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Big Tennis Tournament On I Tennis Dance Next

This Afternoon and Monday Friday Evening
PIONSHIP HONORS FOR 1920. 'l'he "Glad·To·See-You-Horne" Shirt
Waist Dancc will be given hy· the Nar·
bl'rth 'l'ennis Association at mm Hall,
'rhe big annual tournament of thc matches worked so successfully und sut· uext Friday evcning, September 10.
Narherth 'l'ennis Association starts this isfactorily tha t it will again be in force
afternoon-Mr. Bliss permitting-at 2
a 'clock. Playing will continue through-
during this tOUl'llalllellt. 'l'hat is, in· THE FIRESIDE 'rhe affair will be in the nature of a
"get·togl'ther party" of the lIlelll bel'S,
di\'idlllll memhers clltered ill the singles
their wives and friends, ufter the sum·
out the afternoon and all day Monday: toarnament and teams entered in the .James F. Donnally and family have mcr \'llcations.
LallOr Day, from !l A. 1\1. to 12 M., and douhle~ tournament must be 011 the HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN, POST 356,
I'l'turned from thc seashore. 'ric],cts may he obta ined from any
from 2 P. 1\1. to 6 P. 111. courts at the timl' set hy the <~oIlll1littee NARBERTH, PA.
of the members of thc Association.
'I'hcre will he men's singles and for tourllament matl.'hes, and remain on This dance is one of a series of social
douhles, and pl'Ohably ladies' singles I h" gl'ounds ready to play, unless spe- ~Ir. William Lh'ingstonl' and family For God and Country, we associate
affuirs and l'ntertailllllents that the
and doubles aUd mixcd <ioublcs, and cijj(·ally eX('used for the day. Failure arc home from OCl'an City. ourseh'cs together for the following
gntertainment Committee is planning
('onsulation ullltches in all c\·ents. . : 0 ml'l'! I his rule will result in a default purposes: '1'0 uphold and dcfcn<l the
for the fall and wintcr seasou.
Entries closed last night. and thc against illlliddual 01' tl'am. ])1'. C. '1'. Faril's and family have re- COllstit utioll of the United States of
A little latN will cOllie the annual
numhcr rccein'd indica!c,l that the Members Urged to Co-operate. lnmed from a month's \'acation OIl the America; 10 lIlailltnill law aud order; to
dinuer-danee with the awarding of
tournamcnt \rill probablJ' be the hcst 111 !,ast tou1'llamcnts, with the excep· fal'lI1 a! Smyrna, ])l'laware. prizl's won in the big tournallll'nt which fostl'r alld perpetuate a onl' hundred
thal the As"ociation has C\'cr held. t iOIl of the Fourth of .July event this per eent. "\meriellllism; to preserve the
stu rtR this aftl'l'Iloon, alltl se\'l'ral novcl
Chail'lllan :\eweJl aur] ~I"ssrs. Kirkpat- yell 1', matches havc IIOt bl'l'1I scheduled, entertainml'nt features. nll'mories alld incidents of our associa·
rick aud Stul'1<'s, comprising the 'rourn- all<1 if a player \yas not on hund when Dr. Harry A. ~farx and family Illlye
SOllie time during the late fall a rcg· t ion ill the Great War; to inculcate a
cllllcd to phl~', the ))latch was post· ),l'turned to Narhcrtll fl'OIl1 Detroit,
lllu"n! Comlllitt('(" will he in fuJI ular "Broudwa~' production" is prom' sel;se of' ill<1ividual ohligation to the
charge. pOllC'!. This has rl'sulted ill many of the :\fiehigan.
bed. Chairman Bob Pattison says Ile eOllllllullity, State and ;\'ation; to eom-
At!raeti\'c 1lIl<1 yuluablc prizes will !Ollroaml'nts heillg drawn out late illto hat. the autocracy of holh the classes
has the" big c\'cnt" up his slee\'l', and
'". l"all an,1 has !'ro\'clI uII"nt isfactory ~fl'rI'itt Wayne Bond, formerly of 11l.d tlll' masse,,; to nlllkl' right. the mas-
he awar<lcd to \I'inuprs ulld ruuuers·up "'C ha\'e bel'n reliahly informed that
in hoth the regulllr ,,\'cnts und the con· ill e\'l'ry \l'ay. Narberth, 1l0W residing at ~forrisville, ter of might; to promote peace and
I he wirell'ss has 1)('en working overtiml'
~feml)('rs al'l' rl'ljueste,l, therefore, to :\ .•J., WllS in Narhl'rth during the week. good will on l'arth; to safeguard and
sola!ioll tournumcnt ". lately hetwl'en the Pattison Station ou
co,o!,l'rate with the Toumamellt Com· fmn"lII il t.o posterit~· the principles of
All Matches to Be Scheduled. CIll'stuut a\'elrue and the Donnl'lly·
mittel'. alltl 1w 011 hanr1 promptly at tlIP 1frs. 1lI1l] :Mr. A. H. S]cath hllYe re- justiel', frecdom and 'le.mocraey; to
Belasco Re!rl'at at Oeean City. Well,
'l'he plun trird durillg thc Four1h of appoillted hour l'aeh ,lay. that tourlla- turned to Nllr])('rth from an I'xtl'IJ{led consecrate and sallctify our comrade·
we'l1 see, as thl' pl'riseope used to hl'
.July tourIHlInent of "che,lulillg all ml'lIt matchl's an' sehl'duled. i ship hy our de\'otion to mutual helpful.
trip through the South. so fond of saying.
But in the ml'auwhile don't forg"t. II('ss.-Pn'amhle 10 thl' COllstitutioll of
the Glad-'l'o·See-}'ou·HolIIp Dalll'p, Fri- the AIIIl'ri('an Legion.
909 Narberth Women Registered to :\fr. F. ~L .Justice has been ill with
penumonia. His many friends will bc day e\'ening, Sept"lIIher 10-that's the
first Friday night after Lahor Day.
Vote 'at Presidential Election gl:ul to kno\l' he is rl'co\'l'rillg and hopes
to he a hout soon. Bob Pattisol\ conc1ude<1 that. thl' 'I'hl' Harold D. Spl'aklllall Post, :156,
Jliarl)('rth, Pa., has Il'asl'rl with an op-
'Yeathcr Mail eoul,ln't chuek all the
hot wcathl'r so carly ill Sl'ptl'm})('I', an,1 tion to I'url.'hasc, thl' little office at the
COMMITTEE OF WOMEN CITIZENS VISIT EVERY HOUSE IN THE Thl' Postmaster and ell1ploycl's of thc so he r]l'pided to make this <Janre an- ('OI'IIl'r of Elmwood alld Essl'x a\'ellllCs,
BOROUGH AND HOLD TWO-DAY SESSION AT ELM HALL. Post Office hay(' subscribed for 41 Oil th(' south side.
other Rhirt waist affair.
CO-OPERATE WITH ASSESSOR WARNER AND sharl's of stock in the Narberth AlI1er· ~fell1hl'rR arl' urge<1 to hc on hand The location is ideal and it will be
FINISH BIG .ro~ IN QUICK ORDER. indl LL'giol1 Bu;illillg i.l11\i Loa II .A~:-;ul"i ..t· a great asset to huildillg up the mem·
and bring tlll'ir fl'il'nds. A good jazz
tion. orchcstra will he on tIle joh, and thl'rc hership in the Post.
is c\'ery reason to hl'lil'\'e thnt, as Bill There arc suflieient carpenters, paint-
AllY douht lhat llIay hll\'l' linpere<1 iu fralll'hisl'd WOIlleu eitiz\'us in the short.
:'Ifl's. H. A. Banks, of 'Voodside aYe- Hall \\'ollld sa~', "n pleasant til1ll'. wj1\ l'rs, plum hl'rs alld mcchanics in the Post
anyolle's miu<1 as to whether the WOlllell lip,,, allow",l be!\yeclI the receipt by
nul', will retul'll early in September he hnd hy all." to do any altl'rations nl'cl'ssary nt the
of i'arhl'rth wcre illtNl'Stcd ill their .\s"cssor Canll'lI 'Ynrner on Sahirday
1'1'0111 Charlotte, North Carolina, where "O"t of tIle IIlHtel'ial. .
Ill'wly aef/uired right to l'Otl', \l'ill cer· "f ioslrur·tions 1'01' regi:'t(')'ing thl' IIew
slle and MasterR Dick and IIenry Banks Th" 11"11' hOllle of thl' Post will also
tainl~' hl' sWt'pt 1l\l'ay h.\· till' allnOUII,·e·
ml'lIt that thl'I'(' an' 1I0\\" l't'gisll're,1 alld
\ 01 PI'S, aud the filiug of the ASsl'ssor's
list with thl' County COlllmissioners at .sp"nt the summer. Hot Fight on in l'e the hOllle of thc Auxiliary.
TIIC Post has writt.en to t.he Com-
l'lIterl',1 on thc ofTi"ial Assl'ssor'" list of
\'oll'rs ill :\arh('rth, the nanu's of non
i' onisl own on Th ur",lay, wus made
possihll' h.\· thl' I'nt,'rl'ri"" and effici,'n,·y
Inyest your money in $5.00 GOVCI'll'
Main Line League lIIalldl'r of tIll' Boy Scouts offl'ring to
fhenl thl' ust' of the building as a IIleet-
women, l'\'('r~' Our' of IdlOm is 'Iualin"" sho\\"u hy a "onlJllitt,,\, of :'>[arberth \1'0-
nH'nt Savings Stamps. $4.20 in Sep' THREE MORE GAMES TO BE PLAY· ing placl' on :'Ifoll(lay evcnings.
to vote, just till' sallll' as th" men, 'It 11,1':1 rt'IIJ'p:-:f'lltillg' tllp \Vomcn'~ COln-
tl'mbpr, $4.21 in October, $4,22 in No· ED IN SECOND HALF OF SEA- It iR \I-ith a grl'at deal of pleasure
1hp f'n'sidclltial election on 'I'ut's":'.\·, 1I11111itv '111,1 th,' fOI'llIt'1' :':'ufl'r:lgc Asso·
\'''lIll)('r, .$4.2:1 in Dl'cemher. SON-PAOLI AT NAR- that \H' take this opportunity t.o thank
NO\'l'mher 2. "'ith tilt' f)~() 1IJ"n )'('gis· ,·ialioll. It 1Il":lIll hll:;tlill.l!: 1'1'0111 1lH'1irst
BERTH TODAY. 1hp Pi rp ConlJlllll~' for pcrmitting us to
terc,l, this hrillg's tIll' total lIulnher of ! hil'/.! :'Ifon<1J1y IIlortli.,g Ullt il late 'Ved·
m('('t ill tli"il' huil,ling, frl'e of charge,
\'oters in t hl' horough III' to 1,S2f). fll':;dlly J1i~hL and ",hPJI it was all over OUI' rrOWJI's sporting writer was
:'1[1'. and ~rrs. G('orge '1'. 'l'ompkin", of 1I0t to nl('lIt iOI1 thl' h('a t :lJal light eon-
The joh of rl'gistl'rillg the lIl'wl~' "n· (Continued on Page 3.) pri\'iltog,~d to atl,'lId a ~lain Lillc Base·
SahiJle a\"ellue, arC' rec·('i\"illg eOllgratu- snllll'd.
Iat ions on thc hi I'th of a son, ({('orge 'I'., I'all L('agu\' llipl'!iug at \\'aylll' Oil ~fon­
Thc Social COllllllittl'1' of the Allx'
da~' L'\'ell i Ill!.
.11'0' 011 August 2H. iliary and th" Post all' planning for a
It sp"ms that a'·(·()l'dill/.! to the
APPLICAlION FOR STOCK Ll'agul\ rulPH, in t" t'lit uf rain on all
grant! 0pl'lIing' lIight. Wateh for the
Ilate to hl' annollll(',',1 later.
'I'he lIillny friend" of ~Ir. F. :'Ifillwoo, of til" <1iamolld" Ihl' seh('llull',1 gallll's
I hereby subscribe for·· ·..·····.·· ·· shares of Stock in the 'I'hl' Xar!wrth Ameril'an Ll'gion Build-
.JII~ti,'e will he glad to leal'll that h" a 1'(' to I", dlop"" froll\ thp sclle,lul\'.
NARBERTH AMERICAN LEGION in,\{ and Loan Association \l'illllll'l't an,]
is lIlakiug a rapid cun\'ales,·,;nec from 110\\'1'\'''1', as lhe "','athl'r did not l'"rmit
BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION upl'n t Ilci r fi rst sl'ril's in the ne\\' home
his J'('cent ilhH'ss. h:dl heing pla.n'd oil l'ith,,1' August 21st
of lhe 1'o"t next Tuesday l'\'ening be-
OJ' ~\ug·u~t :!Stll, the mCl\tillg W:18 ~:tllc(l
Series Beginning September 7, 1920. 1\\'('l'n ; I1l1d f) o'clock.
10 (;""i,h' ,,1I1'1]a'l' or 1101 th(' rull's \I'('I'C
Name - _ . :'Ifr. C. A. S. ~[cClellal\, of "'"'"1· 10 ])p l°ltangpd alld tltl' post pOlled galHL'R
"ir!<' a\,enue, who has hl'(,11 ill for sel· 1'1".,"'" ofr a j t l'I' till' I'll d of t hI' season,
Address .. ,'ml weeks, was :lhIe 10 appear ou his ::s t h"I''' is lots "I' ha""hall wl'athl'r in
I I' ."011 hu\'!' 1I0t. rl':](1 the article en'
SHARES-$l.OO Each ENTRANCE FEE-25c Per Sllure I'0l'eh this WI'('I, nno] !'u,io,\' th(' lioe titll',1 "rt J~ Only .Jnsticl'," on puge
".-hil'h to play thl'lII.
Malte checks payable to NAHBEH'1'lI AMERl'OAN LEGIO~ BUILD- IS of thl' August 2;th issue, you should
f'''!,t(,lIlh''r SUII and ],r,'"zl'S. Gla,l !o l<'i\'l~ of Ih,' Illallagcl's agn'e,l to play
SI'{' ,\"011 ag'ain~ lIt'i~hhol'. 011' the post pOlled gallll'S, hut oUp so·
1\{eetings First 'l'uesdaj' of e\'ery mOllth at the Log Cabill, Ha\'erford and Di,l ~·ou lIotice the 11l1\'l'rtisell1l'nt of-'
ealJed IlInnagl'r woulll 1I0! pi n'l thl'
Xal'herth ll\'enues, 7.30 to 9 P. 1\L fning' '1']](' Stars allll Stripes, all the'
('on:-;Cllt lI('('el"sary to IHake tlu'). ,-ote
~p\'''lIt y·onl' issues, rl'printl'd exactly
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS unl~nill1ous, as his team headed the club
Clarence T. Faries, Presidellt Harry A. Simpson, Secretary :till] suhstaut iall,\' houllll in a single vol·
stundillg, and ha\'illg a 1L>ad did not.
II nll' , \\'ord for \\'0 I'll , lille for lille for
George O. Smith, Vice-President Horace'!'. Smedley, '1'rcasurer Two el'Ul~ I,er wunl it cDsh DeCUIU· fecI eonlid"lIt of' holdillg it.
Walter 1\L Burkhardt, Esq., Solicitor the slllall SUIll of $12.00? Scc 'hac k page
lIOn lcs ad vertlsewen t; otherwise, tlvo
Directors cpnts IH'r word. Allgnst 27th issuc.
(Continued on Page 3.)
A. W. Burns Art'hur C. Kohl Harry A. Simpson
H. Newton Compton John A. Mowrer, Jr. Horace'!'. Smcdley VIC':':'ORY MEDAL BLANKS.
Alfred L. 'Cutts William L. Peebles 'rhe lle"l'ssary hlanl{s :\llll afiidadt
Clarence 'r. Faries, 1\f. D Alban E. Reid
Jamcs W. Follin S. Robert Ross
George O. Smith
Donald P. Trotter
FOR RENT-Two thinl·story frollt
rooms, furnished. :\0 lI\"als. ~O;'j :r'"r·
ALL LETTERS forllls for ohtaining your Yietory lIll'dal
han'lInin',], Sl'1' thp Post Adjutnnt.
Edwin H. Wipf est u·\,enue. Pholle :\arhl'rth :144-H. FOR
Alexllnder C. Shllnd, Jr.
(-.l7 -J')

