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Congratulations on completing your initial training with Les Mills West Coast. To maintain the high standards
expected of Les Mills West Coast instructors, LMWC has established firm guidelines for the training, assessment and
ongoing development of all Les Mills instructors.

Follow these steps to submitting a successful and smooth assessment:


1. Submit a DVD or VHS tape of yourself teaching all tracks in a live class setting.
 You must use the release on which you were initially trained.
 Make, and keep, a back-up copy for yourself.
 Only DVD or standard 7 ½ x 4 VHS tapes are accepted. If you submit your assessment in an
incorrect format or the format is not assessable due to missing tracks or audio difficulties, you will
be requested to submit a replacement tape.

2. Set up the camera to face you directly so that your movements are seen clearly from the front (RPM
should be filmed from a 45 angle so we can see your legs and bike set up).
 Keep a clear space between you and the camera. Ask your participants to leave space in the middle
of the floor so that they do not block the camera.
 The camera must sit stable on a tripod and run from the beginning to the end of the class without
 Ensure you can be seen from head to toe at all times (keep this in mind if you reach your arms
overhead). This includes stepping in front of the step when you teach BODYPUMP®. Remember
that step heights and propulsion can cause your head to move out of camera range.
 Film your class with the lights on at all times so that we can see you.
 Test your sound system and microphone are in working order so that we can hear both you and the
music clearly on video.

3. Film your personal introduction clearly stating your name, address and phone number at the
beginning of your video.
 Keep the camera running; we need to see at least 5 min. of your “pre-class interaction.”
 Leave the camera running after you finish your cool down. Again, we need to see at least 5 min. of
your “post-class interaction.”

4. Go on-line at to pre-pay your assessment fee.

5. Download and complete the assessment form. You can also request a copy of the Assessment Cover
Sheet from Karina Mahmoud, Assessment Coordinator at

6. Send to LMWC your:

 Completed assessment cover sheet
 Completed assessment self analysis (from your instructor manual)
 Receipt of payment (printed off the web)
 Completed and labeled video addressed to:

Les Mills West Coast

Attn: Assessment Department
P.O. Box 661249
Los Angeles, CA 90066

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