--- II
t All S" 1.-' P E 10 norma I con)1
Church Nu1eli<
It b; very gratifying to get hael, soldiers Of the Allied natIons -there- i Arrn'lIlg' agaIn \I] "<lon,te Carlo we I
d't"IOns III our c Ilurc h BI'ltl'sh, Pre,neh, Agerians. bOUl (W, rIc : met a, woman wll0 had .spent lL gOOd,
" .,
Attractive New Houses

( .,Thl:1 seMr~:~teg~~er\' an;/~~\:~JJ1e\\:ood worl, again. At the r~llY day exer- and light. and we brought. in some part of her !.ife there ~U1d W~lO was I Are Becoming Scarce
' lure 1, • • I ci·ses last Sunda\' mornmg there were 1U0re strange lookillg representativeH. I,OW rUllnlng a hotel and takmg Ollt. •.
avenueI'. for next Suwlar are as fOI-lover 200 present. Here YOIl could lJU~' food and drinks of partie'. I <l',.;ked her if I I have remaining ~or sale a very
lows: Hie
s.OO A. M·-sO Y ,Omlllll n]l,
I 'Oll I Mr. Howard A. Bank·s. associate all IdlHt.; as well as a ,stall to sleep she eoulrl get me a chip as a sonvenir
I edMor of the Sunday School Times. in.
!o( the gambling; joint.. Sh,e went in HOUSE ON ANTHWYN ROAD
! attractive
" , ., M
'I4'i !\ M -
11.00 A.
undav (' sc 100 •lioll and was JJ1s1alled
. - or ,OI11JUUJ' •
• Q"uling e Id er JJ1
chll'reh last Sunday morning.
. t IliS
. At 5.30 the tram . tor
. ... I
"'.lCe· g,ave way [til d IJoue Itt 1 IS e:l(~ ]I .'
'I tl\'e - fl'allC

and here as hef,ore. we were ont of She Ih:11 (Hr?ded liS to the Pala~'e ~l( STONE COTTAGE on AVON ROAD
< •
_ .,

serl\lon, The .mont.hly "all-day meeting" o( luck all a IJrivate compa,rtme,nt. \Ve the Pnnce o[ :\lonaco upon tllP hlll III ANTHWYN FARMS
\ll te<lchers and members are re-
"l ,S'L~,
'b I d
-n,} to e . on lall< Ill' _
omptl" Ilext the ladies wiII be held in .t'his church had two French so-Iflicrs. who, 10W- 1 e-l onacn.
•• next Tuesdav. Ladies' AId Society eve'!'. hLrned out to l
I 1"'11 1\1 W I 1
e lal very I
i travo I'lUg'1't 0 t U k e I't·Ill. as \\. e l'
Je gOOf I<!f1 l0I n k
nUe time
" . , at
, D • h"f I
on, t esltate I you want a goo lome.
d I
. ' (". la\' 1110rlJlng at 94:.
. " .. . - rome and .
meeting In tile JUorning, ,followed by companions. We made many stops, I La TnrbiC' at 4 o'eloek to get onr WM • D SMEDLEY
" .l...
hring. a fnend t wlthffil' you.
'I 1 vith anv luncheon , . .
and lnlSSHmary . ,In which euab Ied lIR t a pc I k fiIgR an(1 i u:o- t or c!lr IlOme. '\'e 'SlIW tl Ie Ilalace "'." ..__ ~ .. ._
Sunday no area most
school 1 1U e( , .
cordlall) . in- . the afternoon. 1
g-rapes. I neyer t.hought. there ever i' however. and ()]Ie of the splendH] _
vited to . come to All Saints', 0 S . was a place so heantifnl. When 'we. i museum'.
-_.--"- XAUBF,U'rU )JE'l'H DI.1' reache(l St. Haphael our tram ran Onr "hautlellr too· us IOllIe on a SCHOOL SUPPLIES
U'ISCOPAT, CUUUCIII right. along- the .~eR an'l here is where differc~lt rORU which was a marvel. !-Ie
. . ·t·. J'AljL'S EVANGEI,ICAL --- I decided to spelHI all my wint.ers on pointed out. H~ver31 Roman rums AT
t:SGLISII I,UTIUUA.N eUUlWIl "Th., J.ittl(' Church 011 the 11I11" I the Metditer.ranean. All the way from arounll which wCI'e still standing DAVIS'
--- --- St. .Raphael to "ice we Mil not lose little oil! village". Fina-lly we landed
~ea ~:C:I:G:A:R:S:::::IC::E:C:R:E:A:M::::::C:A:N:::D::Y-=
Org'llnized 17/li}-Ardm re, PII. IlH. F. cU. GrnJ. l'lIsLor I r.ight of t.he 'beautiful and the in !\iee ollce JIlore, satisfied that W6
--- --- ma,ny chate.LU'''' and slIrroumlin.g had spent a good day. hall a g-ood tim'll 1_
Jlt'l': ('harle~ WllIker Anschu1z. n. 11.) Last Sunday our church was well palms, which were along its HlJores. and learned lnuch. DON"T FORGET
Services every Sunday.
Pastor attended at all the services. Nlne- All this lKI:J,Uty was to the Look- J~ight o'dock found liS all in bed and
teen were received into ,church mem- ing t'['l the left ~l1Jd high upon. the .!er- wondering what the morrow .would to mail us your Razor Blades as well as
iVlorning at 10.45. hership at the Communion . -service, raced mount:uns green WIth -the bring forth. It. hrought forth ram an(l your Razors when they need
g\·ening. 7.45. Over seventy were preselliu at our first. grnwth of ol:ive tl'eeo<. you coulfl see gave me a cha.nee to take. note or my sharpening up
Sunday school at 9.4'; A. lVi.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.
meeting of the children's chll'rch. :md occasional fortres!>elS.
the churCh wa" crowded in the even-
trave!.". The afternoon brought with
We land'ed in Nice only too soon, it the sun and with the sun eame
Safety Razor Sharpenin Co rr
I; •
Prayer meeting \\'ednesday evening ing service and, heard the '!'emarkable and afterheing registered hy the many people to throng the p,rom- 14 S. SEVENTEENTH STREET
al 8 o'clock. address by Mr. William B. Leyis and 1M. P. a: the ,otation. we ;;tnrted in enade. which i,; the Hame as the board- , PHILADELPHIA. PA.
You are most cordially invited to saw his wonderful 'relks, inclUding, 5earch 0)/' th,e hotel ,of his ,reCOlll- walk at one of fl.llr resorts, We once Singh, .t:clge Ulndes 2c each
('ollle and worship with us; the pews one of the three life belts recovered ll1endalion. We found the Hotel Le 1I10re donned our one-piec,ers aJld (~IIIette Inlules 3c each
are all free; you will be most we!- fr.o'l11 the Lusitania. A generous of- .Jetu, a. goo(l place to sleep and the Illade for the drink. The wate,r was Illllzors J[onl'd 25c each
('ome, ferlng of $100 waR gi\'en for the relief I International restaurant just around great. ami WP made II good afternoon 'We guarantee complete satisfaction.
-- of French orphans. I'the corne:r. n good place to saUsf)' of it. Mail order,s given prompt attention.
lI.\I'TIS·l' CIlVUCII This ·Wednesday. 8 P. M.• Novem- In:nger. Saturday was a,humming day. with Try us.
01-' 'J'IIE l:V.<\,,(a:l. bel' G, letters will be read from Lleu- II We all put in carl)' on Tuesd~y I hathing ,in the afternoon aJld 15trolling _
I ten~nlt. HarOld. D. Speakman, CTharles night, a,nd. believe me,. the wh~te I ill the evening. Again on Sunday we BUII Dog BuntieDg FIags
A"ftr;) S.. llemDl)', I' IlS t or Ensmger.
,.., t dLleutellaM
S D Id Isheets felt ,good aHf'lr belllgs'o long I took the troUe!}' for Monte Carlo to
t J H. INewton,
--- \.omp On anergean osep 1 0 . hetween hla,nket" and after ,two days visit the Prince's palaee and his! ~
Services on Sunday as follow.-;. I The pastor will Rpeak on Rubjeet,! and a night. on the French trains wlith- museuUl.. It was verr intcl'estinA' ancl i '
!1.45 A. M,-Bible school. "About Jesus," lout sleep. In the morning we took a veTY educatinnal. Had lunch in the : ~
11,00 A. M.-wIorning worship. I Services for Sunday, Novemher 10: 'walk over for our portion of suga,r Prln('e'>! frOlit yard andUien took -till' I ~~~~I~~
7.00 P. m.~B. Y. P. U. meetillg, I 9,45 A. 1\f.-Sunday .scho~l. .! a, nd hread tiekets and from there tl'o.lIey home, ~o as t.o 1m In time fOl' . e~~
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. 11.00 A. l\f.-Mornlng service WIth' lhrough the curh markel. There w'e the aft-emoon (};i.p. \ . _:..
S.OO P M. W'edllesday-Song uIHl; sermon br the. Rev. G. Bickley Burnfl, found abollt a quart.!!r of a mile or Monday morni,ng. whi.le in t.,he ~ \~ ~ ,
prarer service.. D. D.. OWl' DIstrict Superintendent., all kinds of flowers and eVer~' Ye,ge- drink, I met a ilittle wonder swimming :Jx II ft. .." ,.. , .$3.:m
'" Cll1lrch Notes I
We hope 1(10 a crowded church table Imaginable. as well as!s around pretty far ou(. She uJ'k(){1 me I 4x 0 f•....................•...... ,. 4.1m

