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Several exceedingly interesting and 1\lanager Walzer is gettings things
worth while tall,s were given Friday into shape for the coming Main
night at the Haby Week Meeting in I Line League ,base hal1 season.
the Y. 1\1. C. A. Gym. Our star pitchers, Bah Gilmore an,1
Dr. Frank Watson. of Haverford' Ei](lie .Ensin~e.\, appear to he in the
College. was the first speaker and' IlP!.t 01 conll1tlOn.
.. what he said about health· prohlems Manager Walzer has also signed
in general and infant morlality in par- up Langdon Koons, hetter known as
ticular shoulll have heen heard hy ":"ig." and ,Iohn Fine has signed up
even' resident of :'\arberth. I~irst he wi!!! us for the season. Manager
call~ll attention to the fact that while Wnlr(!j' is expecting great things from
Bahy Week was an idea horn only Geol'~:e Fleck, and with last year's
yesterday,-the first ohservance of it ",:.peril'nc(' George ought to he very
heing in France in 190a. and the first Illll\:!! ]wtJer this year. :'\arherth is
,American observance heing in 1909--, \':ell l'll'Cried in the way of pitchers.
lhe work had grown tremendously, howen. the crack pitcher from
Secondl)' he cal1ed attention to the Williams Col1ege, has already appliell
.. .~ ..

fact that infant. mortality can he con- his name to a contract.

trollEd: that a community can fix its Games of practice have already
mortalit.y rate: that health is pnr- been booked with Towanda anll
cha~ahle: that if we think enough of Brookdale, of Philadelphia. which Willi
haInes to want to keep them anfl be played ahout the middle of April.
preserve their health we must he 11 tIll' present weat.her keeps lip. I
willin~ to pay for it, and finall y -:-anll t\!l~re will soon he some aspirant.s
he said lie made' the statement 111 all 1'01' positions practicing on the hall:
reverE'nce--the time was past for riC'ld. I
shoving infant mortality otT on the --------
Almighty. when the responsibility for '
it rested on the community-the peo-
Ille. Tn dosinl;' hE said that perhaps •
the greatest
was hlessin/1;
that it had made of Babytake
people Weel,
l"ot ,'er)' 1111111)' IIgo this I ordillllr)' ]Iil'ee oi lowllllld, with 110 redeemlllg ft'lIfm'e-todll)' it COIII]IIISt'S
lone of the bellut)· slllIts 1I10llg Jlontgolller)' A"enue, l"lIrherth.
WIlS 1111

interE'st in a 11 socia I qnestions. He, " J)urlllg the SUlllmel' it is so IIttfllcthe liS to eomlllllnd the IItteution of enn the JlIotorlsts ]lIlsshw, ellusing sOllie.
P ut. emphasis on the st.atenHnt that I The annllal entertainment in honor (imes II nnmber of lIutolllohlles to be lined 11]1 outside the 1It'lIt offiet'. '"
there is a decided correlation between of Ireland's patron Saint will take .''I r. '\. E • ,~.,0 II t tl Ie owne~, IillS b
I er, ' I I'
USIt'I 1I~1!'l' I"I 1II IIsselll bl'mg, II rare el~ II t'C t'wu 01• II II (11111 It ] trees thllt
\\':1!!€S and infant mortality, to prove place in the auditorium of St. Ml'Ir- June IlrO\'ell deslrlll>le, so thllt he IS wellllble to gne 1\Il)' desh'ed lid nee Oil tillS mllftt'I·.
which he quoted figures from the
United States Government reports garet's Church this Friday evening,
showing that in families where the 1\larch Ii. at 8.15.
fathers were paid $10. or less. a week Fnller the personal direction of
infant. mortality was as high as 2:;0 their preceptor, Mr. T. Gordian La-
pel' 1000, while in families when' hart. the minstrel troupe attached to CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, BENEFIT OF THE

