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Warwick and Shaw Retain Doubles Narberth Community

Tennis Championship of Narberth Club Represented .
at Harrisburg
EVANS WINS HONORS IN CONSOLATION Till' IIIPllt,'-Jifth allllllal J1I",'tillg of
SINGLES PINALS. II:l' ~I atl" Fl'dl'ral iUII uf l"·III1~.I"i,·allia
"'UlIll'lI \l'a~ hl'],1 ill Hal'l'i~hllrg- Otto-
hpr l~ to 1-1. ~lr~. J-:. C. Bat,'h,·lor, ~[rs.
Messr~. \Vllrwick allll Shall" again This is th,' third year in succession .1. ~llIlh{JJlallll all,1 ~Ir~. H. A. . IllI"ohs,
pro\'ctl th!'il' ,kill as a dOllhles team tlt'at \\'urwi,·k :\1111 0111' own "~fan o' frolll the Xarherth Cillh, \1'1'1'1' three of
last Saturday afte1'll00n, when they dc'
feated ::\[c,,;;r;;. Kirkpatrick :Illtl Staple~,
\Val''' \\'alt,'r ha\'(' 11'011 the ,Ionhlp~
'·]lllllll'ioll,hip. La,t ,)"l'al' lhey dl'fl'atl'd
THE FIRESIDE the ;jll] dpil'g-ate~ l'l'gi~lel'l',1 fmlll the
.Kirkl'atriek allll Sl:l)lle" in 1iI" iillllb, For God nuu Countr~". we ussoclute our-
in the ihmls of t he ]f)~O (Iouhles tourna' 011 the e,',' of thl' "OIl\'('lItiull Go\" selves tog-etll('l' for the following' purposes:
mellt of the :\'arhcrth 'I'elllli, As;;o(·in- :UHl in Inl:> th"y dl'f!'alt',1 Hoss an,l ::\fi:-:s GI':ll'P ])"ight has returnl',l to 1'1'1101' all,1 ~(r~. Sprolll re,'pi'-l',1 the of, To II phold lind defl'nd the Constitution of
:'\a I'],('rth, till' linlted Stnll's of AlIlerlclI; to lIlulutaln
lioll. 'I'h!'y "·011 in thr!'e ~traight ~et~: .llIstie~ ill the IInal~. fiN'r, of th,' Fpd"l"ltioll, thl' ,kIt-g-ates law nud orul'r; to foster und perpetuale
In thc IInab of tltP eon~olation sin- all,l ofli,·,'rs uf t'1l1h~ at thc Exel'nti\'e aile Itundl'l'u I,er cent. AmerlCllulsm; to
i-5, 6,] ant! 6,-1. pr"sel'\'e the m(,lIlorles anu incidents of our
g1l's, \\'. D. H. El'an;; won from J<'rank )11'. S. K Cox all,1 famil." are II 0 \I' ~Iall~ioll. GOl'l'rllor Sproul abo ad,lress- ,,,soclatIon In the Gl'eat 'Vur; to Inculcate
'1'he "fans" wcre hoping for at. lea,t Hacr in threl' ;;trnight sets, 6-2, 6-a, a sense of Individual obli:;atIon to the
J'('si<ll'lIt, of lltl ~[('I'i()J1 ayellue. ed the ('Oil \'<'lltiOIl in se~~ioll. cOlllmunltr. State and Nation; to combat
a 4 ;;et match, ant! possibly 5 sets, but 6-4. the lluloeruc~' of both the elasses nnu the
Other per~oll~ of 1I0te. \l'ho addressed
luck ,vas again,t lhem. '1'his is not 10 masses; 10 make rl:;ht tile master of
The ]n~O tOlll'nanll'nt i;; 11011' prae- the eOIl\'l'ntioll were: HOIl. George A. mlg-ht; to promote peace nnd goou wlll on
say, howc"er, 1hat Kirkpatriek an,1 H,'nll'llIlll'r! Tu('~da~', Oetoht.'l" ::!(i~ at
tieall~- eOlllpl~,te cX"I'Jlt JI,r the eon- parth; to safcgnard and tl'Unslllit tu po~­
P. ::\f. for the COllllllUllity CIuh Ho\'crtcr, )[a~'or of lIa1'l'i~hnrg; ::\[r~. t('rlty the principles of justlee. freedom
Stapl,'s tlid not do their best. They solatioll t!ollhlt,~. This ha" 1wl'n hang- and delllol'ral'r; to consecrate unu sunctIfy
LUIIC!II'OIl, 'l'holllas G. \\'illll'r, l'rl'si,]cllt of Gell-
callie mighty close to getting both the ing firc for sel'eral w,'pks. Hailey lind our cOlllrudeshlp by our ueyotIon to mutual
"ral FI',leratioll of \\'01111'11'" Cluh,; Dr. helpfllln!'ss.-Pl'eulllhle 10 the CoastItution
fil';;t an<1 thl' thirt! set" hut \Varwiek E<1gerton ha I'C a ~-,et lead and the of lh!' AIlll'rlenn Legion,
Cn]ltaill "\rthlll' W. H\;.I1~ ;,r0~i:lt'rI al Thlltl:as FiIlc'gan, HlIl'l':"illh.'llllent of
an<1 Shaw were just a little too gooll seol'C in the thil'll ,,('1 i~ 6-5 ill thl'ir th(l Lf '1~IJ> fof :>,t\OllS 11l('ctlllg 1:1:--1" I'uhlil' II1,truetioll of P":lI".'l\·'·.l!i::;
for thelll in hoth inslance,. 'rhe second fal'or. '1'he mateh will Jlrohnhl~' h!' NEXT DANCE.
~':,r\JlI (la,'· e\'('l1 i JIg". Ill'. FI'l',ll'ril'k Raslllus,,'u. Sceretary of
Sl't wClll 10 \Val'wick and Shaw in qnick iini~he,1 on the thil'll 'l'II('~t!:t" a(llr ' ...' 'rhl' 1l"Xt ,]a11l'e (lIIa~qu,'ratle) to be
j)epartllH'nt of Ag-ri,·ultnrc, Pl'nnsyh'a-
nl\ll ca'." fashion, 6-1. fir~t. full moon followillg '1'hauksg-i,·ir.g nia; Hon. Giffor,l Piu('hot, COll1rnis~iOli­ gi\'l'1l h~' the Harold n. Speakman
,,fr, HolH'rt )[:1('lde has taken posses-
'I'he winlters played a hrilliallt g-U1Jl!' Day. "\t all !'\"('nls, "Baroll" Harris PI' of For",t 1'."; Hou. \\'. 1. Sl'haff,'r, I'o~t. :l;jli. ~nrl)('rth, will he held on
~ioll 0:' th,' prop,'rt." Xo, 4i ::\[olltgolller."
lhrollg-honl all,1 carne,1 a wcll tlcsl'l'\'et! say~, "\Ve ~t ill 11l1\'e a c.han('e!'· Attorlll'~' G"lIpral uf PPlIlJ~~'I\'auin; ::\[rs. Thur"]IlY l"·Pllillg, Odohcr ~Sth, in Elm
YiCtOl'~'. ,],ime aftcr lillie Kirkpatrirl, ~[clllher~ of the 1\'nnis A~,oeiation )Iallll \Voo,1 Park. ,'lJ:lil'lllall of thc Xa- Hnll.
or Staplcs shot. the hall O\'er the net Il'il1 hl' interl'~tl',l in thl' anllllnnl·enll'nt tioJlal LPH;!l1l of '\"0111(111 ·Voters; Dr.
1 Thl' Illln"c Committ,'e i, planning for
Dill' f thl' :\'arhcl'lh 'hri'lgc clnh' at-
ill n mannl'r lmel l]ireet.ion that indi- thllt lhc 10umlltllent prizl'~ will he :'I fa 1'.1' R, ~ ohl... ]>['III"."II·a II ia Stal c II lI·olld .. rful c\"'lIillg- 111,,1 th .. dl'cora-
tt'II:'"., ;}I() lA':lg'l1C' of Xfltioll:-\ tllt'()1illg
cated ~lIre points, onl,r to hal'c the hall a\l'ar<1ed to til(' ,1·i1Illl'l'S at thl' Ilinn"r- Hoard.of Hpaltll. all,] )[1''', n,'""i .. Ll'a~h tiolls will :--urpass :ill,'" ~o far arrallgCt! ..
ill a Ih)<1)".
come haek with e\'en more spel'll 01' Dallee to be h!'l,1 in Elm Hall, Fl'id:»' Pri,I'l.'"' "hail'!"f111 of ri,'il'''. G,',"'ral
('nt. 01' hl':1(lc<1 for an ohscure, "ont of e\'l'ning-. ~o\,pnlhl'r ]fl. no matter. '; I., 1',<,,1"l'atioll of \\'OIl"'I1'~ ('llIh". Tllcll OUR NEW HOME.
1>1'. .\. C. (;1':11'(' rp:-,i(l~':-- :If :\:triJl:rt h
1hc \I':l~'" "111'111'1' of t h" l' II II rl ~ wh"I'l' is p]f'('h'll Pl'(l:--illt)llt! ~(). tl'lIl1i~ 111:1,'-. 11,,'1',' \\"IS lh,' ('hanllillg- ::\[I's. ::\Inry '1'1", "II rl'cIJl ,'rs ha ye finished the
:llId \rooll:,id,' :l\"l'II\H'S, tllt' fOJ'Jlll'l' hOllll'
J'\:irkp:,tri('k :11111 8taplt s "\\,('1'('11'1","
"1'''. 1,,'1'1' that ,lat" Op"II, \\'al'(' ])"lIl1itl. of ~I'II' York; ::\[rs. ",",1";;111''' "I' tit., WI';;tt'l'11 "11,1 nf the
"f ('I,,,rl,'~ I-:. 1I1l11l])]II·".'·~'
Pl'~l!ll<lill I', ]a Ill,. of Pit1"II1I1'g-h, who htlil11illg :11111 1he ill:-:illp i:-: IiO\\" I'l,:ltly
L{'~,l'i:';]:llioll: ~rl':-:. 1'''1'. palllting.
Community Club I{osp (·ullill:-:. fOl'JlIl'I (If tllt'
1'lIiIa,I,'II,hia :'Ilat illC" ::\[lIsil'al Club, all<1
1,;1111 11:.11 I I " " till.,,1 :'Iloll']ay ll1;.!ht
hI' ill t I' 1'",,1 ",] 1',,1l'1., I" I,,'" I' 1 I "Il. \\"1
. :-:j)o]\f' Oil
nI'CII"'I·. ,lir""lol' or '1'111'1, f,,1' fOI' .. i~lI-
ITnIT'." )1,
\\~(' :11'(' pl:llIllillg' 10 1J~l\'(' 1'\'('l'y1hillg"

Luncheon :'III'~. H, .J, Hal'I['''-. 1'I'l"j[lellt of tI",

:'Ilolltg-Ollll'I'~- Club'.
li""1 I!. ]11'1'1':" Oil til, L,'".!!,"' of :\'a.
1.01'11 \I'''"It'Il. of 11,,' Xatiolla] Y.
A .. all,I Iliall." 011",1' ill-II·Il,·ti,·,' I,tIl,"
"T. ti"i~I,,'']
jug' I'Hr1y
,11111 read.,- 1'01' the hnu"l'wann-
OIl .:\rllli:..;tie(' n:l~T.
It i:-: llt'('d1t':-::-: to :-::l~· that' tht.' I-It)~· Wf'n' ~i\"(>11 :11111 illh'n':..:till,~ l'tlpnrt~
OCTOBER 26TH, AT 1 P. M., Y. M. C. pita1ity COllllllittt't) will spn·:til a lliost }'t1l'JIH)r:-: ~'tllllJd:li!l of n ~('aJ'('ilY ot lll:lflt' h,\· 111(' ni~.;j l'il·1 Prt,:·ddl'llf:-- nn,l DUES TO BE THE SAME AS LAST
A. Bl~t.J,oDING-MRS. E. C. ,] .. Ii).!hl ful n·p,,-I. allti that 11 It' del'orat- 1""'1'['1~ 1'",' "i!il"', Alt." oil .. \l'ho 1Il[l~' othpl". YEAR
E 'W 'BI.OR OFFTQT "'J'ES , ......
ino' wi]]
~ . __1H' ,':-:__l·ll('prt'uJ
__, a~
__ ~'\"L'r.
0-_ TlJ(~
,. 1
-r.-,','." 0 "e.. 1 '
~ ._#_~~~~1
.' 11 ,., rPJ ,-, -"'"...
.:.._~~ __,'. 1"(,,,,,':1'·--":
_.~. _~c;,;.
\ ,'I :11" ... ,--_:1111
.... ,\·tl~ _=,-,=.::.-__ A_'.1.;~~:-_'il'_'ilr:il!!
-_~. _ ~_' r(:~II~~:ll' ~~a- ~