Tho liermon subject Sunday Illorn- to he;:r thic'\ respected and eloquent· and all so.rt" of fruit In the -after- to ';wim to Algeri11 with her, hut I I ~~1~ ~~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~~
ing will be, "The Dlvhle Right of preac er. 1110011 we all took a dip in th'e salty told her I wasn't the. duck :;he wa's 11":12 ft. . .......................•..... 12.00
Kings vs. the Divine Right of Democ- ,300 P. M.-Children·s church with I hlue Mediterranean. wherre the '!J()ach and that I would rather swim back tn 10:<111 fl
mcy." We are endeavoring to make children's . .choir and . usher,s
" . The pas- w,as of pc bhl e;; a,nl,1 tl Ie wa.Iki 'ng Ilar d '''ie/). She a.g.reed and we re t Urne( I better I '
and AHI~ he(ter than hnilatlon•. l"nst
Hull POl' HUJ1Unl' 1<"1:ll's look better. wenr
, 17.110

the wOlJ'ld safe for democracy. bUIt tor Will give an IIIl1'sttrated talk. All cl'peciallv for me, as my li,nstep makes to the pebbles a,lId h:1<1 a little talk in Color..
lln ,les·".· ,"e put reUtrlon into our pa- ehildren undor 16 of age are n hole iJ~ the ground. In tlw evening l.roken EngliHh and hadly he.nt I".' Slml'ICE FLAGS •
t,rlotis1l1 ." freedom will "" 1101. be secnre. speciall ~ .
' wel'Come we kidded a few . of the re,5U' IaI's an<1 French. ~:!'h"~ I.
x.1 rt... ,
ft .. , $I.GO, 5x 8 ft
2.25 OxlO fto'
: .. :';0.00
"""e n."~tor will also give a children's
1 II
on ,the subjeoet, "Our Glorious
7.00 P. M.-Epworth League.
7.45 P . M . -Special ' , music .<and
mon 'by the pastor on the,suhject. TI,le
J!ot tolled early. as we contemplatC'll
ser- a trip t-o; MOil-I.e-Cal' I0 JI1 . tlIe mormug. . I'
MondaY llfternocl1 ,j,n the hrlny :J x5 rt
again. Felt pretty 1>001' when Iwen t " "l'hl' I
xO It
septemller, 26. Thurf'day. we left the ill Rn<I had to, come /luI. with cramps., sewed on. J,ar!!,el' .Izes. any number of
, .. :l.i\0
slnallesl slzeH
8xl2 tt.. : 12.00.
10x15I, ft2 or :1'. ;'tllrH
".50 Ihave 17.50