fathers werE paill $1200 a yetII'. tht' St, Gregory's ('lltholic Club, of West
infant mortality rate went flown to Philadeillhia. will make their firs~
100 per 1000, and even lower. appearanl'e in ~arbert.h on this occa-
TREBLE SUNDAY SCHOOL Narberth Y. M. C. A. Base Ball Team
Dr. Horn. of the Lower Merion sion. The young men composing this WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 15
Towm;hip Board of Health. spoke on troupe ha\'e heen Welltlletl~l~il~ed. in i All Departments Flourishing-A Two Shows, 7.15 Bnd 9.15
th" question of the relation of pnre t.heir \':lrious parts. and sIllgIllg
milk to the health of the conllllunitv and acting have met witll ullstintell i Spirit of Optimism Prevails JII~s Jlnrlon HI'IJI, 80101st. 1'hls ]lrODllses to he 1I rnre trent,
anti urged his hearers to make inqui~~: ,pr:lil'l' 'vherevel' they have appeared. i Jlr••[lIl1i('s I'. Wftlu'row 1II11] )Ir. S. the imlturt' Ilieturo helllg "St.oll
(,onCernillg tlw source of the family i The J!rogran' will be a variel~ olle"
milk supply if they hall any douht as I al1l1 among those tnkillg part WIll he' . ~ he, ~~port 01 the l'\arherth l\'letho-
.• ,\. UIII11I11,h, 2nd, will sillg 1\ 11uet. 'J'hlef," lu the feelH. AIHO It comic
entltlt'd, "'I'm)"H 'I'OllIllto Sur]lrIse."
Jlr. (,elll'ge U. Ahele, 'cellist.
to the mi1l(,s purity. Dr. Horn uselll the local favorites. ;\11'. S. A. Hudolph, I! ,EpIscopal C.hurcl~ to th.e Annu~l Jllss t'lIIl11le I,1I0S, ]Iillllist. III t.wo fl'els.
a, number of interestinl(' lautern I :!1:ll. allli :'IlrH. George 1. norse~·. In i (,o.nlel'enee meetlllg III Pllliadelpilla 'I'wo ShIlWS, i.1;) IlIItl 9.1 .. I). Jr. ])011'1. fllil to he there em'lf In Ol'ller
slide pictures to illustrate lIis talle I song recital. 'tills \\'e~k recor(~s the n~ost success- ,\ 1'(,lIdt, 'rllt'llt 1'(', ~ llrherth, I'll. til g't't II gllml sellt".
Rey. Dr. Bispbam anll Miss RhOlll's.1 : lui year s work 111 the IllS tory of the
who had charge of the Bahy "'eel, eX-I --------- - - - ,church. 'Ihlring II prog,ressiYe all- TICKETS, 25c TO ALL
hibits along thl' Main Line. 'also spo],e.
F'letcher "'. Stitp.s presilled.
NATIONAL FLOWER SHOW! mi.llistr:l~i~n Of. twellty mO~I~hs the
memhel shIP. after deduc-tm!; all
.A..rca.d.e - r h e a . ' t r e
TickelS can be h.d from an)' of the memhers of the ballleam, or al Davis' Store
losses, has lleell flouhled. Eight.y-two
.....,· ...I.....
L·llI~ ..'. ..'('I)L'
" \ 0 ('l'II • .J.
I) Seere t ury ('",1VH~ CU), -I I....
.,ar1H~rt I1. I' U.: I. were
received. alivaneillg
the numher'
The next lIleetinp' ' , . . of the :'\'lI'herlh
.. , . 1'1 lere "IS t () I >c IIe II' (In I)I'J 11 at Ie I p I'
na.:,01 . memhers - to Ill!. 01 these . .twenty.
Branch of the :\'eedlework GUill1 wi1l· 1\1'1 ')~ \ ' 1 ') tl v. t' . 1 ,jollied the church h~' protesslOn ot
. I'
tl Ie ....J . 1\~•• (' • A • on '" elI lleSI1"a~, 1\1'al.I
. . I'
he hel(I III t Ie (omlllnll1t~ ,oom 0 Flower Show wbleb. Wlt.hout a douht·.
f Irom I arc I -" to .' prJ .-. Ie .... ,1 lOnol : faith ami sixt.y-two hv letter.
I' .wllI \he. the' largest flower show eVcr' !~ One
. '. '. .
. ot the IllterestIllg . lads COll-
The Futurist Minstrels!
22, at 2.30 P. 1\T. It has heen deeilied hE Id in the Pnited : cerllIll~ the lIew memhel's IS the num-
hy the I!:u iIII to have llnother m('etin'~ As chairman of the Bureau of In-' bel' ot States represente~l h~' those Fifteen Fascinating Females in a Fantastic Festival 01 FUB!
March 29. at the sallle hour, one weel, formation I would lilw to liraw your; who have sought a home III :'\arherth
later. instead of two weeks later, he- attention io the ohject of this commit- as an all-.year-~roul1(~ town, I~e~ter,;
('ause the room cannot he hUll for the t ee. '\' y e are ge t' Hng t oge tl leI' a corps 0 I' were •recelvell trom lennessee. l'\orth
,.. •
latter day. assistants. who are experts in their carol1l1:l. \ Irglllla. M~ry~and. Del.a- FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 24
311·s•.\ ••T. l,oos. !'IN'I·I'tm·)·. rcspEetive prdfession. mell who can' ,,:ar~, ~e~\: .J,erse~'...~lI~~.hlgal~: OhU:,
tall, intelligently on orchitIs. green-I ~e\\. "~Il,. I enns~I\,llllol. "lIle Ile- Wait for the hig show--the show that wil1 make :'\arberth famous! A
l'X('LAnn:1l 1,WI"I'ERS A'I' "'"An· 10 1. Use> at11 ( ..,L·t 0 v e pi a lit s. Ros e.s I l'n fal't.
(, ,
nOllllllallons S "were repI·esenteli.
L-' • UT' theI
company of dever Home Town Girls, presenting a
lUnt'I'J( 1)(lS'I' OFf'H'E, I anything pertaining to florieulture.1 Lutheran.. oClety 01 .~ r~ends, lllte( Medley of Mirth and Music!
Miss Iua Madden. l\lis~ Thelma ~ These men will he at the disposal of' Presh~·tenall,. Met1~ol~lst (,h~lrch. I :\'01. exactly a bit of Broadway, hut. a rollicking roundelay of Innocent and
Johnson. 1\11'. Bob Grace, Mr. l~dgal'l the "isitors, and any duh. soelety 01' South: Protestant bplscopal. 1wan- insoudant jor jingles. A minstrel first part. with fUllll~' "end girls," and a
Smith. I delegation wishing to visit the show gclical. Lutheran. P.reshyt~rian, Con- bright bevy of talent in the circle: new songs and some old favorites. This
l:. S. 1Ilm's, PostmllsIN·. at any specified time, can by notifying gr;gatlOnal, l\ietl~Olhsl. I~plsc~pal. is to he followed hy the inimitably irlioti<: after-piece, "THE CASE Ol~ CASl'~Y."
-- ---- the undersigner}, have one or more, r1w con~rega~lOns ~IaVC lIwreasell This entertainment is to he given hy the Junior King's Daughters. the
I)OSTJL\S'I'EUS JU:f:1'. of these men reSErved who will aet· hC~'011l1 expectatIOns. lr'equently tax- llroeeeds, of eourHe, til go to the worthy eharities 1'01' which these young ladies
Eastern Pennsylvania postmasters as guide. so as to n;al{e the visit j in!! the cal}acit~· of the dlU~'ch. The have already done so much.
met in thE Adelphia Hotel last Satllr- profitable hath from an educational' young people arc present III goodly Admission, 35c. Reserved Seats, 50c.
dar anu perfected an organization. the and entertaining standpoint. i number. '~~=~--====~====
purpose of which is to promote the I Trusting t.hat some of yonI' mem-'
efficiency or the postal service. Meet- hers will he ahle to take 11Ilvantage churdl has aroused greater entlllls-
Perhaps no rleparrment of the
ings will h.e hEll.1 even'. th.ree lll,o,n,thS.! of this service amI assuring you it iaslll ,t,l.le,. S.tIl,Hla y ~e11001.... Less ,\ hUIl'(')' \II('lIIhl'l'shll' 1'01' thl' ~I\I·· Two "ent. per word In Ild,'unee; mInImum
on the second Saturda~ ot the Sel0l1l1 will he timE well spent, I am. than t\l 0 ~ eal s ,Igo thlH lIell,lldllCtll lH'rlh Firl' ('11111111111)'. Shiel' tht' ten word.,
month of each quarter. I~aston was "ours
I , "er" trill,. . was st.ruggling along with hut seven- Illst IsslI(' • tl01' HilI'
I I lilt' (i») 1II01't'.
t I "·.\~T";J)-.\ '''If'nog'raph£ll' with J.:oofl
selected for the next meeting plal'l'. I . ., ; t\'-one memhers anll an average at- IIIt'lI lit II' lorllll~ I IlIH' S('\I II I",,,wledl<" "r 1""'kk.... JlIIII<. Ad,lr.."". A.
'fhe following otlicers were eleetell: i ('huh'IIIUII, 1III'IIrllllltill\l ('I1I11I11It1I"', i t~nllance oj' thirty-live. TO-Ilav the IIlI'h' nllilll'S to 1III'IIII>('I'shll' 1'0\1111111· I':. ,,""hl"I'I. Th .. llard,," ='",·"'rle,,, Xar-
President, James Kingshury, of l'otts- l l\'~te-Those .wishing t~ go pleas?; sehool is c()nfront~11 wit.h the s~rious I tl'e. I""'lh.
ville: first vice-president, Horael.1 get. 111 tonch With Mr. : l{lIc'3tion of pl'Ovilling allequute roolll i ~I'nd )'lIlII'S In lwiol·t' Jlt'xt, 1I11'l'flnl' .\1.1. ~I.\J ...: tlt':-lt't:'lIdantK of eilion ,"pte-rans
of tit,· ,\"ar of 1~til to l}O;fi:i, who nre pUMt
Lehr, of Easton; secollli vice-presi- ,--- ----- : for the Hcholal·s. After striking Oll'! or till' ('ulII(lIIII)', 'I'nesdu)' t,\,t'lIlng', pl~hlt'l'll ~'eal's of :Il{t"", will It'urn of :-oome-
thillg' tu thelt- Intert:'l"t 11)' llrompt1~· K£'ntl-
dent, Hugh McKenna. of Hazelton: i the re('ortls all Ilelinqllent8, the main' .llm'(·h :!S. 1111-' 111(>11' lWIlW:-: illlel Hlhlrt"!'i~oI(_'l-I to Box G7li.
third vice-president, J. K. McMahon. t:\,t:u\,uour WEL('O.lU:. I sehool now nlllubers ::17 with an aver- hl
Om' ullll Is II 1Il('mhl'I'lS ll IIf ;)1111. ='arlu·rth. POl.
of Susquehanna;
' . , secretary, E(I\, . .• ardl t The Conll11l1nitr Bible Study Class ;'.: age attendallee of over three times ))UI'S $:1.1111
(' lit ]II'r
] II )'l'llI' IIII'~'II
ulh'unN'. "-.\STI·;))-HlualJ faU111y 11el,,;II'p:-l to rent 011
M. H Irsh, 01 fam!lqua; asslstan which has been helll every Tuesday i that of previous ytmrs. There are 11111111 ('('". 11\\'111'1 ,Hlln, YEaI'll' 1ell"l'. "lIdll too l\\'..I,·,'-rool11 hou"o
secretary, Edward S. Haws, of ;\UI'- , Evening in the COllllllunlty rOOlll of the; ;'(;8 ell rolled in all IlcJlart.ments. ('hur!l'H IY. ","111'], '''' ~Jalll 1.1111'.
"·ynnewond. :\IUNt loelWel'1I
hu\'p elpetrlc~l}\' .. rlorook and
liJ.tht. steaJll
berth; treasurer, A. E. l~l'hel't, of I Y. M. C. A. has arousell a great Ileal i 'Vitllin the past four weeks thirteen l:.]w. W IIi, "I' h"l Wille" heat, l11odl'l'Il plumhlng. Sizo
I<;ast Stroudshurg. of Interest, and so lllueh has llCenl, new scholars wel'e addt'll. A notable l: .... Hold. "r I"l. 11111
Pn·(t>I'ptWP willf,'et hl' 1,,0
he g-h'f'n feet "I' hu,'ln..:
to pro}lert,)· 11101'1'.
____, _ _ _ _ manifested that the memhers have i fa(~t. eonneetell with the average at-: ""IeI' loull<lInl{. con"l"lIng of either .mall
1'JlA~IiS. almost. unanimously voted to have tI\I'i tendance each Sunda)' ts that sixty; S'I'II,I, DIPnO\'I~H. ~~;~,~'I~a~~~~~ft:'. (~e~~~:1. AlII11·e"". 1', O. ]lox.
Mrs. 'V. Arthur Cole wishes to thanl, Hev. W. 'V. Rugh continue the dass' per cent. eonsists of men, young lllen' \)uri111\' the past ten days the :'\<11'- "-"'---'-
tile Bo\,' Seouts and all the people for Ulilltlier ~~eries 01' lessollS on tile 1I,lul I)o,\·s. 'file sellool Il',IS'. heen \I'ell,' hel'th Branch of t.he Merion Title & I'on ahlpi'O.U.I-:-;o;llrh,'rlh.
hulldlnl;' lot 11)0 feet Jo:xel'pllol1l1l1y
lW ~lfj, with
Who so kindly assisted her in the dis- book of Hebrews. The first lesson of elluiplled during', the past. year nnd Is I Trust ('OInpany has opened twenty t\\'o KOeHl fr"nt.,
teruu..."11'''1'1 HJ>ecullltl Price
n l1. only
Hohert $3000. J~a.y
.T. Nash.
trlbut!o.l1 of literature for Bahy Week. the new course will he' given Tuesday led hy a splendid hody of omeers ann lIew accounts. Mr. Leitch states that lOll! Che"lnut .trel't. or Xnrherth, GO".
The committee on Baby Week, of Evening. April 4, at. S o'cloek. In the I teachers. if all the members now in the Christ-
which :Mrs. F. W. Stites is chairman. meantime all those interested in Bible I1 I~ver.\' ol'gunizatiol1 of tile chllreh I mas Clul) (~ontlnue to pay lIntil 1110\- ],"OR I
wish to thank Messr.s. Shand and S.lI P-, stuUY are cordially inv. Iteu to hear t.he has l,ept pace. with the general pros-I turit)·. next December. there will he 1'00111. Co"t $1000, Goo,1 eOllllltlon. Sale
' t b'l I' I f tl I
Htnll, wagon house, \\'!thhuy twoloft
price, $100. P. l\t, .Tu.tlCl', Narberth, Penna.
.Ialls nndnnd box

p Iee f or tlIe use 0 f tl lelr au 011\0 1 es c osmg essons a Ie present. ser es peril~'. The Ladles' Aid Society has I II fOnd of over $8600 to distribute to
on Tuesl1a)' to go after and return on the Tabernacle. It Is not denomi- douhled ft.., membership and during: tht~ citizens of Narberth. Surely thirl Jo"())( i'O.\J.F..-·l'h,'el' cnlonle" cof Pu.." lIrl'd
"Lit 1\1 tl t tl I 1 I I I J ItllJlun Huney Hee~. tlouhle wull hiveN. Ad-
Ie I' lomes. t national aIHI ever~' lOl~' is we come.
t IIe tie· 0 leI'S 0 Continued on Second Page 15 an excellent .showlng. lIr"",, \\'. ~1. W"nlz. ;o;nrhl'rlh, I'll.
~AHBEHTH, P.A... -UUl{· 'I'OWN--)IAIICll IH, l!JIH