~fn~i~ ('OlllllllttC" ha~ a]") al'r:lllgc,1 to 1','1' Ih(.111 for ~1I1p. llt,1,] in till' TTnll-p of n"p"''''ltllltil'cs
I .tioll:11 TIt'II;;llI·"I'. ,,-hich "holl"e,1 that
""i"t ill thc program. of thl' ",I'd, ('lIpil,,). :iI] 0111"1' ,,'-~i()l1~ th" 11lIlIlI<,illl afrllir, of the L,'.~inll al'u
PRESIDENT. CIlIl> 1ll,'m 1>" 1'''.' ']0 1I0t llli", this till,I' .\11 a""I'l'tllll"'" IInti ,'h,'('1, for 1 ' 1 """',, a '.11 tl,,'
l '1,
p ...·.-'··,11,
', 1.1111"'1'.'111 ('11'11"']1, 11011' Oil II "II t',~ I' :It· I 01'," l '
lll~", tl. II' P(In -
of ,lay;;. at \\'01111'11" ('01111111111 iI'.' rlllh Lnllphpoll Th,' ""III"'lIt iOIl ('los.',l \\'ith a l]inncr ""lIt iOIl \,,>1",1 t hilt the ,",I iOlla I dne~
'l'h,' dllt" i~ 11011' at halld 10 \l'hieh 1I11 Il1l1st ],c IIwill',l 11';1 b'lt'r tI,lIl1 tOlligh\ .~il"l'lI lit Ih,' I','III1·1Iani" Ilot"],:lt II"hi,,11 1'01' thl' "lIl:Iillg :,,"111' "hllllltl lu' 1111' ~alll('
to )11''', E. T-I. Co('krill. ~n,'j F"r""t a\'c- ,,~tll":'- \\·,'1'" 111,,1 .""111'. "lit' ,1011111' 1'1'1'
CIIIlIlllllllily t'IIII> wonll'lI Id' ;\arhel'th
hn\"(' 1,(-'(-'lI l'agL'rl.\· !l)okillg o
1'111' ilia 11: 0
October Council lI1H'.
1110 '\'IIIIIt'lI 11",'1''' .-,'al",!. 1'hc Pl'csident
of till' Statl' Clll]';;, ::\[i~s Florellpe 1\L ,·"pitll. II"lti,'h i" to ill,'ln,1t' ,,"I,s"ril'tioll
WI'L'l,~. Thi, i' lhl' ll"t day al"'"ptllllees
lI1a.'- b,' IlIaiJI'tl to )[r~. J.:. H. (',,,·krill Meeting Hnl1()I\',,'pn will j",
Di],crt. pal1r'll np011 se"ernl former State
(·,'lphratl',1 as Prpsilh'lltS. ,,,110 p::l\'l' t-:-:I'ir ('xllt')'il'lWt'S
to th" om"i"l 1I!lIgazill" '''Itl 10 eO"er
thl) ()lJ{'r:Jtill~ PXIH'llSt'S (If Xational
for a l,lat<' at lhis fl'~ti\"l' (Jcca~ion. 11S11:11 :\fOlICl:I'- ('\'I'llillg. Oc·tc)l,()1' :11::-t, of fOI'lJII'I' ~-"lIr~. "ho\l'ing tlll' g'1'tl\\'th of If''1I.1ljllartel's.
Thl' ti"kl't~ :11'1' olll,\' $1.00, alld ,,,ItPJ't' lI'ith " pll'ntit'lIl "1'01' of npl'1<-~ an'] ..]11]" ,111rillg- thl' pa'! t\l'cllt.,"-flYc ~'cars.
Tht) ]"('goular III 1111 t lily Jllcetillg 011 the It IIbo n>1,'.l th"t for allY 111'11" IlIelll'
1'0111,1 a wonlllli get so mueh 'I'ol'th while """11,,,1 )[olldn~' II'II~ IIt'Id ill Coullcil lint". 'I'hi~ ~'ear nnr ]l(l~'S an,l g-irl~ Otlll'l' socinl fllnl,tioll~ W(·:·I' thl' tea 1",1' jOillillg' 1Ill' Ll'gioll ],,,111"'('" Odo-
nll'nlall~· a" well a" ph,\'~ie"ll.r for 0111' ('lllll"I,,'r 011 :'Illlllda~' cH'"illg. Odll],,,1' ,ltonl,] hal'c a g-oo,] tinH'. gi"cn h.," thl' ('id .. CIII], of TTarri~ll\,rg 111'1'], HI~n. 1111,1 .Ialllllll'." 1. Hl:!l. the
,lollar! It Ita" h,'en 'aid that a ,jollnr II, 1'1'I',irll'lIt lIal1 ill th!' ehair. at thl'ir most artisfie (']I~h llOllSe, ~itu, tllI"S "IIlI11 ],1' :j;1.~,'j. \l'hi(,!J \\'111 tlte I'","
will 1101 hll.'· allythillg, hilt Ill're i~ all 011 1I('l'OUllt of' the l't',igllatioll III )11'. IItl"] 011 the hanl,~ of th" fllmOI'" Sns- nati'llllll ,hll" 1'1' ~nch nll'III],I'l' ulltil
)11" . •lohn Hi"1, 1'01',1 Bl'IH,k" ga\'<' a
aftl'rllOOIl \l'hl'lI IlIall,\' tillll'~ Illl' ,,:dill' \\'il1ialll S. )llId'[ox, it lI"a" 1I1'('l's"ar,\' qnelwnna RiI'er, alltl tIle alltnt1lohilc 1)1"'l',nl>cl' :11. In~l.
111111'1H'on on 'l'hlll""la~' aftprnoon at thl'
of a <lulla I' Ilia,\' hp Itad for ollly '"11'. til make l'e-ap!'oilltlll""ls to 1"'1'1ll111l"llt ri,ll's g-i"cII thc 1llo!'I,illg' folloll'illg th" 'It al"o ,11'ri,ll',l that all mcmhcrs
('halfonh' Hotpl. Atlan!ie Cil.". ·~r!'.
If th,'re i~ 01'" "I"I'lIt which "tall,h "O"llIlitt",,~ as follows: hallljnet to \':Il'iOllS poillts of intcrcst lI"]lOSC lfl~l ,In"~ ha,'c 1I0t ],1'1'11 pai,l to
anti ::\11", Brook~ nr,' enj".,oing- th,' Illonth
oul aho,'l' all.llie IIlltll.\' ltttl'a(·ti\'(' 1'1'0- O,.,Iilllllll·1' alld Law-\Y. B. lIl'lIrll'I" ahollt Hllrri"]1111';.!. Th,' 'IlIrhl'rth ,11'1,,· till' :\"tliolllll TI'l':I'nr,'1' ],," F"],I'II:II·.,' ~S,
of O,·toher ill C!tehl'a,
gl'nlll~ Ill' 111l' -,"l'ar, it i:-: 111(:' 0pPlliJlg ""11. "\, 1', Hl'difl'r, II. \\'. HI'III1"II. gntcs ha,l thc pl,',,'"rl' of rifling in the I!1~]. ,hlll1 hI' ,'olltillll,',1 Ilelin'!nl'"t allll
111l1l oh.'oll of till' ,,'a"llI, 1h"t i~. \I·ltl'n Pilllllll·"-"\. J'. H.',]ifl'r. Pallil'1 ,alllC I'ar in ,,-hirh th(' King of t.he Ihpil' 1"'1111'" :Il,,'ol',]illgl:,' ,11'01'1)(',1 front
thl' nll'llIhl'r~ or th,' "]lIh aI'" a~~"III1>lt-<l (Continued on Page 3.) nl'lgilllls ro,lp ,\'llcn hc I'isilcd Harris- Ihp IlIlIilillg- li,,!s of 1'h(' Ameril'll1l Le-
Ll'it,·h. t', B. )letzer.
after h(~iT1g' s(,Htte)'{~(l til Ynl'iul1~ Itoill1s Poli,·e all<l Health-C. B. )[l', \\'. hnrg-. ,~j(JlI 'Y()('ld.\~.
of the eOlllltry for thoir SUnll11er rccre- ~, 1I,'I,~I'I''''". \\'. ::\L \\'l'lItZ.
ations. It is n time when tl,,'y gl't Fin" Lig'ht :111,1 \YatN-Dalli,'1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS THE SECOND NATIONAL CONVEN-
1'l'lIe\l'l'd ill~l'iration to ,]0 a"til"~ clllh
work. fro!ll thl' ahl,' ~l11'al":r,, of the
]",; ,·h. \\', "', II"lltl,·r,'"" .. "\, 1.', H,'dif,'r,
Ilighll'II,\'~ alld :-;"\\"'l'~-\':.)[, \\·"Illz.
Two cents per wort! If cnsh nccom-
Haverford Officers TION.
Tilt> flllt' pn'dolllill:lld 1'1'111111'(' of the
'1'1", IUllchcon this year lIlal'k~ Ihe
-"lilli,'] Ll'il,'h. II. \\'. ill'l!ll' 11.
pant~s IHlvertisement; otherwise. five
CI'Il ts JlI'I' woru, are Re-elected S('(,nlld :'-~:ltinll:ll ('llll\·l'ldillll of the
..\lllt'l'i(':l1l L(·g-itlll nt ('l"\·l']:Jlld-·--fhp (lilt."
The lI.i:.:';h \\":lY :llHl ~ll\\,l'l':-\ C(l1l11lli1 f{'('
hegiullillg' of the l,rl,:... ;jtlelltinl tel'lll of tllillg ,tI""·,, 1111 oth,'r,; lI·hil,h will rl'·
l'l'portf'll gett'illg" ('stitllHtt'~ (III J't'pl:l\'·
::\[rs. I':, l:.
Batch,']or. La"t yl'ar )Ir~.
illg all 0]11 :--t n1l't ~igll:-' \\'hil'h are hadly FOR SALE--.\nl"H\ohih', Chnllner, "\t th,' allllllal '"l",till).! Tnl's,]a~' 01' Il'lIill 1"11."""t ill the' mind" of all thn,,'
!ll'l':-:idl'd 011 :-:p\"('ral (H'l·H:·;joll:--~ ~l\\ \'11 J):l~St·Il,!.!.l'J; ('X.t·l'lll'llt OppUl'tuu- 1 JI4' ('01")'01";11 itll! of 11:1 \·r'l'l'tlrd ('lIl1l'g'.' at \\"1111 :lltt'!l(ll'I!-\\,n:-- IIllt a p()li('~· it tll1t-
\\"orll. :11:-;0 sig'lI:-' til I1lar!\: j'dl~ad t.'lld'~
dUt' 1'(1 11\(' :d.:-iCIlCl' of the IJresidt'llt. it.\- to pUJ('hnse hi!.., dl-gl'adt) ('al' 1'IH':'j1. th,' ,\1',·h "'\ 1'1'1'1 :'I1"l'tillg' Ifoll~" all lill"d. 1"'1 a 1'1',,,IIIIioll it pllss(',I. 1I0t an
~tl'('l't:-;; t,~tiIlJatp:-- til Ill' :-:1I111Ilittl,:d nt' ~I"l'hallil"'l!:,' 1'('rl'",·t. l\ord t il'l'~, :\",.
Th" "Iuh krlO'I'S hO\l' aldy ,he condllded Jlrt'~I'llt IIllin'!":-:- of lJJl' pOl'plIralitlll \\'I')'P i,I"1I1 it "1,,1,,1'~"'1. It waS it;; .. xalted
ll('xt JlI('cl jllg. !I ,·:hIlW(}lld :\\'l'" X:trhL'rth ;:ti"j·\Y, ur
the IlIe,'t i 1Ig-~ at. tha t t illlO at "I win Ll't' ':-: tia ]':1 !~('.
1','·,'ho,·It'd ,,,ith th,' ,'x['l'!,tioll that Hi,·h· ,ol'lIif""tatioll of thaI' spi!'ilual pres-
The· COllllt·j} n~ l1:-u:d dt':-,pah'llt'd :1
\\'PIt'lIl1ll' hi'!' :Is it:, JH.'W 1'.l't':.-id('llt. ;..:i\,M :ll'd P. '\""tllid \\':1:-- ,·l]!;~t)Il til ~i1 lIlI tlH' "III'" "hi,·1t ~O'-I'I'II~ 11;; npon I'arth. that
fjllillltit.,· td' rou1 illl' hl1:-:illl':-::-:.
il':~o t]ll' ~:llll(' :-lIJlpOI't' 111l','- haY(' al\\~l~':-; WANTED-I."'1,niJlco nllt! I'clia],]e li\an B""l'd of' ::\lallllg,'r" ill th,' pla,'" of th,. ill,'xp]i"111,],' I'syeho]n.~i,'a 1 fOllrth (H-
gh""11 11 .. ,1' ill whate\'('" ('al'al~ity ~hl' lll:l~· ,i:1Ilitol' oi' Jll't':-:hytl,rjatl ('huH·h.
:1:"'> , \:tl" l""a" P. ~harpll'''s. 1I·!tO II·"~ Illltil 1I11'IISi')1I 1I'1ti,·h. \I·hiIe il i, ns nJrlniprcs-
Itan' ofli,·i"t",I. :'Ilr~, Hall'h"lor i~ 1Il1l"h ~111~1 I,,' " 1't'~itlt'1I1 or \'arJ,nli,. ",,,I' Iii:"' dt':llil I'rl':-;idl ' 1l1 tl!' tiH' ('ullt'g"t'. ('III, :IS flll' air WP hl'eatll(~. is so in.-
1",10,,',[ hy II", 1Il1,1tlhers not only for NEW RESIDENT IN NARBERTH. "',1'. :f'j.l,tIti I't'I' tll"'11h, ,\tldl'l'~" ,\ . .1. I Foul' Ill'''' 1l1l'J1lhl'r...; 111' Illl' "PI'1'III':I- tllllgihll' th"l it ['l1l1l1nt 1,1' "XI",..,se(l ill
lit')" t'Xl'I'lIt i\(' :tldlity alld g-ulld .iudg'- Lou:-:, HliX -I.i. :\al'llt'l'tli. Phllll(', :\al"- '. iOIl 11·"1'" Id~o cll','te'!. 'I'hey arc ,Tus' \\'(ll'd:-,. 11' \UI~ th,· C·1\1I1pO .... itl· \·oil'(· or
1111'111. hili for till' nlan J' other ljualitie;; It,,;.!l'1' 1';'·1111 F[lX :tl'lil'L'rl ill \'lIl'h"l'lh i"'lllt :: Hi ·.1. (~.".) ! II~ ('. St ra II'lll'i,]).!,'. ~n,1. \\'a It 1'1' :--. tIll' Il1i1li"I" II'lto ]I'"'C rl'f"!'III',] from
:--ht' IHl:-;'~I':-;~I'.": \\'11 il'h n I'l' }(('('('s:-:<lI',\" t'o ill I'llilatll'lphill Oil "'III "rda.". OI'j"I"'r II i,ll·ll1l1:' II. Ernl'st L. Brown antI \\':\1' "I,,'al,illg' ill n tone I\'hit'h, ('oltlll
~'l1·""",rllll,\' f[1l that ('hair. !I')I, "\IIIII>llg']1 0111." III''' 'I'l','k~ 01[1 to-
'VANTED--\\":J~"ill" '0 tllk,' 111>!\(('. \'il'- Thollla.s H. \Vhil"'III. II"", hn\'1' IlI'nrd if. wonl,l ha,·,'I'('l'lI ap"
Bt';..;id('~ \\,('l('Olllillg" its Ill'\\" Pn':..:idPllt. da,\'. l1"I!','r E"all It"s al'I'I''''','d of ;\a," gillia 11<'111',\", ::7 \\':tt'lll')' :1\',' .. Hl'.\PII 11011"111'<1 COlllfol't. I'r,'~itl"lIt of the 1'1"0"·"'] h.,- IlII' onl' InllllIre.l thousnnd
~, 101',,0], I'al'k all<l lI'ill ta!;l' "l' hi~ n'"i ~llIlI'l', 1':1. I ~.I') t·o11pg'I'. J't'atl lJi:-- :llllll1:d !'(']lort. ill "'hil'h \\"l,n did Hot 11:\ (·k.
th,' (·ltlb will ha'·1' th" I'I"a,,"I'" of' 11":i1'- ('(JIl\('