Real Mot.ivefor Ch'rlslfilan LlvlJ1~.", .. , C tl P I " .. ., I "larR sewed on at 9c ellch. Space provlderl
At the, 13. Y. P. U, meeting Sunday bng1J,~Jl 1'. M. . A. on Ie ,romena< e Monday nIght I was ,IS slcl, as ever tOI' laler uddltlon!J. J.OOSl} stars. 60e dozen.
evening the young people wl1l begin Everybody welcome. D'Anglais In a 1·lmouslne of English wa:s in 111)' Ufe. but W<UJ;; ahl-e to tak~ "Inll Omen l'romptly FUJed
the race to San Francisco, over the
Lincoln Highway. in autos. You arc
make. Thel'e were anI)' about a dozclI th~, usua,l PIlunl~e on Tuesday morntng..
"Doctol'.,'· said he, "I'm a victim of cal's in the whole city fmd here w.()ll'e In the afternoon Ashly Howes and
Quaker City Flag Co 7S10tb 8t
• ,
invited to join the crowd. The new Insomnia. I can'l sleep If there's the "ix buc!;: pni:vates with their chal1.ffeur myself took a Httle wa1l, up the main
officers of the uulon will be -installed least noise. such ag It cat on the back In fl. ear with fine up,holstery, l'Ifllng street; sn ..... t.he flrst automat I havo
with appropriateoorvlces conducted Ifence. for instaIlce," . flown the bOUlevard :Llon~ the -sea, seen III France. I OUB TOWN "ill gladl1 pl1Dt
h)' ·tlhe pastor. ' "Thill powder will be effectlYe," re- tUl'ning- up our noSoe.s at the pl,eheiall W-ec1Jn€(;day mor,ning' at 6.27 we went
The evening worship will be ill plle(l the ph~'Bician, niter componlHl- rich who walked lip and down the' o\,el' to the station to get the train an1 news Item about anI subJeet
honor of the boys from the cOlligrega- ing a prescription. J}romenade with their Pomeranian fol' what we call home. Chatel-Guyon. that 's 01 Interest to Narberth
tion in the country's service. National "When do I take it. doctor?" comnanions. We took a beautiful We made the l,tOpS again at Lyon folks, but fn order to meet
songs of our own and our ABies will "You don't tlIke lit. Y<>u give it to road. one of the f1nep.t in the world, and Ma,rseilles and ar,nLv.ed ill ChatE.l- the printing sche-lule, all "'COPT"
he sung. Mrs. F. C. Patton will play the cat, in a i1ttle milk." t.he)· sa~', to a little old Roman Village. Cuyon 11.1. about 6 P. M. on Thursday. -manusllrlptll-lDust reach tbe
the "Star-Spangled Banner" on the La. TU'l'ble ·by name. which is high up ,Now you kno,,' wb'Cr.e 1 was and I
editor bl 6 P. M. Monda1 each
comet. Piclures of the boy!!' win be I If fl6h could talk. anglers wonlll ('11 a hilI in back <>! Monte Carlo nnd what I was doing. T hope yon are i weet.
thrown upon th~ canvas witlI, the hove to re.vlse their yarns. Monaco. F'rom here .....e had n wond~r- Intere-stCll, Rill. :-- ~