FOR SALE-On'r!alld louring car,

Model 8:1, goorl I'unnillg onll'r. 'Cash Thl' following artiell' should 11I'0\'e
to ,,\·er.\· snhs,'rihpr Vf stoek in thc
Accommodations are Wanted !,rice, $400. Apply :\fuiu Line Guragc
or phone NUl'herth lIilO-W. (4;·p) i'lIrhl'rth Aml'riean Lpgioll Building
alltl Loun As~ociation the atlvalltagl' of
WANTED-Young ladv "INk in eUIH1y "a\'ing at least. on(' dollnr per 1II0nth
for Several School Teachers of the Narberth Schools.
nnd iee cream store, thrce afterl\oons t!OW:
Rooms. preferably with board. from September Ist. un,1 three e\'cniugs. h'y Cand.\' Shop, A F,\LIJING ]\[ARH:gT.
Will those who are likely to be interested kindly Narberth. (47-e) 1II0dl'rn \\'al' hns he en follo\\'cd
communicate with LOST-Septem her 1st, woman's arlllY
by 1111 l'1'l1 of high priceR which has been
supersl"l"tl e\'Clltually by norll1al prices
wool hllnd-Illude sweutel', between nnd \'lllllcs. Ecollomists lllld financiers
Mrs. A. M. Crater, 218 Hampden Ave., Narberth Narberth and Haverford. Mrs. Eo B. of tOIII1~- Ilre C?llry in predicting wllCn
Mecke, III Tonn avenue, Nlnberth.
(47-p) (Oontinued on 4.)
ot course, .1

fjuently ancl Coulleil all<1 1"ire Chief as
wcll as ulldl'rwritcrs, arc all Ilware ut Scout News 1267
deliver - aD1
this, but 110 one has takcn s(el's tu 1268 time.
ehallgc this ,·onditiOlI. IVell, here ,,·e are back again fwm
An Exp~riment in Co-operative allot her week's stay at our instruetioll The Brightest Spot in Narberth
rrhe illsllrullee eOlllJHlllies :lIltl 0, heir
Journalism-No Paid Workers. :Lg'eJlts ha \'e all ]OllIWH t.hi~, :;ot jn e:unp, Camp Delmollt.