iug t IH' PI'l':..;itl('lIt of t-Iit' Ea~t~'1'11 Ilj:--- d"II"l' thl'l'" \l'ith hi~ l'ar(,III~. )11', 'JIIII
'II'~. \y"lt('r .\. Fox. POUND-Sl't of hllll' 1'I'itlt~. Cali :J t
tl'id of' 1"'III1~.""·llIlia. :'Ilr~, "'. I:llIil' (Continued on Page 2.) (0ontlnued on Page 4,'
I..lIt°kil'; th" l'I',,~itl('lIt of t1", ;I;,,\\" C"I1- thl' AIlIl'rieatl Store.
}Ul',\' Cluh 111' J'hil:\l1<'I!,hia; )Ir~. ll.
P1'l'lIti" :\'i('hllb. all.] th" 1'I'I'~i,ll'lIt of POR SALE-An nl'l'ig-hl mahogall Y
lhl' .Iullior CIII1> lit' Hi ,I],'." Park, ::\[I'~. piallo' in I'xl'l'llellt ,~,,"dit iOIl. ClIll The COMMUNITY BIBLE CLASS
\\'ill lil'l'l S,·,>!t )111 1'lI. "11 1',". Dllring the Illonth of Oetoher alI<I the hal'lll." 1", toltl .fi'om til',\', l'lnill l':J~".
'rIll' Presidcllt. of sCI·eral nth!'!' Fed- following months, unt iI further notiel', Fir~I-c1:Jss mal",. ~"II' would eo~t :j;(iOtI, will meet
Will ~l'll for $:l2;,. )[ust 'he ~el'tI to 1>1'
erat!'rl \VOIIIl'lI 's Clll1J~ 1'1'0111 Tl"lall"arl'.
Philn,l('Iphin all,l )fOlltgOlllCI',\' COUll ties
a~hes will he eoll(',·t cd each week, :Mon-
llJlpl'l'eiatcd. PhOl:l'. Xnl'h!','th :l!IO-~L
Tuesday Evening, October 26th, 8 P. M.
,lay :Ilid Tue~day, north side; \Ve,lnes-
will he' g'u"sts of' the ,lay. 'I'hell there (~-l') at 214 Wayne Avenue
dar antl 'l'hu!'sday, south sirle.
arc to he gl'l'etillgs frolll Miss .Jalle
Cnlllphell, lentler of the :M:ollcIay morn' GEO. n. SUPLEE,
WANTED-To I,'a,,' ahollt one aere in Teacher, REV. H. S. TILLIS
or ncar Narlierth for experimental
ing elnss in Philadelphia; ~[rs. ::\[ary St.reet COll1missioner. All will be welcomed Subject: The General Epistle of James
gartlen. Phone Nnrherth Gal. (2']1)
OUR TOWN Telephones.