Spanish Influenza can THE FIRESIDE NARBERTH RED CROSS Beautiful,U seful and Inexpensive
1)(~ prevented easier than (l..'()nlinul~l! frol11 l"irRt Page) 1I0W '1'0 SE~n C'11H1S1'JUS nox '1'0
'1'11I': SflI.HU:U "on:R 'fnl-:m:"
it can be cured. pas::;c(l ~a~vera] weel(s in a ,,'estprn i
: Irip. slnpl)ill/; al Sioux City, Iowa. . Xo (,hris'.mas pareels call 'be seut
A t the firs sign of a t 'OVl'rseas aftel' Xovcmber 20. 1!l1S.
Q:1Ue a, number of the Fourt.h: The \\'a.I' Department will perInI!,
~hiver or sneeze, take Ubert.y I~an Holieitors have not a.s' only OIW package to he sent a sal-
yer ret.urned their large nanie anll Ilier.
alillrPfs envelope, to add,ri)ss as noted The soldier to whom the Chrl"t-
hy r,;·hber ,stan)ll Oil' bottom of mas 'rclllclllhr:.l.n,·e is sent must, send
~nveloJle. an ollie-ia,1 personal label to the send-
., cr, These lahels al'e expeeleel to ar-
:\11'. a 11I1 :'III'S. Horace I. :\kCunncll i I iI'e i'\ovemher 1.
. I'll,lortai1le(1 as week-enel v;uCRiLS at i All V;ifts. which must· nol ('xceer.1
Stnnuard cold remedy for 20 years-in toblet
form-safe, sure, noopiotcs-breaks up n cold ,their hOllie, ;120 :\-Ierion avenue. ])1'. ~ two l){luiHI., fifteen ounces in weight'
,anrl :\lrs. I~rvill C. Remmel and .\11',: mU$t he pack.ell In the oflidal card-
ill 'l. t hours-rdieve:l grip in 3 days. Money
hHC1~ i I"it f~ilq. The genuine box has n Red top
with 111.1'. L:It'sl;ict,,:c, At An Drug Store•. . an It Mrs. R ('ortlanel Drenelzer. of hoarel ,~arton. This mea,sures 3x4x!l
, Philaelelphia. inehcs. These earto!ls eRn he obtain- I
! 'ell only at Red Cross llistrlbuting and I
~('I1I·:nn.t: (n' TilE JL\I:\ J,J~E: The Chri,.;tmas sale of praet.iral I"olleet'ing stations, cl'tahll:.;hed at con-I
IWWLI:\(. LL\(H'E FOn 'I'IIE : ~Ifts and a home bake will he helll nmient ,;oints if! this city. 'I
.'W:\'I'I1 OF :\OYEJIIIEn : h~' the Women's Commnnity Clnh! Presentati·on of the oltielal personal!
somcUme ill the earlier part of Deeem- 'Iahel sent '11\' the 'SIJ:,lillr for whom
Xovemhcr 1:1· -Hosemonl .\II)11·s her. I~xac! time a 1111 plaee ,to he an· !the Chl'lstnH;R Jl;ift. is intenller} must I
(':uh. at Arelmore Y. :\1. C'. A.: Anloear nO;'.n,~cII later. ,hl' nllllle in ortler to reeeh'e one of I
Cll1lh. at Bryn Mawr I,'ire Co; :\'ar- tho ofl1eial mai!in~ earton,'. 'l'his is
herth Y. :'1-1. C. A.. at Hlllinor ~'ire Co.: I:p until last SaHlI',lay there Inlel fho onl" wav in which Chri,stmas
Waylle :\leu'~ ('lnh, ;It Pao!i :\I'~n's heen X:. pat.ients receive,1 at the 'lew presellt.~ for 'tll<' I\1l'n Ovel'3CaS eall he
xoven_l.her .~O ,:-\r'I:110~'1l 'Y.'. ~r. ("Io.r
1)';l\1ergen'~y Hospital at Br~'n :Vlawr, Rent.
this number 21 recovered aU~1 1~ i \\'heu m:ell. ,~artoll~ mus 1, be :e-
.-\'. at ;\.Irbellh '). :\1. (. ,\ .• H,illnor ILed. Therc were 40 mall' patl'"nls, t.urtle,l, Ilnwl'apI)CII, wdb thc, offiCial \Vill"w FUl'I1iture for real comfort and homes of refinement. Beautify your
),'il'l' ('0 .. at Alllo,~ar ('lull; llryu ~Il·.... r anll 4:' f c m a l e R . · I personal lahel, t.o Heel ('roRS r()c'nl. Sun Parlor. Living Rooms. Rreakfa~t Room and Endosed P~rches. We pa\
I"il'e CO 'II \V'lvnl' ~leU's Cluh' l'al)li I
, ;., ." . ' .' , .', , I
~ll'n s ( lull, ,It llo.,ell1oul :\Ieu s ( lull
.''. ,- I'l'l 't
i H'.I'e I" eon .en R W
:\liss Gn't'e lI~light.. of \\,in(l"or ave- : Ihe I'arton welg-hell ;11111 wrappe'fl aud
t t ill he ex'tminel1
.. , .
all express charges to 'our town. Senll for large Iilustratell latalogue 01 our
Willow Furniture.

X.l\·emhcr ~'j Paoli :\11lu'- I'lu1>. :11 nul' who iH in ;":nw England"will ~e- 'tllP solcl!er's Jahel aflixecl hy Red
.\nlnlOl'e Y. :\1. c. A.: B~'yn ,:\Iawr FIre! main iu Roxhorough for part of the ; ('rlns attCllllanls. The pa,eked cal':ons I
Co .. at IVl"elllon' :\len s (luh: Ib,l winlel'. Dr. HllIl 1\1rs. D, G. Robinson, I will Ill' Illai:ef] h~' the Rei] ('ross. The I
n,~'r. I"~~'e ~'o. at, wa~ne ~lpl~>, ('}'Ih: of the l:nitell State" ~aval Hospital, sellrlrr will only 1)(' required _to IHI~'I J. K. PORTER, Prop. SCRANTON, PA.
;\.11 hpl ,11 '\. :\1. C. .\ .. ,\t Auto, ,II ( I Ih : are cwcu\lyill'g- :\li,.s Ihllghl's home for ';' eeuls posla/!,c to Hoboken, N. J. I -----------------------.-----~==~
--.~--- " - - - - - - - - - - 1 thG winler. Chril:-tnlH:·~ (~ardH hearinK thCI nanles I fIY)(" ,\SS()(,I.\'rl()~ lll~.:rl~l~f~ ti()n~ tOI' flltUl'(1 aetli:vitie~ of the a,s-
ClrEJl~EAS C'UnIS'I'JL\S I'AfILHa: r ''>i 10f individual senders Illay h.e enl'Jo:;ell I ,'ociat.ion. one beinv; for a g.rand con·
'1'0 liE SEYI' F~nEH 'rill': ; The I;xt.ension of ;] <:redit of $9.-, in the !):lckaJl;C:" Bnt no Worlll"n notes, (Contillue,1 from I"irsl ,'age) ,('el't to he org-,anizetl aud given !1lainl~'
,D"':lIIC'A" HEll C'ROS~ i 000.000 to Belgium made reee!\lly 01' lett-ers I'an hI' enclosul. I ' hy IO{~HJ lalent. The nw.ny lJlgh-,ela,ss
I llw],es Ihe tol'al ;\llycnces hy the :\'0 parl'L'ls will se Rent that "on- ,·ent. (0111' t.hollsallli <:III[ thirty-live professional awl amatenr musicians
Tlil' Christmas \lre:;ents for the so:- Fnitl'!1 St,ale:; to Belgium $SO.020 000. t:'.in harrell hy 1he postal 'I'er I'ent.). . of :'\arher,th. it. was eOIlI'ielered, woulll
diers ahroad will he "ent ullllcl' lhh The 10lal amount l\Clvaneetl ,to [late "I:thoritico:. One C,:loI1l1ot se.nll llIatehe;s. i The scr,r"ta,ry of the :\Ierion Civil' I insure the ,~ol11pletn ·"ueCl'SS of such