spite 111\'1"'01', they h:ne is,,lIe,! what olle Owing to a great. many of our troop A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Owned and Published every Saturday lll:t.Y \\·(,11 ('all hogns polieics in the lu'!· heing in other States, wc had only ]!)
by the Narberth Civic Association. IiI'I' that IIll OIH' will bother readillg the out of 40 to partake of the week's
pleasure, but those ]!J had some filII.
poJi (,,Y.
111 ('\'('lIt of a fit'l" I am :oiure \\'0 If you tIOII 't helie,~e it, ask lIrer~it Asbestos Insulating Company
:-lubscription price onc dollar Lnd fifty Dn \is, who was the hoss oj' the fed
et'nts per year in advance. ..
sh:<11 Jilld that the \Il1dl'lWl'iters will
t able. lIe was obliged to work oYer-
315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
.·lailll that thl' l'0lid,'s aI',' l'IlIl aud
-----------~.~- ----~-- ,~oid, yet 1 fel'i tllat it is Ill' to ollr time on his saxapholle to amuse the PHONES

bl'ill\:l'rs aud ill:-iurallt.'c (~oHlpallIL':-\ to ad- other scouts at night arollllll the cnmp Norriatown 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302-J
OIVIC ASSOCIATION \'i:-:c 11:-i aJlll llot ael'l'}It Jl\lllll'Y under
1'" 1,,· p ... ·t ('1l~'·S.
fin',· Al~o, ask Herherl. Krell, who
lIe,~er seemed too tired to \\,:111t to help
_---_ .
March 26, 1920.
Presiden t, Robert J. Edgar.
AISl'. rl'sidellts ill :\arhrook l'ark out where he could. Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
Jia.,' '·:1<·h "hollt :r].)II,OII 10 *~.)tJ,O() in Gordon Rudolph was the stn I' worker,
Vice-President, Joseph H. Nash.
t:txes l'\·(lr.\~ year, yet all thl'y get ift heillg the ollly scout iu our troop to ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
Vice-President, Augustus J. Loos.
tllC pri\'i1l'g'<' of w:tlkiJl~ Oil tht~ lHIrougl1 n('.complish in olle week earnillg the
Vice-President, lIIrs. C. P. l!'owler.
Treasurer, Miss Maisie J. Simpson. strpeb:, garbage :lJ1(1 ash l"ollL'l'tioll, ItO required lIumber of points to cntitle
Secretary, Miss Huth E. Prescott. li;.dlt~ (as yct). 110 upl,,'ep of the roads. him to a C. D. He also W;IS the only
Directors 1923, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. Is it Hot nhont t illle tllat this was nile to enrll a membership in the Nnal~li
D. D. Stickney, J. Garfield Atherholt, "hanged? Couul'il will 110 .!ouht get to Trihe. 'Vhell you sec him, ask him We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
I. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, A. how hI' gnl. those rell st.ripes on his
E. Wohlert; Directors 1922, J. J. Cu-
this sOll1e tilill', hut why Hot now?
(Sigll,'d) c\. I';. \\,OIl.L1mT, hade
Narberth Real Estate
brey, WaIter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas,
Charles H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, August :lOth. ln~(I. 'Veils Wanalllaker also workell hard and Assure You of Our Best Efforts
for his poilltS, hut as it was his first
Harry A .•lacobs; Directors 1921, F. A.
Lanahan, Daniel Leitch, George T. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. ~'ear at Gnmp, llC did 1I0t know tile
to Answer Your Requirements
Knutzen, J. B. Nesper, E. A. Mur.ehamp, ropes liS well as Gorllon dill, but ho got This office does a strictly brokerage business and has no par-
Fletcher W. Stites. Sealed proposals will be received for t11('1'e hy staying' an extra week, as dill
constructing approxi mately 815 feet of ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
Robert Pattell, although Bobby could
HARRY A. J AeOBS, S-inch yitrified pipe sewers and three IJn"e worked a little harder the first buyer unbiased information regarding any particuiar property.
Editor. m:inholes, up to 8 P. M. September 6, week had it not heen that lui had the Oar Ref.rences-Anyone with whom we have done business
]!J20, at the office of Borough Council, fish ill," hug.
Xarbertll, Pa., when the same will be
A. J. Loos, Henry Rose, opened by the Highway Committee.
Onr fisherman, Alexancler Burt, came ROBERT ~. NASH
prepared for hig game, with a won- Real Estate Broker
Ass'Jciate Editors. Plans and specifications may be ob" ,1 ('I'ful fishillg pole and line, hut for
tained from George B. Sllpplee, Street sOllie renson or another, the hig fish
COllllnissioner, XarlJerth,. Pa., or from MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD
suw llil1l cOllling alld fled for their lives
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, Alhright & )fehus, the engineers, !J07 Reaidence. 104 Graylin, Avenue, Narberth
:lnd thalto left only the sl1laller fish for
Ca.shier. Land 'rille, Philadl'iphia. c\ deposit Reaideace Phoae: Narberth 605
nn rt to play with.
of $]0.00 will he refjuired for plans and 1"rnupis Lamhert wns II i"l,wl 1111',1
Bend all advertising and news i terns to specifications, whiph ,dll he returned "DI,,·k Foot" last yenr. hut this year
P. O. Box 966. upon receipt of the plans an,l sp,~cifil'''' hp rais(',] his titlp to "lIot 1"001." He
Our Town is on sale at the depot t ions in goo,] oJ"(ler. Certifier] "heck for "an th:lllk his seoul. master for that.
newslrtand, and at the store of H. E.
EnteTed as second-class matter
$100 lllust apPolllJl:Iny pnch bill.
COllJwil respn'es t he right to reject
an~' or all hills and a'l'nr,l the "ontr:l('\
ns it ]]lay decm to the hest illterest of
H'lI\~a]'(l I"aldle was "ra7-zetl" good
:~n,l ph'ut~" this ~'par, but hI' took it like
a lIIajor,
Panl LOllglp~' was 11('.'·"1' to be foulld
Watch Two Men
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
thp Borough. whpu thp illsppdion of 1<'lItS was llla,k, pay a bill. One takes money from his pocket
of March, 1879. WALTOX ~r. \vEXTZ. This ]'pillg his fir~t ~'p:lr. he was out and receives change with a receipt, which must
('hai"Ilt:1I1 or the High,,·,\.,' COllllllit1,·", f"r 1'1111. :In,l he "prtailil.,' h,,,l it.
,\t1Jnrtlin Laup \\~:lS exppetiug to p!:I"
be kept safely for protection. The ot her pays
IpJlni, :11 ,·a1llp. ],ut· \\~e si,ll'lraekp,l his the exact sum by check, which isa receipt-he
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news it~m about any subject
Drawn For Jury Duty r"I,k,,! '1llipkl~' allll illste,,,l p;a,~p billl a
fl'\\- l(,~~()lIs in pC'p1illg' pntat(\e~.
has no other bother.
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the RESIDENTS OF LOWER MERION 1111,,,,11 Sharp had his first illtro,!1I'" The convenient way costs nothing-it actually
tloll to :1 1'lJd Asl, hilll ho\\' it
printing schedule, all ' 'copy' , i\ND NARBERTH SUMMONED
returns a profit in time savpd, convenience and
-manuscripts-must reach the
(1el':1],l ~I"'IT~' all'] .laek ('UllllillD;h:l'" safety.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday eacIl
Grallil jllrors, I'd it jurors alld t r:l'.' ha,l 1IIn,1p Ul' tllPir lIlill,ls to ha'·p n rip
('J':,t' ~illt'(jr~ ill l . . ow('1' ~rl'l'i(lJl :111(1 ~Hr­ SJlOrtil!J!' gnllil tilllP, whit'h We' thin], Our facilities are at your service.
llt'rth, drawn I'llI' the Si:'ptl'lIlhcl' tPl'1ll the~' did. hilt n"," also h:1l1 '1uite a
of thp ~rlllltg{)l111'I','; Cllllllf~p C011l'tS. are few less"llS ill "'lllitar," .lllt~',
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920 as follows: Frank Jlalnllll'r ('all Ivash dishes as


