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Vot. 28-No" 52 t

SPEAKER 125 Attend Annual Spring" Fashion Sholv WINS'VINGS Red Cross Still
HERE AND Schedule Institute Parade of Models De/Jiet Wartime Styles
THERE On Postwar Plans ' Way Short of Goal
Mrs. Walters Gives Hints on Buying; Says New Note in Top
b)r BETSY..ANN Committee Is Named
To Discuss Possibility Coats Is Briefness; Door Prizes Are Announced by Mrs. James
To Judge Window
Remembel Bob Maltm Jl tllelOf Municipal Projects I. Patin; Mrs. Warner G. Vaughan Was Chairman of Show
tall blond boy \\Ith the big smile' In 5-County Area One hundled and t\\enty-fl\e pelsom attended tUllng fOUl buttoned pockets With this
Well Bob \\anted to help \\ltl1 Ibid t half-hat \\as 'voln
till "., \~al but \\as lelected by both How mUl1l( Ipahtles 111 the
an annual SPllng faslllon s lOW and I ge pal'
given bY the JU11l01 Women s Commul1lty Club of

MIS Watels said that Violet IlIac 01 one of the
With onl\ ten days lemalnm!:
In \\hlch to compl te th dllve on
tile Al mv and t he Na\ \ Oil ac- coun t \ m e t10polItan al ea Nalbelth at the Commulllty BUlldll1g on Monday PUlple shades pledomlnate thiS Spllng schedule the Mam e Lme e Blanch
count of hiS e~es But the A1m\ Phlladelpllla may plan fOl post- eVetllllg A lilac SUIt \\Ith the new caldlgan neckl!ne and or the Re~ ClOSS \\as stili $310 000
and the Na\\ dldnt stop Bob \, al the
011 pi 0Jects
Fedelal \\ ItllOUt dependence
GOlel11l11~nt \\111 MiS Walnel G Vaughan chanman of tlC I t \\0 go Id pastil'
I b ut t tnex
ons \\as l S10\\n B lOwn sl10lt of ItS 1944 Wal Fund quota.
He found he could dl1\ e an ambu-I be Ol1e of the sublects to be ills- faslllon shott mtlOduced MI s Ela Watel s fashIOn acceSSOlles and a pill box leap yeaI hat fUll of Apploxlmate total of all collec-
lance III th~ Amellcan FICld S('I cussed at the Southeastel11 Instl- dnectOl of Stla\\blldge und Clothlei \\ho gate a bO\\s of pmk blue and blo\\n \\ele \\Oln \\Ith th s tlOns by that day \\as $200000, \
\Ice He \olunteeled last NOI e111- tUle on Pel1ns~1\ uma MU11lcipai talk on fashions fOl thiS SPll11g and the \\a! 111- suit galneled dUlmg the 20 days smce
Post \\ al Planmng to be held at fIuence on fashIOns and \\ ho also PI esented the An Ideal SUit fOI a \\ oman s busy lifc \\ as \\ 01 n tile effOl t began Mal ch 1 As
bel fUl11lshmg IllS o\\n U11lfOl111S thc Unllelslt\ of Pennsyl,ama on stoles plofesslOnal models and descllbed thcn bv the thnd model It \\as a black dless SUit \>.;lth Iblanch offiCials pOlllted out this
and eQUIpment He \I as 77 da S Mal ch 27 28 and 29 costumes as the~ exhibited them satm Plpmg and a flilly Jabot A little white I means that fal les" than one-half
at sea befOl e J ('ue!lIng InClla ThiS \\ as annoullced b~ Secl e- The fashion stOI ~ III a '\ al tnne \\ olld IS al stl a\\ hat tIlted ovel one es e complemented thiS the quota has been I alseQ III mOl e
\\hele he IS statlOncd Bob IS till' taJ\ of Intelna1 Affans Wilham \\ays dlffelent hom am othel nne ThJ~ time the costume I thar. t\\o-thnds of the time al-
son of MI and MIS Robelt Mal S Ll\engood JI \\hose depalt- I f aslllon stOlY IS tllily \\ond€lful \\Ith a most en The fOUlth model appealed m a thlee-buttoned lotted
(In of 531 Glem\ ood Road MCllOn ment tillough a Committee on I COlli ag1l1g fashion scheme I hat e ne\ el seen lilac tallOl ed sUIt \\ Ith a lIttle lilac tamboullne nf I BI
y anch offiCials mcctmg- Mon-
IVlunlclpal Post\\ UI Plannmg IS \\ IU S LIVENGOOD JR COIOlS mOle beautlful-I lul.\ p nl'l el seen styles a hat tllmmed \\ Ith p1l1k fio\\ CIS and a face \ ell dla to mull oveffl title PI oblem toIfI
RrmembcI RIch -:'.I( Connrll J)onsollllg (he Insltltue 111 con- It le laggmg e 01 \\ Cl e s I
on of Ml anel MiS H I l\ICColl- 1llllrtion \Ilth a local (ommlttce State Seclctan of Intelllal Af- mOle becommg MiS Wat('ls stated A lilac top coat matchmg the model s SUIt \\as lopeful that the Malll Ll11e could
nell \lho lI\ed on Mellon A\e11lle an dthe Instltutc of Local ancl fans \lho \\111 speak at a dllln!'1 I Don t bU\ too much she counseled A \\oman eXhibited A \\Iute hilled blouse and a tmy pUlple leacil Its $510000 goal but they
1l1001l1g flom thelP to RIChmond State GO\e1l11l1ent at the Ul1nel- seSSIOn of the Southeastel11 In- ne\el needs at any time any mOle than she IS go- felt hat \lele \\OIn \\Ith thiS costumc confessed that thiS \\as onl\ con-
Vngl11la? Well aftel ha\Illg bcpn cll\ of Penns~lIa1l1a sOttIte on PennSyl\a111a Mum- 1I1g to \\eal If you plan \01l1 \\aldlObe \\ell you I A second appealance \las made by one of the I cenable If a ne\\ blllSt of geneI-
on 19 miSSions he S lllstlUCtlllg 11 Secletan Ln('llgood \I III be clpal Po<t\\al Plannmg on Will not need so many clothes to be the be,t models 111 a gleen fUll sleeved toppel \\hlch \\flS I rOus gnlllg and enelgetlc solIclta-
Afllca the spcakel at fl dl11npi sessIOn Malch 27 The Institute \\11I ex- dlessed \\oman An~thlllg bought toda~ \\111 be I gatheled III at the \\alstll11e and \\llIch had a lie tlOn filled the ICmammg ten days
of the Institute MAl ch 27 tend flom Ma\('h 27 to 29 Aftel- fine fOl the dur atlon 8tOl es do not have enough belt A Side dl ape black hat \\ as sho\\ n \\ Ith thiS Noth111g has been Iepol ted as
Staff Selgeant Chfilles Lpo 1\1"- While no labbll \1111 be pulled 1100n seSSlOns \1111 be held flom melchandlse to suppl\ flantlc huymg coat J,T EO"IN' C~RRE I \et of the POSSlblhty of extendmg
GO\1Y has 20 da~s dela\ e11l0utc lout of hats the InstItute \\Ill 3 to 530 P M at HOllston Hall SllltS \\hlCh ale the most ImpOltant appalel fOI I
MIS Watels stlessed that the ne\l note m top I He \\on IllS comnllssion In the campaign be~ond Apl1l 1 day
He IS a tall gunnel and IHIS bpel1 off!'! an n1tcgl ated plactlcal PIO- I Anditollllm and dl11nel and e\ e
on 50 miSSions Ollt of Halt Hr pam on po't\\a! pll11nl11Q of I('al, nl11g scsslOn flom 6 to 930 P M
Spllng \\ el e shO\\n fil st
The filst model \lOle a \Iolet tallOied SUIt fel.-
I coats IS bllefness The shOl t coat IS mOle and
Contl1lucd 071 Page Three
the !\(orme Corps Reserve after lIt FISI eSdcehlelcdkulwed tDoleclll0esie Wal Fund
complehng a fll~ht trohnng-
has b('en \\ oundcd t \\ ICC and st II \ aille to botl1 small and lal ~e 111 the Chllstlan A<SOCl!l tlon
call1es t" 0 bullets 111 hIS al m fir 1l111nlciPhtles L1\ (ngood said
"ill Je ba.~ed at AtlantIC Cltl
I BlIlldll1~ at the Unl\ elslt\ of
DISCUSSIOns \\111 bc led b Flan-I PPI1nS~I\allla SpeaKels \\111 dls-
S •
I- erVICeS e
Id F
-- -
BoroughMay Have h·
om lne
d Ch·
course at the Na\ 81 !\Ir Tram
inl' Center Pensacola Fie
chall man 1 eltcl a ted
agal11st the numbel of $1 dona-
After operahonal trnmlJlg" he tlOns com1l1g 1111 Last $\\t~r Dlteher
hiS plea

