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Week # 1

June 27st to July 3rd

It’s 4:16 in the afternoon and I am at The National Gallery, waiting for my Iphone, it ran out
of battery and I don’t now what to do, without it I can not go anywhere. Commented [SP1]: Try to be more specific. It’s written
This was my first week in London, I ‘m going to write about every day. Commented [SP2]: When you are telling only two ideas
Sunday June 28, after passing all inmigration lines and all I came to marta’s House.It is far try connecting them with “and” instead of comas. “This
awat from central London, like 1:30 minutes in train, 2 hours in bus and 40 minutes aprox. was my first week in London and I’m going to write about
In car with no traffic jam.It is a lovely house, Marta loves painting and the house has her everyday”. In english, there’s a need to be more specific,
so instead of writing “to write about everyday” you could
paintings everywhere, she also likes old pictures so the house is full of pictures and some write “to write about what I did every day”
objets she bring from her trips.
On Monday I stayed at home, I was feeling sick and really really tired,at 4 PM, Rodrigo Commented [SP3]: Try to be specific, again, in English
you don’t let information to be interpreted while writing.
Trujillo, Marta’s nephew, He’s Fer Trujillo’s Brother. He lived with Marta since 2010 and “what immigration?” “by train?, where did you go
now he’s moving to a town close to London call Stevenage. through?”
On Monday night Dani Couling’s mom invited me to a BBQ in her house at Dollis Hill, that
Commented [SP4]: If you refer to 40 minutes as an idea,
was my first trip alone in London. I walked to Kingsbury station and there I took the jubille try using the condition of that idea, not the exception. So
Line, that one is the newest tube line,. The Transport for London company built it for the this time it will go like “40 minutes when roads are
2012 Olympic games, I went down at Dollis Hill station and I walked one block to Dani’s fluent, or light on traffic” if you use “with no traffic jam”
House. The house is so beautifull and the people who live there are adorable. They have 3 you should use the time it takes to get to marta’s when
there’s a traffic jam.
rooms for rent and they live Dani’s mom, Dani’s sister and her husband and the 3 roomates.
On Tuesday I went with the guy from the agency viajes y viajes,to do some stuff, we went to Commented [SP5]: Check this idea. Correct the use of
made ado a Police Registration, because of my kind of VISA, before that he took me to the the period and the capital letters. What about Rodrigo?
school to mademake the registration and afterthen we went to have lunch with her Commented [SP6]: This is out of context. Couldbe a
girlfriend at the chinese neighborhood, then I stayed at Leicester square and I walked alone, parenthesis
I saw the big ben, the London Eye and at the end of the day I meet Rodrigo and herhis Commented [SP7]: When you use So, you need to add a
daughter at the Southbank and we ate sushi. complement. “It was so beautiful I could barely stand” for
On Wednesday I went to Lula’s house and hadhave lunch there, with Jose, a guy who works example. If you just want to say the house is beautiful,
in Bancolombia and was doing his Masters Degree here, he lives in Lula`s house. We rode just say “the house is beautiful” If you want to transmit
emotion and exclamation use “What a beautiful house!”
bikes through the union canal until Paddington, there we took Edward road to Hyde Park, at or “The house is such a beautiful one!” remember to
the park we entered to the Serpentine Gallery and we saw the Serpentine Pavillon.At the insert the “!” symbol.
end of the day we made a picnic and the went to visi Lady D memorial, which is a beautiful
Commented [SP8]: Check that, it should be “There”
water FUENTE?, it represents the infite of life. Yesterdaty, Thursday, I went out with Marta, instead of they.
we walked to the Tower Bridge, which is amazing and we saw the tower of London, after
Commented [SP9]: Fountain, try
hattshe took me to St. Katherine dock, there we had lunch in a TurkeyTurkish restaurant when looking up for words.
and after that we went to convent Garden.
Today I meet Dani’s sister, Annalisa, and we had lunch in some park close to Carnaby street
and in the afternoon I went to the national gallery and I took a coffe at PRET a really good
coffe shop and now I am in my bedroom writing this to SEBAS!

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