Grand Jury,
"','pI, of t;Pl'tVlIl],,'r D,
g;ood :I~ :lIlYOIiC tlOW, so he ought
he of IIIlJl't' ll:-il' around t he house.
The Merion Title and Trust Company
Fire, 350 \\'i 11 i" III T. c\ hell, ,\ I'd IIll1rl', 'fhumas ~Ierld,' was 1lie fUrellllllll'r Narberth Office • • Opposite Station
Police, 1250 ,I lISl'plt ~r. Bl'a tty, Br~·11 ~ra WI'. of the trool', "Iways rllllllillg a!i"ad 1 .
C1nl'l'lll'\' S. U:!rdlll'l'. (lyUW,\·fl. ' illfol'1l1 the (((It'1ol' w!Jl'lIe\'l'r :IIIYlllH' \\":1.;
(':1111 !,hp11 Hollill:-iOll, ..:\ l'dlllol'P. :-ottlllg hy n IH'P.
Editorial Petit Jury.
\\,,,,,1, •. r :-i'·I'I('IIt1 ... r 1:;,
Tum )'le..:\lIiilfc Sl'l'lJ1l'd to l'lljoy
l1Iillute of the We'e!;. 0111.,' \I h"11 h" 11:1>



lIa 1'1',1' ,\ II ,! n',,·s. A rdllllln',
\\'ilJialll .1, lIarri~, LlI\I('r ~Lerion.
E\":lJl .folll'S. Bryn ~1:twJ'.
~r. 1', Lippill"ott, BrYII ~[al\"',
thitlldllg abollt iee \!l'l'<llli. UlIl' lIig'lli
WllCll iJl DUIIlIll:-i('ytU\\"1I he \\':1:-: :-'1.1 afraid
he \\'tluhl Jlevel' ~l'C it:l' t:lealll :I~2:aill ill'
bought :--0 11111<·11 he gilt'd.
Baseball Today
IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY Harry T. L""llolli, Br,\'11 ~[awr. Hubert Ui]f.. lill was allolher d,·till\
NEED NOT PAY AN ADDI- Cltarh's :C:, ]'0\1.,11, A,.,llllorl'. of the strap oil ,gallg-, this tlt'illg hi;-o;
'lIONAL TAX. ~"1I111l'1 T. no", IlaH'rrllr,1. 1irst yeal', IHlt bl'IitJ\-I.' lIS, he gilt :-;(!IWft' AT NARBERTH
~;. Ho!ltlr1 HH:-::-O. :\arlll'rtlJ. aftcr lw kllcw hOlv to lllak,' a leul
',. hOEe who are NO'r property
O~"ar ~,'Ii:\('f('r, lJa lao ·lI'rell('h.
,. \'.'llelS send money to the County
\\"illialll Il. :-;1I}(·dlpy, Xar!>prth.
Treasurer, Norristown, Pa., with Our little nla,,'ot, Bahe ['at 11'11, W:t' Game Called 3.15 P. M.
no]'I,',\' I':, \Yal'ller. Ard1l101('.
a ~elf-addressed and stamped en- agaiu the sallie lit lie ~porl h., was last
velope fOr return receipt 'before 'l'raverse Jury. ~'ear au<l lH'~':I1l talkillg' ahout goill~
October 2. Stamps will be ac- \\'epk of Sel'teIllbcr 27. again next' yl'ar as tiUOti as he got
.la1lH·~ Urllshy BrowlI, ArdIllore.
Assessments are as follows:
Servants, Housekeepers, House-
•Ialll(,s Dolall, Hosemollt.
S:l1l1nel Haws, Anhnore.
.Joseph SlIyuer, accolllpallied hy hi~
father, Dr, ::;uyder, sllrprisl'd us ou .Fri,
wives, and at Home, 20c.; ste- Hiehn r,! .1. Hallliltoll, Ardmore.
.day and 1'0ur .10", who is alll'a;p will,
nographers, Bookkeepers, Clerks, Bl'njamill .Jacobs, Bala.
ing to do tltillgs, was allowed h,)' sOllle
Teachers, Musicians und all .lal'lI!> A. Kettellring, Ardmore.
of the other boys to take their pia,·.. ,
'l'ltlllllas A. Nethereote; BrYII ~ra\Yr.
trades, 25c.; Professional Women,
30c.; Lady or Retired, 40c.
A married woman may 'be as-
sessed as Housewife or House-
\Yillialll W. Waters, Narhert11,
Traverse Jury.
Wepk of Odober 4.
ulld do their duties, so poor .Ioe hall
one ,,'cel,s' ,york sho,~ed into ou" day,
He took it like a durk takes to water,
The Garden Nurseries
keeper. A lady living at home ,\rtltllr H. Clt'yellger, Cynwyd.
Dr. Snyder sC"lIle<l to his sltort
Montgomery and Price Avenues
with no occupation may be as- . .laIllP~ Din'lI. Xarherth.
'l'he S('out ~raster, t,'r..c! C. L'atteu,
sessed as At Home. Hpllry Glasgow (llIa~' be Glasgow
]["lIry), ~Lerioll.
agaill Clljqyl'U ldlllRclf iIllBICllSLll~' null SPRING FLOWERING BULBS
thanks the boys for the lIl:lII1H'r ill
1'0 the Ec!itor of Ollr Town:
Hil'har,l Kil,la~', BrYII ~[awr.
.Iohll Eo Latla, Hayerfonl.
whi"h the.,' (,oll,lud..,l thelusel\'es. HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS ~~; FLOWER GARDEN
I han.' had to e:ul\'el my illsllralH'e on 'rhe entire troop wish to thau], ~lr.
AlfrPll C, ~[allh', BrYII :Mawr.
.J. ;r. Cabrey, of !'iarherth. for ttlkiug
Illy hOllsehol,l goods as the horllllgh has G"or:.:" 'I'aylor, Sr., ArtImore.
alld bl'iJlgiug' us 1Ia('k frolu calllp with
Larkspur (Delpbiuum) Bella Donna
1I0t l'1lUsell to illstall fin' h.nlrants
withill (iOO fl'l'I 01' th., hOllses ill Xar- his jj,·,,-.tou tl'll\'k. awl W(~ hope he re- Sweet William
brook Park aud the" protl'l't iOIl "!alls,'" ASH COLLECTIONS. "ein',] the lett .. !" writteu aud sigm',l at Pink Beauty Columbines (LODg Spurred) Mixed
"alll]> by all tIl .. melllhers 01' '['roop No,
ill the iusul'UII,'e 'po!il'Y Inal,,'s it \'oid. Seedlings, $3.00 per 100.. 25 for $1.00
even if issued, wlH'u this fire prot l'"t ion I. :\arb"rth Ho.,~ i"'outs.
Will be macle Oil the north side Tues-
is missing.
,lay and IVedllesday, September 7th and Hollyhocks (assorted colors)
'l'his matter has bl'en ,lis"usspd fre,
8th; south side. Thurs<1ny and Friday,
COUNTY POPULATION. Seedlings, $6.00 per 100 25 for $2.00
Spptember ·9th and 10th.
rr========::::::;] Durillg the mOllth of October und the
Transplant.J Stock Double Abolllll Price.
following months, until further notico, C"usus ligures f,'r Mon tgolll ery Coun, PLANT NOW AND SAVE MONEY
Frederic A. Lanahan ""hes will be ('ollectccl each weok, Mon- ty gin' the total popnlation at 1!J!),~!O
Insurance - Service ,lay and rruesdny. north side; Wednes- 1'01' .l!l20. an inerease of :Hl,OUO, or lUi A.k for Catalog on Peonies, Iria and Spring Flowering Bulb.
.lay and Thursduy, south side. Jler cellt. iu the last decnde. Population
205 Forest A ve. N..rb~~:ha344 R GEO. B. SUPLEE, iu UllO (\'u,! IG9,'-'(10 aud inHlOO was A. E. WOHLERT NARBERTH
Street Commissioner. 138,995.