I CiS A PIlkm eXC(lItlle dnectOl CIISS ho\\ mlll1lClpahtles m Dela "ill be assll'necl to a comhat
Ch-Id NUrsery
New ersey Mrs. Grace Wilson Sing Lenten Cantata pOll1ted out t mt the ona Ions
- of the State Plannmg Boald and \\ale and Montgomelv Counties zone He lilcs at 222 Kent rd, IcustomalY Roll Call cont11-
Bob Ybolla A\IatlOn RadiO one of the f01emost allthOllties I can plan fOI post \\al ploJects Funelal se1Vlces "ele held Wed- On Malch 30 at eight oclock Ardmore butlOn dUllng peacetime) ale Plt-
Tech11lClan 2/C IS home fJ om Ion Planl11ng In Pennsylva11la nesday for MIS GI ace G Wilson • the chon of St Asaph s ChUlCh lablv madequate 111 the face of
COl pUs Ch11Stl Texas He \\ III IJe Thol1las S Oate~ Pi eslclen( of the
~tatloned at Washmgton D C UnI\Clsl(\ of Pelln"l\ama and
Bob IS the son of MI and MIS T Ma\ol Belnald Samuel \\111 dlS-
Narne Chairmen
- In I 747 Clal endon Rd Penn Valley
\\ho died on Satulday
MIS Wilson \\ldO\l of Wilham
Bala-Cs nw~ d and St
ChUlCh Plllladelphla \\Ill com
bme at the ChUlch of St Asaph
Petel s
15 New Members huge \\ al time need<-pal tlcularly
the needs of mllhons of Amell-
can fightmg men at the fronts,

Army FundD-
J YbOlla of 312 Chestnut A\pnur (lISS ImpOl tane lsprcts of co G Wilson contlactol \\as fDlmel Goverllmellt Funds to S1l1g H Alexandel Matthe\\s I and PlISonelS of \lal
In Nba orh00dCIUb
0pclatl\c planllln~ among munl tleasUlel of the MontgomelY \\ell kno\\n Lenten Cantata The MIS Henn C Eal11shaw,
Ens GeOlge Wilham \\ atson Clpal OfIiCHlls of the Pllliadelvhlu
C Sp 111 Na\al All FOIc(' IS h0111e legion at sllcceS<IIP dmnel ses-
on ten dav lea\(' flom Bellfolt I slons on Malch 2R and 29
rive County W C T U She \\as a A
membel of the Bnn Mawl Ple"by-
tellan ChUICh the NDllls-Penn For ProJ·ect
A re
·1 Val a
TrJllmph of the ClOSS
The ensemble of 75 men and
bo~s \I III be dnected b\ HalOld W
blanch challman thiS \leek Ulged
Mam Ll11e lesldents not to walt
Ulltll thev ale apPlOached by a
South Caloll11a He IS the son cf Afte1noon seSSIOns flam 3 to Chaptel of the Oldel of tile East- Gllbelt chonmastel of St Asaph s Wal Fund sollcltOl
Ml and MIS H E Watson of 5 30 \\11I be held at Hou<ton Ha I eln Stal NOIllstO\\n and a past and St Petel s chlllches \\ho \\111 Both MIS Ealnsha\\ and Dle-
218 Hampden A\enue AudltOllUl11 3417 Spillce Stlcel 'Tolunteer 'ViII Knit high pllestess of the Temple ReSidents of the BOlOUgh of also be at the plano MISS Gel- Men and Women to hel lepOltmg the sentiment of
- I a lld the d1l1nel and e\ ('n1l1g ses- S f t I Sh11ne of JelUsalem I Nal bel th al e 1m Ited to attend an tl ude P Fox 01 ga11lst of St • l\1ondav s specml meetmg wei e
PI dF t C tIEd\\1\I~dFlttIIPCOldl at- <1ons flom 6 to 93C1: \\Ill be m
t ac le 0 le.(' Ica 01 ps s the Chllstlan ASSOCIatIon BUild E" ,yea er
h or
Mer.-on A daughtel Edith SU1\l\eS open meetl11g on Malch 30 at Elm Asaphs ChUlCh \\Ill be at the To fIold .JoInt
01 gan The cantata IS one of the I. emphatiC m pOl11tmg out the dls-
pallty bet\\ een the ~mall cont11-
home on 11 daIS fUllough hom n1g 36th and Locust ftleets
Camp CIO\\ del Mlssoull Resel' atlons fOl the In'tl(utr
Flight Offic('1 Thomas B FCI gIl ma~ be made \I Ith Dl Sf cpllen P
ISen o,ver