Of course, WI
1267 deliver - an1
Xol i(',' is hen'h,l' gi I'CIl tha t a]lpliea' place - an1
If jlcrHollH Ih'illg ill :\al'h('l'th \\'ho 1268 time,
An Exp~riment in Co-operative liou ha' III'I'Il lIIade to lhe I'uhlie ~el'\'­
arc going :nvay for over Hight 01' long-
Journalism-No Paid Workers. i"e C01IIIIII"joll or I he Co III 11\011 wealth
of J\'IlI".,·h'allia, 1l1l,ler thc ]lrol'i~ioIlH
el', alld elo~ing Ill' tlleir hOIl"", II'dl The Brightest Spot in Narberth
lea I'e won] to t ha t "fred II' i l' h l'o~l'
Owned and Published every Saturda~' of th,' 1'Ilhlie Sen'iee COlllpall)' La 11',
IlIa,tcr 11 a w~, t he.\' wi II a"i~t 0111' Bol"
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
It,. the Narbcrth Civic Association. h,'· I'all'i"k F, [)ollohu", fill' a l'el'tifi ..ale
ollgh oJlieiab ill l'('II(]"rillg that Idlld of
of pllllli,· eOIlI'ellit'II('t' "yjdelleing the
Sllh"pript iOIl I'd,·,' OIlC ,lol1ar allll Jifty ,'Ilie-it'llt poli"e pl'o!<",tioll \I'lii"h OUI'
CIIl1llJ1i:-i:-;ioJl's l't'qlli:.;itt~ :lJl}ll't1\"al of hb
CCllts pel' yl'ar ill a ,1\':111('1'. 10"a I alit h ori 1 ies a n' part i.. ularly allX'
rig"lIt to 1l1'l'l'a1e antlJlllOhill'S :1:-: a e01H-
InOIl ('aITi,'1' 1'01' th" trall'porlatioll of
ions to ~i~-c the ('itizclI~ of tile Bor-
ough. at' COllI'Se, if any Olle i~ to re'
Asbestos Insulating Company
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH Jl('I'~OIl~ IIIH'" "all 01' d,'nl:llld ill the
CIVIC ASSOCIATION IIlain in the hOll'" 01't'1' lIight 01' <llll" 315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
HlIl'otlg-h Ill' :\:tl'lll\l'th, ~[()1I1gtlllll'l'r
March 26, 1920. illg lht' ahselll'c of the fa lIIiIy, the ea,,'
('on Ill." , l'a.
,honlei 1101 hl' l'l'jlol'ted to the Post, PHONES
Presidcnt, Hobcrt J. Edgar. ,\ pul,li,' h('al'illg lllHl1l lhi, appli"a' Nouiatown 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302-J
Vice,Prcsiucnt, Joscph H. Nash. Illll;o.;tl'J'.
Vice·Prcsidcnt, Augustus J. Loos. 1illll \lill he 11,,1,1 in HOOIII 4!Hi, City
Hall. I'hil:lll,'ll'lii", I'a .• lin th,' ;ith eia~· Gin'lI thi~ kind of ('o-oppmlion, our
Vice,Prcsiucnt, :1I'[rs. C, P. Pow]cr.
BlIl'Ollgh of1i('ial~ are jll a po,itillll to
'.I'l'l'aSllrer, .\Ii~~ ~Iaizil' .1. Sinll'soll,
Sccrctary, 1\Iiss Bnth E. Prcscott.
"I' :\0I'('11I1H']', ]!I~II, at 111,::11 0 '"I,,,,k
Slip tllnt our I'csil1elleps :ire g-i\"eu tItl\
Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
.\, .\[ .. II'hell and II'h"I't, 1"'l'son, in ill'
Directors 1023, 1\[rs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. t"I'('~t Ilia." al'IH':ll' and I,,, h,'al',l if th","
'-II)'.'" b(·:.;t protect iou. ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
D. D. Stickncy, J. Garfield Atherholt, :--0 cl(·:-;in'.
1. A. Millcr, C. Lawrcncc Warwick, A. PA'I'Hlt'''' F. 1J0:\01l\'I':,
E, Wohlert; Dircctors 102S, .J. .I. Cu' HAVERFORD OFFICERS ARE RE-
brcy, Walter A. l!'ox, H. R. Hillcgus,
Charles H. A. Chnin, W. R. D. Hall,
Harry A, JacolJs; Dircctors 1021, P. A.
ELECTED. .------------------------_.__._-----_._-_._------.
Lanahan, Dnniel Leitch, Gcorge T,
J(1ll1tZ"Il, .1. H, X"Sl"'I', Fle!<'hpr \Y.
Ardmore Chosen Centre for New CIvic
(Continued from Page 1.)
--------------- --- Olli .. "s of lhe :"lIhnl'hllll .\",\(·ialioll ht' said thal the 0l'enin~' of Ih,' pn',-"It! The demand for the small, modern home in Nar-
HARRY A. JACOBS, or Ihl' ~laill Lill", rOl'lIl1'd la,t lI'ill!l'1' yl'ar Jilllb Iht' ('o11ege with Ih,' fal'p,','sl berth. (up to say $9,OUO.OU) is constantly in-
Editor. wilh 1I11111." 1'1'0 III ille II 1 1I11'II IW'] 1\'01l1l'1I "llrolhll(,llt in its hi~toI'Y, :!1I0 stuuents. creaSIng.
,~------------ --- l'lI .. k of it. \\'('1'(' ol"'II,'d 1'1,1 w",,1\ Oil 'I'ht' n('1I' ~'ystell\ of ph.",i .. al (',!tJ('al iOIl,
A. J. Loos, Henry Rose, tl\(' ",,'ollll 111101' of tit" ~f"l'ioll Tille wl,;('h aillls to haY(' "I'ery student par- We have very few homes of this description for
AS.0ciatc Editors.
BlIil,lilll!, ,\rdlllort'. hy (,hal'lt'~ "-, ('I'i,t. ti,'ipat(' in 'Olll" fOl'l1l of at hl"t i,·,. h:" sale (and we sold two of them last week) . We
EXI"'lItin' SI"'I'('ll1l','" .\11', ('I'i,t i, \1','11, he,'n pill. in opera! ion, ht' said. Hc said would certainly like to get in touch at this time
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, klltlWIl through his JlI't'\"ioll:" '·Ollll(\(·tioll al". that thl' lIla.iol' part of lh,' "ll,lo\l"
IIlt'nl flln,] of $,illl',1I01l, ",h i..I1 1 lIt· gnlll'
with owners of this class of real estate who are
Cashier. lI'ith I Ill' LlI\l'l'l' ~I('I'ilill Yllllllg ,It'll"
('ltl'i~t ;:11' ,\"o .. iatioll, 1I:t1(':-: of thl\ iJl~titlititlll an' I'lltlt':I"ol'illg
considering selling.
Send all advertising and news items to "Thp ohjl'(·t of tlH' ~l1hlll'haH A:-;~o­ 10 1'a1S(\, has hl'('J1 pl(\dgi'd.
}, O. Box 966. t-i:ltillll," :1I-,.o1'l1illg to it:, 11.\""l:1\\"s. .1. .IIl'lIl',\" ~"a1tt'rgoll(:, TIl'a:-;lIJ'\'j' 1,.,.1' ROBERT ~. NASH
Our Town is on sale at the depot "shlllllH' tht' (·II'i .. !J,'tterllwlll alltl \l'i,,· th" ('lIrporalioll, ill hi:; 1"'pOl't p"llIled
Ilewsstand, and at the store of E, n. ,1<'1'1,1111'11\('111 or th,' "Olillll II 1111 Il" of "lit that in 'pit" "I' thl' "dditilillal ,'x'
Davis. Bala'('~'JII\',I',], :lIltl tho,,' we,t or thl' IH'II"':'l' illl"lIl'l't\cl ill l':li:-:illg- t lit' pl'llfl'~:,(Ir:-;' Or 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth Phone, Narberth 605
Entered as second'class matter I'hil:llk]l'hia ('Ollllt~' lill", fo :"ltl ill, "dal'ie~ Ihl' III'lillllioll ha, he"11 :lId" 111 Our R~ference.s-Anyonewith whom we have done business
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office rot 1']lI,lillg Paoli, alltl ill thl' "'l\lntl'~' ,'011' "III1Il' lhl'ollgh thl' .""111' I'l'",ollahly \1'1'11
j ig'Ullll:-> ttl tllP waill Jillt\, (If t1l1\ p(·Jlll' 111 :J fill:lllt·i:11 W:l.'- .... \:-;a ~. \ring. Pn':-;i-
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
~.'·h":lIli:1 H:Ji lrU:l 11,. ill t he' 1'011111 i(\~ of oIl'lIt of thl' ,'orpllration, 1'J't'sid"d at the
of March, 18i9.
~r(Jlltg-llll1l'I'.'-, 1>1'1:1\\":11'1' :11111 (,hl'~tpr, 1I11'('t illg'.
:tlttl 1,1 1h:ll ('lid 10 (·o-OJlt'l':ltl\ ill l'\"t'l',\·
"a.,' 1,""i!>11' wllh th,' 1""1I1 ,'il'I,' 1I11d

OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news it'lm about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in Order to meet the
1l1"11~ 1'01'

~ 1111(1. ' ,

'I'hlllllll' lh,\\'itt

in 1IlI'a:--
tllf' JllIhlit,

i, 1'I'<',id,'II1,

~tllllt' ijllllSillg l'oJlIlit i(JJI~ alOll h' l11l'

It IS Wisdom
printing schedule, all "copy"
T1J" Yil'I,-'IJI't'~idt'IJ1:-: :11'1': S:llllllt'l T. HII- .\Llill L!lll' :lrl' a:-: I.:!II :IS ill ~(jlllt~ 111' tht, to live witllin one's income always rather than some day to
-manuscripts-lllust reach the d i lit', II ol':d io (,:11 t'''' LIll,"d. Ed W:l I'd Bol,.
11111:-:1 (~I'OWdl'd H't,.titlllS ':d' Jljliladelldli:l, have to live without it. Saving something regularly, no
editor by 6 P, M, WedneSday eacb ,\I1"'l't .r. l'IIll1ll~', ~1I1I11I"l 1("11 :llId \11",
:11·(·Ol'llilq..:; tu fal't~ 11I1l(lglll uut ilt :l matter how little, is the surest way.
.\ll'x:llldt,!, HI'(I\rll. Tilt, Tl't':I:'lIl'('l' 1:-: lIil'I'tilt!-! of tIlt' {'Oltllllil1I'('S 011 ht'altiJ
Hi,']':ll'cl ,I, II:lllli]l11I1, .Jr, :llId "'lIiilltilill III' Ih" :",,10111'10'111 .\"",
llirl>1'1 tll':" i ll(·llld.' 1 ht, ntlil'i'r:-: : l l l l l . . 1 Savings deposited here are investments as well, for
('1:111011 01 till' .\I;~l.l J~lt,I\, t11l' pilI jI 0"" l'
Hi"),,,,. I ',: \:111'111" :11,0] I'hlll']'" 11. 1,11,1
_ _- . - - .. ..-.....__ ... _.. _ . _ _
' I l ' I ' I
...,l.j)~ ~J~~~--.·.!...~l.:!..~.l: ' , I I III d~osits interes~ c()lJlR9undecl,. . 'O~~";n the u~' Wing
111.~tll~l• . \Idllllll'l'; .\11':->. 1{:llpll l\ll1l1('r, Jor l'i\'it, 1.... ttt.l'Illl.lI; 01 all the -;-';1I1111I'Jl:-'
I~:lln: Hil'll:ll',l 1r:llI,~'ll1oll. l):lldi: Hulll'l't
of your inc,ome protection fund, by opening an account with us.
:lIIIlIg' I h,' l\'JlI"yh':llli:1 Hailroad frolJl
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS \\',1",,1",1', ,I', Herol1 ('1""''''''11, ,Jr,. :111,1 IlI,'rl,r,,"k III l'a"li,
Fire, :350 ,lIIhl1 j,"II'i, 1':I':lJI', 11:,,"'1'1'''1',1: :IIi"
~llIall, {'I'u\\dt'd dWt·llilli"l,:->. IIl:lll.'" til'
Polirl', 1250 1':I'alil1:1 "':lllo:l111l1, llhal1: (;ellrg" IT,
no}';.:t :111l1 ('li:ll'l('~ ('" :'1111I'II1:11.;t\I',
\\"JlJ(' I
llal"II"rd, BryJl
" "\ I
:In' 1Il:-::tll II aI',''', vXI;-.;t
III - I'l ilion',
The Merion Title and Trust Company
\\':IYJler .1', ('IiI' til II HI1"I; all,] \::,llIall
\\'ayll", Ilel'lIll alld B,'n"yJl, il lias ,ft>' OF ARDMORE, P A.
Editorial IT:I,'-W:ll'tl,