Owned, and Published every Thurll- PAOLI MEN'S CLUB
day by the ;>.;arberth Civic Associa-
On Sunday the ministers in the var-
ious churches spoke on "The Baby;" . •
Ion Tuesday there was a very largli' , Rev. 'rhos. W. DavIs Addresses
Anthracite Coal
Editor• Imeeting at the Community CIUil; Club Members And Guests WOOD AND
.- - - - - - - - - - Room to hear 1\11'1'. 1\1. D. Hitchcoc:, From Main Line League
l\lrs. C. R. Blackall G. M. Henry l'peal, on "Bacteria and Babies." Mr,;. BUILDING SUPPLIES
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos
Hitchcock is thoroughly up in the sub-. 'VI t I btl
Mrs. E. C. Stol{es Henry Rose . la can proper y I' ermed t Ie
Miss Adah Durbin W. T. Melchior Iled and has a ver~' pleasll1g way of "best hit made in the l\Iain Line
telling what she ImolVs. After the I League Circuit," not so far as to THE FIRESIDE Narberth, Pa.
Earl F. Smith O. L. Hampton
Assoclute Ellitors. talk we were given a demonstration length of the drive as to th., trueness
of "The Care of the Baby," etc., by of the aim and strildng the mark was Detty Dnxt~r's Gosslll. JAMES G. SCANLIN
l\IAIZIE J. SIMPSON, eight pupils from a Philadelphia Lit- that made by the Reverend Tho~. W.
Cushier. tie Mothers' League, uuder Miss Mc- Davis, the well-known speaker and The ground-flame
Kinley. It was very interesting and chaplain of the State Senate. This breaks the mould,
of the crocus
Contracting Painter
H. C. GARA, instructive. took place at the base ball rally and F'air Spring slides 'hither o'er the Narberth. Pa.
The committee for the Bahy Weel\, smoker held last Thursday, March 9, southern sea, Estimates Telephone
Ad \'crtisll1g MlIl1nger.
are very much indebted to Messrs.' at the meeting of the Paoli Men's Wavers on her thin stem the snow-
Send all letters and news item to Shand aJll! Supplee for so kindly al- Club in the club rooms of the parish drop cold, That it i' iust
P. O. Box 404. lowing us the use of their automo- house of the Church of the • Good That trembles not to kisses of tile
Send a)) advertising copy to P. O. hiles in conveying the Little Mothers' Samaritan. The president of the bee.
ARE YOU AWARE about 8S cheap
and mu.:h morc
sutisfactorv to sc·
leer rour lot trom
Box 820. to anll from the city for this demon- club, Rev. Horace A. Walton '>resided ('Ollie. Spring, for no\\' from all t11'~
Make all remittances to P. O. Box stration. and Doctor Davis was the' guest or dripping eaves Narberth's Highest Tract
118. On 'Wednesday, at the public the evening, as we)) as a number of The spear of ice has wept itse:C and build vour house according to your o~ plans
0ur Town is on sale at the depot school there were two plays given by Main Line League managers and a war, : Ind Ihe way you ",ant It-and where )'OU "'a>1l
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. the children, entitled "The Theft of potentates, inclUding the league, Anll hour hr hour unfollliug wood.' ,I-a. to buy a Ready.Made House?
Davis. Thistledown" and "Thc Narrow officials, President Rose Vice-Presl- hine leaves I MAKE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE "OW
Entered as second-class matter, Oe:- Door." The ehildren a)) performed dent Clay and Secreta:rY-Treasurer: O'er Ilis uncertain shadow droops the rrERMS TO SUIT
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at, their parts remarkably well. Miss McCrea, who. are identified with the' l!a)". I
Act of l\Iarch 3, 1879.
Narberth, pennsylvania, under the Melehior and Miss Wilson deservc, memhership of the club.
.~reat. credit for the success of the, over 100 of tile faithful werc present
All told
-Tennyson. IF. M. Justice,
612 CheslnutSI., PhlIa.
entertainment, as they Ilad so littlc to boost the national sport in a most ~Il's. William B. Goollall, of Dnd-I
THURSDAY, :MAHCH 16, 1916 time to prepare il. in. Miss WilSall fitting manner in t.he western term- ler an~nne. ~ave a most attractive I TO ELIMINATE PUNCTURES
--- -------
,Ielip;htell the andience hy singing It inus. ,hrid~e on Salul'dar afternoon. The,' USE
I'pry sweet lu))ahy. '1'he fifth grade Dr. Davis' address was on the "Base p;rel'n an,! rellow IJlanls and !lowers
Fire 350,
Police 1250.
• childl'en also renderel! very credit- BalI Game of Life," which held the nSl'd ~'Ol' l!ecor~til:n were all sYlnboli·
ahlY a In))ahy entitled "Sail Away." oues present in e10se attention ea I ot st. Patnek s Day and 1II0st all'i
~==::::::==::::==::::::==::::::::::::::::==::::::==::::::::==~!r" ~le1l'hi()r also p;ave a very inter- thronghont. He led ofC hy stating that propriate 1'01' the spring season. Tile I
To the Editor of Our Town: l'stin/!; al!dresl;. Eaeh child havin~ :l wo are living in suell a fast age that I-:uests nUlllbereli about thirty-two"
The writer noticed a. statement in hah" sister 01' hrother at home uu-, so mueh is denHlnded to-lIay, as anI! inelullel! !\Irs. K A, 1\[USCham p "
one of the Philadelphia papers to the ller 'two ~'ears of age wore a hadge (a' a~ainst. that. of I.wellly to tweuty-five ?lfrs. .A~lllrew ,?rcene: 1\lrs. Ketchum,
effect that the Narberth School Wel- hambino). ~'ears haek, that. We llave to he alert :\Irs. 'Ii. J. l"lrkpatnck, Mrs. pOlhe-1
Guaranteed 5000 MI'lesServl'ce
fare Association had re-opened the On Fridav aftel"JJoon twentl' hahit's, to meet. the eonditions of speed. Much Illnl;, ~Irs. H. C. Hoffman, Mrs, "'i1-
question of a centrally located primary were re/!;isiercd at. the Y. ;\1. C. ,\.! llcpends on our unifo.rm in lifc: that liam Claghorn, Mrs. Rezo Brooks, I
school. Those unfamiliar with the :\Irs. F. H. lIal'jes an,! ~[rs. O. ]~.' the pcople take )Jartwular llOtlce to ~Irs. llavit! Smith, Mrs.:K l\Iarsh'l AUSOI.UTJo:I,Y l'UXCTUJtI·; "ROOF
conditions should be informed that ,Jal'l,son having dwrp;e. our unifo.r~1 or dress. :\Irs. Lester :\ickerson, Mrs. RaY-I
the question was never a closell one, Any onl' not. having registercll In l~uthnll1g .the various positions of mOlll! ,Jones, Mrs. Platt, Miss :'IIcCoy, i ---
and that there exists just as live Iy an tlIPi r ha hips on Frida v lllar 110 so t hI' ... 11l'IIllOnti
' In t lIP h'lse
, '." 1)'111 gamp, . ]\f' j . ISS .,'I ae 13'1 "I
I'll 1', ., rs. 'I
'" . •I>. D . H a,11' lerl"l Duplpx fromtires a"e maae
stallliard of 'I'hl"
ti;·"s. tho host;;,"'<of
1," lll'"
·ntere~. ~
t. on tile part of those insis.ting . I I!' .
any tllne IV l'a lI\/!; Up el IeI' •• rs. "I" 'tl 'I oj IIle,
. "he select!'l!
'tI 'I"'! Provlllence
tl as the !III'S. Strause, l\lrs, William Cherke" ]ler
IJ e"nL more wearln!' slIrfae,". which m"an.~
on a celltr ',ll!~' 10c',ltell primaf"of school, II' j 1\·1' J I
ar eH ,(): 1 rs. a{: (SOIL .
.mplre, WI l i S t Olll Ie manager !I[rs. Bunting Miss Elizabeth ::\I1J1er I ae ,.e<1 IIf,· to th" tire, a'HI then' Is n<' ohance
allll Conscience- t111~ ftehl c a p t a i n . ' i of .l ]lUllelurl'. Our c()n~tructllJlJ gl ... .;.-~ trolU
as heretofore an,l prohahly a more On J'l'lIla,' evenll1/!; was a 1'1 II C' t i l t · I ' a111! ::\Irs. James Halllmer. 1 10 to l~ ]liles of fal.. k.
'ned l'llsl'stance that the people . . ' I 'l\I C \ t· I' I lese Ire were gUll es m Keell in lI\imt the King's Daught.ers· i • F"r rllll/;h t'1l1l1ll1')' u", the Dlfl'Lex til'"
lleterllll v
Illl'etlll/!; 1Il t Je 1. ' . . . , ., a. Will' 1 ones life anll warnel! all to listen to
caullot he excelled. A'HI th"y a"e "S cas','
of our horough shall lJe granted, tilll(' nr. Frank \\atson, lTaverfi.l1·tl them or ,'t. "'rec'l, I'll IJ'fc '.''',IS ',I 1'1.'1'- Futurist. ~[illstrel Show, Friday. rl,lIn/; as ally on the nlll,·I,e\. Ti'" "'l'.spac;·
throug I1 tl Hl b a 11 0., t tIle reasonable ('olk/!;l'; I). "'. I Torn. L ower ..'[ enon taintv. • 'l·trl·11 ·)4
.,. . _.
. and pressure I:;; the lSamf> as \Vltil pneu-
lIIatl"", which mal,,," th"m wry rbillent.
privilege of determining this location. Townshill Hoarl!, of He.alth, anll th'~ Op·port.unih.' was referre,1 to as the Elahorate prepal'ations are heing They at'e tlte 1II""t e('onumio',li [or tite car
(10 hope that our School Boards I' 'I
,('\'. (. arelll'e 'ya
" t t II I
I~P lalll, 0
f S'
• c. pitcher, whicll gives us the dlanCl'
made for the :\arherth Assembly owner an,1 saye time h.l· the elimin" lion l>f
tire trouhles-no sloppill!, to "x PUllC(lIrb.
will present thiR matter as soon a.s Philip's (,hureh, West l'.hil.adelphia., to Illal,'c gOOd,' 'I' I' til 0111' frl'elllls' aJlll ~Iasllue Dance, which will be helt! Tln's of lhls In)e are used by tite L. >;. <)0\··
l' the COIH11 ' . ]'1 ]1 II F' ' 1 ' . th cornwellt Hucllarge ('or]loration~
possible so as t 0 re !eve - sllol,e to a very appreciative andl- relatives as the funs who eonstantlv' III ~ Jl1 - a on I'll a~ evenlllg, e \I'e ba\·,· a limited sluck ,,:,; will N[.,r al
tions as t.her 110W exist Oll tile hill. 1'111'('. l\liss Hhoa,lcs also /!;avl; a tall, watch OUI' progres,:; in life. . 17th of ~Iarch. The following com- till' rolluwill/; pr"'e,,:
is little reason to douht thnt illustwtill/!; 1ly !an t ern sues.•. 1'1 S a t n1'- Time. as the cat.ehel·, was a \'aluahll' mit.tees are in charge: Decoration, .IUx3 ~O~:'" " $ !!<~~
IU.... ~~xl
.1 .• x1',
$I •. !!;,
a loan will he grant.ed sullieient to ac- tla)' ('Iul('d Bahr "'c('k; mothl'l's an,1 fad 01' in the development of a 1if I'. ~Irs. Carl B. ~[et.z/!;ar, chairman, ::~~:l'" l:l.1f, ~l;XI'~'" " ~~.!"J
complish'this purpose if the loan pro- fath('rs WIth . IIII!lies
' 11 II ~h:Rsrs. Hezo Brooks, Andre\l' ;1:lx1 I~.lfi :~~x~'," ~l.l")
wore a I ue ow-, Fil'st has,,: f'!ll~cl\ei! Ull as physical 31xl 1,.1/) ,"~" .• , .. ~/; .• o
"ides for a eentrally IOt'atl'l! prinHlry 1'1' in honor of theil' hahies 01' PH!: llevelolllllCnt. The reverend "'entle-· Urel'lll', Loui~ D. HesR aud Haymon·1 All otilel' sland:""l size" "I",> furn:shed.
I ... 'J 1'1 1\! ," J 1-' I t A'ltl IV ]let· cent. 1'",' n"n·"I,ld
schoo. out an Ameril'an flag. ""e feel that man elaimell that. thiH ,ll'vPlopment. ( .• ones. I 001', , r. ". . "Ir 'lla - Tel'm" :"el "ash III IV J'er ~·ent. ';L~count .
.\. ~llrl'I'I'th :-\dwul Wl'll'al'l~ )[('lI1hl'I·. a ~ood work has hcen stal't.!'ti an,j to-llay is one of health more nl'eI'S-. riel" ehairman, ~ressrs. C. Bodan~kY, Try th"se lires now, lind to ",,'ur,:' 1,,.,,ml't
thol'ou/!;hly hl'lieVe l'vel'y wee, I WI'11 1H' sarily than stren~th. WI' liI'ing in all (. . P. Fowler " George H.osc ,'ull1 Itoh- (1.p.11 Y(' J'y. SPill! order tUlIa)". Jnal.\:illf." r':l1lit·
l,lllt'e 1» I'. U. ~lulle)' Unier. <iralt. M cilec);.
1!1t:t lIE.\l:I'IIIES·I' n:.\H. hahy Wl'!'k all ovel' the ('ouutrr jUt11:- age whpn great )lower of the l1l'rvous l'rt. Havill. 1"inanee, l\Ir. \\r. J. Hen·, Sold <1irr:el to eOIl"Ulller Ollly. DC'scripl!"e
The year In;, was the hl'althiest. in
ing; from the intel·cst. s Itown. system is demand"l\. A lla)' when a('- t! orS'IIII, 1.'llat·l·I}]·,lll, 1\.[essTs. '1'. B. Dtl! f"ldel' upun reque,,!.
L •
the history of Pennsylnll1ia al'col'llinp; "ompliHhmentH are malle rapidly hy ~[arias. A. '1'. Grugall, .T. C. HOlme! Akron Duplex Tire and [Rubber Co.
to a report which has just. ill'en wade
)lush l>l1t1ons anti Il'v!'rs anll 1I0t h~' antI C. V. :\01'1. I AKRON OHIO
j 0 Goyernor Brlllllhaugit hy Conllllis-
snlwrhuman strength as of old. ~Ir. and 1\1rs. "'illiam :\IcKinne~' I
sitJller of Hpa Hit SallJue! G. nixon. .\IE'l'IWllIS'I'S HOl'UU:
• •