MI s Joseph M Pattel son Ha\ -

I ave ---W-~--II-H
Hall at 8 P M The meet111g has best kno\ln modem compOSitIOns Meeting Tuesday
been called b\ BUl ns F Besot of ItS k1l1d and includes a vallety
chan111an of Nal bel th CounCil f of solo and ChOIUS \\ 01 k
butlons be1l1g lecelved and the
enDlmous cost of
Addl(lOn of 15 new membel s at Red ClOSS at IllS Side
keepmg the

son gl aduated l'vlal ch 12th fl 01n ~~;:ln~~ld ~tl~r~t~O\ c~g~\~l~Jtte34~{ ('1 fOl d (hall man of the MaIn I In conn~Ct10111~\l~~not~~ce£ld~:
TUlnel FIPld-\\lll lepOlt III ten "Woodland A\e Plllladelphla LlI1e DIVISIOn of the 1944 Oleatel Garden Program Defense to callsIdel the advlsa-
bility of establishmg a nUlselY for D.-sml-ss Charges - - - -..- - - - the Bala-C:\ n\\:\ d Neu!hbol hood
Club \\as announced tillS \\eek bY ~1~d~;~II~~I~at la s committee to
da~s to Westolel FICld Massa-
Lieutenant Jack Jeffelles hl1s I
Churches IOVI-ted __._ _ Philadelphia Mall1tenance Fund
I and Wal WOlk Campaign of thel
Sa h a tlon Al my announced tile
dn ISlOn challman and \\OIkels at J h
omall chlldlen of wOlkmg mothels
The p\1l1c!Pal pUlpose of such a
nUl sel ~ \\ ould be to help out \\ n csAgal-nst Mcure
the plcsldent Hemv J Klt('
mem el s la \ e een] ('een C smce
itldge WRi Fund \\mdo\\ displays
AllbOf tlhe aPbP!lcatlons fdOI nett plepaled b~ Mam Lme schools
the filst of the yeal and hat e al~d othel s Ian n~w s e~~; e~lO~se;
d b h bit
been tlansfelled to Na\al Ba e
Gleat Lakes _ T J - Fd · tl e Red ::>llleld ClUb of the s a l - I o n Kenealy to Be
latlOn Almv Tuesda\ At thelM t Of C
of sel lee men who find It nece"
" I san to gO to \\Olk
benn apPlo\ed bY the boald of e 1 l.t h \af 1\ls MUI~ Ll11e
dl1ectOls at then monthl~ meet- ~~lou~\1~dO\lSle ac:Cndl11g to the

Pegg~ t he Pi etl\ daughtCI (f

MI and MIS Rlclla1d MacFal-
O 010 e eratlon meetl11g MIS Bllgadlel Samuel I
HepbUl n 1e\ ealed <he had ]list
1ccel,ed a lettel flom GenClal
as er erelnonlesl MIS Ed\\ald L To\\ne of Am-
blel dnectol of the BUl eau of No EVl·dellce Of
On Tuesda\ Malch 28 at 8 Child Cale of Montgomen Coun-
Nc\\ membelS al p
John F Betz Robclt F BIO\\n 0 n
ommlttees udgment \\111 be lec-
c e Ized b\ J \\ al ds of llbbons to
land (seen behmd the cand\ - D\l1 ht D EISellho\\el Ilom IllS P M thele \\111 be a VlctOI~ GRI It\ \\Ill speak and explal11 how C • t D f d Bell1ald J Cail1l1 Donald R tl el11 c~I;:to~~nllTI1ttee ale MIS
~g~ntehe~\e~~~~ba;~ D£;~~lt~n~;;~ I Seynlour Reports HeadquallelS The lettel lead den QlllZ plOglam at the Mellon such a nUlSelY IS set up Onsplracy 0 e rau , ;ogllan B~ne\ J'l~ll~l flank Je~le H Hall of tIle Bl\n Ma.... I
M t I k C L S
tt t t Supipme HeadquaItels Wal Tllbute House sponsOled b~ Go\elnment fuoos ale a\all- Says Opinion Ol1nan l C{ Jall\ a es ames W 11 S Club MIS Wilham F
la~~ e °Jhe a\~ III al~~a:~aI~nt~O\~~ e er en 0