A ~S~UT~.e!A

Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
Meetings for next Sunday:
Main Line League President-Mrs. D. D. Stickney. FinellI Pholoplay The-
atre of Its Size In the
(Continued from Page 1.) Vice·President-l\Irs. J. B. Darlington. EnUre World.
9.·15 A. :r.I.-Sunday School. A place
and a welcome for all. Sccretary-Mrs. C. L. McLean. Pb.toplav,,-Contlnuoull 10 A. M. to I1.Se
Merlon Meeting House, Merlon, Pa.. P.M.
11.00 A. "'f.-Public worHhip. '1'he Standing of tlle Clubs. Treasurer-Mrs. H. C. Keirn.
pastor has returned from hiH vacation W'>lI. 1..0'1. I'. C. Phil a., Po.
Chairmen of Committees.
Merion Meeting is open for worship alld will oecup;r the pulpit this morn- Berwyn .' ,........ 4 1 .son
every First·day morning at 11 o'clock. Bryn :Ma\\'l' , " :l .noll l\[e11l hership-l\Irs. Samuel Dickie.
Karhcl'th , ) iI .40n Visiting-Mrs. Romaine HolTman.
We cUldially welcome any visitors who P. M.-Ullioll twilight lllpetiug.
desire to worship with us. 2 3 .100, House-Mrs. W. N. Mills.
The sermon will he dcli vcred by He\'. Wnync
Social-Mrs.. G. Merritt Davis.
'1'. 'V. Davis, W]lO will di~c\iss the rela- S1:. ])cnis ." ".:! ';j .-10U
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. tion of the Church 10 the labor prob- Paoli 2 :: .,11111 Music-Mrs. T. Noel Butler.
,\ppc:ds to sl",rlsnlallshil' did nol
seelll to gf'! t hroug'h l\rr. l\[anagpr's
Church Notes.
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. sknll and thl' 011,,'1' thc tcallls who
'rhe regular mi.l·week prayer llIeet-
Early Mass on Sunday from April 1
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No·
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late
Mass, 9.30.
illg will he heltl Ilext 'Ve<luesdny Cypll'
Thp suhj<.'t"!' of the SCl'mOIl tomOrrow
moruing hy Hcy. .johll "n.n Nc~s will
wcrc ,rilling to lak.. a .. hance nt win·
Ililig nnturally did 1101 l'l'pl '·cr.\, killtlly I
10war,1 thc hold·ont.
Thl' spn.tinll'nt ul' th,' other teallls
SPECIAL I Ethel Clayton
nftcl' tlte nH\(,till~ :"WPIII:-; 10 eXpl'CHS it:-
Masses on llOly days, 6.30 and 8.30
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo-
Ill' "'I'he Christiall 'Vork,'r," aud \\'ill
Ill' t'sl)('l'ially nppropriatl' to Lahor Sun. s('1f in "Beat B"rwyll or Bnst a All Summer Shoes
tions and other services at regular \Iay. BUI'kle," aml Salnrda.,· n1'tnrllooll allll
1wo ga IlIPS La hor Day \\'ill t l'lI thl' Reduced to Cost "Crooked Street."


909 Narberth Women \\'ill lknryll play a t'llnlllpionshil'
st'ril's with :\al'l,,'rlh, Willlll'rS of tho Better come in and look
WOOD, PA. Registeredto Vote at til'st hnlf. 01' will l\'al'llel'1h play it with
olle of thp other t('alllsi
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. III" 12.00, 1.00,
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. Presidential Election Saiul'llay. SpptpllII'cr ·tlh:
Paoli at Xarherth. Narberth Shoe Store 3•..15. 5,45, 7.45. 9.S0 P. U,
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate.
\\'ayn" at B,·r\\)'n.
Sunday services: (Continued from Page 1.) 209 Haverford Avenue
81. J)('uis at nr~'11 ~[nwr.
8.15 A. l\I.-Holy Communion.
9.45 A. M.-Sullday School.
11.00 A. M.-Morning service and ser-
alld the joh finisht'd, ,\s,.. s~or \\'(\1'I\cr
~ai.1 fl'llllkly that h" \·oul.1 Ilot ~ay too
Lahor Day, Spptelllher lith, 10 A. l\L:
:\arhl'l'th af ]krw~·II.
mon. llIuch ill praise of thc thorough IIHIIlIl<.'r 131'.\'11 :\In\\'r at Paoli.
Raymond Weils, Proprietor
A free auto\)us brings the children to ill which the \\'Ollil'll had ,lollp the \\'01'1,.
and from Sunday School und the melll- \\'ithout tlwm, h" sa.,'s he dot's 1I0t sPP
St. Dellis nf Waylle.
Lahor Day, S('l'teIll1)('1' (ith, :1.13 P. l\L
bel'S to allll from Church, leaving Nar·
berth Station at 9.40 and 10.40. If how it woulll lin ,." 1"','n possihlt· for
him to han' IlHI.I" all.'"thing' IiI", a "o III ,
'Vayllp at Narlwrth. Subscribe for EXPERT REPAIRING
requestcd it will leave the station at BCl'\r~'n a 1 Bryn ~r'I\\T.
8.00 for the early service. pkll' I'p!!i~t ratioll within tl,,· 1'('quirr'"
Pnoli af St. j)plIis. "Our Town" - - ..
Telephone Narberth 1633


• • ••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • __ • • • • r
~-\~ .'50011 a~ A"sspssor 'VUnlPI' l'pepi,"cd

Rev. Arthur S. Walls, Pastor. illstruC'!iolls for th" rpgis.tration from

I h,' ('oullty Conllllissioners, hI' got III
SUII,I:l.'", Sl'plclIliJ.. r 3th: t()\)(·h with sCYl'ral of 1h" ,YOlnCIl ot'
Plumbing Roofing
fl.4;3 A. l\1.-SUllda.'" Sl'hool.
I l.ou A. l\1.-l\lortJ; IIg WOl"'],; 1'. Ill'·
thp borough whc)ln 11(1 ],JlC\\' w(Ore jilt ('1'-
.'sle,l ill slltl'rag<.'. :II)(] asked thelll if
th('\~ had :llly :--ugge:->tiolls as to jlow
('eptioll' of 1I1l'IUllel':-: alld COJIIllltlllioll.
G.;W I'. l\f.-L·llioll t\\'ilig],1 ,,'ni., .. ,
Vatrick P. Donahue
lh': joh ('ollhi 1>(' dOlll'. 'I'ht',Y il1lll)(',li· The Time is Ripe Now for Us
,'OI"lICr 11:11111,,1"11 :llId \\"illd~ol" 'i\"'lIl1l'~. :It<,11y YOhliltPCl'Pll their :--;t'l'\'ircs and
Spcakl'I". Iic", 'l'holll:lS \r, 1>:1 ,i~ . •,f :--lI.!}~ll~t('d 111at a (·()1ll111i{-t(\(· of \VOllll'll
Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered
to overhaul your HEATING SYS·
Phila'lPlphia, fill" '''"11'' 1 illl" I'I"ol.'slallt hp orgnllizl'd to Jllal,e a hCH1~(1-t-o·h()1I:--;tl Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered TEM for the coming WINTER.
pastor ol' lIo~' Isl:llld ill 1"'1,,tlt' of the )'.','-'- i:--11':t t ion, ;\~s(ls~()r ',,"arllt.'l" appro""
We are in a position to give you
Fc.lP,:ltt',1 Chul'l'h.,s ot' I'hil:;dl'll'hia. t.1i this :--ng-gestioJI nud a lllcctillg "':IS Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 excellent SERVICE immediately.
"'e(ltll'~d:l.'", ~'''l'tl'1I11,,'r '''Ih-Olll' O\l'1l ,."]],,,] for Satul'tl"y e""JliJl!! at thl'
WE are the Agenls for the KING
PI':l.\~PI' 1l1(\etiJI~ ill Hlll' 0\\"11 t·hurell. }·'Ol' 1)()11Il' of ~rrs. "'Ill. H. Ooo<1all. on DJld·
t1ilH I ""(lp],S \Vt l ha ,"II I)(\t'll 111('4'1 illg" in I",' a"t'Jlne. At this Illel'tillg lh,· 1'01· whicb Kuts Vo lIT Koal Bill 25·40 %,
ludolf "\\"oJ'l-iJdp. "As we a~:--t.'lIlh!t.' ill our 11l~\"iJlg' ('(lllllllittce wa~ fOl'IllPt1: designed for Furnaces, Tank
dlun·lll's ag'aill 10 takl' Ul' OUI' fall l\[rs. C. 1'. Fowler, ('hainn'l1l; ~Irs. Healers, Boilers a' d Coal Ranges.
adi,'iti,'s. Il't 1h,'I'l' It" a rall," of all
otlr 111"111 bt1r~.
K C. Halehelor, ::\Irs. 'V. J. ~rulholI"ll".
~Irs, Will. B. (1oo.lall, ",[rs. F A. ~[US·
"h:lIl1p. '~riss Carol .Iusti,·l', ~riss ~rarillJl
Narberth Register
Two Linea, JOe per ill8ue; Se for each additional line
Give us a Kall. Narberth 302J.

LABOR SUNDAY OPEN-AIR MASS .J,,,1i,·,,, \II'~. I':d\\'"rd II ""·s. ~rr,. . 1.