Second has!', was as iu the al'lual are among the newer residents of: the sympathy of IlHllly friends in
The "Hal statistieH for the ye<l!' Illl:', I'IlCHl'lL JIlDlIlEU:-\llll' gam!', the keyston!' "inll'lIcl'lual d!'- our town. ~Irs. ~leKinn!'y will he re-I :\arherth.
show :t yerr eOllsiderahle !'l'duction in Continued on Third Page IItl'mlll'rel! as ~Iiss He~illlt ~'Iegarg'~. i On Friday eH'ning, :'Ilarl'h ~4th. th',
lleath,.; from diphtheria, Illeasles,
~II'. anll ~Irs . .Jame,.; ,\. England, 'I King's nau~hh'rs will !HII'e th('ir ]"u-
scarlet fever, whoopillg cough, t.ulll'r-
('ontinu!'tl from First Page) of I'hilalll>J)lhia, have re('ently llIovell turii'lt ::\lin~trl'l Show in the );'arber1.;1
eu!osis alld typhoill feyer. Ihl' ~'l'ar raised $400 of which it. 10 :\al'herth, an,1 are !i"in/!; at 198. Arcade Theatre.
']'en yearH ago Pennsylyallill lirHt.
lJegan tile collection of vital ~ta t i~ties.
"onl "ihut e,1 $200 for the heautiful \\'ool!hinl' a veUIIl'. I:\II·s. Edw. C. Town Hnll daughter
nl'\\' pipe ol'g-an. The work oj' the ~II'. "'. C. Poor eutel'tainpd on lo'ri-I,laue are Yisitlul; ~[rs. To\\'n's motl;.
In that year the poplliation oc t.he
Epwol'th Lel\/!;uc is an Inspll'atton. tla~' evening in the Y. ::\1. C. A. com-I' er, :\Irs. R. ~. Gutelius, of :'Ilitnins-
State was 7,141,7(i6, the lleath rate was
Tid,; ol'/!;anization is oue of those rare mun!ty Hootll. His guests inchllled hul'g', Pa.
,;ixteen pel' tltousnnt! inltahitants: tlte
so('ieties I·OJllpo,.;ell of all youn~ peo- the hoys of his Sunllay Hehoo! class,l Aecording to t.he numhel' of licensps
death rate for 191fi was thirteen allli
eight.tent.hs per thonsand. the
pie unt!I'I' theil' o\\'n /!;ovel'nnlt.'ul. ant\ I
theil' parent.s and a fell' other friends. i~sucli there are eighty-seytm dogs in
death rate of 19011 ohtaine,l dUrIng the Il'lll!ershi)l. The devotional JIll'etlllp;s Among those present Were ::\Ir. anll :\arberth, exclusiye of those t11,11 ar')
year just passell, 18,833 additional are hl'lpful allll pflll:tieal. A fl'ielHlly Mrs. John Van :"ess, ::\11'. and :'III'S. I ruuning at lal'gl', Here seems to be
deaths woult! have ol'curred. l'ontest has recentlr resultell in S. "'. Fostel', :'III'S. H. I,. Beatty, ::\Irs./ possihilities for the nuclens of a good
The total Ilumber of lleaths recor,lell tlouhlinl'; the att.enl];\lll·l\ anti memhel'-' H. H. I)urhiu, ?Ill'. anI! i'll'S. Hamilton, I: tlog show or sausage fadory.
during the year 1915 was 1Hi,:nl; the ship. :\11'. aUt[ ~Irs. "'. .J. l'eehles, ::\Irs. E. Haye you ereetell any hiI'd hoxcs
t.otal IlUmller of hirt.hs :!IS,!ll;'. Tlw liuandal 1J1H!~et 1'01' the )'eal' Il. Bolich, :'III'S. ""alter Smith, :\11'.1 this spring? The hirds are beginning
surpasses hy far any previous reeol'll. anll ::\!l·s. Hmnpden,' 1\[1'. Fred n.os'~ ito I'l·turn from the Soulh. If YO'1
limn ~flWOl, UASliE'J' U,\.U, I
$.::,4:Jii.(i:.! were pailI out. for c.urrellt
(;A][};S. :-\.\'JTnUAY, 3.15 P. )l. l'XII?nSes. In Hlldition t.o. thiS ~1~1.1I
a Ill! :'Ill'. William'!'. ::\!l'lehior. Ihave not. erected the box yOIl inten£!-
~Iiss ,\p;ues Hose. of Woodside aVC-!l'd to, 110 so at once.
Thus far t.his season not nHln)" peo-I $40S in lllOIIl'y anl~ materIals \lele nul', will l'nterlain at. :;00 Oil Saturd:ly Howard Smedley, of Elmwood It\'e-
p Ie of l'\arbert.ll have had an oppor- given as /!;ifts for nnIlt'()\'enll'nts allli afternoon. nul'. met. with a very painful accident
t IJnl't y t see an~" of the High School $42:.! 1'01' henevolen('{\s. ~ll's. A. Thornton Gl'up;an, of I while working in Philadel!lhia last
o, , '. . . II '.1
games be-caUSe of t.he time at which LOt'al :\IethodlsJll JS '~'e ef(I~lppe,. 'Hamptll'n al'l~nne. l'ntertained at I Thurslhl~'; a piece of steel from II
110St of the games ha.yC heen pla)'ell. and locatel! ill the g-roWIll/:" seetHJIl of Ihl'id/!;e Oil Frillay evening. Her 1tool with which he was working en-
~-Iowever on Sat.urd.lIY al'ternoon we tlte l·oll1lllUnity. The chur('h builtlillg, guests were ~Ir. and ~Irs. 'V. .T. Kirk-I' tel'ed his ere-ball. He was renJOve,I
are goill~ to give )'OIJ an opportunity ('hurl'll and ImrHonage lots. the re- patrick. :\'11'. anll :'III'S. ,V. r.... Hendel'" to the Jefferson Hospital, where he
to see our 'Varsity teams play. I centl)· installe,! pipe or/!;an ant! ot.her SOli anll ~lr. allli ~!rs. W. R. D. Hall. will have to remaill for anothel'
Both the girls anll llOYs teams, equillllll'nt are all fl'ce of tlebt. AlI- ::\Iiss Isahelle 1\Ial'till and l\Iiss Adah! week.
representing the, :\arllerth High ja('ent to the I'hlJl'eh is locatell the Durbin ,.;pent the week end in phoe.1 :\Irs. Charles H. ChetwoOlI, havin~
School are going to pIa)' the Consho- parsonage which is one of the most ,nixville ai'l the /!;uests oC l\Iis,.; Anne I compleied a course of t.raining as a
hockel; girls lind bo~'s. Several weel,;; t'oIllJllo,lious and heautiful along tlle
I 'l\larshall. Hel! Cross "helper," saile,! March 11
ago the two '\'arsit~" tealllR played at :'Ilain Line. This splelll!i,! propertr. ' ~Irs. Purse, of Forrest avenue, en- on the Hotterdam. HolIand-A~lerican
Conshohocken; the girls team lJein~ nlluel! at $8,000, has hut. $2,000;
'tert.ained the 'l'himhle Club at her Line, with the purpose of giving her
defeated b~" a. slllall margin, anll the deht. on it.. A fun,! has heen starte,1 home on 'Vellnesllay afternoon, I' services to the' military hospitals of
bovs defeated the Conshohocken team I that will dear t.his wit.hill the next , The regular mont.hly meeting for 11'~rance.
in 'an extra five-minute period. It was fell' years. During the )'ear the prop- 1914, by American I""·S" ,\ssudatlon, the Legis!ative District of the "'0- On Saturday afternoon. ?>Iarch IS,
the excellent worl, oC Captain Bill crt ies have heen great Ir impro~'ell aJ,I~::. ~lO~. CILDrp CI,,\RK.. 'man's Suffrage was held in ClIelten l\Irs. J. S. Harris will gh'e a. 500 fo;'
Durbin aUll Fred. Harsch that won th.e slogan "Brighten .the CornCl, ; \\ 110 . Slw]w lit ,I.o\n-r .111'1'1011 nigh Hill, )[arch l:1th. AllIong those pres-l the benefit of the West. PhiiadelplIia.
the game for :!\"arberth High School WI~! l\ee~ th: ~O~lg~e~atlOn. ll.ur- i School J,llst Slltnrdnr }:n'lIll1g. ent frolll :\lu'be, til were Mrs. Dot- General Homeopathic Hospilal. at her
bo~'s in the extra period" ill/!; the (Ol11l11~ SPIlJlg to IUl ther 1111- : hard, Mrs. Cole and 1\[rs. Muschamp. home, 135 l\Ierlon avenue. l\Ir. Fietl-
The Conshohocken team has a very )Jr:),ve the lawns, _ 1 . \X ACKXOWI,};nfDlEXT. . ::\Irs. Horace 1\1001'1' entertained the' ler has very Idndl)- donated one of
good record for this season, anll Wi) I he pastor, Rev. C. G. hoppel, has i Onr Town ll<,knowledges with Kappa Sigma Phi Sorority on ,rilurs-I the llrizes.
are expecting two harll .games. COlll~ thl' heart~ and loyal support of the: thanl\s t.he cou.rtesy shown by t.h~' lIay evening at her new home in George and Chester Smit.h, students
out and see Captain HIlda Smedle\ eongregat.JOn and the Quarterly Con-: Main Line Print ing COlllpany of ArJ- Overbrool{ at Delaware College spel t 1.1 I
and Captain Bill Durbin's team play. 1 fe.rence has llnanimous~~' requested i 1Il0re, in sending us the e!e~trotype31 1\Ir. Jon'es, father of Mrs. Edwin! end with their pare~ts, 1\;1'. a~d ';~~s~
Remembe~ the time-Saturday, March Bishop De~ry to have Illm retul'Jlelllof Hon. Champ Clark, and of Mr. 1 C. Seaver, lIas passed away in their W. B. Smith, of Windsor avenue.
18, at 3.1 .. p, 1\'1. ns pastor 101' the lIew year. I \\'ohll'rl's office. 'hollle in Brooklyn. :Mrs. Seaver has (Continued on Third Page)
,l,\rAl:tB~RTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-)!I,Al~CH 16_ 1916
tended to strangers as well as the i - - - - - . . . . , . . - - - -
residents t.o attend the services.
Do not forget that the church
Thl·s·IS the' Month
J:VA~Gt;I, n,\P1'IS'f {')lUnru. buses leave Narberth and Wynnewood
stations at 10.40 on Sunday mornings
J:mcrsoll I,. Swlft~ l'llstOl·.
Sunday services:
Ifor the 11 o'clock service'. 'take 'tha't Picture you have
!J.45 A. M.-B1ble Sehool. This will
he Temperance Sunday In the school
1'11.: l'm:SHrf.:UUN Cm:RClT. been ""aiting for
and Rev. H. M. Chalfant will he till' RI'Y••Tohn "nll ~ess, Pastor.
acce'ptable speal,er. An interesting
Meetings for next Sunday:
10.00 A. l\I.-Sahhath School.
11.00 A. !\i.-Morning worship. Suh- llepartments.
ject of the sermon, "The Genius of 11.00 A. M,-Puhllc worship. The Made by the Eastman Kodak Co.
Christianity." pastor will speak on the theme,
'7.00 P. M.-Younl?; People's service. "Preaching to Dry Dones."
Group Two, of which Lester Peters is
chairman, will have charge,
7.00 P. M.-Young People's Society.
Leaders, 1\lIldred Harris and Margaret
I Also Eastman Film Packs
7.45 P. 1\I.-Evening worship. 'I'his Mayes. Without halling, without rest. I For Sale at Fiedler's Drug Store
will be Baptist Institute l'i'ight. Singers 8.00 P. "'I.-Gospel meeting in charge,
and speakers from the Philadelphia of a Gospel team of t.hose prominently I
Lifting hetter np lo hest.

