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6 Unit Test Name Mark

1 Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(4 x 2 = 8 points)
needn’t have • should have • must have • might have

1. We’ve run out of milk again! I ……………………… (buy) some yesterday.

2. I’m not sure where Sharon is. She ……………………… (go) shopping.
3. Mr Jones isn’t here. He ……………………… (forget) you were coming.
4. I’d already baked a cake. She ……………………… (buy) one.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the modals and verbs in brackets. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
1. She ……………………… (mustn’t / smoke) here. It isn’t allowed.
2. We ……………………… (shouldn’t / tell) Alice the bad news. She’s been crying for over an hour.
3. The baby ……………………… (have to / eat) now, because she hasn’t been fed yet.
4. She ……………………… (could / apologise), but she didn’t.

3 Rewrite the sentences using the modals in brackets. (4 x 4 = 16 points)

1. It was wrong for us to leave early. (shouldn’t)
2. Is it possible for the train to get to London by six o’clock? (can)
3. Talking on mobile phones isn’t allowed here. (mustn’t)
4. I think Robert called yesterday. (might)

4 Complete the passage with the correct modal form of the verb in brackets. There may be more than one possible
answer. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
My cousin is getting married in only three months. She (1) ……………………… (start) planning her wedding immediately!
I think she (2) ……………………… (hire) a wedding planner. After my wedding, I realised I (3) ……………………… (hire)
one. I (4) ……………………… (enjoy) the event more if I hadn’t been so worried about all the little details. I’m going to tell
her she (5) ……………………… (not try) to plan everything by herself!

5 Complete the sentences with the modals below. (5 x 3 = 15 points)

mustn’t • may • had to • can • wasn’t able to
1. Just tell me if there’s anything I ……………………… do to help you.
2. He was late because he ……………………… work overtime.
3. Pete ……………………… ride a bicycle until he was eight years old.
4. It’s very cold outside. It ……………………… snow tonight.
5. Please stop it! You ……………………… shout like that.

6 Unit Test LEVEL 2

6 Complete the sentences with the modal perfect form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than
one possible answer. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
1. It was wrong of Jamie to miss the celebration.
He ……………………… (take part) in it with the rest of us.
2. I’m sure that no one in the team made that noise.
It ……………………… (be) one of the spectators.
3. Anne doesn’t know how to drive.
She ……………………… (take) the car.
4. He isn’t answering the phone.
He ……………………… (already go) to sleep.
5. It’s a pity Dan didn’t play.
We ……………………… (win) the game.

7 Choose the correct answer. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. I’ve got a costume. You needn’t have bought / must buy / will have bought one for me.
2. Susan would go / would have gone / must have gone to the beach, but it started to rain.
3. The baby is crying now. We shouldn’t have made / should have made / should make so much noise.
4. The book isn’t in my bag. I could leave / must leave / must have left it at your house.
5. You could try / are able to try / would have tried wearing glasses. Your vision isn’t great.
6. Look at the sky! It might rain / might have rained / could have rained.

8 Complete the passage with the modal or modal perfect form of the verbs in brackets. (9 x 3 = 27 points)
Some people look at radishes and see a round, red vegetable. Some people see a radish and realise what it
(1) ……………………… (be) – a work of art! You (2) ……………………… (laugh) at the idea until you visit Oaxaca,
Mexico on 23rd December, for La Noche de Rabanos. This unique Christmas celebration (3) ………………………
(certainly / change) your opinion of the humble radish forever.
Historians suggest that the Spanish (4) ……………………… (bring) radishes to Mexico in the 16th century. Before
then, the Mexicans didn’t know what radishes were. The radish festival began when two Spanish priests encouraged
Mexicans to farm the land by the Atoyac River. One of the priests told the farmers that they (5) ………………………
(carve) the radishes into statues. Then people (6) ……………………… (come) to the market to see them – and to
spend their money on the farmers’ vegetables. The farmers (7) ……………………… (like) the idea, because they
have been carving radish statues for the annual Christmas Vigil market ever since. At the market, you
(8) ……………………… (see) incredible radish sculptures of people, animals and scenes such as the Nativity. If you
plan on visiting the festival, however, you (9) ……………………… (be) late. As beautiful as they are, the sculptures
are still vegetables and don’t last very long.

6 Unit Test LEVEL 2

OPTIONAL READING Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

I John Burnett was sailing alone across the South China Sea one night in 1992, when his small yacht was attacked
by armed pirates. He could have been seriously hurt or killed, but fortunately, he survived. Later he went on to
write a book, in which he described his frightening experience with modern-day pirates.
II Burnett, a journalist and writer, decided to do research on the issue of modern pirates. He was shocked to
discover that piracy is not a thing of the past, but still exists in the modern world. In fact, the number of pirate
attacks on large ships, yachts and small boats is increasing yearly at an alarming rate. Burnett learned that
modern-day pirates are brutal, violent criminals, who attack ships on the open seas. They steal whatever they can
get their hands on, and threaten the lives of the crew. Piracy has also become a serious economic issue that costs
shipping companies billions of dollars.
III Many pirates operate in busy international waters, near Indonesia in the Far East and Somalia in Africa. Some
pirates are only interested in robbing the crew on board the boat or ship, but other pirates are affiliated with
international crime organisations and they are interested in the ship itself. After boarding the ship they send the
crew and passengers off in lifeboats and sail away with the ship. Later, the ship is repainted, given a new name
and used for drug running or other illegal activities.
IV Until now, international efforts to stop piracy haven’t been successful. There are various reasons for this. Firstly,
well-known pirate regions are huge and difficult to patrol. Secondly, since piracy takes place in international
waters, it’s almost impossible to prosecute the pirates that are actually caught. Therefore, the best way to fight
modern-day piracy is prevention. Ships’ captains must avoid unsafe areas where pirate activity takes place. If
they can’t avoid these areas, they should sail through them at full speed and take massive security precautions.
Despite all of this, if a ship is attacked, the pirates should be given whatever they demand so as not to endanger
the passengers and crew on board.
V We may imagine that pirates are handsome, lovable characters like the pirate Jack Sparrow from the popular
Pirates of the Caribbean films. But in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Today’s pirates are violent
and extremely dangerous and mustn’t be taken lightly.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points) 3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 4 = 8 points)

1. In today’s world … . 1. It’s very difficult to stop piracy because
a. piracy doesn’t exist any more .......................................................................................
b. there is less piracy every year ..................................................................................... .
c. there is more piracy every year 2. It’s hard to punish pirates that are caught because
2. For shipping companies, piracy is … . .......................................................................................
a. an expensive problem ..................................................................................... .
b. not a problem
c. a problem of the past
4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean:
(5 x 1 = 5 points)
2 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. carrying weapons (paragraph I) ………………………
1. Why do the pirates take over ships? 2. savage (paragraph II) ………………………
...................................................................................... 3. connected to (paragraph III) ………………………
...................................................................................... 4. take to court (paragraph IV) ………………………
2. How should ships’ captains try to prevent pirate attacks? 5. take actions to avoid
...................................................................................... something bad (paragraph IV) ………………………

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