(·lillp;.'r. ~fiss 1"alllli .. Loos. ~rrs, "'alll'1 JOBBING ALTERATION8
n"tl"ll'l!. ~riss EJllli,'" Williams. ~rrs, lULIi
rrhe 1l1liOll t,dlig"ht ~('I'\"j('e~ whil·h Willi"llI Ehlli. l\rl's. I':. \Y. SI!Jith, ~rrs.
.\ .•1, ('1al'h. ~rrs. Sarah .Io]o's, ~ri~s
Gottshall, Ii. Public Accountunt, 303
COuwu,r Avenue, XarLJel'lh, Pa.
Kelm, H. C. Certified publlo Acoountant.
Beult-Powell Dalrlee. Pbone. Yreston 28n
See dIsplay advertlaenlent In tbis Is.ue
Clarence A. Speakman
ha,-p 11(11'11 lipId e\"l'ry ~llll(lay ('\"elling 202 Dudley aV". Phone. Narberth 800'W,
<luring' the ~UIl1IlIl'r at the ("fHll<'1' of .\1111" \la,'](eag'. aJld ~liss ~rnr~' ~r,,('· AU1'(»IOIHLES.
Leee' Garage--Repalrlng. Etc. Phone. 1605.
Loo!', I'~(lnll,}' II.
:>tu<110, Arcade Bldg.
Piano tenclJer.
Phone. 311l·J. Carpenter and Builder
Hamjl,l"1l :Iud Owylillg a ""II III". will K('a"!!.
Sarl.t~rth (;arage. Phone Narberth 1633. NOTAItl' PUBLIC. Phone 1652-R Narberth
l·lo~<.' 1l1'xl :--\lIlldn.\" t'\ 211irll,,!" with :1 lIia~s Visit Evcry House ill One Day, Sl'e display u,h'ertlsement In tills Issue. "~lI'erle•• d. II. 111 Naruerth ave.
1IlPctiJlg ill t·plehl'al iOll of till' Lahor ,\ss"ssor \\':11'11(,1' Jill'! with th" ,'OllJ'
Phone. 666.M. -------_._------ --
Jlli1t<\{1 and pxplahlt'd tlHI law g'O\"('1'I1- Censore, Sabie. Phone, 672. ShnllNon, Darry A. 232 Essex Ave.
Da.'· l\lIlida~·. Th,' 'I"'"k,'r "'ill ht' tIlt'
Re\'. 'l'homas \\'. ])a ,'i~, ,ii' "hila,"'1- ill~' 1lit' 1'l\f!1:--1rn1ioll lIt' \ot.'r:-; alld ~:t\-e
:>"l' ,llspluy udvertlsl'llIl'nt In this Issue.
Donahue, Patrick I'" I'hone ]0;1:1.
Phont'o Narberth 030.
Ty.on, Warren It. Phone, Narberth 1202.W. For Permanent
"i>!llpll'tt' iw-qnl('1ioJl:-: :'~ to qlll':--t'idl1~ See tllsplay ,ulvertlselltellt ill this Issue. OI'TICL\l\'!'l
phia, who is ClltillClitly fitt .. d 10 Itrillg
the right lnr~sage t'dr tll(' hour. POl' 1"0 iH' nslu'l! of ('al'h pl'o:-:I'l'l't iYt' ,"otero BANKS
Meriun Title &: Trust Cu. Phune. Ardmore a,
Fenton, Curl Il'. 506 Essex aVe" Phone, 618-\\
Phlla...ddr.... 1801 Cheltnut ~ Loo!lllt 'II Satisfaction
sOllie timc, he scn'ed thc F"d"rale,l Hri~.dIt all,l ('arh· ~rolld:\.\· 1l10l'lIillp. thp See dlsplav ILdvertlaement In thIs lasue. Zentma)'er, Jo.el,b. 228 S. Wth st., Philo..
Clmrc]lCS of Philad,'ll'h ia as Protestaut WOI'IIl'II stnrte.1 'OJI' 110';1' rtlJIIltls, l':lf'h BUILDERS PAINTERS BUY A
pa~tor of JIog- IsJalld, all,l is 1I0W Phila- llllf' hayiu(T hf'C'JI :I~Si~"Ht'll to :I part ieu- Shand, Alex. C., Jr. puone. No. 1710. Walzer. Fred.
1:tt' :l\'(,lIn~ or :-;(·(·titlli. n~· n (J~\'l11l'k Narberth Station. 117 Winsor ave. Phuue, 1247.J.

Smedley Built Dome

ill'lphia COllfl'rl'w'c Enlll;!l'list. 110 ha:.: Smedley. Wm. D. &: H. T. Phone, 600.
1],;lt nt'l,'ruo'''1 t10',' liad yisitctI ""l'r.,· See display advertisement In thh= lSBU8, PAI'Elt IL\XGING.
sl'l'\·e.] as Chal'laill of JllllllerOUS ath- CANDY, ETC.
letic, fra1<'l'Ilal awl military orgalliza- hOll~r ill Ole h01"{1I1,!.!'h :ltld r('g'i:-:tt'l'l'(l ~ht' Davis. 11. E. Phone. 1254·W.
UO~'d, lIuraee S. 104 Forr('st Ave. Phone 350
gTC'at 1ll:1,iol"it.,· of tlH\ "'tHIH'1I (·itizPlI:-'. See display adverllssment In tble looue, I'JIOTO PLAYS
tions, :IlIlI is a popular :Illd pleasiug
Thf']'(' \ypre, of I·OllrH\. SOlll(' WClIlH'll I\'y Candy Sl1op, "Arcadia," 16th and Cheelnut et. Pbll&
speaker. 210 Haverford Ave. Phone, Nnrbertu 1705. See display advertloement In thl~ Illue,
wlio W<.'l'l' out of 10wu OJI ~rollda." or
Special musi,~ is Ileing prepa red.
DOII't forgl'1. SIII}(la.'" 0\'l'1I ing, 1;';10 wlio harl 1I0t l'eiurlle,l froJlI th"ir ya('a·
"enklne, Chali. L.
Coul' Bro.. P1Ione 30~-J. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
102 Dudley ave. Pbone. 882·1.1. See display lltl"ertisclll('nt In thIs Issue.
o'docl. tiOIlS, "ntI for the Ill'ut'fit of thps". ml'llJ' Speakman. Clarence A. Phone 1G52,R. Wall, H, B. 1'11011", Nnrb('rth 11l02'J. Phone, Narberth 1687
hers 01' tlie "ollllllitt"e sat at Elul H:,]) See display advertisement In tuls Issue. See dloplay advertloement In tbls .0IU<
nn 'l'nt's,lav ntld 'V,',ln,'stla~' fl'olll 10 COAL AN» COKE.
___ I
, A. :'If. to ~'P. ::11., nnrl fl'om Ii P. ~r. to
rJ P. ~L Qnite a 1I111nllCI' of th<.' 11"\1'
Cook. C. P. Phone. Narberth 302-J.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Cald\\'el1, J. A. I'hone, 1087
See <iloplay adverUoement In tbls 10luo
Fritech, If. C. Pbone, 252-W.
,'o1el's who ha<l misse<l heing I'pgistel'l'<l See dloplay advertleement II' tblo looue
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor. 011 Mon<lay callt',1 at the ITnll 1\1111 mIllIe
Caradettl. j,'rank. Phone Narberth 1680.
See display advertisement In this Issue. H)'berg, Bent T. Phone 1713.
See display ad vertisemen t In this Issue
snrl' that' their 1I1IIlIpS \\'PI'<.' pla"p,1 011 CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERING N"lh, Bohert J. 805. .
Serdc<.'s Sundny, September 5, 1920: thp list.
Fratantonl, Jame., &: Son••
230 Hampden ave. Phone, 1607·W,
Money for First and Beoond Mortlr&gel,
Slnll,sun, Jamel C. 232 Eeeex ave.
9.30 A. ~L-~[ol'lling prayer ser\'ice: Pbone, 636. or H20 Cbeetnut .t.
New Voters Keenly Interested. DENTISTS
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
'l'here were any nUllIhel' of instances Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone. 8n·W. HOOFING, ETC. ~ARBERTH, PA.
11.00 A. M.-~Iorning worship. Lahor Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4252. Keith Bldlr. Gars-MeGlnloy Co. Phone. 1258-W.
whie]\ showt',1 clparI) that thc womell Schemb., »r. John. Phone Narberth SI6·W. See dloplay advertleement In tbls Inue.
Day sermon hy the pastor on the sub- Cor. Grayling and WIndsor aves.
of Narhertll-whether thc~- were in Miller, John A. 243 Iona ave. Pbone. 881-J
ject, "Brend Lahar." Communion Omee Hours until 0 P. 111. datly. Sbop. 248 Haverford ave, Pbone. UII5-J
fayor of or opposecl to sl1fl'nq.!;'~ he fore DRUGOISTS
6.30 P. 1\r.-Union vesper sen·ice.
the arloption of the NiJll'te,'nt h AIlI<.'nd·
mellt-were 1I0W l'Oenly intl'1'estcd in
Howard's. Phone. 1287.
See display adverUoement In tblli 10liue,
The Misses Zentnul-)'er'H Kindergarten
'''In<180r aveline, Narocrth. ' ~
ll)lj Cotter's Meats
8.00 'Vednesdny e\'cning--Prayer ELEVTRIOIANS
Case. W. G. Phonc. 30i;-"'. Sec ,Jl8pluy ad,'{'rtis(,I!ICllt In this Issue.
service conducted by the pastor. (Continued on Page 4.) See display arl\'ertlscmenl In this Issue. SHOEMAKERS
Pugh. Veri 225 lona ave.
Nar. Phone. 850'W, Ard. Pbone. 1U·J. Goud Wear Shoe Repair Shop, A Quality For
Conslantlne. B. G. 252 Haverford ave.
imperial 'Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 808.
Pholle. Narberth 1700· W. People Who
ReglneJII. Frank. 200 Haverford ave.
INSURANCE See dlsplll3' advertisement In thIs luue. Want The Best
...... _.. - AND INVEST. Buwman. Samuel P. (Life.)
118 Elmwood ave. Phone. 868-W.
!'rotter Broe. (Fire. eto.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1282·R. Tbe above department should be or tb,
Wimer. Wm. "'ood. 106 Forest Avenue. greateot "oe to tbe communIty. tbe list COil Groceries and Provisions
([ Narberth American Legion Build- Phone. 326 R.
talne Ihe name of every proteulonal mall,
tradeeman, mechanic, ehopkeeper. etc., wbc
doeo or oan In any way eerve ble fellow.
ing and Loan Association will open Gllruy. Juhn 211 Eeeex ave. Pbone. 1U6-R.
Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg,
townoman. and who Ie pr0lrreOllve enougt
to add name to lIet of Regllter.
their first series in September. __ Btltel. Fletcher W. 418 Haverford ave.
Phone 872-W Pblla. address. Croler Bldlr.
Ae It II dlmoult for those oontrlbutlna
their time and elrorb to the produotlon or H. Co FRITSCH
"Our Town" to pereonally eIther know D'
([ Watch .for: further announce- MeDunald John. Narberth pbone. 1381.
Inlervlew al1 8uoll. It would be mOlt belp.
ful If tbooe Ilot now found In thl printed
Pr tpertles For Ben& and
Fire IDI1II'uee
1533 Cheet. It.. Phlla. Pbone. Spruoe 1118. l1et would Bend In a memo of tbelr namel
ments. ~IEATS, ETC.
addrees. phone numbers and bu.Inenel 0'
proteilion. tor I1sUng. Thle wl1l 1lo.t .. fol Bell Phone au IT.
Cotter, Ho"ard F. Phone, 1288.
l3ee display adverUlement In tbll leoue.
lowI: 10 oents eaob 1.IUIi for I I1ne.: , Oilltl
tnt .o.,h additional lillO,
, ".aI. BuDding. Narber&ll, Pa
eleetioll lilli'S :Mr. 'Vamer has no au-