Allied ExpedltlonalY FOlce
Office of SUPI eme Command
the VICtOlV Galden Committee of I able fOl the estabhshment of such
MellOn undel the auspices of the a I1UlSel \ If the bOi ough deCides
~d IJ3' i
n i t e 0111
{\'al~1 E WK~pe Le~~~n plesldent of the AldmOl e
mOl el- W Cl Ib MI s H C Mld-
goes 0\ el seas _ H a vel' f or d T (HynS h lp 4 M l.l cll 1944 MellOn Cn lC ASSOCiatIOn th" An lit IS necessal ~ Chal ges aoamst John J Mc- lick Da\ld L Rvan F A Sch- dl~i~l~n 31 ~I eSldent of the Nat-
E ---- IDeal MIS Hepbmn Raid \Valdens and AmellCal1 Le- It IS undclstood officels of thelclUle Republicanleadel m Dela_lneldel Joseph J Skelton JI b I W Cl b
"m~1 genc\ Call fl01ll RC'(\ Th!' CX('Cllt n e COllllTIlt fpe of the MI s Elsenho\\ el has fOI \\ al ded <710n Post 545 All I eSldents of Commu11lty Health and Cn IC As- 7 Thomas E W~ 11ne I el t loman s II f Ha,er
ClOSS K11ltted h('!mets fOi the Mal11 LillI' FedI.'I at Ion of Ch1l1 ches I to me ~ OUi Illce lettel of Feb 10 I L M \ I SOCIation of Al dmOie has ap \I al e Count, and \\ Illiam C In fUl thel ance of the cam- MIS Haillet BI 0\\ nOd M -
~; ~~ Rl~~~~ ail~ll~e~:1 e 1i~us~:~~ met Mal (li 14 at t 1(' hC'adqllal- I \\ ould l11deed be hono1 cd to hale I O~~I JO~~ l'ire;elaeIY \hCeoemirRl (len PI 0\ ed the els ablishment of sucl~ ~~~~~ne~t~~ °de~I~~~Je\h~h~;t~h~~ pallgldl lfoltha 11el' d t f1 Ol:te ?U~ IS~~~~PI~t~tt~~~:;~ ;fOll;~~I~le a~d
t A I ('IS 18 Simpson Road AlCll1101e one of \0111 s\\eatclS and \\ould 111 of LO\lel Mellon TO\\l1ShIP \\Ill be nUlselles \\ lele\('1 a \\al time CI t d d M d
I sc Ie u e
e plesl en 0 t le c U I P II t f B Ma\\r
F Oles \enue ale open five cla\S DI B L Scott pleslcltllt Pie-I d I ( fi d t t t l need eXists NUloes of the C01l1- les el \lele Ismlsse on a\ In con felled last Satmda, \llth A MIS A ex 0 I 0 I\n
a \I epk flom ten lIntll fOlll On <lc]od
Tuesdav 1'\ el11ngs the\ make sa I R \"1 Gll' 111 31 d tl ca Ul Pile
I ~I c Ig
1111 bO l a\ e
In I ~ nlos k com emen Ma<tel of Cel em011les MI Ke11ea \ I mUlllty Health and CIViC Asso an unalllmous deCISIOn of the H Jones \ lce ples l dp1n of t
It 1111 a size 4 o has an anged to hat e the 1same clatlOn ha \ e been d0111g PUbll~ State SUPI eme COUl t
Red 1epi esent COIOl cd \\ 01 kel s of then
Al1 0\\ 11l1e< On the baSIS of a de 1espectl\ e sectIOns on the com-
local dl ess111gs flom set en lIn til
nail kl11t dOl' t fall (0 pOltcd Olfl
\I ou lc1 e a b out fig 11 Please let me expel ts on the platfol m \\ 10 so I'
(Ill' COl dltlon of th(' assule you l!!i;o that I \\ould deem I kmdly ofIel'ed then se1\IC'1' .<sfOl' ealtl1 wOlk among Nalblth chll-
The deCISIOn bl1l1gS to an end
I tailed
schedUle su 1111tte b\
d K
ten If VOII , f tl 1 I - .. Jlen fOl eals TI e\ f el tl t se\Plal \ealS of htlgn IOn whle 1 10ft !!; als of the- Red AllOW Jines ~eplcsentl111! Itallfll1 "omen ~
lIse to thIS call fOI help Tho Red In n e, 01 lC 1110 t 1. allQ as cc [It a pI 1\ lIege to be ll1Clllded \\ Ith last year 5 Vlctol y Gal den Night 1 e la has passed thlou<>h cllmll1al and f tl M Lll1e al e Mrs

C lOSS \\lll suppl, tile 'aln all'd tIle to hale bills amoun(lllg (0 $27053 tllose that ale espeCially lemem- All these expelts ale membels of the estabhshment of a nUlSel\ plom1sed actIOn as soon as a com IglOllPS 0 1e a111
dnectlOns .• applO\ed beledl11 pla\el bY YOul Olga111za- the Nahon ASSOCiatIOn of Gald_I\\OUld be a ple\entl\e measu e CI\II heallngs befOie the Dela\lalelPlete study could be made of the DOlOth\ Glacomuccl and Mrs"