Baptist Institute for Christian workers connected with the Billy Sunday cam-' At a recent meetlllg, of the Board
WdOl · P·fin t·Ing andEl·
e 0 eve oping narglng
will be present and eon duct the' I paign. The, Revival Hymn Book will. of Education it was decidcd that the ~,
vice, This will he a very Interestll1g he used. I hoarll would hereafter finance the
service. (;hurcll ~oh'So Athletle Association of the school. It QUALITY FIRST
The splendid musical service last At the Sunday School Teachers'l was also agreetl that t~lC boys' bas.e
Sunday evening was thoroughly en- meeting held last Thursday evening, hall team shoul11 recClve new Ulll- Compare our Finished Work with
joyed by everyone present. This will plans were formnlated for the Easter forms for this spring's work. any I'n the CI·ty
continue to be a feature for the s~ond celebration.
Snnda)<' evening of each mont.h. Arrangements are heing made for We, arc glad 10 hear that our as-
The prayer service of this week, an "Every Memher Canvass" of the; sistant editor, }<~stelle Cohic, who has
The Presc~iption
Wednesday evening, will consider the lmtire congregation (,n the afternoon heen ill for some weeks, Is rapidly re-
interest of t.he canvass. The workers of :March (; hetween the hours of two con~riug.
in it will all be present. and siX, hy'the memhers of the official,
The Women's Bible class have begun hoards of the church. A meeting of This com in I?; Satnrday afternoon we
FIEDLER Phone, Narberth 625 or 1284
a new enterprise. Ther invite tho the boards will he helll next Sunday' arc to have two of the most interest-
ladies of the ehurch to meet t.hem at IlIIorning following the hour of puhlic. inJ.l" games of the year. The boys' Open Late lee Cream for Sale
the home of Mrs. H. C. Keim. Hamp- IworHhlp. :1I1l1 girls' teams of Conshohocken are
den avenue, 'fhursday at ::: P. :\1., to \ I to meet our hors' and girls' team on
plan for church worl" lUSt: n.n.I, ~wlI'r A'I' Ilw home floor. It will be remember-
The meeting of the Ushers' Asso- 1'.\01,1 :Jlt:""'S (,1.1'11 I'll that on February 25 the girls lost Estimates FurnisheJ Heating Appliance, J.A.MlLLER
ciation will be held at the home of ~ 10 the ConHllohocken girls with a R W CASE (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
Mr. A. W. l'i'eedham, 103 Chestnut. ave- i Cont.inlled from Second Page I \"t'ry close Hcore and that the boys' I .. BEATER AND RANGE WORK

uue, Monday eyening, "larch 20. The! \'elopment." He stat.ed that. many in, game was tie, necessitating an extra
guest of the association will be' Mr. I the actual game of life had to "steal perioll of livc minutes In which our I El ectrl'cal Contractor SLATE AND TIN ROOFER
104 Forrest Anoue
Isaac C. Sutton, who will speak on sccond." One must do his own think- hon; WOII hi' three points. These
"The Doy Scout Movement.": .He will ing and not depend ~n other~, tl~us ,l;a;lleH were ~eheduled for Friday, but I Repairing"
address the Boy Scouts o[ ~arher~h the <levelopment of tillS asset lJl hfe., were jlo,;lponed so that. more of the \.
Jobbing a SDecialty, Narberth, Pa.
Contented Consumers Commend
before he speaks t.o OUl' me.lI. TillS I
Team work was known as another parenlH and "towns,peoPle" could wit-
will bo an exceptionally help[ul meet- I large factor in n. man's life. Eyery lIeSH them. 'fhe. g,ames are certain IlJ [J
••• ft ••-
Cook's Coal