~11'''. H'l~:-;
1)1", (;tl(lr~t' (l_ ~tdllt,
(._ (''ll'lli:->ll. \rilli:llil
,'Iared 10,1' tll\l'lI,hip
oIl" rs \I'ho at1<'II,led
I,,'a]th III1i<-i:d, aJld
lhc ll,el'tillg, ~[any
1', G",1 :11111 .1""'l'h n, \[,,(':111. \I,'rillll;
of tltl':'l' hOIl:-:I'~ are ()I'('lll'it'd hy l'VllJlh'
"', ";",'kl,, :-;",it]1. \\'illi:llll :"lr'lth,'r"
I '''Ili,. ,\11' ... ,,] \1. ('"lli,,, all,] .illhll ~,
\\'ilo \\'ork tJll Iltl' \Jig' I-Ollllt r.... (·:..; tatl's Narberth Office - - Opposite Station
\\'. H. n. Iiall, I alld g('III!"llIeJl" fal'IIIS t]l"t Ii" IIl1 Ih,'
('jarl,,'. Hr,l'lI \1" \IT: ,Ii" \!:or'.. K, (;11.,
J'I'('~i,kllt of ('11011(,11: IIl1t,kirls "I' Ihl' sl1ll1lrhaJl 11111'I1S, ()ther~
:-nll :llld II" B:Jl'tlll Hl':IZit'I', \YYllllt'\\,Olld:
:II'{' (l('I'llpi(~d by pl'I':->IIJl:-; wlio \\"111'1\. ill
::iel'er:d 111' the l'('sidl'lIt, Ill' 1':<1glll' ~. (i:l 1',] 111'1', (',"II\I'y<1: \[1'" ('IIII"
:--lloJt:'. gal':lgl':-: alit! ollll'l' pl:ll"c:-; ill 11l(~
Xarlol'ook I'al'k hal'" ",kl'd III(' til 1'111'" 1'. 1"oll'kr 1111<1 .JoSl'I']1 II. :"II,h, tOIl'IlS.
l'XJII'(':-S 10 tlll~ ]I1('IIIIH'r:-< of the :"IIr1>"l'th: :II". nlll'id S. 1"1111,,,11, H,>'",
TheSl' I"'ol,k lI'ill gil'l' Ih"il' iJ(':lrty
Xal'hl'l'lh Borollgh COIlII .. il their mOllt: \Y, Log':l1I \r",,('o,'" OI'l')'IoI'IIok:
apl'l'('"latioll of lhe ill~t"llat iOIl ('It'lI\t'lIt H. \YOIlIl. \rt':-:t ('llll:-ohlllHI('];;t'J1.
"'1'1'01'1 III allY plaa II'hl,'!J lIiil 1"'~II]t
ill IIl'tt"r hllll:-;ill;!', it was :-:aid. Tll\· 111:\- YOUR FALL SUIT
lIf III(' lights withill Sarhrook jOl'it.'" flf t]I('III, :tllloug thPIII IIt·iug' l!lally
will be worth a while investment if ordered to measure
l'al'k, ARDMORE Y. M. C. A, HALLOWE'EN ,'II!ol'"d jll'lIj>k, "'!'I'allls "II'
ploYI'd hy
here. You will get
'I'h,'y abo \I'i,h to forlhel' ap' PARTY, \\'(':dtiJ,I' falllili",. :,l'(' roJ'('"d 10 lil'('
prl' .. iat" the illl,'r"st t:il;,," h," h",ldh',l tog"th,,1' ill ",,'allital'y ,!In'lI· I. Artistic Hand Tailoring
tllt\ CoJlllllit,t(\c 011 }'ir(' :Iud Oil]' II a Ilil\\"t> "'11 Pal't,'" 1:-: g'oillg to lHl IJlg:-- hl'e:lll:-:I' 1hel'l' HI't' Il(l t1tltt'1' plnn';'; 2, Splendid and accurate fit
Lightillg·. of \lhi,'h \II', L"il"h i~ t hp 'j Ht,:,t Yl't _.• 'I'll t hllSt' who 1·t1jO.\" 1'" .. thelll til lin'.
Chairtllall, allll ~[r. liillis, ot: the I illl1ulgillg' ill :J 1II1iqn{' :-:ot·ial :llld illIlO- 1'p rl'lil'\"(' lJ()ll~ill~ ("ullg't':-:t iOIl \\'ill ht' 3. Authentic and Smart Styles
Bala and :'\[nilill I':"'l't ri,' Conl' I ""lit 1""ltilllt', I'ril'II1itl,', .I"lii,·h III:lrk 11'1' Ii 1',1 ~I('j> tak"I, ill the ,'ollll"'eh"ll' 4. Quality Trimmings
I'"n,", in pl",'illg till' light, tot h" th" 1I:lIIOII'I""ll 'I'irll :lll,1 ",,'ll'Oll, ,in' pl:lll fill' lhe Ill'It.~rJlle!ll of the
l"ollltlthiJ1g" would Ill' Jlli:-;:-:illg' without
5. Exclusive 100% all pure Wool Fabrics
1""1 int"r""t of thl' I'al'k alld in 'Iaill LillI' slIhl1rlt~ it \Va:" I" l'I'IUilll'd
\\-orldllg with liS to )-iO nn"Hn;.!,'(~ Ollr :llllIWtl 11:']1011'" ',," I'llrt,'" ~II It I, :If tilt' 1I1l'l'tillt!_ Come in, m lke your selection for a new Suit or Overcoat
th('n!. {'ClIllill,~ 011 Prill:!.\" p'''Pllillg. (h-tolH'1' ~~l. "'I'J,,'I'" i, !lot !lllll'h tilt ,,]J ",,,t," d,', from the grand assortment of over 500 styles on display.
W" ale ~"lIdillg a "ol'~' of this \\'h,I' 'I",i] tli" fllll hy tellillg llll :1111111t "]an',1 .\la.ior ;\II'I'"d ~1. ('olli!l~, of BrYII French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. Scouring. Pressing,
Il'tl,'r to fh" Edilor of Olll' 'l'owll it, :'t"('llnlillg' 10 tIll" ('"II1ICit1pt' I'l:lll~, ~lall'l'. whll al'1"cl a' d,ail'lllan lIf lh"
Repairing. Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
with tIll' hnl'e that h" will pllh, h('r,'? Th,'n"]) h" all ell,II"" "lll'i,<~' IIlet,tiJlg". "\V"I' :ll'l' ju:-:t ~tartillg. \Ve
Ii,h it. of "O,tlll1lt'~, Prize" \I'ill ]", llll'an""] 1:1:"11' i!Jat 1>a,] hll!lsillg' "xi~t, alld wh"r" , Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R, and our automobile
fill' the' lwst ,·,,,tllll,,'<1 flll'll!t'" alld 1',,11I' it. (\xi:.-t:-:. rellp joh IIO\\" ht'f(Jl'l' liS i:-: will caB at your home for your clothes.
"feTOH n, ABEL. ily t'l'OJl1 "1'1l11kill noll"r," 111(, 1I11"t I 1<' llct"l'Il1ille the ,I>",t way to "lIIT('l'!
r;1IIll," 1,11,1 rdill('I] .]11.]1', th" llll'" portl~'
11lon1{, :lllel th(l hp:,f ('0:-:t1l111('(1 ppr:-;oll.
t h i, eon<1ition.
"With that In lIlind \I'l' III"t til <1i" TOE lOWiR MeRION TAILOR COMPANY
rC'gar,lll':<S of ",watioll, ,1atillll ill lif" l'lI:-::-; \r:tys and Ju('alls; to hl'ar SI1g"gt':-:- 102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
An exreptiollall," well org'allize,l so 01' (·allirq!. ~\ g'r:llld Illnn·h. 1I11l~i(". tiflll:-: :lJl,l IIwl{p ('()l;IIllPlltS liB tlll):,l' Jo'lI;.!-
,·jpt." IIH:-' hC't'J) ]lPrf('(~tpd ill .:\[Ollt~Olllt~t'.r c::llwillg :llltl l'a1:-; :11',' lItht'r t't':l1url':-' (If \!I',t illns. 'l'hel'c is Ilothing to tell about
COllJlty til carry Ollt thl' p]:n" ot' th" th" ''''",,,iOll, \It'lol,,'r, :11111 lheil' fri,,"d~ that yet. Whell our plans arc fully Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock
Pt..-'llJlsY}\,,:lllia Tll1Jprl"uloJo'is S()(·il'ty, the :11'" illl'it,," 10 parli"il'llt", All an' ill' lIlatie 11'1' will 1)(' a Idc to talk ahout
"(llIlIty hadllg h(,(,lI di\"i,]('<1 illto ]7 dis, li1<,t! 10 lI'ill"'~' th" wOll,kr~. thelll. But this we can say, kllo\\'inl!
tl'il't" lI'ith ]211 sllh"li"i,ions 01' Ilnits, H"""llt 1,1' 1h(' HII."'· S"lIl1t Trollp Ill' ";lll·h "DlIcl it iOIl~ tl) l'xiJo't tlu\ 111(\11 ill

En'l'," di,trict has a "hairman, II'ho in :\l11'h"rth I'i,ile,] "Ill' hllildillg llllt! "ll- this a,slI"iatloll :11',' thl' ldl"l who lI'ill A SCOUT IS KIND.
tOl'll i, a lIlcmhcr of thl' ExpI'It! in' Com- .i()~~(\(1 :l ~nl)tl swim. \V(' arp :llwHys 1I0t gi\"t' tip ulltil thl',\· an.\ ('C)l'I'(\(·1l'(1.·' HOPE HE FOUND IT,
mitl(',' of the coollty hOlly, 1hlls gi,'jllg 1"1a,l to \I',,!t'lIm,' ,11 .. 11 gl'l1lll"" \\'" ,1", Othl'rs who Ilttl'lldl'<l thl' 1lll'I'lillg
"l!'redc1y, do yon IUlow what be,'allll'
(\\'P)'~· Jo'l'l·tioH represPlda1 iOll OJ) the ,iI'" to, ];('''1' tll" p,'oph' of th" .\faill \Yt.\re: .r. ]1('ron CrOSIIIHlI, .Jr., Dr. .1.
ronllllittel' that will formulatc all illl' Lilli' n'lIlillt]".] thal \\,e an' lI('rl' for HlIlI'arll Cllllld, CIII. Hpllry S. Spal'1{' WhcII the hell rallg- the othl'!' da,l' of that piece of eak .. that was Idt Oil

portan! plans. ("Hlpl'l'lltil'l' s"I'\'iC'l'. :lilt] that 0111' \I'lIrk 1I1111l, Pil'l'l'p AI'('l,PI', .Jr., .Joseph Jr. :"a,IJ. li:th' ,llIhulllp \\'l'lll to the door. So 011 t'lI(' tra~'!" aslwc1 llJothN.
- '--,-------- is with all'] for ""l'1'~' lll"mlH'r of tlle UI'. HOIll:lillp C, Holrmnn, Eo C. Gris, h" n't nl'llcll :lIone. lo'l'('dd.": "Ye', !llothl'r, I gal'(' it to
f:llllil,"-Illl'Il, ho~'s, WOlll1'1l 11Iitl girls, wold, nr. B. K. Wilhur. Pl'c~i,h'llt of
GET YOUR MONEY BACK ""'ho W:l~ it!" :1'1,,',1 thl' 1Il0ther, a lilth' hoy thnt was hnllgl'."."
lIJl' LO\\'l'r, ],fl'l'ioll 'l'ownship Boar,] of
OW 1I11l' 111'.. hl~lO'nllrl' Is lint a ",nme :'\[othel': "'l'hllt. wa, goo,] of yon,
\\"1111-(' rOll hun' to "dle to wIll." You run 'I't'a,'h"r: "'I']",t'~ th,~ l]('st. tlrn\\'illg Hpll]th; nr, A. L,),"att Dewl'es, Presi, ., Oh, it \\'1" .ill~t :I IIl:1ll IIlOldllg 1'01'
":.rpt· ('Y('Il" ,~dth t IlP cOlllpany hy Ih'ing' Who InlS thp hoy'I"
111111 g'I'ttJnJ,.:' your mOIH'.'· IIlH'I\: with 11lt"l"pst
you hayl' ("'('1' matll'," dent of tlle Han'rfor,l 'l'ownship RonI'd 1Ii" \\'I'Ollg pla"e," "':,, t hl' I'l'ply,-O.. ,
fot' oJtl Hg't'. , Stwll'llt: "Glad ~'on lil,,' it." 'If Health; Nnt1wn IIaYI\'I\l'(l alld' tt l,pl' Bo,"s' Lift', Fn',ldy: ' , 1t w:is me!' '-Odoher
FREDERIC A. LANAHAN 'real'h"r: "I ,]Oll 't.' '-Odo],l'r Bo~'s' ('hllrh'~ ,V. ('I'ist, Ex{'('ntil'l' S('cretllr:,
Boy~' Life.
Phunf' NlIrl)t~rth 311 U. Lif". nr the ilsso,'iation.

A ~s!2UT~.E !A

Kill That Cold With Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. Suggestions by Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Forestry on Fall Planting
Flnesl Pholoplay The-
alre ol.Is Size In Ihe
+\Ll:~ ?I!ee!'illgH for III'Xt :-::>1111<1:1\'; of Walnut and Hickory S~eds. Pb.lopl_vlI-Conlinunus 10 A. M.lo II.S.
HAG A. ?lL.-~lIl1da.r ~chool. All de- Tit,· \\"alllllt family, which COlIlIHiHCS P.M.
partmentH. Th"n' 1\'L'n' :!!/:: 1'1'l·"~1It. laHt the lI'alllllt~ :111,1 Itil'kories, eontains Phlla.• Pa.

CASCARA :;\( QUININE ;-;uII<1a)', which is Ihl' 1'I'I'0l'd for this

~,. hoo!.
S"IIIt' oj' the JIlOHt importallt tl'ces Jlat i\"c
tll J)t·lIli:-:.\~h·aJl.iH. 'rwo ~l'eeics of ,;':d-
FOR ~~ >~~ AND
11.011 A. ?lL-I'uhlil' \\'ol'"hip. ::5er-
111011 thellll', "Ullitariunislll alld Christ-
II lit all,l six Hp""ieH of hickory al'e 111I-
ti,'e to J'elllls.dl·allia ... \11 real'll II large
Colds, Coughs ......OM\V La Grippe inJlity.' ,
Hiz,', arc attl':tl'ti\"e orllaillelltally, pro·
Neglected Colds are Dangerous 7.110 1'. ?lL-CI! I'i~t ia II ElI,lea \'ur dill'" \"alllable \I'ood, lind yicld dl'licitllls
T',~·. "0 chances. KC!ep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
1l11'pt iug, .Julliol'l" lIIH1 St.'lIiun·l.
1.'1.; 1'. ?l1.--I·;\"t,"ilg \I'orship. Ser-
1I11ts II'hi,'h arc IISt'd h,\" maJl, alld flll'lL' WEEK of OCTOBER 25th
ish I'tI"l! ttl JIllllly lI'ild allilll:lIs, ('~l'e­
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - ReliC!ves
GrippC! in 3 days-Excellent for Headache 111011 tltellll'. "'I'll(' ~lal'l'l'd y,',""l.·' "illily "llIil'l'l'I~. B"I'au"" til' thl'ir 111111'
III till' a1,sell"(' of th" l'astol'. wlto i .. ,1' \'alt,,· tIll',\" Ilal'e het'll cllt "0 ,·x·
QuininC! in thi" form doe~ not affect the head-Cascara. is best Tonic
Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. will 1,,' ill attt~lIdallee in Wilkes-Barro tellHill'ly tllat lIatlll""s ~lIppl.\· ot: tlll'llL Cecil B. DeMille's
111'011 tlte l':'yllod of 1'''IIII'.I·I\'allia, tlte i~ HuW \rnllilq.~" rapidl.\-. JI.l')I('l', i1 i:--
ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT I'l'ay .. r 1lI,'el illg lIext \Yedlles,lay eYen- illlJ'erali\'L' that \"ig'orollH ell'Ol'ts he Pllt
illg will \)(' "olldlll"1,'" hy ?III'. ./al'oh K. ('tll'th ttl pl'opagat<· thl'He \'alllahle· "Something to
L(,~H'Y' hel' :11111 lIut·hearillg: treps hy pli1l1tillg"
t 111'i I' Hl·,',b Oil a la I'ge HI'II 11' :111(] 11.\'
11."1 hOlls whil'h lI'ill illsllrl' HIICl·CHH.
Think About"
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. THE FIRESIOE The Black "Walnut is olLe of t hc nltlst

J Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa..