81ack- -M-·-ark-et- Is
I The ReI Fledellck E SeY1110Ul tlOn once e\en month nels and ale actlveh engaged 111 fOI cluldJen \\hose palents ale County COUlt of Common Plea, IleQllilements IMal~ FI(tI
Unfol tunateh Nixon R 0 IT e I IE'pOl teel that tile m!'mbelshlp Vel\ ~lllcel ely supel \ ISlOn of lal ge estates 01 emplm ed_I~\Ia~;~me~ olk CO~~~II~I~I ~1~IPIU~e cfe~~~I~liu~~JI Men of !Ill' NelghbOl hood Club
Stual t aged foUl of 318 Kent (oll1l1llttee had s('nt out lettel s of D\I Ight D ElsenhO\\ el falms F Ik F • 01 del that COul t (osts be dn Ided and \\omen of tile Woman s Club
Road C\ 11\\ \ d opened tile dool <f 1111 \ I( a(1011 (0 10m (he Fed!'1 a(lOn to ThiS S\l eatel \\ III be made b~ The names of the membel s of i 0 -
Ius mothel s cal pm ked on Ha\ el- a llU111bcl of np\\ Chlll ill'S III Ha, MI s FIOl ence APpel the filst the committee al e MI Ralph F A d M
fOI d A\ enue \Vh1le (10SS111g tIl" el fOl cI rO\\ nsl1lP \\ 110 al e not \ olunteel \\ O! kel who gat e hel Moss Chan man MIS P E Mat-
stleet to find IllS mothel a Cal l11embels
dll\ en b\ MI OlUoca)Jofelil
seillees to the Sal\atlOn AIll1\ the thes Secletan MIS H H Gibson
MI's Alice H Amblel execlltl\e da\ aftel PeaIl Hal bOl Ml s Hep- JI and MI Flank H MancllI FestIval \I hlch \\ III POI tl a\
ca emy
estlval at
10 13
The 11th mnual NatIOnal Folk
bet\\ een the defendants and the of Bala-C\ 11\\ yd \\ III hold a 10mt
complamant James L Rankm a meeting next Tllesda~ llIght 8,15
Chestel atto! ne~ P M at the \I oman s club On t.le
The follo\\mg lepolt on the de-I Ploglam IS A Bloadeast flom the
the CISlon appeal cd m The Legal In-I Zoo 11l \I Illch U111 c!leal sed mem-
IS -
can dI
pUlled out flom the ClU b Vll secI('tan 1epol ted tllat she had bUln \\ III send the sweatel togeth- MI James A LS nd MI BH on B I ehal actellstlc dances and songs of telligencel Philadelphia Issue of bels of both clubs \\ III pal tlclpate
awale of the small bo\ bet\\cell attl'nded a ReQlOnal Confelence el \\Ith \lllstiets sacks helmet Pace MI Gle\llle Haslam Ml ma11\ nations Will take place May Malch 21
hiS cal and the (al pal ked 1 \\ Itllm the month of pxecutn e and scal I to the Genelal wlthm Nelson BIllmgton Han e\ Buch- 10 to Ma\ 13 ll1CIUSIl e at the
I MIS Edwald D DeVilbiSS p\esl-
The SUpi et'ne COul t 01 del "d dent of tile \\oman s clUb and Kite Th I t --M--
flont of hiS he shuck 111m TIll' SC'CletallC'S of t110C famll\ agencies a \\eek anan MI Max\\ell Smith MI Academ\ of MUSIC Bload and Lo- the dismissal of chalges agal11st I \\lll pleclde rea ens en
little boY \\ as taken to Bn n Ma \I 111 Penrls\ 1\ ama Ne\1 JpI <('\ Dela- At the meetl11g MIS Pattel son GeOlge R Remhal t MI Helman cust Stl eets al.d \\ III be the malll John McCltu e and \Vllliam C - - -••- - - 0 S r

Hospital whele he \\as tlealed \\ale and 1\lan1and Tile problem announced the follo\\111g f01 thelB Milestone Mr Dal\\l11 Vlffel elent ce]eblatl11g NatIOnal MUSIC PUldy that they conspned to de I Flynn to Speak .. At verseas,
fOI head and foot 1111Ulles ,that seemed to be UPPClll10st 111 campaign \\llIch opens ApI II 3 MI Hobalt Hawley and Ml John "'eek III Plllladelpllla tlaud the City of Chestel 111tO IOffi " I f Tl'eystone

home \\Ith hel glOC('iles

_ the nunds of t11ese ex('cutl\ e sec- HonOl al V Chan man A J DI exel H Opdyke
Met MIS LlI1dlev H TioUel of lelallCS \\as the dlfflcult\ m se- Paul VICe Challman MIS John
205 WoodSide Alenu(' hUII\lllg IClllll1Q adequate \leI! ('qlllpped A tl
Sa d stafts No\\ that so mam case
she \\as ITOl11g home to dOll slacko 1\\OII-ClS ale bemg used b\ the gO\- Jolm Kane and MIS Flank Ole-
I 1\11
S t
eCle alles
No\\ takmg place fOl the sec- pa\ 1110'
ond consecutl\e ~eal 111 PllIladel- Chestel Watel Company
t H I n a pel Cllilam opmlon th!'
0 ers ave
" all excessl\ e PI Ice fOI tile JUI1I'OrS Meetl"llg
John E Fl\nn attolne\ \\1
phla It IS planned that the Fes- high cotut le\elsed the COUlt of I tell m('mbels of the Jl1l11OIS of the solutloll of the gasolme black
tnal \\Ill become a pelmanent Common Pleas of Dela\\ale Coun- Nalbelth Woman s Club 110\\ to Imalkct IJloblem SQualely UP to
cIa 0
Kc\stonc Automobile Club puts

. . . . , \\llel Aldmole Cha Iman MIS Combined Meeting annual mstitutlOn Ple\IOUS to hit t I! tl
and big- shoes bent on sPleadmg elnment bv the R!'d ClOSS thele R L Baldelston MIS LYdia last \Cal the affall had been held t\ \\11\ch had declmed to dismiSS apPlOac an e cc 1011 me Igen I the motollst
lime on hel galden plot 111 ale not enough to go alound Black MiS William Lieb Bryn The SIX Easteln County L('agues fCl fi\e HalS In Washmgton D the chalg-es agamst McCIUle and \\hen the\ m('et Malch 30 at 815 1 Theil' \\ould be no black ma -
Qumn s Field I MISS Amblel staled that the ap- M CI MER f tl I L f PUl d~ although It had diSmiSSed P M 111 the Commul11t\ BUlldml!" ket If till I e \\ el e no customci s for
_ pltcltlonsfOl a<slstallc!'\\lthmthe a 1\1 lallmen I vans an- 0 le Pennsy\ama eague 0 C and PI 101 to that m \alIOUS Cha1geS agall1st othels INalbelth The meetmg IS undeilits ploduct said William Bell
Those \\ho listened m to the Ilast (\\0 l11onth~ Plfl.ctlcall\ all dolph MI Robelt COlllgan Bala- Women Votels Will hold a confel- cIties 111 the Mld\\est and South Each palty \\as to pav ItS o\\n the auspices of (he leglslatlOnlSecletan of the Club thIS \teek