The Woman's "!ission f:irele Will
. day you maliC a hit. 01' "strike out." : 10 he ver~' exeitinl?;. Come out and
He then demonstrated the kind of I hooHI. \"our Hehool! Don't forget!
meet Tuesday afternoon, :\Iarch 21, at a hall one shou1<1 st.riliC at, warninl?; Salul'lia'v, "Iareh IS! Double-header!!
the home of Mrs. ll. C. Clark. all against a low hall, which showcd - . _
c. P. COOK
Dr. W. D: Ano.erson, repr.esenti~lg the 11aseness of your nalurt:, while a. On :'Ilonllay Mr. l\It:ldllor gave anl Pasleurlzed Milk \ DEUVelUeS
the United Presbyte:ian Fore~gn 1\lls- wide one should he i g. no~'ed as they, illtlHtratccl ledure on the "Ford Fac- i Brynclovls Cerlilled WEST PBILA.
sionary Work, a reSilIent of ~arherth, were other pcople's hUSllless. The IOJ'\"" to Ihe IIPller Hix grades. ' MIII~Gclel) OVERBROOK COAL, WOOD AND
will speak at the monthly missiollary close ones were' not fit ling the ehoice' (Pedrfal c y
meeting next. 'WednesdaY evening, as one shoulll 1I0t go in ,,:here you The v;irlH have a. ,l;ame scheduled Special ~g::ernsey" :'~~~:FIELD BUILDING SUPPLIES
March 2:!. l:ould not take a full HWl1lg. Th0 for :'Ilareh :Jii with Lansllale, on the
"hiJ.l"h Il'tlls" 't terlll mam' have heard ' (Roberts·ar.Sharpless • BALA-CYNWYD
, .' ". :'\arherth floor. Dairies)
JTEUI0X i'[J':WI'I~(~ ](OIJSJ-:. to their sorrow, meant sure slnke out. NARBERTH NARBERTH. PA,
1\'Ierion l\TeetiilJ; House is opened for 'rhe ones to take· ;t goofl hcalthy The SeniorH Hlar1. on lhelr trip to Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE
worslliD eVl'ry Flrst-tlay at 10.30 A. swing at were, of conrse, the ones \\'a~hingloll on tlJ(' 1:Jth of April. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
M. Visitors arc eorllially welcome. over tlte plale anll the onl~' ones thai Cream. \ Prompt Deliveries Assured
A registry hook is kept for visitors. COllle over in life, arc: Lovc of home.
All are asketl to l'l~J.l"iSler t.heir names. I love of counlry anll 10\'(~ of religion. thl~ Sl'nim' play.
_\pl'il:JS Is the tinal Iinte set. for
'HO advlsetl, in the lirsl. tltat men I - ,
ST. JUUGAIU;T'S CHURCH. I should show their love of 1;~nH' II~y The hoanl IS~I~~~lg Jlhu~s ~or a: ~Oo~:~ ,~~~~toa;na~~~:~ge it IS
Early Mass on sun:h:.y from April 'I tal,ing ~oll1e of tlte good fe O\I'S liP hanljnet. to he gl\'en to the gll'ls anti I 45th and Parrish Sts. I WM' D· SMEDLEY
I<;t to October 31st at G.JO A. :'II. From home wllh tltem anrl t~J!I~ he a really hO~'>i' hasl,c!. haJJ teams.
Nm'ember 1st t.o Maren ~15t at 7 A. 1\1. good sport. and. a, Chnslwn.
At the Cabin,
' .,
L ate 1\lass, 9.30 A. "I. throughout the 1,._Lastl~," Ito,..,:,ltel,l, that t,lll' :'III'. all1l :'III'S. l\lelchlor are enter.-: A FULL LINE OF b
I .. t t fi I I , lade
year. l\lasses on Itolydays, 6.30 and ,.,rea c: sallll('e.J! e. (r 11 , . '.'.: ,Iainil!g holh tl'm,lIH,' at thclr home thIS I
HIS l i N ar erth & Haverford A \'l'S,
8.30 A. 1\1. Weel,days at 8. Evenmg t.hat h~ J~~ns Christ, "hen he sal I.I~ loming Frillay I'Ycning-.
devotions and other services at regular \IiCell IllS hIe that ~ll men shoulrl Ita' ~
lJ AT I'
Telephone-Narberth 368.
. an equal opportulllty to he called safc HelH11'1 H fOI' I he sixth month of t.he
,at t.he "hollle platc" of heavcn.
. ('II 'I Doctor navis, was espcdall)' enter-
I 1
~(' 100 year were glr(~l1
Iliit 011 1\'1011-
D A V I 8'
PIas t er andemente Work
JIE'I'IIOlHS'I' };I'ISC·"".\!, (11111 ,. • ta.inil~1?; throuJ.l"hout .. llli~lug many hits l1a~', I
Estimates Furnished Jobbing
. ' .]' ,)]' stn' : o[ Wit anel humor ln IllS alldress a~lll \V" wpre dall 1.0 see so many
ne,. '"c. C] •• ''''.''''j.
·\1'111 •.'s1\, I. I' .
I l'auslng mall\' ronnlls of applause 101' I Pluthp!'" at the " sehonl, DO YOU THINK HARRY B. WALL
at t IlC cele b
I ra-

,-,11111 II} ,""I' Il CL.
I" S'I I
!J,4:>-Sunl a) ~ 1'100 .
I'" ., .
his humor alHl il1ustl"ltinns of ('ertalll'
portions of his hase hall rdercneeH'
I iOIl of "Bahl' \Vcek" hv the sc 100 ,;.
. '
. ' . , . , of Building a Home? We have the lots,
11 OO-Public worship. S~!'mon hy I ' '. 1 \\'l' all enjoyed the slIIglllg of :i\hss anll I'f y011 wish will get plans and Plumbing, Gas Fitting
. '1"' . t I 'lo'
I ,,1Ild epls01 es. . \\'i\"oll alll! appreciatcli the plaYs
and Heatl'ng
t.he ne\\ )< appOln el pas I. After the re,l;ular mel~tllll?; anll all- .. . . · · 1 huild for yon.
" u· ,- P Ollie's meet- .. ~il"l'n 1n' SOnll" 01 the' ounger cln -

6.40- ilion J ounJ.l" . I' . • dress all passed into the ('Iuh dllllllg .' ..


ing. Leader frol11 till' Baplist Church. 11'00111 where :t filll" luncheon was l1rpn, •
7,45-Union service of
churches. Spccial alldress hy Prof.
local Iserved, and U1UH passell 'into history
anot.her good "night" in the annals A
o!' HO a'"o the Class of 1912 I R e AD
weel,... I I GEO
Stauffer, of l\Ieyerstown. All mem-I of the P:~oli's :\Iell's Cluh, t.hanks to pl'l',;entel\ to tlte Board of Education
bers of the churches and thc' COIll- Hel'erend Davis anll Walton. So saill a picture of Philil) L. Jones, for~er I CJ::::rp~~::;~::I{!h~! • • •
Ilre;,;jllent of thc school board. ~1:Iss,
munity are cordially invited to hear
the address.
'WedlleSI]ar ~iA']lt :JII'eUng.
Ihe\' all.
- "T)IO Scl'ib~." I
:'IIeCnrter was requested to contlJ1?e
alre ollis Size In the
Ihl' presentation 11y showing the PIC-I PhotoPlays-conll:.uM?" lOA. M.lo 11.3
Select Dat·ft-eS
0 I

8.00-A hnpp)<" and helpful service BETTr B.\X'I'ER'S CWSSlI'. ture to the entire assembly and .de-- PhUa.. Pe. I
led hy the class of young. women liverell an address 011 tbhe '5efrvl~ts PROGRAMME Week Commencing 1 Special Nursery Mill, in Paper Car-
" taught 11Y Mr. Edward Pednck. II (Continued frolll SeeOlHl Page) of Dr. .Tones as a mem er 0 ~e ton Filled at Penhurst Farm.
J[1181('8]('. . . :\11'. and "Irs. F. A. Brown l'llterhiln- hoar,!. :\.IISS i\IcCarter sp?kO of Ius :Jlondnr, :Jlarch la, 1916.
A rare treat. Artists o.f a111hly. '('II at eards anll llanclng- Thursday I last I~uhhe address. It ,\as ou the Triangle Presents nell l'hollc-Narbcrth 669 D.
Musicale given hy i\len's I.llhle class'j even in ", ;\Iarl'il !)( h, at their hOUle on o('caslOn of Ihe comnlC~lcement of I 1100 Narberth Avenue
Do not miss It. Tuesda~' mght., l\Iarl'l1 W II '~ll' Their I?;uests were I!ll:? She reprod~cell IllS ou.tllne or I
28, Place, in the ('hurch. Cards of 00 Sl aYl'nl~e. that alhlress, and 1Il a splendId man- Supported by William Desmond NARBERTH, PA.
:\11'. ami MrH. (arl "Ietzgal', 1\11'. ano. I 't I to OUI' pupI'ls Prin lirst. Presentation of
admission fifty cents 1 , 1\ 1"'1 I ner ( I'ove I lome ".-
"Bullets and B
.• . ,• I :'IlrH. Anllrell' Greene. II'. anI •• rs. . I 'I I I' a Ilcar I say after W"e Handle
, . 1\ F ., l'lpa ., e CliOI' 'v S I. - ,
:I (anoll DowneH, i'llI'. aUlI 1:I·H. •ran" 'I'" "1'(" ·t, .'. talk' "I have not
AI,L S.\lYI':'i' P. t:. CU1'JW](. , I 1:\1
i b. Blanc, :\11'. al~l • rHo
\\,'11' l\I 1 ',' ISH .• ( _,11 el S
I HUll. ar -, hearll a deaner put, more precise

1.1,0x , Mrs. C. WlnlW Hull Mr. Robert I' ',11111 'I'ell llcll"el'cll ten-Ininute talk A Hom untie Drama of Modern War ROLLS, PIES AND CAKES
Rev. Anllrcw S. UUl'k(', Hl'ct O\'.
. t ' P lown. "1'1'0111 tllat Illalform." ' This ili a rarely attractive feature. One
The services at All , aUI s S
The Imperial Grocery
. •". 1\1n;. William B. Goodall, of Dlldle~',
Church. MontgoUlery nnd Wymlewootl avellue, gave a brltlge ami 50 0 a t IleI', . - -1\1'- 1\1 C t r 01 ~:~~t. work witnessing-The l\'Ianage- I
avenues, for next Sunday are as f 01- ' , CongratulatIOns, j ' ISS j C .. ar e, 1
i her home Oil Saturday afternoou, ! your,; eech, aIllI thanlts to the Class
8.00 A. :i\'I.-Holy Communion.
IMarell 11th. There wcre seven ta- I ' . 1nl~P
bles. The guests included a nUI11-, o[ " -.
GODFREY----IIHoward F. Cotter
The Real Estate Man at
9,45 A. M.-Sunday School. f I
1100 A l\I -Morning prayer anll, her from Philallelphht anll the 0"1-
. .. ' : low ing from l'i'arherlh: Mrs. Downes, I • .t ' ill' Dotharll out again, after
\\·c are glad (0 see our faithful lli- I
114 Woodside Ave., M'EATS of
4.00 P. M.-Evenlng prayer.
I 1\1
II' M 1 :i\I 1- t I un Mro' 1ee 01, ' I . .
rs. j usc m,Ulp, j ' rs. ~e c 1 l. j t i, his IJI'olongetl illness.
will be pleased to assist you in get·
ting a home.
On SundaY afternoon at 3 o'clock, Hoffman. Mrs. Polhemus, Mrs. Mars.l, I Telephone-Narberth 685 A.
March 26, tl~'e Confirmation Class will Il\Ir~. Hall. 1\lrs. Brooks, Mrs. Greene., Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
b an'zed and it is hopeo. tlmt all Mrs. Claghorne. Mrs. Raymond C'I

on that oecasion.
t:o~:gdeslirin~ join will lIe present I Jone.s, Mrs. David Smith. 1\'Irs. Kirl,- Among those drawn for jury duty
pall'lck, lVIrs. Maddox. I at llext week's turn of court are E.
Miesen's Bakery George B. Suplee
A full list of all tlte Leuten services "'II'. and Mrs. Herbert Buchanan. ~. Crossman, Samuel Duncan, John
was prlntell in last week's issue or of Haverford, anll Shirley roadS, are Harper, W. C. Hamilton, James C. Mc-
BUILDING Steam & Hot Water_Heating
this paper. Kindly refer to it. receiving congratulations upon tho Curdy and C. Howard Meredith. of
Bread, Cake. Rolls. Pies, Plumbing
Candy. Ice Cream
The pews of All Saints' Church nre I birth of a son, born on March 11. Lower Merl?n, and Geo. C. Rose, of CATERING FOR PARTIES Bell Telephone.
all free, ami a cordial invitation Is ex- (Continued on Fourth Page) I Xarberth.
Your Kodak and our
Moving Furniture and Hauling!
Automobiles for Passenger Service
Oriental Planes and Norway Maples
Night Trips When Ordered The two best ornamental, vigorous growing sh ::Ide trees. Straight
Finishin~ stems, well shaped tops, good roots and sure to grow.
WAL TON BROS_ Phone, Narberth 672
11 to 12 It. high, $1.50 eaeh-20 trees for $25.00
12 to 14 It. high, $2.00 eaeh-20 trees for $35.00
are a combination
results. "
Every Htrip of film
that makes

is developed and I
Pay By Check Special Prices on L.arger quantities
every print is made
hayCl the one idea
by experts who.
of "results" in IT'S A GOOD RECEIPT A. E. WOHLERT, Narberth
lIlintl--just as you
dick the shutter.
have when )'011 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Phone, eee Narberth
APPLE TREES Rave tresh trull '-y pfckfup your own. Our trees will
bear Ihe same year as planled.