~1I1111:l.'", !I ..':;
~..fJ l!l:!t1:
A. :\1.---,::3l1l1da.'" ;-;('11001.
(Continued fronl Pago 1.)
\'aluallle timh,'1' t1'<'I'" lIati\'e to 1'ellll'
syll'allia. It yield" dt'lit'ious 1I11tS 11'11;('11
an' produl'l'd ill larg',) qllalltitil'H all'
11.1111 ..\. :\1.-?lllIrllillg 1\"11r:;]lip. SlIh- AS I'OSSIULE TO 10.00 A. M.. 12.00, 2.00,
Merion Meeting is open for worship Th" Ill' II' Htl'l'et li).!ltt~ Ila,',' hl'l'lI 1>111'11' IIl1all.\". Blal'k 11'11 III lit i~ a \""I'~' t'XIIl'1·
.ie(·j" ~ 'flu' Tt·:-;t or H('ligiOJl.· ~ Tl'xt,
8.J6, 6.46. '7.46. 9.80 P. III•
illg hrightly lIi).!htly ill :"al"I>\'I)ol\ 1'ark illg trl1e a~ to ;;.;nil alHI IoeatioJl, ['1'(1-
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. . \I'ls I: 1·::. 'I'hl' Qllal'!ett,· \\'ill sing
fol' tit" past two w"eks, wlli"h rel'a]]s fl'l'I'ing' ri,·h moist Hoil. IIl1d rathl'1' \\'al'm
We coLdially welcome any visitors who •• Lord. Thon ..\ I't :\1.\' till'I," hy Bel"
that relllark of the GOI'l'I'II0l" of :"orth alld 10\\' situatiolls. It 1'<'qllirt's J11"1I1,\"
desire to worship with us. I\"ald. The pastilI' \\'ill :llso gi\"e all


IIhj,'d ",'1'1111111 to ,·ltildl'ell all "","hat
the Ballllolls '1'<'11 \·s."
('al'olilla to the Go\'"rllol" of ;-;outh Car·
of light, but will I'lItlUI'(~ SOIlI" shad,'
II'hi1t' Ytlllllg". It ,lol'~ n"t thl'i\'e ill th,'
"old"r pari of 1'l'III1H.\'I\"IIl1ia 1It11' Oil ,11',\'
7.011 P. ~L-rtltlJlg' PI'0l'lc ':, lucctiug. Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Rev., R. F. Cowley, Rector. ~I'otor trips illto tl>e coulltry t.hese si!lIatiOlIH. ll"I1I'(', gl'eat "III'(' ~htlllld lit,
Lp:ldf.'t'. ~I is:-; LlIt'in ]~t·illl.
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 7..l.; I'. ?l1.-!-:n·lIillg \I-ol'ship. Snl"
1>..allt iflll ..\utUIIIII ,Ia.\·s al'l' u nal " ... l'xprt'i:o:pcl ill :-:l'h1('t iJlg' a :-:uitahlt' :--ih\ GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
('til' plalltillg tlte "cl"Is.
to October 31 at 6.30 A. 1\1. From No·
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. 1\1. Late
jt'l'I, ").Inllllf:ll·tul"pt! God~." rrll'Xt~ J~a­
lig,ltt. L'al"ti,'s who hal'e l'el"'lItly 1110·
ton'd 10 hi~tol"i(, Yall ..,\· For;.!" I'eport The Butternut ,lol'~ II tit ultaill "0 EXPERT REPAIRING
iah .J-I: ]7. Thl' Qnartett" \\'ill sill).!
th,' hills of that HI,,·tioll to 1,,' a riot In r.~-t.l a ~izp, HOI' prod !I t· L' :-i0 \":1 ]lIa 1lip Telephone Narberth 1633
Mass, 9.30. "'I'he Hadiallt ;\Lorll," h.'" \\'",>1]11":11'11.
t i1It1 11'1' :1' tht' It!:tek \\':lllIut. hilt l)(':II'H
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 11l:-:pi ring song" servit'c.
01' ..\ ntllnlll ,·olorill;.!s.
lIut:-: \\"hieh 1'(IJltaill c1p]it'iou:-i :-:\H'I't :llld
A. :M:. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- Ylln will I", \\,eh'lIl1le to an,l' 01' all 111'
Thp fit'l"t IIH'l'1illg of tlit' J\:illJ.!:·~ 11(\1'- oil,\' ]\,·rll,·I~. Tht' lIut" II ...· I'n''1I1''ltll,\"
tions and other services at regular t hps(' s('r\-i(·(I~.

al,h H,,,'iet.l· of th,' :\I,·thll"i~t 1,:"iH"ol"d
('hllr,·1t l\"ill h,' lll,lol ill Iltl' ('11111" .. 11 ""
HIIJI(]a~' aftl'I'1I01l11 ~ to :; o·..t'll'k. Chil·
I'rt'ft'J'I'l'd ttl hlal'k \\,alllul It,\" 1IIall. aud
b.\· IIl1illJ:lls 01' the li"I,1' alld fol"'~t. It
iH fOlll1o] loellll~' throughollt Ihe Ht:>tt'
WOOD, PA. Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. "1'1'11 a 1"(' 1'1''11,,'~I .. <i to att"III]. as I'lall H iu ri,'h hottollllall<1s. all,l 011 1Il0i:,t 1'''1'' Plumbing Roofing
fot' 111(' willt('r':-- }ll'ogl':IJ)l \\"ill lit' 1IIadl\. lilt' hilbi<1,'~, 1111,] will thri\"t' h"tt<'r thllll
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. :-;1111.1:1.'", Odllher th" hl:tl'k waltillt at hig'h"r l'1",,:>tioll. Heating
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. il.-I.; .\. :\1.-:-;lIl1da.'" :',·holl}, III"] ill the 1I0rthl'rll I':>rt of tht' Stal ".
Sunday sen'iees:
11,-1.; ..\. :\1.-:\11'11':' Bible Clnss.
Don't forg-t'1 tll hUTl1 YOIII' J'llltllll:q,,~·V
'1'lle Shellbark Hiel;:ory attllill~ 1111' The Time is Ripe Now for Us
8.15 A. ?lL-IIolv Conllnunion. for the Kill).!·~ Jlallg'htl'I"~' f:t11 ~all'
9.45 A. lI[.-S\lI;,lay School. ] 1.1111 .\. :\!.-:\I"rllill;.! \l'lIr~hip. Ser· l:ll'~'t,:-,t ;--;iZt' (lj' tlit' lI:lth",' lli,'],()l'il's :Iud
11.00 A. ?lL-?l[orni'ng service and ser· '1'1("~"a,I·. <h·t'''It'1' :21i1J,. :"otil'y :\It'~..1. 10 overhaul your HEA1 ING SYS·
Illtl!l. "l~i\'ill~: Cilrist." pl'lldllt·t':' tllt' dt,lit'ioll:-: nuts of ('11111·
rp. »:lrlill~"toll. 'phO/ll' n~::-H. llt'fot'l, TEM for Ihe coming WI NTER.
man. 7.-1.1 P. ~1.-1·:\·tlllill.~· WOl'ship. ~('r~ 1111\1'1'4', 11 Iln'fl'l':' "it,ll 111lli:-:t ~(lil '-'1It·l1
A free anl.obl18 brings the chil,]ren to :\llIlIl1n.\·, tlit' :'!;,)1h, :1:-' rlllli/Ilngt' \\"ill hi' We are in a p.Jsilion 10 give you
111011. " . \ Happy (':ljlti\'I'." a:-, i:-, flllllld :tlIHlg' ;--;t l't':llll:-: :1111\ :thOlll
and fl'Olll Snnduv School aIll] t.he melll- ,·"lll,,·I,'d Oil that ""y },,'fol'l' I~ 0',,10,'" excellent SERVICE immediately.
hers to and 1'1'01;1 Chnl'eh, lea\"ing Nar- \\'1'.111",,1:1.'". (),'I ,,1,,'1' ~7t h. 7,1111 P. ?If. IIlJl'dt'}':-- lit' :-;\\":l 1I1J I:,"" hut :d~lI lloI1I'i:·dlt,:-:
berth Station at 9,,10 and 10.40. If -P1'l'}!:lr:lltl!'...· IlIt'11I11('1':-" ('la:-;f'. 011 ]"<'I:di"I'l," ,h',". fnlill' "oil. 1t is WE are the Agents for the KING
reqne8ted it will lea\"(~ thc Rtrrtion at S.l1I1 1'. :\1.-:\1 iol" 1"'1; 1110111' "f 1'1:1.'""1'. li,~lll d"l1ll1ll1lillg lll1<i will 1I0t thri\'l' ill KOAL KAI{BtJRF:TOH, a device
8.00 for t he early sen·ice. TII{, LO\\'t'l' ~I I'! iOJl Jlldit'{' ~\I oJltlay Ilt'Il ." q' ... 1:111.1:-: 111 11 t':-;:, it dOlilill:lt('\s the which KlJtsv our Koal tidl 25-40;r,
desi2ned for Furnaces, Tank
lIig·ltt l't':II'I'I':-;ll-d .1:l.lil· ..; Ht'l!. td'('(11111"1'41. l1('i_~ldl/Jrill~ t l"I't' ..... Thil" tn'.- i~ a PI'O- P
'=i: ~e:!e=~: ='a=B=:=:=!le=1~=~=~=N.: :r=: :=:=:h::'~:~=~ =~:~=~:!.Ir
he j:-- :-:ll:-;Ill.'t'!t'd ll[ kllO\\"ill{.!:
.\1"4111101'1'. :1:-; lifit- H't'lit'r :llId /llay Ill' prop:lgatl'd ('X-

Narberth Register sOIl"'lhill,~ 01' th,' <i",lth "I' :\II'~. 1':~II'lla

I):l\·i:-,. \\1111:-:1' j,hn/TI'd Illld,\Y

ill Ih,' "1,11,,1' Iti' 1111' hOIlIt' "I' Willialll B.