lendltlon of II TIO\atOle bloacl hale lequned speCial skllIs becallsP C\ll\\k~d Chan man MiS Fled- ence on Go,elnment and FOI- A gloup of citizens plOmment costs the high COtllt IUled committee of \\hlch MIS Lany 1m a statement bltteilY assailing
cast flom the MetlOPo!Itan Opela of then comp!lcat('d SOCial and clIck W W Glaha111 De\on elg\1 Policv 0\1 Monda~ Malch 1JI ~lL musIc and edllcatlOnal Cll- The two appellants and othel Gle\ IS challman I black malket opelatlOns \\hlch
Challman MIS H~mbelt Powell 27 2 P M m Westmmstel Hall cles
Ulda\ aftPlnoon enlo~ed a laIC'
h eat But did yoU kno\l that tile
mag-mfieent contlalto \Olce \Ou
lIstened to \\ as that of Peg Hal-
Narne D1
House 111 Ne\\ YOlk on last Sat pel'ollah(\ ploblems l11\011ed

eegates to
- - -.--- - Glad\\\ne Chauman MIS Flank Wlthelspoon BUlldmg
Wilson Ha\ elf01 d
MIS Millel Condelman !than
Chan man Stl eet at Jumpel Philadelphia
Donald R
Chan man MIS GeOlge Justice CommlsslOnel U S Immlgl allon SIC Ian as chan man
compllsmg the executne mdn1duals \\ele chalged \\Ith
\Valnut committee of the sponsollng 01- usmg politIcal mfluence m the
ga11lzatIOn IS headed b\ DI Hel- sale of the Chestel Watel Com
ASSistant belt J Tlh compo<el and mu- pam to the Chestel MU11lClPl1
he dpclaled hate become a na-
tlOnal scandal and dls~nace
The bla( k mal ket 111 gaso-
contmued Bell,
final!, I cached the clltlcal stage

s Ila" f 01 mel 1\ of C01l\\ a\ and

WmdsOl Avenue? She sang tIle
pal t of the g\ os\ and hel lendl-
tlon QUite stole the shott
State Conerence
f MellOn Challman Ml> R W Me- and NatUlalizatlOn
caske\ Nal bel th HonOl al ~ chalr- pal tment of JustlCe \l,i II! addl ess
man MIS William Cleal chall- tl
man MI s C C BlIscoe Ovel- ConStl uctlOn
le con elence on
P t W
al e-
- -
.Junior High Choir
To Sing at Vespers
- - . - - -
In dlsmlsslllg the chal gos
SUPI eme COUl t said
Taxpa\ el s of Montaomel\ Coun \111el e It IS actuall\ leopal lZml1;
ag-amst McClule and PUld\ the tv IIIII contlnu"e tO~lla\e one of the success of OUl aimed forces
01 el seas and till eatenmg the
As the conspuan chal ged \\ as the 10\1 est county tax 1 ates m \\hole stllH tUl e of cn Illan 1 atlou-

blook Chauman MIS GeOlge MIS William Rex Cla\lfOid \\lll not plo,ed \\e must all aglee that Pennsl!\a11la thIS ~eal as a lesult 111i{ Its eXistence and contmued
Wlthm the bOl ough of Nal- Maltm Penn ValIe~ Chan man use as hel tOPIC ClC>sS Cunents The Bala C\1l\\\d JU11l0l High the lecold SUPPOltS the declee of actIOn of the County Com- sPlead constitute the black"st
bel th we hat e SIX cases of chicken D. A. R,- To l\lake MI s F Pllce NOllls JI
Chauman MIS Robelt Hughes
PaolI m Latm Amellca School Chou \I III smg at the Ves- dlsmlssmg the bill We also mlSSlOnel s 111 settmg the Iate fOl paJ;::e m Ameilcan 1110to1lng hls-
MISS MalY Johnston Ple-Med- pel Sen Ices of the Bala Cyn\\yd aglee that thele \\as ellOl 111 not county pUlposes at one mill The tDl~ Not one dlop of IlliCit gas-
nox and t\\O cases of scallet fe\"1
Additions to Valley Radnol Chauman Ml John Ste- Ical StUdent Umvelslty of Penn- Methodist ChUlCh on Sunda~ OlsmlsSmg the bIll as to the other InstitutIOn DIStllCt tax leVied olme could be solei If Amencans
St Da\ld s and Wayne s~ha11la \\111 speak on
Do ~ou kno\l that although
hate had dop's shot fOl Illtmg
"I' Forge Tablet
Chauman MIS A W Mosley Looks at The World of
Youth Malcl1 26th at 4 P M The selV- t\\O defendants (McCIUle and sepalatelv \\111 be fixecl at a latel \\ele ul1\\llImg to bU\ let mll-
TomOl- Ices \\Ill be bloadcast o\el statIOn PUldy) Thele IS no eVlden<e date bit It IS anticipated that no lions of gallons ale fiO\\lng mto
pedesh lans-\Hthln the bOlougn
of Nalbelth \\e hate ne\eI had a
I Villa NO\a Chauman MiS J rO\l
A meetmg of the DI BenJamin Wen Salgent and W~nne\lood pleslde
MIS Maullce N Weyl \\111 WDAS E A AlllOld \\111 be dl- that McCIUle mfluenced the om change \\111 be made flom the one- Illegal channels It IS ObVIOlli3
lectol of the \ocal musIc and ac- clals of Chestel 01 the Chestel half mIll late establIshed last yea I that enfOlcement offiCials cannot
case of 1 Ables Rush ChaptN DAR \\ as held Chauman MIS Joseph B Mc- ThiS meetmg IS open to the pub- compa11lsts \\Ill be Robelt T\son MU11lc\pal Authollty mto aCQUI1- In 1943 a half mill "as slashed \\!Pe out the \ICIOUS lacket \\hlc 11
_ Iat the home of MI s Hm old C Call JI lic and Bn an Beeckel mg the PI opel ty flom the I ate fOl count~ pm pOses IS stllkmg at thc ,en lOOts of
How do YOU knott SPI mg is IFenno 600 Essex A\ e Nal bel th -.--------" ..- - - - - - - - and a one qual tel mill Ieduction democi ac~ \\ Ithout \\ holeheal t~d
lust alound the cornel? Well Malch 20 The filst \Ice legent made 111 the Institution DIStllCt and sustam('d publiC SUppOl t
the sonR" spa110WS \\ake ~ou ealI\ MIs Joseph H BakcI led the
nO\\-lam 01 shme-the bluelays rneetmg m absence of the legent
Another Lower Merion-Hazleton Court Classic? late a total leductlOn of thl ee- In ItS fllghtenl11g mag11lturIe
qualtels of a mill A<; a lesult of the blaek mRlkct has become a.
these and othel I eductlOns made natIOnal scandal and dlSgl ace 1e-
and lobins ale hele-and small MIs Vel11a D Woodcock
bo~ s al e hUll ymg flom stOl e to
stOle m Quest of kites to fI
A guest Bllgadlel MI s GeOl ge
Ptudllm of the SahatlOn AlIl1\
Dark Horse Sayre F-lye H0 ldS The Answer 111 Hcent \Cal s the total tax f01 plete \I Ith gang klllmgs and all
cotmt\ pm poses and Institution the IUild pal aphel nalIa of the
DIStllCt IS Just half the till ee mill PIOlllbltlOn el a It has att! acted
late of 1938 the scum of the undel wOlld-and