First Dahlia Show AMERICAN LEGION thority to add IInj' lllLlIICS after filing CLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME
tile ollieial list with the County Com-

Narberth Civic Association (Continued from Page 1.)

missioners last '1'h ursday. Any wOlllun
who w'as away on all three of the reg-
the present cost of lidng will decrease, istration days, however, lind upon in-
SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1920 but none has yet ICcorded a prediction quiring of Assessor Warller ami learn-
ELM HALL that it will not drop some time. After ing that her nUlne is not on the of- Pasteurized Milk ,DELIVERIES
the ,Civil War the persons beset by high ficial list, should waste no time in tak- Brynelovlll Certified WEST POIIA.
3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M. Milk
prices probably thought the period of ing the matter up direct with the Coun- (Pedrlalle Soelety) OVERBROOK
their durat.ion as interminable a~~ the ty Commissioners ut N orrist.own. 1t Speelal .. Guernlley " MERION
present period looks to sOllle of us now. Milk WYNNEFIELD
may be necessary for her to go before
RULES. But the lilun who remembers what hap- one of the Judges of the Court of Com- (Robertll'''' Sbarplesll' BALA-CYNWY
1. All eXhibits must be in position by 1 P. M. sharp on the day of exhibition. pened in America in the seventies re- mon Pleas of Montgomery County und NARBERTH
calls that flour at twel\'e dollurs a bar- Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
2. Exhibitors to furnish their own containers. , show that she was prevented by condi-
3. Exhibits to be tagged with name of exhibitor and number of class. rel wus followed by eggs at ten cents a tions o\'er which she had no control Table ,and Wblpplng WYNNEWOOD
4. After the exhibits arc arranged they shall be under exclusive charge of LICream.
dozen. frolll registering on any of the regular
the management and no one shaH be allowed to touch 01' remove them without
Those who worry about. prices now registration days. But this cun readily
consent of the committee.
may tuke solnce in t.he fnet that prece-
5. All flowers shown in competition JJlust be grown hy the exhibitor.
6. Greens may be allowed in displaying exhibits, the amount of greens to
be governed by the judges.
dent is with them-that high prices
have always followed wars and that
he done, alHl so there is no reuson why
uny woman citizcn of Narberth who
wants to vote ut the coming election
7. Any meritorious exhibit not prodded for in schedule will be suitably
they have always dropped. But th!' cannot do 60. 46th and Parrish Sts.
8. The prize for the most meritorious exhibit of dahlias shall be automat- man WllO remembers what happened And It Was Some Big Job.
ically awarded in the following manner: AlI first prizes shall count five p'oints, in the seventies drops a fiy in the oint- ., One of the funniest things con-
all second prizes three points, third prizes one point. 'fhe exhibitor receiving ment by recalling that eggs at ten cents
the greatest number of points shalJ he uwarded first prize, second, second prize,
and third, third prize.
a dozen didn't mean mueh because
Hected with this whole alhir," said
Assessor Warner the other evening, "is HARRY B. WALL
dimes were so scarce. tllat it has stirred up a lot of interest Plumbing, Gas Fitting
EXHIBITS. 'fhe point is that, in these days, the among the men voters as well as among
,Class 1. Most meritorious exhibit of Dahlias. Prizes to be awarded as pro- mlln who saves a elolln I' isn't merely the women. I have neyer had so many and Heating
dded in rule No.8. First prize, Pennsyhania Horticultural Society silver Jlledal. sa ving one dollar, but two or three. inquiries from men residents of Nar- NARBERTH'PA
Second prize, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society bronze medal. berth who were anxious to make sure Phone, Narberth 319 J
Glass 2. Best collection Peon:' Dahlias. Six named varieties, one bloom eaell, CHANGING TIMES. t.hat t.heir names were on Illy yoting
in individ ual containe rs. Sunday School Teacher: "Willie,
Class 3. Best collection Decorative Dahlias, as in Class 2. list, us I Jla \'e had this :rear."
whllt does the story of .Jonah and the Some idea of the amount of work
Class 4. Best collection Cactus Dahlias, as in Class 2.
whale pro\'e~' ,
Class 5. Best colJection Hybrid Cactus Dahlias, as in Class 2. <lone by the conllnittee of women mllY
Class 6. Best colJection Show Dahlias, as in Class 2. "'iIlie: "Proves that. ya could get he gained from the fact that in lI<ldi- and
Class 7. Best collection Single Dahlias, as in Class 2. away with a durn sight higger fish KREIDER SHOES
t ion to yisi ling everyone of the 1,000
Class 8. Best vase of one varicty, foUl' or more blooms.
Class 9. Bcst 1919 Xarberth grown scedling, shown with stem. story in them days than ya kin now." or llIore honses in the borough asking nil FOR CHILDREN
Class 10. Best 1920 Narberth grown seedling, shown with stem. First prize, the necessary questious and writing
Pennsvl\'llJlia Horticultural Societv bronze medal.
Spring Styles Now in
down the data ohtllined ('oneeming
cbss 11. Best Cactus Dahlia:
Class 12. Best Peony Dahlia.
909 Narberth Women, each ,,-ol1lan yoter. they t heu UUIUt NARBERTH SHOE STORE
three copies of the newly cOJllpiled list.
Class 13. Best Hybrid Cactus Dahlia.
Class 14. Best D'ecorati\'e Dahlia. Registered to Vote at of yoters, with all the accompanyinl\
Frank Reginelli, Prop.
209 Haverford Avenue
Class 15. Best Show Dahlia. data, for Assessor \Vamer, as calleel
Class 16. Best Single Dahlia.
Class 17. Largest Dahlill in the Sholl'. First IJJ'ize, :Michell medal.
Presidential Election for by the election la\I'. With 909 NARBERTH, PA.
(Continued from Page 3.) nallles on the list that meant H. clerical
l\fichelI medal.
Class 18. Best ,'oIlection l\):!O 1\al'hpl'th grown seedlings, in individual con- joh alone of 2,727 entries, which we
tainers. snbmit is some joh in itself!
,ClllSS 19. Most artist.ic hasket, quality considered.
Class ~(). Best Dahlia in th" Sholl'. First prize, ~IidlCl1 medu!.
\'()ting and intended to exercise their
right on electioll day. One woman, in
Tbe Narbertb Electric Sbop
Michell medal.
Class 21. Bpst eollection of Dahlias, fiftpen varieties onc hloom each, ill
illdiYi,lual "olltaillers, ill not I"ss than fol1l' ,;lasses. First prize, Strawbridge &
XCII' 1~lIgland 011 a \'llcati:JlI :lIHl unable
to I'eaeh Xarherth before Wednesday About Peonies that drie. without a wringer.
lIight, telegraphed to her hushand au-
Clothier cup.
thorizing him to register her. Others By J. Horace MacFarland, in Septem-
w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Class 22, Best eoll"ction of Dahlias any nl1'ieties not pre\'iously proYided PhODe. Narb.rth 395 W
for. at the seashore an<l nearhy rcsorts, hur- ber Ladies' Home JouOlal.
Class 2a. Best Geisha or Geisha Supt'rha Dahlia. ric<l hOlue in time to get their nallles on The old-fashioned "pilll'Ys" of our
Class 24. Best Hortulanus Fiet. Dahlia. the list. ,
Class 25, Rest ~Iarguerite Bouchon Dahlia. grallllmothers' gardens ha \'(! nearly all
Class 21;' Bpst Kalif Dahlia. "Indeed I <10 want to be registered j;i \'en way to the wonders pl'epured for raf'a-M~Ginl~a
Class 27. Best exhibit SClllple Branehing Asters.
Class 28. Best exhibit Crego Giallt Asters.
allll T certainly do intend to vote," was
a rel1l11rk that the women registrars fre-
us by growcrs in England and ]<'rance U 123 South 17~S!, Plliladd~ ~
as well as in America; nearly all, 1
Class 29. Best. exhihit. Half Dwarf Snapdragons. quently heard on their hOllse-to-hou~e
Class ilO. Best pxhibit Giant Snapdragons. said, for sOllie of those sweet old tlow,
,Class ill. Best exhihit. White Lady Lenol' CosmOs.
Class il2. Rest. pxhihit Pink La,h: Lenox Cosmos.
All women who arc r('gistercd and
ers al'e yet among the standards. '1'he
inll'royement has been in both f01'1ll :111,1
GARAnteed Roofs
Cluss ;~il_ Best exhibit Criulson Cosmos. desire to vote must pay a nominal tax, color, as well as in size. The peonies
Class ;{4. Best exhibit YeIlow COSlllOS. with the exception of those who oinl of tOllay rnn fro 111 pnrest \\'hite to <1l'ep'
Class ;~5. Best display of COS1110S arrange<1 for effect. property-tha t is, those who hold prop-
Class ;{6. Best exhibit. Annual Larkspur. est crimson and the shades of pink al'e
Class 37. Best exhibit Zinnias.
Class 38. Best exhibit Marigolds.
Cl~y in their own uallle or jointly with
their hushands or uny other meluher of
Peonies do not show, usually, full
Class 39. Rest coIlection Out<1oor Flowers arrunglJd for effect. their family. The tax for houscwives, character the lirst or even the sccond
Complete Line of
Class 40. Most Artistic Basket. Outdoor Flowers. housekeepers, senants is 20 cents; for year after plant ing, There is alll'ays Goodyear Tennis Shoes
clerks, stenographers, teachers, hook- something hetter to expect. They have CIGARS. Sf ATIONERY. MAGAZINES
keepers, musicians, 25 cents; for pro- fell' enemies; they will do gloriousl~'
Children's Classes. fessionnl wOl1len snch as doctol's, law- in full sun, alHI yet give fine flowers
Class 41. Best coIlect.ion Outdoor Flowers arl'llnged by children under ten yers, llrtists, the tax is :30 "ents; for
years old. First. prize, $3.00 in cash. Second prize, $2.00 in cash. in partial shadc.
lallics and women who arc retin',l, 40 A border of the linc old white stalld,
,Class 42. Best. coIlection Outdoor Flowers arranged by children ten t.o fif-
teen years old. First prize, $3.00 in cash. Second prize, $2.00 in casll. eents. ai'll, Festiva ~raxima, will bc a thing