dil'ectioll of the nell Cross. The paek- : to all ouJ' associates in the war roi"ous, e.lJl;aret.te lI?hters.II1f1.~mlJ1ahl~ I Associllt.ioll.i\1r. !'knry I". 1~J,Jillger.' nn undert~Jldllg. 011 motion. Illl'etin~
,1Jl;es must he ,'ellt hefore ;":ovemher i agaillsl Gerlllnlly is $7 :'2!l,47G,OOO. 01' eX~lo~l\'(', mat(ol'wls or. liquor ot I slI!!·v;es1.8:1 that the Xarherth (,ivie As- ndjolll'nell.
~O. TineI' main !ino divisions will pnr 1,11I11. .:\'o gla"s or fragile artil'.leR I HI;:iat:iolllulopt. a "inrilar rpsolnlion.: - - - - - - --.-----
hI; open 10 receive the paekag-eR Oil :\11'. a,n,1 ;\lrs. C;lrl \Veyman, of ('an he. m:l1le,l. .! A r'e'"olution to this elTed was offered: \Vhen a woman hegins to dra\\, ;,
II Ie arr 1'" :J I ,e, ),. t'III'
' . lal11'ls
, " fl'OIII tIll'' IIII'll Philadelphia, are receiving eongratn- "otllill"
,-, "nllisl
' : \)(' IlaC'lwr! ". In ,the I PIIlI 1I1l<L!1imnusly ad'opted. In another:. nl'll ,I ° lit <;,.,\ e I"I.IS a I' Iall on t np f.. 'II'
in Francl~. lationsU'poIl the hirth of a daughter. ('artons that IS apt to SPOIl. OneIl icoluJI1n t1w II'Uer :Jllll resolution of! pUlling him in.
The Un.·n :\la\\'r BranC'h. SO!! Lan- J'all"u I~ellllll(', ,
Oil 1"rl·lla,'·,
Oc,toller - ~6, 01' "
"Iac,- "
[rnP,' should he e,nc~osEd • I •
. . Assol'latlon
tbo :\lerion elv:C' .. are pu 1)- . --...... ..
,'ash'r a \'f'nll e. Bryn Mawr, will he Mr. Weyman. who i;; In 'the U. S. Air in tin 01' I\'oood~'n hoxes: ellolHlws \II ]' 1 1 ' r 11 ,-----------------,
e',I'('.11 ,1.,11·1 •..•· t'rOlll',', to -/ P. 1\1. Service. is stationed in
'I' oxa,g. ~,t'lll
01' 'lIlhslantial C'ardhoarll hoxe5 i IS le( In l l .
I I I t I
'l'llt: W.\U ('JIES'.r "'U~I)
'(",I",. Arlllllcll'e. BI','UIC'h will hI' open \\'eyman will he renwmhered as '1' :' ISS Soft eamlies "hould he avoided. A "Ugg-l'HU'On 1 Wll!;• llIal Ie a.nt
tI al d
op '.ec '-,0111' Ille,l"",
u"" fClr tIle "'ar
fro!1l ~ to 7 l1aily. Fund is dnl' and pay~ble to the
t Xo one ("111 pl'J'dllnally mail u t.hat Ule tree p,a.ntmg (' lar er )e IS-
The :\'arhl'rth llr:llll'h will he open Hulela Jefferies. '\<'hristmns p:le1,age to n s·oldier 0\'('11'. Ir!aye,l in the Y. M. C, A. lobby. Su'b- Treasurer, Chas. V, Noel, or the
,lai'!Y from 2 until;; antI ~loll(lay ,ll11l . . "e"I' Itememher t:lllt. All Il':lrc~eIR s(,riplions wel'll rE'eelyed for eight Meriou Title anrl Tru"t Company,
ThrL'c w:delv 1(llI)wll o{heers 11'011I - .• . 1 I I }' t n . 1)1' !·t<ldltional tre(!' til he plant.etl, three
Wl'dlH~srlay eyenings.
Full part iculars :thout the pa,'kap;es . r
' .
'Llw :\lain Line have been killel 111 ac:-,
I' must go t Iroug I I. Ie ,CI "rt)S;;.
t to th"ir 11'(;"10115 01' selH I "
f I -, ,', '
1'11'" tllelll al'l' ('XI1'1'('I'! in hOllll!' of t.he three sellS of Mrs.
. " , . .. f P y
'It X'irherth
' ., ' .
If you pay hy I~hecl,. make
llIay he had at tl1« Post Ollil'll or the non: aeeo:c IIlg 0 ~'?por s . . .; : ('ut Ihis ins-t ruc·!.io\1 list. out amI! Edwa I'll Ollell. a.ul1 one eaeh, or ,err chel'l,s payahl" to the 'War Chest
It",l Cros' rooms. :'\otit·(' will he given f;uUllles thIs week. I hey ale. , I 1,1.U-!
. . . . . t I' )1"0
,,,,,! , 'ur,., "111'11'111""" .It,\,-'111
.." ''''''t.!
. n'eelifer, Ala.n Hose. Alan KIrk, Pranl, 1,'UII,I. 01' Inail direct to Chas. V.
, tlmanls \'\'. II. 8. Sehutz. l'>t. )aYIl,s;:' ,. . ' I ' . '1 't'I'OIII)l' 1'1' "011 I'-oster and ];;arl Fletehel' Smith.
when tlJ(> lahcls arrive. Honwe B. Forman. 3tI. Haverlorl . W 10 . 1 I 'I' 'vou 111111' I worn' anI
l' ,.tltl:'(' uirl'lllents ' I' " I "Pre"illent :'\ash mado somc sugges- : :-.__'_._' :\'01'1 "'rl"\surer
_ _.,_. . -'
eomp ~ "I I 11 I ,'I
is in a a vial iou ('orps. a uII Ill'njaudll l' I i" .
I'll 11<II'k :111 AI'I]nlOre. The (, rUI~5 onl~' apll r .I~ pal'l~B s
A CIlESTNU.... Bel. 16th St
Finest Photoplay The-
.treollts Size In the
'111l'!udill~ 1'11,,11 reeeive,l

; Treasury Deparllllent Oil O('toher _1

in 11ll'
lll'Hines in ford/!', II l'OIIll! ric,;.