F.-Ilman Named
It IS to these unsa\on cleatures
accommodates 250 to 300 men fOl Ra\ mond L Hemmellv Vetel- that Amellcan 1110tOlIstS al e pav-
sleePing Qllaltl'1S also Sel\('S dill ans Sel \ Ice Offlcel f01 the Coun- l11g tllbute 111 PI ('mll1ms fot Illegal

nels each e\ enlllg at I \ el \ 10\1
cast besides supplYll1g fOlms of I
theElection of membelstotobeattend
State confelence
Eastern Semifinal Tourney Game Saturday
held .. -:+
t\ has lecel\ecl \\old hom the gas \I 11IIe tlieu km al e facmR
Vetelans Adml11lstlatOln that lalge death on battlefields all ovel the
size Amellcan flags aIe available \\olld
\\ILhout chalge to the nealest lela-
u\ e of a membel of the aimed EDITORIAL
nE'xt Octobel 111 Phlladelpllla took Sa~le High School an almost
place Nme delegates and nme unkno\\n Quantity IS ballmg the
I PITY POOR ANDY' II NOI th\\est of WIIlIamsPol t close fOlces \\ ho has made the ~UPI eme
Ito the New YOlk bOldel Cleated sacllfice and IS bUlled outSide the The Ull1ted States CIVIl Ser-
Governor Contest al tel na tes \\ el e chosen \\ a\ to anothel claSSIC meeting of the biggest upset by defeatm~ limits of the contincntal Umted \ Ice CommiSSIOn agam Issues
De~ided In Run-Off Delegates 1\11 s Halold C Fcn- LO\\ el MellOn and Hazleton m the I
no MIS Joseph H Bakel MIS State PIAA basketball tOUlna-
WlllIamspOI t 33-29 last Fllday S.ates 01 \\as bUlled~. sea Appli- an til gent appeal fOI stenoll:-
to tun the Dlst1\(t FOUl title fOI cation f01 a flag mav be made to
Election Jos('ph H MllIel MIS John L ment
MIllel MIS Hp111\ A Fne MIS Hazleton the big po\\el m state
L I IT E La "T ER ER ION \. ~
h the filst time Wllhamspolt had the VetCI aIlS Admllllstl atlOn 2nd Ia phel s and tYPiStS \\ hose ser-
beaten SaYle t\\lce 43-28 and and Chestnut Sts Plllladelphla 01 \ Ices al e \ ItallY needed If Phll-
HalD M EllswOlth 1\lls William basketball until Bill Andelson and 48-32 dUllng the legulal season to ans of the follo\\ mg postofflces adelpllla \ al agenCies ale to
The Cyn\nd Club had to hate a Bll11el MiS Eugene B HoskInS Lo\\el Mellon happened along and had ne\el lost to Its small 111 the count~ NOllIStO\\ n Lans- contmue thell splendid lecord
lun-off electIOn to decide one of MIS Cail L Wells IUleets S\\o~elville a dalk hOlse Lo\H'1 Mellon High IS favOled to leach the Easteln PIAA town foe m 20 yeals dale Pottstown PennSblUg and of
Its goVe11l01 contests at Its an- Altclnates MIS A1I1slee E flom DlstllCt Two on FlIda~ TOUinament finals bv at least t\lO upstate basketball follo\\els PlIOi to SUlPllS1l1P; Williams- Hatboro Pi oductlOn Govel nment
nual election oI offlcels TuesdaY Hlckelson MiS Chestel C Mc- \\hlle Lowel Mellon meets the Eddie Chiampi coach of S\\o~e1\llIe High DIStllct T\\o POlt the SaYle passelS ellml11ated ag-encles III PhIladelphia are
night Klbblll MiS Aalon B Wa1l1- challenge of SaYle SatUlday Both champIOn kno\\s all about SaYle as the DistllCt FOUl team Athens 53-31 and CoudelsPOlt Judge Halold G Knight pleSI- aInong the most mpOl tant In
At the filst poll Alf T Ofstle \\llght MIS GeOlge R Po\\ell games ale slated fOI Allentown tlounced Swoyelvl1le 45-29 man eally season game In anS\\el 56-24 Then m Its filst \entUle dent Judge of the Count~ COUl ts
Cynwyd tied Thomas P Long M1S Robelt L Dothmd MIS CentIal Catholic High Schools toaqueryflOmSpOltsWlltel HelbGood he \\lledthe follo\\mg m mtel-dlstllct pla~ SaYle lias been appomted a membel of the Umted States and b~ tak-
Cynwyd fOI one of the govelllol HUgh G Maltin MIS I Malshall Rockne Hall \\hlch can accom- Savle IS a very good ball handlmg club and bleaks fast clushed little Dalton flam the the Montgomel~ County Palk mg a posItion III one of them,
vacancies In the second poll Of- Bradsha\l MIS RO\\land C Alex- mod ate 4000 Lo\\el Mellon has ad\antage due to tOUinament expellence I SCI anton alea 36-15 at Mans- Boald b) Count~ Commlsslonel s ~ ou al en t Just domg another
stle won andel MIS Chulles A Hammel The Lo\lel Mellon game Will take Lo\\el Mellon by fi\e to ten P01l1ts field State Teaehels College Tues- Fostel C Hillegass FI ed C Petel s I lob ~ ou al e helpl11g g-et those
The club elected E VICtOl Selx- It lIaS announced that MIS stalt at 745 P M so that Mam Jay Nell who managed Blyn Ma\\1 find Nalbelth m the day to QualIfy fOl the unenViable
a< Ovelblook go\el1101 and le- Ralph A Mlznel aSSOCiate mem- Lme fans \\111 be able to make I !chance of plttmg Its plowess und Ra' mond K Mensch to fill supplies tluough to OUI gal-
elected thlee to go back on the bel hus lecel\ed hel aPP01l1tment ham C01111('ct10ns fOI the tilP Ma n Line Basketball League some ~ealS ago befole he mO\ed to agamst Lowel Mellons thlee-tlme the \ acancy caused b\ the death lant soldlels sallolS and ma-
boald Thev \\ele John S Custel flom hel chaptel to sene on the home Thele IS 110 tlansPOlta- Allento\\11 sends along the follo\\1l1g obsel\atlons State chamPiol1s of Adolf Mullel last \ eal MI
IInes on om fightmg- flonts aU
Chudlelgh R Long both of Cyn- house committee at the National hon out of Allento\\11 aetel 11 I thmk Allento\\11 had a bettel club than Hazleton but Bm Andelson L M coach Mullel a wldely-kno\\n nUlselY- 0\ el the \\ OIld
"yd and J EI MI I ff Congless DAR to be held 111 P M couldn t mamtaln the pace It had been settl11g alOund the tune ddln t bothel to hate SaYle man and dogwood glOI\ el \\ as a
\'. •
scouted agal11st Dalton as the membel und sel'l etal v of the Pal k
e eJo~n L
I ted 0 owmg

