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Make a 90 second video talking on this situation: Pretend that you are working for a travel
agency in an English-speaking country. As a travel agent, you are going to design a trip to
one city (you can use any country/city in the whole world if you prefer).

You will share with the customers some plans for what to do during their trip (talk about
possible events in the future).

Do not forget to include:

- Two tourist attractions for that location and some custom based on their culture (e.g.,
"people love to drink tea every day") or anything miscellaneous (e.g., "England uses
the Pound currency/ Before you cross the road, you must look right first). Remember
to include some modal verbs to express permission, advice, or prohibition.
- Try to persuade your customers to book a trip through your travel agency.

IMPORTANT: Follow the directions carefully.

1. At the beginning of your video, you have to say your complete name and the date you
recorded the video.

2. You must appear in the video without a mask. Avoid sharing audios or use AI technology,
that kind of videos won’t be assessed.

3. Don’t read! It might reduce your score significantly. Reading affects fluency and

4. The video must last from 60 to 90 seconds with outstanding audio quality. Longer videos
will not be evaluated.

5. Remember to use the vocabulary and structures studied in the previous units.

Tips for good quality:

- Record in a quiet place.

- Speak clearly and don’t pause the video.
- Use your hands-free device when recording and then watch the video before sending it.
- Use a reading tool to verify the pronunciation of the words before you record your video (in
case you need it):
5. You will have to upload the video in CANVAS. DELIVERY DEADLINE IS JUNE 13TH.
Read the following instructions to upload it.

1. Guarda el archivo en PDF (verifica las instrucciones enviadas por tu tutor).

En la sección Tareas, da clic en Tarea comprensión/producción

2. Da clic en Entregar tarea

3. En la parte inferior da clic en Grabar/Cargar contenido de medios

En el cuadro selecciona la pestaña “Cargar archivo de medios” y luego da clic en

Seleccionar archivo de video y carga el archivo de video que grabaste con tu
celular o con tu cámara web.

4. Ahora da clic en el botón Entregar tarea para que tu tarea sea revisada. Ten
en cuenta que el sistema solo te permitirá hacer un envío, así que debes
asegurarte de cargar el video correcto.

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