Grand Prize Vegetable Classes.

An "Iron Age" two-wheel cultivat.or, No. 301, will be given to the exhibitor
Regarding Payment of Tax.
Tu the matter of the pa~'lIll'nt of this
tax, an important announ('''l1Ient will
lie made in lIext week's issue of Our
of joy in .June, and a suitable gaJ'(11'1l
snpport in green unt il frost. Pelix
('rousse or Arnlan<1in Mechin will give
reds of ,lelight. Ellulis Superha is
scoring the greatest number of points in vegetable classes. First prize counts Town. The tax will, of l'our,,', e\'('lIt- "arI.\-, pinkl)' IH'autiful and as SIH'et as
5 point.s, second prize il points, third prize 1 point. ually go to, NorristoWII, but Assessor :11I.\- rose. Literally hUIHlreds of good
Warner has vNy kill<lIy agre,',l to try

to arrange for the payment of the tax
here in Xarherth, an<l thus save the
sorts lIIa~' he h:ul, anl! at priees whi,'h
l1Iak" them l'1leal1L'r than any poun.! of
good <'aluly.
CIllSS 1. Beans, green pod, 1 qua rt. Class 21. Lettuce, 3 heads. writing of hundreds of indi\'idual let- Good, line, I'ieh soil is the main BENT T. RYBERG
Class 2. Beaus, wax. 1 quart. Class 22. Onions, white. 6. tl'rs to Norristown, 'Phe womplI ha ye 'pcony need for SII<'l'I'SS. PJ'('l'are it At Narberth Station
Class 3. Beans, lima, bush. 1 quart. Class 2:1. Onions, yeIlow. 6. ;10 days from last Thursday, Septellllll'r more than a foot deep; huy roots 'n
Class 4. Beans, lima, pole. 1 quart. Class 24. Onions, red. 6. 2, in which to pay the tax.
Class 5. Beets. 6. (Showll wit.h tops.) Class 25. Parsnips. 3. (Shown with earl~' S<'ptelll!wr, set theul so that t h"
Class 6. Brussels Sprouts. il stems. tops.) It "'ill not Ill' nceessary for any \,(Iter t'yllS :ll'P lIot IHO]'ll than two hu-hes 1111"
CL'lsS 7. Cabhage. I head. Class 26. Pepper, red or green, 3. -either l1Ian or wOl1lan, if his or her dergl'ounll, 1:0\'('1' in winter with a lit- NARBERTH 1713
Class 8. Cantaloupe. 1. Class 27. Peas in pod. 1 quart. nallle is on the Assessor's list, to show tle loos(' nJ:lnul'(', an,1 thcn eXIH'ct in-
Class 9. Carrot. 6. (Shown with tops.) Class :!7. Potato, Cohbler. 1/1 peck. , a tax re('ei pt or a (]Ped to a prollPrty "rpasing pleasul'e for a half ,Iozen 01'
Class 10.
Class 11.
Cuuliflower. 1 hea(1.
Celery. 5 stalks.
Class 29. Potato, cxtra early. 14 pecl;:,
Class ;30. Potato, late winter. 111 peck.
when voting, nnless the right of the
said voter to yote is ehallenged at. the
l110rc :yf':ll'f'. BENT T. HYBER6
Class 12. Char(l, Swiss. 3 heads. (Any variety.)
Class 13. Chinese Cabbage. 1 head. Class in. Pumpkin. 1. polls. 'fo hc on nil' safe side" howeYcr,
Cluss 14. Coru, white. 6' curs. Class :12. Radish. 6. (Shown with tops.) it will do no hal1n for the \'oter to take A SHADY CANDIDATE.
Class 15. Corn, yeIlow. 6 cars. Class 3il. Ruta Baga. 6.
Class 16.
Class 17.
Class 18.
Cucumber. 6.
Egg Plant. 1.
Endive, green curle<1. 3 plants.
Class 34. Salsify. 6.
Class 35. Squash. 1.
Class 36. Tomato, Beefsteak. 6.
with her, or him, to the polls' on elec-
tion day, tax l'eceipt or deed.
"Never Too Late to Mend.."
"Old ,/olln Barley<'orn," sai<l Uncle
Bill Bottletop, "reminds mc of SOlllO
othel' fellers who get into Jlolitics. A
c. P. COOK
Class 19. Kale. 1 head. Class 37. Tomato, Ponderosa. 6. It is nOlI' ltlO late for nny Yoter- lot of people speak of ,him with a good
ClusH 20. Kohl Uabi. 3 plants. Class 38. '1'urnip. 6. man or woman-to Illl\'e his nallle plac- ,leal of affect.ion in privllte, but they Coal, Wood and
eel on the Assessor's list by llpplying
Ribbons will be awarded as first, second and thirel prizes ill all flower and
vegetable classes where otller prizes arc not given. to Assessor \Varner, us under the State
\\'on't come 0111. and \'ote for him'.' ' -
Wm;hington Star.
Building Supplies
We have a few tons of
SABlE CENSORE LEE'S GARAGE By·Product Coke for sale
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on at $ 8.50 per ton deliver·
SUCCESSOR TO all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing ed in cellar.
WALTON BROS. Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Phone 672 100 ESSEX A VENUE
TAXI SERVICE The Misses Zentmayer's 892 Belmont Avenue
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day ana evening. , KINDERGARTEN Old House Wiring A Specialty
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. , Will Reopen September 15, 1920 Electrical Appliances Repairing
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight etc. 125 WINDSOR AVENUE 'Bell Phone-Belmont 4386

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