HOWARD'S DRUe STORE The Merion Tille and Trust Co. GOSPEL MEETING AT THE 8 to 10 ft, high, well branched, $2.50 to $3.50 each

Capital, SlIlp/1IS a1/d Ulldivu!ed Profits, $350,000

GEORGE A. WITTE Deposits, Over $1,125,000
Paper Hanging and Painting NEXT SUNDAY EVENING. Were l\lso Champions Last Year
Woodbine Ave. ond Wlllioms Ave.
Narberth Office, Arcade Building Arrangements have been made. -Successfully Defend Their
whereby three of the most prominent:
Phone, Nnrherth 1203 W. Open from Ii A, M. to 4 p, M. Friday E\'cnings, 7 to 9. men in the Billy Sunda~' campaign Title by Winning From
will address the meeting in the Pres- Ardmore 32-16
Fresh Fish YMC A NEWS OF WEEK hyterian Church next Sunday evening',
to he the centre of attraction on Mon- They are Mr. ,Joseph M. Steele, ehair-.
And Oysters • • • •
, .
c1,a~' alHI Tu.esda y e:enings, Last mal; of the Sunday Campaign Com-
'J ues,lay e\'e~lIng the l\arhrook hunch mittee: Mr. George C, Shane, secre- the season, ;'\arherth defenlled their
]11 one of tne roughest games of

.U('II S :'i l~h~. tool, two ol the thre~ games from I tar\' of the gxecuti\'e Committee, anll Main Line championship last Satur-
--_._------------ as men s IIIg~lt at tIe ." 1\1. (. A..
,. I' , A I .
J,'riday, March 2::, wIll he known' the Jo;silex avenue qUllltette.
a" lollows:
Score 1\,1 ' I' I l' \" Isil "h'lirnJan of the tla:y h~' defeating the Ardmore Y. 1\1.
1'. ,e 1 '. e ,~,
I~ntertalnment Committee. These are C. A., :32-16.

rar~ entertalllment \~11I h,e gl\'el~, J~SSEX.


" all well-known, successful huslness' The :"arherth team to a man Played.
How J1lUdl bctter i,l. ,,, malllly hy m?mhe~s of th: (entr:11 'I., ] st 2nd ,,1',1 men of Philadelphia alld hring the; excellent has.I'et hall. In the first 1.laJ[
~::"h~,~,~;';~,~~~i~it~ ..:,Il~i"~~~7. ill. C. A. 01 PhIladelplJla. Tins IS I Game. Game. Game. gospel message of salvation, which is' the teams (hd not do much scoring,
~:~~~::I~~~~:~~1\:~':11l,:~.::t'f.';7'i~~~ a CO~lm\~nity night for n~en .and no En~inger 121 la6 108 1 the message we all need. A prelim-. onl)' through the fou~ ~oal line. In
11ll:: h"'" m",h hellcr it Is ,,, he man III Narberth ~IIIIOU1l1 ~ntlssl.lttl· t' I Hamear 115 ]02 111595 I inary meeting will he held on Wed- i the second half the VISI Itors I~eglan.tlo
~:~~I~I~l::h~;h~ ~',',~;;/~~i":~,~ ~,:r. The program WI consls 0 Ie 0 - BUlleI' ]2:: 100 , I nesdav evening of this week alHI will ; score and soon were a most tIer wIt I
1O".,,_OIO.'Mov••' lowing: Amate~lr a(l~rOl1mlts (~"en.ton Smith ]61 I
~51~ be le,i bv Mr. Samuel W. Foster, as- ~arherth. l~ was ~hell\' thatlthle Nar -
Gi\R;,P,,~.;~;~~~~.5. CO, Brothers), illumlllatel c U) sWlllgmg, Simpson
Roofcrs':"~_ 23 SOUTH 17TH STREtT g'rOU!1 of g,ymnasts', hoxing hout
•• sisted In: the Men's Bible Class.
,herth team lound Itse t, aIH t Iroug l
the good . floor work of Bill DurbIn
(middle weights): strong man, Anton Totals :~5!l 616 (i50, . _ , and Jack Jefferies, steadily advanced
Frank Ct'ist i\1atysek. holder of Ameriean record
for one-arm' (Iumh hell work: volley I XAIU3HOOK.
1st 2nd :Jrd'
INTERESTING WEDDING ah~I)(I, which soon put the game
, a way with the championship title at-
MEATSI& PROVISIONS hall /!;anw, !ocal husiness men's /!;~'m
elass. l\Iore in next weel,'s issue. D. Kirk
Game. Game. Game.
156 145 111
IN NARBERTH tUl~hed to it.
This Thurs(lay evening, the Senior
Hiih Grade Butter You are conliall)' invited. A.. Kirl, ,. 124 ];]2 11,5 tellll1 plays the University of Penn-
Telephone-Narberth 644 A, ."I'II'S .UN'tlllg'. Haist Iii2 177 148 I' I I sylvania Collegians, when such stars
MardI 2(i-Our 1Il0nthl~' men',; Sun- :\le\'el''; ];,7 16R I A pretty home wed'lIlg too, p ace as Hichard Wallace, Bill Matchett
day afternoon meetinp; (::.:10 P. ilL) ('o;npton 120 1';~ I last Wednesday evening when Miss and ;,\ig. Koons will he seen in the
BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE We are Yl'ry fortunate in hayinp; se- _::: II~lIa lJouglas, daughter of Mr. a1HI line-up. This promises to he a big
( '111""\ ·,I~.· (llll' ~J.le"II,el' j'or thi" meet-
Pr.-me M eat S ~,,~
ing. former fienator I,'ranl, ,I. Cannon,
lIa~kl·t Ball.
7:)1 717 1\Irs. ,John Douglas, of 744 Montg,om- ",'It lIe.
cry avenue, hecame the hride of Mr ...
This is also the last game of the
Home Dre,,"'J Poult,,·. BUll,·r. I:!:g's allcl "am,·.
I .
Fau.:.' ':r\'il all," .Ve~,:,a!'.h's. "A :-;TORE FOH j\1orn:on I'lIlgdom, ILS 0 ygamy all(
from Utah. His suhjeet will he "The Xal'herth Y". \'niYersity of Pen11syl- William P. Held. The cert~mony was' sellson.
l' I I
"ania Collegians.
J.lerformed by the Rev. C. G. Koppel.
pastor of the Xarbertil Methodist The a<lmission is ten cents.
I'ARrIcULAI~ 'EOI LI:. Dh;jo"alty." Thurs,lar night, I\larch 16. '1'1 1 'I Xar. Y. M. C. A. Ard. Y. 1\1. C. A.
l . . . I~piscopal Chureh. 11')( e was
Teler "''',·. NARBERTH, PA. I We do not neell to enlarge on This is our higgest game or the atten,led hy her sister, Miss Eva ./elTeries ... forward .. Godfrey, Myers

"H--- Senatol' Cannon's ahilitr as a spe,~I,er, season and ou/!;ht to h~ t~le ~lest. ~ur Douglas, a; maill of honor,
H. C• FRITSC (O~I~g'ia.te I
Little C. HUl1lphrers .. forward. '" .. Belcher
)101' is it necessarr to take eonsl(ler- hoys have heeu plaYII.lg Miss Helen Susan Coin. nieee of the Durhin eentre Campbell
Properties For Rent and Sale ahle spaee in stating", how unusuall~' hall an,1 with se\·era.1 .01' the 1.IlIYers- bride, was /lower girl. ,I~. Da\'is guard; '\'ilson
Fire Insurance interesting and inslruetive sueh It it~· of Pennsyh'anHl s hest sta.I's. The hl'ide. who was /!;iven in mar-' If. ~iIl\Pson gUarl~ .. ~pea~s, Bennett
Bell Phone 862 W. suhject as this will he. I This ought to he an ex('iting and 1Il- riage hr her father, wore an exquisite r,'Jelll goa~s-:.,letlerJe~ .. ,:. H~mPh-
Wall BnlldJng. Narberth, Pa. Hel'e are some fads that,' teresting v,a III e. . gown 0 I' w I't t I" t'l '111,1 ('11I'frOII'
11 e a I.e" ' " rm"s I, llurlnn 1 ;', !\lyers ,J, Belcher 1.
ou/!;ht to make ns tinnIe Thursday IlIght. trimmed with duehess laee. Her veil I Cailiphell. .., ,
"The truth ahout the Mormon ·--"])on't forget."-- was of tulle prettib' eaught WiUl I"oul /!;oa!s--,Jellerles 14, (ampbell
SAVILL "SWAN NECK" FAUCET Church has heen suppressed. This 6
Non·SplnhinJ Posilin THE "SAVILL" orange hlossoms. She ea rriell a I._
QuIck Acling Shut-Oil Reg. U. S. Pal. Ollice
truth IllU"t he made known." 1I1!-l' AttrnctlUl!. , i shower bouquet of white sweet peas. Heferee-Hed, tCape :\1ay).
"The !\Iormon Chureh is a tempol'al l,ast Bllsk('t nail (lllllle 01 till' Sl'USOll'i' 1\1' . F n Iglas the maid of S(:orel'··-E, Smith.
Recommended an1 In·
."....."0 Pat.
Idngf!om set liP in this replIblie with I'll Il'I'I'sil\' Ill' I'I'llIls)'h'allln ('olll'!l'lams ,ISS .va 01 1 . t j' k ' I' hlue ,0 _ _