Pb.topIIlJVM-Contlnunus lOA. M. to 1 ••38 t'I'OIII tIle salc of WW1' SavingR seeur- oth(~I' re:~ulalions.
TIIP X"n' Departmenl will howe

sent to UnIte11 Sta! s'~ll1lel'" and I :':::=~=::===::=::==::::~=::=~==:=:==::====:=:=:::::":==::::===~=::::_I

I Narberth Register
P. M. ·11·le.". tIl','. te.t·,t! 1'reasun.· reeeipts from
" 'I'll F. t: X1'1,,\ X,\'I'(()X Two Linea, IOe per iasue; Se (or each addifionalline
Phila.• P... :his soul'l:e amounled to $801,4:'3.-
PRO G RAM 41:'.iW.· This represents the purehase
TIll' voulhful .orator came (lllWIl I.
of War Savings stampf. to the l ')tal . ,\l'COU~·I· ..\~TS ~I\I.,
""«Icak ('unlnlencillg }Iondnr, XU1". .. I" I I frOtH the lllHt,fonJl at the ('lOH~} of hi:; 'Keirn. II. c. Ccrtilipl1 PUhl!c Accountant." S,,·utt-l·u\\'.·11 Unlrit'!'o. Phone, Preston ~3~"
Hlatnrity valup () apprOX1Jna C Y 30\\ Set:" di~phty ad\'el·tIHPmt~nt In thl!11 l~l"IlJt'

Select. Presents *!I:I(} 824.474.10,

,lIhll'ess antI Illany Ileople pressed for- I ~ij~ Dudle)' av". Phone. NarlH'rlh U - ,
\v'II'l] to shal'll him by the Ihand. He
( -
l' . 1
I . .
<:11140. \\ ~ ,\rtllln~. Phone, Hllruce 163~.
')'. stllllrt Co",ln. ~Ol; :l1l'rlon av".
:--lee ui~I)lay aU\,j'rtlsemellt in this l~~\I·'.
''In,,ide Ihe ',inc;.;," to he HIlllwn a·t aeeeptl'd their "ollg-ratILatlons WIt I a luea•. Pllln•. Art. Typograph)'. LOO8. Fanny JI. Pl,\no teaeher.
CONSTANCE TAUMADGE the PalU1'1l Theatre, l\rdlUore. on \\'e!l- Phone., 1600,

~.I;::tl.ill;17 I~:I'~I~' '~J~'~ :~~~:teel~ j~e~~S ~~a~11 L,'c~' tillrl1ltc...:~~e~~~:I~~I~.~~. Ae- SJ.~I~~~:~: ;I~~~a~~.hl~l~ft;sl~'!:·~~~il~~I:~;;~
III }'irsf. Showing of nc:;(lav ,\"n~ Ol\(~ of the lirst stage war , , ( C ~1'C tlhiJilay ad\'I~rtbwlllf'llt ill thiS lflHUe. conlJHlnl~t. ~~S JOHa. ave .• Narberth.
l;n.'s· ;llJd n notahle sueC:I~S& in Xew The young lecturer pressed throngh nA~I,S ~OT,\ln I'unuc
P the t h rOil" a hout him anll f'xl enlll'll\ ~I,'ri"n Tit'" .'1: 1'1'1'_' C", Phone, ,\ ...I·nore 3. •..·lr·,..I,.~, ,I. n. III Narherth av".
"Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots" Yorl, allli <~Isewhere. The story dt'1 1" hi~ hand "to t11p waiting tnan, I I
r-;"e t11~pl:l~' at n'rt !'II'lliCIl
t I II 1111". •I"""~
';';6-~1. It. ~Ol) \\,(loulIlnt;.\ JVt',
\"1'111 ',1 ",erman Sin.' in a soun,l :'llll IJ 1 I '1" s
")' Allgnstus '1'holJllls , , "I want tn thank you," ,!w saitl to ~ II \\' lIn 1!11'"nl~' '6 00 1'ho',,'. I~(j~-\\,.
well eons! rueter! Ilhot.opla~'. allel in "n.." .'~, Ill., " . ()J'·l'Jel.\~s
. I .' 1 t 'gue . tHl 'uh·pu- that ,g-clltlelUatl. "for the eloRe atten-
>,' Sec! tllRplay ;)1l\'crl!Heutent In ttll~ l:!~t1e, "·t'ntun. (~ .. rl F. flOl; 1'~HfH"X uve. Phon£>. r,~'l-,..
~I \I~ l'nOnUCTIOS S'r,\ItTS AS NEAR Whll~ I SpIeS, OVi). 111 1'1 ,I' " , t o I1\V l'emarl,s. )"0111' c,.\~»\" J>~TC. PhIl". addrp"s. ISOG Cheslnut at. Locust r;~,.
A~ i'(J~8I1U.Y, TO \11,15 A. M .. 12,00, 2.011. t.ure are earefnHy blentlerl. A capItal, t IOn ) 011 ga, e ·....·0 to Il,,,'i •• II. )':. Ph(llle, 1254-W. I',US'!'''!(,;
3.45, 5,45. 7.4.\, 9.30 P. 111. ston' witll, an unusual :,urpri,;inv; ,uplurned faee waR an JIIs\llJatl n See ,lIsjllay a<l"el'll"ement In thl. '".lIe. Cu"'.•1"111'" n .
... .__. ..__._._. ' - i " · I ' "I 'I the I jne~" me. I am Sllre you llever dlHngel1 C,\I(\'I~~1'EltS .\~11 UllIl.lJt:U"; ~41; 1Ia\','rC"rol live, 1'1)(11"'. Spru,·.· 1<::;'.
! tnIS 1 IS llSl( C oJ... 'VO\ll' parlH~~t 31 I it.u<1e dl1l'in~ Iny lec- "t'nJdn~1 ChaR. J~., "'21~~' 1~~~~I:\~::~c~· ~J\~~~:leNf~l~t~~;lh'.\'·
GOOD MORNING Thl' Xal'herth High Sehuol Alnl1ll1i ture.
• .,
10:1 Dudley u\·e. Phone, 3S2~)f. \\·lIlz('r. I.'r•• «t
117 Wlna,'r ",.". Phone. 1~,17-.1.
6EO. B. S UPLEE I Assoeiatioll wishes 10
takl' t1Ji~ Op- "XO." saill Ihe lIlan; "hilI ,IIJ!l't (lal- Orr. III'. A. J•. 101 1~lllIwuO<J aVo Phone. 3n·W.
,., .. ,If
portlln it~' to ('xtellll t heir heartiest I"I .\ 0111 s, on
Ih' t ael'ollnt: r have
Phlla. Phone. Fllhert 42',~. K,'lth Bld~.
)',\I'I~lt 1I,\~(it;n,.;
Denv.'r. Itleh"rcl A. Areade Dulldln,;.
Phon". Narberth IG93-W.
thanl,s to t.hose. not in the asso,~ia- a ~tiff neck," 11"\\'81'.1',. Pho"e. 1~67. Wit It·, (i.·o. ,\. F,Lir\'iew ave.
_ _ _ _._______ See (lI~pla)' ad\,pt"tIHement in thlJII hllll'ue. l'hOtH', C,YHw,Yll 77S w
,T. FIl"Hl-CHHJH wOl'l\,
tion. who ,gave so willingly ,their tilnl' J'.'I.IW'!'UWI1\~S 1'\lOTO 1'},,1Y:-;
11 0'1' 1'.\J~'l'
Plumbing Establishment and lahor to HHtke their pIny a ~'llC- 1
e(~ss. l'~spel'ial1y MI." Hollin TOil II 1 ;
I (') lil!
1 '1
:\11'. (}or'lon' .\ farlller. he:lrin~ a "Oll1ll1otIon
. at:
Pllgh, \'l"rl ~:!a lema
Nur Phont', 1);,0-"'. Al'd, PhOIl~, 163·.1.
. I.'I.~.'II "\'."1) o"~,"rl"ltS
~ -, .~ -
..' \ n'u« I 11.
I " lfit.h ant I C'\