nc 10 Ne'\ YOI k CltV E\ el y"'llel
The follo\ung names of sons State fans ale lootmg fOI a
and lelatnes of membels to be fOUlth meetl11g of Lowel Mellon-
placed on a pelmanent tablet In Hazleton \\hich would bllng to-
n e thiOUgll0ut the It b ell.t L0\\ el M e110n "-I r: azIe t on 111 mv op I1110n Is not a c h am-
plonslllp club but has gained a lot of confidence Sl11ce they beat
Allentown in the playoff fOl the East Penn League
I thmk the ChambelsbUlg clowd Is the toughest L M \\111
lattel \\asn t figuled to hale a Boal d fOI sevel al yeal s
chance ThiS tUlned out to be
the case SaYle holdmg Dalton
... AmelICan \\ omen must do the
\\ 01 k theY al e best fitted for
Ballots fOl the PlImal y ElectIOn \\ hen the'! al e needed and where
plesident HOla:ag the ValleY Forge new Bell TO\\Cl gethel again B1II Andelson and hate to go up against the balance of the season and should go \\lthQut a POl11t m the filst QUal- on Apill 25 Will cost the county theY are needed and no sacri-
$2 180 aCCOI dmg to an a \\ al d fice must be too gleat With-
Phlladelphia filst 'Ice-plesldent weJ~h~t~0~~1~~t~ PlPel Challes ~~~y~~~~~~~di~~g;gac~~~ll~IV~_;;: thlOUgh no\\ fle~lffl~n~t la~t u~a~ ~oa~ili~ad16~h made bv the County Commlsslon- out stenoglaphels and hpists
~erald S EI b Plllladelphla tl ea Nelson Pipel Joseph FloUl nlJY Geehan VlllanO\ a College alum- I You can pass Bill Andel son the smellmg salts no\\ Thanks VIC tOI y 111 19 games el s Add tional ballots lf needed
urel Han,1 M Simmons C~n· BakcI Htl10ld Palm(,1 Woodcock nus Lo\\cl Mellon \\on all thlee - - Gen Ree\es Maloon usslstant "ill cost $1 25 P('I Inmd It'd Con- I to get till ough the necessal Y
\\ ~~h:egee;~~rel I epol t d that dl e I.n DonMald Shel \1' ood MUI t1l1 ami PI e\ IOUS toUl nament engagements Ilmme at the Palestl a some 2 000 champIOnship \\ 111 be deCided scout saw Sa\! e 111 Its upset tlll( t fOI the ballots \\ as a\\alded 01 dels 1 eQulsltions specifica-
- t t1
a gome \\al me CUI ailments the
t e l H all\ OllIS El s\\olth JI \11th the Mountall1eels t\\O 111 un- bemg tUlne da\\a~
ASSisting hostesses at the meet- 100gettable t1ul1lels one at Hel- If Lo\\el Mellon and Hazleton
ITUesday 11lght ugainst WIIlIamsPOlt He \\asn t to Blaetz BIos
Lowel Melion IS mamly con- too lInPlessed With SaYle He onlv blddcl Election supplies m ous delay may lesult Our
aWi \\ as In a good financial con- I~I< \\ el e MIS John L Millel MI S sheY and the othel Ilt the Pales- SUI vlve tllIS \\ eek s tests theh cel ned at the moment \\ ith Sayre thinks Lo.... el Mel ion can win addition to baJlot~ wll1 cost $690
Rockledge the tions and COli eSlJondence sell-

• Ron Call L Wells and MiS Eugene B tla Last year the Maloon \\on fOU'lth meetmp; is expected to at- a team It had no expectation uf maybe with points to spare but Thev \\111 I:\e furnished by J A fIlthtlnl! men must be backed UP
r elPodrts Ofthchalrmben "eble also Hoskins MIS Joseph H Bakel \\Ith a Ie.... points to spale befole tlact at least 12000 to Conven- encountelinl! a week ago Savle \\alnS it won t be anythimt easy Thompson Co. Hal l1sburg the to the Ilmlt of our abillty.
ece ve b Y, e c l U mem ers poured tea the bll!Rest clowd eveI to see II. Uon Hall \\hele the Eastern a small community situated Contlnued on Pags Four low biddel Don t let them down I

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