t8, '12 a view to estahlishing here a pol~'- ' . honor, wore a ,alll y roe 0 J11~ PUUR E7'i'I'EU'I'AI:'iS
ad by
All Thomas Savill's gamous empire." .
""nl'!H'rth . JI.
"\. "S',(, A, S~IlIOIS
" ,. satin I oYer
t .a. white. I' laee retlv foundation."
hlue lark- ."'· ,··1•.\\·
r. '" ('L,\".'."
Plum- Sons "With a menace within our horders Thlll'sdll)' I':n'lIill~, Jflll'ch Hi, Her lOlJ(I~~t1 \\'~~. 0 ~, . . (atTied'l A most entertaining feature was
bers 1310.12.14 Wallace SI. of this magnitulle, 1I0w long- will this Y ')r, ('. ,\, (;)·IIIIIIISIIIIII. sp.urs. LI ~I i' l~.~! 101ll 'tl" sprln~: held las I Fridav evening in the Com-
Chd<;tian nation en(]ure?" ' • Allmissioll 101'. I basket prett; y 1 e, WI. I . I mil nity room or the Y. M. C. A. Mr.
'I'hl' ('I1I1I'gllllls will hlln~ ill t!U'i!'! flower~ and erns.
"How shall this nation escapl'
retrihution if it lonp;er :;eg-Ieels 1Ilis 11I"'.!!I' SlJ('h SIaIl'S liS nick )'It ucc,
. II I .
The he::;t man was
. ~j' Philadel hi-!
1"1 B 11'001' llad inYitec1 all his boys !lnd their
..lUI .
A recep- parents, and the, number that .came.
arch enemy?" fll1'111 erh' Ill' Xal'hl'I'th; lUll Jrutchett,:, p " . ·u alII shllwed the interest; practicallY all
(Continuell from 'fhird Page) , 11 t '
1\11'. Cannon ,Iraws a terrihle IIll c- II lit' or our 1I1IS(' hull stIlTS, 1111 ~'lg
d ..... ,1 tlOn lollowed '1 1.1 eerelllon~. :nr.
ftthe tl'r He Iding tripI the hoys were present.
menl. against the .' 1\1 ormon ( 'I. lUre I1 a s I\OIlIlS I Mrs' • e u, a. er leI',X I tl PI'I: 'I A num IleI' 0 t' tl Ie pa r e IltS spoke of
Mr. William II. GOOllall, of Dudl':'y it exists to-day, There is perhaps, 110 'I'hi: H'UI"S clI)ltuill of tile Ims'kl't will make their home III • 01'.1 II a -: the days when they attendEd Sunday
ayenue, IS . aI t t 0 St'l,r t 01 1 a '''es' '. ,,- one man, who is more informe,1 on 111111 . It'll " III, I~lldlt' , JfcXichol, ". II I 1u'.. ,Ielphh .' , where "the ,'. groom IS we l l -,: Scllool, a;\d in each tll Ik. a goou
I teacher. .1 prac-
ern trip which will take him as hI' this national question than Senator III the "Isltor's Ih)('-1II'. I kno\\ n as ~uslClan an_,_. : ticltl point was emphaslze~1.
as Omaha. Cannon, eoming rip;ht from the millst lUI\' (llllllt'--1II1l1 IIlso-I,lIst GIIIIIC, ., " .",. While the large majorlt). pres~nt
Mrs. C. H. Blaekall. of \\'oodshlp oj' the :\Iormon cohntry. Xo man in ThuI'SIIll)' }:,·elllll!l'. "" AUIH-, It III nOl S (1,1 H, ,were representing the
and WynnewoOlI a\,enUl>S, was a vis· Xarherth shoultl miss hearing him. I The l\arberth lIoys' Cluh journeye,! ,Chureh, a number of guests were Ill-
itar in town last weel" All are invitel]. Xarherth Theatre, I. to the Pennsylvania Y. M. C. A, an!1 vitell which made it quite an inter-
l\'1iss Huth Dedollt, of MOllongahela, illareh 26, ::':10 P. 1\1. I I played the Billiken first team. While uellorninationul affair. All present
Pa., spent the ",eel(-end as the guest Bo)' Scouts, I IUI"I'IS'I' ('IIl'U('1l I they were defeated by a S(~ore of 32· ,spellt a most enjoyahle evening.
of'1\"11SS J ean ('I la II' an, t 0 t' "Ies"I t nil t !\larch 20~l\Ir. Isaac SlltlO~l, a man I ..
(I L ' 'I'HEEVA~(lEL . 22, yet our hoys playe,I a very goo, I'•
avenue. notetl in the Boy Seollt elreles, i!'l srx
::'i .;X'I' UA Y ('ame indeed, although they were' 'I'll.: ~ ,\lUl";U'fH .Jr~ IOltS (X. A. C.)
Miss Kathn'n H. Hos~, of Clayton, ~oing to speak at th., Baptist Ushers' 'l't'IIII I l'I'III1CI' SlIlIlhU' lit the I~andicapped br the absence of WiI- III a gOOI! fast gallle last Saturday
Delaware, was the week-end p;uest of Assoeiation. 0111' local troop of IUhlt· SdlOol liam \Vinne and Hiehanl Compton. nigllt we WOIl from St. Paul's. The
Miss Wade Howenstein, of ChestlllH scouts are to he the /!;lIests of honOl' lit"·, U •.U. ('IlilUlint A retllrn game will he played in game, though not close in the second
avenue. nntl will give part of the entertain- St;U.lIO:'i Xarherth on March 25th, at :~ o'c1oek. hall', was exciting. The first half
Mr. Walter S. :"eYins, who is at· meut by showing the nlliny things a "Thl' (ll'nills of ('hristlnnlt)·.. lour hoys play at home on Murch ell,led with the score 10 to 7. in our
tending college, was an interest ell Bo\' Scout can do. I 18 with the Grace second team. favor. The second closed WIth our
t t II I I t 1 II
spec ator a Ie JUS {C. III game. ' Bo)'s' (~)'III rInss. " l'('OIIIl"s (h'lllIl' 81'1'" et'
,.• 01111 .... I l"vervone interested in hasket ball temu still ahmd, t l
I' b'
Ie score emg ""9
.nr. St uur t '1'1 lompson. a,'o J Is (t' IJel'l ,- Saturday morning from 10 to 12 is IlI'I,Il' Instltlltl' Workt'rs I . ' .
is invited to alten,l these games. to 16. 0 wen H ump lreys nlere!"•
ware College, spent the weel,-en,1 with a live time in our gymnasillm. The Sing-N's 111111 S,'('lIkl'I'S dropped the ball in, Illaking eight
his parents at their home, Essex and boys ure yery enthusia,stie and after Ur, ,J••'1. 1"11 h III' 'I ' , , . 'I~(' field goals. L. Smith was dose to
Price avenUEs.. . a perio,l of gym worl(, led hy Seere- YOI' ,\In: IXVlT ..:lI WO.lU :'i'S SI· ....'I(A(. E JU, ""I ," him in mal{\ng five goals and five foul
Mr, Sur.tees, 01 ~1l. Holly, X~\\:I tarr Hampton, basl,et hall, indoor The monthly meeting of t!w goals; Owen's score being sixteen
Jersey, IS maklllg an IIHleftnIte st<1) hase ball anti volleY hall are the maIn' Women's Suffrage Party was hel,1 points, and LesliE's fifteen. Frank
W,ith hi~ sister, Mrs. Hobert Palterson, attraelions. . Mareh 3rd at the home of MI's. '\'. Smith, of St.. Paul's, also played well.
o[ Merion avenue. HlIshwss Jft'lI'S 0)'111 ('lllSS, BI U'I'II U,\ \' nl:'i ~ Jo: H. B. Goodall. Mrs. William Gehmanll, The line-up was as follows:
Don't fOl'get I·'riday night, all out, On Tuesday evening Mrs. Wm·1 Jr., of C)'nwyd, leader of the Firs~ Xarl1erth. St.. Paul's.
awl we'll be in good shape for the Li\'ingston gave a birthday dinner for I Legislative llistrid, addressed th'1 L. Smith,.... forward , ... , .. ,. Lon!!;
exhihition game-·-Illen's night-Frl- her husband. The following wel'e meeting on "Organization." Current McCurter.,.,. forward ' .. " .. Jarrett
Sl'EAKEU day. March 24. present: Mr. and Mrs. Lester 'V. (>vents were ,liseussed by Mrs, E. H. O. Humphreys. eenter ., ,. Parsolls
('hISS In En!t'lish for ]<'ol't~igncrM. Xiekersoll, MI'. and Mrs. Clement Cockrill, Mrs. I", J. Wisse and Mrll. Harsch , guard , F. Smith
I'HOJo" }:. S'I',U'n'EU, We are still prog.resslng aloug this Booth, Miss Lyon and MI'. ,Jeunings. B. C. Dodge. The large attendancp Hellifer guard , , . Halligan
enll of educational worlc C. Harts- The e\'ening was l;pent in cards. was surely a most gratifyiug tribute Ouell
horn, a Havel'ford College studimt, is to sutYrage, and we hope wll1 be reo I~ield goals-L. Smith, 5: McCarter,
AX'J'I-SALOO~ u;,wn: meeting a group of ten 01' twelve Ital- HUlIlta: PAWl'\'. peated at our next meeting at Mr!'. 2; 0, Humphreys, S; Harsch, 1; Odell,
ians twice a week. These men ure Mrs. Cockrill all Fl'idll~' g-llve a W, M. Cameron's home, 202 l\llrhertll 1: Long, 1; Jarntt, 3: Parsons, 1.
now meeting In ,Ioe t.ioore's ,store and hrldge purty at her home Oil Dudle)' avenue, on April 7th. FOIlI goals-L. Smith, 5; F. Smith. 6.
JIETJIOmS'l' ('ln~IU'1I
a lot of interest is being shown. We avenue to the following friends: Mrs. Another good game next Saturday
do feel that something Is being lIC-' C. P., Miss Franl, St~JIIe, Mrs. ('OJl.lfr~l'l'I' l'I,rU. night. We Dlay the EplohallY Church
complished al011~ this line. Chas. Verna, Mrs. Will. Livingston, Do 110t forget the tea at the Com- team of Philadelphia, We noticed an
Bowling. 1\Irs. Geo. 1. Dorser, l\lrs. Clement munity Club room on Tuestlll~', fl'om incl."ease in the attendance last week.
Our local Bowling League eontlnlles Booth, Miss I,Yon. I three until five.
Tha.nk )'ou. Make It better this week.

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