1'r.lJ~IIIIS{i, ]·;'fC.
SlIllle.., H.·... II. Phone. 1289.
t (
- It'~lntl ,. S..
1 a
Her> dlHfJla,Y 11l!\,t!l·tl:O;Pll1Pf l tn tht;'! 1~"IH~ 1 "
IS NOW LOCATED AT :\1 r: II·owar( 1 k . l' 1 'c h rrie 1 ~l1t 11111U'riul Cir.. tfOt'r)' Cn. Phone, Nnrherlh G06. Ree dlnplay nd\'erU~emenl 1n thl.!ll t~"\I.
(1 1.
I I'l'lmilton Mr. Gordon Harris, Mr. Hill t Ill' )~Il' I ~ ,)
t04 Forrest Ave. al~,1 . r.
' of liS lOus..n
:\1' OU\' Gllnllakcl'. The .·ast I tll lind his little hoy enjoymg hImself
. _ ... u ,
s,·., ,lI,play adl'ertl,en,ent In thl.
GI\HlmS ~lJIt";I'JIU";!<
f ' I . I immenselY hv ('hasinr; some friJl;htened I'rlmro~l' lo'I',,,,,,,r ShUI', Arrlmore, Pn. cut
Wnll, U. U, I'hone. :1I9-J.
Soe dlspla)' uolverllaement In thl. I,.uo
HI';,\(. J>;STA1'E
WIshes to thanl, MISS .uo~ nton 01 1<'1 , I' .. 'I . . '" 1 IInwc,rH a,,,1 plant". Cun"ral <le,l",n.. C.. hl","" .'1.: eo. Pholl~. 1271-W,
At 'Your Service
I'rompt attention given ;III Mllers.
,nntirin services as eOlll'h.
~,with a l'pd-hot. pol<cr,
.•. .
. fann laburers rounll t Ie ~ al I ,\InLI \\,oh"'rl, ,\. )~, . . , .
:\lnnlg-011lP!'r :In'. Phl"Ilf'. 1.9" Nlllherth.
See,,)· n,Il'"r(\.el1lellt In thl. I"uo
.;'rihwh. II. C. Phone, 2;i2~"'.
' \ t ' t ' . ' v 're lel'lure from his' t:ItOCt;ltS See ,II S I:lu)' "dl'el'lIsolllent It' thl. I.ou.,
II is r('pllrl.~(1 that ,Iimmh'. tllll IDng I " el Il1IlI.erlul (Jr...... r~· Cn. Ph"ne. NIlrberlh 606. tlnolfrt'y, "'11I. n.
Estimates Cheerfully Given, .1 se e . > , • ..