\\":l~ foulld
t"II"i"t'l,\". hill ,h"lIld 1I0t 10" I'l:tlltt',l ill
tIll' ('(10]1'1' III 1111 IIt:l1 IHllI:-' part:..; (If 1lit'
:-; I :tI,·.
Two Lines, IOc per issue; Sc for each additional line
FI':lIoI;lill. "". llIli \\"ol"l~idl' 1'oa", .\I'd- Tile rdockenmt Hickory is II 1I,,'dilllll-

.\Il'~ \(' 11101"('. at HI I'. :\1.. (ktoh,'1' -I. :-;iz{,t1 t n'r' wlli('!J !ll'odu,'{\:-' :l fl'nil :-:iIlJi-
1:11' ill :'1'1"'111'1111"1' to thl' shl'l1l>lIrl; I,il·k-
For Permanent
GoU.hall, II. IL 1'lIltlie Accoulltaut. :;o:~
Conway ..:\n'lIl1("
lIl:elm, U. C. Certified
:\arlll'l'tll. )I a .
Public Accountant.
.Jlldi!'Oon •. \lIllt·. Yilllill IIISll'lh:tioll.
'J'l'lt.'ldlllIW. :\'al'III'I'I II ::lli·.I.
:\II'~. L. E. KIl:l 1'1'> ·11-1 [)lIdlt,.\· 11\,<'11111'.
llr~Y. 11111 II}IHII tll'('lIillf.-!." tht' II lit ollt' al- Satisfaction
202 Dudley av". Phone. Narberth 800-W. J.U(l!'i, FllIHI~' JI. Piullo tt·acll~)r. \\'II,\"~ lillds II "1I,dl k"I'IIt'1. It is rar,' or
Slo'Il". A ",':t<It' ]lltl;;. l'holl,.. 3Iti·J, i:ad tilt, ,,1"11""'" 1:I't :-;1I11dllY "I' a \'i~il
AUTO)\()IIH,ES. :d",'lIt ill II,,· lIorthl'J'II 1':11'1 01' thl' :-;l:ltt' BUY A
Lee8' Garage-RepaIring, Etc. Phone. 1606. X()T,\HY I'UULIC. uf hl'J' gJ':llldlllot ht'J'~ ~I I'~. ~\ rq.!:t'li Ill' I )y- "lid shollld 0111.'" lit' I'lalltl'<1 ill r:tlh"r
Narl>erth Garnl:e. I'liolle l'arhel'tll 1G33. Jen'l'ricl'i, J. II. 111 Narberth ave. :"'\1111. .:\1 r:-:. I).'":-'() II j:-; \\"i til i II t-1\' \·('11 10" f"l'lill' ~itllllti,,"~ ill thl' ,'alk,\"s :>,HI
Sl'e display :t<ln'l'ti"'llll'lIt iu this Issue.
AU'J'()~J()IIIL1, SI';\t\"ICE
Donahue, l)ntrid;; F. Phone 1(i33.
See l1i:-;plu)' a4!YI'l'tixPIllI'lIt ill thiH h"SllP.
Jlarr~' J\.
1'1Ionl'. l'llrlJerth G3G.
232 Essex Ave.
T~·.on, Warren It. Pilone. Narberth 1202-W,

J1ltJllth:; lit' lH'illg" 0111' hUlldred ~'tlal'~ Idd.
:-;hl' '·lIj".'"ed lit" ,ta~' illlll)('I1:"']y alld
t'Xl'l't,:-;:-;pd IIt'1' wi:--ll for :lllothl'l' at :III
"houl thl' l'ootl,;lIs "f lIlt' 1I101lIltaill~.
TIll' I'l'1Iit i~ I'r,"·ti,·:>ll~· 1'"!IIt·I,·,, 10
Illall. hut l'l11'ni:-:ht':-l :-::11 i;..;t':I4'fol',\· fOOt1
Smedley Built Home
BANKS "arI,\" ,Jat,'. :\II'~. Il."H"1I n'"id('~ ill I'ltilll' for I JI(' II II illla b of t hl' fort's!.
Merion Title &: Trnst Co. Pbone. Ardmore I. I...·lltoll. Carl I'. 606 Essex ave. Phone. 618-\1' ,Itoli'lti'l \\'ilh 1t,·1' ,]all;.!ltlel'. Tile Pignut Hickory is tht' olll,\" illl'
See dlspla~· advertisement 1n tblllI ISl5ue. Phlla.. addre.... 1808 Che.tnut .L Locu.t 118
Zentmn)'cr, ,Josel.h. 228 S. 15th st.. Phlla. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Shand, Alex. C.. Jr. Phonc. No. 1710. PAINTERS
NnrbC!l'th Statton. Walzer, },'rcd. Phone, Narberth 1687
Sm.. llc~·. Wm. V. &: II. '1'. Phone. GOO. 117 Wlneor ave. Phone. 1247-J.

See display advertisement In tbte 1l!J8ue.
I'AI'EH 11.\~(aX(i.
V..vls, 11. E. Phone. 1264-W. UO'\'d, lIorne. S. 104 FOI"I"c'st AYe. I'll on!.' 350
See display advertisement In tbl. I••ue, PHOTO PLAYS
Ivy Cllnd~' ShOll.
219 Hn\'C!rford Avc. Phone. Narberth 1705. uArcadla," 16th and Chestnut 8tl••
See dIsplay advertl.ement In thl. 1.8u8.
.Jenkins. Ch.... L. PLU)1BING, ETC • and INSURANCE
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 11iS,j, Cool< Bros. Pholle 302·J.
See d Ispla)" ad \'crtlsemen t In this Issue.
"'nil, II. n. l'ltone. KarIJerth lGO:!-J.
Cool<, C. P. Phone. Nlll'uerth 302·J. See advertl.ement In this 1.8U8
See displaY :Hl\"Cl'tlsclllent In tbls Issue.
FratBJltonl, ,'ames, &, Solis.
23V Hampden m·e. Phone, 1G91-W.
Cnhlll"ell, J. A. Phone, 108i
See dlspla)' advertlssment In thl. 1.8U8 AZPELL'S
Orr, Dr. A. I•• 101 Elmwood av. Phone. 888-W.
I'-rUsch, H. C. Phone, 262-W.
See dl.pls.y advertl.ement II' this 1.8u8
1I'\'berg, Bent T. Phone 1113.
Cotter's Meats
Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4262, KeIth Bldg. • Sec dlsplll~' nd\'ertlsement In this Issue.
Sch.mb", Dr••John. Phone Narberth 31G· W. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 606.
Money for Flr.t and Second Mortgage8,
Cor. Grll~·Jtng nnd Windsor llves.
Office Hours until !) P. M. dnlly.
SlmrulOn, JllJnCS C. 232 Essex ave. A Quality For
Phone, 636. or 1420 Che.tnut 8t.
Howard's. Phone. 1267. (lar..-lIIcGlnley Co. Phone, 1268-W.
See dl9play advertisement In tbl. ,••ue. See s.dverU.ement In tbls le8ue. Want The Best
. ELEVTRICIANS allller. John A. 243 Iona ave. Pbone. 881-J
C.."e, W. G. Pholl('. 3!l5- W. Shcp. 246 Haverford Phone. 1U5-J
See dls(JIIl~' ndyortls!.'lIlC!nl lu tbls Issue. SCHOOl,S.
Pugb, VerI 226 lona ave. Groceries and Provisions
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Phone. lU-J. 'l'he )rhoi!oie~ Zentn1l1;)·(·r'~ Jiirulerj{llrten 12[,
FISH AND OYSTERS \Yhlllsor llnnU{·. Nnl"bl'l"tb. '
imperial Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth 606. Set' ,1lHpla.l· lI,1 \"{'rl 'H"lIl1'lIt In Ihts issue.
bowman, Samuel P. (LIfe.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 668-W.
Good Wear Sboe lCellalr Shop,
Constnntlne. n. G. 2ii2 Haverford nve.
S'rotter Uros. (Fire. etc.) Phone. Nal'uPl'tb 170G- W. Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick. deliveries on
209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. 1262-R.
Wimer. Wm. Wood. lOG Forest Avenue.
Phone. 32G n.
](el:ln('III, I'rnnk. 20!J HlIverford ave.
SCI' dlspllll" advertlsemcnt In tbls IS8ue. all cars. All k.inds of Auto Repairing Subscribe for
Work. Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Gltroy. Joho 211 ave. Phone. lU6-ft.
The above department .bould be ot tb.
greate.t uee to the community. the lIet coo'
tat nil the name ot every profo_lonal maD. Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
~'Our TobJn'"
Phlla. addre••. Lincoln Bldg.
Btltes, Fletcher W. 4U Haverford ave. tradel!man. meChanic. I!hopkeeper. etc.• wbe
Phone 872-W Phlla. addres8. Crozer Bldg. doee or can In any way 8erve his fellow· and who I. progre...lve enougb
MeDOIulld Joho. Narberth phone, 1288.
1688 Che.t.•t., Phlls.. Pbone. Spruce 1118.
to add to lI.t of Regllter.
A. It Is dlmcult for those contrlbutlnl
their time and elfort. to the production of
The Misses Zentmayer's H. C. FRITSCH
Cotter. HO\\8rd F. Phone. 1298.
uO ur Town l t to perlonally either know or
Interview all .ucn. It would be moet help·
ful If th08e not nOW found In the prlnt8d
KINDERGARTEN Pupertles For Bent and Sail
Fire Insnranee
See advertleement In thl. 18.u6-
lI.t would send In a memo of their name8
addre... phon. numbere and blL8lnslllMle or
profe••lon. for lI.tlng. Thl8 ..111 oost ... fol
Will Reopen September 15, 1920 BeU Pbone Ul! 1t'.
Scott-Po",,('U Dalrle8. Pbone. Pre.ton 2118
Se.. advertleement In thl8 t.8ue
lowe: 10 cents each 18.ue for I IIn8.; 5 ceDb
tor "s."b additional lin.
125 WINDSOR AVENUE ,,_,U Building. Narbe~ P..
portau! speci('~ of the native hickories
,,·hieh thrive~ 011 dry ridges, hillsides, CLEAN··· SAFE···WHOLESOME
llIl,l 1Il0uut:lin slopl'~. It will grow in
lIll parts of thl' Statl' ou a great variety OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
of soib. '1'111' frnit is nlriahle in form, UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
1<1IIa1l in size, and the nnt~ eontain sllla!1
],iller kerJIl'!s. This sp""ies may he
General Wayne Inn Pasteurized Milk 1 lJELJVERIES
I'lnnt ..,,[ iu the IlIolllltains whc('r llO
Brynelo~~lkCerlilied WEST PHILA.
othl'r hi,'kori,'s or walnuts ",ill thri'·c.
(Pedrlalle Society) OVERBROOH
Planting TiDlC-Th,' Ill'St tillle to
Speelal .. Guern..ey .. MERION
plaut the s,·t'ds of the walnuts all,l
hiekorit'~ is in the antulllu as soon as
(Robert..• &: Sharpie....• DALA-CYNWl'
the frnit is ripe and fall~. '1'he seed Dairies) NARBE.RTH
~honld ht' planted at· oncl', for their Established 1704 Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
vitalit~· is illlpain',l or ,lestroyed if they
Table .and Whipping WYNNEWOOD!l
are allowell to tlr.,·. If fall planting is LICream.
not po~sihle or not \'(','onlmendahle une
to po~~ihll' ,lamage hy squirrels 01' nut-
l'atinl! animab, the seeds may he strati-
fief1 in moist sand :lnrl kept uutil
spring, ",heu they may he planted.
What to Plant-Seeds should always that Edgar Allen Poe made many visits to the 45th and Parrish Sts.
·he planlt'rl where the trel'S are expected
to remain, for hoth hickories and "'al- General Wayne Inn?
IlutS are f1ifficult to transplant on ae-
couut of the lou/! tap-roots which they
de\'elop (lnring the fir~t year. E,-en if Plumbing, Gas Fitting
great cafl' is exercised ill transplanting, SPECIAL $1.50 PLATTER and Heating
the tap-root is frequcutly cut or in·
Tomato Bisque
,;ured to such an extent that the future NARBERTH PA
growth of the tree is exceedingly im- Phone, Narberth 319 J
Pickles ali HS
paired. 'fhe ]l11]]s of the seeds should
Roast Beef Candied Sweet Pot a tocs
lIe hroken 0lwn or entirely remo\'ed.
Potatoes Spillach
Suitable Planting Sites-The hest
p1n"es to plant walnuts and hickories is
Cheese allll Crackers
Frell"h Pastry Cotree
The Narberth Electric Shop
in olrl ahanrloned field", along fences, LAUNDRYETTE-lhe Wa.her
ahout ('amping" sites, in by-place~, anrl
that dries without a wringer.
0lwn spots iu the forest. ]t is recom'
mendable to ~l'led moist, fertile, and SPECIAL CHICKEN AND WAFFLE DINNER, $3. w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
open sitl's. Thl' Jatt ..,1' "on,lition i~ im- Phone. Narberth 3SS W
Ox Tail SOllp
Method of Planting-B.,' ml'ans of a
pick 01' similar iml'lt'nll'ut, make a hole
Cl'll'l'y .
Chiekl'lI a Ja ~Ial'~'l:tllll C'n\lllie,l Sweet Potatoes
U[23South 17~S!. PhilacleliC1:~
in The !!ronnd ::! to -! inl'1ll's Il"l'p, Space Lillla Bpans Potatoes .Jnllie\ll)
110Ies a hout 4x4 fl'l't, II 1'0p onl' sl'l'd in
ea,'h hoII'. :In,l ,'OVI'I' 'll'0l'pe,l UlltS wilh
Chcpsl' :11l,1 Crackers Coffee
ahout ~ in,'he~ of soil. tramping it llo\\·n
Frendl Past r~'
GARAnteed Roofs
with thl' foot. 1ce Cream

(Continued from Page 1.)