1 1,1 I'e 1 11I'I','er I'll I' HI'(ltt- father the IJro!lllsed th,lt
1\ See tllspl,,)· lldvel·lI.Olllent In thlo I••ue. 114 Woodside nVe. Phone, 685-\\'.
d . k f to)(' remen Ie, ( . " , •• 1I·\lJll~(' ETC SUMh, nobert .J. Phone. ,iO,•.
Don't forget to take your rm 0 I
Powell dairies. hilS oll'erel1 and sur- t hI' would neyer do It aga1l1. ,
Wultou 111'0', r;hon'e: 67'2. - . !Iloney for F!r.t and S"r,ond ~lor,gug ••,
' S i l l I l _ ! ' i U U , ,':UIU',.. C. :!:1~ E:.:;!'l(>x n \"e.
. V lie Ml·neral Water Allay 01' two I a t er tl,lC sa III J . ".e display ull\',~:·lI.e,n:'nt" In thl. lo.ue.
Spring a Y I d
I . g f r your
1'1'11111'1'('11 his· life in aetion "over
11 '1''' ]immip will not he soon 1'01'- motion waR heartl. and the same ~o1]t.h
leI"." . d .
l' \'oe w'th !'l" IIU\\'lIlI.n. SUllluel I'. (Life.)
Pho,,,,. 631,. nr H20 Ch""tnut .1.
(i"r"-""(;\IIII',· 1'0. Phone, 1~08·W.
morn ng an ev;enm, 0 ~otJen 1". those in :\'arherth whom WIIS loun eauslll/!;' J,1 ' I . ~ 116 I-:lmwoo,1 "ve. Phnne. 6fi3-W. Sl'e <Ilsplay ,,,Il'pr'f."ment \n thl. I""ue,
health s sake I' • .. •• HI 11 one His self-same pol,er. Jurkhnrdt. lIJ1IlI'r. General IlI.urnnce. ,MilloI', Jnhu A. ~43 lana ave. Phone. 661-J
. It ~li I ". t 10 Id hI' servel 111 more \\oi~S a .' . I 100 lIlaple 'lYe Phone G59-~f. ShrD. 2lG 1-I1", ... ro..,t RVe. Phone. IZ26-J
SllI'lug "11 C)". lIt'fn IIcr s I II cl;e~l'[ulness and readiness maue ~lil11 "How rlal''\i you?" saiel the 11',1 e JODt.s, Chn•. It. . . - _ " SlIOEMAREItS
he III ever)" home ut. thIs time. Sure I ' II lit to manv hi' 'Ih- p'lrcnt ~o:, S. Narberlh ave. Phone, ,,8~·J. I (lood W.."r Shoe t\IHlI',
I .• tllll1 Ilre\'ClltuUvc of C'ollstlpa. very popu a·r. so 1 '." . ',,". interrupte,1 t'", J"n,,~, Wm.•1, 103 S. Narherth ave. Phone. I (~on.IIlIIIIII", II. tl. Yo M. C. A. Bid'"
UII{ ccr . ,'r d Renee will be a real personal loss. llllt. father· ..... G80-,T. PhIlI1. ,,,hIres•. Penn lIlutual Hldg. The nbo"e <Ieparllnent .houl,1 toe "r In.
(JOII, ~ellrItls. Rheumatism, 1\1 ncy 0 ,. . '. ""l11Jl'lthv j.; extended to voung eulpril. Trottt·r 81'0 •• (~'Ire, ete.) ., ~realest u'e 10 Ihe eommunll)'. the list eon·
I' . 'J'rollble Gustrlc C.nturrh ,lIr SlllCele., ' . ' . ' " , '1 . tl' ".'1"" 2Ull Woodside ave. Phone. 1_6.-R. 'taln. the IH,me of .very professional man.
lUllI I ) vel, ' . ' , the memhers of hiR family to whol11 Don t. IUt In lei me. Sl. . ",\WYEnS I tro,lo"mulI. mochanlc, .hopl,eeper. ele......ho
Ih'ollchlnl tntarrh, llenrtbunl, Nel". I" ., IVaI will mean more t.hau we The ~'oungster, howeyel', eonvl\1ceoJ Gllruy. J"hn 211 Es.ex Rve. Phone. 1245-R. I doe. or con In nn)' wa)' serve hlO fellow,
'OUBIless and ltll DIgestive Troubles. liS lemo ,
\ ..• can know. 0
r til satlsf"etorv n'ltllre of his ex-
1" ~, • '
Phil". address, l.lncoln Bldg. 'I towlIsman. nnd who Is progressl"e enough
!'liles 1,'h'lt'l",r W. 41~ Haverford ave. to add name to list of Reltl.ter.
Keep Oil t.he lughwlly of good llooltb. ... planat.ion. woul,] not: be sil,~l1cerl. Ph~ne, 372~W Phlln, address. Crozer Bldll:. As It Is dlffieult for .hose eonlrlhntln.
Ol'dt'l' n bottle today. wI'th;1 "But father" he said, "it's only LIGn'fI~G FlXTUR}:S !helr lime ~nd efTortM to the producllon at
A wise man doesn't argue . : ,.; Mdlonahl Johll. Narberth phone. \288. 'our Town to personall~ either know or
FOR SALE ,"onmll
'. ,
l)i)cause he expects
anv I\'ood hut hecause it v;ives her
pl~asure' .
• •
it to (10 painted thIs tlme,
I .----- 1533

DomestIc discord Is an apple of Cotter. ){mvl1rd F. Phone. 1298.
st '. Phtla.
Spruce 1138. rut Inten'lew all sueh, It would be moot helP~
It thORP not now found In the 'prlntt'tJ
list would .end In a memo ot their names,
ad<lresB. phone numhers and buolnesse. or
HOWARD'S Drug Store .
I' J I I tl e "Ise gets the
W Ill' I t 1l~ man 11 I c,. .
See dl,ut"y advertlsemellt In thl. \
Crist. llJolln),. Phone, 308.
proteBolons for llstlnp:. This will coot as 1'01t
lows: 10 cent. aaeh Isou" tor 2 IIneB: 5 ceo ,
NARBERTH, PA. 1"alr. hut fnlse---the blond wig. corl', See < arl~ertl.emellt In thl. I.."e, I for each addItional lin".

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