111 llI:IIl,\" \\.:ty~ \\'a~ til,' :-:l'('ond 11:1·

Orchestra Dancil1g Every Evening DAVIS'
tiullal ('OIl\·('lIt iotl lit' tIlt' Ll';..:illll ullique
Complete Line of
and lI"ithout pn·"l',I<'nt. To it eanle Ill~Jl
. Goodyear Tennis Shoes
fl'{llli ('\"(.'l',\' ~t:lte Hud ill tlle
ullion-froBI (".('1'.\' :-;Cef iOB of CYl~ry
8tat t' and Tl'I'ritorY-:1I111 from tho,e
"OJ'lI"I'~ of thl' worl,1 whel'e Americans
are gath0rf'tl ill forpigll lands. rfa it
- thl'." "anll' to I'l·itemte the principles ..,f
the Lllgi()tl~ til t'l1rtlil'r thp- carJ'.\·ing out
of that hasil' id,'a of tIll.' Ll'gion, sen'
i"e to ,'ollln"le and country.
i Ill' p0)j(·ic:-i of tile Leg:ioll, repl'l\scnted
th,' ol'illioll of a ma,;ority of the mOIll'
Hallowe' en Masquerade Dance REAL ESTATE
Tht' p:lradl :dong' Ch Yt'l:tlHl ';.; stl'cC't:--~
1 I
lo'rsl,ip of the organization.
to be Given by Ladies
1<',1 by thi I't,,--one of ,\Illl'ril'a 's gn'at(',;t
he)'(,,'" and parli"ipate'l in h.,' tll"r'nty THE LEGION'S FINANCES.
Two B100Il:-; agu ]' jOllrJll~Yl'{l west-
.\1 <la"·11 :l!ollg" thl' SIlOIl"Y eresL
of Tennis Association At Narberth Station there
is a Real Estate Office
thol1:'oi:l1hlfOI'IIll'l' sCl'vi("(' 111PII, IIlos1 of The allnual I'l'l'Ul't of the .xational :'Ifelltbel's of the Xarherth Teuuis A~­
th"111 in th(' O. n. and1>lue ulliforms in '1'r<'a~nJ'('1' to thl' ,'Olln'lIt iOIl ~holl"e,l
TIl ('I'!' ill thc soft Ile\\, falll'u SilO\\"
sociatiou aud tlll'ir win'" aurl fricllds
that is giving courtesy,
I f"uu<1 the I rail lll:lrks of a doc; service and knowIt-dge
which th .. training can'l" of this .. onll- t11:1t flu' ~\IlI(lrit:aJl L('g'ioll i:-; nIl a :-,oUlltl arc asked to keel' iu lIIillll the Hall"w-
AIl<l thl're ill the dl'ep woo<1s 1 spied e ...·u ~[asljuera,le Valin' which ,vill he
tr.,· all,1 tlie t<l\I"IIS allll hattleficl,ls of tillalll'ial hasi~. A lIu .. k \\'ith :In(le\,s brallehillg \\'ide. !!iyen iu Elul lIall. S:<1urday eveuillg.
in matters concerning
Franl'" a1ll1 tlle great higlnnlYs of the At the "Iusl' of t h.. Le~if)n's Pirst Odoher 30. property. We areat your
'fhe big trl'''S IlIad" th,' li!!ht half ,Iilll-
ocean hall kWHI·U lh ..111 1 wo yl'al's hI'· :'\atiort:ll COII\·elltion at lIIinneupolis,
I sll'llng" 111.'- 111'\\- and loosell at hilll- The affair will Ill' givl'lI h,Y tl1l' La- service. Phone
forc. W[lS all lTlIprcssi\'l' :11111 a POllt·lu- t h,' ol'!-!anizatiou fat'l',1 a llt'ticit due to dies' COllllllittl'e of the ,\~so('iati()u au,1
Bllt 1"·1'11 as J loos('d 1 kuow
sh·e manifestatioll of strl'ngth and tIll' l'XPl'lI~l':"' of t1l'g':Il1izat inn of $1:~..J:.­ !'\'(llllises to he a hig party-lots Ol 1'nll NARBERTH 1 713
11 was the Spirit ~Iallitoll. for c"eryhod.1'. :'I[allY unique allll alllll~­
solirlity. ! Willi lhl' :lSSl'lIIhly of the 8,,1'-
iu~ costunll's, all<\ pll'nty of ,laueing
'rhe 1'00lYent ion pl'ocl:dme,l the prin' 1'1111 \'atiollal ('nllyellt ion, tIll' XationaI
for all.
I'iples \\'hi"h this stl'enp;th alld ~olillil~' :'II." J'l':11 h(,\",'<1 sllaf1 111'1\' straight unu
is ,ledi"atc,l 10 npholl1. allll it ontlinl',i
'I'1','asnl'l'r n'l'0rll"l that nol ollly hall
Ihis <ll'nl·il h"l'!1 wip"d Ollt hllt thel'e t rul'. ~fl'lIlbers of th" Asso"iation will he
~npplie,l \\'ith tiekl'fs in ahout tell rlny".
the mann('\' in which it will he utilize'l. was an al'fllal sllrpllls of $"*,3flfl,40 Oil 1. thought it stnll·k I,ut it pa""I[lh\,o',
There were rlifTerences of opinion upon hallol. III allditioll 10 th,' slim of :l':20n., .\nd II"hell I rau to II"here it fell,
the 1'011VI'l1tion floo\', IlifTI'I't'l1ees whieh I ::-I!I.'IO )'('s"n·",l to ilJ'lIn' tIl<' I'"hli"a- I found a I\'n r t ra il tro,ll!ell weI! NEW CONVERSION RATES FOR
,le\'('10pl',1 into long- :lllll heate<1 debates. t ion of The ..: \l11l'rit·:lll Leg-io)l 'V't~('kly By ell"lIlies ou the lIlarcl!.
Bnf th"~' WI'I'(' <litr"I'l'IIl"'~ on'l' lIlattl'rs
of detail an<1 not of hasic principle, and
IIl1til l),o"l'llIl",r ::1. l!l:2l1-·all illlpro,·l'·
11 1('11 t ill 0111' ~'e:lr of $:)-!S.fiflO,:W ill th"

Because of the dcei,I"c1 depreciat ion

:\0 nl'L'd to tl'lI IllY hurried flight
the~" 11'erc'I~' shOl\'(',l tlll' h"a1lh. \"il'ilit~· L(lgioll ':-, lill:lIl('p:-i. .B(ll'\id("~. it \\":1:-: of lhe cllrrellcy of c('rtaill Europl'an
To 11":11"11 Ihl' ,'all'!,; :1I111 that s:lIlle night
all,l ,1eferlllination of the con\'cntion
and of .thl' Le.l:·ion. The final decision
npon the a,loption of all tjuestions was
st a t ",I. I hI' trllsl 1'111111 of $:)!l::!,1i:;:;.G::J
!-!in'lI h,'· 1he 'Yal' "'ol'k ('ouu"il of thl'
\\'" fell IIpon the hostile bmlll,
,\1111 h:lrril',l t h""1 frolll out ollr land.
Kreider Shoes cOlllltries as "01111':'1,.,,1 with th,' t'llitetl
Slates ,lollar. thl' 1',,,j OllieI' Depart-
y, :'Ir. C. A. remaills intact.
,\"ross the froz"ll hottolll there, for Children 1I1Cllt has Ilr<lered l],a t COli ,·ersioll of
ma,le \\'ithllnt I'xl'eptinll in lh" ]",,,t of j'lIite,l 8tatl's 1I11l1ll'~' ~hall after Au-
Th ..· b:ltt Ie mgpr1.
gOful wilL and ill all instan,·l's Jwr- I
sonal, se"tional an,l ,·bss intel'ests \\'ere ' "'" w:lIII tn slal't the <lall"I' I'rnlllptl.,-
SPECIAL gollst ];J ]!l:;O, be lIJ:Jcle n(~eortlillg to

1h,' folIo\\·illg tah1r':

snhol'llina!<',l to fhl' weHal'1' of tlle ell- :11 S,·1;3. :11\(1 11:1'·\' "lIg:II..~·(I(1 111l'1 oJ'(·lipst 1":1 Tod:lY \\111'11 famll'lS plo\\' thaI spot, on School Shoes Gn'al Britaiu .,.1 1'''lIu<1 $-l.OO
tirl' ol'~allization allll "I' thl' r·onnlr.". 1I11til 1 0'1'10,,1,. 'I'i,·l",t~ IIla,'- h,' pill" If ,"IIU look (·los"ly. likl' as Ilot
'1'he C'kYdalld 1'011'·l'ntion wa~ nn- I (.h:tsp<! frolll :ttl~- ll1P1H1H1J' tit' ihl' Lf'gillll Xet herlaurls ." .. 1 fllll'ill .:18
"!lIl'1l ,111.1 so Ill!' l'i,li .. s of t hnt fight; Better come in and look
'lllestionahl~- I'I'pl'f'senlnti,-e of the en- 01' at ITo\\":Inl';-; Drug Stun"'.
8we,leu .. ,., 1 ]u'nll:I .~l
[,,<,\" kllit'1' alltl ~I)(':'\" were ll~e,1 that them over
tire' 11l(,lllll('l'~hip of tht' 111'J.!':lllizntilJll. ])elllltark , 1 krona .::!O "
Thel'l' ,':l1l he IIO 110nht that the timcly X0l'wa~- ... ' , I !<roll:l .~O

nn,l illlp0l't:11l1 ,le('isions it made npon I

.\11,1 tOll,ahall"ks
1I",'re ,lropp"d in
Narberth Shoe Store France ,' .. "
Bl'!giul11 ,
IO.:W fralles
J 0.30 fl'alll'S
tIle '-Ille~fions of politi"al l1f'nt I'nlit~'. ",1·
,;usl ",1 cnlllpeusation. I'are of the (lis-
Subscribe· for \\']il'I'!' Ir:lnior:' fought.
--Ht'llIillgtlllJ St·llll.v]pl'., ill B()~'s' Life
209 Haverford Avenue
It a 1~' .. " ' .. $1.()0 IO.:lO fraucs
ahlel1. the pnni~hnH'nt of slncl,l'l's, alI,l
othel' "ital prohlems., \\'hil'll no\\' hccome
"OUT Town" 1'01' Ol'1ohel·.

r--------....----------------------------------------: TION OF WOMEN'S OLUBS

President-Mrs. R. J. Ralsto·n, Fort

• • Vice-President--Mrs. D. T, Jones,
Secret[\ry~Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar-

Authorized T'AXI SERVICE at Narberth by

Permit from Penna. R. R. and Certificate of Public
Convenience from Public Service Commission.
I: Patrick P. Donahue
Treasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion.

Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered
Only authorized taxi cab service on call and demand. Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
.Jimllly: "Pather. yesll'r,lay at school
in Narberth. I made 100 011 my st.u,lics."
Father: "That was fine, what study
Open Day and Night Phone 1633 did YOU make it in'"
PHONE NARBERTH 672 Ji~1Il1Y: "50 011 Spellillg and 50 011
Arithmetic.' '-Octoher Boys' Life.

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